
Go CAR-AZY with some of the hottest race cars on the Grand National stock car and Pro Stock drag racing circuits! Plus planes and other kits, too! Because with each specially marked kit found in the store, you'll get a tree CAR-AZY T-Shirt! Just mail the coupon inside the package with $2.00 for shipping and handling, and we'll send you the T-Shirt free! Or for just $5.95 plus $2.00 shipping and handling, buy a T-Shirt direct from Monogram. Just use the coupon below. ------------~-----------, Please send the T·Shlrts checked below @ SS 95 each plus S2.00 I for shipping and handling per order to: Name (Please l)l(nt durtyl I Address I City State Ip ,..:..I _______.___~~ -i S Total Price (Add 6'1Uales ia on onlllls sent In Illinois~ Indicate quantity and sizes in spaces below. T-Shirts ;re 100~ couon Adult sizes Small_ Med._ Large_ X-large_ (32 -34) (34 -36) (36 -38) (38-40) Mail to: MAGAZINE T-SHIRT OFFERO MONOGRAM MODEL; INC., 8601 WAUKEGAN ROAO, Ill RTON GROVE, ll 60003 Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Make cheek or money order payable to Mono(l!am Models. No cash please. Available in U.S.A. only. Void where prohibited by law. Oller expires April 30. 1985. I ~ 1984 Monogram Models, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 9:aM.Lee PRESENTS: ISN'T THERE. SOME SORT OF RULE T'.lAT GLAMOROUS SUPER-TYPES Lll<E ME OUGHT TO se ,ABLE "lO AF~P AN AIR CONPl"TIOHER~ ~~~.:.<:~: ~~~~~o'llF~R~Lp~~;~tN~=~v~~ ';:c~~N~~~"~.'tfoo~~~~=~ ~=-:~ : Copynghl<O 1984 by Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries Corporation. All riahts reserved. Price 75e pe< copy In the U.S. and $1 .00 in Canada. Printed In the u.SA SPIDER-MAN, and the distinctive llkeness the!eol, lsatrademat1<of the MARVEL COMICS GROUP. No similarity between any of the names. characters. per.ions. and/or Institutions In this magazine with those of any living or dead person or inslltution is Intended, and any such similarity whicl> may exist Is purely COlncidental. This penodical may nol be sold excepl by 1Wlhonzed dealers and os sold sutljeCI IO the conditions that rt shall not be sold or distribulad wrth any of 11BCOY81'"' mar1ungs 1'8fTlOYed, rior In amublaled oondition. OUESTPROBE la a - oo-ownecl Dy the Matvel Comics Group and Scott Adams, Inc. t ·ve HEARO NOTl-4•NG 8U1" GOOO THl,.GS A80u-T Tl-4AT FLICI<! AftP IT·S SUPPOSED TO HAve GQ€AT SPECIAi.. EFFECTS! HO il'IAT"TER WHATTHE CONSE<i)UEHCES, we MUST NOT ~ELEARN THE SARSARIC WAYS 01= BATTLE. SETTER THAT WE SHOULP 171E THAN SUl=FER SUCH HERESY! .·DISCOVER FRUIT 'CHEWY NEWTONS COOKIES. INTIJllE,WHEH WEHAvE CAPTUREPALL T>iE EXISTING FRAGMEf'ITS OF THEGE"M,WE WILL REUNITI=' THEM- - Aroc:> WITH ALL THEIR POW61::1 OIJIZS TO COMMAND-- AAIQ IN TNlf.' COUNCrt. CH~~-• • THAT'S STRA"GE, NOW "'y t"STRU""'ENTS INDICATe Tf.IAT THERE IS YET ANOTHSR BEAM OF ENERGY BEING BROADCAST TI4ROUGH THe COMPUTER SVSTEM-- llEVIR 81FORI ..... · .;. · ./ COLLECTORS LOOKING FOR BACK ISSUES OR CANT FIND ALL OF YOUR F AVOAITE MARVELS EACH MONTH• THESE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED COMIC STORES ARE JUST THE PLACE TO Vl!;IT WAITE OR PHONE' CALIFOflNIA Anottier Wortd' 1615 Colorado Blvd.• Los HIGH SCHOOL AJ'1gele$. CA 900411213) 257-nS7 American School has helped adults FINISH Pl.ORIDA HIGH SCHOOL ·AT HOME spare time for Geppt sComic Wodd Inc. 2~6 t0as1 Say CN8f 80 years. DIPLOMA AWARDED. Info. Or , K~"e Plaia. Largo. FL 33541 1813) free, no. salesmen. 5&6-0226 ~ Sehoc>I, Dept. 10131 ISO E. 58lh St., Chicago IL 60637 NEW YORK Name Age __ the Fantastic Store. 160 New Oorpl..ane Addreea _________~ (near Lan& Thea1re). Stalen Island. NV CttylS1alelZlp _________ 10~ 1212) 001-1m VIRO.... A Or call toll free: 1-800-228-5600 Dave's Comi<:s, 7019-E Three Chopt Ad , Villa~ Shopplt!g Center. R1Chmond. VA m2618041:m-12t1 FREE COMIC LIST Gem:>fs Comle WQrld. Inc.. 8330 A R~hmond Highway, Alexandria, VA CALL 1·303-893-3467 22309 (703) 300•3896 Not Toll-Free' CANADA Island Fantasy ... 45 Market Sq . 560 OR WRITE Johnson St, Victoria. 8 C V8W 3C6 (604) 381-1134 MILE HIGH COMICS Catalogue 'available... $1 00 OLD AND RARE COMIC BOOKS To place an ad on Marvels Super Ma11. Marvel. Disney O C Golden Age and Mov1e 1717 PEARL Comics for sale Also or wno Paperbacks and contact Rita Smolinski or Samara Maler SF Mags Largest '9lect1on '"the Sovthwesr11 BOULDER, CO 80302 at Marvel Cori1ocs Group, 387 Park Ave For complete ltst send 50C to 81&ck GOid ComlCS South. New York, New York 10016 (212) P 0 Bo• 580932 Tulsa Okla 74158 AMERICA 'S LARGEST COMIC DEALER 696-DeOll MILLION $$ OOl.D IANICNOTE ~urOwnHarmonica F~ all your friends with this eKact It'$ easy to learn to play the harmonica. We'll show you bow. epmdvchon of old U S Gold Banlomle 0 1 The Harmoniea is lhe mos1 popular muSlC3l 1nstrument ever mven1ed h can p1ay every ~~ 1°' ~~. ~';'.. '" ~r~ C'~r~LcW kind of muSIC you can 1mag1ne - rock. faZZ. counlrv. folk. and rhyttim I.Jokes. Tricks etc 1 Send only 50< and blues com) '"' sh1ppong Special 3 for $l .00 learn to plar your favonle songs on a genuine Hohner THI FUN HOUSE, OEPT 85-M P 0 BOX 1225 • NEWARK N J 07101 ham:'~~a~~~~reo~~rl~~r t\eed 10 ge1 s1aned - Harp Harmonica • A IJtg 64-page lesson and song booll •A 7-mch lonQ-playmg record MARVEL & DC COMICS vou·ustart playing w11h 1ust a Highly Colleciable, $1 00 lor our catalog rew mtn1 •tes ol prac11ce Order today $2.00 refunded on your first 0<der, GOCD DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE MYSTIC PRODUCTIONS Bo~ 37 Harmonica wtth Case Wilm111910n. VT 05363 Lessona~~:'}l= ... omplel• --------------1MARVEL COMICS BACK ISSUES FOR SAU CHEAP M · I $12 95 20-100 copies of each issue In stock You choose Pa:~:;.,.Only • tne condition: Good 10 Mint. Specialize in early Marvels al lowest prices. F.F. 1 $165. Spldey 1 $150, Avengers 1 $65, Thor 83 $90. Fast service .. U.S. & Ove~easorders welcome. Giant list·. 25C R. C'"'ohl, 4732 Circle Road, Monlreal. Canada p-----------------------------------~Plem181vlme __ Holmer Groa• l.Jttie Harp harmonicas. lesson and SO!lQ bool.s ..S 7-lrlCll -at $14951$12951>1us $2.00 l)OSlage and handl"!l) •ach l'rdole4•( )Clled< ( I MoneyOi<lel MC1l15 MARVEL & DC COMICS ()wgtlD( )-!Cad ( iVISA LOWEST PRICES ~·---------E~.Oale ______ We guarantee lowest prices. Alt MAR­ NITe ...~-~~~---------~ VELS available from F.F. 1 to present. ~OS$~---------------- 5 different conditions, very strict Clly ________ s1a1e ___ Z1p ____ grading. Most books from last 12 months only 60~ each mint condll1on. Fast service, satisfaction guaranteed. For large catalogue send 25e to J&S Comics, P.O. Bo>e 2057, Red Banll. NJ onot We Also Buy ttEV, SUOOY WP.TCtl WtlERE YOU'RE WALKING! BLAST IT, 1. TOLC> "1'HEM TO MAKE THIS COl:iQIDOROFF LIMITS WIAILS "!: WP6 WORKING ON THE VENTILATIOM SYSTEM! ~UCNTIN aecK PIDN'T SReAK OUT OF PRISOH ·· =...,~....-,.. TH05e ARE LIVE WIR6 3"UST TO GeT FOULEO uP ev SOME l(IC> WHO DOWMTIAERE! Lll<E'S TO HANGOUT IMSTAIRWEU.Sl .. 1 "vtl SUPFeReD TOO MANY INDIOl•llTllJ~ AT THE wes­ Sl.111~'& HANDS TO LIYeWITH! l.eT HIM ~l'T M& ONE' lA$T TIMe IN A FIGMT TO Tifft FINISH! ~RE ME THI:' 'tHE;ATRtCS, /YIVSTY! YOU Vefl.Y WELL, IF YOU A~eN · T IMPRESSED WITH TMAT l(HOW AS WELL AS 1: DO Tl-IAT YOUR GLOVES TRICK,.PERHAPS YOU'LL ENJOY THE EFFECTS OF MY RELEAS€ A FINE MIST OF ACID THAT CAA HALUJCINoGEHlCGAS SOMS! DISSOLVE /YIY WEB-FLUID! T THOUGHT VOU WOULD FINO MYOl'llGINAL ARSENAL TROUBLE SNOlJGH,SUT IF YOUS'EEK EVE'N MORE Pa<IVt.YCHALLE'NGes-- OR MA't'sevou JUST\.11'6TO CHANG& COSTUMES ! UPUl!lltLLAST W&tel( 1' 1-4AD A C'IFFeReNT I COSTuMe, "TOO . I~ t BE A PROUD AMERICAN ~ ,,,.... LEAAN HOW' TO DAAW YOUR OWN ~ •_.. SUPEACHAAACTERS OIEA 200 IUJJS.- rAA llONS SHOW VOU HOW YOU LEAAN OA \"OUR MONn 8ACf(. SEND Olll.Y 11.15 TO; E. PHELPS COMPANY AMAZING ·AND FASCINATING BOX 22401-MC PRODUCTS YOU CAN BUILD. LAS· . CLEVELAND, OHIO 44122 ERS, PHASERS. ION RAY AND PLASMA GUNS, SEE IN THE DARK AND LIGHTNING GENERATORS COMICS BOUGHT & SOLD PLUS MANY MOREi SEND $2.00 Send 2f>c or s a s e 1111 - selling list and 5.1m1>1e FOR FULL CATALOG TO: INFORMA· ~mes Dag,biseball wel h$1111d to)mlCS we Wtn ow It~ mctuaed Oil request MODELS ~--~- TION UNLIMITED, DEPT MV1, P.O. RAINBOWS END COMICS~ COLLECTIBLES rantasbc selection of ~ BOX 716, AMHERST, NH 03031 P 0 11o1. I 140 Dept 11~ I.a lte!a CA 920<41 imported modPI kits. ·-~- futurlsbc Robots. Space· ~ ships, TV and mov1e sub1ects Send II for GOLDEN STATE COMICS FOR tllustrOled cataloq to· • Send 25e tor comics sefllng list COMIC COSMIC CONNECTION and FREE protective comic bag SALE 456 Moody Street 4688 Boundary. San Diego, CA 92116 BOOKS Waltham, MA 02154 or visit our store Ml~UTS •J8-4S--SI 00 •46,49-59--60C "47,48--SI 25 l'DONKNIGHT •15-24-- lt STYX CCIMIDC SIEIAVICIE •26-J6-·60C •25-· 1200 l'DONl<NIGHT SPECIAL •1 -J··SI SO NICK FURVISHIELD •I ,2··11 SO SILVER SURl"rR •1(JOHN BYRll>STHI LEElr·St 25 STAAi.ORD •1 --SJOO 1858 A!Rll IHl5TCN STRIEIEl X·l"'ENO.ASSICS •1 - J --lt 50 X·l"'ENITE[NTITAHS "l·-$5.00 ~-t'CNSPECIAL "1 - 1200 AARDYARK -YANAH£JM CEREBUS If< A>PIJVAAK 0 25-JO-SJSO •Jl-35--SJOO WllHllHllPE&, tuMITClllA, CM.ADA •J6·40-·l250"41 ·50--1200°51 &-1140 .lllJlHEY•2&\ll"·Sl40 IE.tL Tl£ t()R5E •\ &up-·SI 40 HORMALMAH •t &up--SI 40 STRAN("of BREW 0 1-1275 S1l«lR!lS.
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