Enrollment drop to cause loss of 49 teachers Spartan Daily by Morgan Hampton

SJSU will lose 49 faculty positions next year as a Volume 73, Number 46 Serving San Jose State University since 1934 Wednesday, November 7, 1979 result of declining enrollment. Layoff of tenured faculty appears imminent, according to Academic Vice President Hobert Burns. Burns told the Enrollment Patterns Committee in a recent memo to prepare for the possibility of the layoff of Power driving Iran students regular faculty, because "it is unlikely the university can absorb the loss of so many full-time equivalent faculty without layoff next Fall." He urged the committee which is charged with favor takeover recommending faculty reductions to step up its deter- minations so layoff notices could be sent out "no later by Sean Whaley that existed before the revolution. than March 1,1980." The majority of Iranian students "That's why forrner ) President The number of tenured faculty who face layoff is still on campus applaud the recent Nixon and ( Henry) Kissinger visited unknown, Burns said Friday. student takeover of the U.S. Em- him ) the shah) in Mexico," Djabbari "A loss of 49 faculty positions doesn't mean 49 in- bassy in Tehran, although a said. dividuals will be laid off, because there will be some spokesman for Iranian students here As of press time yesterday, the retirements and resignations," he said. said no demonstrations supporting Americans were still being held SJSU loses an average of 20 tenured faculty each year the move are planned for SJSU. hostage but no one was believed to to attrition - retirement, resignation and death - and one "I would say that 98 percent of be seriously hurt. or two cases of non-retention of probation faculty, ac- the Iranian students ) on campus Khomeini, the spiritual and cording to Robert Sasseen, associate academic vice feel that way," said Ali Djabbari, an political leader of Iran and president. electrical engineering senior. spokespersons for the U.S. govern- A tirnetable of steps the Enrollment Patterns Com- Amin Hoseim, an engineering ment, have yet to work out a mittee must take in the layoff procedure was approved by junior and member of the Iranian mutually agreeable solution to the the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate and Students Association of Northern problem. given to the committee Oct. 26. California, also supports "what But the U.S. has rejected the The timetable sets a Dec. 1 deadline for the com- Khomeini says in this matter." demand of the Iranian students that mittee to tentatively identify departments where cuts will The situation in Iran arose the shah be extradited. be made and to notify individual faculty in those depart- Sunday when a group of students None of the students knew what ments that they face a possibility of layoff. loyal to the Ayatollah Khomeini was going to happen with the The committee, however, has already missed the first invaded the American Embassy in hostages but they agreed that the deadline which was to determine student-faculty ratios Tehran, and took as many as 60 U.S. citizens would not be harmed. SFRs), the first step in determining departmental Americans hostage, demanding the They said that the U.S. and Iran faculty requirements. extradition of the shah. would work something out. SFRs represent the number of full-time students per The shah is in a New York The purpose of the takeover, full-time faculty position, and are used to determine class hospital undergoing cancer treat- according to Djabbari, the size. ment. spokesman for the eight other The timetable set a Nov. 2 deadline for completion of Djabbari disagrees on the Iranian students present, is to ''show departmental hearings on proposed SFRs, but as of that reason for the shah's presence in the the world that the U.S. supports a date, only three of the 21 departments scheduled to be U.S. murderer. heard had presented arguments to the committee. "He is not that seriously ill," he "If the shah is ill, he has got Jack Foote, chairman of the enrollment patterns said. The shah is in the U.S. because enough money to bring the doctors to committee, said Monday that three departments will be he is supporting the Republican Mexico to treat him," he said. heard today, and a group of eight departments will begin Party for the presidency in 1980, Djabbari said the U.S. govern- their responses to the committee Friday,continuing the Djabbari said. ment signed a statement refusing to following Wednesday. The Republicans will aid the allow the shah to enter the U.S., but He said he expected the hearings to be completed in shah in returning to Iran, he added, now the government has gone about two weeks, but the committee's final decisions on resuming the puppet government against that statement. SFR's, which will be held until the completion of the hearings "are another matter," Foote said. However, Burns said, Foote and the committee members agreed to be back on schedule by Dec. 1, the $80,000 condos set date faculty must be notified of possible layoff. University policy states that "proper notice of layoff of tenured faculty should be given a year in advance, but in no case shall be given less than 30 days before the ef- for campus community fective date of layoff." Burns said Friday, however, that "legally we have to by Jan Flanery-Taylor Although Overoyer did not give a couple of weeks" notice. The first condominiums to be speak for the entire association, he The number of faculty positions for next year has built in the campus area are going said the group generally preferred been cut by 49 because SJSU enrollment for next year is up in Fraternity Row on 10th Street to see housing built that students expected to be less than enrollment this year, so the because an SJSU marketing could afford. university budget will be cut. professor believes "downtown San "That's the area for apart- The California State University and Colleges system Jose is the only place to live:' ments," he said. will allow SJSU a budget for next year based on 18,000 full- Prof. Jim Harper has bought a "Any plan to help the quality of time equivalent students, a cut of 850 FTE/S from this vacant lot on 10th St., between San housing we'd support," Overoyer year. Antonio and San Fernando streets, said, but he is unsure what kind of A full-time equivalent student is equal to one student with the intention of building five stand the group would take on taking 15 class units. condominiums, one of which he will condominium building in the area. This year, enrollment is expected to fall short of the live in. According to Franklin Maggi, a estimated 18,850 FTE/S by 825, which will result in an The property is now just a dirt staff plannner for the city, San Jose approximate $800,000 payback to CSUC. Should lot, but the plans for the buildings has no policy which gives preference enrollment fall short of 18,000 FTE/S next year, another have been cleared through the city, one way or another to apartments or payback could result, possibly as early as January 1981. Harper said. condominiums. This year, as in past payback situations, SJSU has "We're ready to dig the hole," Under state law, the city cannot avoided layoffs by "returning" most of the money by he said. discriminate between the two when reducing the university's budget for temporary lecturers, Harper said that landlords giving building permits, Maggi said. should live near their tenants. "In terms of zoning, apartments equipment and supplies, service funds and faculty Students pause to watch the gigantic pile driver pound concrete columns At one point, the lot was being and condominiums are the same," benefits funds. into the foundations of the new library photo by Lee E considered for apartments which he said. would have rented ranging from $185 Maggi said the block concerned to $385, according to the building was zoned R-3F and R-4 so the application Harper submitted to the development is within the city's Planning Department. requirements. Harper said he was asked by the The planning department also fraternities to build another has no policy on condominiums profile fraternity house and had also con- versus apartments, according to sidered building another dormitory, Maggi. "but I don't want to live in a dor- Although the University Area mitory." he said. Task Force, which last spring "I'm building a home for completed its report on downtown myself, and in the meantime, I'm encouraging high-density housing, Bunzel's life after SJSU building a home for other people," "there's no means of implementing he said. concerns that people are wrestling it," Maggi said. This is the first of two articles Harper wants to build close to with in higher education, in the about John Bunzel, former SJSU SJSU because he doesn't want to CSUC system in a large sense, and drive to campus and also, -It's my president, a year after his San Jose State specifically." resignation. Bunzel has written many essays home - I belong here. After 32 years, where else would! go" he asked. Condos pay by Erin A. Hallissy and articles during the past sear, Harper said he doesn't 'I spent my first year most of them concerning higher Although John Bunzel sits quietly in his will be to education. Some of his pieces have know what the costs reorienting myself to office at the Herbert Hoover tenants, he claimed the con- while campus Memorial Building, scribbling notes been printed in such publications as Newsweek, the I.os Angeles Times dominiums "absolutely" would the reflective life...' on scraps of paper for a column he's constitute affordable housing for writing for the San Jose Mercury . and the Chronicle of Higher apts. drop Education. He also has a column students. Mementos of SJSU are scattered He said, however, "It's going to around the comfortable room - a set that appears in the Sunday edition of by Don Vetter the San Jose Mercury. be a smashing building - it's not of Mickey Mouse ears with SJSU The reluctance of One of the currents running going lobe a shack." banks to patches sewn on it, bookends finance apartments could through many of his articles deals The condominiums will be result in commerating his eight-year term as an increase in condominiums in the with the importance of elitism and priced at $80,000 each. The lot is president here and gifts from campus area, according to Frank high academic standards in higher appraised at $5,992. various campus groups and Maggi of the San Jose Planning education. In the written proposal Harper organizations. Department. ''There as no principle of one issued to the planning department he Bunzel's life has changed This lack of financing caused a 'The transition man, one vote in a university,' said he wanted a place for his greatly since he resigned as SJSU recent proposed apartment Bunzel said. "colleagues" if he didn't live there. has been president in August 1978. He has development at 242 S. 10th He firmly believes in equal Although there is opposition to St to be turned away from the pressure- converted to condominiums. opportunity and political equality, his building condominiums where absolutely painless' filled days of university president to "You can't get he added, but he's trying to many are more interested in student apartment a reflective life as a senior research financing anymore distinguish between that kind of apartments. Harper insists that his because the fellow at the Hoover Institute at costs relative to equality and "the mistaken notion development is not "threatening." rents can't defer Stanford University. -I'm not tearing something costs," Maggi said. first year that a university is somehow a "I spent my down and putting saomething up Maggi was the government to the reflective democracy, because it's not. reorienting myself that students would be deprived of regulator involved with the plans for transition from "I think at a time when there is a life, making the using," he said. the development proposed by SJSU faculty member, or constant darner for making administrator to "I will have the first building on business Prof. Jim Harper. this case research fellow," Bunzel everybody equal. that someone who in it - that's why they're letting me The plans, originally submitted said last week. has served in both the private and build on it," he said. Nov. 6, 1978, called for a six-unit must say the transition has public arena of higher education "I However, Bruce Overoyer, apartment on the one-fifth acre site. absolutely painless," he added ought to be pointing to the need for been president of the Campus Community On July 3, 1979, a request was with a smile. high academic standards," Bunzel 'There is no principle Association, does not believe Har- made on behalf of Harper by Lins Bunzel described his life at the said, leaning back in his armchair per's development is such a very Pina, architect with Charles Ham Institute as one of study and and lighting his pipe. of one man -one vote Hoover promising plan. Associates, who are designing the "I'm very concerned about the scholarship. think it is an ill-conceived complex. in a university' Berra, who was a great importance of high "Yogi academic plan," Overoyer said. "It's not a Maggi said the lack of financing the New York Yankees, standards, and catcher for I'm troubled by the desirable condo location." was the probably reason for the observe a lot by just erosion of said you can those standards and the "It baffles my imagination," conversion from apartments to Bunzel said. watching," lack of conunitrnent to them why condominiums would be put condominiums on the wat- in "I have bac n watching - -continued on back page the area, he said. -continued on back page photos hy Joan Wynn ching some oW the problems and

f November 7, 197! 2 forum Campus area encourages violence Security was beefed up. Yet, around it. But even if all harmless. Many of them gather at the half-ways, buildings and old run-down homes. approximately 20 women fell victim Two years ago SJSU enjoyed prostitutes and drunks Environment corner stores and coffee shops were in- The area is filthy and the schoo to traumatic assaults before the end enrollment figures close to 30,000. stantly eliminated, students is in frequented by students. Sometimes living real trouble. III were a parent of spring 1978. Today the enrollment hovers at near the campus they may ask for money. Other would still be stuck I'd think twice about sending m Clearly, there is a need to unclog approximately 26,000. Experts say with "Sleazville, makes crime times they remain silent while USA," because child off to San Jose State Univer the university's perimeters of un- the figures will continue to dip in the much of the strolling listlessly up and down the available housing sity. Apparently others have. desirable people. And there's no way future. consists of shoddy inevitable streets. apartment Job Corps facilities add to the by La Rosa Carrington dreary scene around SJSU. Located Stall Writer just two blocks east of the campus, The murder of an SJSU student they team with juveniles many was inevitable this semester. with criminal tendencies. Violent assaults against students Again the concentration of have been a very common thing in "lively" young people breeds a the pastbecause the campus is climate of anxiety for other surrounded by an area that lends residents. Indeed, cases of bodily itself to sickness. harm have been reported of The whole scene stinks. residents victimized by Job Corps Rain or shine, prostitutes walk youths. the streets south of the school, Also, there are the city's scouting for business. Vicinity downtown drunks and derelicts. residents did everything from They can be found sleeping in flower calling the police to organizing beds, begging for handouts and patrols in an effort to discourage urinating behind liquor stores. them. Still they persist. Occasionaly, they wander on the

'Clearly there is a need to unclog the university's perimeters of undesirables'

Unfortunately, the prostitutes campus in search of anything apart travel the same routes as do many from learning. female students. Often these Together these prominent students are hassled by men at- characteristics of the campus zone tracted to prostitution, and by cops yield an overwhelming sensation for who are overworked and frustrated. students in pursuit of an education. Adjacent to this environment Not only do students have to are board and care homes loaded worry about four or five years of with mental out-patients. The heavy concentrated study, but they must concentration of these homes also be aware of burglars, rapists creates an atmosphere of gloom. and now, murderers. Through no fault of their own, The fall of 1977 brought a wave the unkempt appearances and of violent rapes against coeds and shuffling mannerisms of the board other women near SJSU. Terror and care residents can be seen seven rode females to and from night days a week throughout the classes. Escorts became essential neighborhood. for those who dared attend classes They are for the most part, after dark. letters

I for one land I know there are many others ) would rather see the Murder, comments about men ignite responses library open for students to study rather than see idiot football players getting Blythe's killer, she attacks men my neighborhood and protect it. The Since this article seemed to be in I feel, however, that the com- outrageous scholarships, cars, wardrobes, 'The police told us they are not sure men and women I share it with are reference to the killing of Sunday, ments made by Carol Christ and whatever else Had enough they get as the killer is a man 1. Ms. Christ worth it. Nov. 9, show me the proof that says reagarding male violence ( Nov. 6) fringe benefits, or see a new library when the old Editor: claims men are the problem, men Eric H. Bishop that the murderer was not a woman. came from a feeling of outrage and one isn't open long enough to help anyone I've had enough. Saturday night are violent, and men are against Advertising, sophomore There is no evidence of sexual indignatio, with very little reasoning anyway. a pretty young woman was brutally women. I am a man, I am not assault, and the killer could have involved. Labeling violence as a Secondly, I murdered in my home. I live in the violent, I am not a "sissy," and I am been either male or female. "male problem" reeks of the same know the interest is where Blythe Nielsen lived not against women. I wonder if Ms. sterotyping that most women there. When 20-30 people on every building How can one say that men are died. I live directly over her Christ has ever met a man We bend No evidence justiifiably object to. Using the same floor must be pushed out the doors or and responsible for violence when our apartment. My roommates and I and break and cry, just like women. rationale, one could put all the left in pitch dark trying to gather prisons are filled with not only men, were her closest neighbors. I say she I feel Ms. Christ owes me and other blame for world overpopulation on their materials with minimal but also many women? was murdered in my home because men an apology. Editor women. Ridiculous. warning, if any, at 9:45, that to me In order for apartment building is my home. In regards to Mary T. Lee's women to be safe, shows intercst. Also, more people this Violence in any society is a All the tenants know each other and After hearing of Blythe's death I article on Tuesday, Nov. 6, I hope they should not walk alone at night, would be there if they knew it would problem of the society as a whole; it are friends. sat quietly, numb with shock. Later I that your paper was guilty of and should take precautionary be worth their while going there not cried when I thought of ways I could misquoting SJSU Assistant Prof. measures against attacks; but men is a human concern that cannot be to b epushed out at the early hour of dealt with by blaming hall of the Just after the killing I was have prevented it from happening. Carol Christ, when she suggested have to do the same, maybe not to 10)9:45). population-at-large. A realistic saddened and fearful; it could have The death of a young woman is a hell that, "If anyone should be kept off the same degree, but nevertheless, Thirdly, people on work study, attitude is essential. been any of us killed that night. Now of a high price to pay, but now I the streets at night, it is the men." I they have to protect themselves too. and other such job placement Kim A. Fowler I feel anger. God-damned anger. realize this neighborhood is a hope she was referring to violent We should remember that programs are always looking for Journalism, freshman Blythe's life was just unfolding when problem for everyone, not just for individuals, both men and women, violence is human nature, not just a jobs. I know of a few made up, do someone took it from her. It's just women. All of us I men and women not just men as a gender. How could characteristic of men. nothing jobs that people have been not fair. have to stick together and trust each anyone seriously state that, "The Dan Marx placed in just so the program would The final insult came in other enough to care what happens real issue is that violence is a male Social Science, junior have a job to place them in. Why not Tuesday's Spartan Daily. Carol here. I'm not going to run and move problem, we ( women) are not doing Contradiction put them to some use instead. Christ doesn't take issue against out of here; Um going to stand up for something wrong, they are." Leave the library open for those Editor: serious students who want to study Outraged Insanity, hypocracy, con- and need a place like the library to tradiction! do it in. This is a learning institution. Editor: School is a place for learning. Why not make it conducive to As a resident of the campus Why then does the San Jose State learning.? neighborhood, I am outraged at the University library close at 10 and Valerie Kitaura brutal slaying of Blythe Dorann why are the lights turned off at 9:45? Accounting major Nielsen. The violence and crimem this area is our most serious The reasons I envision are 1) it problem, and should be dealt with in is too costly to leave it open longer, r la n Da i I any and all ways available to both 2) there is not enough interest, 3) Spa thepolice and residents. there is not enough staffing. Editor Mary T Lee Advertising Manager Laura Smith News Editor James P. Wagner Spartan Daily policy City Editor Carla Baker Associate News Editor Leslie Erickson Associate City Editor Sean Whaley The policy of the Spartan Daily the views of the writer or Forum Page Editor Danny Edwards regarding letters and material organization and will appear with a Entertainment Editor Don Vetter submitted from individuals or byline attributing the article ac- Sports Eriltor Dan Wood organizations outside of the Spartan cordingly. Feature Editor Peter G Bliss Daily staff is as follows: The Daily encourages reader Editor Chuck Henrik son comments regarding editorials, Layout Investigative [dim, Stephen Cohodas Letters opinions or news stories. Associate Editor La Rosa Carrington Letters should be submitted at Consumer Editor Debbie Hunsinger Releases the Daily office (JC 208) between 9 Associate Editor Erin Hallissv a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays or by mail Releases should be submitted as Photo Editor Jeff Pohorski to the Forum Page, do the Spartan early as possible to the City Editor Chief Photographer J L. Sousa Daily, San Jose State University, 125 at the Spartan Daily office or by Public Relations Marie Fukai Jose, CA 95192. S. Seventh St., San mail. The sooner the release is Retail Ad Manager Cynthia Fujinaka include the All letters must received, the better coverage the National Ad Manager Vickie Jandron writer's signature, major, class topic may receive. Art Director Mike Masters standing, address and telephone All releases should include a Business Manager Gary Dung number. Only the name, major and telephone number that can be called Promotions Director Bill Burton class standing will be printed. in case further information is The Spartan Daily reserves the needed. right to limit the number of letters The Spartan Daily reserves the Advertising Stall Arlene liaak,. on a given topic after a sufficient right to limit, rewrite and edit press Jean Banaag. Don Ranchero. Paul amount of comment has appeared. releases for length, style, invasion of Bergersen. Barbara Boles, John privacy or libel. Catalano, Shawna Chan. Jennifer Forum The Spartan Daily reserves the DiLeo, Jim Donohue, Linda Grain, The intent of the Spartan Daily right to make judgments concerning Cathy Gellepis, David Langston. Forum Page is to present a variety news value of any given release. Robin Lewis. Lisa Malvini, Robin of viewpoints on issues affecting the Announcements of meeting Masuda, Patrice Mickowski, Brian univresity community. times, displays and other minor Moss. Tony Nassaney, Sherry Pearl, Comments, columns and releases should be submitted at the Lure Rainey. Adele Saucedo, editorials will discuss local, state, Daily office in the Spartaguide box Sharon Wallis national and international affairs. located against the west wall of the Editorials reflect the position of office. the Daily. Opinion colurrins express November 7. 1979 3 Catholic worker house gives free dinners by Mark Robert Henry people no one else wants around: purchased from funds donated by their habits, emotional problems or I was hungry, and you gave me "the hard-core alcoholic, the individuals. Most of the donations looks. food. I was thirsty and you gave me transient, the seriously disturbed," average about $10, Conk said. "We don't tolerate any drinking a drink. I was lonely and you made he said. The purpose of the Catholic in the house," Conk said. "We give me welcome. I was naked and you "I wanted to do something with Worker house at 318 N. Sixth St., them $5 a week spending money." clothed me. I was ill and you came my life that was pronouncedly where Conk and Miron live, is to Catholic Worker is trying to and looked after me. I was in prison Christian," said Conk about his serve the needs of single women or build a sense of community and and you came to see me there. decision to join a group of several women with families who need worth among the men, he said. Matthew 25: 35-36. persons in 1974 that wanted to meet refuge, he said. Conk and the other five people in Nearly 100 people come singly some of the needs of San Jose's Battered women and women the Catholic Worker allot them- and in groups of two or three to the social outcasts. just released from jail are among selves $3 spending money a week Catholic Worker house on North Conk, a Santa Clara University those who have stayed at the house, plus room and board. Second Sit eel every day to eat a free graduate in economics, was in- Conk added. Their income comes from meal. volved in the anti-war and anti-draft The four other members of temporary jobs, past savings and They represent all ages and movements in the early 1970s and Catholic Worker live at their second donations from the community, he races. knew he wanted to put his energy house, located at 336 N. Second St. A said. into a pacifist community group that Most of them are men. free hot meal is served every day at Conk said Catholic Worker is They come to the house, pick up believed in non-violence as a way of 4 p.m. to anyone who wants it, Conk life. Catholic Worker seemed the currently looking for individuals plates of potatoes, vegetables and said. who are willing to make a long term sandwiches and sit in old couches right group to get involved with, he Four "older" men are also being commitment to the group. under a covered porch or in a small said. housed at that location, he said. dining area next to a kitchen, and Catholic Worker first started The life we live is harsh," Conk they eat. serving free meals to people at St. "We are taking in older men said. "It puts great demands on Some of the people are local James Park in 1974, but the health who just don't fit anywhere else in people. department soon closed them down, residents with a budget so tight they the system," Conk said. "If they "As Christians, we feel Conk said. we need the meal every day to make it went to board and care Ihomes ) should be personally responsible for They moved their operation to a through the month. they'd be thrown out" because of others," he added. Others are the hard-core street bridge by the railroad tracks people: those with alcohol, drug or downtown and continued serving hot emotional problems who sleep in the meals to public inebriates, down- bushes and weeds at night. and-outers and anyone else. A third group is the transients: Now Catholic Worker operates those who are in San Jose today, and out of two houses in the downtown Seattle or some other city by area that were purchased through tomorrow. fundraising efforts and personal These are the kinds of people the savings. Catholic Worker group is serving, according to Peter Conk, who has Catholic Worker is currently been working with Catholic Worker comprised of Conk, his wife Ramona since 1974. Miron, and four others. "The point of the Catholic Amerian Brothers Produce in Worker is to create a new world San Jose donates hundreds of dollars right here in the shell of the old," of produce every day to Catholic Worker, photos by Ernest Redding Conk, 30, said in an interview Conk said. Catholic Worker Peter Conk enjoys a fun moment with 4 year old Monday. Other essential foods, cooking Kwaii-Chang Johnson, a temporary son at the Catholic Worker Catholic Worker deals with utensils and serving ware are House. Meeting on RTP issue ends in straw vote by Lori Eickmann resolution, which was written by McNeil with A.S. chairwoman of the Student Affairs Committtee; Kiran The two resolutions were referred to the joint com- A meeting between the Professional Standards and President Nancy McFadden and other Senate members. Majithia, A.S. vice president. mittee "to avoid lengthy debate on the Striate floor," Student Affairs committees Monday ended in a straw vote The other resolution up for debate, the Professional All except Green are members of the Student Affairs McNeil said. to decide which of two proposals over student par- Standards Committee's revised A.S. 154 , received a 9-5 Committee. "Whatever we work out here may still be com- ticipation in Retention, Tenure and Promotion RPT vote against its resolution. Those against the resolution included William promised later, but we need to smooth over some dif- committees will be recommended to the Academic Senate A.S. 154 revised states that the university policy for Tillinghast, Journalism; Dan Buerger, Humanities and ferences," he added. next week. assuring student participation in the faculty evaluation Arts; Robert Sasseen, associate academic vice president; "We will be recommending that the Senate pass the process will "be more effectively implemented by William Tidwell, Science, and McNeil. Asilomar resolution," said David McNeil, joint ...establishing a student/faculty committee at the school All are members of the Professional Standards spokesman for the Professional Standards and the level..." as well as by students exercising their right to Committee. Student Affairs committees. appear before departmental personnel committees. CONTACT LENSES The Asilomar resolution was written at last month's Eight members from the Student Affaris Committee all fittings.' services Senate retreat on student recruitment and retention. and seven members of the Professional Standards Slain student remembered The resolution asks that the Senate support "student Committee were present for the straw vote. for students participation on faculty personnel committees at levels Those in favor of the Asilomar resolution were Robert Members of Sigma Chi president. Panama. PETER W ROSS . removed from the departments," and also support the Martin, dean of Student Services; Sam Phillips, student fraternity met at the Approximately 100 "I expect to know 1 7 1 1 D Hamilton proposal as a pilot project to test the impact of this type of senator; Ronald Barrett, student union director; Kichung Campus Christian Center people attended, most of either tomorrow or the next student participation. Kim, and Louie Barozzi, both faculty-at-large; Chris on Monday at 9 p.m. to whom were members of day," he said. Ave. The joint roll call vote was 8-5 in favor of the Asilomar Green, student senator; Vicki Thurman, acting remember Blythe Nielsen. the fraternity or little 267 4400 She was a student at sisters. SJSU as well as a Sigma Harris led the eukigi y. Chi little sister for the past PAPERS-REPORTS-PAPERS- REPORTS He was followed by other -PAPERS three years before she was False alarms plague dorm members of the fraternity CC X murdered in her apartment 14 There's help "2" blocks away! 3 and one little sister who on Satruday. Her father as ct. someone from the housing staff notifies the University knew Nielsen well. a ,11(., .111(1 nufrithly reintal 011. by Christine Merck well as a. Police to turn it off, he said. her two brothers XI False alarms continue to plague West Hall residents, are also Sigma Chi's. (A I (..1.(, pur( lidse pion After the housing staff has checked out an area and no According to Harris, I according to Housing Director Cordell Roland. The get-together on the parents of the slain ca Rrihut ser if i, It hasn't been as large a problem in the brick dorms, fire is reported, University Police are summoned to the >41 dorm reporting an alarm to reset the alarm, he said. Monday wasn't exactly a woman will be holding a O Roland said, but in West "it's been more than just three or memorial service, but "a SAN JOSE When there is sufficient reason for housing staff and memoral service, as soon b four times this semester." gathering of members of as they can get in touch cc A Probably less than one percent of dorm residents University Police to believe a fire is probable, San Jose TYPEWRITER CO. xi firemen are called. A false alarm in West about two weeks the fraternity," said with their son, who is on ch r labout two or three persons ) are involved in alarm Joseph Harris, Sigma Chi = 79 vroirs of rettobtlitu ago brought firemen to campus. Army manuevers in ta pulling, Roland said. ' I ''r I i Rif i "I don't believe they're ignorant of the consequences, < just totally irresponsible," Roland said. CLFS.Lii0d1H-S113dVd-S1110.13 H - S 8 3 d Vd - Slti The resident adviser on West's Fourth floor has been studies its role in A.S. informed of the problem, Roland said, since "the hotbed Committee of this activity is on that floor." The Special Allocations Committee, in the midst of At today's council meeting, Romo will present the All the R.A. can do is remain alert to persons running reviewing their role in student government, is moving basic objectives agreed upon by the committee at their away from fire alarm switches, Roland said. cautiously toward what may be a major change in their Monday meeting. False alarms disturb dorm residents from sleep or procedures. These objectives include revising budget request studies, West Hall resident Nancy Nguyen said. The committee has entertained a wide variety of forms, developing a checklist to determine funding "I don't like it because I'm usually in my robe suggestions, ranging from giving them total allocating elegibility and supplying a handout on committee studying," Nguyen said. "When the fire trucks came the power to eliminating the cornrniittee altogether. procedures to groups requesting funds. other week, we had to stand in the cold for a half hour," The conunittee currently hears a formal presentation Roland believes there are witnesses to the alarm from student groups seeking funds, reviews their budget Romo said that new budget request forms would setting, but they won't come forward. requests and sends them on to council with a yes, no or eliminate duplicatiion of informatiion, providing a more "Students have this funny thing, they stick together," "none" recommendation. concise outline of the group's requests. he said. "They don't want to see a friend get evicted." However, many of the committee's recom- The new forms should be ready by the spring The safety of students and housing staff is jeopardized mendations have been revised again during council semester, she said. when they aren't sure any longer whether a fire alarm meetings, overriding the advice of the committee. indicates a real fire or just another prank, Roland added. "I think we need to decide how much weight the "It's the bottom line,- he said. "We could have a recommendations carry," said Juvencia Romo, A.S. disaster." treasurer. If anyone is caught setting off an alarm, a hearing will Romo presides at the committee meetings and is be conducted and a move for eviction proposed, Roland leading the task of clarifying and perhaps changing their NEED HELP said. role. Housing staff will also notify University Police of the A big problem, according to Romo, is that there is no misconduct and refer the alarm puller to the Dean of standard policy for funding priorities. Studens for further discipline - perhaps a suspension Also, there is not enough communication between the from the university, Roland said. committee and council, she said. four years, you've When an alarm is pulled it continues to whine until Look for the 1For KodAk Copits new "JOKE" let them into your Spa r la n Da i tier, nag the San Jose State MEET NEW FRIENDS Sechon in the living room. as resit) t -ommuilit) AT Since 1931 20 EACII Spartan ses 599-.11101 SPARTAN f IPS I ( ()pits Now you can take .1111 1.1a SS pilst VI' pint at Sirs 5 Daily .14 Ateniber of l'al- l 5 c minimum ifnipia Newspaper PubbriFier.N COIN iN Classifieds them to bed. Association and the Asspriateil Press Published Mill) 1). San LAUNDRY XEROX t.opiEs In the words of Rolling Stone's editors and m Jina, State 13ipersit). during 277-3175 Edie Baskin's photos, everything you've the college 11.41 always wanted to knowand much, much s'5nrs'rs,ui ill Olt' paper are not Ilth 8. SAN CARLOS 1'/2 0 EAch neressaril) thme Id the Assinia more about these wild and crazy ted Students, the Pup ersit) Ad- folks Introcluction by Buck ministration Of the Ilepartinent (1611 from CAMPUS) of .1aUrlialltial allii Advertising ALL AMERICAN Henry A giant Dolphin SuMeriptions accepted coil) iii paperback, $895 remainder of nemestri a academie )ear, $15 Foch 75 WASHERS COPY INC. semester. $7 Si Of f.easimus 40 E. SANTA Chat Sr. aral. at'r iop). 15 cents Phone and DRYERS A Sr... PIA.. Soo Editorial 277-3181, Advertising (bfTWIIN Strli And 1016 STRII 277.3171 l'ruited 1,3 Nowels NO WAITING DOUBLEDAY Publitations 195-6600 FREE PARKING Im

Nowembiar 7. 1979 I 4 entertainment 'Sing with your heart' Oboe player makes music by Patty Selbach because they understand When he plays French are not half as good. "You can sing with what he does more so than music, he feeLs like a The training is dif- your heart" is how Dutch general audiences. decadent man; when he ferent in his native coun- artist Evert van Tright With a general plays German music an try, where playing in small described his chief oc- audience, van Tright said, earthy feeling surrounds ensembles of eight to cupation, playing the oboe. a musician is like a him, he said. twelve is stressed, he said. Tright visited the "magician doing tricks." Van Van Tright was im- Van Tright believes Music Thursday, But when playing for School of pressed with the band's there is better discipline in morning-lecture- magicians, "there are no giving a performance, saying that large bands and sym- and an tricks they don't know." demonstration similar groups in Holland phonies in this country. evening concert. A native of Rotterdam, Besides his two the Netherlands, van scheduled appearances, Tright began playing the van Tright gave a brief oboe at age 9, at the urging demonstration to the class of his father. 'Hay Fever' a meeting of the symphonic "I can't say it is band. simple," said van Tright of The band, conducted the double-reeded wood- by Carl Chevallard, wind. witty success reciprocated with a Yet the musician calls Spanish march. the oboe an "unbelievable by Leslie R. Erickson Bliss. Her voice is The oboist said he instrument" that can If subtle situational beautifully modulated with enjoys playing for other express a wide range of humor is what tickles your every intonation from musicians the most feelings. wit, by all means catch sharp rebukes to plaintive photo by Ernest Redding Noel Coward's "Hay whispers. Fever" at the American Walters is so engaging Conservatory Theatre. that she could steal the "Hay Fever" is a show, but for the superb calendar delightful domestic cast which performs weekend romp in the perfectly in this histronics country that gets its laughs San Jose Civic Light Opera Fargos - Wednesday; Joe Independence Planetarium 5:30 p.m. - "They Shoot par excellence. from its characters' em- -- "City of Broken Sharino. Thursday-Satur- - "Footsteps," a new star Students, Don't They?" barrassed silences, Simon and Sorel Bliss Promises," tomorrow day; Atlantis. Sunday; program celebrating the 6 p.m. - News (repeated) spontaneous eruptions of I Mark Murphree and through Sunday, 8 p.m., Starf ire. 2540 California 10th anniversary of the everyday phrases that Susan E. Pellegrino) are ends Nov. 18. San Jose St., Old Mill Center, man on the moon. Friday first imply more than is said charming as the peevish Center for the Performing Mountain View. 415-941- Tomorrow, 7 p.m., in the 4 p.m. - KSJS News and the occassional gesture brother and sister. Arts. 6373. Independence Planetari- 4:30 p.m.- Sports Journal that speaks louder than um, Independence High 5 p.m. - Contemporary And one Bliss' words. The Wooden Nickel - School, San Jose. 926-7251. Women houseguest, Myra Arundel Tonight; Avalon. Winter survival/snow 5:15 p.m. - United Nations Barbara Diricksoni, Tomorrow; Mirage. carnival - An illustrated Show evokes sly chuckles as she film Friday; Skycreek, slide lecture on the finer ksjs 5:30 p.m. - La Verdad review spouts saucy remarks Saturday; Poker Face. points of technique and 6 p.m. - KSJS News while sashaying Sunday; Glide. 2505 The equipment. The lecture will ( repeated) provacatively around the Today Mayhem results when Camera One - Tonight: Alameda. Santa Clara. 247- be given by Lanny Johnson English country manse. 4 p.m. KSJS Jews each member of the family "Women in Dunes" and 0552. and David Parker, Saturday Coward once remarked 4:30 p.m. - Forum Bliss, unbeknownst to the "Women in Love." Tomorrow 8 p.m.. Sierra 6 a.m. -Jazz, Rock and Soul of this play, said to be one 5 p.m. - Consider the others, invites a friend of Tomorrow and Friday: The Garret - Tonight; Designs, 217 Alma, Palo ( continuous) of his favorites, that "the Alternatives the opposite sex to spend "Zatoichi in Desperation" Jeffra Cook. Tomorrow; Alto. 325-3231. 9 a.m. - Lyric Opera of essence of good comedy 5:30 p.m. - BBC Science the same weekend in the and "Circle of Iron." Late Joe Ferrara.Friday; The Chicago (3 hours) writing is that perfectly Magazine country. How to suitably show Friday and Saturday: music Toons. Saturday; Julie Stamp Show - The 14th ordinary phrases should, 6 p.m. - KSJS News Sunday entertain the various "Eraserhead" and "The Farbolin. The Pruneyard, annual stamp show of the is by virtue of their context, ( repeated) 6 a.m. -Bread of Life guests simultaneously Devo Films." Saturday, Tashi - The Associated Campbell. 371-6505. Sunnyvale Stamp Society achieve greater laughs Tomorrow 9 a.m. - Classical Music the problem. Sunday and Monday: Students Program Board is will be held Saturday from Walters is than the most literate 4 p.m.- KSJS News noon - Jazz, Rock and Soul Marrian "Picnic at Hanging Rock." sponsoring a concert 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the epigrams." 4:30 p.m. - Focus (continous) excellent as the aging Tuesday: "Love on the featuring the chamber Sunnyvale recreatio Indeed, "Hay Fever" 5:p.m. -Sports Journal 8 p.m. - Folk Festival romantic ac- Run" and "No time for ensemble Tashi, tomorrow center. tress/matriarch Judith is to be enjoyed for the Breakfast." at 8:15 p.m. in the Morris moment. There are no lines Dailey Auditorium. Tashi Basketball - Indiana worth memorizing for The Wednesday Cinema - is Richard Stoltzman, Pacers vs. Warriors, incorporation into any "Girlfriends," 7 and 10 clariet; Ida Kavafian, Oakland Coliseum Arena, 8 Bof ill like an 'Angel' English paper or diary. p.m., Morris Dailey violin and viola, Theodore p.m by Denise Downer flair with a jazz sound. she doesn't even know this "Hay Fever" plays Auditorium. Arm, violin, Ik Hwan Bae, through Jazz and Pop singer The song ends, with man. December at the viola; and Fred Sherry, Geary Theater sounds like prolonged congo and base He walks on by without in San cello. Tickets are available Francisco. Tickets Documentary - "No Maps an "Angel of the Night" on guitar music. noticing her at all. The may be at Bass outlets, San Jose purchased by on My Taps" newly her latest which "What I Wouldn't Do woman sings about phone, 415- Box Office and the 673-6440. Monday released film of tap dance events bears the same name. (For The Love of You)" is possibilities. She keeps on through Associated Students Thursday evening as a black american art Like most vocalists, a tearful love song. saying, "If this, if that." and Business Office. For more Saturday matinee form. Tomorrow, 4 p.m., Angela sings about The tune is about a As a whole, Angela's seats go information call 277-2807 or for $11, Morris Dailey Auditorium. Wordworks Inc. - 377 S. romantic love. But, unlike woman who loved a man latest album has a nice $10, $7 and $4.50. 277-3228. Friday and Saturday First St. San Jose. 248-f" most, she sings of a but didn't let him know. sound. However, it isn't as evenings are slightly Western Mountaineering - San Jose Symphony - Mimi x 11" graphite/film brotherly and sisterly Instead they said goodbye. well done as her first higher. "El Capitan," a film by Carlson, flutist with the drawings by Stephen togetherness a universal The tempo is album entitled "Angie." Wednesday matinees are Fred Padula, Monday, 8 San Jose Symphony will Moore will be displayed. love. moderately fast as Angela Some of the melodies in slightly lower. p.m., S.U. Loma Prieta appear in two separate Nov. 12- Dec. 7. galleries These songs portray keeps singing, "What I her second album are Atom concerts tomorrow and love as the answer to the wouldn't do for the love of similar to the ones on the Sunday. Tomorrow's Earth, Air, Fire and Water world's problems and you." first. This doesn't say performance will be at the - A show by people as the channel it's However, the entire much for originality. two San Works - Contemporary art. University of Santa Clara Francisco artists, filtered through. song is strange because the Geoffrey 248 Auzerais Ave., San at 8 p.m. Sunday's concert Cook and Lew In a song called "Love woman would do anything AS 1610. IL 71-111X Thomas. The Jose, Sculpture exhibition IAME112 will be at the Montalvo exhibition will to Last," Angela tells of her bnut tell this man about her be on on Kathy Goodell. Nov. 13 Center for the Arts, display from childhood. As a child, her feelings. COPIES Nov. 12 - Dec. through Dec. 1. Carriage House in 7. mother always told her In the song, "The 3 1/2 Saratoga at 3:30 p.m. For that she has to love to last Feelin's Love," Angela is WOMAN The San Jose Art League - no minimum more information call 298- San Jose State University - in this world. trying to describe her IN THE 2300. 482 S. 2nd St. San Jose. Love is considered a emotions. She decides that DUNES The Campus Christian "Another Untitled crucial part of life and since she can't describe her Hit Center is sponsoring the Ceramics Show," feelings, she will just let 1,111, Evening of Jazz - SJSU third annual Art Auction happiness. Angela sings KINKO'S exhibition by Bill Brown them show because she dorm Allen Hall is spon- and Dinner Dance. Nov. 10 repeatedly, "All we need is 121 S. ird theater will be shown through Dec. knows the feelin's love. WOMEN soring a concert performed Ticket donation for love, all we need is love." 295-4 i 2. The words sound by the Jazz Choir and Jazz students is $5.00. Another song with a IN LOVE wonderful, but strangely Also al: Combo Friday at 8 p.m. in universal love theme is Studio Theatre -- Antique Show - Episcopal San Jose Museum of Art - enough in the middle of the 4111 F. San Carlos St. the Dining Commons. "Rainbow Child," This "Rashomon," a story that Church women's 21st 110 S. Market St. Through song, it is discovered that 295-5511 Admission is $1. tune begins like a church challenges concepts of annual antique show and Nov. 15. hymn with a very serious ...... truth, honesty and sale. Friday, noon to 9 The ceramics of Barry Tonight mood. morality. Features p.m., Santa Clara County Bates will be on display A child, which is left authentic Kendo sword Keystone Palo Alto - Fah grounds. through Nov. 13. unnamed, came to carry fights, Japanese costumes Tomorrow; the Lloyds, Mr. on. However, Angela fails ALL-CAMPUS and make-up. Tomorrow Clean and The Kids. 1144,:h1., to tell us what the child is through Saturday, 8 p.m., Friday; John Kay. going to carry on. Speech and Drama 103. Saturday; TBA. Sunday; The song ends with a 8-BALL "The Battle" I of the downbeat similar to the bands(, 260 California BROKE? completion of a concert Studio Hour a collage of TOURNEY Ave., Palo Alto. 415-324- piece. endeavors in all fields of 1402. Sell your don't theater arts. This week, Spartan Angela sings a remake Slender Means Theatrical wants with of an old, but beautiful Mon., Nov. 12,1, p.m. Company, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Bodega - Sunday; TBA. 3C a Classifieds tune, "People make the Speech and Drama 103. S. Central Ave., Campbell. 277-3175 world go round." :174-4000. Classified Ad In this new version, she adds a new and faster beat. The song has a Spanish

Men's & women's divisions. Double elimination or round ECONOMY robin competition in 3 of 5 game matches for women & 4 Ctitrnf Ms of 7 game matches for men. krrnwr es "Hew EilliI INC. Entry Fee --$3.00 We Specialize in the Natural Look IMPORTS Now California Curl Specialist, IMPORTED CAR PARTS Winners in each division will 20% off Intersection ot receive trophies and represent SJSU Iall services with this ad S. 1st and S. Market at the ACU-I Regional Recreation 10% off all products Tournament (February 15-17 at Cal Poly) CIBI ii 998-5060 I 35 S. 4th. 1/2 blk. from SJS 0 BOSCH I Open 7 days a week. 9 to 9 Students stop by a Student Union Games Area Walk In Available pick up 15% discount card 294-4086 I information and IMM. Plenty of Free Customer Parking sign-ups at the desk 4641 ...... November 7, 1979 entertainment 5 Valentin conflict flaws album by Steve Hastings That conflict runs His versions ot Valentin launches into Dave Valentin's ap- through the flautist's new "Blackbird," "Do It what appears to be the parent dilemma is that he album, The Hawk," as Again," and "What a melody line of the piece. wants to play popular Valentin attempts to mix Wonderful World" show Slowly, Bofill realizes that music to please his bosses the Beatles, Sam Cooke, little innovation or she's supposed to be at Arista Records and also and Steely Dan with Chick imagination. It's just a featured on this tune and play the jazz and original Corea, , and matter of speeding up or starts to sing with all the music he needs for some his own latin- style. slowing down, adding a effort of Donna Summer on artistic worth. It doesn't work. heavy dose of woodblocks quaaludes. After a half or congas. The misplaced verse of this, Valenti "oo-hah"s and " woo- crowds the spotlight with hoo"s don't add much, another flute melody, and either. the whole song is lost. review

Valentin's title song Valentin's problems Tashi will bring their unique blend of classical and modern music to Morris Dailey opens with four bars of are not his playing, which Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow. Tashi is the Tibeten word for "good fortune." promising harmony, is fluid and stong, nor his breathlessly off-beat and production under Dave intriguing, but then it slides Grusin, who time and again back into another five shows his brilliance in the studio. It's the material I Tashi presents unique music minutes of flute-bass-conga find so disappointing. interplay. The same Tashi/Strings and Stoltzman has and subtlety. Critics were not written for the happens on the cover of If Valentin continues Clarinet will provide a achieved considerable repeatedly praise his clarinet. And, besides Corea's "Windows" wher unique evening of chamber notoriety in recent years ability to tax to the classical, he is an ac- Valentin backs off for so pursuing cover versions of popular tunes, he will find music tomorrow evening at with the flowing, lyrical maximum the artistic complished jazz musician. long that the tune becomes 8:15 in Morris Dailey virtuosity he brings to the potential of the clarinet. And the flexibility of merely a soloing showcase himself in the bargain racks with John Davidson Auditorium. clarinet. He has been called a Tashi is reflected in their for keyboardist-producer Featuring Richard Among classical "wonder" by the New York varied repertoire, which Dave Grusin and electric- and the 1,000 guitars of south Lebanon. Stoltzman on clarinet, musicians, a virtuoso Times; Isaac Stern said includes the classics as bassist Lincoln Goines. Tashi will perform clarinetist is quite a rare about Stoltzman, "Rarely well as modern works. The epitome of conflict Mozart's rarely played breed. The clarinet, often have I heard such a vir- Tickets for the concert, happens on a south Bronx Tim Weisberg has "Quintet for Clarinet and thought of as an orchestral tuoso use of the clarinet." which is the first of the seduction number, "We'll proven that a flautist can Strings" and a new work workhorse traditionally Joining Stoltzman SJSU Fall season, may be Make Love" by Valentin's be innovative and original, titled "Celebration II," has not been a solo tomorrow night are the obtained through Bass, San guitarist Michael Vinas. yet still sell a lot of . written especially for Tashi classical instrument. other members of Tashi: Jose Box Office, or from Vocalist Angela Hof ill This is the attitude by composer Bill Douglas. However, through an Theodore Arm, lk-Hwan the Associated Students is heard muttering Valentin should embrace if and Also on the program often unconventional at- Bae, Ida Kavafian and Business Office, second Flautist Dave Valentin; torn betwen pleasing sighing for about he is to rise above the two tomorrow night will be the titude toward his in- Fred Sherry. pad in the Student Union. his bosses and the need for artistic worth. minutes into mediocrity of "The Hawk." the cut, as "Terzetto for two violins strument, Stoltzman has Either with Tashi or Further information is and viola," op. 74, by elevated the clarinet to a playing solo, Stoltzman available by calling 277- Dvorak. level of incredible clarity often chooses pieces which 2807 or 277-3228.

Simple yet ultimately complex 'Project' blends old and new II, by Sean Whaley "You lie down with dogs Parsons does an excellent sounds and arrangements. The you get up with fleas..." It job. His first work was with Unlike similar groups, Project, during the course is a reference to women the Beatles on their they have not lost touch of its existence, has who aren't too particular "Abbey Road" album, and with the basic rock managed to blend the about who they spend time he made a significant melodies. The catchy tune electronic technology of the with. contribution to Pink is there, embellished with present with the pleasing "I'd Rather Be a Man" Floyd's "Dark Side of the the space-age sound effects simple melodies that made is a sexist song about the Moon." that can create such a such a success roles women play. Since teaming up with definitive mood on a in the 1950s and 1960s. "I'd rather be a man Woolfson, Parsons has concept album such as The result is a puree of than play my role like you been able to experiment "Eve." synthetic sounds with the do/I'd rather be a man with new combinations of familiar guitar, bass and than sin my soul like you + 1,11 1. 11 116 .11 II1 drums that made such do." IN 10,1 '4111 1 11111 bands as Kraftwork, Pink If these lyrics don't Michael Andropolis (Michael Douglas), number 46, strives for a lead position in the Floyd and Yes popular. offend you, then listening to Olympic Marathon in Universal Studio's film "Running." Also starriing is Susan Anspach. The unique quality of the album will be a Tilt LAU'S 47% pleasant is experience. Friday, November 16 Musically, the album flows the creator's ability to San Jose Civic Auditorium Poor plot stalls 'Running' make most of the com- smoothly from one song to the next, thanks to the binations of sounds Save the service charge superficially simple, yet keyboard work by one half by Danny Edwards him. The marathon Buy at the A. S. Business Office begins he won, so he devised a ultimately complex. of the project, Eric "Running," Susan Anspach, who with Janet watching from different ending which, a film The group's third Woolfson. written and directed by has made a career out of the stands. unfortunately, is just a cut album on Arista records, "Damned If I Do," the Steven Stern, attempts to playing a divorcee who still above pitiful and even- After 20 miles, Michael "Eve," is devoted to single off the album, is a follow the vein of the loves her husband ("Play tually just as corny. NICV is beginning to pull away women and follows the fast-paced well performed I 41. stirring productions It Again, Sam" and "The from the pack and it ap- The film does have commercially and ar- song, sounding similar to "Loneliness of the Long Big Fix"), plays Michael's pears he is enroute to the some good scenes and the tistically successful the intricate efforts of 10 Distance Runner" and ex-wife Julie Andropolis, a gold medal. However, the acting is tops, but the plot releases "Pyramid" and "I cc. The vocal performed by TV's "The Jericho Mile" in divorcee who still loves her writer correctly decided it and poor script will leave Robot." Lenny Zakatek is ap- which a man gained husband. would be just too corny if the viewer unfulfilled. Whether women will be propriate for the mood of release from his physical Michael, of course, is pleased with this man's the song, which is about the environment and still in love with her also personal view trials and tribulations of and the divorce has hurt of them, only time will struggles through running. becoming involved with him very much. Manchester not tell. "Running", however, another person. The film, at this point, The first song, fails as the producers The Alan Parsons simply could have been made into "Lucifer," is an in- picked a popular complementary Project consists of Alan theme and a strong picture. The strumental that sounds tried to build a Parsons and Eric Woolf- lousy plot around running scenes are by Tracy L. Corral is better than the I,oggins more like a theme from a B it. At son. Parsons does the times, the film realistic throughout and On Melissa version. rated spy movie seems than the engineering and arranging, almost a remake of "Rocky Douglas' acting is ex- Machester's album , en- "It's All in the Sky evil betrayals of Eve by the and Woolfson writes and II" with running as the cellent. titled "Melissa Man- Above," blends orchestra devil. It lacks the sinister performs on the album. sport instead of boxing. Not However, the plot quickly chester,' with Manchester's quality needed for a song The lead vocalists are that "Rocky II" was a bad deteriorates and falls prey the music is half , half dramatic vocals, and is with this title. selected for a specific song, picture, but the same basic to a common enemy easy-listening rock. None probably the best cut from "You Lie Down With similar to how a film- plot the second time around corniness. of the selections seem to the album. Dogs," makes the maker casts roles. is tiresome. Michael runs in the complement her singing The lyrics don't stand philisophic statement, As a prrxhicer. Alan The unoriginal Olympic trials and finishes voice, on this Arista out as being original, storyline in "Running" is fourth after leading most of release. throughout the album. made up of predictable the race. He needed to The disco half of the They all deal with the sequences which, though place at least third to make album is nice dancing grand delusions of Bug Problems? sometimes humorous, have the Olympic team but music, but is rather hard romance ,making love by a been used at least a million predictably, or else the on the ears. The songs don't fire in the morning , or lost CALL DS, r5,57" and a half times before. movie would have ended, have her doing anything love, holdin' on, letting' go, Michael Douglas plays the winner of the trials has except shrieking in a high- and so on,. Michael Andropolis, a born been injured and Michael pitched tone. The one song with Precision At A Discount. loser who is going through does make the team. The slower songs are lyrics which are different ,F of students only , a divorce and now lives in a It gets worse when more enjoybale to listen to, from the rest is "Pretty Come by for .pordal ntudont dr-a-mint r.nrd dumpy apartment. Michael Michael flies to Montreal and they bring her voice Girls" in which Man good for a whole year. and entitles you to 10% off once went to for the 1976 Olympic down to more manageable chester sings of a man, medical any Command Performance service Including our school, then quit. He once Games. Yes, I know it's levels, reminiscent of her (could it be anyone we 1979, but the producers know7 I who enjoys the precision haircut went to law school, then two previous hits, "Don't Precision haircutting is our technique for cutting didn't want to appear company of young, pretty quit. He has failed in Cry out Loud," and Mid- Try our the hair in harmony with the way it grows So outdated by using original girls. as it business ventures and night Blue." little grows it doesn't lose its shape Your haircut will films of the '76 games. there is nothing VOLKSWAGEN SPECIAL! consistently gets fired from For people who haven't In all, look as good after five days as it does after five Anyway, who shows up but really outstanding about (Good All Semester/ menial jobs. gotten sick of haring Kenny arbot000 9 tualte minutes Janet who has just realized the abhun. The music is the I Tone up Achost So Michael runs. This I,oggins' "Whenever I Call 2 Ado,. valoo4 6 Change 04 10 . Broke flood A precision haircut with shampoo and blow-dry she loves Michael and 0,1,1 is one thing he does well You Friend," Machester's same, the lyrics are the 3 Set Wrong 1 3 Cluarls 010,1 I I . Transnossion flout COMS lust sixteen dollars for guys or gals. less except for his reputation of wants to be with him. The version is a slower paced same as many other 4 Cher 0 I hr,’ 12 - gallery thod 81141 1000 of course We also offer permanent waves, starting fast in races then scene worked in "Rocky delightful change. With the releases from many other coloring, frosting and conditioning No appoint- slowing considerably as II" but is now old stuff and background vocals of artists. Although the music ment needed lust come in other runners start to pass produces a yawn. Arnold McCuller, the song isn't bad, it is not original . ONLY $25 Take advantage of our otter, it's precisely what IEEE -Plus-Parts If Needed you need Spartan Mobil EXPRESS YOURSELF t'4ommand Perforniaiice 294-1562 ALMADEN FASHION PLAZA 0 BUMPER STICKERS; 0 5353 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY BY WELLS FARGO BANK) a. 1 1 th and San Carlos MON TOES 9 9 118 1047 VISA SAT 9 6 WED THEIRS FRI 0 0 Offer good for: 41aZ Po, 19 I, Hoses 411 Elti, Item11811 TULLY SQUARE MADE ON WEATHER RESISTANT, LONG LIFE VINYL I.4014 lts Soustoba, lk nod TIonci, 117 EL PASEO DI SARATOGA 2013 TULLY ROAD BUY ONE FOR $5.75 ( AND USE THIS COUPON FOR Si OFF) MON. FRI 9 9 NON WED t SAT 9 6 1148 F SAN ANTONIO, SAN JOSE I CORNER OF SOUTH 24TH STALE T 298-2968 All Work Guaranteed SAT., 9 6, 966 0445 TNURS t FRI 99 251 4900 Noverobar 7, 19 6 sports Bernardi makes childhood switch a success Spartan scoring ace almost chose basebal by Mark Marymee interested in baseball. school soccer competition, maybe even better." of goal scorer. To say that sophomore Soccer wasn't very popular two at Pioneer High and his SJSU soccer coach "I think about it a lo forward Giulio Bernardi back then. senior year at Gundersen, Julie Menendez said Bernardi said of the ci has had two good seasons "So I played a little Bernardi scored 60 goals, Bernardi's success is not stant pressure natura ih the SJSU soccer squad baseball and finally got leading the Santa Theresa due solely to speed, but also placed upon a team's I would probably be an.. interested in soccer," the Athletic League in that to a desire to learn the scorer. "When I don't sec understatement. V 19-year-old Bernardi said. department three straight intricacies of the game. it bothers me a lot becai In two years with the "And I've loved it ever seasons. He was also "Giulio has many I feel like I'm letting I Spartans, Bernardi is tied since." named the league's most strong points," Menendez team down. I feel that I for 10th on the all-time While Bernardi might valuable player three said, "but one real strong not doing my job. SJSU scoring list, tied for have been bitten by the consecutive years. point is his tremendous "If we win there's seventh in career assists soccer bug at nine, it took Making the switch enthusiasm for the game. that much pressure and holds ninth place by him until high school to from high school com- "He's a real student of Bernardi said. "But it himself in the all-time total surrender totally to its petition to college play has the game," Menendez lose, I feel like I'm part points category. influence. usually been the kiss of continued. "He eats, sleeps ereeasonor we lost, if I do With credentials like "Up to high school I death for many top prep and thinks about soccer all score. that, one might get the played both baseball and stars, but Bernardi seems the time. "I think they ( I impression the native San soccer, ' Bernardi said. "I to have adapted well. "He's just the type of teammates) sort of look Josean was born dribbling had a coach who gave me He credits an ability to person who always wants me right now for scoring. a soccer ball. Or, while the idea to choose between get to the ball quickly and to improve. He's probably Others looking other kids were playing one of the two because to move it down the field in his own biggest critic when Bernardi for scoring a "regular" childhood when you get to college you a short period of time as it comes to analyzing his opponents who tend to games, little Giulio was usually specialize in one attributes that have guided own game." out of their way to try bouncing a soccer ball off sport. him to a successful career If Bernardi is the No. 1 shut off his offensi his skull until his forehead "So I gave it some so far. assessor of his own per- firepower. bled. pretty good thought," "I think my speed formance, his parents are While some defend( Wrong. Bernardi said. "I always helps me a lot," Bernardi not far behind. attempt to mark Bernal "I started playing liked soccer a little bit said. "If you're fast, even if "My parents have tight and just try to outpl soccer when I was about more, so I decided to start you don't have as many helped me a lot because him, the Spartan forwa nine years old," said playing it year-round." skills, you can make up for they know the game," disclosed there are sor Bernardi, who has 19 goals Once Bernardi made it with speed. Bernardi said. "They're who forget about fair pl in 15 games for the Spar- the move to year-round "It's hard to come and my best critics. and try to stop him usi tans in 1979. "My mom soccer, it did not take him play in college if you're "My dad used to play any means possible. always told my dad to get long to find out he made the slow," he added. "Because in Italy and my mom "Usually when y me out there and kick the right decision. you finci guys who are just knows the game because score a lot they'll put ball around, but I was In three years of high as good ayou are, and she's watched it all her aggressive fullback or life," Bernardi said. "We fast fullback or one of th( have a soccer oriented better fullbacks on you family. Bernardi said of a deft Poloists on road in L.A. "We'll usually go over sive tactic he has becor a game either the night of familiar with this season. the game or the next day," "The aggressi for four weekend games Bernardi said. "I usually fullbacks just hammer y know when I played well and trip you as long as th by Roger Myers coach John Williams said squad is 2-3 in the PCAA. and sometimes I don't want can get away with il in a phone According to Sports While most SJSU interview. "We to face my parents. Bernardi said. "The way played at (nationally No. 1) Information Director John handle that students will be cramming "But, they help me is just to Santa Barbara last Culwell, Fullerton "hired a for late midterms and with my whole game, with back at them. That's t weekend and lost 7-6. coach, had him recruit a attending Saturday's techniques and with things only way you have to six "There were 19 few players, and scheduled football game, the Spartan they think 1 should be them that you're not ejections called against us some games. timidated. water polo team will be on doing. And I strive to reach and only 4 against Santa "That we've won six "If they hit you, you p loto hv MIA r a four-games-in-four-days those goals." Barbara. We were really games is a tribute to them back," Bernardi sa Southern California road One goal Bernardi SJSU's leading scorer Giulio Bernardi gets ready to open fire on an op- ticked-off," he said. Druss," Culwell said. "Not so you're going to swing this weekend. hopes to accomplish before ponent's goal during a recent Spartan soccer game The Trojans face a "Starting a program is just thrown out of the gait Spartan catalyst Victor his stay at SJSU expires is crucial game Saturday at not like turning on a spigot. though. You have Ouslan, who broke his nose to climb from his current home against Pac-10 leader Druss is recognized as a disguise it. in practice Friday night spot of 10th on the Spar- California, high-powered aquatics "I like to play diet missed Saturday's 12-4 so the Trojans tans' all-time scoring list to fland may be coach." myself, but if someoi to Stanford, is ex- drained. the No. 1 slot, occupied by loss Indeed, at Eldorado tries to get me on purpos Playoff spot almost certai pected to make the trip, but "We'll start our best former teammate "Easy" High School in Southern I try to get them back, how much he can play or at players," Williams said, Perez. you don't they'll try to ke what level of effectiveness "but give them only limited California, Druss won Bernardi has 50 goals taking advantage of you remains dubious. playing time unless San three CIF swimming to go to catch Perez. despite field hockey loss championships and two SJSU, 12-11 for the Jose is playing out of its in "That's a goal you mind." water polo. by Jeff Rhodie Thei r picks are to be from around the country. season and 1-4 in the PCAA, always try to reach, being Two of the starters who In Rick Rowland's five Even though based upon a teams' The regular season, opens the trip tomorrow No. 1," Bernardi said. If I the SJSU may see action against years, Pepperdine has won women's field hockey team overall record, the dif- however, is still not quite night at league rival could, I'd like to beat Automatic Typing SJSU are second team All- 93, lost 40 and tied one. This lost its first conference ficulty of its schedule and complete. For the Spar- Fullerton State. 'Easy'. ORE DAT SERVICE Americans Zach Simpson year the Waves are 12-9 game in four years Friday- the statistic of penetration tans, it will end Saturday in Other games include a "But the main ob- isms pop.,. reports and goalie Jack Graham. and 3-2 in the PCAA. -2-1 to Californiacoach time the total amount of Stockton when they face PCAA tussle at Pepperdine jective, I think, is to win," notion revisions Last year USC was 16-8 Although in the midst Leta Walter is anything but time a team had control of the University of Pacific. Friday night, then two he said. "It doesn't matter and 5-3 under Williams, of a self-made rebuilding CAUROR panic striken. the ball in its opponents And today the Spartans unenviable encounters with if I score one goal. I just 371-6672 who attributes the Trojans' year, assistant coach Mark "Cal outplayed us, 'she territory. will play an exhibition UCLA and USC, the Nos. S- want to win." evolution to "not losing Worden, thinks Pepperdine said simply. They It appears the com- game at South Campus, and 3-ranked teams in the While winning may be anybody to graduation last is "four to five goal pressured us and they mittee will have three easy begining at 2:30, against a nation respectively, on the main objective for the year. We've been prac- favorites over SJSU. played well on defense. It's selections and one more team from Australia. The Saturday and Sunday 5-9, 155-pound Bernardi, ticing together since last "We'll consider it a big not that we played bad difficult one. teamcalled Illawarrais mornings. one job that has been thrust February." upset if we lose," he said. hockey. They just played The three apparent on a West Coast tour in the The most imposing of upon him by others is that UCLA, under 17-year "But we do have to play better." shoe-ins are the Spartans, United States. The tour the four teams SJSU will coach Bob Horn, has gone Long Beach Saturday in a "We did break down a with a 9-1 record, Stanford, started yesterday when face is USC, 14-5 so far and from a "terible team, 1-7 in must game and our guys little in our thinking with a 10-1-2 mark and Illawarra played Stanford 4-2 in the Pacific-10. The the Pac-10," as assistant may be looking ahead. SAN JOSE ART process, though, by not Long Beach State at 9-2-2. and it will last until Nov. 21 Trojans have a genuine Rich Corso put it, to a The Waves are red- always seeing all the op- The two candidates for when Illawarra closes out chance to win the NCAA contending one this season, shirting three key players Paint & Wallpaper Co. tions available to us. But the final spot are Cal, its trip in San Diego. championship. 13-7 overall and 5-3 in this year hoping to we're human. We're going which has a record of 5-5-3 "We think so," USC conference challenge for the NCAA to make mistakes. There's and Arizona, which has an play. FOF1 THE FINEST IN The reason for the title in 1980. no reason to get uptight 8-4-4 mark, with both teams Women golfers win tourney; Bruins' astonishing tur- The most impressive of about it. We'll try to learn having one game to play. Tirt qO nabout, according to Corso, the three redshirts is Terry from the experience." The reason it figures to be a is "five redshirts from last Schroeder, a first team All- Walter is right. There tough decision between Sheehan fires record score Materials year, including David American, starting setter is no reason to get up tigl)t Arizona and Cal, even Rosen, a second team All- for the U.S. Pan-American over the loss. With one though Arizona has the Trailing Arizona State by one shot going into America goalie. and World University game remaining for most better record, is because yesterday's final round, the SJSU women's golf team Valley Fair Center While UCLA has games gold-medal-winning teams, the Spartan's Cal pulled off the upset of scorched the 6,000-yard Rancho Murietta Golf Course with San Jose.Ca 249-8700 topped Cal, USC and teams and for the U.S. 5 30 record of 9-1 is still better the season last week when a four-player total of 300, giving the Spartans a 10-shot win 8 30 Stanford this year, the Olympic squad in Moscow. Mon Sat than that of any of the other it edged the Spartans, 2-1. in the 36-hole Rancho Murietta Invitational in 365 San Antonio Rd Bruins have also dropped Former De Anza star 941-3600- eight teams in Region 8, The committee is Sacramento. Mtn View. Ca. decisions to all three, and Ray Wylie is also a Wave meaning SJSU is a near scheduled to have its four ASU was the only team in the field of eight even close notch below the starter. VF Store also Open Weeknights Iii 9 a. Sun 12 to 5 certainty of being one of picks completed by Nov. to the Spartans as third-place Stanford was 35 shots appear a Trojans. In all, SJSU coach the selected teams for the II, at which time they will behind SJSU's winning total of 607. Mike MacNaMa would regional playoffs Nov. 16-17 be announced. For the Spartans, the highlight of the tournament was Conversely, the have to consider it a in Long Beach. The other four region 8 Patty Sheehan's course record 73 ( even par) in the Spartans' best chance for a ""Vgi!il;1’ '0;11'1Z:11'41:I" opening round, breaking the old record of 76, which had win will be in the first game feather in his team's cap if A three -member teams--UC Davis, Mayron is romantic of the trip against it could return with a split. commitee, which was Sacramento State, Chico stood for three years. and offer, evidence that some Fullerton, 6-12 in this, the Realistically, the wins mysterious quality we call sea picked before the season State and the University of For Sheehan, it was destined to be a good round from Titans' first season of would have to come at the ppeal is harder to define than began, will select four Pacificare not in the the start, as she birdied the first three holes. it ever was and continues to be water polo in the last five expense of the two PCAA whet movies are all about teams from Region 8 to go playoff picture. Sheehan dropped just two strokes yesterday and her of 148 won her individual medalist honors years. Coach Walt Druss' foes. Afolly Haskell, New liwk to the playoffs. This year's The Regionals will two-round total Wago,on., committee is made up of eliminate only one of the by four shots over Arizona State's Pia Nilsson. the women's athletic four teams and the other SJSU's Juli Simpson was third with a 153. In fourth Myron is warm and was Spartan captain Carol Conidi at 154, along with funny. human and lovable directors from Arizona and three will go to Princton, Colnlopahran Stanford and a New Jersey Nov. 28-Dec. 1 Arizona State's Charlotte Moctgomery. Transamerica Insurance Group representative for SJSU's Juli Ordonez was tied for sixth at 155. The Geri Fr fend movie so from Long the Nationals, which A Iasi grogish full of life and love and feeling. Beach State. wull have other Spartan golfer, Kelly Swank, had a 157. 16 teams in all asualty insireince company you re bound to take some of it home with you David offers chablioing career .Siseehan, (11S.TV NACTV Oown to &Intl) opportudliego college KINKO'S COPIES Oiscount nutPition god" lie Now Offers N ERAMINIMER S ntOPININV Quality KODAK ( opies girl friends cAlltlfrait tops. pramalla a film hs Claudia Weill "Girl Friend." CLAIMS RIPS shoroong Melanie Mayrom ireilurong AnetSkonowt EVERYDAY Eh Walla, h. I lowtoopher thwsi. Koh Ralston. lions Young receive Wow Itoosa4AnwWright.Vovera Londloors. & Mike Kellon STORE WIDE produred &ch. erred ho l'Istidos prorlof er Special Introductory Offer Jan Saunders so reemploy Val, thlotn Alear elsOd. DISCOUNTS OF veepeillelipairiceeibiermie W.11 I Voo loo !Solon mwor Mu had Small with this ad 15 - 25% OFF gistardlixifispeartas. BRAND NAME Applessir ma be 21/2 per copy HEALTH PRODUCTS le reeseale. Arepreeneetive TONIGHT! 123 S. 3rd St. San lose Special discount with valid S.J.S.U. be ustaniel Noma. .11 November 7 7& 10 P.M. Offer eimires Nov 14, 1979 student body card Ilipeiepler Morris Dailey Auditorium $1.00 Expires Dec. 31, 1979 11.101110041 November 7. 1979 lover, ober 7 1979 classifieds 7

CASH FOR YOUR LOINS, any NEEDED Two reporters. one IMMEDIATE openings in your LOST WOMAN s silver ring bEOKELEY Typing Agency coins up to 1960 I will pay 5X photographer and one area helping elderly and antliMarcolite stones in the form Announcements Stereo Professional srvicits their value, for older coins or For Sale marketing rrrrr ant for Cal Hi disabled Work around your of daisy REWARD 14041 4/1 Resonable rates Open 9 a m silver dollars IX 19. 04020, 743 Sports anew sports new... cI No experience 0170 to 7 pm F PHONE Mt 1710 1019 covering CIrf high schools necessary Rekedy GREENPECE will meet COLLECTORS' COMIC BOOKS Contact editor Mark Tennis at Homemakers Call 191 1314 or drop by E see weeder Thur. Nov 1 at I 00 in the S U PUPPY FOUND 10/31, in 10th 11 MAR XIS. Its Relevance to . Marvel and some DC Private 240 5119. St in downtown S. Jose St Part Costs.. em garage Beagle or MISERLY Music lovers max from the Science 'SS Our Time *100, session course Coll Buy sets issues WANTED Le.ngthy typing O10,4 up Low prices young Lab 111 Mostly mire money and minimise by Or Herbert Aptheker Starts 751 2721 PAR T time am Work week I.g deadline, book of B ldg SKI CLUB'S next meeting is beige ears Friendly Call 378 mrddlemen with AUDIO EN No, 14..1136 5 'St SS fee days or weekends in Los Gatos *quiver.? Wounded "Bird," November a (Thursday) at / 30 '76 KWSAKI El M. only 10K 04150r 277 3497 leave message TERPRISES. SJSU's complete fOr disabled graduate student Bum Wing Esport typist, no in Engineering 132 Come rind miles. Just tuned runs perfect consumer electreffics buying FOR A GENTLE FRIDAY tofihr Call 356 2714, in a m cello.. machine TERM papery thesis typed out about tuning up your skis 51175. Call Mare 280 1357 or Ha Service With the widest selection mball EVENING, loin Ros and friends Si' pg IBM Selectric with and other great ideas nother 4692. oh the highest alefity, 01 the Or m and hot tub on 1st HANDYMAN Ipersonl, 54 CAS DRIVERS NEEDED Full various type balls Call V sensational Tailgiste Party will lowest prices Nearly 300 brands irer. and 3rd Fridays A safe place, pr/hr Floor covering layers, time and part time drivers Personals No,,I IS f 111 1035 occur Saturday. Nov (Oat 10 30 BEERMKING Now it is Of stereo compacts. corn these candlelit evenings of minor plumbing electrical or need., 75 years of age or older rilt about it a lot," am 1Grne is at I 00 pm legal! You can be drinking your ts lc and Pro music and valley views are a carpentry interior and exterior with good drarrng record Marla Beer will be provided. own impOrt type brew in 3 to 4 said of the con- Wear all equipment for the car, home. defightlul, almost nonverbal painting (any Of of the and tamale, earn 550 day Call campus your cowboy hats and bring your weeks New Recipe tastes LOVELY LADY hasn't been studro GOOD typist Close lo issure pall firmo to lit stage or Also TV's. naturally way to unwind Limited to the /move) Work King Cab Company 7t3 9044 Manuscripts, thesis. etc Call horns SPECIAL ASPEN fantastic Very little actual work Missed all se . Volunteers VCR's and video games All school hours Call 788 1447 on a team's top f irst six men and sic women who VOUr ROTCindy. Dorothy at 794 5723 eyes or MEETING on Tuesday in putting it together and you apply in person. items with lull warranty 70 day call 3%. 0046 alter 5 or 295 7431 HELP wanted toe beautiful Then I don't score November 20 at 7 30 pm in nly need a small space to do it detective iiiichange shipped wends Pm English Tudor house 16.20 hrs me a Engineering 132. 5100 or the NO ADDITIVES! Pure m11 PERMANENT hair removal by direct Irons wholesale lot because APARTMENT assostnt work per week in exchange for balance is due Come out and Costs 1/2 the price of store PAY. Call 064 7111, Mon. and d Wars 10 you in 0 to le I'm letting the INTERESTED in outdoor ad manager One person needed to room and board NraCtive, TYPING Theses. term papers, hear the latest and meet the bought beer You can vary the Wed. days Optional S yr parts and n. I feel that I'm ventures) Come to the SJSU live in studio apartment and comfortable studio style room etc E ep and last Peas rates people who will make Aspen ALCOHOL from 3 to 10 percent. labor Disc washer and 5 free Sierra Club meeting every Tues. help with the management with bathroom and own en Call 249 86/4 my job. Rock! Next Tailgate Party rs BEERMAKERS OF AMERICA UNWANTED hair removed LP's with any system Tapes night at 7.30 in the S.0 Handyman experience helplul trance Desrrable residential e win there's not Friday Nov (Oat 5,00 Who else 1040 N. Olt St. Specialist con and access your at cost with Guadalupe Room. Here are Free rent includes phone and area 5 blocks from SJSU Start bring you these fantastic 31114447 fidsinhal. 335 5. lammed Ann, 5103 or more purchase Belore ich pressure," Would attractions( On cable TV Units are? miles from 11, 11,70 Call 2,40733 rrrrr 6 some coming 7486. PROFESSIONAL typist El events except the people who A FOUR -DAY STORE San Jose. Call 247 buy elsewhere. Cheek the said. "But ifwe Nov 6 a talk will be given on campus, an easy bike ride p m you rare SKI CLUB Joe 761 7119 Wed. Mru Sat., 0-6 low AE price Cal 7S5 5550 any peroenced Deadlinm -The Fight tor Lake Tahoe "On Apply at BMA, 1040 N 4th St., JI like I'm part of or.. 0491 _ CONGRATULATIONS to the Ken teed Low rates Call Jeannie at through Wed Mrs; Saa., 9 to 6 time except M/W. ask for Nov 10, a bicycle trip MAKE holiday money at home 214 1915 iwe lost, if I don't USED furniture: Good prices. fall 'Ft pledge class of Sigma Students and faculty only Napa Valley's Vineyards and For details, send self addressed, WANTED Baseball cards, We are "unfurnishing" apart- Alpha Mu. Lots of luck and 10.1 Nov It, a trip to Point Reyes TEACHERS Needed (41 as soon stamped envelope to Davis yearb.irs and world series mentS Close to campus on a Your little si Fst, ac sink they his Any sues or info call Greg at as possible to teach English Enterprises. Box I772-C, Van PROF pop typist programs, autographS, statues, reviler basis. VI hare 189 9934 con rrrrrr ion at California cosi*, WA 11648. curate. reasonable ISM is) sort of look to sports memorabara QUICK available dinettes, hideabees, HAPPY ann. HS West YEAR old system Has 4 year Language Institute in Japan Corrective Selectric Call 252 ow for scoring." CASH See Or Learn, Bus colt* and end tastes, lamps, moot. Hope you have a great warranty Sensor 8000 Dolby SJSU COUNSELING SER Send resume one photo POSITION as radro telephone 50511 Tower 743. or call 1137 0191 rugs, o . Get Ss, beds and day in Him SO much, receiver, Bose 901 speakers. .s looking to VICES Available to all students Requirements: U.S. College operator Munimum 24 hours misc. Cash and carry. Call 291. Love, MHOS. Concept E LC cassette deck, for who %would like help with graduate, good per week Position Involves scoring are MOVING and hauling t have 7438. ADC S5110 ***liter, Sansui vocational, personal or willing to stay 7 years. 11.10010 receiving, recording requests who tend to small covered 0,11 WOMEN's Medical Center of SS 100 head phones. technics go truck and do Prefer academic concerns Come see 5I.500 per month and dispatching emergency ir way to try to all sorts of lobs. Call ROY at 7/II USED Books For Less. Recycle San Jose. Fre* preg. testing: SLS 7 turntable 51,750 or beSt married couples, both able to road Travel 49i7 us in our new office Room 233, Bookstore, 911 E San Fernando sorsa. vehicles Most coon/Ming: abortions. Call 292 offer Call PI 8043 his offensive Administration Building, 7th teach, with some experience have good telephone manners on corner of 3rd. St Call 786 0797. and San Fernando Call 277 7964 teaching children Contact and willing to work nights, STUDENT dental plan. Take 6175. Mr .1Chiro Nohara, Yamaha weekends and holidays In JUDY, Your a hot pledge mom. some defenders core of your mouth - enroll _ Sansui WM Dolby receiver Bose RED CARPET Realtors Bldg. OF, 1-1-1 Uomacht, lerested party contact Mr Student Travel Services Now!! Information at A.S. is of DEAR Stuide Is, faculty and Take care of Jose. Love in OP. 7 o mark Bernardi Kokurak Oa Ku, Kitakyushu. 901 speakers, with equalirer, lering a in Real Estate in Hartsell, Calit Stale L S P. your Pledge Daughter, days a week t Flights 1980 Office, or call 371.11. employees. When you need concept E LC cassette deck. just try to outplay both residential and commercial Fukuoka, Japan Auboinobile Association, 80 Domestic and international let insurance, isn't it nice to know Pai ADC 55110 equaliser. Technics Spartan forward divisions. We will be in- Saratoga Ave,, Santa Clara. Call frights anywhere at diSCOunt BALLET classes and exercise. there is someone who can help SL B2 Turntable. Sanwa 55110 terviewing on campus Friday, NEEDED Mature female 0550340 An E OE tares We also represent all there are some All ages, all levels. Personal voo with all your insurance I AM a warm, sensitive. Ilan models. Semi nude, nude SIO Headphones S1750 or hest offer Nov. 16, 1779. Int dicapped man with a speech charter operators I including it about fair play attention, detailed i ion. needs) I would enroy helping 277 1041 students may sign up for an pr/hr. Please contact Kim at JANITORS NEEDED Part Laker) Hawaii MeBicco School of Ballet Arts. Call 7811 you protect the good things you defect. I would like to share my D stop him using in the Art West Studios, P0. Box 1939, time office maintenance. 6118 Or 998 2416. appointment have worked hard tor with a thoughts and my feelings with a Europe Asia ... Africa ... Planning and Placement office, Los Gatos, CA 95030, or call 371 Sunday thru Thurs. eves. Why Australia South and Central s possible. State Farm car, homeowners, woman companion Please call Bldg. 0, Room 3, starting Oct. Call 46114252. America U.S.A.... Jet 11.1.11 illy when you YOGA meditation. Day and rile and/or health insurance 7911 23011 30, 1979 anywhere I services and ot they'll put an night cl . Emphasis will be policy. I would also enjoy the ALL AMERICAN COPY INC LEARN to drive a school MM. d iscount fares. Int rrrrr ional directed toward relaxing our opportunity of providing you IRISH I'm so happy about all e fullback or a No cop required Part or full School bus driver position liven, Typing Student Identay Card issuance body and mine. We 0,11 uSe our with dependable protection and Your efforts Keep up the great one of their time 407 E.Santa Clara SI for um, type bus. Part tone MIL. YOuthrail and Britrall ick or breath as a tool to rest our prompt personal service. For work See you soon R Automotive I between 9th and 10th Hs) PA-F, weekends. PRES. Call passes Overseas rob backs on you, minds, emotions and tensions. more info please call Kathy 3774657. LEEN, Mary, Diane. Jeff. Ed - placement Youth hostel cards said of a defen- Students with I.D. receive SO MORY STAR Summer, OVERSEAS JOBS Student ships and trams percent offrmo. We love and miss you and lust Nonstudentl, IS TOY CEL ICA Cpe 4 sp 670 253 3277 round Europe, 5 meriCa. PROFESSIONAL typing All c he has become Year SEVERAL Infra European Ifight bookings 130/mo. Please to review Part Mlle HMI" wanted to embarrass 40.7 in call 7024330 0- AM, FM Tape Mags T/A'S your assurance needs Australia, Asia, etc All fields kinds IBM Corr Selectric II drivers needed for transport of and tickets Insurance ... Wide rith this season. 273-3663. at the time and place of your print( -Hale Fiske Hail( Louvres, 1500 Firm Paul 277 5000-51.100 monthly Expenses autos Call Shirley at 255 0540 -30 lo/from car dealers in San Gard. and Robin map selection . Luggage .. J aggressive 6116 convenrence. Sightseeing For free info, Paid Jose area Fle hrs.... Start p.m find travel SPARTAN Gardens Backpacks Hard to just hammer you Recycling write IJC, 5B, Corona Del Box 57 at 44 SO/hr Call George at 2/3 Center Need ride fp San Diego books Voltage converters is open this semester CHEVROLET '60 Nova, 230, 1dr UNITED Airline hall -tar. Mar, CA 92600 and hack ou as long as they 9819, MAACO Auto Pinting, Camping lours Club Med .. Wed., 102 p.m., and Sat. and coupon for sale. HS. Call 241. for Thanksgiving Bonnie 29T good condMon Best offer 295 TECHNICAL typeng Theses, away with it," Sun.. to soe or Jeanne 770 9407 Trip and Travel Planning p.m. We take 1593, aft 4pm 0945 eves PART TIME work tor students US Pats by Stanford Univ 444 E William St newspaper, cardboard, Company. said. "The way to glass, We have a few positions open for secretary in my S J home Call Mon Fri., 9 aluminum cans, tin and bimetal ALL VERY SIMPLE A 110th and Wm sts 1. at is just to get 19/7 DODGE Van. 6 cTI . 3 sPd responsible people who want to Housing Pal at 097 1111 days, or 247 1721 cans and now motor oil. We're notorious bandit brutally rapes 6, Sat., IS. Sun 13S. 7 blocks hem. That's the auto Runs excellent Call earn 5100 to 5400 per week, eves across from Spartan Stadium on a woman and murders her from campus evenings 242 1440,11100 working only 21 to 15 hours you have to show the corner of S. 7th and Hernbolt Help Wanted husband The bandit conlesSes Perfect for students Won't MOTHER OLSON'S lodgings sts. Bring your recyclables and in court Simple! Or (5 !II See t you're not in- RECAPS Sony 03 series small in rrrrrr e with Classes Previous Two houses rrrrrr street from TYPING IBM Corr Selectric come out and us. "Rashornon" Nov I 10. Op m at support Liletime Guarantee 63 series sales experience helpful, hut not cmpus, kitchen, linen and maid Reports, term papers, theses, Volunteers welcome. Student to assist in teaching the SJSU Studio Theatre, 5th ey hit you, you hit large. 312 99 Radial, 70 series necessary We train Call 1166 serv., TV,, parking, 51. 00 to dissertations. letters, tecchnical remedial reading approa (120 and San Fernando. and, you Jokes recaps, and Mud and Snow, 0400 40.00 per week shared, 560.00 to typing, etc Familiarity with all t," Bernardi said. GIVE the gift only you can give hours per week Must be tell me 51479 Eac used tires, 56 THE 70.00 per week single, 122 North formats 20 years exp. Quality to someone you lore, a beautiful available all five days mon thru ou're going to get TIRE MARKET, (Discount Tire JOGS ON SNIPS} American, 5th St., 991-0223. work Blossom Hill area Call award winning portrait by Jolla. In. between lp.m. and 7p ni ut of the game, Warehouse). Dell and Sun foreign. No esp. required. Exc. DIY Hi . How's it going? Your Kathie at 571 1714 from tam to Call John Most be excellent reader. Will You have to nyoaks Ave Campbell Call PS pay. Worldwide travel. Summer SAN JOSE RESIDENCE Club letter last Friday was a prime Op m at 44127308 train. 57.25/hr. Call Mrs JOKES FOR PIZZA. The Otto job or Send 53 for onto. to Great guys and gals, kitchen, example of the pro nuke men Spencer. 157 1109. Spartan Daily svith Spartan Pub SEFAX, Dept C6, Box 7049, or game room, color TV,, linen tardy The Streaker is now accepting Mies, short, :e to play clean REVISING, editing, organizing '74 VW RUG R/H, auto stick First and Laurel streets. Port and maid serv.. fireplace, TYPING Accuracy. neatness long, dull, crude or whatever. reports, term STUDENTS, We otter pay plus someone manuscripts, slid) exc. rand , 57,495 or offer Angeles, WA 98363, courtyard, parking 534.00 to TO MY FAURTOLA. Happy two guaranteed E sp but if and deadlines Each week all *shies will be al. fiction con prafical experience. Head as 40W week Shared, Call 257 1051 per 565 00 to months You make marriage In Masters reports and it me on purpose, ludged by the Spartan Daily Ad sultlition. Call Dave at 747 4277. countant needed to maintain 70.00 per week single. 207 South Faurtini THE Peninss-rla- Wench greatl Love disserrations Approved On Jet them back. If records and prepare stall and the "JOKE OF THE eyes. '66 CHEVY Impala wagon sr financial American school in Palo Alto 11th Street, Office 122 North 81h SJSU Graduate Department WEEK" will be printed in the 14151 773.743S. Call statements and Tax returns they'll try to keep Collect. AT. PB, AC. Exc mech Cond needs people (men preferred/ to St , 991-0733 ENGINEER. WELL settled, IBM Selectric II South San Must be enrolled Spartan Daily "JOKE" section Clean .00 Call 141 3400 in or Completed teach the 3 R's in English, 1 hour wants to meet a quiet, sincere, rantage of you." Jose, Blossom Valley area Cal The winner each week will be WHAT do Paul Newman, Roe Intermediate Accounting. 20 ROOM for rent in a family a day. 1415/ 004 6.6. evenings. honest white fernale from nice Janet $1 2?? 9515 hours per week. 53.50 awarded a coup. for p.m at Steteer and Toshoro MMus* have '64 VW Great commute car S4.00 an home. Call 379-7387 eves., or family interested in hour Typing and the Spartan Pub To enter in common? They all played the 5750 Call Fred at 354 1 office ATTN 0 T. T R . Special Ed wrae P.O. Box 1391, Cmpbell, photography, tennis, pets. efimply write your name and notorious bandit Tajomaru on a.rn to Sp m skills required (Work Study or Mai. Work I 1 with develop, CA 95008 outdoors Call Sam at 2273940 EXPERT typ!ng and Student Assistants) Call SAN phone number with your robe stage and screen. See SJSU's disabled in homes providing after S or w.kendS prOotreading of term papers. one* Typing JOSE STATE and put it in the robe box in the TaloMru in the Play UNIVERSITY sensory strmulatron, behavior !!!ROOM and SWARD, etc Fast Service SI pg Call ALUMNI Spartan Pub, What a deal!. DAY SERVICE -Rashornen," Nov CIO, 0 GM. ASSOCIATION 277 mod . personal care. Must have Beautiful Georgian home on one Sheila at 279 0110 1235 yrs reports at The Studio Theatre, Stto and car. Start 5340 to 53.86 per hr. acre of lnd. Delicious San Fernando, vegetarian meals seven days a Services int revisions Alter 4 months fir to 54.23 per hr Mileage reimbursement and week. (Eggs and Dairy used/. All .24001 other benefits. Call 714 5S75. Yoga classes mornings and 71-6672 evenings. LIVE MUSIC for parties. PIANISTS wanted Theater Join Our Family! dances. receptions JAVA DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE group. male or lemal Raisins, Meals, all utilities paid, B AND, at the Eurasia Cafe on Edited by Margaret Farrar and Truth Jaffe Beginners OK Two mornings in laundry and classes 5775 per Sat nights Call Bob at 154 2101 week Call 157 804 pers.,shared room, 5300 Single. mornings. 1971 Los Ariel. limos Sim.. 977 Asbury SI., off The Alameda 11\ ACROSS 52 Pursue 19 High trump WANTED Male coach for near Taylor by YMCA. C11 MARRY today! Legal it both HIT YOUR TARGET 1 Bryn - 55 Auto accessory 21 Stowe heroine women's gymnastics. Contact Hit or 292.6359 day or night, or over 14 and living together 5 Kind of building 59 Courtesy and namesakes Bruce Irvine, West Valley 293-3643 9-6 weekdays Absolutely confidential No blood lest No waiting period Re 10 Sea food dish 61 St. Petersburg 25 Be adjacent to Gymnastics School at 174 1692 FREE COTTAGE Single girl married near campus by Rey 14 Nurse in India figure 26 Church doctrine only. Clean for 1 1/7 hrs Car Don BS.DD CIl 9911 0140 ... TYPIST for law firm. Fulfipt. in the RT 15 Lawful 62 Exclaimed in 27 Island in the time. Will trin. Call E Guild at needed 14730 Oar*. Rd San 16 Easy gait surprise Firth of Clyde 2794878 Or 703.5311 for into Jose Call 2S4 1276 atter ape,. LOOKING for a Wedding ler Co. 17 - stick 63 That: E'r. 29 Valuable food Ph rr prier) Images by John WOULD like to rrrrrr sions of love, sole for man. Part find a female ar MASSIF!) 18 Covent Garden 64 Satan's aides fish. the robalo CARE sight 65 More than a little 31 Affectations time, 1010 noon 64/hr Call 292 companion to 11. with ban elegant and understood by For the Finest 20 Kind of masonry 66 Product of 32 0469 from 1 op m dicapped man. Peen rent. Call everyone. Expiate 294 1749 John 22 Part of a sonnet Scotland Please be patient Wedding Photography. call 33 Stair rail part GOOD 5 Set your own hours because I have& voice defect $1 441 7388 23 At no time 67 Commune in Italy 35 Place near the Process service Call 295-6008, 24 Submerged hearth: Scot. Mon Frr, MALE faculty grad student LIVE with a family in England 26 Case in grammar: DOWN 37 Anticipation share 5 bdrm . 3 be luxurious for s91 9s, summer 1910 El Abbr. I Guides to treas- 39 TV or hi-fi MEN. WOMEN! home Only 5 minutes drive pen.. English culture fir 28 College course ure-troves assemblies JOBS. from campus, Bus fine Im Mend. For information send 30 Robin Hood 2 - St. 42 Lease again CRU1SESHIPS. YACHTS. No mediate occupancy Call 177 12 to Peace Inc., P 0 boo 27741, fence Good pay( Europe, 401/, keep trying CO 80227 Deadline Jan 34 Plant with Lawrence, Shaw's 43 Start of a Denver, Australia. So Amer World! 31, 1910 PEACE INC 110S1 W fragrant root home famous soliloquy 330 530 Send Sags for APPLICATION, Durnbarten, Morrison. CO 104. 36 Enrage 3 Primitive road 46 Cherished INFO, REFERRALS to Lost & Found Spartan Mon Sal 38 Member of the 4 River through 49 Good - CRUISEWORLD. Box 601/9. EXPERIENCE Try getting a family: Colloq. Lake Geneva 51 Diminutive of a Sac CA 5140 2535..1 Ave. rob without it! SCALE offers one Classifieds 39 Nose: Slang 5 Boutonniere girl's name LOST PM 10/31 in Roberts to r units, lob experience 277-3175 4 Sun 12 to 5 10 Skier's delight 6 Newspaper work 52 Workers with NEEDED Nursing and clerical Boo lot. Art Dept. models and valuable contacts Explore personnel Flexible hours, good BLUE suitcase. aspirations and gain 41 Rob Roy's 7 Maturing agent figures, for short HELP Your pay. Aides, orderlies, SS zsinr.; DESPERATE. No work without community awareness In 8 Student's name 53 "Yu - and a L V Id '5, 67/11r.; R N'S, it Lea* at Into Center in SU or fernships available in 52 deer* Ill 43 Brown tincture concern bottle of rum!' la SO/lir. Clerical personnel. Mary, 275-0507 areas Register now SCALE is a 44 Sock 9 Guido's mitt. 54 Turkish standard carious Wages. Call New free SJSU program Old 45 Precursor of 10 In a certain 56 Man's name in Hofirons at 244.5557. FOUND T1 calculator, north Caterer Building Call 777 bingo direct ion an expression side of Seventh SI. wage Base 2167 47 Elver II Overwhelm 57 Ab orbed RED Carpet, Quimby S rrrrr Of stairwell. C11 777 1549 to Realty is Herrn, c rrrrr in asien UNWANTED hair removed by 48 Operatic bride 12 Part of a 58 Gaelic basilica Real Estate in both our now registered elertrologist at 204 N 50 Yam or potato 13 Edible root 60 Outside: Prefix merrier and residential LOST Athlefic bag with B ascom, 18 Tears experience dovisions It you are sincere and tbafl eguip. and clothes. Call 794 44/9 income 1 2 3 4 5 H 3 10 11 12 13 desire unlimited Wed ern Fell of 1 motorcycle on potential, call Mr. F... at 738 San Fernando. Call Vic at 273 5111 for an intererew. I 4UUU 16 MSS atter 10 p.m. 17 UUU IS 19 Imams 20 ra UUU21 UUUU Print Your Ad Here: RATES Earn ,11,prit5il1,tely ;10 Ir (lets arid spar tiS.10f each 11111.1 23UUUU BM mirk 26 2 7 /8 II iii a One Iwo Three foto Frye homy ill day days theye days darn day 34 SI 50 1 00 2 25 2 10 2 TO 35 .14 tee 2 00 50 2 75 2 90 3 00 35 38 2 50 3 00 3 25 3 10 3 50 371 ill 4 1 6 lame 3 00 3 50 3 75 3 90 1 00 .3S

I sr/, adddrattal cote add Print name I Pllritte 50 50 50 50 50 44 Address 11 11 111 Thera ittirrs Otte Chey SM.. re, Rate all essults/ S.10 00 City Enclosed is $ For Days Ell 277-3175 Chock Classthr SEND CHECK. MONEY ORDER il 137 OR CASH TO: a AnnossmernenIS ti Help Werried Sers...., SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIED Deadline iwiiilam Woo 1.Iiiirm :4 Autunintive 11 lliS1 And Faired Travel b!, a 0 SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY COnser Wise maser Mom OnOrs only :3 hir Side 13 Petsimals UUUU L_-. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 9 5 1 1 4 No trt rrrrr IS rin eni wet. arts _J November 7. 1979 8

LOST by Paul Scott Stewart Two-story condos planned 7 NM, 1-0411.16 A DID'TN YOU SAY V00 HAD Sorority president Alice Phillips -continued from page 1 people who don't know what they are STUDY FoR A 13%6 FRIEND 'TAKE tT FoR. site located 200 feet south of E. San getting into. said the R-3 zoning which allows To Antonio Street. "The city planning department condominiums to be built in the area MiD1ERM 10NiGH11 ME ToMoRROW The planned condominiums will must realize what they are getting "looks good on paper hut is be built within an area occupied by into also," he added. "This means realistically bizarre. several sororities and fraternities. not only traffic-wise but housing- "I don't think we are going to According to Joe Harris, wise as well." keep quiet just because a con- President of Sigma Chi fraternity at According to Maggi, the plan- dominium is next door to us," she 284 S. 10th St., condominiums are not ning department has no said. conducive to the "Greek" way of discressionary control over con- Phillips said she believes life. dominium conversions if building has Harper's motives for the develop- 'It isn't student housing," not been done. ment are purely speculative rather Harris said. "I don't think anyone However, when the apartment than for his personal resisdence. paying to live in a condominium will already exists, the issue of con- The two-story condominium want to be next to singing, partying version receives more input from plans include a recreation and art and high social living that we have in both the planning department and room as well as a submerged this area." the public as well. parking garage. Four of the units Marc Opulencia, Sigma Chi Maggi said several apartments will be two bedroom, with a member and environmental studies in the area have requested con- walk-through living-dining room. senior, said the condominiums will dominium conversion because of the The fith unit will be in the rear of not offer the same level of service to high costs with little returns. the building and be the largest, with A.S. fall funds depleted the community that apartments Kappa Delta sorority is a den and gallery as well as separate The Special Allocations Committee depleted vitrually committee earlier this semester remains untapped. A currently leasing their house at 278 living and dining rooms The ex- would. all of its general fund for fall, after hearing only one mini-grant cannot exceed $200, and must benefit a -You should cater to student S. 10th St., adjacent to the con- terior is in the English Tutor style, budget proposal for the remaining money Monday. program open to the general student body, according to Opulencia said. "You know dominium site. with stone walls and gabled roofs. needs," Black Students of Engineering will receive $295 if the Romo. will be bought by the condominiums council approves the committee's recomme-lation today. That would leave $168 to allocate for the fall semester. Because the mini-grant fund is a new idea, there are In terms of planning a fall program, it's a little late to no set guidelines as to how the money can be used, she concerned with education apply for money, said A.S. Treasurer Juvenica Romo. said. 1 Bunzel Groups that apply late have a decreased chance of Any groups interested in applying for a mini-grant -continued from page 1 getting what they want, she said, adding the conunitee can do so in the A.S. office in the Student Union. operates on a "first come, first serve" basis. Romo said she will recommend to council today that a According to Bunzel, it is the "I don't think there's too much we can do about that," deadline for hearing fall funding requests be set and institutions" such as "first-tier she said. "I don't feel any need to hold back the money announced to student organizations. Stanford and Harvard, that live by when people are coming up with good programs." After that, she said, the committee will continue to elitist criteria, which he equates However, a $2,000 mini-grant fund set up by the meet, hearing requests for spring semester. with high academic standards. Bunzel graduated from Prin- ceton University. spa rtaguide Bunzel paraphrases Woody Allen, whom he calls his favorite theologian, to show the importance Public Relations Upper Pad. Call the A.S. Lednicky at 257-2008. today in the S.0 Almaden of high academic standards. Student Society of America Office at 277-3201 for more Room. "Woody Allen once said there (PFtSSA) will host the Ron details. The Mexican are two important things in life - one Schmidt Reception from 5 American Graduate THE OVER 30% OFF is sex and the other's not that im- photo by Joan Wynn p.m. to 7 tonight at the Studies Department and El SPECIAL portant. "I'm very concerned about the importance of high academic International Center, 360 S. Concilio will host Professor "I've tried to say something like Everyone is invited to loth standards, and I'm troubled by the erosion of those standards and Ilth St. For more in- Jorge Klor de Alva Nov. 66.14ev. that about higher education. There a meeting for planning next off en'tints the lack of commitment to them," -John Bunzel. formation call Julie at 297- discussing results of a Over 30'. are two important requirements for March's Women's Week at 4915. meeting with Secretary of penas see stylises. be regarded as a 11:30 a.m, today in the a university to students who go to San Jose State see students protesting, and he State Cyrus Vance and his first-class instiitution. One is a Women's Center. Call the would not be able to afford to go to would think, "My God, we ought to senior staff on the role of com- Women's Center at 294-7265 peliNA'5 recognized and acclaimed Stanford and might not be able to be get some of these students into Chicanos, Cubans and mitment to the highest academic for more information. admitted on the basis of their English IA so they can get their Campus Ministry will Puerto Ricans in the for- bt may Cans CENTER standards by a self-respecting preparation." placards written correctly. hold student/faculty mation of U.S. foreign faculty who would never com- breakfast at 7:30 a.m. The library is offering policy. The discussion 285.4311 promise those standards, and the People who come to public in- "You ought to be able to spell today at Jonah's Wail, 300 a lecture in researching takes place at 2:30 p.m. 5171. Sant. Clare by other's not important." stitutions tend to be different from before you go out on strike with your S. 10th St. A.S. President music at 9:30 a.m. today in those who attend first-tier in- picket signs." Nancy McFadden will LC 217. Sign up at the main re Bunzel said one thing he worries stitutions, according to Bunzel. speak about "Perspective reference desk, 2nd floor, Increase Your Personal Awareness 111 about is the "growing gap" between "Many of them have not had a Bunzel said part of the problem is people leaving high school with '80." Library Central. de top-tier universities and colleges in great number of serious con- and Abilities Er this country, most of which are versations at home around the transcripts filled with A's and B's finally a science of the mind.. "Dienetics: The Modern Science Career Planning and re private, and those universities that dinner table; they don't come from because of grade inflation and when of Mantel Health." A real and workable technology. Placement will hold nu are public. bookish families, and are very often they come into college, they have to Faculty Booktalks will Countless thousands hove reed and used the technigoes in this televised practice in- St "I think there is an increased the first generations of students to be taught remedial reading and present President Gail book. It has leod them to happier if., Now yoo con Mira through terviews between 2:30 and perception on the part of millions of go to college," he said. writing. Fullerton reviewing "A the barriers of seemingly uncontrollable emotions end retortion' 4:30 p.m. today in Audio sp Amero.:ans, both at the elementary liberating vision: Politics (temper, nervousness, lack of sell confidence end intelligenceI A concern shared now by many The problem will worsen, ac- Visual 308 and at 2 p.m. and high school level as well as at for growing humans" at YE educators is the "g rowing cording to Bunzel, because so many tomorrow. Sign up in it, Use lit he the college level, that you can get a 12:30 p.m. today in the Read illiteracy" in this country, according colleges are now having to actively Building Q. Limited Circolotion WI better education at a private Staff Cafeteria, Room A. to Bunzel. recruit students because of declining Make school," he said. year check of money order for 54.00 payable to enrollment. -There are many youngsters Delta Sigma Pi will The PRINT'NOIMS "San Jose State is a fine who cannot read, and therefore host Melvin Glass at 4:30 $80 Columbia Ave. rNerne university that does a great deal "The question of standards Associated Students p.m. today in the S.U. cannot write, by the time they would Ie. S I Address other colleges don't do, but there then be in conflict with the will have a public forum at Stile graduate from high school. Guadalupe Room. For Serevvele, Cs. 940116 I City Zip isn't anybody that should be of- need for survival" because the 3:15 p.m. today in the S.U. more information call Sally fended when anybody says it is not "Show me a student who cannot budgets of universities are literally the same kind of institution or has write a good paragraph and I'll show tied to enrollment, Bunzel said. by the kind of reputation that univer- you a student who either hasn't read The place to fight this sities such as Stanford, Harvard or or doesn't like to read, or can't growing illiteracy is at the grade He the University of California have," read," Bunzel said. and high school level, Bunzel said. Computer Science ad Bunzel added. Bunzel calls this situation a edi national scandal, and says that it is "If Majors ref Top-tier institutions are able to becomming worse all the time. you can't write at the college level, and if you have to spend Ur have faculty members who are "I got a letter recently from a a fair amount of time learning to world-renowned and eminent college senior who was upset about write and read at the college level, scholars, and the students who something I had written and called you're not going to be able to do al: spend $40.000 to $50,000 for four me, and I use his words, a 'punk the kinds of things that would stretch de years at those colleges will get a elitist.' Now, he mispelled elitist - one's mind YOUR CAREER LOCATE Ca to make a college education very different education than if they he spelled it "eelitist' but to his great really worthwhile," he said. An went to a public university, ac- credit, he got 'punk' right," Bunzel Neat: Baizel Str cording to Bunzel. said with a smile. reflects on his years atSJSU. IN ONE OF OUR "San Jose State has a different He added it reminded him of the lit mission."Bunzel said. "Most of the times during the '60s when he would CO of Parking permit thefts decrease FACILITIES Ce

University Police counted four parking permits lost or "Sometimes there are hundreds of spaces open in the stolen last month, indicating a drop in theft since Sep- garages," he said. "People just don't want to walk a block CAMPUS INTERVEINS tember, according to Officer Russ Lunsford. or two to classes so they crowd spaces near campus. In September, approximately three permits were reported stolen every day, Lunsford said. November 9,1979 .5‘..’4 IATF STUN N rs PROUSAM lb 1ARD "After the first four to five weeks things settle down," "AN,N ),11 STATI I INIVF RSITV he said. Bogus permits are more common usually at the Consult Your Campus Placement beginning of a semester, he said, when many students attend the university at the same time to register late, Office For Details monitor classes and obtain financial aid. There should be enough parking available to students U. MELLONICS Thi now, he said. LITTON systems development ab4 pr4 res 1 Arl Equal Opportunity Employer U S Citizenship Required by 141 k STYLE CENTER cer 35%off A.S. PROGRAM BOARD eig all services presents bri TASHI Camarillo CaT men & women pre CLARINET WITH STRINGS me Texturizer or bodywave MOZART K-581 cal (includes DVORAK. op 74 an( conditioner and cut) res DOUGLAS Reg. $50, now $32.40 sol, Wash, Cut & Blow Dry THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 8:15 P.M. car Reg. $20, now $13 Morris Dailey Auditorium asAu 35% discount available w/ad San Diego Ins or valid student ID. FREE! 1774 HESTER AV. For more Information cell 277-2807 or 277-3228 unf SAN JOSE CALIF. dur 294-1525 _J T;44,14'.4 Walf. the