New Draft of Art Historiography Article
Regarding the exhibition: the Munich exhibition Masterpieces of Muhammadan Art (1910) and its scholarly position Eva-Maria Troelenberg ‘Muhammadan art’ in the Weltstadt It was the cultural event of the year 1910:1 on 14 May, the municipal exhibition ground in Munich’s Theresienhöhe opened its gates to an unprecedented and exotic event, the exhibition Masterpieces of Muhammadan Art. This mammoth undertaking featured more than 3,600 artworks from approximately 250 international collections, museums and institutions and was installed in eighty halls (figure 1). * This paper summarizes and partially expands some aspects of my dissertation, which is the first comprehensive and contextualized monograph on the Munich exhibition Masterpieces of Muhammadan Art (Meisterwerke muhammedanischer Kunst): Eva-Maria Troelenberg, Eine Ausstellung wird besichtigt. Die Münchner ‘Ausstellung von Meisterwerken muhammedanischer Kunst’ 1910 in kultur- und wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Perspektive, Frankfurt and Berlin: Peter Lang, 2011. For the sake of brevity, I will not refer to every corresponding section of my own book in this paper. For specific facets of the Munich show see also the contributions in Andrea Lermer and Avinoam Shalem, eds, After One Hundred Years. The 1910 Exhibition ‘Meisterwerke muhammedanischer Kunst’ Reconsidered, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010; as well as the catalogue for the exhibition The Future of Tradition – The Tradition of Future, which was held at Haus der Kunst in Munich in 2010-11: see Chris Dercon, León Krempel and Avinoam Shalem, eds, The Future of Tradition – The Tradition of Future. 100 years after the exhibition Masterpieces of Muhammadan Art in Munich, Munich, London and New York: Prestel, 2010. Apart from these publications, which were prompted by the centenary of the event, and appeared almost simultaneously, the 1910 Munich exhibition had been addressed by several scholars who have touched upon it within larger contexts of art history, historiography or museology, most notably: David J.
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