SGU Research Paper C 832 C Paper Research SGU Research Paper C 832

Intra-cratonic dextral transtension and inversion of the southern Kattegat on the south- west margin of Baltica – Seismostratigraphy and structural development

Mikael Erlström & Ulf Sivhed Intra-cratonic dextral transtension and inversion of the southern Kattegat... southern the of inversion and transtension dextral Intra-cratonic

Research Papers C 832

Intra-cratonic dextral transtension and inversion of the southern Kattegat on the southwest margin of Baltica – Seismostratigraphy and structural development

Mikael Erlström & Ulf Sivhed

Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning 2001 ISSN 1103-3371 ISBN 91-7158-657-1

Cover: View of Kullen and Skälderviken Bay from Torekov. Photo M. Erlström.

© Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning Geological Survey of

Layout: Agneta Ek, SGU Print: Elanders Tofters, Östervåla 2001 CONTENTS

Abstract ...... 4 Introduction ...... 4 Geological setting ...... 6 Used data set ...... 8 Reflection seismic data ...... 8 Well data ...... 8 Bouguer gravity and magnetic anomaly data ...... 9 Onshore geology ...... 10 Lithostratigraphical representation ...... 11 Palaeozoic ...... 11 Mesozoic ...... 11 Seismic interpretation ...... 12 Time structure maps ...... 12 Basement ...... 12 Top Carboniferous and Lower Palaeozoic ...... 12 Top Permian ...... 12 Top Triassic ...... 13 Isopach maps ...... 15 Geoseismic profiles ...... 16 Bouguer gravity and magnetic anomaly maps ...... 22 Model of bedrock geology ...... 23 Structural development ...... 25 Pre- ...... 25 Syn-rift ...... 26 Post-rift ...... 27 Upper Permian ...... 27 Triassic ...... 27 Jurassic – Early Cretaceous ...... 28 Late Cretaceous – Palaeogene ...... 29 Neogene uplift ...... 29 Discussion ...... 30 Conclusions ...... 31 Acknowledgement ...... 31 References ...... 31 ABSTRACT

The geological framework of the southern part of the preted as Late Palaeozoic extension faults. This indicates Kattegat includes the regionally important Sorgenfrei- that the structural style of syn-rift sedimentation in Tornquist Zone, around which regional stresses in the was similar to that in the southern Kattegat. The Scanian crust have been released since the Late Palaeozoic. The deposits, however, were removed by erosion during Late zone evolved as an intra-cratonic zone as a result of Cretaceous–Palaeogene inversion and uplift. The Triassic– stresses induced on the south-western margin of Baltica Early Jurassic is characterised by post-rift subsidence and during the formation of Pangaea. Stratigraphic informa- the Kattegat evolved as a marginal part of the Norwegian- tion from deep wells and high-resolution seismic surveys Danish Basin, where a thick Triassic succession was de- have made it possible to reconstruct the structural evolu- posited. During the Late Triassic–Middle Jurassic the area tion and fault geometry of a key area of the south-western experienced fault-controlled differential subsidence inside part of Baltica. Faulting during the Late Palaeozoic Varis- the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, leading to great variabil- can orogeny significantly weakened this area. Thick Rot- ity in sediment thickness and stratigraphical detail. Most liegendes clastics were deposited in rapidly subsiding half- of the Quaternary subcrop in the study area is composed as a result of rifting and transtension in a dextral of Jurassic strata. The well-constrained onshore geology strike-slip regime along the major faults of the Sorgenfrei- of Scania is correlated with offshore data for the southern Tornquist Zone. These deposits disconformably overlie Kattegat. The offshore continuations of faults and rock a 3.5–4.0 km thick sequence of Cambrian, Ordovician, units are displayed, as are the extensions of the Precam- Silurian, and Carboniferous strata. Lower Palaeozoic stra- brian Hallandsås and Kullen horsts. The Late Cretaceous ta underlying the syn-rift sequence provide valuable infor- to Palaeogene inversion is clearly verified by reverse reacti- mation on the original thickness of the pre-rift deposits on vation of the major faults along the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist the margins of Baltica. The syn-rift sequence has a thick- Zone. ness of up to 2.5 km in the southern Kattegat. Wells and geophysical data verify that the rifting was accompanied Key words: Kattegat, seismostratigraphy, structural evolu- by volcanism. Aeromagnetic and Bouguer gravity data in- tion, strike-slip, extension, rifting, inversion, Sorgenfrei- dicate highly magnetic and dense rock bodies which prob- Tornquist Zone. ably correspond to intrusive magmatic rocks in the crust and basaltic layers in the Carboniferous–Permian succes- Mikael Erlström, Ulf Sivhed; Geological Survey of Sweden, sion. In Scania, the aerogeophysical data indicate the ex- Kiliansgatan 10, 223 50 Lund, Sweden, istence of north–south directed zones which are inter- e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Reconstruction of the Phanerozoic structural evolution western Scania, the southern area, the waters of the south-western part of the Baltica plate is largely surrounding , and Hanö Bay. based on subsurface data from deep wells and geophysical Interpretations of the seismic data have resulted in investigations (cf. EUGENO-S 1988, BABEL Working numerous publications of a descriptive and structural Group 1991, 1993, Berthelsen 1992). High-resolution evolutionary nature, e.g. Sorgenfrei & Buch (1964), commercial reflection seismic surveys, performed during Baartman & Christensen (1975), Norling & Bergström the 1970s and 1980s in the search for hydrocarbons in (1987), EUGENO-S Working Group (1988), Michelsen Swedish and Danish waters, have yielded a substantial & Nielsen (1991, 1993), Berthelsen (1992), Erlström et database relating to the sedimentary succession overlying al. (1994, 1997), Mogensen (1994, 1995), Vejbæk et al. the Precambrian basement on the south-western part of (1994), Vejbæk (1997), Berthelsen (1998), and Marek the plate. A relatively dense network of reflection seismic (2000a). These studies have recognised a number of key surveys covers the Danish part of the -Kattegat areas for an understanding of the structural evolution of (Figs. 1–2). Relatively good coverage of land seismic data the south-western margin of Baltica, i.e. the Bornholm- is also available for the Höganäs-Ängelholm area. Corre- Rønne area, the Scanian part of the Tornquist sponding good coverage of seismic data exists for south- Zone, and the Skagerrak-Kattegat area.

4 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED Previous studies of the Skagerrak-Kattegat area have so These surveys extend over the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist far been performed almost exclusively on subsurface infor- Zone and adjacent basins to the north. They display a mation from Danish investigations (e.g. Mogensen 1994, subsurface geology that significantly supplements and re- 1995, Mogensen & Jensen 1994, Michelsen & Nielsen fines existing structural models of the southern Kattegat. 1993, Michelsen 1997, Marek 2000b, in press a, b). Some Data from these surveys have so far only been presented in of the Danish marine reflection seismic surveys shot dur- unpublished reports and maps. This publication thus aims ing the 1960s extend into Swedish waters, but they dis- to present an updated subsurface model for the Swedish play poor resolution and have not been involved to any part of the southern Kattegat to a wider audience. The significant extent in earlier modelling work. aim is also to compare and combine data from previous In spite of the numerous studies there still remain data studies in Danish waters and to refine existing models of and interpretations that have not yet been presented and structural evolution, concentrating on the relationship to published. This is the case for the seismic surveys per- the onshore geology of north-western Scania. formed in the southernmost Swedish part of the Kattegat, immediately off Kullen and north-west Scania (Fig. 2).

A B Hallandsås Norwegian-Danish Sorgenfrei Tornquist Zone Horst Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform Basin 0 km

5 km Tertiary Permian Skagerrak-Kattegat Platf Cretaceous Cambrian-L. Carboniferous Jurassic S T Z Triassic Precambrian basement 120 km

Baltic Shield 1 Kullen-Ringsjön-Andrarum Fault Zone

or 2 Colonus Shale Trough m B 3 Romeleåsen Fault Zone 6 4 Svedala Fault Zone Study area 7 9 5 Höllviken Graben Norwegian-Danish Basin 6 Fault Zone 8 Scania 7 Børglum Fault Zone

1 8 Grenå-Helsingborg Fault Zone Ringk 3 9 Hallandsås Fault ø A bing 2 4 5 C a le Fyn do nian High De for matio n Front N Nor th German Basin T T Z

100 km

Fig. 1. Map showing the main structural elements at the top pre-Zechstein surface of south-west (partly based on Vejbæk et al. 1994). Inset profile describes a schematic cross-section of the marginal parts of the Norwegian-Danish Basin and the study area (framed). STZ: Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, TTZ: Teissyere-Tornquist Zone.


The geological history described in this paper begins when the south-west by the Grenå-Helsingborg Fault (Fig. 1). Baltica evolved as an independent plate, as it broke loose The major delineating faults in the zone have repeatedly from Gondwana in Early Ordovician time. Baltica drifted acted as structures where a large part of the stress release towards Laurentia and the collision resulted in the Cale- in the area has occurred. The amount of lateral displace- donian deformation and junction of the two plates, form- ment along the Kattegat and Scanian part of the Sorgen- ing Laurasia. The following tectonic phases include the as- frei-Tornquist Zone has been debated in the last few dec- sembly of continental Europe by microplates joining up ades (cf. Bergström 1984, Mogensen 1994, 1995). On the with Laurasia at its southern border, and the subsequent base of recent research, the lateral displacement has been formation of Pangaea as the African plate attached to the reduced from thousands of kilometres (Pegrum 1984, plate assembly. The oblique junction between the differ- Liboriussen et al. 1987) to more moderate numbers that ent plates yielded a stress field that resulted in predomi- give offsets of less than 20 kilometres (Mogensen 1994, nantly dextral strike-slip displacements. The central part Sivhed 1991). The actual observations used to determine of Baltica acted as a rigid craton and was more or less lateral offset, however, are few in number, the most im- unaffected by these movements. Its south-western mar- portant being the observations presented by Mogensen gin however, was, involved in the processes of rifting, (1994) of Lower Palaeozoic depocentres laterally displaced strike-slip faulting, and crustal shortening during the Late along the Børglum Fault in the Kattegat. Palaeozoic, and in rifting, subsidence, and compression The study area (Fig. 1) lies in an area where all of these during the Mesozoic. During this period, the Sorgen- different tectonic phases are displayed. In its northern frei-Tornquist Zone constituted an important structure part, the Hallandsås normal fault forms the west-north- around which most of the stresses were released as large- west–east-south-east border between the Skagerrak-Kat- scale displacements in the crust. This resulted in a signifi- tegat Platform and the Hallandsås Horst. In this area, cant weakening of the south-western part of Baltica. the margin of the Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform is slightly Between the Trans-European Fault Zone, in northern affected by the intensive Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene in- Germany, and the Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform the crust version in the adjacent Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. On has acted as a buffer zone between the Precambrian Shield the Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform margin, in the Båstad to the north-east and younger geological provinces to the Half-Graben, thin Jurassic–Cretaceous strata cover the south and south-west (Berthelsen 1992). The mechanisms crystalline basement. of the main Early–Mid Palaeozoic faulting in the area are The Hallandsås Horst dips in general terms to the related to intra-plate reactions due to movements involved west-south-west, but its onshore north-western part dips in the plate junction of Laurentia, Baltica, and Avalonia, towards the north-west (cf. Fig. 16). Jurassic sedimentary i.e. the Caledonian orogeny and the subsequent agglomer- rocks cover the crystalline basement in its south-western ation of Laurasia. Late Palaeozoic stress fields in northern offshore portion, west of the island of Hallands Väderö. Europe are related to the oblique collision between Gond- Onshore, the Hallandsås Horst is dominated by Precam- wana and Laurasia resulting in the assemblage of the su- brian crystalline rocks, with minor areas with erosion percontinent Panagea, i.e. the Variscan orogeny. The Sor- remnants of Lower Cambrian and Upper Triassic strata. genfrei-Tornquist Zone is interpreted as originating from The Hallandsås Fault forms an up to 100 m high cliff Variscan (Carboniferous–Permian) stresses due to along the northern shoreline of Bjäre peninsula, on the the dextral translation between Europe and Africa (Ziegler seaward side of the Hallandsås Horst. 1990). The Late Permian–Early Jurassic is characterised On its south-western side, the Hallandsås Horst is by regional subsidence. Within the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist delimited by west-north-west-striking minor normal Zone, the stress field associated with the break-up of Pan- faults, which form a smooth transition to the Ängelholm- gaea led to dextral strike-slip fault reactivation, resulting Skälderviken Trough. In the latter structure, rudimentary in differentiated subsidence in the Late Jurassic. This remnants of Triassic and Jurassic rocks cover the crystal- was followed by Alpine inversion in the Cre- line basement. taceous–Palaeogene. The last dramatic event within the In the south-south-west, the reverse Kullen Fault bor- zone, before the Quaternary glaciations, was the more than ders the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. Offshore, the Kullen 1 km Neogene uplift and extensive exhumation (Japsen & Fault is connected to the Børglum Fault and to the west, Bidstrup 1999). the reverse Anholt Fault forms the boundary between the The Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone in the Kattegat is de- Ängelholm-Skälderviken Trough and the Anholt Half- limited to the north-east by the Børglum Fault and to Graben (cf. Fig. 16). The Anholt Half-Graben dips to

6 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED the north-east and close to the Anholt Fault the up to 2.4 The reverse Grenå-Helsingborg Fault Zone forms the seconds TWT (Two Way Time) thick sequence comprises south-western delimitation of the Höganäs Trough and Lower Palaeozoic as well as pre-Cretaceous Mesozoic stra- also of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. The onshore con- ta. Carboniferous as well as Permian rocks are probably tinuation of the Grenå-Helsingborg Fault Zone is the missing. In the south, the reverse Børglum Fault delimits Romeleåsen Fault Zone. On the Barsebäck Platform, on- the Anholt Half-Graben. shore south of the Romeleåsen Fault Zone, a sequence of The investigated part of the Tornquist Zone comprises more than 2.0 km of Upper Triassic–Palaeogene sedimen- different structural elements affected to varying degrees tary rocks covers the Precambrian crystalline basement. by Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene inversion tectonics. On- In the west, the Kullen Horst, Danhult Ridge, and the shore, the Precambrian crystalline Kullen Horst is a typi- Höganäs Trough are cut by the north-north-west-striking cal landmark, with its highest point about 180 m above reverse Höganäs-Hans Fault. The fault is by Mogensen sea level. An unnamed normal fault separates the Kullen (1994) considered to be a southward bend of the Børglum Horst from the Danhult Ridge (cf. Fig. 16) (Troedsson Fault. In this study it is, however, referred to as an individ- 1951). In the latter structure, Lower Palaeozoic rocks form ual extension fault joining up with the Anholt-Børglum the Quaternary subcrop in the northern part of the ridge, faults to the north and the Grenå-Hel­singborg Fault while in a southern direction these are successively over- Zone in the south. In the Hans Half-Graben west lain by Upper Triassic strata and by Jurassic strata in the of this zone, Palaeozoic strata, including Permian Höganäs Trough (Troedsson 1951). The onshore faults and Carboniferous (Devonian strata are not recorded) can also be traced offshore. However, seismic records for as well as Mesozoic Triassic and Jurassic strata are iden- this area are of poor quality, making the interpretation tified. The block dips to the north-east, towards the more difficult. Höganäs-Hans Fault, where the whole sequence has a thickness of more than 4 s (TWT).

9 10 Falkenberg

11 Fredrikshavn-1 D72-1 Saeby-1 2

3 12 13 4

4 3 2 N 0 9 a-7 9-41 Anholt Na 79-4 9-46 7 6 Na 79-4Na 79-4a 7 N a 79-4 79-38 N Na 79-3a 5 N 5 N a- Na 79-3Na 79-3 2 79-47 79-33 Na 79-3a 79-34a N N Båstad a 79-3 Halland Gassum-1 Na- N 6 79-4 Na-79-48 sås 9 Voldum-1 Hans-1 Terne-1 SK 7 B 89-40 Hans-1 SKB 1 Na Rønde-1 SKB 79 02 89 -45 2 89 -402 Ku 89-2019- 203 - 04 -4038 Valhall-1 B 8 SKB 89-40 llen -2 SKB K B 89 S K 06 7 89-4 B 89 2 S K 89-205 S B 9- 05 Ängelholm K B 8 4 Lavø-1 SKB S K B 89-20 Louvisefred-1 S K B S K Vilhelmsfält-1 S 89-501 Höganäs Commercial reflection seismic surveys and deep wells NW SCANIA N Swedish offshore surveys Danish surveys Klappe-1 Danish wells Swedish core drillings Själland 20 km

Fig. 2. Seismic surveys and wells in the Skagerrak-Kattegat area. The map to the right illustrates the surveys used in this study.


Reflection seismic data All interpretations were performed on printouts of original processed data, i.e. migrated stacks. The The geoseismic interpretation presented in this study is tapes containing the different stacks were not available based on three reflection seismic surveys performed in or retrievable. Thus, no reprocessing of the original Swedish waters. The Swedish Oil Prospecting Company data has been performed. Four distinctive seismic mark- (OPAB) performed both the D72 survey, shot by DELTA ers have been mapped, i.e. the acoustic basement in 1972, and the Na79 survey, shot by GECO in 1979. (Lower Cambrian sandstone and/or Precambrian base- The most recent seismic data from the area are from the ment), the base Rotliegendes (base of the syn-rift se- SKB89 survey, shot by DELFT in 1989 for the Swedish quence), the base Zechstein (base of the post-rift se- Exploration Consortium (SECAB) (Fig. 2). The three sur- quence), and the near base Lower Jurassic. The mapped veys together comprise a total of 1600 line-km of seismic markers, beside the acoustic basement, have been corre- data. lated to well data from the Hans-1 well. The D72 survey covers the entire Swedish part of In some profiles, both the near acoustic basement re- the Kattegat. The lines are oriented in a north–south flector and the base Rotliegendes are difficult to distin- and east–west oriented grid with a line spacing of about guish. The markers are identified as broad, strong posi- 10 km. This survey gives an overview of the geology of tive amplitude reflectors. The most distinctive marker is the Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform and the Sorgenfrei-Torn- the base Zechstein unconformity, which is displayed as quist Zone. two distinct positive reflectors separated by an approxi- The Na79 and SKB89 campaigns were focused on mately 0.1 s (TWT) interval of negative amplitude. The the extensive sedimentary rock cover in the southern part near base Lower Jurassic reflector is also fairly easy to dis- of the D72 survey, and thus partly cover the Sorgenfrei- tinguish. It is characterised by a narrow, strong positive Tornquist Zone. Most of the lines are dip oriented (north- amplitude reflector. The nature of the seismic markers is east to south-west). Additional lines are strike oriented exemplified in Figure 4. (north-west to south-east). These surveys were performed with a line spacing of <2 km, making it possible to charac- terise lateral changes in faults and markers. The majority Well data of the SKB89 lines were shot in between the Na79 survey grid. The seismic network is illustrated in Figure 2. Two offshore wells, Hans-1 and Terne-1, were drilled in In general, the Na79 survey exhibits better data quality the Kattegat in Danish territorial waters and within the than the ten years younger SKB89 survey. However, the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. The purpose was to evaluate combination of the two surveys has proved to be impor- the petroleum potential of the area. However, no hydro- tant in the interpretation process, even though they cover carbons were found in these wells. The hydrocarbon po- approximately the same area. tential (source rock maturity and reservoir rocks) of the The three surveys were all shot with airguns using a area is discussed by Michelsen & Nielsen (1993). They 25 m shot interval. The processing length is to 2 s (TWT) conclude that, despite the existence of several good res- using a 29 fold CDP stack in the D72 survey, and to ervoirs, the source rocks were post-mature in the Palaeo- 4 s (TWT) using a 48 fold CDP stack in the Na79 and zoic succession and immature to marginally mature in the SKB89 surveys. The Na79 and SKB89 surveys have been Mesozoic intervals. migrated down to 4 s (TWT). The Hans-1 well (Fig. 3) was drilled in 1983 by DUC The interpretation has focused on the Na79 survey. (Dansk Undergrund Consortium) on the northern mar- The main area of investigation for which most of the gin of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. It is located adja- modelling work has been performed coincides more or cent to the Swedish maritime boundary and the seismic less with the coverage of the Na79 and SKB89 surveys. survey presented in this study. The lines Na79-40 and For parts of the investigated area, data are also avail- Na-41 are located only a few hundred metres from the able from Danish surveys. They cover primarily the south- well, which is at Lat. 56° 21´56.0” North Long. 12° ern flank of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone and the mar- 0´ 50.0” East. The well was drilled to a total depth of ginal parts of the Norwegian-Danish Basin to the south- 3005 m b.s.l. and penetrates a succession of Jurassic, west. The northern parts of these surveys, however, also Triassic, and Permian strata ending in Carboniferous vol- extend into Swedish waters. Data from the Danish sur- canoclastic strata. Some 40 km west of Hans-1, Amoco veys are presented by e.g. Michelsen & Nielsen (1993), drilled the Terne-1 well to a depth of 3324 m b.s.l. in Mogensen (1994, 1995), and Vejbæk (1997). 1985. The well displays a succession of Lower Creta-

8 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED Hans-1 Coordinates: 56˚21´56" N, 12˚0´50"E Elevation: 30.3 m below m. sl. (sea floor); 23.5 m above m. sl. (kelly bushing) Total depth: 3005 m below m. sl.


, m








epth m. Litostratigraphy and main lithology

D b.


Depth in ms Tw 102 II-III 171 Ib Fjerritslev Uniform sequence of claystone Ia Formation and silty claystone 273 263

rassic Ju Sandstone Claystone interbedded with silt-

wer Gassum 366 stone and coal Lo Formation Alternating beds of sandstone and silty claystone 640 497 ost Rift iassic P Alternating beds of sandstone, Tr Skagerrak siltstone and claystone. Formation Minor interbeds of limestone 1119 and anhydritic sediments. mian 1759 1052 121 Unnamed units Sandstone, siltstone and claystone 1880 1100 Zechstein r Upper Pe

Volcanoclastic rocks

mian 662 Rotliegende

r Pe Group

Syn Rift Claystone and siltstone wer Rotliegenden Lo Volcanoclastic rocks

2542 1391 Volcanic rocks and claystone Unnamed erous +467 units Upper Pre Rift Sandstone, siltstone and

Carbonif claystone 3005

Fig. 3. Stratigraphic subdivision of the Hans-1 well. ceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Perm­ian, Silurian, Ordovician, and The SGU aeromagnetic survey was performed at an al- Cambrian strata. Michelsen & Nielsen (1991, 1993) and titude of 30 m with 200 m line spacing. The OPAB survey Nielsen & Japsen (1991) describe both wells in detail. has a line spacing of 1.0 km and was recorded at a flight altitude of 600 m. Here, the two data sets have been com- Bouger gravity and magnetic anomaly data bined for the first time. The differences in data recordings are partly levelled out by filtering and adjusting to an aver- Aerogeophysical investigations of magnetic anomaly and age recording altitude of 150 m for the SGU data. measurements of Bouguer gravity in the southern Katte- The Bouguer gravity map is based on onshore data have been performed by the Geological Survey of Swe- from Scania and Halland, supplemented by marine pro- den (SGU) in connection with ongoing regional mapping filing along a line parallel to the coast. Especially for the of Scania, and by OPAB during their prospecting cam- more distal offshore areas, the mathematical gridding of paign in the 1970s. the area is uncertain due to the lack of data.


Hans-1 0 M-U. Jurassic- Fjerritslev Fm L. Cretaceous

Gassum Fm



Zechstein 1.0


1.5 Carbonifer

3005 m ous

ltime in seconds in ltime


Tr y y


Wa o o

ault Tw

L. um F Palaeozoic l g


B 2.5

Precambrian basement



5 km Line Na79-40

Fig. 4. Example of migrated seismic data (Line Na79-40) and reflector intervals adjacent to the Hans-1 well.

Onshore geology holm Trough and Höganäs Basin there are a number of The well-constrained onshore geology of north-western boreholes through the Jurassic succession, which give val- Scania (Sivhed & Wikman 1986, Wikman & Bergström uable information on the subsurface geology (cf. Guy- 1987, Wikman & Sivhed 1992, Norling & Wikman Ohlson & Norling 1988). The data on fault zones and 1990, and Erlström & Guy-Ohlson 1999) has been of the representation of strata in different fault blocks have essential importance in interpreting the geology of the also helped in the process of reconstructing the structural neighbouring offshore areas. A comprehensive description evolution. The existence of a dense set of aerogeophysical of the onshore geology is also given by Norling & Berg- and reflection seismic data has also contributed to an un- ström (1987) and Erlström et al. (1997). In the Ängel- derstanding of the marine data.


The following sequential lithostratigraphic description is Kattegat part of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, Carbon- based mainly on data from Hans-1 and Terne-1 and the iferous as well as Permian sediments occur in downfaulted onshore geology of north-west Scania. half-grabens. In Hans-1, the basal 254.5 m part of the sec- tion consists of well-bedded sandstone, siltstone, and clay- Palaeozoic stone. It is tentatively referred to the Late Carboniferous. At its very base, the section consists of a cross-bedded, me- During the Early Palaeozoic (Cambrian–Early Silurian), dium- to fine-grained, well-sorted sandstone interpreted large parts of Baltica formed an extensive low-topography as formed in a semiarid fluvial environment (Michelsen & shelf area (Jaeger 1984). Shallow marine arenaceous de- Nielsen 1991). The overlying Upper Carboniferous vol- posits dominate Early Cambrian sedimentation in Scania. canic series is subdivided into two parts, a lower 242 m The sandstone-dominated Lower Cambrian sequence is thick volcanic unit and an upper 81 m thick claystone here approximately 150 m thick and defined as the Harde­ unit. The volcanic series consists of basalt layers and thin berga Fm, Norretorp Fm, and Rispebjerg Sandstone, fol- siltstone beds. lowed by the Gislöv Formation (Hamberg 1991, Sivhed In Hans-1, a 551 m thick sequence of volcanoclastic et al. 1999). The succession is dominated by the up to rocks, conglomerates, and poorly sorted sandstones (peb- 120 m thick Hardeberga Sandstone. In the Kattegat, the bles and grains dominated by volcanic rock fragments) Lower Cambrian is known from Terne-1, which reached is referred on lithological grounds to the Lower Permian 11 m into Lower Cambrian Hardeberga Sandstone. Rotliegendes Group. The Rotliegendes deposits increase The Middle and Upper Cambrian and the basal in thickness towards the Børglum Fault, reaching a maxi- Ordovician (Tremadocian) strata are dominated in Scania mum of approximately 1.5 km close to the fault. by outer shelf black shales with lenses and thin layers In Scania, assumed Permian, probably Rotliegendes, of limestone belonging to the Alum Shale Formation. In sedimentary rocks consist of an up to 50 m thick con- Scania, the sequence varies in thickness between 40 and glomeratic silicified sequence (Sivhed et al. 1999). It rests 100 m. In the Kattegat (Hans-1), a 66 m thick sequence, on Silurian rocks in the Höllviken Graben and on the Pre- the so-called ”high gamma unit” (Michelsen & Nielsen cambrian crystalline basement on the Skurup Platform. 1991), rests on the Hardeberga Sandstone. This unit is Until recently, these Permian deposits were unknown in tentatively correlated with the Norretorp and Rispebjerg Sweden. sandstones and the Alum Shale Formation. In Hans-1, the Zechstein deposit consists of reddish The Ordovician and Silurian strata consist mainly of and red-brown interbedded sandstone, siltstone, and clay- dark grey to black claystone, mudstone, and dark grey stone representing a marginal marine facies. The sequence shale. In the Middle and Upper Ordovician, numerous is 121 m thick in Hans-1 and 37.5 m in Terne-1. bentonite layers indicate extensive volcanic activity. The Ordovician strata vary in thickness from approximately 80 m in the south-east to 200 m in the north-west of Mesozoic Scania. A 250 m thick sequence in Terne-1 is referred to the Ordovician. The fluviatile Triassic Skagerrak Formation (1119 m thick The total Silurian thickness is unknown in Scania. in Hans-1 and 971.5 m in Terne-1) forms the main part Various estimates have been presented. A general view of the Mesozoic sedimentary sequence in this part of the is that the sequence is in the range of 1.0–1.5 km. The Kattegat. It consists of red and red-brown claystone, silt- Terne-1 well encountered an incomplete Silurian sequence stone, and a few sandstone interbeds. Anhydrite and car- of 637 m. Seismic data indicate that the complete Silurian bonate interbeds the sequence. The formation is signifi- sequence is more than 2.0 km thick in the southern part cantly thinner on the Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform and in of the Kattegat (cf. Mogensen 1994). Scania than in the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone in the Kat- Devonian and Carboniferous deposits are not known tegat. This is probably an effect of Triassic rifting and lo- from Scania. Redeposited and well-preserved Carbonifer- calised subsidence in this part of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist ous spores are frequently found in Mesozoic strata (Guy- Zone. The upper part of the Skagerrak Formation corre- Ohlson 1986, 1990, Guy-Ohlson et al. 1987, Nielsen & sponds to the up to 300 m thick Kågeröd Formation in Koppelhus 1991, Erlström & Guy-Ohlson 1994), indi- Scania. cating erosion of nearby pre-existing Carboniferous strata. The Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic deltaic Gassum For- The absence of Upper Palaeozoic strata in Scania is prob- mation (Larsen 1966, Bertelsen 1978, Nielsen et al. 1989) ably due to extensive erosion during Triassic time. In the is divided into three intervals in the area. The lower unit

INTRA-CRATONIC DEXTRAL TRANSTENSION AND INVERSION OF THE SOUTHERN KATTEGAT ... 11 comprises interbedded claystones and sandstones and coal to dark grey, soft to firm, calcareous claystone, partly silty, beds (152 m in Hans-1 and 134 m in Terne-1). The mid- with some interbeds of argillaceous, fine-grained calcare- dle unit (141 m in Hans-1 and 83 m in Terne-1) consists ous sandstone in its uppermost part. In Scania, the corre- of a claystone interval with a few sandstone and siltstone sponding Rya Formation has a thickness of approximately beds whereas sandstone beds dominate the upper unit 300 m. (73 m in Hans-1 and 109 m in Terne-1). On the eastern The composition of the Cretaceous strata in the Swed- side of the Børglum fault and north of the Kullen Fault, ish part of the Kattegat can only be related to what is the Triassic sediments wedge out in a northern and eastern known from shallow wells in the Båstad area. Lower Cre- direction, with a maximum thickness of some hundreds of taceous deposits similar to the sequence in Terne-1 were metres close to the faults. The up to 250 m thick Höganäs probably present over large parts of the Kattegat. The Formation in Scania is equivalent to the Danish Gassum large-scale Late Cretaceous to Palaeogene inversion and Formation. Late Palaeogene to Neogene uplift resulted in extensive The Lower Jurassic marine Fjerritslev Formation (F1a– erosion and the development of a regional unconformity FIII) (Michelsen 1989, Michelsen & Nielsen 1991)) forms between the Quaternary and the Cenozoic–Mesozoic suc- the uppermost 171 m of the Pre-Quaternary sequence in cessions (Michelsen 1997). Hans-1. The Fjerritslev Formation is made up of a grey


Time structure maps Top Carboniferous and Lower Palaeozoic Basement The map in Fig. 5b shows the correlation between the The basement reflector is in many cases difficult to map, down-thrown Anholt and Hans half-grabens and the dis- probably due to weathering of the Precambrian crystalline tribution of Palaeozoic rocks. In the south-western part, rocks and the corresponding diffuse change in acoustic the reflector represents the interface between an eroded impedance between overlying sediments and the base- and truncated sequence of north-eastward dipping Palae- ment. The near basement acoustic reflector, correspond- ozoic strata and the Zechstein sequence. In the deep parts ing to the Lower Cambrian Hardeberga Sandstone, shows adjacent to the Höganäs-Hans Fault, it represents the top a better continuity whenever the Lower Palaeozoic se- Upper Carboniferous where it is onlapped by Rotliegen- quence is present. The reflectivity pattern of the Lower des clastic rocks, filling the Hans Half-Graben. Palaeozoic near basement interval is displayed in the same Elsewhere in the area there is a more or less complete manner in seismic offshore data for the south-western absence of Palaeozoic strata, except for some minor oc- Baltic area (Thomas et al. 1993) and for the Höllviken currences along the coast of Scania, south of Kullen, and Graben (Sivhed et al. 1999). on the Bjäre Peninsula. Their marine continuation has The map in Fig. 5a shows that, in large parts of the not been proven. They probably represent minor local re- area, the basement lies at depths of less than 0.6 s, i.e. mains of down-thrown blocks that have been protected there are less than approximately 700 m of cover sedi- from erosion. Similar occurrences have not been detected ments (at an average velocity of 2500 m/s). It is also clear- from the seismic data, although they are likely to exist. ly seen that the Hallandsås Horst extends far out into the Kattegat and that its westernmost parts have only a thin Top Permian sedimentary cover. The most conspicuous features at this Zechstein strata are thin (<0.1 s, TWT) and represent a level are the two down-thrown basement blocks, the Anholt period of significant denudation of the landscape and a Half-Graben and the Hans Half-Graben (cf. Fig. 16) in the phase of regional subsidence that began in the Norwe- south-western corner of the area. Here the basement dips gian–Danish Basin. The deposits in the Kattegat are of to the north-east and lies at depths of more than 4 s (TWT) a marginal type and do not include any major evaporitic adjacent to the fault. Assuming an average velocity of strata as are found in more distal parts of the basin. The 3500 m/s this would mean that the basement lies at a maximum extension of the Zechstein Basin to the north- depth of approximately 7 km. east probably coincides with the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. The map in Fig. 6a shows that the Zechstein depos- its extended at least as far as the Børglum Fault.

12 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED Basement and/or a near acoustic

Sweden basement Den

m ar k Two-way travel time 0–0.2 0.2–0.4 0.4–0.6 0.6–0.8 0.8–1.0 1.0–1.2 1.4–1.6 1,6–1,8 1.8–2.0 2.0–2.4 2.4–3.0 3.0–3.6 3.6–4.2 In seconds

Fault zone Reverse fault

Normal fault

Limit of investigated area


10 km Precambrian bedrock surface on land

Top Carboniferous b and L. Palaeozoic

Sweden Den

m ar k

Two-way travel time 0.2–0.3 0.3–0.4 0.4–0.5 1.0–1.2 1.2–1.4 1.4–1.6 1.6–1.8 1.8–2.0 2.0–2.2 2.2–2.4 2.4–2.6 In seconds

Fault zone

Reverse fault

Normal fault Limit of investigated area


10 km L. Palaeozoic bedrock surface on land

Fig. 5a, b. Time structure maps of basement and/or acoustic basement and top Carboniferous and/or Lower Palaeozoic sequence (i.e. pre-rift sequence). Occurrences of corresponding rock on land are illustrated.

Top Triassic than to the north-east of the Anholt–Børglum–Kullen Triassic strata are widely represented and the base of the faults (Fig. 6b). The Triassic–Jurassic boundary is posi- Triassic lies deeper in the subsided basins (the Anholt and tioned just below the near base Jurassic reflector, which Hans half-grabens) within the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone is a narrow, strong positive amplitude feature, prob-

INTRA-CRATONIC DEXTRAL TRANSTENSION AND INVERSION OF THE SOUTHERN KATTEGAT ... 13 ably caused by changes in lithofacies related to the Early probably exists a thin sequence of Upper Triassic strata in Jurassic transgression. The presence of Triassic strata in parts of the Ängelholm-Skälderviken Trough. Within the the Ängelholm Trough (cf. Fig. 16) is difficult to detect, Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, the Triassic sequence is up to as they would overlie a weathered basement with similar 1.5 s (TWT) thick, with marked differential subsidence acoustic impedance. On the basis of onshore data, there between different blocks.

Top syn-rift a (base Zechstein)

Sweden D enmar


Two-way travel time 0.9–1.0 1.0–1.1 1.1–1.2 1.2–1.3 1.3–1.4 1.4–1.5 1.5–1.6 In seconds

Fault zone

Reverse fault

Normal fault

Limit of investigated area


Permo-Carboniferous dolerite dykes as 10 km bedrock surface on land

Top Triassic b

Sweden Denmar


Two-way travel time 0.1–0.2 0.2–0.3 0.3–0.4 0.4–0.5 0.5–0.6 0.6–0.7 Thin or 0.7–0.8 0.8–0.9 absent In seconds

Fault zone Reverse fault

Normal fault

Limit of investigated area


10 km Triassic bedrock surface on land

Fig. 6a, b. Time structure maps of base Zechstein (syn-rift sequence) and top Triassic. Occurrences of corresponding rock on land are illustrated.

14 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED Isopach maps The preserved pre-rift sequence represents the remains of a much wider distribution of Cambrian to Carbonif- Three isopach maps (Figs. 7a, b, 8), based on the four erous strata on the south-western margin of Baltica. The mapped seismic reflectors, have been compiled. They cor- isopach map in Fig. 7a shows a more than 1.5 s (TWT) respond to the thickness of the pre-, syn-, and post-rift thick sequence in the north-eastern part of the Hans sequences. Half-Graben. Correction for dip gives a true thickness of

Pre-rift isopach map a (Cambrian-Carboniferous)

Sw Denma e d en

r k

Two-way travel time

<0.5 0.5–1.0 1.0–1.5 >1.5 In seconds

Fault zone Reverse fault

Normal fault

Limit of investigated area


10 km L. Palaeozoic bedrock surface on land

Syn-rift isopach map b (Rotliegendes)

Sw Denmar e den


Two-way travel time 0–0.1 0.1–0.2 0.2–0.3 0.3–0.4 0.4–0.5 0.5–0.6 0.6–0.7 0.7–0.8 0.8–0.9 0.9–1.0 In seconds

Fault zone Reverse fault

Normal fault

Limit of investigated area


10 km Permo-Carboniferous dolerite dykes as bedrock surface on land

Fig. 7a, b. Isopach maps of pre-rift and syn-rift sequences.


Sweden Denmar


Two-way travel time 0–0.2 0.2–0.3 0.3–0.4 0.4–0.6 0.7–0.8 0.9–1.0 1.0–1.1 1.1–1.2 1.2–1.3 1.3–1.4 1.4–1.5 In seconds

Fault zone

Reverse fault

Normal fault

Limit of investigated area

N Jurassic bedrock surface on land

10 km Triassic bedrock surface on land

Fig. 8. Isopach map of the post-rift sequence corresponding to the Zechstein-Jurassic sequence.

1–1.2 s (TWT) for the pre-rift sequence, corresponding rift sequence is up to 2.0 km, but this sequence is strong- to approximately 2.2–2.5 km for the complete sequence. ly truncated, owing to the Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene In the Anholt Half-Graben, the eroded incomplete pre- inversion and erosion that removed large parts of the rift sequence has an estimated metric thickness of 1.0–2.0 Middle–Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous strata. km. The syn-rift isopach (Fig. 7b) refers to the Rotliegen- Geoseismic profiles des strata formed in depocentres on the western side of the extension fault. The deposits probably represent alluvial The subsurface two-dimensional geology is displayed in fans building off the fault scarp and filling the evolving the interpreted profiles presented in Figs. 9–12. The dip- half-graben. The sequence rapidly increases in thickness ping blocks of pre-rift Palaeozoic strata, the syn-rift de- towards the fault scarp, where it is up to 1 s (TWT) thick, pocentre, the Triassic differential subsidence and the Late which equals approximately 1.5–2.0 km. Cretaceous–Palaeogene inversion are evident in the dis- The post-rift map (Fig. 8) indicates differential sub- play, especially in line Na79-36 (Fig. 9). Joining the sidence in the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone during the Tri- dip-oriented lines (Fig. 13) in a 3D model shows how assic and Jurassic. Depocentres formed during the Trias- the thicknesses and geometry of the individual units are sic overlap more or less with the basins formed during strongly related to the activity of the Børglum Fault. the Permian extension. The metric thickness for the post-

16 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED SW NE 600 500 400 300 200 100 1 0

0.5 Na 79-41 a 79-39 Na 79-N40 1.0 Halland sås 1.5

, seconds T Hans-1 2.0 AF

TW Kulle n BF 2.5 20 km 3.0 5 km Line Na79-41 3.5

SW NE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 M.–U. Jurassic–L. Cretaceous 0.5 L. Jurassic

1.0 Triassic

1.5 Permian (Zechstein) Permian (Rotliegendes) , seconds 2.0

T AF Pre-Permian (Carboniferous TW and Cambrian–Silurian) 2.5 Precambrian BF 3.0 5 km Line Na79-40 3.5

SW NE 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1 0




, seconds 2.0


TW 2.5 AF

3.0 BF

3.5 5 km Line Na79-39

Fig. 9. Geoseismic profiles. Dip-oriented profiles, Na79 survey. AF = Anholt Fault, BF = Børglum Fault.


8 0.5 7

Na 79-3 a 79-36 1.0 Na 79-3N Hal landsås



, seconds

T 2.0 Kul le AF n

TW 2.5 20 km 3.0 BF


5 km 4.0 Line Na79-38

SW NE 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 M.–U. Jurassic–L. Cretaceous

0.5 L. Jurassic

1.0 Triassic

Permian (Zechstein) 1.5

AF Permian (Rotliegendes)

, seconds 2.0 T Pre-Permian (Carboniferous

TW and Cambrian–Silurian) 2.5 Precambrian

3.0 BF


4.0 5 km Line Na79-37

SW NE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0




1.5 AF

, second T 2.0



3.0 BF

3.5 5 km Line Na79-36

Fig. 10. Geoseismic profiles. Dip-oriented profiles, Na79 survey. AF = Anholt Fault, BF = Børglum Fault.

18 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED ås s d n

alla H

en ll

Ku 4

SE Na 79-3 Na 1400 Line Na79-4 8 1300 20 km Hans-1

Na 79-48 1200 5 km erous ian) 1100 Cretaceous – L. ian–Silur ian mian (Carbonif 1000 rassic Ju er mian (Zechstein) mian ( Rotliegendes ) iassic rassic Ju M. – U. L. Tr r Pe r Pe Pre-P and Cambr Precambr 900 1 800 NE ault (HHF) 100 700 Line Na79-34 H ö gan ä s-Hans F 200 600 ? 300 500 5 km BF/HHF 400 400 300 500 200 600 100 700 0 NW SW 0 0

4.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

, seconds , TWT seconds , TWT

Fig. 11. Geoseismic profiles. Na79 survey.

INTRA-CRATONIC DEXTRAL TRANSTENSION AND INVERSION OF THE SOUTHERN KATTEGAT ... 19 S E E rough T en vik Line D72- 7 300 Line D72-12 Line D72- 6 100 600 rough T en 5 km 5 km 5 km Ä ngelholm-S k ä lder vik 400 200 500 Ä ngelholm-Sk ä lder 500 300 400 Hallands å s Horst W ault 600 400 0

300 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

, seconds , TWT Hallands å s F 500 200 erous ian) AF 600 100 ian – Silur ian mian (Carbonif er mian (Zechstein) mian (Rotliegendes) iassic and Cambr Tr r Pe r Pe Pre-P Precambr 700 0 W 0

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 , seconds , TWT 20 km B å stad

dsås Ängelhol m

800 n Cretaceous Halms tad

Halla 7 – L.

llen Ku enberg alk

12 F rassic Ju Cretaceous rassic Ju Sj ä llan d U. M. – U. L. N 900 0


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Hans- 1

, seconds , TWT

Fig. 12. Geoseismic profiles, D72 survey. AF = Anholt Fault.


allandså H



34 79- Na

36 79- Na

Na 79-37 Na

38 79- Na

Na 79-39 Na

Na 79-40 Na Na 79-41 Na 20 km








0 2.



N s cond e

s , ,



Line Line Line Na 79- Na Line

km 38




Line Line




Line Line

Line Na 79-36 Na Line

Line Na 79-37 Na Line














Line Line

NE a79-41



Line Line Line Na 79-38 Na Line erous Anholt F ian) Cretaceous

– L. Line Na 79-39 Na Line

ian – Silur 15 km 15 ian mian (Carbonif rassic Ju er mian (Zechstein) mian (Rotliegendes) iassic

rassic Ju Line Na 79-40 Na Line

and Cambr M. – U. L. Tr r Pe r Pe Pre-P Precambr rglum Na79-41 Line ault


Fig. 13. Sequential linking of interpreted dip-oriented profiles.


The strong positive Bouguer gravity anomaly over the area occur on Hallands Väderö, suggesting that corresponding (Fig. 14) correlates with a regional high-density zone that Jurassic volcanism occurred in the southern Kattegat. coincides with the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone in central Narrow west-north-west oriented magnetic anomalies and north-western Scania and through the southern Kat- in Scania are almost exclusively related to the occurrence tegat. Shallow high-density rocks related to the anomaly of vertical to sub-vertical, up to 50 m wide dolerite dykes. do not exist. The gravity high in Scania is, therefore, pre- They were formed towards the close of the Carbonifer- sumed to relate to intrusive bodies of high-density rock ous, when Baltica’s south-western crust, around Scania deep in the crust (cf. Balling 1990). A similar model is and neighbouring areas, became fissured and intruded by presented by Thybo et al. (1990) for the Silkeborg gravity a dense swarm of basalt dykes. These are probably rem- high in central . nants of feeder dykes for a cap of subaerially extruded In central Scania, the high-density zone partly corre- Late Carboniferous basalt flows. A basaltic cover probably lates to the Colonus Shale Trough, with up to 1.5 km of capped at least parts of Scania (Bergström et al. 1982, Lower Palaeozoic strata on top of the basement (Larsson Sørensen 1986). In the Kattegat and in Jutland, borehole 1984, Erlström et al. 1999, 2001). Unless there are sev- data verify Carboniferous volcanism in the vicinity of the eral hundred metres thick basaltic bodies in this sequence, Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (Michelsen & Nielsen 1993). there is no other explanation than that the anomaly relates The narrow positive anomalies are also seen in Skälder- to deeper phenomena in the crust, and possibly to Car- viken Basin, indicating thin Triassic–Jurassic cover strata, boniferous volcanism (cf. Berthelsen 1992). Bodies of in- which permits the dykes to be resolved by the magnetic trusive rocks deep in the crust were, however, also prob- data (Fig. 15). ably formed during intense Mid-Jurassic volcanism in More or less north–south and north-east to south- central Scania (Norling et al. 1993). Basalt of Lower west oriented anomalies are also seen in the magnetic data Jurassic age is inferred by Wikman & Bergström (1987) to (Fig. 15). These are more evident in south-eastern Scania

1250000 1300000 6300000 6300000

33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Location of measurements 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 6250000 6250000 15 9 1 –4 –7

IGSN71 mGal

1250000 1300000

Fig. 14. Bouguer gravity map of north-west Scania and immediately adjacent offshore areas.

22 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED 1250000 1300000 6300000 6300000

300 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 Aeromagnetic 100 anomaly map 80 Based on data from 60 OPAB (offshore area) and 40 the Geological survey of Hallandsås Hor 20 Sweden 0 Dashed lines represent –20 interpreted lineaments st –40 and areas of strong positive –60 anomalies –80 –100

6250000 6250000 –120 –140 Kullen –160 –180 –200 –220 –240 –280

mag-anom nT

1250000 1300000

Fig. 15. Aeromagnetic anomaly map of north-west Scania and the southern Kattegat.

(Erlström et al. 2001) and are interpreted as partly related iferous basalt in the Hans Half-Graben, as documented to extension faults of Late Palaeozoic age. by the Hans-1 well. Conspicuous strong positive anoma- The quality of the magnetic data for the southern Kat- lies in the offshore continuation of the Hallandsås Horst tegat does not permit an equally detailed interpretation. are not attributed to the same source. The two westerly Positive magnetic anomalies in the offshore area off Kul- semicircular anomalies seem to correlate to the junction len, however, seem to correlate with the bodies of Carbon- between the Hallandsås and Anholt fault zones.


For the first time, a composite map (Fig. 16) of both on- is, in the same direction, progressively covered by Triassic– shore and offshore bedrock geology can be presented for Jurassic strata. The Hallandsås Fault separates the horst north-western Scania and the southern Kattegat. The map from the Late Cretaceous bag-shaped basin in the north displays a dominant Jurassic bedrock surface in the off- (Fig. 13). The southern flank of the horst is less well de- shore areas. However, a detail subdivision the Jurassic stra- fined. It consists of a series of parallel stepwise faults to- ta is difficult. The Quaternary subcrop north-east of the wards the Ängelholm-Skälderviken Trough. Børglum Fault probably consists of Middle and Upper Pre-existing cover strata have been more or less com- Jurassic strata, while the Jurassic in the area south-west of pletely removed within the Precambrian horst terrain. the fault is older. This is the result of inversion, uplift and At relatively high altitudes on the horst there exist ero- erosion during the Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene. sional remains of Lower Jurassic cover strata. A Norian– The Precambrian onshore terrain of the Hallandsås Rhaetian outlier at 155 m a.s.l. occurs at Killeröd (Erl- Horst extends approximately 20 km offshore to the north- ström & Guy-Ohlson 1999). Corresponding stratigraphic west. The horst block dips gently to the south-west and Lower Jurassic levels at Killeröd occur at 200–400 m b.s.l.


k Hallandsås F ault

Hallandsås Båstad Halfgraben Anholt F

ault Torekov Hallands Børglum F A Väderö n h o ault lt Bjäre H a peninsula Hor lf-G st ra b en Hans-1 Hö Ängelholm Skälderviken g an ä K Hs ullen F Hans

Half-Graben a


s K ault

F ullen

a Tr

t ul ough Danhu H Valhall-1 lt Ri or dge st Grenå-Helsingborg F ault Louvisefred-1 Vilhelmsfält-1 Höganäs Trough 20 km Klappe-1

Bedrock geology

Land Offshore Structures

Upper Cretaceous Major normal fault Upper Cretaceous Zone affected by reverse Upper Jurassic Jurassic Minor normal fault fault reactivation during L. Cretaceous- Middle Jurassic Upper Triassic Reverse fault Palaeogene time

Lower Jurassic Lower Palaeozoic Inferred fault

Upper Triassic Precambrian Aerogeophysically indicated zone Core drilling Lower Palaeozoic Klappe-1 Precambrian Dip of basement block Offshore deep well Permo-Carboniferous Hans-1 dolerite dykes

Fig. 16. Model of bedrock geology of the southern Kattegat and north-west Scania.

in the Ängelholm-Skälderviken Trough. Occurrences of 1973). Cretaceous deposits overlie the Precambrian crys- Lower Palaeozoic strata at Torekov (Wikman & Berg- talline basement in the easternmost parts of the area. In ström 1987) may be the outskirts of an offshore con- some parts of the investigated area, the Cretaceous overlies tinuing north-westward dipping block, between Hallands a thin Jurassic, probably Lower Jurassic, succession (Fig. Väderö and the mainland. 12). In the Båstad area, the Cretaceous sequence consists Cretaceous strata only occur to the north of the Hal- of Albian–Cenomanian glauconitic sand and Santonian– landsås Fault. Upper Cretaceous (Santonian–Maastrich- Campanian glauconitic sand and biocalcarenite with a tian) marine sediments dominate the deposits. The strata total thickness of more than 100 m. are truncated to the north-east by a mainly Palaeogene The bedrock geology in the area sandwiched between erosion surface. Scattered outliers have been verified along the Kullen and Grenå-Helsingborg fault zones is complex the coast of Halland, e.g. at Särdal (Bergström et al. and difficult to define. Several sub-parallel north-west-

24 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED oriented faults that transect the area contribute to the The offshore continuations of the main faults are easy complexity of the bedrock geology. The presented geol- to map. These faults are all associated with significant ogy of this area is therefore speculative, especially in the throws, which in the case of the Børglum Fault reach more transition zone between land and offshore data. The bed- than 7 km. They are commonly associated with an inverse rock geometry is characterised by a Precambrian basement component, which is especially significant in the Grenå– high, distinctively bordered to the north by the Kullen Helsingborg and Børglum faults. The inversion and re- Fault and to the south by a number of stepwise normal verse reactivation of these faults is here displayed as a rel- faults. The sedimentary cover strata are truncated by ero- ative uplift of the deposits on the uplifted side, caused sion, yielding successively younger strata to the south. In by movements along antithetic fault splays that link with general, Triassic strata overlie the Precambrian basement, the main fault at depth. The anticlinal dome-like uplift- except for areas with Lower Palaeozoic erosional remains. ed block is then severely truncated by erosion (cf. cross- sections in Figs. 10–11).


Reconstructions of the tectonic events are illustrated in In central Scania, the thickness of the preserved pre- Figs. 17a–c and 18 and relate to a dip-oriented profile rift sequence is estimated to be in the region of 1.5 km, across the study area. The different phases and events i.e. significantly less than in the Kattegat area. However, in are partly based on information from Mogensen (1994, Scania, parts of the Silurian and all of the postulated Car- 1995) and Erlström et al. (1997, 2001). boniferous strata have been removed by erosion. Seismic data from the Bornholm Gat, off south-eastern Scania, indicate pre-rift sequences in the range of 1.8–2.0 km Pre-rift thick. On the basis of information on the pre-existence of The pre-rift Cambrian–Carboniferous succession includes Carboniferous strata (cf. previous sections), borehole data Upper Carboniferous volcanoclastic rocks conformably from Hans-1 and Terne-1 and seismic data, it is postulat- overlying a thick sequence of Lower Palaeozoic fine- ed that the complete sequence of Scanian pre-rift deposits grained strata. Deposition of these units took place in a is unlikely to have exceeded 3.5 km. subsiding foreland basin in front of the Caledonian oro- The Cambrian–Lower Silurian interval is fairly con- genic belt. All the pre-rift strata are, as seen in Figures stant in thickness over the whole south-western part of 9–12, parallel and conformable, indicating a uniform re- Baltica (Bergström et al. 1982, Michelsen & Nielsen gional subsidence. 1991). The subsidence culminated in the Late Silurian However, the pre-rift sequence experienced deep ero- (Michelsen & Nielsen 1991, 1993), as is verified by Up- sion during later tectonic events, especially in connection per Silurian strata increasing in thickness to the north- with peneplanation and formation of the base Zechstein west and south. This corresponds to a foreland deep in unconformity. This has resulted in a patchy and generally front of the Scandinavian Caledonides (Mogensen 1994). incomplete representation of pre-rift strata on the south- The thickness of the Upper Silurian is estimated to be western part of Baltica. Only at a few scattered locations in the range of 2.5 km in the Swedish part of the Katte- along the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, where syn-rift de- gat and 700–1000 m in central Scania. Early Palaeozoic posits have protected the pre-rift sequence in down-fault- stepwise faulting towards the south is indicated in Scania ed half grabens, is there evidence of the complete thick- along the main faults which were to be involved in the ness. subsequent formation of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone One of these locations is in the Hans Half-Graben on (Erlström et al. 1999, 2001). Early Palaeozoic movements the down-thrown side of the Børglum Fault (Fig. 17a). occurred especially along the Kullen-Ringsjön-Andrarum Here the whole succession is preserved and the thickness Fault Zone. The Upper Carboniferous volcanoclastics are can be accurately estimated from the seismic data. In approximately time-equivalent to the volcanic activity in the Swedish sector of the Kattegat, this is in excess of the Oslo Graben (Michelsen & Nielsen 1993) and to 3.5 km. These thicknesses are dip-corrected and use the extensive occurrence of north-west–south-east striking relations based on acoustic surveys in Terne-1 (Nielsen & dolerite dykes in Scania. These deposits were formed as Japsen 1991). Mogensen (1994) gives a thickness of up to precursors to the Early Permian rifting and the develop- 4.0 km for adjacent Danish parts of the Kattegat. ment of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone.

INTRA-CRATONIC DEXTRAL TRANSTENSION AND INVERSION OF THE SOUTHERN KATTEGAT ... 25 PRE-RIFT The Triassic is dominated by regional subsidence and deposition progressively overstepping the basin margins. U. Carboniferous volcanoclastic rocks conformly overlying a sequence of L. Palaeozoic strata deposited in a foreland basin in front of the Caledonian EARLY TRIASSIC deformation. U. Silurian strata increasing in thickness to the NW and S. Step- Transtension and localized subsidence. Likely a result of rifting in the Horn wise faulting along the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (STZ) is indicated in Scania. Graben transferring dextral stresses into the STZ. Regional subsidence.

Børglum Fault Anholt Fault U. Carboniferous (~600 m) Ordovician (~250 m) U. Silurian (1500–2500 m) Cambrian (~200 m) LATE EARLY TRIASSIC L. Silurian (~700 m) Precambrian Minor reverse fault movements along restraining bends in the dextral strike slip regime. SYN-RIFT Rifting in the Oslo Graben and STZ resulting in dextral shear and formation of Rotliegende depocentra along extensional faults. Oblique dextral strike-slip regime with releasing and restraining bends. Erosion of footwall blocks results in a patchy distribution of L. Palaeozoic strata. Peneplanization resulting in the base Zechstein unconformity.

Børglum Faultt Anholt Fault

LATE TRIASSIC Differential subsidence coupled with dextral transtension. Børglum Fault Anholt Fault The Børglum Fault and Anholt Fault acting as eastward limitations of Rotliegende (0–1200 m) the Triassic subsiding basin to the SW.

POST-RIFT During Zechstein the area exhibited regional subsidence on the periphery of the North Zechstein Basin. Thin sequence of siliciclastics grading into evaporitic sediments to the SW.

Børglum Fault Anholt Fault Triassic (0–1200 m) Børglum Fault Anholt Fault Upper Zechstein (<150 m) Middle Lower

Fig. 17a. Summary of main tectonic events and structural evo- lution of the investigated area. Fig. 17b. Summary of main tectonic events and structural evo- lution of the investigated area.

Syn-rift same pattern (Mogensen 1994, Erlström et al. 2001). Local depocentres formed along releasing fault bends During the Early Mesozoic (Permian–Triassic), Europe and north–south oriented extension faults. These received was bounded by the active rift zones of the Arctic–North large amounts of clastics derived from extensive erosion Atlantic and the Tethys, which led to unstable tensional of the footwall blocks; thus, large amounts of Lower Pal- regimes in north-western Europe. The Early Permian saw aeozoic strata were removed to the north-east. Much of extension in the Oslo Graben and an oblique dextral shear the material was deposited as alluvial fans which filled the on the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. This led to zones of basin when the subsidence ended in the Mid Permian. uplift and subsidence accompanied by restraining and re- Similar release caused by transtension in south-west- leasing bends along the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone in the ern Scania, along the Öresund and Svedala faults, resulted Kattegat (Fig. 18). in the down-throw of Lower Palaeozoic strata in the Höll­ The Lower Palaeozoic sequence was downfaulted and viken Graben. Sivhed et al. (1999) postulate on the basis more or less protected against denudation in half-grabens of lithological data from cores and seismic surveys the oc- (Fig. 17a). This pattern can be followed eastward into currence of thin remains of a syn-rift coarse clastic Rotlie- Scania. Here the Colonus Shale Trough displays the gendes sequence in the Höllviken Graben.

26 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED JURASSIC – EARLY CRETACEOUS Extension and differential subsidence during M. Jurassic associated Post-rift with minor lateral movements. Regional subsidence during E. Cretaceous. Upper Permian At the end of the rifting phase, probably in the Middle Permian (Michelsen & Nielsen 1991, Mogensen 1994, 1995), the investigated area was eroded and a major re- gional discordant erosion surface was formed, resulting in the pre-Zechstein unconformity. The top pre-Zechstein structure map (Fig. 6, Vejbæk et al. 1994) shows the present-day configuration of the peneplane and also sums

Børglum Fault Anholt Fault up all the post-Middle Permian tectonic events. L. Cretaceous (<150 m) During the Zechstein, the area underwent regional Jurassic (~1100 m) subsidence on the periphery of the Northern European LATE CRETACEOUS – PALAEOGENE Basin and the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone acted as an arbi- Dextral transpression/inversion. Reactivation of major fault zones. trary north-eastern margin of the North Zechstein Basin. This sequence of siliciclastic sediments in the border area grades into evaporitic sediments in a south-west direction. The Zechstein deposits have an approximate maximum thickness of less than 150 m in the investigated part of the Kattegat. These deposits probably did not extend far be- yond their present distribution. The Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone and the Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform began during Børglum Fault Anholt Fault the Mid–Late Permian to act as a marginal zone to the

NEOGENE subsiding Norwegian-Danish Basin that was evolving to General uplift. Extensive erosion of U. Cretaceous strata. the south-west. In contrast to the distal parts of the basin, the mobility of the Zechstein in the area was insignificant, since the deposits are of a marginal clastic character with- out major salt layers.

Triassic Regional subsidence continued into the Early and Middle Triassic. Sedimentation was strongly influenced by rift- Børgl m Fa lt Anholt Fa lt ing and block faulting in a west-north-west to north-west trending zone from Scania to northern Jutland. The Trias- Fig. 17c. Summary of main tectonic events and structural evo- lution of the investigated area. sic sequence rests conformably on the Zechstein evapor- ites and oversteps onto Lower Palaeozoic sediments to the north-east. Uplift and erosion of the adjacent Baltic Shield In the study area, two extensional subsiding half- to the north-east provided material for a thick coarse clas- grabens developed along the Anholt and Børglum faults. tic succession. This is clearly illustrated in the cross-sections in Figure 17a Differential subsidence inside the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist and in the pre-rift isopach map (Fig. 7). Syn-rift Lower Zone started to overshadow the regional subsidence dur- Permian Rotliegendes deposits are preserved in the subsid- ing the deposition of the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic Gas- ing half-graben adjacent to the Børglum Fault, which has sum Formation. an extensional component in its easterly part where it Minor Middle Triassic tectonic activity is demonstrat- bends to the south joining up with the Grenå-Hel­- ed by minor thrust faults terminating in the Triassic. singborg Fault, i.e. Höganäs-Hans Fault (cf. Fig. 16). The In the Late Triassic, the area was dominated by a lateral lateral displacement along the fault is estimated at strike-slip regime (dextral transtension) initiated by the 4 km. Similar faults to the west give a total right-lateral intensive rifting in the Horn Graben (Clausen & Korst- displacement for the Kattegat part of the Sorgenfrei- gård 1993) with a west-north-west–east-south-east orient- Tornquist zone in the order of 20 km (Mogensen 1994). ed stress field. The main dextral strike-slip movements occurred along Late Triassic deposition took place in releasing bends the Børglum and Grenå-Helsingborg faults (Fig. 18). (pull-apart basins) and push-ups in the Sorgenfrei-Torn-


Saeb Skagerrak Kattegat

y F Oslo ault Graben

Platf BAL SHIELD Skagerrak TIC or Basin m

Farsund Basin Sorgenfrei-

Denmar Sweden Tornquist Anholt Zone Anholt F Sorgenfrei-T k ault or Hallandsås F Zone nquist ault Halla Båstad Basin Anholt Half-Graben ndsås Børglum F Hallands Ho Väderö rst ault Bjäre peninsula Ängelholm Skälderviken

H ö g Hans-1 a Terne-1 n Kullen F ä G Hans s Kullen Danish Basin ren H å Half-Graben a ault Trough n

H s els D H ing Fa anh or b ult R st or u idge

g l t Fault

Höganäs Trough 20 km

Faults related to dextral strike-slip movements Zone acting as bufferzone between more coherent crustal blocks Principal displacement zone

Extension fault Cross section described in Fig 17a-c

Faults with other or uncertain tectonogenesis Deep offshore boreholes

Major fault Terne-1: TD = 3315 m (b.s.l.) (terminates in L. Cambrian quartzite) Minor fault (not illustrated on the Danish part) Hans-1: TD = 3005 m (b.s.l.) Interpreted minor fault (terminates in U. Carboniferous volcanoclastics)

Fig. 18. Regional structures in the southern Kattegat (partly based on Mogensen 1994, 1995). Legend for bedrock geology, see Fig. 16.

quist Zone. The Svedala Fault and the Höllviken Graben line rocks in a fault-bounded trough is, however, found on (Erlström et al. 1997, Sivhed et al. 1999) in south-western the Hallandsås Horst in Scania (Erlström & Guy-Ohlson Scania are other examples of fault systems active at the 1999). same time. Differential subsidence during this time is indicated Jurassic–Early Cretaceous south-west of the Børglum Fault and in the area between The Late Triassic differential subsidence continued in the the Børglum and Anholt faults (Fig. 17b). Here, the Tri- Middle and Late Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous, with assic strata dip to the north-east, increasing in thickness restricted fault activity (Mogensen 1995). On the Skager- in the same direction. Their maximum thickness is 1 s rak-Kattegat Platform, north of the Hallandsås Fault, (TWT), corresponding to about 2 km. The subsidence sedimentary rocks interpreted as Middle Jurassic–Early decreases stepwise in a north-eastern direction, and Trias- Cretaceous are preserved in a downfaulted area beneath a sic sediments are thin or absent on the investigated part of Cretaceous succession (Fig. 12). the Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform. A 15 m thick sequence The Lower Jurassic sequence pinches out north of the of Upper Triassic sediment resting on Precambrian crystal- Børglum Fault. North of the Anholt Fault and north of

28 M. ERLSTRÖM & U. SIVHED the eastern part of the Børglum Fault, the Lower Jurassic along the Anholt Fault implies that compression was ac- sequences overlap the Precambrian crystalline basement of commodated along this fault by dextral strike-slip dis- the Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform. Thin, rudimentary Tri- placement (Kape 1997). This is illustrated in the profiles assic strata might, however, cover parts of the Precambrian crossing the Børglum Fault (Figs. 9–12), which clearly crystalline basement. show inversion in the southern part of the fault. The same There is a stepwise decrease in the thickness of the diagrams show minor inversion on the southern side of Lower Jurassic sequence north-east of the Anholt and Kul- the Anholt Fault. len faults. This is an indication of Early–Mid Jurassic tec- The inverted uplifted area was bordered to the north tonic activity (mid-Kimmerian tectonics), coupled with and south by subsiding basins where sedimentation con- tectonic uplift and erosion of the area north of the tinued through the Late Cretaceous–Early Palaeogene. fault (Norling & Bergström 1987, Ziegler 1987, 1990, Contemporaneously with the inversion, thick Santonian– Mogensen 1995). Campanian clastic deposits were formed on the southern Owing to repeated transgression, regression, and tec- side of the uplifted zone, i.e. the south-eastward contin- tonic activity, the Jurassic deposits exhibit a complex uation of the Grenå–Helsingborg Fault (Erlström 1990, stratigraphy in Scania (Norling et al. 1993). Sivhed et al. 1999). The Early Cretaceous was a period of relative quies- Compression and uplift were more intense in the cence, with the deposition of uniform, fairly thin mixed Scania-Bornholm area, where more than 2–3 km of uplift clastic deposits in the marginal parts of the Norwegian- occurred, resulting in deep erosion of pre-existing strata Danish Basin. These are represented by thin sequences of within the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (Berthelsen 1992). Cenomanian (Albian?) glauconitic sandstone in the Bå­ A general view (cf. Ziegler 1992, Mogensen & Jensen stad Half-Graben (Wikman & Bergström 1987). 1994) is that the inversion began in the Turonian in the south-east and prograded to the north-west, with a cor- responding decrease in the intensity of deformation in Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene the same direction (Mogensen & Jensen 1994, Michelsen In the Late Cretaceous, the fault-controlled subsidence 1997). within the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone came to an end and As a result of the inversion, a coherent Upper Creta- the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous depocentre became invert- ceous cover in the Basin, including the Katte- gat-Skagerrak Platform, is missing in the investigated area ed during the Late Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene. This south of the Hallandsås Fault. North of the Hallandsås resulted from a change in the regional stress orientations Fault and north of the area with intense inversion tec- to a predominantly compressive regime, associated with tonics, Cretaceous strata are identified in seismic sections Alpine deformation in northern Europe and the open- (Fig. 13). The Cretaceous sequence is protected against ing of the North Atlantic. This deformation is often re- weathering in a downfaulted area dipping slightly to the ferred to as the sub-Hercynian phase, which reached its south-east. It can be followed eastward into the Båstad maximum during the Santonian–Campanian (Ziegler Half-Graben on the Swedish mainland and westward into 1990). Although tectonic activity in the Alpine foreland the North Sea Basin. decreased during the Maastrichtian, fault activity is indi- cated in south-western Scania at this time. Here, coarse clastics were deposited during upper middle Maastrich- Neogene uplift tian times, adjacent to the Romeleåsen and Svedala faults A major regional unconformity separates the Quaternary (Erl­ström 1990, Sivhed et al. 1999). sequence from the Mesozoic succession and also from the The inversion regained its force again in northern Eu- Precambrian crystalline basement within the Skagerrak-Kat- rope during the Palaeocene, especially in the south-eastern tegat Platform, the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (Jensen & part of the Tornquist Zone, i.e. the Polish Trough. This Michelsen 1992, Michelsen 1997, Japsen 1997, Japsen & inversion is referred to as the Laramide phase (Norling & Bidstrup 1999), and the Norwegian-Danish Basin. This Bergström 1987, Ziegler 1990). unconformity is a result of the extensive Neogene uplift Compression and crustal shortening was accommo- and erosion which has affected the continental margins dated by reactivation of the main faults incorporated in around the North Atlantic. On the basis of basin modelling the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. The inversion was caused and well data, Japsen & Bidstrup (1999) calculated the by right lateral transpression along this feature. The com- missing sequence to be 1.0–1.2 km thick along the pression from the south resulted in a dextral strike-slip Skagerrak-Kattegat Platform (within the investigated area). motion along the main faults in the Kattegat area. This resulted in an oblique reverse activation of the Børglum Fault (Fig. 17c). The absence of major inversion features


The subsurface geology and structural evolution of this sional architecture of the different fault systems is poorly part of the Kattegat is partly well known from seismic known. data tied into well data, including the Hans-1 and Terne-1 A good example of how offshore and onshore data wells. Uncertainties still remain, however, concerning the complement each other is the Palaeozoic history of the exact configuration of the linkage between the Børglum, area. Early Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks are mainly known Kullen, and Anholt fault systems. This is mainly due to from south-east Scania. For north-west Scania, on the difficulties in correlation. The seismic lines obtained close other hand, only limited information is available. For to the coast and across the wide zone of minor antithetic this reason there has been much speculation as to the to- faults developed in connection with the inversion are of tal thickness of the same sequence. The Kattegat study relatively poor quality. presents part of the solution, as we here can see the entire Mogensen (1994, 1995) considers the Børglum Fault thickness of the Lower Palaeozoic sequence. to join up with the Anholt Fault and bend southwards, There are only minor indications of Early Palaeozoic joining up with the Grenå-Helsingborg Fault. Others tectonic movements along the Børglum and Grenå-Hel­ (Vejbæk et al. 1994, Kape 1997) consider the southward singborg faults. The onshore continuation of these fault sys- bend to be a separate extension fault branching off tems in Scania consists of the Kullen-Ringsjön-Andra­rum the Børglum Fault in the same manner as two other and Romeleåsen faults. These faults form the north-east faults to the west (Mogensen 1994). In this study we con- and also the north-western part of the south-west delimi- sider the joining fault as a separate extension fault, i.e. tation of the Colonus Shale Trough. This means that the the Höganäs-Hans Fault. Our study cannot verify that Colonus Shale Trough was not an active depocentre dur- there is a clear continuous communication between the ing the Late Silurian. It is instead a downfaulted area caused Børglum and Kullen faults. However, it is most likely by Variscan wrench faulting in which the Lower Palaeozoic that the two faults are related, since there are indications sequence was more or less protected from denudation. The of dextral transtension along the Kullen-Ringsjön-Andra­ structure has been overprinted by Alpine inversion. rum Fault Zone in Scania similar to that found along the Another interesting question is the origin of the nu- Børglum Fault in the Kattegat. The exact mode of con- merous Late Carboniferous–Early Permian dolerite dykes nection between the two may be of an overstep character, in Scania. These dykes are only known from Scania and with an interfingering relay ramp. In our study we con- the question has been raised whether any extrusive de- sider this to be the most likely model. posits, such as lava flows and volcanic ashes were con- The exact manner of the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous nected with them. The same situation is reported from differential subsidence is another area of uncertainty in Hans-1. In Hans-1, however, only Rotliegendes volcano- our modelling work, since the sequence is strongly affect- clastic rocks have been recognised. ed by deep erosion during the inversion and uplift phases. The origins of tectonic structures such as the north- There are also problems in the stratigraphic determination south orientated Svedala Fault and the Höllviken Graben of the Jurassic levels on the north-east side of the Børglum in south-western Scania are probably connected to peri- Fault. Our interpretation is based only on seismic reflec- ods of wrench faulting and deposition of thick clastics tor characterisation and data from onshore geology in the in downfaulted areas in the Mid–Late Triassic. In the off- Ängelholm-Skälderviken Trough. shore part of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, however, this In spite of this the subsurface data from the southern event started in the Late Permian. Kattegat provide valuable information, complementing Late Cretaceous–Early Palaeogene Alpine inversion data on the onshore geology of north-western Scania. tectonics are, in Scania, mainly documented by the in- The detailed subsurface structure of the intra-plate terplay between uplift, erosion and deposition. Synchro- Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone in Scania is relatively un- nously with the uplift of areas within the Sorgenfrei-Torn- known. Since only minor hydrocarbon exploration has quist Zone, large amounts of clastics were eroded from the been performed within and north of the Sorgenfrei-Torn- uplifted highs and deposited adjacent to the fault scarps, quist Zone in Scania, onshore information in this area is e.g. the up to 900 m thick Lund Sandstone (Erlström almost entirely restricted to shallow wells and a few on- 1990). shore seismic lines. For this reason, the exact three-dimen-


The results represent a further contribution to the com- sented for the first time, showing anomalies that are plex and important geology of the southern Kattegat and interpreted as mainly Carboniferous intrusion of mag- north-western Scania. On the basis of constrained on- matic rocks in the crust. shore geology and commercial marine seismic surveys, Extensive erosion is verified by a pre-Zechstein uncon- maps and profiles have been generated which outline the formity prior to the rapid subsidence and formation of subsurface geometry and bedrock geology of the Swedish the Norwegian-Danish Basin. The Swedish part of the part of the southern Kattegat. Using these, the structural Kattegat began from the Zechstein to act as a marginal evolution of the area has been reconstructed. zone to the basin evolving to the south-west. Especially The study area underwent a complex geological evolu- during the Triassic–Jurassic, significant differential sub- tion, with dextral strike-slip movements along the main sidence occurred in the area of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist faults bordering the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. The tran- Zone. Thick Triassic deposits adjacent to the down- stension was accommodated by a number of north–south thrown side of the Børglum and Anholt faults indicate directed extension faults branching off the Børglum Fault. that these were active. To the north of the zone, Triassic Localised depocentres were formed and thick Rotliegen- strata are thin or absent. des syn-rift deposits were laid down. The underlying pro- The Jurassic strata are strongly affected by deep ero- tected Lower Palaeozoic sequence provides valuable infor- sion in the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, as are the Creta- mation about the thickness of the pre-rift deposits on the ceous strata, which have been completely removed as a south-western margin of Baltica in the Caledonian fore- result of Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene inversion and Neo- land basin. Up to 3.5 km thick pre-rift deposits are indi- gene uplift in the range of 1–3 km in the Scania–Kat- cated by the seismic data. tegat area. The inversion was mainly released by reverse The study has also demonstrated the existence of reactivation of the main faults bordering the Sorgenfrei- Carboniferous and Permian strata in Sweden which, prior Tornquist Zone in a dextral transpressional regime. The to this study, had not been presented to a wider audience. Neogene uplift resulted in a sub-Quaternary unconform- Aeromagnetic and Bouguer gravity data have been pre- ity truncating the Mesozoic sequence.


This study was financed by research funds from the Geo- valuable comments and discussion. Sven Aaro (Geological logical Survey of Sweden. Thanks are expressed to Dr. Ole Survey of Sweden) is thanked for his contributions concern- Vejbæk (Geological Survey of and Greenland) ing aeromagnetic and gravity data. and Nigel Deeks (Schlumberger GeoQuest, Aberdeen) for


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SGU Research Paper C 832 Uppsala 2001 ISSN 1103-3371 ISBN 91-7158-657-1 Print: Elanders AB Tofters Geological Survey of Sweden Box 670 Uppsala 28 SE-751 90 00 Phone: 17 +46 18 10 92 17 Fax: +46 18