Attachment C – Threatened and Endangered List Table 1. Records of Federal and State-listed Aquatic Species within Ten Miles of the Proposed Pond Creek Relocation .1

Element Federal State State Common Name Scientific Name Rank2 Status3 Status3 Rank4 CRUSTACEANS Blind Cave Shrimp Palaemonias alabamae E LE SP S1S2 Troglobitic Crayfish Cambarus jonesi E SPCO S2 Troglobitic Crayfish Procambarus pecki E TRKD S2? FISHES Alabama Cavefish Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni E LE PROT S1 Crown Darter Etheostoma corona E TRKD S2 Flame Chub Hemitremia flammea E TRKD S3 Southern Cavefish Typhlichthys subterraneus E PROT S3 Spotfin Chub Erimonax monachus X LT PROT SX Tuscumbia Darter Etheostoma tuscumbia E PROT S2 INSECTS Glossosomatid Caddisfly Agapetus gelbae E RARE S1 MUSSELS Acornshell Epioblasma haysiana H EXTI? SH Alabama Lampmussel Lampsilis virescens X LE PROT S1 Angled Riffleshell Epioblasma biemarginata H EXTI? SX Birdwing Pearlymussel Lemiox rimosus E LE PROT SX Black Sandshell Ligumia recta E TRKD S2 Butterfly Ellipsaria lineolata E TRKD S3 Clubshell Pleurobema clava H LE PROT SX Cracking Pearlymussel Hemistena lata H LE PROT SX Cumberland Leafshell Epioblasma stewardsonii X EXTI SX Cumberland Moccasinshell Medionidus conradicus H PROT S1 Cumberland Monkeyface Quadrula intermedia X LE PROT S1 Cumberlandian Combshell Epioblasma brevidens H LE PROT S1 Deertoe Truncilla truncata E TRKD S1 Dromedary Pearlymussel Dromus dromas E LE PROT S1 Fanshell Cyprogenia stegaria E LE PROT S1 Fine-rayed Pigtoe Fusconaia cuneolus H LE PROT S1 Fluted Kidneyshell Ptychobranchus subtentum H PE PROT SX Hickorynut olivaria H EXTI SX Kidneyshell Ptychobranchus fasciolaris E TRKD S1 Long-solid Fusconaia subrotunda H TRKD S1 Monkeyface Quadrula metanevra E TRKD S3 Pigtoe Pleurobema cordatum E TRKD S2 Orangefoot Pimpleback cooperianus H LE PROT S1 Oyster Mussel Epioblasma capsaeformis E LE PROT SX Painted Creekshell Villosa taeniata H TRKD S3 Pheasantshell Actinonaias pectorosa H TRKD S1 Pink Mucket Lampsilis abrupta E LE PROT S1 Purple Catspaw Epioblasma obliquata obliquata H LE PROT SX Purple Lilliput Toxolasma lividus E TRKD S2 Attachment C – Threatened and List

Element Federal State State Common Name Scientific Name Rank2 Status3 Status3 Rank4 Pyramid Pigtoe Pleurobema rubrum E PROT S2 Rabbitsfoot Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica H PT PROT S1 Rayed Bean Villosa fabalis H LE PROT SX Ring Pink Obovaria retusa X LE PROT S1 Rock Pocketbook Arcidens confragosus E TRKD S3 Rough Pigtoe Pleurobema plenum E LE PROT S1 Round Combshell Epioblasma personata X EXTI SX Round Hickorynut Obovaria subrotunda H TRKD S2 Round Pigtoe Pleurobema sintoxia E TRKD S1 Scaleshell Leptodea leptodon H LE PROT SX Sheepnose Plethobasus cyphyus E LE PROT S1 Shiny Pigtoe Pearlymussel Fusconaia cor X LE PROT S1 Slabside Pearlymussel Lexingtonia dolabelloides H PE PROT S1 Snuffbox Epioblasma triquetra H LE TRKD S1 Spectaclecase Cumberlandia monodonta E LE PROT S1 Spike Elliptio dilatata E TRKD S1 Sugarspoon Epioblasma arcaeformis H EXTI SX Clubshell Pleurobema oviforme H TRKD S1 Tennessee Pigtoe Fusconaia barnesiana H TRKD S1 Tuberculed Blossom Pearlymussel Epioblasma torulosa torulosa X LE PROT SX Turgid Blossom Pearlymussel Epioblasma turgidula X LE EXTI SX Wavy-rayed Lampmussel Lampsilis fasciola H TRKD S1S2 White Wartyback Plethobasus cicatricosus E LE PROT S1 Yellow-blossom Pearlymussel Epioblasma florentina florentina X LE PROT SX SNAILS Anthony's River Snail anthonyi E LE PROT S1 Armored Rocksnail Lithasia armigera E TRKD S1 Corpulent Hornsnail Pleurocera corpulenta H TRKD S1 Knob Mudalia minor H EXTI S? Muddy Rocksnail Lithasia salebrosa E TRKD S1 Ornate Rocksnail Lithasia geniculata E TRKD S1 Round-rib Elimia Elimia nassula E TRKD S1 Rugged Hornsnail Pleurocera alveare H TRKD S2 Shortspire Hornsnail Pleurocera curta H TRKD S1S2 Slowwater Elimia Elimia interveniens E TRKD S2 Spiral Hornsnail Pleurocera brumbyi E TRKD S2 Telescope Hornsnail Pleurocera walkeri H TRKD S3 Varicose Rocksnail Lithasia verrucosa E TRKD S3 Warty Rocksnail Lithasia lima E HIST SH 1 Source: TVA Natural Heritage Database, queried on 08/02/2013 2 Heritage Element Occurrence Rank; E = extant record ≤25 years old; H = historical record >25 years old; X = considered extirpated 3 Status Codes: LE or END = Endangered; LT or THR = Listed Threatened; PE = Proposed Endangered; PT - Proposed Threatened; EXTI = Extirpated from state or region; PROT = Protected; RARE = Listed Rare; S-P = Special Concern/Possibly Extirpated; SPCO = Listed Special Concern; HIST = Historically known from the area, may be extirpated or extinct; TRKD = Tracked by state natural heritage program (no legal status) 4 State Ranks: S1 = Critically Imperiled; S2 = Imperiled; S3 = Vulnerable; SH = Historically known from the area, may be extirpated or extinct; S? = Inexact or uncertain. Attachment C – Threatened and Endangered Species List Table 2 Animal species of conservation concern known from within three miles of the project area.

Common Name Scientific Name Federal State Status2 (Rank3) Birds Bald eagle Haliaetus leucocephalus DM PROT(S3) Red-cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis LE PROT(S2) Mammals Gray bat Myotis grisescens LE PROT(S2) Northern long-eared bat4 Myotis septentrionalis PE TRKD(S2) bat5 Myotis sodalis LE PROT(S2) Reptiles Alligator snapping turtle Macroclemys temminckii -- PROT(S3)

1 Source: TVA Regional Natural Heritage Database, extracted 6/17/2014. 2 Status Codes: DM = Delisted, recovered, and being monitored; LE = Listed Endangered; PE = Proposed Endangered; PROT = Protected; TRKD = Tracked by the Alabama Natural Heritage Program. 3 State Ranks: S2 = Imperiled; S3 = Vulnerable. 4 Federally proposed endangered species that has been determined to have the potential to exist in Colbert County, though the range of this species has not yet been defined at the county-level by USFWS. 5 Federally listed species that has been determined by USFWS to have the potential to exist in Colbert County, AL, though no records exist at this time.

Table 3 Plant species of conservation concern known from within five miles of the project area. State Status2 Common Name Scientific Name Federal Status (Rank3) Yellowwood Cladrastis kentukea - SLNS(S3) Blue-eyed Mary Collinsia verna - SLNS(S1) Leafy Prairie-clover1 Dalea foliosa END SLNS(S1) Dutchman's Breeches Dicentra cucullaria - SLNS(S2) False Rue-anemone Enemion biternatum - SLNS(S2) Lyre-leaf Bladderpod1 Lesquerella lyrata THR SLNS(S1) 1Federal-listed species occurring within the county where work would occur, but not within 5 miles of the project area. 2Status abbreviations: END = Endangered; SLNS = Listed by the state of Alabama, but not assigned a status; THR = Threatened. 3Rank codes: S1 = Extremely rare and critically imperiled in the state with 5 or fewer occurrences, or very few remaining individuals, or because of some special condition where the species is particularly vulnerable to extirpation; S2 = Very rare and imperiled within the state, 6 to 20 occurrences; S3 = Rare or uncommon with 21 to 100 occurrences