SESSION 1 Why does Genesis matter? with Scott Gillis

1. 1 Peter 3:15 commands believers to always be prepared with a defense of their faith. This preparation is important because: a. Believers are better equipped to answer unbeliever’s questions and challenges b. c. They can help build the faith of other believers Believers are more confident to share the Gospel d. All of the above

2. The Bible is made up of how many books?

3. There are over ______cross references between the books of the Bible.


5. True or False: When created the world, there was no sorrow, death or pain. a. According to the Bible, why does everyone die in the world? b. Every descendant of inherited that sin nature Adam disobeyed God’s command c. The penalty of sin is death d. All of the above


7. How many times does the New Testament reference the ? ______

8. The New Testament authors saw Genesis as the ______of the Gospel. ______. John’s Gospel opens with the phrase ______, clearly linking the Gospel to 9. beginning. John 1:3, 10 and Colossians 1:16 clearly demonstrate that ______was the Creator in the Jesus’ genealogy in Luke 3 goes all the way back through his ancestors to what person? a. King David 10. b. Abraham c. Adam d.


11. a. A descendant of non-human hominids The New Testament clearly sees Adam, “The First Man”, as: b. c. An allegory for the one human that God chose to represent early man d. None of the above The first man, created by God, from the dust of the ground 12. True or False: Jesus and the New Testament writers took the origins account recorded in

13. Genesis as literal, real historical events. are implying only a ‘spiritual death’ not physical death. True or False: When the New Testament authors refer to the penalty of sin being death, they 14.

The Apostle Paul’s approach to the Gentiles in Acts 17, compared to Peter’s approach to the a. Jews in Acts 2, teaches us: b. Our culture today more closely reflects the ‘Greeks’ rather than the Jews. c. TheWe must Jews firstbetter build understood the foundation the foundational of the creation concept account and causein Genesis of ‘sin’ to effectively explain the Gospel d. All of the above

15. True or False: The documentary Fallout! demonstrated that most youth that regularly attended

supports the historical account of biblical creation. church in the past but who no longer do so, had not been exposed to scientific evidence that 16. a. Testing Operational (experimental) science uses the “scientific method” and includes: b. Recording data c. Repetition d. All of the above

17. True or False: Historical science is sometimes referred to as Forensic science.

18. Which worldview has the most facts? a. b. Biblical creation c. Neither

19. a. In science, a “presupposition” is: b. An assumption used when observing the facts A tactic used in scientific debate c. d. All of the above The best way to initiate a scientific experiment


1 Peter 3:15 also warns us to share a defense of our faith with an attitude of: a. Love 20. b. Respect c. d. b and c Gentleness FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. d 12. True 2. 66 13. False 3. 14. d 4. True 15. True 5. d2800 16. d 6. 17. True 7. foundation/basis 18. c (both have the same facts; two different 8. over 100 times interpretations) 9. Jesus (the second person of the Trinity) 19. b c“In the beginning”, Genesis 1:1 d (although respect and gentleness are 11. c components of an attitude of love) 10. 20.


SESSION 2 Introduction to Genesis: Author, date, structure, genre with Dr Jonathan Sarfati

1. ______List some of the false views refuted by Genesis 1:1 ______


The first premise of the Kalām argument is: “Everything which has a ______has a 3. True______.” or False: Atheistic philosopher David Hume asserted that something could begin without a cause.

4. The two main inventors of the Documentary Hypothesis are ______and ______.


According to the Documentary Hypothesis, what four letters are used to represent the claimed 6. authors of the Pentateuch (Genesis–Deuteronomy)? ______

The name used for God in the Prophets but not in the Pentateuch was “The ______of 7. ______.”

Why is it important that the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) compares Jordan to a. Egypt, and Hebron to Zoan in Egypt? slavery in Egypt b. ThatIt helps Egypt confirm was thethat reference Moses composed point of the the history Pentateuch recorded first toin Israelitesthe Pentateuch escaping from c. d. All of the above It helps confirm it was written before Jerusalem was an established city in Israel. 8. Whom did Jesus think was the author of the Pentateuch? a. David b. Ezra c. d. Paul Moses 9.

True or False: When Genesis 10:19 states “... in the direction of Sodom ...” it is clear that Genesis was written before God destroyed Sodom. 5 CREATION.COM/TGA SESSION 2 STUDY GUIDE

The Flood account and the Peter Piper Picked tongue-twister are examples of what type of literary structure? ______10. 11. a. What follows from Noah What does “Toledot of Noah” mean? b. What came before Noah c. The legend of Noah d. We have no way to know


13. How many toledots are there in Genesis? ______

14. True or False: The first toledot of Genesis regards ‘What followed from Creation’.

15. True or False: Genesis 1–11 is a totally different type of literature from 12–50. a. Allegorical Luke’s genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3) treats the ancestors in Genesis 5 and 11 as: b. c. Historical people Mythical heroes d. We have no way to know

16. The main feature of Hebrew poetry in the Bible is called ______.

17. What sort of verb is most common in Hebrew historical narrative in the Bible? ______

18. a. Poetry What type of literature is Genesis? b. Parable c. Allegory d. Historical narrative

19. a. Billions of years long According to the Sabbath commandment of Exodus 20:8–11, the days of Genesis 1 were: b. The same length as the days of our week c. Not historical d. Not consecutive

True or False: Paul in 1 Timothy 2:13 treats Adam and as real historical people.



FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. chiasmus or chiasm Unitarianism 11. a 10. 2. Atheism, Evolutionism, Polytheism, 12. 11 3. False 13. True beginning, cause 4. 14. False 5. 15. c Graf and Wellhausen 6. Jehovah 16. parallelism J, E, D, P Sabaoth) 17. Wayyiqtol (waw consecutive) Lord, Hosts (The Lord of Hosts = 7. d 18. d 8. c 19. b 9. True True



SESSION 3 Day 1: The creation of the world with Gary Bates

1. a. The creation is eternal What can we learn from the first verse of Genesis? b. c. God preceded the creation that He made d. Satan was there at the beginning 2. There were billions of years before God created

3. TrueGod is or the False: ______The light created of time on and Day is 1 ______was the sun. of time.

4. a. The entire universe What does Genesis use as a framework for defining and measuring time? b. The earth’s perspective c. The edge of the universe d.

5. God’s perception of time

6. The ______Hypothesis says that Genesis expresses truth poetically. a. They think the rock layers are a history of billions of years The Gap Theory inserts billions of years of deep time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 because: b. c. The grammar of Genesis itself teaches it d. a and c The KJV translation of Genesis 1:28 has the word ‘replenish’ 7.

8. TheTrue Hebrew or False: word A sound bara principle means ______of interpretation and the is to word interpret asah means Scripture ______. by Scripture.

9. before the Fall. True or False: All long-age interpretations of Genesis 1 deliberately or inadvertently put death

a. As historical narrative 10. How did the New Testament authors interpret Genesis? b. c. As poetry As an exhaustive account of how God created d. As a polemic against idolatry


11. True or False: The new and earth will literally be a restoration of the original ‘very good’ creation.


13. Some challenge that ______could not have survived before the sun was created. a. Are obviously not meant to be taken literally The ages given in the Genesis genealogies b. c. Come from Mesopotamian legends d. Are eschatological in nature Can be added up to provide a timeline of history 14.

15. The genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 are known as ______. years. True or False: There are many gaps in the Genesis genealogies that could allow for millions of 16. a. Baptism In Mark 10:6, Jesus uses creation to establish the doctrine of b. c. Races Marriage d.

17. The maximumMonotheism age of the earth from any ancient biblical manuscript or text is about a. b. 6500 years c. 7800 years d. 14.5 billion years 10,000 years 18.

19. AllTrue dating or False: methods Carbon-14 rely on dating ______can be used to date about things the pastthat thatare billions no one ofwas years able old. to observe.

been found with soft tissue or carbon-14. 20. True or False: Although dinosaur fossils have secular ‘dates’ of millions of years, some have

FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?


Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. b 11. True 2. 12. plants 3. False 13. c 4. bCreator; outside 14. chronogenealogies 5. Framework 15. False 6. d 16. b 7. True 17. b 8. to create; to make 18. False 9. True 19. assumptions a True

10. 20.


SESSION 4 Days 2 and 3: The creation of dry land and plants with Keaton Halley

1. a. Plants What was the first thing God made on Day 2? b. Light c. An expanse d. Water


3. God called the expanse ______.

4. True or False: The Bible depicts the sky as a solid dome over a flat earth. Noah’s ______. According to the ______model, the waters above collapsed at the time of 5. Problems with the vapour canopy model include: a. Psalm 148:4 refers to waters still above the heavens after the Flood b. in the expanse c. Genesis 1:14 states that on Day 4 the sun, moon, and stars were place d. The greenhouse effect would make the earth inhospitable to life The vapour canopy does not explain the long lifespans in the Genesis genealogies e. All of the above


7. True or False: On Day 2, God pronounced His work “good”.

8. On Day 3, God called the dry land ______.

9. True or False: God called the waters gathered under the heavens “seas”. The Origin of ? What did Antonio Snider-Pellegrini propose in 1858, before Charles Darwin published a. A pre-Flood supercontinent b. The earth hangs on nothing c. d. Plants and animals evolved from simpler forms of life Genesis is mythology

evolutionary history. 10. True or False: The order of events in Genesis 1 perfectly matches the order according to 11.

According to evolution, death was in the world long before the origin of ______. 11 CREATION.COM/TGA SESSION 4 STUDY GUIDE

12. The Hebrew term nephesh chayyah a. Plants , meaning ‘living creatures’, is used to refer to: b. Animals c. People d. b and c e. All of the above

13. ______. Genesis 1:12 teaches that God created distinct types of plants, each with seed according to its 14. of life. Evolutionists believe in a ______of life, while creationists believe in an ______15. a. Extinct plants The Ginkgo tree and the Wollemi pine tree are examples of: b. Variation within one biblical kind c. Living fossils d.

16. Genetically modified organisms

17. All living things contain DNA, which itself carries genetic ______.

18. True or False: Complex information points to an intelligent source. leads to a serious ______and ______problem for evolution. Because a ribosome must be present to ‘read’ the instructions for building a ribosome, this 19. photosynthesis. True or False: Scientists have surpassed the efficiency of plants by creating their own artificial

20. Science confirms that life has a ______. FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?


ANSWERS...... 1. c 11. humans 2. 12. d 3. False 13. kind 4. vapour canopy; Flood 14. tree; orchard 5. e 15. c 6. False 16. information 7. earth 17. True 8. True 18. chicken; egg 9. a 19. False False

10. 20. Creator


SESSION 5 Day 4: The creation of light-givers with Dr Jonathan Sarfati

1. How can we know that the earth’s axis was already tilted at Day 4? a. Earth’s tilt is required to activate core magnetism b. c. We could not observe other stars without the earth’s tilt The luminaries were signs for seasons, which require axial tilt d. All of the above


True or False: According to Giorgio de Santillana, secular ideas were the clearest opposition to 3. Galileo. a. One of the smallest stars The Sun is: b. One of the largest stars c. One of the faintest stars d.

4. In the top 10% of all stars by mass the center of the universe. True or False: Galaxy surveys show distinct cluster patterns, indicating our galaxy is at or near 5. True or False: The medieval church believed that the earth was tiny compared to the size of the universe.


7. IdealIsaiah design 45:18 featuresstates that of theGod sun created/formed include it being the the earth right to ______be ______. and ______.

8. much cooler back then. True or False: If the sun and earth had existed billions of years ago, the sun would have been 9. How does a spinning ice skater undermine the nebular hypothesis? a.

b. As her arms come in, she spins faster, so if the solar nebula had contracted, the sun should be spinning fast, not slow c. a and b Contradiction of the law of conservation of angular momentum


What are some evolutionary theories for the origin of the moon? a. 10. b. Fission Capture c. Impact d. All of the above

11. billions of years ago as stated by evolutionary ideas. True or False: Calculating the moon’s recession rate indicates that it could not have formed 12.

The main ‘coincidences’ required for a total solar eclipse include: the sun must be 400 times 13. ______than the moon, and 400 times ______? evolutionary idea of star formation from gas clouds? According to Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson, what are some problems with the a. Rotation prevents collapse b. c. Gas pressure prevents collapse d. All of the above Magnetic fields prevent collapse 14. How many galaxies would big bang theorists predict looking back 9 billion years? ______

15. True or False: A planet must be in a star’s habitable zone to support life.

16. a. Electromagnetic coupling constant What are some fundamental constants that must be very finely tuned for earth to support life? b. Proton/electron mass ratio c. All of the above

17. Name 3 of the 7 features listed that indicate the earth is ideal for life. ______

18. theory. What is this problem called? ______Big bangers have their own problem of many more light years than years, according to their 19. What are some hypothetical entities needed for the big bang to work? a. Dark matter b. c. Dark energy Inflation d. All of the above


20. True or False: According to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, gravity affects time. FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. b 12. 2. True 13. d 3. d 14. Almostbigger, furtherzero away 4. True 15. True 5. True 16. c 6. inhabited 17. 7. 8. True For example, gravity; axial tilt; rotation period; magnetic field; crust thickness; 9. ccolour, size oxygen/nitrogen ratio; carbon dioxide, d 18. The horizon problem water vapour, and ozone levels 11. True 19. d 10. True



SESSION 6 Days 5 and 6: The creation of air, sea, and land creatures with Dr Robert Carter

1. th a. What did God create on the 5 day of Creation week? b. Sun, moon, and stars c. Plants Things that fly and things that swim d. Land animals and man

2. The Hebrew phrase nephesh chayyah

3. The Hebrew word transliterated oph basically means “______”.

4. basically means “______”. contradiction with the evolutionary long-age story. Identify the animals created on Day 5, before land animals on Day 6, that demonstrates a a. Whales b. Bats c. d. Birds Pterosaurs (flying reptiles) e. All of the above

5. a. God designed birds with amazing features created specifically for flight, including: b. Bones that are strong, light, and hollow c. Unique, super-efficient lungs where air flows in one direction d. All of the above Light, strong, and flexible feathers 6.

7. True or False: Genesis can be read like a taxonomy textbook. a. Evolutionary tree of life The biblical concept of “created kind” is best associated with the term: b. c. Creation orchard d. We can’t know Species 8. things that can interbreed’. The word ______has been given many definitions, but basically means ‘a group of


9. th a. What did God create on the 6 day of Creation week? b. Sun, moon, and stars c. Plants Things that fly and things that swim d. Land animals and man

different species. (Hint: Lions and tigers are separate taxonomic species.) 10. True or False: Members of a taxonomic species can often reproduce with members of a 11.

We see much ______within kinds, invalidating the old concept referred to as the 12. True‘fixity or of False: species’. Adam had to name every species on earth prior to the creation of Eve.

13. a. A diversity of things What did God give animals to eat in the beginning? b. c. Plants only Meat only d. We do not know/The Bible does not say


15. ExaptationTrue or False: is the Most idea dinosaurs that: were ferocious meat eaters. a. Adaptation is limited b. c. The same type of body parts can be used for a variety of purposes Species can sometimes adapt out of their normal environment d. All species will go extinct

16. The fact that brown bears and polar bears can interbreed indicates that all bears are part of one created ______.

17. like a sauropod dinosaur. The book of ______, chapter ______, contains a description of something that sounds 18. True or False: There is archaeological and historical evidence for humans living with dinosaurs.

19. a. A 15th Some of the evidences that man lived with dinosaurs given in this session include: b. -century dinosaur-like etching on the floor of Carlisle Cathedral c. Sauropod-like creatures on an ancient Babylonian seal d. All of the above An 800-year-old stegosaur-like stone carving on a Cambodian temple wall


a. Always arise in the same ways in all species 20. An indication of common design, and not common ancestry, is that similar anatomical parts: b. c. Can develop along different pathways d. b and c Can sometimes be controlled by different genes FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. b 11. variation 2. 12. False 3. 13. c 4. e“living things” or “breath of life” 14. False 5. d“things that fly” 15. c 6. False 16. kind 7. b 17. 8. species 18. True 9. d 19. dJob, 40 True d

10. 20.


SESSION 7 Day 6: The creation of mankind with Gary Bates

1. a. What is the relationship of Genesis 1 to Genesis 2? b. Genesis 2 is a second account of creation c. Genesis 1 and 2 contradict each other d. Genesis 2 was written by a different author 2. Genesis 2 gives us a more detailed account of Day 6

3. TrueGenesis or False:2:5 refers There to was______no rain before theplants. Flood.


The cycle of evaporation and rainfall is called the ______cycle, which was 5. operative in Genesis 2. a. Genesis 2:19 teaches: b. God used evolution to create all the animals c. God created the animals on Day 6 after creating man d. God brought the animals he had created previously to Adam 6. God thought an animal would be a suitable helper for Adam

7. God created man in His ______. a. In what ways are humans God’s image-bearers? b. Mental likeness c. Moral likeness d. Social likeness e. All of the above Spiritual likeness 8. Humans have dominion over: a. All non-human physical creation b. The physical and spiritual realm c. All creation including other humans d. Nothing

9. The dominion mandate inspired the founders of many branches of ______.


single day. 10. True or False: Adam was able to name every kind of livestock, bird, and land animal in a 11. were: a. Two representatives of a larger population b. c. The first human beings to have souls, who descended from prior hominids d. The first two humans and the ancestors of every other human being 12. Myths based on Mesopotamian creation stories

13. TheTrue rib or isFalse: the only Men bone have thatone lesscan ______.rib in their body than women.

14. ______. God’s creation of one man and one woman forms the foundation of ______and 15. Humans originally ate: a. Only plants/vegetation b. Only meat c. Anything d. A kosher diet

16. True or False: You can always tell what an animal was created to eat by looking at its teeth.

17. even today. Many individuals from some ______species can eat a ______diet 18. What is true about the location of Eden? a. It is described as a real place on Earth b. c. It is mythological, based on the construction of the Israelite temple d. a and c It is not findable on today’s post-Flood globe 19.

True or False: There was work before the Fall, but it was easy and pleasant. in the New Earth. 20. The ______was the means for Adam and Eve to stay alive, and it will flourish


FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. d 11. c 2. cultivated 12. False 3. False 13. regrow/regenerate 4. hydrological 14. marriage; family 5. c 15. a 6. image or likeness 16. False 7. e 17. carnivorous; vegetarian 8. a 18. d 9. science 19. True True Tree of Life

10. 20.


SESSION 8 The Fall: A cosmic catastrophe with Joel Tay

1. ______. God told Adam that he could eat from any tree in the Garden except for the Tree of ______2.

True or False: In the first temptation by the Serpent, a literal translation of Genesis 3:1b reads, 3. Adam“… Did died God whenactually he say, was ‘you ______shall notyears eat old. of all the trees in the garden?’”

4. to ______you shall return! We know Genesis 3:19 speaks about physical death because it says: For you are ______, and 5.

This phrase, often translated in Genesis 2:17 as “You will surely die” is to be understood in the a. You will die immediately ingressive sense. That is, the sentence is best understood as: b. You will only spiritually die c. You shall surely begin to die d. You might die


7. Adam is called the first ______in 1 Corinthians 15:45.

In preaching the Gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:21–22, Paul says that “For as by a man came ______, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all ______, 8. so also in Christ shall all be made ______.”

True or False: Genesis 1–11 does not really tell us ‘why’ God created. It tells us ‘how’ God created. The rest of the Bible tells us ‘why’ God created and the implications of what happened 9. in the .

givingTrue or birth False: to 1many Timothy children. 2:15: “Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.” This verse says that women will be saved by

10. 1 Corinthians 15:45 says, “Thus it is written, ‘The first man Adam became a living being’; the ______Adam became a life-giving spirit.”


11. the Fall? What are some New Testament teachings that are based on the Genesis account of creation and a. The incarnation and virginal conception b. c. and a restored world without sin, death and suffering d. All of the above The Gospel and the atonement 12.

Man’s fall into sin caused the earth to bring forth ______and thistles. The ______that came into this world as a result of the Fall, were now symbolically placed on Jesus, in the form 13. Theof a crown,fossil record as he hungshow onevidence the cross of whichto pay ofthe the penalty following? for sin. a. b. Broken bones Cancer and arthritis c. Bite marks d. All of the above


afterTrue orAdam False: fell The into rock sin. layers, with their fossil record of disease, suffering, and death, are for the most part a record of the global Flood in Noah’s day, something that must have occurred 15.

saysTrue thator False: man’s If actionsyou believe brought in evolution, death into you this are world). implying that millions of years of death and suffering are a good thing that leads to the origin of man (which undermines the Gospel, which 16. a. Clues in Scripture would indicate which of the following is/are true? b. The Fall had to occur after Creation Week c. The Fall had to occur before Cain was conceived d. The Fall had to occur at least a few days after creation week The Fall probably occurred before the first female cycle was completed e. All of the above

17. a. Before Day 1 of creation When did Satan fall into sin? b. c. Between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 d. None of the above After Creation Week and before Adam and Eve sinned 18.

19. God is a ______judge.

The last enemy to be destroyed is ______(1 Corinthians 15:26).


20. True or False: Christianity has a satisfactory answer to the problem of evil. FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. 11. d 2. True 12. 3. the Knowledge of Good and Evil 13. d 4. 14. Truethorns, thorns 5. c930 (Genesis 5:5) 15. True 6. mandust, dust 16. e 7. 17. c 8. True 18. righteous (and merciful) 9. Falsedeath, die, alive 19. death last True

10. 20.


SESSION 9 The Pre-Flood World with Dr Jonathan Sarfati


True or False: In Genesis 4:1-2, when Eve said, “I have gotten a man: the Lord,” she correctly understood that the Redeemer promised in Genesis 3:15 was both God and man, but wrongly 2. thought that her first born was this Redeemer. a. God accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s because: b. Abel’s offering was a blood sacrifice while Cain’s lacked this c. a and b Abel had a righteous heart unlike Cain d. None of the above


4. True or False: Jesus affirmed that Abel, a real person, was murdered.

5. WhatWhom is did the Cain main marry? biological ______problem with marriage between close relatives today? a. b. From the beginning, God forbade marriage between close relatives c. Parents with similar blood types should not have children Offspring inherit the same harmful mutation from each parent, with no ‘backup copy’ d. All of the above


mutations.True or False: Marriage between close relatives was not a biological problem in the first generations because God created Adam and Eve ‘very good’ (Genesis 1:31), without harmful 7.

8. What was the biological relationship of Sarah to Abraham? ______

9. What people group did God entrust with His oracles (the Scriptures?) ______a. When did God forbid marriage between close relatives? b. When Cain married his sister c. From the beginning Moses’ time d.

God never prohibited close intermarriage

10. True or False: All Cain’s descendants were ungodly.


11. a. Name some inventions by Cain’s descendants: b. Nomadic flock-keeping c. Musical instruments d. All of the above Metal working 12.

13. True or False: Eve considered Seth to be a replacement for Abel.

Matthew’s genealogy follows the legal line through Jesus’ adoptive father, ______, 14. while Luke’s line is through Jesus’ mother, ______.

15. True or False: Genesis 6:3 says that people will no longer be able to live past 120 years old.

In the Hebrew Bible and Septuagint, outside of Genesis 6, to whom does the phrase ‘sons of 16. God’ refer? ______a. The Heavenly Host present at the birth of Jesus In Jude 6–7 and 2 Peter 2:4–6, what angels are referred to? b. sexual immorality c. TheThose Archangels in Genesis 6 who were like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah who indulged in d. All of the above

17. ______According to 2 Peter 2:4-6, how many people did God preserve when He sent the Flood? 18. What does the Hebrew word mean? a. ‘They who fall upon’ b. c. ‘Those from other lands’ Giants d. All of the above

19. nephilim as ‘giants’ (Gigantes = ‘born of the earth goddess’ nephilim semi-divineTrue or False: parentage The Septuagint of the nephilim translated ), but later translations reverted to the original Hebrew word , referring to fathered by ‘sons of God’. nephilim survived the Flood. 20. True or False: Numbers 13:32–33 proves that the Bible teaches that some of the


FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. True 12. True 2. c 13. 3. True 14. 4. Flood)Joseph, Mary see 15. AngelsFalse (the 120 years was the time until the 5. bHis sister, as per Genesis 5:4 (To learn more, 16. b 6. True 17. 7. Half-brother and half-sister 8. The Jews (who came from Abraham and 18. Eight (2 Pt 2:5 - “Noah, a heraldnaphal of 19. Truerighteousness, with seven others”) 9. b Falsea (Those (this who was fall a lying upon, report from by the Hebrew = to fall) Sarah’s marriage) spies) 20. 10. 11. dFalse (the names Mehujael and Methushael suggest that their parents knew the true God)


SESSION 10 Noah’s Flood and Billions of Years with Dr Robert Carter


2. Genesis chapters ______through ______describe the worldwide Flood. a. Approximately how long was it between Creation and the Flood? b. 10,000 years c. 5,500 years d. 4,000 years 3. 1,600 years

4. The Arkreason Noah God built sent was the how Flood long? was due to increasing ______on the earth. a. b. 100 cubits c. 200 cubits d. What’s a cubit? 300 cubits 5.

After the Fountains of the Deep erupted and the Windows of Heaven were opened, the Ark a. began to float. How long was it before it touched ground again? b. 7 months 40 days c. d. 1 year 10 months 6. The total amount of time spent aboard the Ark was approximately: a. b. 7 months 40 days c. d. 1 year 10 months 7. salvation that would be revealed to us in the future New Testament. Noah survived the judgment of God through ______, giving us a beautiful parallel to 8. a. Local One of the main aspects of the Flood, according to the Bible, was that it was: b. c. Global Mythical 29 CREATION.COM/TGA SESSION 10 STUDY GUIDE

9. The Hebrew word kol basically means ______and its frequent use indicates the universality of the Flood.

True or False: The Flood is not mentioned in the New Testament.

11.10. a. The reasons why a ‘local’ flood is untenable include: b. The birds could just fly away from a local flood c. The biblical text clearly indicates a worldwide flood d. All of the above The ark could not land in Ararat if the water were flowing downhill 12. The evolutionary model claims that millions of years are in the ______between the

layers, but when you examine those places you rarely see any evidence of ______13. ______, because there is not much evidence of the erosion that would have taken place.

______.The two main ‘big picture’ predictions of the Flood are evidence of massive flat layers covering continents, stacked like ______, and massive amounts of erosion caused by flowing 14. is referred to as: The natural process that causes super-fast erosion when flowing water reaches a critical speed a. b. The Recessive Stage c. Dissolution Cavitation d.

15. Mabbul

16. True or False: Mount Everest was covered by Flood waters.

Finish the quote from the video: “Mount St Helens gives us an amazing testimony that a lot of 17. Which______of the following can is happen NOT true? in a short amount of time.” a. b. Polystrate fossils are hard to explain under uniformitarian assumptions. Dead fish must be buried quickly to be preserved. c. The fossilization of ‘soft parts’ is a challenge for evolution. d. Rocks easily bend.

18. The model for accelerated continental plate motion during the Flood is called ______.


19. a. The order of burial Reasons we do not find many human fossils include: b. Ecological zonation c. Possible subduction d. Erosion of top-most layers e. All of the above

20. True or False: One possible way freshwater fish survived the Flood was by staying in an upper layer of freshwater, since freshwater is less dense and therefore floats on saltwater. FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. 11. d 2. d 12. 3. violence6, 8 or wickedness 13. 4. c 14. bgaps, millions of years 5. b 15. False.pancakes, Even water though it is composed of Flood- 6. d 7. faith until the mountains formed late in the Flood. deposited sediments, Mt Everest did not exist 8. b 16. geology (geologic activity) 9. 17. d 18. “all” 19. e 10. False. Matthew and Luke cite Jesus’ TrueCatastrophic Plate Tectonics affirmation of the worldwide Flood, but it also appears in several letters of Paul, John, 20. Peter, Jude, and the letter to the Hebrews. See also the parallels in Revelation.


SESSION 11 Noah’s Flood and the Ark with Keaton Halley


2. TrueAccording or False: to Hebrews The Bible 11:7, says Noah that Noahwas a built man theof great Ark by ______. himself.


C.S. Lewis defined “chronological ______” as the assumption that modern ideas are 4. Truebetter or and False: that People old ideas living are before discredited the Flood just alreadybecause knew they arehow old. to make tools from bronze and iron.

5. How much time did Noah have to build the Ark? a. b. About 120 years c. About 70 years d. About 1 year About 30 years 6. A cubit is the length of: a. b. A man’s forearm A football field c. Noah’s Ark d. A giraffe’s neck


8. True or False: Noah’s Ark had about as much space as 340 semi-trailers. a. Dolphins Which creatures were included in those God commanded Noah to take aboard the Ark? b. Ladybugs c. Doves d. e. All of the above Jellyfish 9.

True or False: Dinosaurs were too big to fit on the Ark. genus ______animals aboard the Ark. If it roughly corresponds to the family 10. Ifabout the biblical ______kind roughly animals corresponds aboard. to the scientific term , there were about , there were


11. Which of the following factors helped the Ark to survive at sea? a. It had a stable 6-to-1 ratio of length to width b. It had no masts or sails c. It was covered in pitch d. All of the above

12. True or False: Pitch must be made from petroleum.


14. According to Genesis 6:5, before the Flood, “the ______of man was great in the earth”. a. His promise not to Flood the world again When the Flood waters were at their height, what did God ‘remember’? b. Noah c. The wickedness of mankind d. All of the above

15. to all mankind. The ______covenant describes God’s permanent promises after the Flood, which apply 16.

17. True or False: The rainbow signifies God’s promise to never send another global Flood. a. After Ham dishonored his father, Noah pronounced a curse on: b. Ham Shem c. Japheth d.

18. Canaan

19. True or False: All humans share the same brown skin pigmentation, and only differ in shade.

In 2 Peter 2, we read that Noah’s experience serves as an example for believers today, and that God still “knows how to ______the godly from trials”.

20. The Flood was a just judgment, but also displays God’s ______. FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?


Why is this important?

ANSWERS...... 1. faith 11. d 2. False 12. False 3. snobbery 13. wickedness 4. True 14. b 5. b 15. Noahic 6. b 16. True 7. True 17. d 8. c 18. True 9. False 19. rescue grace

10. 16,000; 2,000 20.


SESSION 12 The Post-Flood World with Dr Robert Carter

1. The Ark that Noah built came to rest: a. At Babel b. c. Among the mountains of Ararat In Shinar d.

2. The temporaryIn the vicinity shift ofin Urclimate of the toward Chaldeans colder conditions after the Flood is called the ______.

3. The pile of dirt pushed in front of a glacier as it advances and left behind after it melts back is called a ______.

4. The main factors thought to contribute to the Ice Age were (circle all that apply): a. Warm water b. c. Aerosols produced by volcanoes Cold land masses d. All of the above

5. a. Big brains Some of the things we know about Neanderthals that tell us they were fully human include: b. c. Genetics d. Use of fire and painting e. All of the above Musical instruments 6. The was made of: a. b. Brick Stone c. Wood d. Papyrus

7. descendant of Noah. The Tower of Babel event happened during the lifetime of ______, a fifth generation 8. The Tower of Babel was located in ______.


9. True or False: The Bible’s account of the Tower of Babel event best explains the dispersion of all people groups throughout the earth.

The ______was the one period of time when you could have walked from the

10. 11. Middle East to every other continent without having to cross any major stretches of water. years in the time of Jacob. True or False: After the Flood, human lifespans dropped from about 900 years to just over 100 12.

Important biblical Patriarchs include Shem, from whom we get the word ______, Eber, from whom we get the word ______, Jacob, who was renamed ______, 13. and Judah, from whom we get the word ______. a. European If you saw Adam and Eve, you would most likely say their physical attributes appeared: b. African c. d. Asian Mixed 14. Abraham • • Rebekah Match the Patriarch with his wife/wives: Isaac • • Leah

• Rachel Jacob • • Sarah 15. The ______was a person in Jewish law who could redeem a debt that you owe.


Finish this important Bible quote from 1 Corinthians 15:45: Thus it is written, “The first man 17. ______became a living being”; the last ______became a life-giving spirit.

18. According to Genesis 2:1–3, on the last day of Creation Week, God ______.

Exodus chapters 20 and 31 directly reference the creation week of Genesis 1 when instituting the day of rest for the people of ______. This day of rest is a specific sign of the ______Covenant.


19. removed and the ______of Life reappears. Revelation uses imagery from Genesis, specifically in Revelation 22, when the ______is a. b. Curse, Tree c. Temple, Water Tabernacle, Resurrection

20. Finish this important Bible quote from 1 Peter 3:15: “…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as Holy, always being prepared to make a ______to anyone who asks you for a ______for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and ______…”. FURTHER CONSIDERATION What was the most surprising thing you learned from this session?

Why is this important?

What is your overall impression of The Genesis Academy? List some things that you learned.

ANSWERS...... 1. c Ice Age 2. Ice Age 11. True 10. 3. moraine 12. 4. d 13. c 5. e 14. Semitic, Hebrew, Israel, Jew 6. marriedAbraham Rachel married and Sarah Leah (and (and Hagar Bilhah and and b (“Come, let us make bricks, and burn them Keturah), Isaac married Rebekah, Jacob 7. Pelegthoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and 15. Kinsman Redeemer Zilpah) 8. bitumen for mortar.” See Genesis 11:1–4.) 16. 17. rested Shinar. (Sumer is assumed to be the location 18. Adam, Adam isby referring many people, to.) but the Bible uses the word 19. a 9. True“Shinar” and we don’t exactly know what this Israel, Mosaic

20. defense, reason, respect