4 t -+

A 'f l a p- >

1 L u f #K TH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 0F TH E COLONY A N 9 PR OTECTOR A TE 0F KEN YA Publlshed under the AuthoH ty ol H ls Excellency the G overnor ol the Colony and Protectotate of Kenya

Vol. XXXW II.- NO. 16 NAIROBI, M arch 17, 1936 Price 50 Cents Reglstered as a Newspaper at iha G P 0 Publlsàed eyery Tnesday


PAGE G ovt N otlee N o l7l- A rrlvals, D epartures, A ppom tm ents, etc 244 172- The Courts Ordlnanee, lgBl- A ppolntm ent Q45 173- The Loeal Government (Dlstllct Counclls) Ordlnance, 1928- Appomt- m ent 245 174- The Loeal Govelpment tAlunlolpalltles) Ortllnance, lgz8- Appomtment 245 :1 ## ,, 175- The Crop Productlon and L lve Stoek Ordlnance, 1926 , The W attle B ark (M arketmg) Rules, 1933- ? 6 Purchase and Sale of W attle Bark, Centlal Provlnee Y45 176- Kenya ancl Ugancla (Transpolt) Ordels ln Counell, 1925 an4 129V- Appom tm ent 245 177- The Central R oads and Tl afhe B oald Ozdm ance, lgzg- A ppolntm ent 245 ;) 178- The ToM nshlp Oldlnanee, lgBo- Appolntm ents, N anyukl Tow nshlp 246

, , 179- The Tow nshlp Oldm ance, 1 g3o- Appolntm ents, N yem Townshlp 246 180-181- The A'Vatel Otdlnanee, lgzg- A ppolntm ents 246 182- The M m zng Otdlnance, 1933- P zoposed D eclazatlon F orielture ol Clalm s 246 G eneral N otzces X os 289-325 247

S UPPL E M E N T K EXYA PaocrAMATloxs, R urEs AxD E EgcrATloxs (No 10)


Govxxxu r N oTlcs N o 171 AR R IVA LS F l X rom Leave or on ; D ate of Leavm g D ate of D ate of Aemval am e R ank I s t Ap poIntm ent 1 England Em barkatloa at M om basw I R l ( D > Rylar.d Dlstmct Omeer l Leave .5th Feb , 1936 i 16th Feb , 1936 * 7th March, 193$ H R Carver Dlstrzct Omcel ( 8th Feb , 1936 ! - ,, C P B Norman Dlstrlet Omee) 1 15th Feb , 1936 16th Y'eb , 1936 * ,, D F M aopherson Veterinary Om cez 8th Feb , 1936 - ,, E %I' M ulllgan Senloz Veterlnary Officer - M zss If1 Seaton N tusm g Slstel M edlccd Dept - H M clntyre Forester T R J R zdgway Superm tendent of Pollee Lzeut C H Stonelo, Subaltern, Nozthern Brlgade, K m g's A fzzean R lfles J 1st Appolntm ent ##

* M arsellloa

D E PA R TU R E S x On Leave or Term lnatzon ame Rarzk l or Appoyntment Date of Depart-

D r D Plum M edlcal Oflleer l Leaq e 7:h M arch 1936 n r Iç A 't' M aztzn M edzeal om cer ,, , o r rt c B B r,seoe M edzcal Om eez Leave pendm g retlrem ent .. P J' de srom hoad D lstmet Om eer Leave ,, 1:, J' c H ow es D zstmct om eer , w R B Pugh ) Aassmzstant SInusppeerolnt-tyqe ,n owaf egpnvojte ltojefyet Psvoallj cse os, ilj y oc go Bc, ashowpa yue Instruetor lnstoe , ueaq . yesagmo'ygzutmeramyj ymatlon M W W tlter E uropean Asst , B 1i: A M eteokologzcall e Servlce Leave J'ustlce W K Hbrne Pulsne Jlzdxe M ls: K E Cham berlm Clerk Governzrent H ouse .R J' B utler J'unlor Staff Surve) or 1 R G Greatz clerk lxeglstmar Genfaral s D epartm ent M hsor A W Lewey G oxs n Counsol TI B Stoylo Locom otzve Supdt K U R & I.I M -s M I Croekaz t Shortnand Typ1st, K U R & H ,, (? 14 Gould Inspector Class IIT, K U R & H ,, f H R Broad l Clerk Olass 111, K U R & H , i !., Mrs .N' Broad lI Shorthand Typlst K U R & TE ,, l. ;,

A PP OT N TAIEN TS Galloox LEON :.14t) CAZITEE Telegz aph E ngm eer, t,o 'be IPRI ot 1 kt lv J/kML.4 SsrlztGltT wt & M D (cAvB ) v It ( 1à A ctlng C I1 Ief Telegr 4pl) E ngtrteet , Posts an4 Tele- gl aphs D el qltlnent, :5 1th efeet fz om the 13bh M arch (1 oxo ), B cu (cAMs ), M n c > (y'N(1 ), 1à '1' M tt H . (RNc ). to be M edlcal Ofhcer of H ealth, Northezn 1936 Fzontlet D lstt lct and Contalned Townshlps w xth AlzExAxoâ.p IIENTOIJL E SLER, :M: R c s (xN* ), rz a c zy elieet f 1om the 1st M azch, 1936 tLt)xI) ), to lye M edlcal Oë cez of I'Iealth, M eru D lstlkct aud Contalned Tow nshlps RwzzAjto A'sxpltlcx GSANT PALMER to be Actlng Accoultt- , wltll eleet frop t:e allt, Agz leulturql D epa) tm ent, w ztlt eflect from 18t11 Qth M al ch, 1936 M areh, 1936 PREU M IN ARY ORAL SW AH ILI EX AM INATION CAPTAIN H cc n M 'CRMI Gakx'r, M c , to be D zstzzct PAss Cosnm lsqtoner, M ovale D zstm ct, N ortllern F zontzel M lss Jean M oulton Government Press 131st: tt't. wlth effeçt from the 9th dasr of Februa'r'y , 1936 tl.flzlz?gt: v' Potfx'rxsv W ITULOIJGHU'k , Chlef Telegz apll Angllzeer, bo be Actlng Postm astel General, wlth efeet A os V W AD E , f 1 om the 1% h M aech, 19.36 Colontal S8cr8flr?/ M arch 17, 1936 TH E OF FICIAL G AZE TTE Q45

C olony and Protectorate of 'Cenya

Gou awMp..x'r N oTlcn N o l72 GovsaxMaw'r N oozcs N o 175

TH E CO U R TS OR D IN AN CE , 1931 Tl-lE C1tOP PR OD U CTION A N D LIV E STOCK O R D IN A N CE , 1926 N oricL I V E X E IROISE of the pov els confelled rpon hlm THE W ATTI E BARK (M ARKETING) IRULES, by seetlon 6 of the Coults Oldlnance, 1931, 11ls 1933 E xt ellenuy the 6o: ernor 1&p s lgeen pleased to appolnt N o'm cx m th effect from the 9th day of F ebrualy, 1936, Calptaln H ugh M urry Glant to be a M aglstzate IN E X E ItCTSE of the pou ers confelled upon m e of the Flrst C lass, w1th pov ers to lzold t St bo: clm ate by l'tule 11 ot the Mfattle Balk (Xlarketlng) Rules, 1933 1 lluleby ptolllblt tlae purellase or sale of dry CotLrt of the F11st Class 1ll the N oltlleln Flontler w attle balk ln the Centlal Plo: lnee betp ecn the D lstrlet, u 1111st holdlng hls ptesent appolntm ent as 2 t11 d ay of lIa1(- l1, 1936, and tlle lltlz day of D lstrlct Com m lsmonel , Alovctle D lsttlct N oltheln J'uue, 1936 Frontler D lstmct Com m and of H ls E xcel'ertj the G opelnor N allobl, l2tll A'fazch, 1936 N aqlobl, H B W ATE R-S, Tl'his 13th d. t'v of llareh, 1936 W ADE .D1, el- f t?? of z'lt/?acztll u? tr A I)L 'V , Colonlal Sook6ftz?p

GovxztxYsx'l N onqcc N o 176 G ovsxv m cx!p N orzcE N o 173 KENYA AND UGANDA (TIRANSPORT) OIRDERS FHE LOCAL G O ! EIRX? IENT (DISTIIIUT TN OO U N CIL , 1925 A N D 1927 COUNCILS) 014 : IIXANCE, 1Q2/- NoTlcE obn APPOTITMISNT 1 N EX E R CISE ot tl'e pow ers c onf e1, l l ipo'l 111111 IN ac cordanec wlth tlie pzovlslons of seetlons 8 by llule 2 of the Dlstrtct Countwlls (F1llm g of 1 o 10 of the ltcnya and Uganda (Transport) Order Val aneles) Rules, 1929, (l-lls Exfwellcnt y zhe Goper m Councll, 1927, lt ls llereby notlfied that L W nol has been pleased to nom ln tte Alr E G A1a) els N ealon , E squlle, laas been clulà appolnted a m enlber to (411 a vacancj ln the A1lM anl AA al d of the N J, c4llza of the H azbour A dvlsoly B octrd durlng the absence D lstrlct Councll trom the Colony of A F AI Crlsp, E squlre

1)) Com m and of H ls E > ( ellenc) tlle G ovt-rnol G o'k cllam ent N otlce No 334 dated 25t13. A pml, 1934, Is hereby am ended aueordlngly N alrobl, T'hls 11th day of M alch, 1936 N alrobl, 'W Af L O G AN , 12th M arcil, 1936 Oo-rlznlzs8îtlzùc? jol fuoctzl t7() rt ? ?, mt.lsf, L B F R E E STO N , L ands cnl AScf tlelttent A cttng Soc?6fc?p to S lg: Oom m tustoneî Joz' Trannpoyk


T I-IE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (M UNICIPALI- GovEltwwlex'.r N oen cs N o 177 TIES) ORDINANCE, 1928 M uNIc1laAL B oAao ol E LDORIST TH E CE N TR AL IROA D S AN D TR A FFIC B OA R D OR D IN A N CE , 1929 APPOINTMENT IN E X E R OISE of the poM ers conferred upon IN E X E R CISE of tlle pow els conferletl upou hlm 11111-1 bv sectlon 2 of the Centlal l'toads and. Trafllt by sectlon 13 (1) of the Local Go'k elzlm ent (A.(un1t 1 l-sorxltl 0) (llnauce, 1929 Hhs E xcellency the Gover- palltles) Ordlnanee, 1928, Hlc! Excelleno tlle zlox lxas been pleased to appolnt M agor the H on G ozernor has been pleased to nom lnate Captaln E S G logan to be a m em bet of the Central Itoads C J Theum ssen to be a m em bel ot the Eldol et and Trxntfhc B oald 'vlce the late M agor R W B M tlnlclpal B oazd, % lth effet.t flom 7t1) F ebzual: ltobeltsozl E rstace 131,6 B y Com m and .of -H ls E xeellenc: the G oR etnol 1!N Com m and of H 1% E xeellency the G overnor N akrobl., N alrobl, l 0th M arch, 1936 10th M arch, 1936 H G PTLL IN G , A pp: V W AD E , /or Ooïontal Jsoc?6fcr?y Cbïsntal S6crcfcrp 246 TH E OFF ICIA.L G A ZE TT E M arch 17, 1986

GOVPJANVRN:L N oTzcs N o 178 Gov>m wMsx'r N oTzcl N o l:û

TH E TOW N SIH P OR D IN A N CE , 19B0 TH E W A TE It OItD IN A N CE , 1929 Tow xslup COMMITTEE A PPeINTMSNT A lalaolx,rMcx'r IN E X E R CISE of the pov els confelred upon IN E X E IROTSE of the powers tllereunto enabllng hlm b) seûtlon 19 of the 'W atel Oldm ance 1929, m e, I herebz appolnt tlle follow ing to be m em bezs 11ls E xceilcntn tlle 6 o: ctnol , oll the advlee of the Jsvatel B oald and ot tlle N anyukl Tow nshlp Com m lttee, N orth N lerl . w ltll the eonculrenee of the D lstrlct, for the year 1936 N akclru D lstrlet Councll rwonstltuted under the pto . yslons ot tlle Loeal Goveznm ent (Dlstzlct Dlstllct Comm lsslonel , Nolth Nyell (Challm an) Councils) Ordlnanee, 1928, has been pleased to M ajor C Y oungllusband appom t the said N akuru D lstrlet Councll to exel J H R andall, E sq clae wltlzlzl lts alea of Jurlsdlctlon al1 the dutles and D t G D undeldale, M o pow ers of a D lstzlct 'W ater B oard undel the pro- Capt J G P B lowne vlslons ot R ules 180 4ncl 181 of the 'W ater Ordlnance Afagoz O A yre-Sm 1th J A A ppleby, E sq çGeneral) Ruleq, 193.5 M r R A ggarw all Uom m and ot H ls E xiellent: the Governol Nyeli, N alrobl, Thls 6th day of M arch, 1936 Tllis 14th day of M arch, 1936 M R R VID AL , H G PIL LIN G , x'lcfî?zg P romlzlcltzl Com m z88toneî , (ldAztrcl Plovznce jo? Colontal S6c?6ftzrp

GOVERN= NT N oqucpn N o l81 GovsaxMrx:t N oTzcl N o 179 TH E W A TE R O R D IN AN CE , 1929 TH E TO W N SH TP OR D IN AN CE , i93() A PPOINTMhNT Tow NsHIP COMMITTEE IN E X E R CTSE ot the poM e1s confezred upon A PPOINTME>T hlm by sectlon 19 of the 'W atel Ozdm anee, 1929, IN E X E R CISE of the pow ezs theleunto enabllllg H ls E xeellencv the O ovelnoi , on th6 advlee of the m e, 1 heleb) appolnt tlze follow m g to be m em bers 'W atel B oard and w lth the coneurrence of the of the Tow nshlp Com m lttee of N yerl ToM nshlp for N alvaslla D lstrlct Oountul eonstltuted under the the year 1936 - provlslons of the Local Govelnm ent (Dlstrzct Dlstmet Oomm lssloner North Nyell (Chalrm an) Counclls) Ordlnanee 1928, has been pleased to E Shelbloke-W alker E sq (tppolnt the sald N alvasha D lstrlct Councll to exer- A H eld, E sq c 1se w lthln lts alea of jurlsdlctlon al1 the dutles and F S M cN am ala, E sq pow ers of a D lstrlet V -ater B oald under the pro- G M axw ell, E sq 4 lslons of R ules 180 and 181 of the W atel Ordlnance M D le Poer Trench, E sq (General) Rules, 1935 A1i M olaam edallv R aftanm B A Com m And of H ls E xeelleney the Governol N yerl, Thlq 12th da5 of M arch, 1936 N atlobl, R R V ID AL Tlzls 14t11 dav of Afalcll, 1936 M , 1( f???t? P? tlrlzncîc,l Com m zs8koneî , H G P IL L IN G , tltizzf? al P?tlrkpcc jo? Colonkal Scc?clf$/7/

GovlnNMxN:r N otrzcs No 182 TH E M IN IN G OR D IN AX CE, 1933

N OTICE zs hereby gzven that the Locatlon set forth m the Sehedule hereto w zll be deelazed lorfelted under Sectzon 34 of the M lnm g Ordm anee, 1933, as from the 10th day of Apnl, 1936, owm g to fallure on the part of fhe regzstered holder to subm lt the leturns requtred under Regulatzon 38 ( 1) (11) of the M mlng Regtllatzons, 1934 (notlce of such faalure havmg been sent by regtstered post to the address of the agent of such regzstered holder), unless tlzt) sazd returns aze recezvpd by the Com m zmszoner of M m es on or before that date N azrobz, E B H OSK IN G , Thts 10th day of M arch, 1936 Comm-sIoner o.f xlrfszlc,K


M m m g Pl Locatzon Class R ace of s epstered H older N o eglstratzon

Area N o 2 1113/1-10 Alltw zal Kakam egs G M Syndzcate 1114/1-10 llaz'ch 17, 1936 TH E OP FTCTAT y G AZE T TE Q47


X. k ) IIICE 15 hereb'y glven that ln aecordance wlth tlle powers eontelred upon Tt by sectlon 60 (2) of tlte Local Govelnm ent (Distzlc.t Counells) Ordl- G ENERAIZ N oTlcE N o 290 11 .nc ' 19 28, the N akuru D lstrlct Counall have m ade a1l otder taloslug to all traffie dlawn by oxen or other TItAN S NZOIA DISTRICT COU NIJH : llN e stock, tlaat seetlon of the R ongal-N goro Z oad lMtaoslrrlox o:a H OSIUTAL R AIL FoR 1936 s:t out below NI3TICE 1s heleby glven tllat at a m eetlng of (loutltajl held on the 19th Feblual) , 1986, tlle folloq N akuzu Illg Lcsolutlon 'was passed .- 7tl1 Alalcvh, 1936 ' % 'lllat tills Uouncll llltellds to lzlove the follow - P B E L L , 1ng resolutlon at a m eetlng of Oouncll to be held Clel Iv f o f 11 e .D ?8t? lcf Counott at tlle Councll O lhees, lu tale, at 10 30 a m on tlïe 6t11 day oi lW ay, 191$0 Tllat thls Oouncll heleby lm poqes late of SCH E D U L E S1k IU (ten slllllxngs) on evely m aie pelson of w tlolly E ulopean orlgln or descent, ot the age of Cem m enelng at the ltorlgal R ailn ay Statlon and tv ellty one t eazs ol ove,l , lesidlng w zthln the t-ontlntuzlg ln o geneza 11y zlozth-w estezly dlzectaon TI ans N zola D lstllct ol K ltale ToM uslllp, Iol the along tlle soutll-w est boundar es of L O N os yeal 1936, ioz the pulpose of plosldlng addltlollal 187/ 19, 487/.1 1, 487/42, 487/4.5 a'rld 487/46 to the tuuds tow alds the m alntenanee alld upkeep of gunetlon of the E lburgon F eeder R oad, a distance of the Tzans N zopa E uropuan Cottage H ospltal tpproxlm ately 2.1. m lles rlllls rate shall becom e clue and paè able at the oflaces of the D lstrlct Councal, K ltale, on tlae 1 ztlà dtty of June, 1936 ' ' H J' B E LL , GzxvlaAL N o'rzcs N o 294 E nglneotucleîk ftp th6 Q'ouncll TEND ER S TJUN D E E S are lequlled fo1 m urram lng approxl- m ately one m lle of the N alvasha L ake road $ GENZRAL N orrzca N o 291 Speclllecatlon can be llad from the underslgned Tendezs io be m the Counell Ofhee by 4 p m (1n TH E COM PA N IE S O R D IN A N CE , 1933 7. 11k- ocla: the 2nd A pml, 1936 P UR SU A NT to sectlon 284, sub-set-tlon 3 of the Ihe lom est or any tendel not necessarzly aceepted abor e Ozdm ance, it ls hereb) notl ed tllat at tlle explratlon of thlee m onths from date heleof , tlle N ai: asha , nana e ot the underm entloned Com pany w lll, unless 17tl1 Alarch , 1936 eaui e be sllou n to tlle contlarl , be qtluck off the R eglstel of Oom panles and the Oom pan: M lll be O G FR E R E , tllsslllved L>lel'k to the fhyfzlcf Oounl ?! S Af Syndlcate, L lzzuted GSNERAL N oqrlcs N o 295 N allobl, T )ls 17th da) o.f Afalch, 1936 N OTICE W M K E A TIN G E , G E N E R AL N otlce N o 884 of 28th June, 1934, A cgl.sf?c? of tloinpclùkt:s ls hereby eaneelled :48 TH E OTT IG AL G A ZE T TE M arch 17, 1936

G xxlltxs N onqcs N o 29G (/) Tlïe hcensee sball pay to tbe Asszstant Lantl Om cer, M om basa, an) eharges m respect TH E L A ND A N D AG IRICU LT U R A L B AN K of tlAe lnspectlon antl/oz controt of the (AM ENDM ENT) ORDINANCE, 1934 qualry N oTrplcATIox Lq j Tlzs llcenzee shall not ausagn, sublet ol pa't N O TTCE ls hezeby gzven that the B oard ol the w ltll the possesslon ol or the benefit of the L and and Agzlcultm al B ank ot K enya have approved lleeuce or tlle ltbelttes antl m nzkleges a tem pozary advanee m term s of sestlon 3 of i he glanted undel the llcence w lthout first Land and Agmcultural Bank (Am endm ent) OrdTn obtam lng w lztten perm zsslozl whleh shall ance, 1934, tls under - not be unzeasonably wlthheld N am e A lnottnt 4 .M l costs m t-onnectlon w lth the prepatatlon H ugh Cecll Nlghtlngale i50 and lcsue of tlae lleence shall be palê bv the success- )u1 tendeler X slrobi, 14th M areh, 1936 A o tewndel of less than Sh 300 pez annum w 111 be ace elaticl S TH OR N TON , Se (tk e t f.l? p The hlgheqt ol cm ) tendi,z w lll not neeessarlly be aocepted 6 Tlle successful tezlctezel *111 be requlled to G XNIRAL N orrzcx N o 297 deposli u lt11 the A sslstant Land Ofllcel b , Afom basa, eiole the lsstle oî the lzt-ence the sum oi Sh .500 TE N D E R N O TICE to be utlllzecl tow ard.s the cost of m aklng the area GOVERNMEXT QUARRY RESERVP AT ZXLE 18/20 ON sanltal) m tlte qa ent ol tlae default of the llcensee THE W EST o:- TI.I>, IRAILM u L INE under condxtzon (( ), the sum tfa be 'rdunded on the telm m atzon of tlle llcenc .e li the llcensee has satzs- 1 TE N D ER S are m vlted by v ay of annual lental tactorlLy fulfilleti hl% obllgatlons payable yearly zn advanee foz the sole hpenee to quarrà stone ln the above quarry sltuated on L 14 Tentlels m ust be sealed m alkefl ' 'Tender /or 3240 north of M azeras Tladlng Centze Quart) m g Llcence ' atlfi adtlressell to the Pkovm eâal Oozzarzrsslonez , Coast, M om basa, azld m ust be re- 2 Lk plan ot the quallà z eselve m ay be obtalned eelved ln hls ofhce befoze noon on Fzyday 27th at a cost of Sh 2, or m gpeeted ilee oi eharge, at the M arch, 1986 Survey Oo ce, M om basa

d G enezal Cosdztlons - Nazzobl, (tz) T6? ttt .--one àeaz izom 1st Apzzl, 19.36, le- 11th M arch, 1936 newable ior a turthel perlod ot one yeal, proplcletl the qualry ha% been w orked to W M L OG A N the satlstautlon ot the A qslstant L aud , Ofhcer and pzovkded tlle llcensee shall Uotkt l/zîsslozrt?z joî fsocdl Goreln ment L ands tzst'? Semttlem en' have m ad.e appllcatlon ln w lltlng to the ,t A sslstant L and O fflcer (5) Royaliken - Sh 1/80 pe1 100 cublka feet (c) The llcensee shail at a11 tlm es condust (Itlarn opelatlons zn a busm ess-lzke GXNERAL N oTzcl N o 298 m anner to the satisfactlon of G o& elnm ent and. shall com ply w zth any reasouable le T RA N S N ZO IA D IBTRICT COr N OI quest of tlle A sslstant L and Oë cet, M om .TU basa, regardm g tlle znanner of quarrym g TIIF Loc'zkra GfwlnxzzEN:r (Dzsrrazcf (Jobxczcs)

stone , legardlng the dram age of the O nolxzkxcE, 1928 qtlalrles ol the plecautlonB to be taken IT ts heteby notlfied that as a zesult of th electlon held on the zntl M e ln the lnterests of publltt health , and le- d ateh, 1936, the follow lng gardm g the sltlng and erectlon of sny uly zlom m ated cartdldates ate cleelared eleeted to tem porary bulldlngs lor houqlng labou) f1ll tlze vacaneles on the Trans N zola D lstrzct Councll (J) The llcensee shall submlt to the Asslstarlt or the w azds as statetl L and Ofhcez , M om basa, ln the 'flrst w eek North E ast W arcl W m g-com m ander T W of each quazter, com m ent-lzag on 1st July, Af Lllcahl M olgan, AI c 1936, a statem ent slgneql by h1m eertlfym g North W t qt AAFdICI W H H oey the am ount ln eublc feet of stone dlsposed , E sq South E ast W ald M K l-lowe of by hzl'.t'l duzlng the pze: louq quaztez , E sq w hether by rall ol othetw lse l'rl legald South W est W ard M azor Y' C Jxck D s () to stone dlsposed of by rall the lleensee M c , shall forw ard eoples of the R allw ay Con- South Av est 'W ard Com m szgnm ent N ottas slaow m g the antount lt x (Retlred) ctndel W Cartf.l tlespatched (6) The llcensee sllall forward to the Asslstant L and Ofrm el , M om bèBa, together w lth the llltale , above quarterly statem ent a zoyalt, pay- 6th lWarc-h, 1930 ment of Sh 1/80 per 100 cuble feet of stone dlsposed of durlng the plevlous T: J BELL , quarter Retuhntng Olccr Afatch 17, 1936 TH E O FW CIAL G AZE T TE Q49

(IM VERAIZ N oqxcx N o 299

Instrum ents reglstered under the Chattels Tlansfet Oldlnance durlng tlle m onth of F ebruary,1936 Numbeî Nc'nz: oj G'tz?sfo? Nakne of G?tzAlt:tg

2585 W llllam M tvybul.y K eatm ge ao Trustee of tlle plopelty of Som ehand K aehka Shah, a bankrupt tladm g as Thlka G arage D ea q,e D evan and Co 2586 B lythe Joseph D uffy P enfold, Llm lted 2587 Kehal Slngh s/o Natha Slngh Polneel Genezal Assuranee Soelety Limlted 2588 Flank Cartqa H obson N atlonal B ank of lrldla, L lm lted 2589 H ugh B lom fteld B arclay N cttlonal B ank of lzldla, Llm lted 2590 Johannes B arnard Alalntaduke Cordeux 'W etherell 2,-92 W llflecl E dw ard B llelley and CharleB

Ishelwood B rztbrley Jgalgct.y and Oonlpany, Lzm lted 2793 P atllclo Cyprlano Lobo H erm lnlus R erm lnlgllclo D e Sa 2 94 Tam es Stanlsllus M ccorm aek D algety ancl Com pany , L lm lted 2 595 Joseph E w ari Torr and J'am eg L aw rence Penfold D algety and Uom pany, Llm lted 2596 Sam Dass s/o Bhawanl Dass Bhawctnl Shanlter Seth 2 -97 'Vyv: an H elbelt A lllson J'ohn L R lddoeh, L lm ltecl 2 -98 M argalet Alllson M ecall personal repre- scntatw e of Sam uel M ( Call, deceasecl N atlonal B ank of lndla, L lm lted 2 799 John H elbelt L aw rence Judge, tradm g as 'W eaiherhead and Judge N atlonal B ank of Tncha, Llm lted 2600 Jbse Coneequao A ndlade tradlng as J C Andrade and C om pany K hushl R am Arrle IxsrauMENrrs R E-REGISTERED 2591 Thom as Noel Gtegory Durant Radford an4 Com pan: Tulm zted (2n llqul clatlon) SATISFACTIONS X NTERED IN THE R EGISTER 1203 ,Tolln R erbert L am czlce J'udge, fradzng acl W eatherheacl and Judge N atlonal B ank of Indla, L lm lied 1415 Arfhul Davld Souhaml Davls Barelays Bank (D C k O ) 2042 Arthur Davld Souhaml Davls Balclays Bank (D C & O ) 2061 M aboko E state, Llm lted Ilalqety alltl Oom pany, L lm ltecl 2418 G eorge Jam es Glassford and. Allte B ertha Glassford D algetv ancl Com pany, L lm lted 2485 Jo'!e Coneelcao Andrade, tratllng as J' Andrpcle and Co H all Itanl M ohlndra

N alrobl, W M K E ATTN G E , 9th M areh , 1936 R egkuilal G enelal

(9:1 xxzt.u z A orzcs N o 300 GSNERAL N olrzcl N o 301 U ASIN GISH U D TSTR ICT COU NCIL UA SIN GISH U DISTRICT COUN CIL AXNUAIZ E ruEcTlox N OTTCE Is hcrcby glven tlka: at an electm n held ANNUAL E zzcrrzôx or the ond clay of M arch, 1936, the followm g ean- dlilates w ele declared to be duly elected to flll N OTICE Cs heleby p ven thai N otlces N os 258 vdcancues on the U asm Glslzu D lstllet Councll fol and 260 appeaztng ln the Olflelal G azette oî the tlle 'W alds nam ed 10th M atch, 1986, aze heleby cancelled Sergolt W ard Capt J D C H an ey South Plateau W ard M z T L ouw K lpkazren W ard M r K C A Doyle E ldoret, Soy W ard M alor H arold P H 1ll 12th Afalch, 1936 E tdoret, 2nd ATaltth , 1936 G E AST-IW NG , G E A ST-K IN G , fl8fvrm xg OFoe' ltcfvzlzlAhg OjT,cel Q5U TH E OFF TCIAL G AZE TTE M arch 17, 1938

GSNXRAI, X oTzcz N o 124 7 Subgeet to the provlsos contam ed ln condltlon N o t,, 1f tllc am ounts zneiltloned are not pald as TH E CR OW N L AN D S OR D IN XN CE therelu spet-ltled, the Com m lsmonet of L ands m aq Lchaptek 140 0/ tlte fttltllvst,d Edttlokbj ordel tlle deposlt m ade by the pulchaser to be folfep ed, and the purchasez sl4Rll llave no f urther N AIROBI B rslxxss Pruo'rs clalm to a gzant of the plot N orrlcl U pon these paym ents belng duly m ade, the put N OTICE ts hezeby glven that glctnts ln rcspect (-hasel shall, subgec,t to the provlslonq of tlle Clow n of the plots at N alrobl speciheul ln the Sehedule Lands Oldlnance (Chaptez 140, l-tevised Edltlon), ilereto, w ltl be sold by auetlon at the oftw e of the and to the condltzons of sale haNlng been eoznplled D lstmct Com m lssloner, N allob), on Frlday the 2t)t11 :1 lth, be entltled to a grant of the plot, w hleh grant Alkzsh, 1936, com m encm g at 11 a m sllctll be presented to hlm as soon as convem entl) m ay be Planm of the plots m ay be seen at the P ubllc M ap Oë ee attached to the Survey and R egistlatlon 8 Granto w zll be lssued under the R eglstratlon of D lvls on, N alzobl, and at the ofhce oE the D lst'rlt.t Tltles Ozdlnctnce The telm of the gzants w lll be Com m lssloner at N alrobl, or m ay be had on appllca- 99 yeazs fzonl the 1st Aptll, 1936 tlon to the Sm veyo,r General on paym ent of Sh 3 post free 9 E atzll gt tntee shall w lthm two yeals of tlle The rlgllt to wlthdraw any plot flom the auctlon t onlzneneem ellt of hls grant eteet bulldm gs wlueh ls reserved to tlle Com m lssloner of Land% szlalt oonfozm ln alehitectulal deslgn to the am enltzes ot tlle nelghboulhood The bulldlngs shall be of Coxozlqoxs oF SAI,E stone, bulnt brlck or cozlclete, on proper foundatlons, and rnust be of not less than two storles ln helglat, E ach plot w l1l be auctloned separately and of a & alue of not less than cents 70 per cublc 2 The am ount oi the advance of eacll b2d w lll be foot ot bt lldlug eontent legulated by tlle auetloneer, and no blddlng sllall be 10 M ltlau'l tw elve lnonths of the com m encem ent retracted oi hls grallt, tlle grantee shall subm lt to the Town 3 Tlle lllghest bzddel w 1ll be the purchasel, but Clerk, N allobl, a plan of the bulldlng lt ls proposed li any dlspute allse as to any bld, the plot w tll be to czel-t, and sllall state ln :4 lltm g tlle pellod wlthm reoffeled at tlle last uncllsputed b1d w illclA the ploposed bulldlng sllall be com pletely elected, sucll pcllotl to be w ltllm a m ax m um of two 4 E aeh purchasel shall pay to the auctloneez ) aat > from the eom m eneem ent ot the grant tm m edlateiy on the fctll of tlae lzam m er, a deposlt of 25 pez cent of the purehase m oney Tn default 11 rllle Com nilssloncr ol L ands, ol sueh othet oi sueh paym ent, the plot m ay be lm m edlately re pezson as lze z'nc,à appolnt 1or the puzpose, shall offezed foz sale, and any subsequent b2d by the wlthlll one m ontlz ot tlle approval ot the plan by the person who has m ad.e clef ault zzlay be lgnored or N alrobl lsfunlfwtpal Counf-ll, notlty the grantee of hls refused appro: al oz othelw lse of the plans, and shall also notlty the date by w hlch such buildlngs shall be 5 E ach purchaser shall on paym g the deposlt electecl lnform the auetloneer of tlle nam e or nam es of the person or persons on M. hose behctlf tlle plot ls l.i tlw electlon olv tlle bulldlngs ln aoeoldance pulthased tlte grant w 1ll be lssued zn accoldanpe uutll tlle ctppzoved plans and speclilfwatlons be not wlth thls znfolm ation (-olnp'ete (1 b) tlie pzescnbed date, tlxe sald Com m lsslozler m ay, olz good and leasonable eause bem g 6 The balance of the purchase m oney azld the show l) , glant suwll extenslon as he m ay deem rent dl e to the 31st D ecem bel , 1936, shall be pald sul-hclent, subjeû t to such condltlons as he m ay to the D lsttzet Com m lssloner, N alrobl, w itlun seven plebellbe days of tlle sale Pzovlder.l that xt the grantee shall recelve no P) ovldecl tl-lat tl'le balanee of the pulehase loone) lntm lztttou ilonl the Com m lssloner w lthln one m onth shall pot be pa) able wlthln tlle pellod stated or ot tlle date ou w hlch the plans have been approved theleatter unless and untll the Colnm lsslozler of b'v the N aalobl (M unlelpal Councll he m ay ploceed L ancls can present to the pulehaser the grant of the 'wlth tlle eleetlon ot the buildlng m accordanee w ltll plot duly executed tlle plans sl- bm lttetl, ancl the Com m lssloner shall A nd further provlded that, lf the purchaser so not ltave the pow el to cauBe to be m atle any eleets, tlle balance oi pulchase m oney m ay be pald altetatlon ot 5 a11 àtlon ln the plan or the date ln tllree equal annual ùnstalm ents, subpeut to lnterest 12 Sublet t to the provlso contalned ln clause 11 at the rate oi .) per centum per annum on the out- llel eoi, no bulldlng shall be eleûted on the plot standm g balance, the :1st of %ueh ln%talm ents to be pald, together 'wlth the m terest tllat sh all Lave llnless plans (lncludmg a block plan showlng tlae acczued due, on tlle 1st Ap1,l, 1937, and theleafter positlon of th6 bulldlngs), cllawm gs, elevatlons and lnstalm ents alld lntcrest to be pald on the 1st Aplll qpeclfLcatlous thereof shall hape been prevlously ln eaeh year appzo zed b'jf the Com m lqmone: of L ands ol- Bueh otlaet person as he m ay appo:nt Such plans, etc . Tlle Qurvey feeg (.Sh 70), the lees payable for sllall be sublenltted ln trlpllcate to the Town Clerk, fbe preparatlon and reqlstl Atlon of the gt )nt N auobl, fo1 necegsary actlon IS'h 120), and the stam p dut) epayable ln respeet of tzhe. grapt (apploxlmately 2 per t'tm t on the qt alècl 1 3 The grantee z'rlay at any tzm a dumng the . prefnlum :411(.1. on tlhe rent) shall be payable to the C,L irc! c) oz tlle grant redoprn l1p to one l'lalf of the Surveyor G enerml, Ilox 89, N axrobl , these am ounts lent of the plot on the basis of tw enty years to be pald w ztbzn Bevezt days of a lequest therefor purchase M alch 17, 19BG TH E OF FTCIAL G AZE T TE Q51

14 The glantee shall not a,t any tlm e subdw lde qulzed to pay M unlelpal rates upon the whole of the the plot or asslgn any sueh subdlslslon wlthout the rateable lnterest and G overnm ent's contmbutlon ln et.nsent m w rltlng of the G overnor lleu ol lates assesqed on the plot A clause w l11 therefore be em bodled ln the g'lant plovldlng for the 115 A t no tlm e dtlrlng tlne term of the grant shall necesoalj adjllstm ent betw eeu the gzantee aud tlle plot or any portlon thereof ol any bulldlng G oN ernm ent elected on the plot be used fol tlle pulpose of earrylng on any trade or busm ess whlch has been 18 The cost o.f the consttutvtlon of tal glouted o) m ay be deelaletl to be dangerous ol ofenslve by m acadam loads, appurtenan.t dralns, m urram ntltlce ln the Oë elal G azette sldew alks, and m aln sew ers to the M unlelpal 16 V etandas m ay be erected v lthm a road zesel: e Collptll 's speclflc ltlon ls lneluded m the upset pzlces of tllose plots that are not selved by con- w tth the plevlous con%eut of the M um clpal Countal structed roaclko, ancl tlleoe w lll be constluctecl w lthout altd m ust oonfolm to a bulldlng lm e declcled upon b $, the sald Counell addltlonc.l t.halge to the grantees, w hen ln the oplnlon of the M unlclpal Counell necesslty exlsts 17 Under the ptovlslons of sectlon 60 (5) of the U pon eom pletlon of constluetlon m am ienance w lll Crown Lands Ordm anee tlle grantee w l11 be le- be llnder#aken by the M unlm pal Counell SCH ED TJLE Proportlonate Piob N o Sltuatlon Area VPSO' R ent per R ent from 1 4 36 Prtee Anzm m to 31 12 36 A cres Sh $%% XS?A 2441 Sadler Street and Standard Street 0 15553 6775 1355 1016 25 2442 Standard Street 0 16070 5600 1120 840 00 2443 #' '> 0 16070 5600 1120 840 00 2444 0 16070 5600 1120 840 00 2445 0 16070 5600 1120 840 00 2446 :# '# 0 16070 5600 1120 840 00 2447 Standard Street and Stew art Street 0 l 5553 9485 1897 1422 75 h alrobl, AV Af LO G A N , 5th February, 1936 ('oz?'n.?37?8clon,6'r /o? Lonaï Ctprtlrlzznztrnf , L ands and Stpffltppzt''lzf

tlsxzuAI, N oqqcM N o 20T IN H IS M AJE STY S COU RT O(F APPEAL FOR EASTER N AFIU CA Tl4e next Sesslons of H as A'fazesty's Cot lt of or w lth the D lstllet R eglstlar, M om basa, not later ? ppeal fol E astern Afllea haq'e been fixed to be tl-lan the 20th day of M areh, 1936 ltolden at K am pala to eom m ence on Afonday the Qoth day of Aprll, 1933, at 10 a m ol as soon N allobl, thereafter aq eases ean be heard 20th F ebruary, 1936 To ensurf- appealq from H ls M apesty': Suprem e ('ouzt of K en) a beJng sei dow n loz hearing ai tlaese E J O T AR R E L L , iiess'ozzs znem oranda oî appeal sbould be .filed wlfla R egl8trar, the Reglstrar, Suprem e Ooult of Kenya, N alzobz, H IT ('oul t o! z'lpppc/ for E ,1. CAU 8E LIST FoR I'IzrAaw g oN erm q 20TH D Ay ov APRIL, 1936, AT K AMPAI,A Appeal N o Clvll or) A ppellant R espondent Ozlp nal N o Appeal from Crzm zna of Case

31 of 1936 Crzm mal Ogangs s/o Adotu Rex Cr Case R M H lgh Court of Uganda No 71/35 at Sorott (Applzcataon) 32 of 1936 ,, M usa N szyalota R ex Cr Case IT M Hkgh Court of U ganda Xb 3/36 at Kam pala 33 of 1:36 Inyongtm s/o Engemu R(,x Cr Case 1-l M Hkgh Court of Uganda Xb 42/33 at Sorotl (Apphcatzon) 34 of 1936 ,, Ertsanlya M uwantka q o R ex Cr Case ,, Egtzmz Xb 20/35 34 of 1936 Num alz M ukasa s/o Rex Cr Case T'T M H zgh Cour: of Uganda M usa Sebaga X o 145/35 at K nm pala 36 of 1936 Salelae s/o M ubza Rex Cr Conf Casc H M Hzgh Court of Tanga- No 1/36 nytlta at D ar es salam 37 of 1936 :, Yego s/o K 'tum Rex Cr Case H M Supreme Court of K enya No 154/35 at Eldoret 38 of 1936 Chepto arap Cheselem R ex Ur Case Xo 1 70/35 39 Gf 1'936 Olengt m/o Okoyele Rex Cr Case H IV.I H lgh Court of Uganda No 29/29 at Solola (Apphcatmn) 22 of 1935 Cm l W A L Spencel D algety & Co , Clvzl Case 11 M Sum em e Couzt of K enya L Ltd No 12/34 at Eldoret 23 of 1935 Jbhn Pollok A G W Ogllvle Clvll Caae H M Suprem e Coutb of K enya Xb 1/95 at M ombasa (Applzcitzo.n for leave to appeal f,o the ' Przvy Colm cll fz'om the judgm ent of th& Court of Appeal) 2#2 TH E OF FIOIAL G A ZE TT E M arch 17, 1986 (lszlxaxla N oanox N o :635 Fatms L 1l, Nos 1225/ 10, 1225/ 11, 1Q25/ 1Q, 4428/10, 4128/11, 278, 4937, 299/1%, 7197 and 2812 TH E CR O NV N L AN D S OR D IN AN CE to the L and Asststant, B ox 424, N alrobl, on or Lchapter 140, Renkned fcllflon, oj the fztzztl: of befole the 1st Aplll, 1936, ol shall be pald ln nllle ffyngal equal annual lnstalm ents, payable on tlae 1st day of AccTzox olp FARMS Janualy ln eaeh ), ecr, the :1st lnstalm ent belng TH E grants of the falm s speclfled m the Schedule payable on tlle 1st Janual. , 1937, and the purellaser hereto w lll, subzect to the proxlslons of the Crown shall lnform too P zovlnclal Com m lssloner, N akuru, Lands Oldinance (Chapter 140 of tlle Itevlsed Laws or the L 'trzd A sslstant, N allobl, as the ease m ay of Kenya), be oferecl for salta at the Rallway Instl- sequlre, on ot before the 1st Apml, 1936, whleh tute, N alrobl, com m enelng at 10 a, m on Fllday, rnethofl of pa) m ent 1Ae clesircs to adopt 27th M areh, 1936 7 11 tlze purchaser shall have eleoted to pay the Plans of the falm s m ay be seezl at the Publle balanee oi tlle pulehase m oney by lnstalm ents, no M ap O ë ce, Suzvey and R eglstratzon D lvlslon, tlctnsf ez of tlle land granted or anv part thereof N allobl, ot znay be had on applleatlon to the sllall l)e valld untll tlae w hole ol the purollase Surveyor G enelal, B ox 89, N alrobl, on palm ent of lnoney shall have been pald Sh 3, post free, m respfwet of each plan requlretl 8 The lent due to the 31si D ef-em bel, 1936, The zlght to w lthdraw any falm from the auctlon sllall be pald to tlle Plovm cial Com m lssloner, N a- ls reserved to the Com m lssqoner of L and.s kulu, cfnd the L antl A sslstftnt, N au obl, respectlvely, Condtttonu of Sale on ol befoze the 1st Aprll, 1936 1 E aela f arm wlil be auetltaned separately The sulvey fees antl the tees payable for the 2 These farm s are ln the l'tlghlands, and pul- prepatcttlon (Sh 100) and reglstratlon (Sh 20) of kvhasa wlll be t-onflned to Europeaus only (or thelr the glant, and the stam p duty payable (approxl- accredlted agents), ln conform lty wxth the deelslon mately 2 per cent (td 'tltz/t?? 6p/) m respect of the of l-1lq M azesty's G ovolnm ent grant sllakl be pald to tlle Surveyor G eneral, at tlle Sulvey and R eglstlatlon D lvislon. N alrobl, on or 3 The hlghest blclder wlll be the purcllaser, anc) before the 1st Ap111, 1936 lf any dlspute arlse as to any blddm g, the farm wlll U pon such paynzezzts belng duly m ade, the pur- be put up agaln at tlle l 4st undlsputed bld chasel bllall, subleet to the provlslons of the Crown 4 The am olxnt ol thiv advanee of each bld w ll1 be Izands Otdinance (Clzallter 140, Revlsed Edltlon), regulated by the auctloneer, and no b1d shall be and lf the condltions of sale laave been com plled retraeted w lth, be entltled to a gl 4nt of the falm , w hlch 5 E ach pulchaser shall pay to the auctloneel , glant :/111 be ptesented to hlm , duly executed, as m lm edlately on the fall of the ham m el, a deposlt soon as convenzently m ay be of 10 per eent of hls purebase m oney, and sllould 9 If the paym ents m entloncd zn Condltlon No 8 the sam e be tendeled by clàeque, such eheque m ust a1e not m ade on ol befole the 1st A pml, 1936, the be accom pam ed by a banker's guarantee In de- (zom m lssloner of Lands m ay order that the deposlt fault of sueh paym ent, the farm m ay be lm m edl- pald bj the purcshaset be forfelted to the Govern- ately re-ofeled for sale, and anv suBsequent b1d b'y m ent, and ln queh eage the purehaset shall have no the person w ho has m ade default m ay be lgnoled fulthez elalm to a grant of the famn or refused 10 The grants w tll be under the provlstons of the 6 The b tlance of the purchase m oney ln respet . t Crown Lands Ordlnanee (Chapter 140 of the Re- of Farm s L IR Nos 3632, 2924 4424/13,/1 vlsed Edltlon) and the Repstratlon of TltleB Ordzn- antl Q, 4424/14/1 ancl Q, ancl 33,)3 shall be pald ln full to tlae Provlnclal Com m lssloner ance (Chaptet 142), and wlll be for 999 years, com - , Itlft m ellclllg from the 1st day of Apml, 1936 Rent w lll V alley Provm ce, b ox 81, N akurtt and . m respek,t of be payable from that date SCH ED ULE Proportzonate L R No- Localzty Acres U pset Pmce R ent per R ent from Survey (Approx ) Arm lam 1-4-36 to Fees 31-12-36 Acrea ,SW k%% cfa 8h cfe Slö l 225/10 'laro Alolqx 1,355 8,130 271 00 % 3 25 756 1225/11 1,490 8,940 298 00 223 50 784 1225/12 1,490 8,940 298 (0 223 50 784 (c) 4428/10 1,7t0 17,000 340 00 255 00 836 (c) 4428/11 ,# 1,690 16,90û 338 0û 253 50 836 (h) 278 easi Thlka 2,000 7,000 400 00 300 00 890 .d) 299/R ## 1,253 37,590 250 60 187 95 730 4937 M adhakos 655 4,913 1: l 00 98 25 570 (K zmutwa) 7197 Loldmka 1,933 9,665 386 60 289 95 890 (2877/1) 2812 W es: M oram a 3 3632 E ld ,353 25, 148 670 60 502 95 1 156 oret 1,735 17,350 347 00 260 25 ,836 2924 Thom son s Falls 1 ,731. 21,638 34G 20 259 65 836 3353 ,, 1 729 21,613 345 80 259 35 836 (6) 4424/13/1 Thomson s Falls ,178 1 $ ,780 35 60 26 70 330 ) 4424/13/2 ,, 161 2 bt 4424/14/1 ,013 32 20 24 15 330 Xl3rox- % b) 4124/14/2 ,. 235 2,350 4'7 00 3.5 25 384 1O n 2y6* ,, 2;9 2,590 J t 80 38 85 384 (c) Rlparzan Reperve 50 feet wzde on the Naro M oz,u Rzver Is not Ineluded m thls area (è) Noat fytoer> sgrveyed Stand Prem lzlm and Rent wl1l be adlusted accordmgly, zf neca sary, com pletzou of sut'vey (c) East of M am Road N ote .- #arm N o 826 whzch was m cluded m tNe Schedule wh en ftrst publlshedx has been -m tlzdrawn from the Sale

G OBI, J W M LOGAN. 20th D x em ber, 1935 opémsslt'fé,ee Jor zoccl Dopeze -iiii: k6c* qnd ts- leznspf, M arch 17, 1936 TH E OFF ICIAL G AZE T TE Q53


N olqcl The followm g goods whlch have been lym g ln the Bonded W are- house N o 22, N alrobl, for over two years, are due for sale by publze auctlon under Sectlon 91 of the Custom s M anagem ent Ordm ance, 1926

M az'ks and N um bers N o and D eserzptlon of Goods

Tanganytka G m des C/o Bem lster Mombasa Ex 1/4 1 ease rlfle cartmdge: I T Co N aaobl 3800 l case sam ples of beel K K 1 case beads K A L N azrobz 4 cases w hlsky M S , . 9333 1 rlfle M anllcher IN TR ACO 40 1 case cattle bells H & C 1890 1 case beads H & C 1787/88 2 eases merchandlse H K 476 1 case beads Af AI 2 cases beads

AI B 1 case beads

N alrobl vza Alonabasa 3 cases pomaade

The sale w ;l be held at the B onded sFarehouse 'po Z2, N alrobl, on Tueslay the 7th Aprz, 1936, at 10 a n2

Custom H ouse, M om basa, 9th M arch, 1936 E D W A R D LOR D , fov wzlcfzo?,g Commusîoner o.f C'ttafowza, K enya and Ugcz?zfc Q54 TH E OFFICIAL GA ZE T TE M arch 17, 1936


R EVEN U E A N D EX PEN DITUR E XCCOU N T FOR TH E Y EAR EN D ED 3lsT D ECEM BER , 1935 EXELNDITURE 1 Rsvxwc.s 1 f .% cts N s cta f a cts T o Interest on Capztal B y Intezest E arned 30, l78 11 82 Advancetl 19,832 17 59 B oartl M em bers' F ees 403 19 96 Salarles and W ages 3,015 7 75 '# Leave & A llow anees l 37 9 90 T lavellm g A llow anees 122 19 1 0 Pzm tm g & Statzonery 47 4 77 %9 R ent 156 8 69 Postages & Telegram s 75 16 37 D epreczatlon 27 13 25 ## Staff Annm ty Fund 99 19 92 Inspectlons 746 l 75 General E xpenses 19 1 80 ,, M ortgages prepared 258 0 00 . - 4,852 fl 26 m, ,. dlsclaarged 58 10 00 B alance, bem g exceBs ,, Appllcatzon F ees 63 10 00 of R evenue ove: E x- ,, Sundr f Fees l 10 8 80 pendlture for theyeaz 5,983 19 77 f 30,669 0 62 j f 30,669 0 62 Examzned ) W 51 SM ITH , S TH OR N TON , G W A LSH , l M em bezs A'tlm tor secretary c/zcu?nca /' of the 29th February, 1936 E B GILL, j Board




f 's cI8 f qs cte i: s cl: : a ota Cwsa As Voqsp f500,000 SIJNDIG M onrrczkgoss CAsH R Ecslvxo 478,000 0 00 P rm czpal not yet due SIJNDRY D Eposl'rs :455,3f:4-1 0-23 Appllcatlon Fees 35 15 00 Plm clpal Current a/cs V aluators' Fees 63 0 00 f 6,185- 6-33 461,539 16 56 ,, E xpenses 60 13 59 Interest 13 6l0 3 20 Instalm entq recelved ln Chargos 6 I l 70 advance 55 6 64 Interest accrued not . - - 2l4 15 14 yet due 3,448 6 42 - 478,604 17 88 P osqqows o:a L ozkx's U N- F ARM Pxo E'ERTI'SS 7,410 10 92 Issvxo 891 7 96 M ovABzaE A sslq?s as at SIJNDRY CREDITORS 78 16 65 31st D ecem bez , 1934 290 9 00 R SSERVS A ccovw'l A ddltlons 42 4 25 Balance at 31st D ec , 1934 5,530 0 84 332 13 25 B alance at credzt R ev L 6ss D q zreczatzon 27 13 25 and Exrlendatttre a/c - 305 () 00 for year to date 5 983 19 77 M OTOR CAR A ccovN:r 176 0 23 . - 14,514 0 61 D slaosl,r zlccotTNrrs Survev and R eglstra tzon D epartm ent 5 6 50 Post Om ce 0 7 50 5 :4 (o Cztsu Xt N atlonal Bank of - Indza, Ltd 7,l 91 18 86

(n hand 4 18 47 - L-

l1 jl - - - 7,196 17 33 f l 493,699 O 36 I g 4/3-,699 0 36 9. ) j -.. E xam m ed - - - - - w I.I SMITI-I, s TI-IORNTON G MrATUE'rT, ) alembers A ndttor é'ccrcltpv Chaîrm an, of the 29th February, 1936 E B GILL BO&M M alch 17, 1936 TH E OFF ICIAL G A ZE TTE 255

(/ZDNZItAI, N otzcz N o JJJ2 SE SSION S of H 1s M alesty's Suprem e Court of K enya wlll be held on tlle dates and at the places herelnalter set out - SCPSEME Cocs'.r Sxssloxs AT K lsclvlr', 16-3-36 Crzmmal Oase Xo 51/35 Rex ra Olual s/o Kongo Crzmlnal Case No 124/35 Rex 1)8 Onglm s/o Nyeyega Cmm mal Case No 3/36 Rex r.% Gamamba s/o Magero an: 6 others Crlmm al Case No 3/36 Rex v8 Gamam ba o/s Magero Crlm lnal Case No 4/36 Rex vs Opere s/o Omware Cmmm al Case No 23/36 Rex 1)8 Otleno Nguka D lstnct ./?ep a/9w (/ane%% Cwll Case No 16/35 Umer Dm 1)8 Partap Ra1 Czvll Case No 35/35 Hasham K hamlsa earrymg on busmess under tlle style or fil'm of the A sem bo Transport Com pany 118 The Bellam lra Syndlcate, Llm lted Cw zl Case No 1/36 K ltale Stores, Lzmzted 1)8 1 Ryder and W llkm son 2 W S Grattan W llkm son 3 The sald W S Grattan W llklnson and S N orm an Turner 4 The sald S N orm an Turner Cwll Case No 2/36 In the matter of Roadways ( Kenya ), Ltd, and In the m atter of the Com panles Ordm ance, 1933, Sec 43 SIJPSEME Covs,.r Slssloxs AT K lm cno, 20-3-36 Czzmlnal Case No 14/36 Rex vs M ulgal s/o Nguge Cnmmal Case No 15/36 Rex w.: Taputel d/o arap Chemltan Crzmlnal Case No 16/36 Rex w.s Obwogl s/'o Onchln Cwzl Case No 40/36 ve Adoptlon of Chlldren Ordm ance, 1933 Spxclakru CRIN INAL Sxsslox's AT M oMsztsA, 2-4 -36 Crlmmal Case No 27/36 Rex ,v8 Kalngu wa Gona & 4 others Sclplu Mx Covurr Sxssloxs AT N wlsom , 6-4-36 Cnmmal Case No 31/36 Rex r8 Nzunya w/o Muthangla CSIMIN-A.L Szsslows A'I' M owlBwsw, 4-5-36

E J O 'FA R R E LL , Regutvav, Eupreme Coyrf of A'ezztya

G >.xERAI, N ozzcs N o 305 provlded., how ever, that the Chlef G rader and lnnpeptol shall glve preference to m alze leled ed ln M A IZE AN D W H E A T CO N D TTION IN G PL A N T, the proeess of gradm g at K lllndlnl Plel and sent to K ILINDINI the Plant for eondltlonlng l'tefelrllzg to (leneral N otlc,e N o 22 of tlRe 8th N alrobl, 1-T B 'W AT ER S, Jalzuary, 1930, the chalges set out ln palagraph 3 12th M arch, 1936 fh7 ecfoî c,J Agî lcttlfuk t: thereot a)e hereby am encled, m so f al as thev aftf-et m alze of the 1935-1936 export q'eason, that l)a to say, m alze of the crop hazvested at the end of 1935 GENERAL N oTrcl N o 306 and the begm nlng of 1936, as follow s - (1) Fol m alze whlch has been lejected ln H ON OR AR Y- PE R M IT ISSUE R the process of gladlng at K llm dlnl and ls le- IN E X E IRCISE of the pow er conferred upon m e eelved for tlcatm ent at the Plant - by E ules N os 20 and. 63 of the D 'seases of Anxm als (c) Fzom the 1st Janùarv to tlae 29tl1 Fiabluul: , Ozdlnanee R llles, 1931, (( hereby deelare the uudel- 1936- 50 cents pe.r bag m entloned gentlem an to be an H onorary P erm lt Issuer for the pkn poses of the sald Rules - (à) From the 1st M arch onwarcls- zs cents pet bag A D avls, EBq , K ztale (2) 'För -tiiàlze conslgned dueet flom up Q-o-un- Ef-y statlons to the Condltlonm g Plant eN af/o%l, -

- - - (< - Erùm the 1st Januazw fo the 29th February, - Thls 10th day of M areh, 1936

- 4z) From the 1st M arch orm artls- zo cents pex D epuiy D1? eo'toî tzl.?tl'mc( Induntl ?/) ba,g , and. tl/zlcj Fgtty?lntpp O/#,cc? 256 TH E OPPIOIA L G AZE TTE M alch 17, 1936

GZXXRM Z N omzcl N o 307 Glxln.tu N oTzcl N o 310

TI'IE B AN K R U P TCY OR D IN A N CE ? 1925 IN 9 M AJE STY 'S SU PR E AIE COU R T OF K E N Y A N oTIcF oF TNTFNIISD D IVIDEND As la>m CoMlaosl'rloh wAT AIOM BA SA D ISTR ICT R E G ISTR Y ScasMx PR O BA TE A N D A D AH N ISTR ATION Cwvsx N o 34 o, 1935 Ilebtoï ' 5 nam e - Tyeballt M ulla D audll N OTII?: Oln A IPLICATION rOR LETTERS OF ADM INISTRATION A ddrcss - N dAa K uu Stleet, P f) B ox 349, M om basa OF E STATX o:e H ASANALI J'LEVANJEE M ITH&IW AIZLA) L&TI ()1 M oM n/tsi K ENY & PROTECTOIIATE DEGFASED D esçl ?pflo?l M elcllant ,. 1 TAK E N O TICE tllat appllcatton havtng been m ade C oul t 1-1 M Supz em e Court of K enya ln thls Couzt b, R atanbal N oorbhal Sllelkh Essazl, w ldou of H' assanall J eev tnzee M lthalAs alla, de( easetl: of N tI ??? bet oj rna.f f e'r 2 of 1935 Atonzilasa, K e'tts a Pl otef torate, f ol lettels of adm lnls- L(l %t Jtzv j()l : ecek, lnf/ proofs 56th M a) ( h, 1936 trat t)n of tlte estate of H ctsan tl1 J'eel anlee Alvthrtlw alla, A a ??' e 4)/ tt ltdf 66 - M oham edall Rehm anql late of Atom basa af oz esatd, who dletl at D a1 es Salaam , Tanganl 3ka Tellltor: , on the 1st da'y of A ugust, 1935, 1 fldn c.ss C / o Valllbhaz Yllsufalz, M onlbasa llxtestate, tllls Couz t .1 l1l proeeed to lssue the sam e unless t anst, l)e shown to tlle eontl az y 1nd appeal ance ln thls Alonlbasa z espeet entez ed ()n or before the 15th day of A pz 1l, 1936 10t1l Alaleh, 1936 Alom basa M OH A AIE D A LI R E H M AN JI, 7t11 (taz of Afalch, 1936 B V SH ASV, T ?vsfoe ztcf kvzg D rsfzm cf X ogztsf rar, H 3f Fh'rtzz?z ente Cfptf'z'f 0/ Jf eît g/tt N o'te .- p zevloun notlf e appeallng ln Ofhtlal G 'tzette, General N otlce N o 1122 at page 1151, of 5th N ()5 em ber, G SNSRAL N olrzcz N o 308 19 )5, Is ltezeby eancelled 1H E BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN OE R xcllvlxg ORDBR G SNERAL N oa.lcR N o 31l llebtoî ',5 ?'g?n e .--Trlkam ll D alngl Y IJV H lS 7rA AE 9TY 'S SU PR E AIE COU R T 0 13 K EN A A lf/t/) e ç< .- xisenzlm B ay : l3te15 : esldlllg ab N alz ob: A T N A IR O BI and. N akuru I/R OBA TE A N D A D AIIN ISTR A TTO N D escï lJ?f lou - Ca) pentez CAtrsx N o 2 o:n 1936 Jlal' (' oj /iJ? tbg pet lf îon. - 6th Alarch, 1936 1lN Tuls AI &TTyII ow LIsuT -COIZONEL Ghorvzt>x (3SRL5:ON, Dzd caAsl:fl f 'oîtt f - H 11 Supz em e Court K lsum u (DIc?tl 1tt P UR S UAN T to ln ol del of H ls M c-gestv's Supz em e Reglstly) Cotlrt of K en) .4 at N alrobl, d'ttecl the 27th day of A u ??? bt t 0/ mttf f el - 1 of 1936 Febz urtzw 1926, 55 lzelelay an E xem pllficatlon of P1 obate of the W l 11 of the q'bos e clecwased gz anted to Sydney D(l f e p/ oî der - 6th M aI ç h, 1936 Phlllp P ope and Fzederlck P etez Cottes , the E xeeutors 11 h ef/' 6, debf f.)l ' 5 ()3 ered'tf ()7 s' pe't l/zt/l - D e1)to1'S p tlped ln tlle v l1l of deeepsed, bv tlle Pllzlczpal Ptobate Reglstz 5 ()f H ls M aqest) 's H lgh Couz t of J'ustlce ln Elzgland M as 3 ese zlcd lfalrobl Tqke notlco that all persons havzng anl, elalnls

13th Atazch, 1936 At.l tlnst tlle eqtate of the tbos e de( eased who dled rtt T1ee1)tI1st, Tuzlbl ldze 5Vells, zn the Countv of K ent, on L R FISH E R , the 12th c1a5 f)f M zv 1935, a1e requlz ed to lodge and jor O#t(lcJ .Tl6(6?p6v pl (): e sl'cll elqlm s wlth the undez slgned on or before the 1st daA, of A prll 1936, after w haeh date only clalm s whlelz ha5 e been so pl ov'ed w ll1 be pald and the estate dlstz llluted accol dlng to law QEXERAL N onacE N () 309 D ated tllls 10th t'lasr of M alch, 1936 H A M ILTON , H A R R TSON tt M A TH E W S, TH E BA N K R U PTCY OR D IN A N CE Sol?càf ot s for f h 6 Ezel vf ors. FIRST AIFETING OF CREDITORS AND PUBLIC E XG INATION N atrob't S 'pv,T6, N a%1 obl

i%nm nbal # Cabe v , llebtor'n nqm : - Jag215 an D allbhal Parm ar GSNERAL N oqrrcl N o 3l2 Addresn .-N azrobl IN HIS M AJESTY S SUPREM E COURT OF K#NYA D escrlptzon - Tallor AT AfOM BASA DISTR TCT REGISTRY cou' f - H M Supreme Court, N azzobl PR OBATE AXN D ADM INISTR ATION CAvsx N o 5 o, 1936 N umber oj v aff er - 4 of 1936. N o'rlcE or APPLK ATION :FOM LETTMRS 01: ADM INISTRATION Da3 6 oi /I) df m66f tng oj cz edktors - 24th M azeh, 1936 oy' E STATX oln E s:lilLzl EZBRARIM JI, L&TX ():F M OMB&SA K zxx& PROTECTORATE 7 DECIASXD H onr - 2 15 p m TA K E N OTICE that appllcatlon ham ng been m ade Place - comm lttee Room N o 54, Law Couzts In thls Court by Abdulhuseln Esm alljl, of M ombasa N alrobl K en: 't Protectoz ate for lettel s of aclm lnlstratton of the estate of Esm azlzl E brahzm ll, late of M om basa, K ensra 1)at e ()/ puyltc eœatn ? ncf lon - 27t1z M alch, 1996 Proteetol ate, who dled at M om bqsa afores vlkl on t%e S tly? - 10 a m 13th clrt's of O eto%er, 1985, tntestate, thls Couzt wlll pl oeeed to lssue the sam e unless cause be ehown to thB rlcf 6 - Laq& Courts N alrobl cozltt zl : eznd arpeaz anee ln thzs respect antsred on or hefole the 1st day of A pm l, 1936 N alrobl, AEom basa, 13th M arch, 1936 10th day of M âlch, 1936 - k B V 8HAW L R FISH ER , cf %ng Dztsf' kcf Tegkntrar, jor Olczcl 1t6ce1n6r /. -!' M S'ttprc.m 6 ofkumt o/ x govfl M aTch 17, 1936 TH E OFFICIAL GAZE TTE Qr7

('1 ENSRAL N oaacl N o 313 G ENERAL N oTlcx N o 317

PR OBA TE A N D A D M IN ISTR A TION PR O BA TE AN D AD M IN ISTR A TION Pvrsr Ic Tlttrs 1s>u' s C A.t, sE N o 8 oF 1936 PuBLIc TxcsTEs's CAvsz N o 20 oF 1936 IN ln:, AfATTE:/ olp R OBRR.P B AIM AN, oEhclEl&.syzp Jx 1nx Altlisa o, A RTUUR ALLXANDER SAVLL 7 nEclAsMp 1 a al1 whom zt m ay conceln 110 atl w hom lt m ay concern TA K E N OTICE that al1 peI sons 11q.: 1ng any clallns TAK E N OTICE that al1 pezsons llavlng any clazm s agalnit the esoate oi the abo: e-nam ed R obelt B as m an, .tpaalnsL tllta estate of the abos e-nam ed A zthul Alexander dtaceased, wht) dlecl at Alom -basa ln the K enà a Protectol- H' ttzll) u ho dled ln E ngland on the 19th day of J'anuary lt , :4 re on the S';tll cta; of Febz uar, , 1936, a1e I equlred to ,3b, aze l uqulzed to pl o: e suth clalm s befoz e m e the 1) t ove sl ch c1A m o betole n1e tht, undelslgnefl on ol unulei slgnecl on oz betoz e the 18th day of M ay 1936, L afoze tlle 18tb d a'y of M ctv, 1936, after 55 hleh date the altel w hzch date the clalm s so pzoved w l1l be pa,l d and t l 'a lm s so pz o: c l u l1l be pald, qnd tlle estate dlstllbutE,d the extate dlstrlbutecl accol dlng to law 1 coldlng to law N atlobl, ptralrobl, 10tl1 Alalch, 1936 10tl1 Alal cll, 1936 W AI K EAIIN GE , W AI K EA IIN G E, F ubll6 Trnstee r'ubllc T? uôfce GSNERAL N o/rlc:p N o 318 (IENERAL N oqacs N o 314 PR OBA TE AN D A D M IN ISTR ATION PROBATE AND ADAIIN ISTRATION 13t BLlc Tlttrsiluk.' s CzNusE N o 20 o:n 1936 P rsr Ic rlltcsTcs' s CxusE N o 19 c):e 1936 E1.Ik, AlktiEn o, A ttruult AruExzkxoym SAVLIU, oElmxks:bm lx 'tns Alxr E) R or I-1<1>1lY B t N tlwg, Ilyltlxxsl:o 411 % hom It m ay concern ' zo all M hom lt m a; concern TAK E N OTJ CE tllat on ol attel the 31st day of Afalcl1, 1t $6, t lntend to apply to H M Supz em e Court TA K E N O-TJCE that on oz aftel the 31st dav oi of k en) 1 at N allob: to1 an otclel to adm lnsste M a1c l1, 1936, I lnta ul to apply to 1-1 A1 Sulllem e Colllt ,r wlth ()# Itelz's ) at N axrobl for qn ol dez to adm lnlstel tl e $: ll1 annexed the estate of the above-nam ed Azthur ( st Ate of tbe abos e-n Anlccl 1-1ql) y B untsng deeeased, Alexalldez Saull, deceased, 14 ho dled In England on the 1 1te of K ak lluega ln tlle Colon'!r of K enyq, V ho dled at tfltlz d lzr of J inuary, 1936 K ak Am ega on tlle 1st da& of Feblualy, 1936 N allobt, Nalrobl, 10th Alatch, 1936 13th Alal ch) 1926 W Af K E A TIN G E W 1%1 K EA TIN G K , laublzc l'lustee r ubllc i'tktstee

GENFUAL N ovlcs N o 3l5 GENERAL N oTzcE N o 3l9

PR OBA TE A N 1) A D M IN ISTR A TION PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION Pusrulc Tlttfsrlsl?' s CAIJSR N o 19 op 1936 P trBlzlc TstTsrrElu's CAUSE N o 23 olp 1936 Tx luc AI :11EIz o'bn H <1>Y B I;lN IING, IIE/EASEII IN TH>n M ArTBR o:a ALEX&NDER GILBERT AYTON AIZso xNov x A.s FREDERICK A YTON ) DECBASED , To al1 w holn It m qy concern To all whom lt m ay concern TA K E N OTICE tllrtt a1l persons hrtvzng any elalm s agalnqt tbe estate of the abo: e-nam etl H azlw Buntm g TA K E N OTICE that a11 persons havlng any clalm s deceased, 5: ho tlped at K akam ega ln the Colony of K enya, qgalnst the estate of the above-named Alexander Gllbert A vton, also knovn as F I edellck Aoton o1i the 1st dav of Febzuazs , 1936, 'tre requlled to prove , w ho dled at such clalm s betore m e the underslgned on ol befole the N akulu ln the Colony of K enya on the 16th day of 18th daz of Alu'y , 1936, aftel 44 hleh date the clalm s so N o: em bel , 1935, are l equzzed to prove stzch clsxm s before ptoved .4 11l be pald., and tlle eqotctte dtstrlbuted acûorthng m e the undez slgned on or bef ore the 18th dav of M ay to law 1936, aftel v hleh date the clalm s œo pzos ed wll1 %e pazd, and the estate dlstzlbuted aceordlng to law , N azrobl, 13th Alazck 1936 N alrobl,

W A1 K E A TIN GK , 10th Alaz eh, 1986 ./lttbll6 I'1 u.qf66 W M K EATINGE, f'lzblzc Trnstee GFNERAL N oTlcs N o 3l6 GSNSRAL N oqncs N o 320 PR OBATE AN D ADM IN ISTRATION Aio:usxsw PcBtac TR'L %TEE' s CAIJSE N o 19 olp 1936 PR OB ATE A N D A D M IN ISTR A TION I.x 'rIIy' AIIATTEIt oe 1D1 m x M 'l'w &NA uIN Ayatrw â .) IlEclp/ksEp PuBLIC Tztusu E's Cwusx N o 23 oF 1936 To all % llom lt nlay concern IN TuR A1&TrsR ol ALBXANDER GILBERT AYTON M zso TA K E N OTICE that al1 persons haA lng anv clalm s 5xNOW N YS VMEDERICK AYION DECEABED , agalnst tlle est nte of the ctbos e-nam ed Ictt b1n M tw ana To All whom lt m ay concern b1n Afuv a w ho dled at N 'ttlve Clvll H ospltal , Alom basa, TAK E N OTICE that on oz aftel the 31st day of on tlle 111 ç't dav of M aleh, 1936, are reqm red to M arcll, 1936, I lntend to apply to H M Suplem e Couzt plo: e suth elalm s 'befole m e the t'nderslgned on oz of K enl a at N azrobl for an order to adm lnzster the befoze the 6th dav of M a: , 1936, aftez whleh date tho estate ot the ahol e-nam ed A lexandez G zlbezt A yton ( lalnts so rro'k ed M 11l 1)e pald, and the estate dlstrlbuted also known as Frederlck Ayton: deceased who dled aceordtng to law at N akuru on the 16th day of N ovem bez , 19, 35 M om basa, 6th M az ell, 1936 1( alrobl, B V SH AW 10th Alarch, 1936 , Ex olczp 497:/,f for W M K EATINGP, r 'ublzc I'lln tee rublzc Trudfee Q58 TH E OFFICTAL GAZETTE Alklc.h 1f, 1986

G ICNERAL N o'rlcn N o 321 (-lplxEltzua N ottcs Nb 323 TH E TRADE M AR K S ORDIN ANCE, 1930 TH E REGISTEATTON O1P PATEN TS ORDfN AN CE , Az+u cm ox N o 2256 1933 TT ls 1l6 , eb'y notlhed fo1 general lnforlnatzon that a lettcl q p ltent paz tlthttlaz s of v lzlch appeaz ln the h -;t lzedule Neleto :1 aq zeglstcrt.d as N o 246 of 1.936 ln T IT A N the K en: 4 Reglster ot Patents on the 12th day oî TA K E N OTICK thit an appllcatlon fo1 the zeqts- AI Arch, 1986 tratlon of the Trade M qtk shown above lzl Class 13 m respect of Spazktng Pltzgs l has been lodged by A C SCH E DULE Spark Pllzg Conlpan) ta (' omp zn'! lneorpoz ate tl 11.y the A-ttl/tbr', 0/ (tyylrcaflo?l - 246 State of Allehlgan, U nlted States oi Agnezzca) of In- D at tr 0/ l'ppïtf (Jézf'n - 12th daA oî Alalch, 1936 dustllal A venue qnd H arrlet Stleet, F lqnt, State oî M lehlgan U nlted States of A m ez lc z: M anuf acturez s, .'à a ?/K6 oj tz.pzk? ? ( artt - 5V 11llam F agergzen whose addless for sell lce zn the Colonv ls e/o Mess; s Iteqlst 6) ed ftt/t/? 6.ss - 55t, W est 5th N 01th Salt Lake Atkznson, Bou n, M orrzson and Alnslle, .Ads ocates, f'l'b) , Utah, Unlted States of Am erlca Afom basa lna? f tt t/ptzz's OJ qï tz?if à4 f ? f' U ltlt &tf X l ?Lf/t/o3'n - No The sald Tlade M ark &$ tll l)e leglstered aftet the 3 )? b50 sealed o2l the 31st da, oî August, 19% , explratton of nlnety daà s fronz the date of thls G azette, and dated tlze 4th daJ of N ovem ber, 1932 pz o: lded no notlte of opposdtzon zs zecltved A-tkf u t , o f 1 n ? ''rtflrl n - lnqlalo: elllents tn ol lelattllg tc Ael atlng Alachtne: N alrobl W 7.! If E.A TIN GE , 12th llarch, 1936 Regtstrar oj Irade M arL : .1..2()( 'tz/n 6?? ts, 6/, c , #!cd z.rt A eg'tsfl 'p - One eeztzfied copl of the speclfleatlon, ln- cltldln: drawlngs of the U nlted K lngdom GsxxltAru N olrrcE N o 322 P atent Ceztzfcate of tlle Com ptl ollez General of the NOTICE U nlted K lrgdom P atent Ofllee gl5 1ng full p%z tletllaz s of the gl ant of the Patent N 0% lCE lq l'el eFs gzvtxn ihat the partnershtp here- tofole ear: !ed on between W tlfred Edward Brtelley aud 3 Authol lzatlon of Agent Jqmes Butterfteld at N golna Estate, K ezlch o yhaq been dlssols ed qs îrom tltp 1st dqv of Afareh, 1936, the sald Jam es Buttezfield taklng o'ker al1 assets and llabilltles N allobz, of the sald partnerqhlp as from that date Thlq lï'th daa Gf Alarch, 1936 D ated thls 12th dav of Alaleh, 1936 W E BE IER LEY 5V A1 K EATTN GE , J'A M ES BU TTE R FIE LD Itegïstrar o! Patent &

(lsxzltAru N oTzcE N o 324 CU STOM S D EPA R TM E N T


A ctual A etual E stlnm ted Collectlons Collectzons Collectzons 1934 j 1935 1936

Z f f K INYA J'anuaz'y 43,048 73,028 75,000 F ebruary 47,425 49,634 - .58 000 - - . - .. ...- 90,479 122,662 133,000

O no slxth of Y txarly E stlm ate 104,582 105,416 1 l0, 1 67

U GANOA Januarg 44,218 53,481 55 000 F ebrua.ry 40,080 34,296 45,000

:4,298 87,777 1ûû,09f) One szxth of Y early Estlm ate 52, 500 58,339 60 000

Custom H ouse, ED W AR D LOR D M ombaqa, Jor 2cfv/l; CommIasmner o.f Ctlsfozzu, 11th M arcl), 1936 K enya cz?zf Uganda GENERA.T N o'rlcs N o 325 r>f L ist of Y oung T rees for Sale at Forest D epartlnent, N-alrobl The prlees of plants m clude the cost of plant trays Plant trays rebxvned w tll be credzted ab the rate of tw o cents pcr good sound shlngle Quantltzes of 50 and over of one speezes m boxes, w111 be sold at the 100 rate , tm der 50 at the slngle plant ratt., pltces accordlng to quallty < Quantltles of 1,000 and over of one speeles may, at the dlscretlon of the Conservator of Forests, be granted a speclal quotatlon QD Appllcatlons foz young ttees should be addressed to the Conservator of Forests, N anobl, and m ust be accom pantcd by a rem lttance m cash or Cr postal order Cheques cannot be accepted m paym ent tm less m ltlaled by the Bank on whlch they are draw ny and should be crossed N atlonal = Bank of Indla, A ccount K enya Colony and Protectorate '' N o telegram , advlsm g despatch of plants, w 1l1 be sent unless pzevlously patd for by the purchaser Carzlage of Plants .--plants aze supplked f o r N alrobz and conszgned carrzapp forw ard by goods tlam If lt ls deslred tlaat the plants be sent pez passenger traln, or, af the destm atlon zs a sldzng betweon two statlons, the plants m ust be sent caxnage pm d In such m stances a rem lttance eoverzng the cost of frm gl)t m ust be sent w lth the order W hlle the greatest posszble eare zs exerclsed, plants are offered subleet to bem g unsold and wzthout warranty or responslblllty for tlle crop ln any w ay No plants can be deh&ered unless they have been prevw usly pazd for Seed 11st m ay be obtalned on appllcatlon to the Conservator of Folests, P O B ox N o 337, N alrobl N .duaosl, H 312 GA RD N ER , FEBRVARY, 1936 Connelvator of Forest8 Pmcel przce Botam cal Nam e Com m on N am e D escnptlon per ( per 100 Plant 1zn boxes

Js/z cts & cts a'lbcrlcr cafha K et Apple Thorny hedge plant, qmck growlnq, very hardy, (lzought reslstant, all altltudes 20 6 00 A cacta elata A sm all tree w zth ornam ental follage 50 ,, Jakvte,nan.a Cassle Sm all thorny shrub The y ellow m lm osa flowers are strongly scented and used m perfum ery 50 - k%nlfok%a Mlm osa Bushy tree, abundant yellow flowers Cts 20 and 50 10 00 ,, metannmylon Austrahan Blaekwood Qmck growzng, cool m01st dlstrlcts, valuable tlmber and poles 20 6 00 podalyl%afoha Szlvcr leaved Golden W attle Sm all tree wzth ablm dant yellow m lm osa flow ers, sweet scented Fanly drought hardy 50 10 00 ,, sal%gn,a Qm ck growm g, ornam ental tzee, drought hardy Cts 20 and 50 10 ()0 'M cocavtthm a longbflora Mumchu (K%k ) Indlgenous ornam ental shrub, sweet seented flowers 50 - Acrocarp- X tzzsaj/ohtz.v Tall ornam ental shade tree, loszsts drought Qvtzek growzng m good sozl 50 8 00 xzllezçrlfe,.g m olnccana t/sflfrl .4 trtloba) A handsom e shade tiree Low and m edllim altztudes wzth falr raznfall 50

A llam anda zl6rs-/blw Sm all ornam ental shrub, yellow flowers 50 *A lk6 sp Tlee A loe An m dtgenous aloe w tth a stem up to 12 ft R ed flow ers W arm , drv loealttles 50 A rancar%a èrcasllcntz M onkey Puzzle Ornam ental tlm bel tref., best sulted to cool, w et locahtles Cts 50 and 2 00 p ambnea Forlusg'è Ornam ental fm e leaved bush bam boo l 00 Bauhlyna alba W hlte Bauhzm a Sm all bushy tree producm g m aqses of lazge whlte flowezs at frequent m ttrvals V ery show y, w arm to m edm m dlstrlcts R eszsts drought Cts 20 and 50 10 00 Galp%va R ed Baulunta Spzeadm g oznam ental shrub , zed flow ers Cts 20 and 50 10 00 m alabarIca Sm all flow erm g tree, w hzte flowezs 50 , p'avpurea Purple Bauhm za Sm all upnght tree ploducm g m asses of beautzful m auve flowers Cts 20 and 50 10 00 'var%egata , O rnam ental shrub, pznkzsh w hlte flow ers 50 tM c 'q ndlgenous to K enya Colony LIST OF YOUNG TREES FOR SALE- I/YW ) KD Przco Prlce o Botanzeal N am e Com m on Nnrm e D escnptzon per per l00 plant m boxes

B racltychlton popvlnc'?z,g Curralong or B ottle 8h cf.g gb'h cfe 'Tree Sm all ornam ental tree, slow growm g, dzought resTstm g, leaves form cattle fodder 20 8 00 ,m vayera anthelmtnt%ca Mum ondu (K %k ) uundsom e spreadmg fohage tree Qm ok growm g Sm ted to lngh altztudes 50 8 0û (k%yn Ncgonlc abyavxcaj Bondet çltamb ) , ) Bvunp éaa cmorzctzaa Small ornamental shrub, m asses of eream colotued flowers, scented Cts 20 atld 50 10 00 c'œsalpm la ptdlcherzsz??,c Ornam ental shrub, orange yellow flowers, warm dzstzzcts 50 calltstemon lanoeolatn,a Bottle Brush Sm all flowerzng tree, t zssels of red flowers 50 ## paludosus Shrub A valzety of the Bottle Brush 75 phanm cens Slm lb A varzety of the B ottlo B rush 16 IF atz/v w,.?g,g A com pact uprlght grow m g shtub Flow ers zn erect bzushes, w hzte, plnk or m auve 50 scakodendvon capéwao Cape Chestnut M auve flowerm g tree, rather slow , reslsts drought, 5,000-7,000 ft Cts 20 and 50 7 00 1 scalpunn%a aurea Sm all quzck growzng tree, laburnum lzlce flow ers, useful tem porary shade 50 cananqa odorata Ilang llang Tree wzth scented flow ezs used for dzstlllatzon Coast and warm m ozst dzstmcts 75 scartsoa tdsllsa Mukawa (K%k ) A sem l scandent shrub, ttrm ed wzth spznes The flowers are sweet scented not unltke Jasm m e T he sm all pm ple frutts are edtble and som etlm es used for pleservtng W 1ll grow m poor dry sltuattons 50 Canbïa sp Sm all ornam ental shrub, yellow flow els, fine follage 59 - Casualm a C'annm gham R lver Oak or Beefw ood Tall oznam ental tree, qtuck gzowm g Falzly drought hardy 20 6 00 %an a cfcazltplzztz strIaa M edzum szze tzee Drought hazdy Follage qazd to be good cattle fodder 20 6 00 cedtela toona Toon Tree A fast growzng handsom e shade tree W arm dlstzzcts, good soTl, up to 6,500 feet t;0 - Cestrnm tzztzrtznlsqcv??z Ornam ental shrub, yellow flow ers 5() *'f/otdIa Jalolôlè# M urmga (.K%/c ) Oznam ental tlm ber tree, whlte flowermg, m oderatelv drought reszstant, 4,000- 6,000 feet 20 6 00 cfok zh'aa cap%tata H zm alayan D ogsvood Sm all tree of the H lm alayas Pzetty flow ers and edzble frtut l 00 - Cototbeaster Franchet% Ornam ental sm all leaved sbrub, about 4 ft , voo effectzve wlph as ztttle orange- red bermes 150 Cotoneaster pczèkzoetz A m ueh larger bush than C karanftlbetb w lth red berrles 50 scratbta llno/lsz M ultubu (K %k ) A sm all round crowned dense folzaged treo, pzoduczng strongly scented whlte flow ers Slow grow zng M edzum altztudes 50 - (A presnug tzrlatwlcc Anzona Cypress Ornam ental hedge, reszsts drought 20 6 00 B evbtltama Bentham 's Cypress Softw ood tzm ber tree, good poles, quzck grow m g 20 6 00 J'tobebrzs Chmese W eepzng Cy- press Sm all ornam ental tree, graceful fohage Cts 20, 50 and 2 ()0 - glabra sm all ornam ental cypzess, szlvery follage Cts 20 and 50 8 00 lua tan%oa Portuguese Cypress Fast grow ztzg, softw ood tlm ber, good poles, m oderately dzought reszstant 20 6 00 m aoooarpa M onterey Cypress Softw ood tlm ber tzee, good hedge m m 01st dtvotncts, quzek growm g 20 6 00 pyram gaatu Italtan Cypress Ornam ental tree, narrow uprzght form y slow growm g, drought reskstant Cts 50, Sh 2 and 3 (j0 - M toruloaa H zm alayan Cypress Softw ood tzm ber tree, good poleq, quzck p ow m g, reszsts drought 20 6 00 ## %# D alberq%a tzsgcrrzwctz Sm all legtm unous shade tree, w arm dzstrzcts 20 8 00 ' sD tchroaacltys glomerata M kmgzrz (kb'wa ) Sm all shzub wzth Sowers m small m auve and yellow tassels ô0 - n uvanta P llxm %er% Ornam ental hedge plants blue dow ers, m oderately drought reszstant 20 6 00 *zkzbevgka zw ppelltc> Muntmga LK%k ) A large crowzted sem t deczduoua tree Fzne shade, useful tzmber Good sotls 8,000 to 9,000 feet R ather slow 8 00

*lndlgenous to K enya Colony LIST OF YOUNG TREES FOR SALE- (Gonà? ) l l r P rzce Prlee Botam cal N am e Com m on N am e Desenptlon Per POr 100 > * plant m boxeg Sh câ Sh cf: *E neepltalartoa f:lkltfo brandt%'t Pzne palm Ornam ental cyead W arm dzstrzctw Slow glownt: l 00 eEnglerodalpltn,e lao a'vp/lorl Musllenstgerl (K %k ) A sm all znuch branclled fne leavvti ollzllb pzoducmg clu:ters of small M hzte sweet seented flow els W arm , dzylsh dlstrzctq 50 E'nterolobt'am f'pzzl&oum Sm all spreadm g shade tree sultable fo1 law ns 50 Erytltvm a corcllotçzttfron Tree wzth attractn e fohage and lazge green bottle shaped stem covered wlth large pllckles 75 *Erythr%'n,a lozzàe'nzow M uhutl (K 1k ) Ornam ental tree. masses of very consplcuous ted flowers 50 - E ucalgptns e%tr%odora Lem on Scented Gtzlu T4l1 tzm bex tlee, vely qulek grou Ing, stlltable to low altltudes wath m oderate ram fall Cts 20 and 50 8 00 crebra Nalzow leaved Iron Bark H ald dttzablto tmàbel , good poles leszsts dlought, slow gzowlng 20 6 00 H jia-folm Crlm son Flowezmg Gum Olzlam enï al flowelmg tree, quzck glowzng Cts 20, 50 and 2 00 12 00 X globnlna Blue Gum Vezy qulck gzom llg useful poles and fut 1 20 6 00 ,. m aônlata Spotted Gum V aluable tlm ber and poles, fast gzow m g, waznk dlstlllats 20 7 00 C) m tçrotheea ('oolebah Sm all t looked tzet whlch standq cxtrem e heat and drought, vely Rtlong wood Good on blaek elay 20 6 00 ,. pan%eulqta Izon B ark H azd duzable tlm bel, w azm ez dlstzzcts, fallly qm ck glow m g 20 b 00 robna a Swam p Gtlm Large quzck growlng trt e, sm ted to sv am py land 20 6 00 > tostrata R v (1 (iplrn Tlm bel tlee sultable f o valym g condztzons 20 b 00 ,, sal%gvta Blue Guzn ()t N S W H andsom e tree, good fuel and tmzber, very fast gzowlng, stzsceptlble to dzougllt 20 6 00 Q s'tderoxylon R t d flow ellng Iron > B ark G ood tzm ber, sultable to dzy and zoeky dlstrzcts 20 6 00 F aaoq S'ello/ttrlcsc Sm all buqll, szlvery follage and pretty flow ers, edlble frutt 50 - N1 *F%cus 'z?wllc/octlz'pc Mukuyu (K%k, ) Lazge spreadlng tree, stuted to wazm , dl y localztles 20 6 00 6 * 'gycam orug Sycam ore n g W zld flg Large shade tree W arm dlstzlcts 50 - % * ,, sp W zld Fzg W llcl fig of Trans N zoza D lstzlet Lazge shade tzee 50 8 00 yt *Gardelbèa globosa Com pact shrub , abtm dant large, whlte qcented flowels , slow growm g Cts 20 and 50 - * ,, 'tzrfvcllz./tnzm ,s Mkombo kombo (K1k ) Shrtlb oz tlee, large sweet smelllng flowers 50 - * ,, aom s tonant%s Indlgenous shzub, w azm dlstzlcts, slow grow zng, w hlte flow els 50 - * ., sp wz spatltlmfol%a Lalge dense bush of dry hot cotmtry 50 Gen%ata cclntz?çezu'?,.v Gem sta Sm all ornam ental yellow flowelm g shrub 50 Gl%r%ô%d%a aepl'a,'m Legum m ous shade tree, warm m ozcat dlstrlcts Cts 50 and 2 00 - Grem llea 'rtlztultz Sllky Oak Sm table for shade, wm d breaks, quzck growm g, good poles and tzm ber 20 6 00 H akea .9(51,@.nJ. Sm all bushy tree, posslbly suztable for w znd brealts at hlgh altztudes - 8 00 H %b%sft%la sp Sm all herbaeeous sbzub, dark red leaves, pm k flowers 50 - H yperm'um H ookerIan'um St J'olm 's W ozt Shrub w lth abundant large buttereup llke flowers, Fazrly drought reslstant 50 H yperm'um 'zzlte ore'm:o St John'> W ort Shrub szm llar to H fl'bo/c6z èczi 6tkn w ltll sm aller leaves and flowers 50 Ioehmoma coccl- '/z,zzà Ornam ental shzub, red flowezs 50 Ipom e.a arborea A perem ual sczam blm g M exzcan plant 1 00 - Jacavanda 'nwzrn- œ/bllq Jacaranda Beauttful hlue ftowerm g tree, deekduous, up to 7 f)00 feet altltude Cts 29 and 50 8 00 *laam m 'u.m sp J'asm m e Sm all m dlgenous shrub, attracttve follage , weented flowers 50 - Jatropha pwlls/tfc Coral Plant Ornamental shrub, wzth red coral lzke flowcrs, warmer dlstmcts 50 - to

*Indlgenoqs So K enya Colony LIST OF YOUNG TR EES FOR SALE- IIM ? ) bz c z Przce Przee Botam cal Nam e Com m on N am e D escrzptlon per per l00 plant zn boxes Slt cfs gb'h cfg J'aglann tw dfrtgl.g South Am erlcan W alnut Sm ted to hzgher altztudes Thlek shelled varzety, useful for plckllng 50 *llm %per'as zzrocertz East Afrzcan Cedar Tlm ber tree, slow gzowzng, good poles 20 6 00 Leptoeperm am lœwsgtzf'u'rrt Australtan M yrtle Fm e leaved ornam ental shrub and hedge N ot vely hardy to drought 20 7 00 Ingustrum o'ptgo#blè'uz?z J'apanese Przvet Close growm g sllrub, sm table for hedges 20 - M achœr%um f'ptr Lazge tree, provldm g llght shade, qtuck gzow m g, yellow flow ezs Cts 50 and 20 8 00 *M arkltam ta H %lde brandtt% Mho (K%k ) Yellow flowezmg tzee, handsom e follage, hardy, qulek growm g, altltudes below 6,500 feet 20 6 00 M daleuoa arm %llar%s Sm all ornam ental tree, dense fohage, whlte flow ezs 50 - M elalenoa ne8ophylla A n A ustrallan shlub 75 M elta cztdcrcch Perszan Lllac Sm all oznam ental tree, fragrant m am e flowers, drought reszstant, altztude below 6,500 feet Cts 20 and 50 10 00 *M %llettta oégtzfc Mwan> a (K%k ) Small ornam ental shade tree, m auve fowers 20 7 00 M ytt'as ctlzp,zzètzrply M yrtle Ornam ental slm zb and hedge plant, sm all fragrant whlte flowerq 50 -

*olea chzxl/sophs/llc M utamalyu (K %k ) or Indzgenous tlm ber tree, very hard durable wood, good flzel, slow growmg Uts 20 & 50 7 00 Brown Olw e *okbcoba Jlozfflocrg6z Ornam ental shrub, very beautlful large w hlte flowers Cts 20 and 50 - Parkm sonm cczfl6clcr Sm all ornam ental tree, flow ers yellow, sultable to dry sandy places Cts 20 and 50 10 00 T'havzlz canav%ens%s Palm Ornam ental palm Sh 1 and 2 00 lI Phytolacca d%o%ca Belhambza Deelduous shade tree, drought zemstmlb, quzck growlng 50 I -

P*p%nondso caszlzpdvusgz sg,v mcz/zo? Muonsetnorgeeyr aP (mKe% k 1 FHaasntd gszoomwem fgo phmagee, stureztee dm toe dhlzugmhe rc donlsdtzmtzcotns s of warmth and molstuCrtes, p20o wantldz 50 l 7 00 1J-2 feet a year 50 l Prun'us ptltfdzr??z tt H zm alayan Bzrd Cherry '' Sm all declduous tree D ense toltage follow ed bl abundant pm k blossom 50 R obm %a p86ad cccc?tz Sm all spreadang troe wzth sweet scwntod flowers Tlle dA cacza' of Englzsh gardens 50 *R uttya apeo%oea R uttya Strzkm g sm all shrub wlth abtm dant red flowers W l1l glow on dry zocky sztes 50 Bfthzn,%t8 m ollo Pepper tree Ornam ental shade tree Very hazdy to drought and wl11 gzov ln very poor sozl condltzons Cts 20 and 50 8 00 Rcluzolobtum ezcclaz:z?z A beautzful tree wlth handsom e folzage and large splkes of brlght yellow flowers l 00 - h'olanxm vobustum Potato Flow erm g Tree R apzd growm g ornam ental tree, m auve flowers 50 Spart%tbm Jzlsccz/z?z Spam sh Broom Yellow flowerm g slzrub, m ozst dzstncts 50 %spatltodea ozzlolscc I Nandz Flame Handsome flowermg tree, qmck growmg, tender to cold and drought Cts 20 and 50 8 00 Stooul%a acorz/tll?c I Australlan Flam e Large tree, abtm dant red flowers and handsome follage, slow growmg Cts 20 and 50 10 00 Teeoma a/tzzza Ornam ental slarub, profuslon of yellow flowezs, wlthstartds droughb Cts 20 and 50 10 00 Teoom ar%a ctzp6rèaz.g K affir H oneysuckle A sem : cllm bm g shrub wzth spzlces of orange red flowers Vezy showy 50 - Tecomarta ehlrezlalt: Szm llar to T capenm s but m oze shrubby, and shghtly larger folzage 50 T henetm .,69 %fotka Ornam ental shrub, yellow flowers, qm ek glowm g 50 TAVJC or%enta- lu A rbor Vltœ Sm all ornam ental conlfer, drought reszstant Cts 20 and 50 6 00

*I'hlm bo gIa (z.#î?z/.: A sm all natzve shrub wzth very attzactzve ptzrple flowezs borzze m pzofuslon Coaat to 6,000 feet 50 10 00 Trutanba conlerta Brush Box Qulck growmg tzm ber treez sultahle for avenues 50 * Ilfez konveny8 Muhtiru t.lf'&/c ) Tlmber and olnam ental tree, form s good shade 50

*lntltgetw us to K enya Colony

N o'rs - 20 cent plants are transplants from -tm es 50 cent and Sh 1 are grown ancl supplled m l-nnana leaf pots Sh 2 and Sh 3 szv large plants m tm s