1 Elisenhain-Josefsdorf-North Dakota Family Register 1872-1990 David Dreyer 808 N Claremont San Mateo, Calif 94401
[email protected] Jul 2013 Draft 2 ELISENHAIN-JOSEFSDORF-NORTH DAKOTA FAMILY REGISTER, 1872-1990 CONTENTS I HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION II JOSEFSDORF FAMILIES III See; http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~banatdata/DDB/ByVillage/Josefsdorf.htm IIII See; http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~banatdata/ND/NDakotaIntro.htm V MAPS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.--The author is indebted to the late Anton Kraemer, Ingelheim, Germany, for his advice, guidance and encouragement, to Mathias Egler, Muenchen, Germany and Werner Weissmueller, Bad Saulgau, Germany for aid in acquiring data and to Susan Clarkson, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan for helpful suggestions. Much important Setschan KB data was exchanged with Karl Benz, Bakowa data with Reinholdt Lovasz and Tschestereg data with Roswitha Egert. The author is indebted to Kimberley Dunkle for much data on Banaters in Castor, Canada. Further thanks go to Walter Friesenhahn, Josef Frank and Herbert Mayer, among others, for data exchange. Thanks go to the many Banat list subscribers who unknowing supplied family data over the years which was stored away until this work. Special thanks are due to Josef Michels for providing post 1900 Josefsdorf records. 3 I. ELISENHAIN-JOSEFSDORF-NORTH DAKOTA FAMILY REGISTER, 1872-1990, WITH FILIAL, KISZETO, BELINT AND GR TOPLOWETZ HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION, DIE ALTE HEIMAT; ULMBACH-SETSCHAN-ELISENHAIN- JOSEFSDORF Among the various turn-of-the-century immigrant homesteaders to Southwestern North Dakota were a group of Germans from Hungary who came from the pre World War I Hungarian province of the Banat. These German-Hungarians or more conveniently, Banaters, homesteaded largely in Stark and Hettinger counties with a lesser number located in Western Morton Co.