Park County Hazard Mitigation Plan Preliminary Draft
PARK COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN PRELIMINARY DRAFT PREPARED FOR Park County City of Livingston Tow n o f C l yd e Pa r k MAY 2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Disasters can strike at any time in any place. In many cases, actions can be taken before disasters strike to reduce or eliminate the negative impacts. These actions, termed mitigation, often protect life, property, the economy, or other values. The Park County Hazard Mitigation Plan addresses sixteen major hazards with respect to risk and vulnerabilities countywide, including in the City of Livingston and the Town of Clyde Park. Through a collaborative planning process, the Park County hazards were identified, researched, and profiled. The major hazards are each profiled in terms of their description, history, probability and magnitude, vulnerabilities, and data limitations. The vulnerabilities to critical facilities, critical infrastructure, existing structures, the population, values, and future development are evaluated for each hazard. Based on the probability and extent of potential impacts identified in the risk assessment, the prioritizations of hazards within Park County are outlined in Table ES-1-1 through Table ES-1-3. Table ES-1-1. Park County Hazard Prioritizations Level Hazard High Hazard Flooding Wildfire Earthquake Hazardous Materials Release Wind Winter Storms and Extended Cold Moderate Hazard Severe Thunderstorms and Tornadoes Communicable Disease and Bioterrorism Avalanche and Landslide Drought Low Hazard Utility Outage Volcano Terrorism, Civil Unrest, and Violence Aviation Accident Railroad Accident 2 Table ES-1-2. City of Livingston Hazard Prioritizations Level Hazard High Hazard Flooding Earthquake Hazardous Materials Release Wind Winter Storms and Extended Cold Moderate Hazard Communicable Disease and Bioterrorism Severe Thunderstorms and Tornadoes Urban Fire Drought Utility Outage Low Hazard Ground Transportation Accident Wildfire Aviation Accident Terrorism, Civil Unrest, and Violence Railroad Accident Volcano Table ES-1-3.
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