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No similarity between any of the names. characters. per.ions. and/or Institutions In this magazine with those of any living or dead person or inslltution is Intended, and any such similarity whicl> may exist Is purely COlncidental. This penodical may nol be sold excepl by 1Wlhonzed dealers and os sold sutljeCI IO the conditions that rt shall not be sold or distribulad wrth any of 11BCOY81'"' mar1ungs 1'8fTlOYed, rior In amublaled oondition. OUESTPROBE la a - oo-ownecl Dy the Matvel Comics Group and Scott Adams, Inc. t ·ve HEARO NOTl-4•NG 8U1" GOOO THl,.GS A80u-T Tl-4AT FLICI<! AftP IT·S SUPPOSED TO HAve GQ€AT SPECIAi.. EFFECTS! HO il'IAT"TER WHATTHE CONSE<i)UEHCES, we MUST NOT ~ELEARN THE SARSARIC WAYS 01= BATTLE. SETTER THAT WE SHOULP 171E THAN SUl=FER SUCH HERESY! .·DISCOVER FRUIT 'CHEWY NEWTONS COOKIES. INTIJllE,WHEH WEHAvE CAPTUREPALL T>iE EXISTING FRAGMEf'ITS OF THEGE"M,WE WILL REUNITI=' THEM- - Aroc:> WITH ALL THEIR POW61::1 OIJIZS TO COMMAND-- AAIQ IN TNlf.' COUNCrt. 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