IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2006 Greifswald

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IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2006 Greifswald IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2006 in Greifswald Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität 27. - 29. März 2006 IODP-ICDP-Kolloquium 2006 27. - 29. März 2006 im Rahmen des 550-jährigen Jubiläums der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald Gemeinsames Kolloquium der DFG-Schwerpunkte IODP - Integrated Ocean Drilling Program und ICDP - International Continental Scientific Drilling Program 27. - 29. März 2006 im Berufsbildungszentrum Greifswald Institut für Geographie und Geologie Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Str. 17a D-17487 Greifswald Tel. 03834 864560 Email: [email protected] IODP-ICDP-Kolloquium Greifswald 27.-29.3.2006 Umgebung Tagungszentrum 500 m . r t S - u a n e h t Friedrich-Ludwig -Jahn-Str a . bft-Tankstelle R - Wolgaster Straße r Geol. e h t l Institut a P W e ß a r Tagungszentrum t S 1: Cafeteria, Icebreaker r e Karl-Liebknecht-Ring u 2: Vortragshalle 3 a h 3: Posterraum c s r (4: Schwimmbad) a Eingang 2 W Pappelallee P Geographie 1 4 Eingang Geologie F.-L.-J.-Str. 17a Makarenkostr. Parkplätze Eingang Geologenkeller Innenstadtplan Ryck Hansering Hansering Roßmühlenstraße Hörsaal Abendvortrag Straße Friedrich-Löffler-Straße J-S-Bach- Knopfstraße Brüggstraße Fischstraße Kuhstraße Steinbeckerstraße Schuhhagen Lange Straße Markt Mensa I Rathaus Dom Mühlenstraße Straße Hansering Domstraße Wolgaster Straße Wall Goethestraße Anklamer Straße Wall Martin-Luther- Stephanistraße Bahnhofstraße 200 m IODP-ICDP-Kolloquium Greifswald 27.-29.3.2006 - Programm 1 Montag, 27. März 2006 11:00 13:00 Registrierung 13:00 14:00 Eröffnung - Oberbürgermeister der Universitäts- und Hansestadt Greifswald, Dr. Arthur König - Prodekan der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Greifswald, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Zölitz-Möller - DFG-Referent Dr. Sören Dürr - Koordinatoren - Gastgeber Paläoozeanographie / Paläoklima Abstract - Seite 14:00 14:20 R. Stein, J. Grützner, J. Hefter, T. Kanamatsu, C. Alvarez-Zarikian and IODP Expedition 306 scientists IODP Expedition 306: Quaternary and Late Neogene North Atlantic Paleoceanography 11 14:20 14:40 L. Perez, E. Vinogradova, W. Riss, B. Scharf and A. Schwalb Paleoclimate and paleoecology of the northern lowland Neotropics, Phase 1: Limnological survey of modern aquatic environments 95 14:40 15:00 F. Niessen, B. Zolitschka, C. Ohlendorf, F. Anselmetti, D. Ariztegui, M. De Batist, C. Gebhardt, T. Haberzettl, M. Fey and the SALSA team Seismic investigations of Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina 119 15:00 16:00 Posterpräsentationen und Kaffeepause 16:00 16:20 S. Mischke Opening up a unique high-resolution climate archive of the last 1.3 Ma from the Qaidam Basin, China 93 16:20 16:40 D.A. Hepp, T. Mörz, J. Thiede and W.-C. Dullo Cyclic sedimentation processes and diagenetic alteration recorded in a deep-sea sediment drift (Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin) 61 16:40 17:00 A. Holbourn, W. Kuhnt, M. Schulz and H. Erlenkeuser Impacts of orbital forcing and atmospheric CO2 on Miocene global cooling 65 17:00 17:20 T. Bickert, M. Butzin, H. Kuhnert, H. Paulsen and T. Westerhold Subantarctic influence on the mid Miocene initiation of the Benguela upwelling - Evidence from ODP Sites 1085 and 1092 planktonic foraminifer assemblages and stable isotopes 34 17:20 17:40 T. Westerhold, U. Röhl, G. Wefer, J. Laskar, I. Raffi, J. Bowles, L.J. Lourens and J.C. Zachos New high-resolution chronology from the first complete late Paleocene - early Eocene marine records from Walvis Ridge: duration of Chron 24r and new constraints on the timing of early Eocene global warming events 114 17:40 18:00 A. Forster, K. Moriya, S. Schouten, P.A. Wilson und J.S. Sinninghe Damsté A dual-proxy sea surface temperature record of the Cenomanian/Turonian transition in the tropics (Demerara Rise, ODP Leg 207) 48 18:00 19:00 Pause ab 19:00 Icebreaker-Party im Gebäude des BBZ (gegenüber Tagungsgebäude) 2 Programm - IODP-ICDP-Kolloquium Greifswald 27.-29.3.2006 Dienstag, 28. März 2006 Magmatische Petrologie / Metamorphismus Abstract - Seite 09:00 09:20 J. Koepke, B. Scheibner, Expedition 309, and Expedition 312 Scientific Parties IODP Expedition 312: Superfast Spreading Rate Crust III 21 09:20 09:40 J. Geldmacher, K. Hoernle, P. v. d. Bogaard and A. Klügel Age and geochemistry of Central American forearc basement rocks (DSDP Leg 67 and 84) reveal a complex geodynamic history 51 09:40 10:00 K. Bräuer, H. Kämpf and G. Strauch Indications of progressive magmatic activity beneath the Cheb Basin (Central Europe) 37 10:00 10:20 M. Rosner, W. Bach, H. Paulick and J. Erzinger Carbonate veins from oceanic core complexes: Trading different stages of sub-seafloor alteration 99 10:20 10:40 H. Behrens, F. Vetere and F. Holtz Viscous flow of magmas from Unzen volcano, Japan - implications for magma mixing and ascent 30 10:40 11:40 H.-J. Brumsack, J. Erbacher und R. Oberhänsli IODP/ICDP: Struktur und Chancen für Jungwissenschaftler 11:40 14:00 Posterpräsentationen, Kaffeepause und Mittagspause Tiefe Biosphäre 14:00 14:20 T.G. Ferdelman, K. Mangelsdorf, J. Titschack, A. Kano, T. Williams, the IODP Expedition 307 Scientists and J.P. Henriet IODP Expedition 307: Drilling Challenger Mound - a cold-water coral structure in the Porcupine Seabight 13 14:20 14:40 A. Schippers and L.N. Neretin Development and Application of New Quantitative Molecular Ecological Techniques to Study the Abundance and Activity of Microorganisms in the Marine Deep Subsurface 101 14:40 15:00 J.S. Lipp, J. Biddle, H.F. Fredricks, M. Elvert, J.E. Brenchley, A. Teske, C.H. House and K.-U. Hinrichs Novel heterotrophic Archaea dominate deeply buried sulfate-methane transition zones in sediments off Peru 83 15:00 15:30 Posterpräsentationen und Kaffeepause Fluide 15:30 15:50 J. Lippmann-Pipke, S. Niedermann, J. Erzinger, M. Zimmer and T.C. Onstott Implications for the timing of gas release: crush degassing Experiments (lab), continuous gas monitoring (near-field) and analysis of >1.5 Ma old crustal fluids (regional), Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa 84 15:50 16:10 W. Kessels, S. Kuhlmann and Xuan Li Groundwater and Fluid Component Transport in the KTB SE1 and SE2 Fault Zones and a Possible Connection with the Eger Rift Valley 73 16:10 16:30 C.I. McDermott, M. Lodemann, I. Ghergut, H. Tenzer, M. Sauter and O. Kolditz A geomechanical facies model to investigate the coupled hydraulic-geomechanical processes at the KTB site 90 16:30 16:50 Y. Xiao, J. Hoefs, R.L. Romer, A. v. d. Kerkhof and Z. Zhang Isotope (O-Sr-Nd-Pb) and fluid inclusion distributions in the CCSD main hole 117 IODP-ICDP-Kolloquium Greifswald 27.-29.3.2006 - Programm 3 16:50 19:00 Posterpräsentationen und Pause 19:00 20:00 Empfang im Rathaus, Oberbürgermeister Dr. Arthur König 20:00 21:00 Öffentlicher Abendvortrag, im Hörsaal Löfflerstr. 70 Prof. Dr. André Freiwald, Erlangen ab 21:00 Geologenkeller (im Institut für Geographie und Geologie, Friedr.-Ludw.Jahn-Str. 17A) Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 Fluide Abstract - Seite 09:00 09:20 C. Hensen and W. Brückmann Modes of fluid expulsion and its significance for forearc dewatering - IODP drilling proposal 633 to decipher deep fluid processes at an erosive convergent margin 60 09:20 09:40 J.H. Behrmann, P.B. Flemings, C. John and IODP Expedition 308 Shipboard Scientific Party Synopsis of IODP Expedition 308 Results, Gulf of Mexico Hydrogeology 15 09:40 10:00 M. Heesemann, H. Villinger, H.W. Jannasch, M. Kastner, E.A. Solomon, and Expedition 301T Scientific Party Long-term temperature measurements in ODP Holes 1253A and 1255A off Costa Rica, ODP Leg 205 57 10:00 10:30 Posterpräsentationen und Kaffeepause Seismogene Zone / Impactstrukturen 10:30 10:50 A. Kopf and NanTroSEIZE Proponents The Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment, a complex drilling proposal within IODP 77 10:50 11:10 M. Becken, O. Ritter, S. Park, P. Bedrosian, U. Weckmann and M. Weber The electrical conductivity structure across the San Andreas Fault near the SAFOD site - a regional magnetotelluric study 28 11:10 11:30 D. Doman, U. Riller and K. Hofmann Deformation of the central Sudbury Impact Structure, Canada: Evidence for meteorite impact into an active orogen and implications for deep drilling 41 11:30 11:50 G.S. Gohn, C. Koeberl, K.G. Miller and W.U. Reimold The 2005 ICDP-USGS Deep Corehole in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater 52 11:50 12:10 A. Deutsch and the German Bosumtwi Team Lake Bosumtwi Drilling Project - First Results 39 12:10 13:00 Posterprämierung und Schlußworte 13:00 Tagungsende 4 Liste der Abstracts - IODP-ICDP-Kolloquium Greifswald 27.-29.3.2006 Autor Titel Programm Seite Abratis, M. et al. Systematic compositional and susceptibility variations in basaltic dykes of IODP 23 Atlantis Massif, 30/N Mid-Atlantic Ridge (IODP Leg 304/305) Anferova, S. et al. Novel two-dimensional experiments on drill cores with a new generation of the IODP 23 mobile NMR Halbach scanner Arbeitsgruppe Comparative evaluation of tracing experiments conducted in deep sedimentary ICDP 23 'Angewandte Geologie' and crystalline formations in Germany, 2003-2005 Arnold, J. et al. Porosity and Permeability from mobile NMR core scanning IODP 25 Bartetzko, A. Hydrothermal alteration in young oceanic crust at Juan de Fuca Ridge - Evidence IODP 26 from downhole logging data Batzke, A. et al. Cultured deep-biosphere bacteria from Equatorial Pacific Ocean and Peru Margin IODP 27 sediments: Physiological and phylogenetic diversity Becken, M. et al. The electrical conductivity structure across the San Andreas Fault near the ICDP 28 SAFOD site - a regional magnetotelluric study Beckmann, B. et al. Black shale sedimentation in the tropical Atlantic during the upper Cretaceous IODP 29 Oceanic Anoxic Event 3 (OAE 3) - Land-Ocean interaction and oceanic response at the Suriname Margin (ODP Leg 207) Behrens, H. et al. Viscous flow of magmas from Unzen volcano, Japan - implications for magma ICDP 30 mixing and ascent Behrmann, J.H.
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