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CATTO~ is a township and small scattered village on Norman structure. There are 120 citting1r. .Catt&11 the Trent, 6! miles south from Burton-npon-Trent, and Hall is a noble mansion of brick, pleasantlt •ituated 1j: aooth-west from Croxall station, in the Burton-npon- in a fine park of 92 acres, and ia t'h& seat of Henry Trent union, parish <>f Croxall and county of Derby. Anson-Horton esq. J.P. lord of the manor and principal Oatton township had a chapel f)f its own, served by the landowner. The area it 1,o8I acres of land snd '!'8 'of vicars of Oroxall from the time most probably of the water· rateable value, £1,466; the population bt 1~1 Norman Conquest, till about 1750 a.d. when it was was g6. destroyed; portions of the fabric, a structure of Later _:) Perpendi~ular date, are still in existence in the Hall Letters through Burton-upon-Trent arrive at 8 a.m. 'llje grounds, as well as a font, part of a window &c. The nearest money order office is at Walton-on-Trent I; chapel, which stands near the Hall, was built as a chapel telegmph office at Walton. Letter bag called for J' of ease to the parish church, and replaces an ancient 5.30 CROX AI.L. tcliffe Thomas, farmer, Broadfields Novell William James, head gat:d8llet (Marked thus t postal address, Edin- Hidderley Robert, farmer to Hy.Anson-Horton esq. OattoD. hall gale, Tamworth.) tHooley Alfred, farmer Stevenson .Ann (Mrs.), farmer,~. - Thos. J.P. tLindop William, farmer kill pitts Norton Rev. Wm. Thomas, Vicarage Sommerfield J oseph, farmer CATTON. COMMERCIAL. OAKI.EY. Anson-Horton Henry J..P. Beech Thomas J ames, farmer COMMERCIAL. Brough Wilfred, farmer, The Mill COHM.ERCIAL, Payne Charles, farmer Cartwright David, joiner Norbury James, farmer, Mansditch Wint Joseph, farmer, Broadfieldt CROXDEN is a parish and pleasa;nt village, in a narrow mentary on the Bible, and Richard de Schepeshead, ~3t'b but fertile valley, watered by a small rivulet, a tributary to abbot, compiled a curious diary now in the British the river Dove, 2i miles west from R