0 Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping for Western Samoa
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I TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEM MAPPING FOR 0 WESTERN SAMOA: SUMMARY PROIECT REPOTTT, AND PROPOSED NATIONAL PARKS AND RESERVES PLAN w Sam H. Pearsall and W. Arthur Whistler March 199'1, Prepared for the GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN SAMOA by the SOUTH PACIFIC REGIONAL ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM and the EA$TWEST CENTER, ENVIRONMENT AND POLICY INSTITU]E Significant contributions v/ere made by the following: L'INSTITUT FRANqAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR LIEXPLOITATTON DE LA MER *lrlha ,EIITER {I!g!.!lE ---wip- abJf THE NATURE CONSERVANCY ,ffin# conseryanE THE UNTTED STATES AGENCY FOR TNTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT iiiiiii THE I'NITED STATES NATTONAL SCIENCE FOT'NDATTON tl 'T'TIE {'NIVERSNTY O.r' IXATIATT GEOdITAPIIY DtsPART.I+IEUB fHE WORITD WILDIIIFE nnaD -- US o wwn I r.!.1. ADDRESSES OF PRINCIPLES: Sam Pearsall, Director South pacific Conservation Data Centers The Nature Conservancy 2825 South King Street #3302 Honolu1u, HI 96826 USA Ifor copies of the technical report] Dr. Art Vfhistler, Ethnobotanist US National Tropical Botanical Garden c/o University of Hawaii aotany Department St. John Btdg. #ALO 3190 lilaile Way Honolulu, HI 96822 USA Dr. Lawrence Hanilton, Research Associate East-West Center, Environment And Policy Institute L777 East-lfest Road Honolulu, HI 96848 USA Peter Thomas, Protected Areas officer South Pacific Regional Environment Programme B. P. D5 Noumea Cedex, NEW CALEDONIA [for copies of this Publication] IV ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge and express our appreciation for the kind assistance of the following individuals, without whom this work would have been either irnpossible, a lot more difficult, or at least, not as nuch fun: Ms. Fay Alatilima (Government of Western Samoa) Hon. Vaiao Alarilina (Government of Western Samoa) Dr. Steve Brohrn (Governnent of Western Samoa) Mr. Dennis Grossman (The Nature Conservancy) Dr. Larry Hamilton (East-West Center, Environment and Po1icy fnstitute) Mr. Malaki fakopo (Government of Western Samoa) Dr. cary Johnson (United Nations GRID program) Dr. Evelyn Klinkrnann (East-West Center, Environment and Policy rnstitute) Dr. Molly Kux (United States Agency for International Development) Dr. Beverley Lear (consultant) Mr. Bruce Leighty (World Wildlife Fund -- US) Dr. Nancy Lewis (university of Hawaii, Geography Department) Dr. Lionel Loubersec (ltrnstitut Frangais de ReCherche pour lfExploitation de Ia Mer) Dr. John Mayer (university of Hawaii, Department of rndo- Pacific Lanquages) Mr. Ron McCleod (fornerly, Government of Western Samoa) Mr. Mark Muckelheide (United States peace Corps) Dr. Brian Murton (university of Hawaii, Geography Department) Dr. James osborn (united states Agency for rnternationar Developnent) Ms. Linda Pearsall Mr. Kalati Poai (Governrnent of Western Samoa) Mr. Iosefatu Reti (South Pacific Regional Environment Programme and Government of Western Samoa) Mr. Sam Sesega (Government of Western Sarooa) Mr. Siaosi Taesali (Government of Western Samoa) Mr. Vita Tanielu (university of Hawaii, Department of rndo- Pacific Lanquages) Mr. Peter Thomas (South Pacific Regional Environment Prograrnme) Mr. Magele Tuilaepa (Government of Western Sarnoa) Mr. Napoleone Vaiaso (Government of Western Sarnoa) v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page AMATAGA MA LE FAAIIUGA O MANATU AUTU . 1 fNTRODUCTION AND STI'{MARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS . 8 CHAPTER 1: INSTITTITIONAIJ BACKGROT'ND TO THE PROJECT 13 The Request from the Government of Western Samoa 13 The EAPI/SPREP Project . 13 Help from Other Agencies . aa 13 CHAPTER 2: BACKGROI'ND ON WESTERN SAI4OA . 15 Physical Geography . 15 Biological Diversity T7 People and Land in Western Sarnoa aa 1B Land Tenure 20 Protected Areas in Western Samoa .a 23 CHAPTER 3: OVERVIEW OF TNVENTORY METHODS 28 Mapping the Terrestrial Ecosystems of Western Samoa 28 Data Managrement 32 CHAPTER 4: PRIORTTY ECOSYSTEMS F'OR CONSERVATION 40 National Conservation Priorities 40 International Conservation Priorities 47 CHAPTER 5: PRIORITY SITES FOR CONSERVATION 49 CHAPTER 6; A CONSERVATION I{ETHOD O ' 57 Background . 57 An Alternative to Consider 57 The Local- Conservation Trust . i . 59 The Resource Conservation Concession 59 Comments and Reconnendation 60 C}IAPTER 7: CONCLUSION 61 REFERENCES CITED . O'' 53 v1 P ,AtsES Page PI,ATE 1: ColorKeytothe![aps.... .22 PI,ATE 2: Distribution Maps of Savaifirs Native Eeosysterns . r . ..25 PLIITE 3: Distribution Uaps of f Upolurs-. Native Ecosystems . ?6 PLATE 4: Map o:f Savairirs priority Ecosystem Occurirences i . .,. 33 PI,ATE 5: Map of |Upolu|s priority Ecosystern Occurrgncgs . .. 34 PI,ATE 6: Punataenoto Swamp Fores-t, part of Site 1 38 PI.ATE 7; Xylocarpus Mangrove, part of Site 2 . 38 PI,ATE 8I Fanuatapu Island, part of Site 4 , . 42 PI-ATE 9: Satanapu - Sataoa Mangrove, part of Site 7 4'2 PLATE tr.O s Map of Savairirs priority Conservation sites I . 45 FI,A,T.E 11I Map of tUpolu's priority Co,nsgrvationSites, r. 46 vii AI'{ATAGA MA LE FAAI I UGA O I,IANATU AUTU (TNTRODUCTION AND SIUI4ARY OF RECOMI',TENDATTONS) I te LggT na amataina ai se galuega faapitoa e le Malo o Samoa i Sisifo ma na fesoasoani i ai le South Pacific Regional Environ- ment progranme (SPREP, Nounea, New Caledonia), faapea le East-west Center (EWC, Honolulu, Hawaii), faatasi rna isi mau faalapotopotoga. o autu o lea galuega: L: ia faafanuaina tulaga tamaoaiga tau vaomatua ma laufanua o Samoa i sisifo; 2i ia faia se faaituga poo fea o nei tulaga tamaoaiga tau vaomatua ma laufanua e aupito taua ina ia puipuia; ma Ie 3: ia faatuina se fuafuaga a Ie Malo e puipuia ai nofoaga aupito lelei mo tulaga tamaoaiga tau vaornatua ma laufanua aupito taua. O lea galuega ua maeta nei, ma o kopi o ia faafanua o loo failaina i ofisa o Ie Divisions of F'orestry ma le Environment and Conservation i Apia, Samoa i Sisifo, faapea rna ofisa o le EWC ma le SPREP. O le lisi lea o tulaga tamaoaiga tau vaomatua ma laufanua e taua tele ina ia puipuia e faavae i le seasea mauaina ma e iai tulaga e ono afaina ai i totonu o Sarnoa i Sisifo. 1: Vaomatua Vai-Ialoa Maupurepute Fefiloi (Mixed Upland Species Swamp Forest) 2z Togo Xvlocarpus (Xylocarpus Mangrove) 3: Vaomatua Vai-laloa pandanus Turritus (Pandanus turritus Swamp Forest) 4z Vai-tuloto (Freshwater Lake) 5: Vaomatua Vai-laIoa Laugatasi Fefiloi (Mixed Lowland Species Swamp Forest) 6z Vai-laloa Herbaceous (Herbaceous Marsh) 7t Togo Rhizophora (Rhizophora Mangrove) 8: Vaomatua Metrosideros Montane (Metrosideros Montane Rain Forest) 9: Laufanua-Mutia (Native Grassland) 10: Vaomatua Tu-matafaga (Coastal Rain Forest) l-1: Vaomatua Tu-tuasivi (Ridge Rain Forest) L2z Togo Bruouiera (Bruguiera Mangrove) 13: Vaomatua Littoral (Littoral Forest) 14: Vaomatua puaoa (Cloud Forest) o tulaga tanaoaiga tau vaomatua ma laufanua o loo i lalo sa faamaonia e aoga ma taua tere pe a faatusa i se vaaigra aofai faaaleralolagi, ona e seasea maua i nisi eleele o re kelope, po o }e foliga mai o le a mate ma mou ese atu, pe ona o le tele nafu foi o ia ituaiga tamaoaiga o loo rnaua naro sanoa i sisifo lava' 1: Vaomatua Tu-matafaga (Coastal Rain Forest) 2t Vaomatua Metrosideros Montane (Metrosideros Montane Rain Forest) 3: Vaomatua Cyathea Disclinax Montane (Cyathea niscfimax Montane Rain Forest) 4z Vaomatua Montane (Montane Rain Forest) 5: Vaomatua Eleele-Maualalo cVathea Disclimax (Cvathea Disclinax Lowland Rain Forest) 6! Vaomatua Laugatasi Maualalo (Lowland Rain Forest) 7i Vaomatua Puaoa (Cloud Forest) 8: Vaomatua Vai-laloa Maupurepute Fefiloi (Uixed Up1and Species Swamp Forest) 9z Vaomatua Tu-tuasivi (Ridge Rain Forest) 10: Vaonatua Vai-laloa Pandanus Turritus (Pandanus turritus SwamP Forest) 11: Vaomatua vai-1a10a Eleele-Maualal0 Fefil0i (Mixed Lowland Species Swamp Forest) L2z Vai-Ialoa Herbaceous (Herbaceous Marsh) o le lisi o nofoaga aupito taua-maualuga mo Ie puipuiina saunia e faavae i mafuaaga nei: l_: ia puipuia le tulaga faaolaolaina-lautele o tanaoaiga tau vaomatua ma laufanua i tulaga maualuga faalelalolagi poo totonu lava o samoa i Sisifo. 2: ia puipuia Ie tulaga aupito tele po o se vaega o se tulaga o tamaoaiga tau vaomatua ma laufanua e tutupu i sarnoa i sisifo. 3: ia puipuia Ie tulaga tau tuaroi o nei tanaoaiga tau vaomatua ma laufanua ina ia puipuia ai o latou tuaroi fealoari taitasi. 4z ia puipuia oga-eleele ma tuafoi o ia tamaoaiga tau vaomatua ma laufanua rnai i nofoaga matafaga e tau i tuasivi o atumauga ina ia feola ai meaola ma natura o le vaomaoar d€ maise manu felelei o Ie vaomaoa ma perai ma 5: ia puipuia rnea-tutupu i turaga tanaoaiga tau vaomatua ma laufanua taitoatasi i le itu i Matu ma le itu i Saute o motu o Savaii ma Upolu ina ia faarnautinoa ai Ie faaolaina na faaauau pea o ia tulaga tamaoaiga tau vaonatua ma laufanua nai i faalavelave e pei o afa ma isi faalavelave faanatura 1e-maralofia faapena. o nofoaga o loo i lalo o loo lisiina e faavae i l-ona taua rno Ie puipuiina: 13 Lona - Punataemoro Forests (e aof ia ai rna le Afu o Afulilo) ' 2z Vaomatua Laugatasi i SaIarilua (SaIa' ilua Lowland Forests) 3: Vaomatua i Fusiluaga (Fusiluaga Forest) 4z Motu i aleiPata (A1eiPata Islands) 5: Vaomatua Laugatasi i FalealuPo (Fa1eaIuPo Lowland Forests) 6: Vaomatua Laugatasi i taga (Taga Lowland Forests) 7 i Vaomatua Tu-matafaga Togo i Saanapu Sataoa (saranapu - sataoa Mangrove and coastal Rain Forest) 8: Eleele tu-mauga o Savaii (Highlands of Savaii) gz EIeeIe Maualuga Ogatotonu o Upo1u (Central UPoIu UPIands) 1o: E1eele Maualuga i Sasare o UPolu (Eastern UPoIu UPIands) 11: EIeeIe Laugatasi o Gagaifoolevao ma Matautu (Gagaifoolevao and Matautu Lowland Forests) L2z Mauga o Taitorelau (Ut. Taitorelau) 13: Vaituloto i sisifo o upolu faatasi ma Lanutoro Western