Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council. Chairman of the Parish Council Councillor Keith Stevens Mrs. M. Jones, Clerk, Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council, 50, Cornwall Avenue Tamworth, Staffordshire. B78 3YB 01827 50230
[email protected] 14/02/13 Mrs Clare Egginton Principal Development Plans Officer Lichfield District Council District Council House Frog Lane Lichfield WS13 6YU Dear Clare Re: Application for Designation of a Neighbourhood Area At the Parish Council meeting held on 7th February 2013 it was resolved that the Parish Council should apply to Lichfield District Council to request that the Parish of Wigginton and Hopwas be designated a Neighbourhood Area. Accordingly as a Parish Council and relevant body for the purposes of section 61G of the 1990 Act we enclose a map identifying the Parish of Wigginton and Hopwas which we believe is an area appropriate to be designated a Neighbourhood Area. The Parish of Wigginton and Hopwas is predominately rural, comprising the villages of Hopwas and Wigginton, the hamlet of Comberford, and several farms and outlying properties. It is bordered on the south by the town of Tamworth, which is used for services by many residents. The Parish Council believes that the development of a Neighbourhood Plan through consultation with residents is appropriate for providing for the needs of the communities which it serves. Yours sincerely Mrs M Jones Mrs M Jones Clerk to Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council Wigginton & Hopwas Parish Harrllastton CP Ellfforrd CP Whiittttiingtton CP Fiisherrwiick CP Thorrpe Consttanttiine CP Wiiggiintton and Hopwas CP Swiinffen and Packiingtton CP Hiintts CP Fazelley CP Reproduced from The Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Offices (C) Crown Copyright : License No 10001776¯5 Dated 2013 Key Map supplied by Lichfield District Council Lichfield District Boundary Wigginton & Hopwas Parish.