wi-t1- be-zt ~ / 8, P. BISHOP MUSEUM V~ BISHOP MUSEUM OCCASIONAL PAPERS 26: 102-122 De~rtment of Botany MAY 1986 @ 1986 by Bishop Museum p. 0. Box 19000-A Honolulu, HI 96817-0916 Contributions to the Flora of Hawai 'i I. Acanthaceae-Asteraceae l Warren L. Wagner,1 Derral R. Herbst,2 and S.H. Sohmer1 ABSTRACT This paper, covering the families Acanthaceae, Amaranthaceae, Apiaceae, Apo cynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, and Asteraceae, is the first of a series providing new records and other information pertinent to species naturalized in the Hawaiian Islands. Also presented are new species or combinations of native plants to make them available prior to the publication of the Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i. Discussion or comments on both native and naturalized species are pro vided where pertinent. The following new records of naturalized species are re ported: Alternanthera caracasana, Amaranthus lividus, Baltimora recta, Bidens gardneri, Blumea sessiliflora, Erigeron bellioides, Palafoxia callosa, and Zinnia palmeri. Previously misidentified species, those that have had nomenclatural changes, or those that have been difficult to identify in Hawai'i are found in the following genera: Hemigraphis, Ruellia, Alternanthera, Amaranthus, Hydrocotyle, Torilis, Asclepias, Am brosia, Anthemis, Calyptocarpus, Conyza, Crassocephalum, Crepis, and Gnaphalium. Wedelia trilobata is reported as becoming a sexually reproducing naturalized species. The new combination and new status Gnaphalium sandwicensium var. hawaiiense is made for the plants previously known as G. hawaiiense. Additional commentary is provided for the following native genera: Rauvol.fia, Gnaphalium, Lipochaeta, and Remya. We conclude that Alternanthera menziesii and Senecio sandvicensis, previously considered to be endemic to the Hawaiian Is, actually represent A.
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