INSIDE:• A fatal blow to the Orange coalition? — page 2. • A look at what is at stake in — page 3. • Dancers galore at Yonkers and New York festivals — page 12.

Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIVTHE UKRAINIANNo. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16,W 2006 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine Radaby Zenon in Zawada crisis as new pro-Russian coalition is formed Press Bureau KYIV – Ukraine’s government plunged into crisis as pro-Russian groups led by the Party of the Regions announced they had formed a parliamen- tary coalition on July 11, while their pro- Western opponents called for a dismissal of the and new parlia- mentary elections. The pro-Russian Anti-Crisis Coalition was formed just days after Socialist Party of Ukraine leader Oleksander Moroz betrayed the pro-Western Orange coalition agreement he had signed with the Our Ukraine and Yulia Tymoshenko blocs. In opening the Verkhovna Rada’s July 11 session, Mr. Moroz immediately declared the democratic coalition null and void, throwing the Parliament into chaos as pro-Western politicians began brawling and resorting to any measures needed to obstruct the day’s work. “I turn to television viewers and radio listeners: Do you see who doesn’t want the Verkhovna Rada to work, bringing in megaphones and other devices to the ses- sion hall?” Mr. Moroz asked amidst ear- piercing sirens sounded by Our Ukraine and Tymoshenko Bloc deputies. “The issue is not resolving political matters and passing the necessary laws. AP/Sergiy Chuzavkov The issue is that certain people, at any National deputies fight in the Verkhovna Rada during the July 11 session after the newly elected Parliament chairman, (Continued on page 11) Oleksander Moroz, announced the formation of the Anti-Crisis Coalition of pro-Russian political parties. Oleksander Moroz’s surprise President tries to stay above the fray, by Zenon Zawada Vinskyi added. Kyiv Press Bureau Just a few hours later, the Socialists wants Rada to resume legitimate work nominated Mr. Moroz as their candidate KYIV – It had come as a shock to for the Verkhovna Rada chair, a position KYIV — The Press Office of President Yushchenko proposed the fol- most . he had coveted ever since he lost it in President Viktor Yushchenko released a lowing steps: convening the Socialist Party of Ukraine National statement on July 12 on the recent events Constitutional Court as the only institu- Deputy Yosyp Vinskyi announced on the (Continued on page 8) in the Verkhovna Rada. Ivan Vasiunyk, tion that can settle legal collisions and afternoon of July 6 that the party’s chair- first deputy chief of staff, told the media the nomination of a non-controversial man, Oleksander Moroz, had betrayed that the president wants the Parliament to prime minister. the democratic coalition he had entered resume legitimate work and added that “Yesterday’s events in the Verkhovna into with Roman Bezsmertnyi of Our continued negotiations with parliamen- Rada show that this questionable political Ukraine and Yulia Tymoshenko of the tary parties is imperative, as is the nomi- performance in Parliament ... obviously eponymous bloc. nation of a “non-controversial” prime contradicts the fundamentals of the As part of the parliamentary coalition minister. European parliamentary culture and agreement, the Socialists were supposed According to the press release, Ukrainian laws. It is particularly impor- to support Our Ukraine’s nominee for President Yushchenko believes that tant in Ukraine, whose new Constitution chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, no deputies should observe the Constitution requires exceptional understanding and matter who it was. of Ukraine and Ukrainian laws, set knowledge of democratic mechanisms,” “Socialist national deputies and national interests as priorities, search for said Mr. Vasiunyk. Moroz personally created a system of compromises, and be ready to tolerantly, Mr. Vasiunyk added that the president absurd, imagined and unjustifiable argu- publicly and unemotionally start a dia- was “indignant that decisions in ments as justification for their anti-party logue in order to resolve the existing Parliament were made under pressure with position,” stated Mr. Vinskyi, who was problems. bribery and subornation involved, and so first secretary of the Socialist Party’s Commenting on the recent change in he urges all the forces in Parliament to Political Council until he resigned in coalitions, President Yushchneko said, discard such agreements and decisions, for protest to what he saw as Mr. Moroz’s “Unfortunately, we all see that politicians they devalue democracy, devalue betrayal of the party. have not learned to implement those Ukrainian government and promote huge “The goal of these arguments was to agreements but make political decisions political corruption in Parliament.” hide the true intention of a part of the Zenon Zawada secretly ‘under the table’.” “All attempts to contradict the logic of faction, which is trying to form a coali- Newly elected Verkhovna Rada Chair- In response to the change in the major- national reunion, including legal and tion with the Party of the Regions,” Mr. man Oleksander Moroz. ity coalition in the Verkhovna Rada, (Continued on page 8) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29

ANALYSIS A fatal blow to the Orange coalition? NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Former allies react to Moroz’s election attempted to seize the megaphones, and by Jan Maksymiuk candidate for this post. Mr. Poroshenko when members of the Party of the RFE/RL Newsline withdrew his candidacy, calling Moroz’s KYIV – Yulia Tymoshenko, whose Regions and the Tymoshenko Bloc jos- July 7 move a betrayal of the coalition deal eponymous bloc was part of the Orange tled in their efforts to control the rostrum. reached on June 22. Mr. Moroz was coalition, responded on July 7 to the The Tymoshenko Bloc was protesting the The Verkhovna Rada on July 6 approved as chairman with 238 votes election of Oleksander Moroz by calling recent formation of the Anti-Crisis resumed its work after 10 days of a exclusively from his party, the Party of on President Viktor Yushchenko to dis- Coalition, comprising the Socialist Party, blockade organized by lawmakers from the Regions and the Communist Party. band Parliament. The same day, the the Party of the Regions and the the Party of the Regions. In an unexpect- “There is a new coalition. Let them deputy head of the pro-presidential Our Communist Party. During the session, ed move, the Ukrainian Parliament elect- work, while we will be in opposition,” Our Ukraine faction, Roman Zvarych, said Socialist Party Chairman Moroz official- ed Socialist Party leader Oleksander Ukraine leader Roman Bezsmertnyi com- that Our Ukraine will consider leaving ly announced the alliance. Two weeks Moroz as its speaker. mented on what happened in the any democratic coalition in which the earlier, the Socialist Party joined the Mr. Moroz was elected by lawmakers Verkhovna Rada on July 6. Socialists participate and instead become Orange coalition with Our Ukraine and from the Party of Regions and the Ms. Tymoshenko did not comment an opposition party. (RFE/RL Newsline) the Tymoshenko Bloc. Mr. Moroz report- Communist Party, while his anticipated directly on the election of Mr. Moroz, edly sent the new coalition’s nomination coalition allies – the Yuliya Tymoshenko Moroz announces new coalition adding only that she does not understand for prime minister – Party of Regions Bloc and Our Ukraine – shunned the vote. what is going on. K YIV – Verkhovna Rada speaker Chairman Viktor Yanukovych – to Does the choice of the speaker spell an Meanwhile, Mr. Moroz explained his Oleksander Moroz on July 11 announced President Viktor Yushchenko. Outside the end to the Orange coalition deal reached in election as Parliament chairman by his the creation of a new coalition, which Parliament building, more than 1,000 June, after three months of uneasy talks? intention to heal the west-east division in includes lawmakers from the Party of the supporters of the Party of the Regions An impasse emerged in the Parliament Ukrainian society deepened by the 2004 Regions, the Socialist Party and the gathered to support the new coalition and on June 27, when lawmakers from the Orange Revolution and the 2006 parlia- Communist Party, Interfax reported. Mr. Mr. Yanukovych’s candidacy for the Party of the Regions led by former Prime mentary elections. Moroz also notified the Parliament of the Minister Viktor Yanukovych blocked the prime ministership. They held placards “We must reduce this tension, which dissolution of the Orange coalition. Yulia such as: “Broad Coalition – Guarantor of rostrum in and entrance to the Verkhovna has been artificially created; we must end Tymoshenko, the head of the eponymous Rada hall, thus preventing lawmakers of State Stability,” “Yulia, Calm Down” and the split we now see in Ukraine. I’m sure bloc and the leader of the dissolved coali- the coalition from opening a session. “Viktors, Unite Ukraine.” (RFE/RL we can overcome this problem. I’m even tion, described the new coalition on July Several days earlier, on June 22, the Newsline) more sure that we can bring together those 10 as “an illegal majority.” The Socialist three allies in the 2004 Orange Revolution who see themselves as the victors and Party, Ms. Tymoshenko argued, endorsed Coalition’s legitimacy questioned – the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc (129 seats), those who see themselves as the van- Orange principles and the Communist Our Ukraine (81 seats), and the Socialist KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko quished,” Mr. Moroz said. Party pledged to fight against corruption, Party (33 seats) – signed a coalition deal, has questioned the legitimacy of the How Mr. Moroz is going to achieve this but both formations joined “the clan of following three months of negotiations. coalition created by the Party of the goal is not immediately clear. The Yulia criminal oligarchs.” The Parliament ses- Regarding the distribution of top gov- Regions, the Socialist Party and the Tymoshenko Bloc, with its political-sup- sion descended into chaos as lawmakers ernment posts, Ms. Tymoshenko was to Communist Party, Interfax reported on port base in western Ukraine, has repeat- scuffled before the new coalition was assume the post of prime minister, while edly and firmly declared that it will not July 11, quoting presidential administra- Petro Poroshenko from Our Ukraine was announced, and afterwards Orange par- tion head Oleh Rybachuk. Mr. Rybachuk enter any governing coalition with the ties’ members blocked the rostrum pre- to become Rada chairman. The Socialist Party of the Regions, which is entrenched said that the formation of the new Anti- Party was entitled under the deal to the venting further debate. Lawmakers from Crisis Coalition violates the Constitution in eastern and southern Ukraine. President Viktor Yushchenko’s Our post of first deputy prime minister. Most likely, Mr. Moroz is expecting that of Ukraine and the Parliament’s regula- Some of the would-be coalition part- Ukraine party appealed to the president tions. Under the regulations, any partici- a new “grand” coalition would include Our to call new elections. Viktor Yanukovych, ners were visibly unhappy about the June Ukraine along with the Regions and the pant that wants to leave a coalition is deal to recreate the Orange government the leader of the Party of the Regions, required to inform his partners about the Socialists. Only such an alliance could give said his party does not support elections, that collapsed in September 2005, after some credibility to his claim about healing move 10 days in advance. Mr. Rybachuk then-Prime Minister Tymoshenko accused but does not fear them. (RFE/RL also noted that the president on July 25 Ukraine’s west-east rift. Newsline) then-National Security and Defense Could Our Ukraine enter a ruling coali- will have the right to dissolve Parliament Council Secretary Poroshenko of corrup- tion with its fiercest political opponent, the Rada session erupts into chaos if a government is not formed by that tion practices and encroaching upon her Party of the Regions? Such an option was time. (RFE/RL Newsline) executive prerogatives. Ms. Tymoshenko KYIV – Members of the Yulia suggested by Our Ukraine itself in mid- Tymoshenko expects new elections and Mr. Poroshenko, the fiercest enemies June, when the pro-presidential bloc turned Tymoshenko Bloc successfully disrupted in the 2005 feud, were again to assume to Mr. Yanukovych’s party to discuss the the July 11 session of the Verkhovna KYIV – Yulia Tymoshenko announced top government posts, and many saw in formation of a new government. There is Rada, using megaphones equipped with on July 11 that her bloc does not intend this the seeds of a future conflict. reportedly a significant group of politicians sirens to drown out Parliament Chairman to participate in future Parliament ses- Socialist Party leader Moroz, who in Our Ukraine, including acting Prime Oleksander Moroz, international news sions and is preparing for new elections, aspired to become Rada chairman after Minister Yurii Yekhanurov, who prefer to agencies reported. Scuffles broke out the March 26 parliamentary elections, was form a government with the Regions rather when members of the Socialist Party (Continued on page 15) also apparently unhappy with the fact that than with the Tymoshenko Bloc. this post was offered to Mr. Poroshenko. What other options are available for And there was the Party of the Regions, Ukraine? FOUNDED 1933 which unsuccessfully tried to strike a A ruling coalition could be created by coalition deal with Our Ukraine in mid- the Party of the Regions, the Socialist THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY June. After it became clear that the former Party and the Communist Party. The three An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., Orange allies might recreate their govern- parties jointly control 240 votes in the a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. ing alliance, the Party of the Regions 450-seat legislature. But such a coalition launched a blockade of the Parliament would hardly contribute anything substan- Periodicals postage paid at Parsippany, NJ 07054 and additional mailing offices. hall. The blockade was in protest against tial to healing the Ukrainian political split. (ISSN — 0273-9348) what the Yanukovych-led party saw as an If Ukrainian lawmakers fail to approve unlawful scheme to appoint the prime a new prime minister and Cabinet by July The Weekly: UNA: minister and parliamentary speaker in a 25, President Viktor Yushchenko will Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 single, open vote, and against the coali- have the right to disband the Verkhovna tion’s failure to offer the opposition suffi- Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz Rada and call for new elections. But last The Ukrainian Weekly Editors: cient positions on legislative committees. week, Mr. Yushchenko ruled out such a But the Party of the Regions agreed to 2200 Route 10 Zenon Zawada (Kyiv) possibility. “There will be no repeat elec- P.O. Box 280 Matthew Dubas lift its parliamentary blockade on July 6, tions. It is an excessively expensive Parsippany, NJ 07054 after reportedly reaching an agreement with pleasure for the country and an inappro- the Orange Revolution allies. According to priate price [to pay] for the ambitions of The Ukrainian Weekly Archive:; e-mail: [email protected] this agreement, the election of the Rada some politicians,” he said in a radio chair was to be conducted in a secret ballot, address on July 1. The Ukrainian Weekly, July 16, 2006, No. 29, Vol. LXXIV and the opposition – that is, the Party of the The Verkhovna Rada on July 7 post- Copyright © 2006 The Ukrainian Weekly Regions and the Communist Party – was poned its session until next week, appar- offered leadership positions on 50 percent ently not knowing how to resolve its of parliamentary committees. coalition-building conundrum. ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA When everybody thought that the It seems that the Ukrainian political Verkhovna Rada would proceed with elite is now waiting for a word from Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 approving Mr. Poroshenko as speaker, President Yushchenko. It was he who Mr. Moroz was suddenly proposed as a [email protected] reportedly advised Our Ukraine in June Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 against forging a coalition with the Party e-mail: [email protected] Jan Maksymiuk is the Belarus and of the Regions. Perhaps this time, in Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 Ukraine specialist on the staff of RFE/RL order to avoid repeat elections, he will e-mail: [email protected] Newsline. urge Our Ukraine to take this step. No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 3

COMMENTARY: The situation FOR THE RECORD in Ukraine:by Stephen Velychenko What over isthe territoryat stake? in which they live – Orange Circle issues statement much as did once the French in Algeria, Although the Party of the Regions is the Germans in Bohemia and Poland, the commonly called an “opposition” party on recent political events in Ukraine Portuguese in Angola and the English in In response to recent political events a result of great personal ambitions and this is a misnomer that carries with it Ireland. erroneous implications and assumptions in Ukraine, the board of directors of the the failure to compromise for the sake of This anomie and nostalgia for empire Orange Circle, a non-partisan, not-for- the common good. Today, when vigi- that will lead to erroneous assessments of some Russian speakers would be and judgments. The Party is rather a profit, non-governmental organization lance on behalf of democracy is crucial, harmless if not for Ukraine’s neo-Soviet headquartered in New York, on July 10 those in Ukraine who supported the “restorationist” party that will destroy political leaders who exploit it to main- Ukrainian democracy and threaten approved the following statement. Orange Revolution need to set aside per- tain their bygone imperial-era power in a 1) While the Orange democratic coali- sonal ambitions and consolidate around European security if its leaders come to post-colonial state. Both would be man- power again and turn Ukraine into anoth- tion has disintegrated, the effects of the the president as the guardian of demo- ageable if leaders in , the former Orange Revolution are permanent. The cratic values. er Belarus. imperial power, were able to resign For all its faults, there is no alternative values of the Orange Revolution have 5) The immediate and most crucial themselves to the loss of their empire, remade Ukraine and created the basis for challenge to be faced is the struggle for to the Orange Coalition whose members and like the British, help the new nation- are trying to peacefully destroy Europe’s a more pluralistic society with free Ukraine’s heart and soul. To strengthen al government rather than its imperial-era media, divided power among the branch- its integrity as an independent nation, second-to-last imperial era “old regime” collaborators. Vladimir Putin is no elite and, therefore, merit support. es of government, and freed economic Ukraine must preserve its distinct nation- Charles de Gaulle – who realized in the activity from government intimidation al identity and the primacy of the Ukrainians re-emerged on Europe’s end that French settlers had to leave political map in 1991 after more than 200 and blackmail. The Orange Revolution and culture. That Algeria. stands as a reminder that society will not challenge will be faced by the govern- years of direct foreign political rule Ukraine’s neo-Soviet leaders are imposed by military might. Between tolerate the erosion of its hard-won ment and the president, but its outcome organized in four major groups with rights, and anyone who holds power will will be determined by civic discourse, by 1709 and 1711, then between 1918 and varying degrees of support covert and 1921, and again between 1944 and 1950 be reticent to test the public’s capacity to media, and largely by ordinary Ukrainian overt from Russia and its government – mobilize in defense of its rights. citizens and the private sector. Whatever Russia invaded Ukraine three times in a whose ambassador in Kyiv is not known series of bloody wars that tied Ukraine to 2) Contrary to views of critics, the the course of events in the coming days, to ever have made a speech in Ukrainian. year and a half since the maidan has not the friends of democratic Ukraine have a the tsarist and then Soviet empires. Ukraine’s Communists and the Natalia Under Russian rule Ukrainians got been wasted. The private sector has huge obligation and opportunity now to Vitrenko Bloc openly advocate the abro- grown more diverse, prosperous and offer assistance and support for those Russian-style serfdom, Siberian exile, gation of Ukraine’s independence and its influential; many business leaders have democratic values. governmental prohibition of publishing reincorporation into a revamped imperial become less politically engaged; real 6) Today, as never before, those and teaching in the native language, ter- Russian-dominated USSR. incomes are up significantly; property around the world who supported the ror and Famine-Genocide. When in 1991 The Russian Orthodox Church, which values are booming; a middle class is Orange Revolution must join together to Ukraine emerged as an independent state claims an estimated 50 percent of expanding; cultural and intellectual dis- support Ukraine’s reform voices and to there was no “liberation war.” Ukraine’s Orthodox, is not only led by a course has blossomed; media have deep- work with them, wherever they emerge. Consequently the imperial or “old patriarch in Moscow, in a foreign coun- ened their independent roots; a nation- Today, as never before, friends of democ- regime” elites were not exiled or execut- try, who sits in the Putin government, but wide democratic election based on open racy in Ukraine must work together to ed. is dominated by its chauvinistic, anti- contestation and a level playing field was strengthen the international standing and They remained in power until 2004 Semitic fringe. This Church does not rec- held; society and government are more influence of President Yushchenko, who and since then have retained positions of ognize Ukrainians as a distinct nationali- transparent as corrupt schemes and con- is chief standard-bearer of democratic influence to such a degree that they can ty, it publicly supports Ukraine’s flicts of interest have been exposed. values, economic vitality and a Western keep their own out of jail. Their con- Communists, and it fielded priests to run 3) There are important forces in the orientation for Ukraine. stituency, meanwhile, is the product of in elections. Regions and Socialist parties that under- Headquartered in New York, with rep- Soviet migration policies that directed In June 2003 the Russian patriarch stand Ukraine’s future is in European resentation in Kyiv, the Orange Circle is Russians into and Ukrainians out of gave the leader of Ukraine’s Communist integration and in the acceptance of the a non-partisan, not-for-profit, non-gov- Ukraine. Party the Church’s “Order of Prince This immigration and “ethnic dilu- social, market and democratic values of ernmental organization that advocates Vladimir.” No more than 8 percent of Ukraine’s integration into global and tion,” combined with deportations and Ukraine’s voters back these old the prosperous West. However, in the cir- millions of unnatural Ukrainian deaths cumstances of a likely Regions- European institutions. The Orange Circle Communist Party leaders. promotes investment in Ukraine, works between 1917 and 1947, created large Communist-Socialist coalition, there will The more serious threat to Ukraine is to strengthen democratic values and mar- Russian-speaking urban enclaves in the be serious dangers that anti-democratic posed by its fourth major neo-Soviet ket reform in Ukraine, and engages country’s four easternmost provinces. and anti-Western voices, as well as those group – the Party of the Regions. Ukraine’s leaders in dialogue with their In addition, educational and media who were involved with the criminal fal- Although 2004 and 2006 election results counterparts in North America and policies channeled upwardly mobile non- sification of elections, will have signifi- suggest approximately one-third of all Europe. Russian rural migrants into Russian- cant influence in the new ruling team and voters in 2006 supported the Party of the Our mission is to champion and speaking culture and allowed urban on policy. That anti-democratic influence Regions, these returns are dubious. advance the values that were at the core Russians to live, work and satisfy their can only be overcome by the consolida- First, they are a product of document- of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution: democ- cultural/spiritual needs without having to ed coercion, intimidation and covert tion of supporters of the Orange racy, honest and transparent government, use or learn Ukrainian. operations – albeit smaller in scope and Revolution’s democratic values around and pro-market reform, and to accom- Second- and third-generation urban scale than was the case in 2004. the president of Ukraine, who retains sig- plish this through the promotion of poli- Russian immigrants and assimilated Second, they are based on “machine nificant powers and is responsible for the cy exchanges with Ukraine’s top govern- migrants spoke in Russian, lived in a politics” in Ukraine’s eastern provinces security of the country and its foreign ment officials, business leaders and poli- Russian public-sphere and were where, controlling the local administra- and defense policy. Moscow- oriented culturally and intellec- tion and manufacturing, the party can 4) The Orange Coalition collapsed as (Continued on page 20) tually. After 1991 most of the urban pop- offer people fearing poverty and insecuri- ulation accepted Ukrainian independ- ty short-term material incentives in return ence, but few changed their Russian lan- for votes. guage-use or intellectual/cultural orienta- Third, they are based on a lingering tion. Quotable notes Soviet-style cradle-to-grave enterprise- “... the whole world closely followed the events on the maidan [Independence Since 1991 an increasing percentage paternalism, still stronger in eastern than Square in Kyiv, the epicenter of the Orange Revolution]. of Russians and Russian-speakers see western Ukraine, that allows managers “The United States was among the most ardent supporters of this democratic Ukraine as their native country. However, and owners to politically blackmail their movement toward Ukraine’s prosperity and well-being. Over the last 18-20 in 2005, whereas only 6 percent of employees – much as “company-town” months, relations between the U.S.A. and Ukraine have been developing much Ukrainians still saw themselves as owners did in 19th century Western more dynamically and comprehensively than ever before. “Soviet citizens,” the percentage for Europe and America. “Our interest in Ukraine stems from Ukraine’s own strengths, from the real- Russians was 18 percent, and while 2 How strong the party would be in ization of its value as a nation and of the significance of its objectives. It would percent of Ukrainians still did not regard Ukraine’s east without the dirty tricks, also be fair to say that the success of Ukrainian democracy, its secure borders Ukraine as their native country, 9 percent machine politics and neo-feudal enter- and its growing economy will set a good example, a model case for the entire of Russians in Ukraine did not. prise-paternalist-based intimidation is region. This means that a percentage of the difficult to determine. But it would have “The U.S. president and secretary of state agree regarding the great impor- population in Ukraine today, of whom less than one-third of the seats in the tance that the U.S. attaches to success stories of democratic choice made by peo- most are Russian, supports foreign rule country’s Parliament. ple in different countries. It is well manifested in Ukraine, whose experience is The party ostensibly supports most valuable for Ukrainians and the international community-at-large. Stephen Velychenko is a resident fel- Ukrainian independence inasmuch as its “We in the United States believe that democratic governments are much more low at the Center for European, Russian leaders regard Ukraine as a territory that effective than non-democratic ones in expediting their national interests and and Eurasian Studies and research fel- they should control as a “blackmail state” establishing good relations with their neighbors. ...” low at the Chair of Ukrainian Studies, – just as they controlled it up to 2004. University of Toronto. This commentary Yet, its anti-constitutional advocacy of – William Taylor, U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, in an interview with Yulia was originally published in Action Mostovaya of the online version of Zerkalo Nedeli, July 1-7. Ukraine Report on July 6. (Continued on page 8) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29

Hospital opens in Tomashhorod to serve Reunited cousins remember communities contaminated by Chornobyl Bishop Vasyl Velychkovsky by Evhenia Medvedenko director of Chornobyl recovery programs for the Oblast Administration TOMASHHOROD, Ukraine – Despite Office of Emergency Preparedness; and a driving rainstorm that briefly disrupted Alexander Kuzma, the executive director their festivities, the townspeople of of the U.S.-based Children of Chornobyl Tomashhorod in northern Relief and Development Fund (CCRDF). celebrated the opening of a new ambulato- Dr. Zamostyan, Ms. Zalipska and Mr. ry hospital in their village made possible Kuzma were invited to cut the ribbon for by a grant from the government of Japan the new hospital. and the United Nations Development The international guests were greeted Program (UNDP) – Chornobyl Recovery by a large contingent of local school- and Reconstruction Project. children attired in Ukrainian national The ribbon-cutting ceremony took costumes and a folk ensemble that place on June 9 with representatives of regaled them with traditional songs from the regional and village government, the region. UNDP, local residents and international The new clinic will serve the growing organizations in attendance. population of the Rokytnenskyi- Speaking on behalf of the UNDP, Dr. Tomashhorod District of northern Rivne Pavlo Zamostyan expressed the satisfac- Oblast that received relatively heavy tion of his colleagues in seeing this clinic amounts of radioactive fallout from the open after a great deal of hard work and Chornobyl nuclear disaster. The soil in fund-raising. He wished the townspeople this region is relatively poor and marshy, of Tomashhorod the very best of health: leading to a heavy uptake of radioactive “May you and your children avoid all particles in the plants and dairy products. diseases, and only use this clinic for pre- Most families also supplement their diets ventive purposes as much as possible.” with berries, mushrooms and meats from Dr. Zamostyan praised the efforts of the wild animals that also concentrate high A woodcut of Bishop Vasyl Velychkovsky by Andrij Maday is flanked by Dr. village elders and especially the vision and amounts of radiation. Despite many determination of Tomashhorod’s dynamic Tatiana Nikolic (left) and Christina Dawydowycz Gamota, grandnieces of the health problems, the population of this Ukrainian Catholic Church leader beatified by Pope John Paul II. young mayor, Ivan Vlasyk, who helped to district has continued to grow, with an bring this hospital to completion. unusually high number of families with by Peter T. Woloschuk She met my grandfather in Lviv while he Among the other guests taking part in 10 or more children. the opening ceremony were Dr. Viktor was studying architecture at the universi- In anticipation of the 20th anniversary BOSTON – “Having a saint in the ty. He was a Serb from Zagreb and con- Kovaliov, the assistant minister of health family is a tremendous honor and a for the Rivne Oblast; Oksana Zalipska, the (Continued on page 14) verted to Ukrainian Catholicism in order heavy responsibility,” said Christina to marry my grandmother. After he com- Dawydowycz Gamota of Lexington, pleted his studies, the two settled in Mass., as she and her cousin Dr. Tatiana Zagreb. They continued to speak Nikolic of Zagreb, Croatia, caught up on Ukrainian among themselves, and they family history and news and talked about taught my father and the rest of the fami- their great uncle Bishop Vasyl Vsevolod ly as well.” Velychkovsky, CSsR, of Lutsk, who died “My grandparents were very pious and in Winnipeg in 1973 and was beatified by attended liturgy daily, and each one took Pope John Paul II during his visit to time for meditation and said the rosary Ukraine in June 2001. every morning and evening,” Dr. Nikolic The two cousins had met briefly in said. “They also maintained contact with Zagreb in the early 1990s, but this was Ukraine and followed the tragic fate of their first opportunity to really get to the Church and of my great uncle very know each other. Dr. Nikolic had come to closely. When my great uncle was in North America to attend a medical con- Vorkuta both my grandmother and my ference in Toronto and then took the father petitioned the Soviet leaders and opportunity to visit family and friends in the Supreme Soviet for his pardon and Buffalo, N.Y., Boston, New York City release, and repeatedly indicated their and Washington. desire to have him with them in Zagreb.” “Our family today, like many “My father is also a doctor and was Ukrainian families, is scattered all over the head of his department at the the world,” Dr. Nikolic said, “and we University of Zagreb medical school, and have branches in Canada, the United he used his position as much as possible States, Argentina, Belgium, Croatia and to work for my great uncle’s release,” Dr. Ukraine. We trace our roots to three old Alexander Kuzma of the Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund, Nikolic recalled. Galician priestly families, the “I was only 4 when my family got Oksana Zalipska from the Rivne Oblast Administration, and Dr. Pavlo Dawydowyczes, the Teodorovyches and Zamostyan of the United Nations Development Program. word that Uncle Vasya had been released the Velychkovskys, who have provided and was on his way to Zagreb. I remem- the Ukrainian Catholic Church with ber that my father had to go to the airport priests and sisters for more than 400 to collect our famous relative and I years.” remember his flowing beard and his kind “Priests from our family have served voice,” she said. all over western Ukraine, in Canada and “His eyes were always tearing up and in the United States as both eparchial I remember my grandmother telling me clergy and in the Basilian and that Uncle Vasya had been tortured and Redemptorist religious orders,” she con- that he had been injected with chemicals tinued, “and the nuns in our family in to weaken him and even to cause a pre- both the Basilian and Redemptorist mature death. It was said in the family orders have also served in western that the Soviets released Uncle Vasya Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Belgium and the after they had destroyed his health United States and, in many instances, because they didn’t want a martyr on were ihumenas of their monasteries. In their hands and yet they also didn’t want fact, the first group of Basilian sisters to him to live too long in the West so that he come to the United States was led by one could be a witness against them.” of my cousins, Mother Josephata “Uncle Vasya stayed with us a few Teodorovych.” weeks,” Dr. Nikolic continued, “and then “The family has a history of dedica- my father accompanied him by train to tion to the Ukrainian Catholic Church Rome, where he spent time with Cardinal and there was even a tradition that when [Josyf] Slipyj before moving on to one of the priestly members of the family Winnipeg, where he was the guest of his died his wife would enter the convent,” fellow Redemptorist, Metropolitan Mrs. Gamota added. [Maxim] Hermaniuk. When Uncle Vasya Schoolchildren from Tomashhorod and from the Rokytne District welcome Dr. Nikolic went on: “My grandmoth- was beatified by the pope in Lviv my guests at the opening ceremonies for their new ambulatory hospital funded by er was Bishop Velychkovsky’s sister, and the government of Japan and the United Nations Development Program. their father was a priest in Stanyslaviv. (Continued on page 20) No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 5

OBITUARY: Andrew Keybida, 89, community leader, former UNA advisor MAPLEWOOD, N.J. – Andrew field of human welfare for 10 years. He directors of the Trident Federal Savings Keybida, a leading Ukrainian community received the coveted “For God” award and Loan Association; president of the activist in New Jersey and a former from the Essex County Catholic War New Jersey Fraternal Congress; president supreme advisor of the Ukrainian Veterans. of the Ukrainian American Republican National Association, died here on July 5. He was a trustee of St. John’s Committee of New Jersey; member of He was 89. Ukrainian Catholic Church for 35 years; the Essex County Republican Advisory Mr. Keybida was a UNA advisor for chairman of the school, church and gym- Board; member of the 15th District 16 years and secretary of UNA Branch nasium building funds; president and Republican Committeeman in 322 for over 35 years. member of the Holy Name Society; Maplewood; and served as campaign He retired in 1987 as vice-president member of St. John’s Catholic War manager of Republican candidates on the and co-owner of Eastern Commodities Veterans; and national officer and mem- local, state and national levels. He was Co. of Manasquan, N.J. ber of the Ukrainian American Veterans the Ukrainian representative for the N.J. He served for five years in the U.S. Post 17. Governor’s Ethnic Advisory Council for Army, retiring with the rank of captain. He was a member of the Maplewood 10 years and served as chairman of the Mr. Keybida was in the Asiatic-Pacific Senior Citizens’ Housing Advisory Education Subcommittee. theater on Guadalcanal for two years. In Committee; member of the Maplewood A native of Clifton, N.J. he lived in 2001 he was awarded the New Jersey Republican Party and trustee of the Maplewood, N.J., for 50 years. Distinguished Service Medal. Durand-Hadden House and Garden He was the beloved husband of 63 On June 3, 1984, Pope John Paul II Association of Maplewood. He was a years to Evelyn (née Kalakura); father of bestowed the papal distinction of Knight member of the South Mountain District Andrea Severini and Dr. Robert Keybida of St. Gregory the Great on Mr. Keybida board of directors of the Boy Scouts of with his wife, Diane; and grandfather of in recognition of his dedicated and America and served on many other com- Christopher and Melissa Keybida, and unselfish service to his parish and the mittees and fund-raising efforts in Lauren and Thomas Severini, with his Ukrainian community. Maplewood. He was the recipient of the wife, Michele. Andrew Keybida Mr. Keybida was the recipient of the 1993 Maple Leaf Award sponsored by The funeral liturgy was held on prestigious James Gyuries Humanitarian the Maplewood Civic Association in Monday, July 10, at St. John’s Ukrainian In lieu of flowers, memorial donations Award given by the N.J. State Catholic recognition of his volunteer service to the Catholic Church in Newark, N.J. may be sent to: St. John’s Ukrainian War Veterans State Department, in community. Interment followed at Gate of Heaven Catholic Church, 719 Sanford Ave., recognition of his performance in the He was a member of the board of Cemetery in East Hanover, N.J. Newark, NJ.


Adoptive Parents weekend held at Soyuzivka

Roma Lisovich

KERHONKSON, N.Y. – The third annual weekend for American families who have adopted children from Ukraine was held here at Soyuzivka on June 16-17. More than 70 families participated in the weekend’s events, which are geared toward helping the adopted children maintain contact with their Ukrainian roots and familiarizing Americans with Ukrainian culture. The first Adoptive Families Weekend was held at the Ukrainian National Association’s estate back in 2004. The weekends are jointly organized by the Embassy of DoDo youyou knowknow whywhy we’rewe’re soso happy?happy? Ukraine, Ukraine’s Consulate General in New York and the Ukrainian National Association. In the photo above, children enjoy a game; below, Olya Fryz Our parents and grandparents invested in our future by sings as she plays on the , Ukraine’s national instrument. purchasing an endowment and life insurance policy for each of us from the Ukrainian National Association, Inc. They purchased prepaid policies on account of the low premium rate for our age group. If you’d like to be smiling like us, please have your parents or grandparents call the UNA at 1-800-253-9862. They will be happy to assist you!

Share The Weekly with a colleague. Order a gift subscription by writing to: Subscription Department, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Cost: $55 (or $45 if your colleague is a UNA member).


COMMENTARY THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Crisis, anti-crisis, crisis Reformingby Judge Bohdan A. the Futey judiciaryin the basic equity in of Ukraine its society, generat- ing cynicism, anger and instability. A parliamentary crisis occurred, leading to the formation of an Anti-Crisis On March 22 the National Committee Coalition, which led to further crisis. That’s pretty much how it went in Kyiv, Second, the judiciary, and hence each to Strengthen Democracy and the Rule of individual judge, must act as co-equal amidst betrayals, fisticuffs and filings of legal actions. The European Union said Law in Ukraine adopted a new Concept Ukraine was “in a sorry state.” and independent of the other branches of Paper for the judiciary in Ukraine. This government. Judges are independent in It all began when it became clear that Our Ukraine’s nominee for chairman of Concept Paper was the result of the man- the Verkhovna Rada, Petro Poroshenko, was not accepted by the Socialists – this sense if they are not beholden to any date given by President Viktor other branch of government or political though they had signed an agreement establishing the democratic Orange coali- Yushchenko in his inaugural address on tion that spelled out how it would function. That nominee, of course, was meant party. It is vital that courts have jurisdic- January 23, 2005, to establish an inde- tion and the power to restrain the legisla- as a counterbalance to Yulia Tymoshenko, the presumptive nominee for prime pendent judiciary and a civil society based minister, whose ascension to the post was accepted only grudgingly by President ture or executive by declaring laws and on the rule of law. official acts unconstitutional when they Viktor Yushchenko and Our Ukraine. The Poroshenko-Tymoshenko tandem had Therefore, the aim is clear: to strengthen abridge the rights of citizens. Further, for been an abject failure in Mr. Yushchenko’s first Cabinet, so it was not understood judicial independence and the rule of law judicial independence to have practical why it should have worked now. Or was it not supposed to work? in accordance with Ukraine’s Constitution, effect, the courts’ interpretation must be After the surprise election of Oleksander Moroz as Rada chairman, it was as well as standards approved by the accepted and enforced by the legislative announced that a new parliamentary majority had been formed comprising the Party European community and the rest of the and executive branches of government. of the Regions, the Communist Party and Mr. Moroz’s Socialist Party. Next, the new free world. As there cannot be a market economy coalition nominated Viktor Yanukovych, leader of the Regions, as prime minister. In my opinion, this concept is a valiant without private ownership of property, Thus, the president now faces a parliamentary coalition that is hostile to his effort to strengthen some aspects of court there cannot be a system based on the rule policies and may soon have an equally hostile prime minister who was his oppo- proceedings and guarantee citizens of law without judicial independence. nent in the 2004 presidential election that resulted in the Orange Revolution. access to the courts, but as a whole it In addition, the judiciary needs to have In the latest developments from Ukraine, Ms. Tymoshenko appealed on July 12 seems to me that it fails to address the its own constituency, primarily the legal to the people of Ukraine to support her bloc’s struggle for democracy and its problem of reforming the judiciary in- profession and strong bar associations. defense of Ukraine’s national interests. She called on Our Ukraine not to negotiate depth, and provides for additional ways These will be responsible to expose uneth- with “the Yanukovych clan.” Tymoshenko Bloc supporters rallied to demand that to exercise control over the judiciary. ical practices of the judges and/or coer- the president disband the Rada, and Pora Party members set up a tent camp, pledg- Furthermore, it may be in conflict with cive tactics upon judges and to enlist the ing to remain there until that demand is met. the Constitution of Ukraine as enacted on press on their side. In the United States Yanukovych supporters also came out onto the streets of Kyiv, demanding that June 28, 1996; it violates the principal of the major defenders or critics of the judi- their man become prime minister and that other parties unite behind him. They separation of powers (Article 6) and the ciary are members of the legal profession erected a tent city near the Rada. rule of law commitment (Article 8). The themselves (ABA), law school professors Meanwhile, President Yushchenko tried to stay out of the fray, and was reduced idea of having government inspectors for and the news media. to making pronouncements of dubious value. (The New York Times described the judiciary is not an encouraging practice It would be refreshing and welcome him as “appearing increasingly isolated and indecisive.”) On July 12, reportedly (guarantee) for judicial independence. news if professors of law schools in at the request of the president, representatives of Our Ukraine and the Regions Also, it fails to address many aspects of the Ukraine would start to speak out, along Party met for negotiations. On what exactly, we don’t know; that’s a secret. present law on the judiciary and it under- with the association of lawyers, jurists, the On July 13 the president sent a letter to the Rada in which he wrote that “the takes to provide solutions that are not very Ukrainian Bar Association and, hopefully, withdrawal of some deputies from the coalition of democratic forces, which result- democratic. It barely touches on aspects of the World Congress of Ukrainian Jurists. ed in its disintegration, is inconsistent with the Constitution and the Verkhovna education at law schools and the role of There is no question that the judiciary Rada’s procedural rules.” Therefore, Mr. Yushchenko added, the circumstances in legal/professional organizations (like the in Ukraine needs to be reformed. Key which the new coalition was formed and its proposals are illegal. He demanded American Bar Association in the U.S.). issues and/or problems with the judiciary that national deputies resume “effective work in Parliament, settle the coalition I will not make any additional com- are not addressed. For example, the legal issue legally and nominate a prime minister, but try not to make hasty decisions.” ments at this time, but I am willing to do crisis with the Constitutional Court of Pardon our skepticism, but what are the chances of that happening? so at a roundtable discussion, conference Ukraine, which since October of last year In the meantime, all the turmoil in Ukraine could lead the country back to or other fora on this subject. lacks a quorum, is not addressed at all. where it was in November 2004, thus leading to the biggest betrayal of all: dou- The judiciary in Ukraine, the United ble-crossing the millions of ordinary Ukrainians who came out to support what States and Europe should be somewhat What is needed is to strengthen the the Orange Revolution stood for. alarmed. Judges should be participants in checks and balances – not control over the the discussion of these issues as they judiciary by the executive. Providing ade- relate to Ukraine’s Constitution, the Law quate salaries for judges, guarantees of July on the Judiciary and the Law on the appropriate funding and assistance for the Turning the pages back... Status of Judges. Naturally, they should courts, prompt publication and availability reserve their comments strictly to the of judicial decisions, transparency in deci- relationship of the proposed concept on sion-making and enforcement of judicial 15 decisions are ways to eliminate corruption judicial independence, the Constitution of Ukraine and the rule of law. among the judiciary. Nevertheless, greater 1961 It was 45 years ago that The Weekly reported on the unveil- Judicial independence does not mean access of citizens to judges should not ing of the Taras Shevchenko monument in Winnipeg by then the judges do as they choose, but do as they mean or indicate ex parte communications Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker. According to the article, must in accordance with the Constitution behind closed doors. This practice should over 50,000 people witnessed the historic event on June 10, and laws of the country. Judicial independ- be eliminated completely. either in person on the grounds of the Manitoba Provincial Parliament or via the CBC TV ence in the final analysis will depend large- In the United States, the Federal broadcast that brought the event into the homes of Canadians nationwide. ly on the conscience and courage of the Judicial Conference is authorized by The monument was erected through joint efforts and with funding from the Ukrainian judges themselves. Judges will not be Congress to create and enforce rules of Canadian community in conjunction with the Ukrainian Canadian Committee. respected until they respect themselves. procedure and evidence, which the A motorcade led the procession to the famous Portage Avenue, which was decorated There are two aspects in which judges Supreme Court may adopt, modify or with 200 blue-and-yellow flags, and ended at the legislature grounds. On either side of must be independent. First, they must be reject. The Federal Judicial Conference the grounds were two monuments, on one side to Queen Victoria, empress of the British honest brokers, in that they are independ- employs various advisory committees, Empire, and on the other, to the Ukrainian bard. Among the people who took part in the ent from and neutral among the parties whose members include judges and ceremony were thousands of children, youths and numerous pioneers who established the that appear before them. Judges must lawyers, to propose new rules and modi- Ukrainian community in Canada exactly 70 years prior to that historic day. decide matters before them impartially, fy existing ones. Meetings of the adviso- Opening remarks were given by the Rev. Vasyl Kushnir, who spoke about the mon- on the basis of the facts and the law, ry committees are open to the public, and ument funded by Ukrainians, about Taras Shevchenko and about the monument’s cre- without any restrictions, improper influ- members of the bar may attend to give ator, sculptor Andriy Darahan. Then Father Kushnir handed over a metal container ences, inducements or threats, direct or their suggestions. They may also mail that held the names of the contributors to be sealed in the base of the monument. indirect, from any party or institution or their comments to the committees at any Premier Duff Roblin of Manitoba said Shevchenko’s ideals belong to all people and for any reason. A judge’s moral commit- time. read a passage from “Uchytesia Braty Moyi” (Learn my brothers...). He announced that ment to this form of independence elimi- Judges and attorneys often hold con- the following year Ukrainian was going to be an optional language in Manitoba schools. nates favoritism and corruption from the ferences to discuss the procedural and At the moment of the unveiling, the prime minister stepped up to the monument and nation’s judicial system. If judges fail in evidentiary rules, submit comments to pulled the cord, which revealed the sculpture of the bard sitting with his hands on his lap, this duty the public will lose confidence the advisory committees, and publish one of them over a book. The people in attendance stood at attention as the orchestra articles in scholarly journals criticizing played “Zapovit” (Testament), and concluded the ceremony with “God Save the Queen.” the rules and proposing changes. If the From there, the audience was treated to a concert at the university, followed by a Bohdan A. Futey is a judge on the U.S. rules are adopted by the Supreme Court, banquet at the Hotel Marlborough. Prime Minister Diefenbaker said in his speech at Court of Federal Claims in Washington, these rules become binding. the banquet that there were tears in his eyes at the unveiling of the Shevchenko monu- appointed by President Ronald Reagan in Also, it would be worthwhile for the ment. He praised the freedom-loving people of Ukraine and the Ukrainian settlers in May 1987. Judge Futey has been active National Committee to Strengthen Canada, at which time he stressed the fact that Canada presents a mosaic of cultures in various rule of law and Democratiza- Democracy and the Rule of Law to and that Shevchenko and his ideals should be the goal of our lives. tion Programs in Ukraine since 1991. He review the recent assessment done by the served as an advisor to the Working ABA Central and East European Source: “Canadian PM Unveils Shevchenko Monument” The Ukrainian Weekly, Group on Ukraine’s Constitution (adopt- July 15, 1961. ed on June 28, 1996). (Continued on page 14) No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 7


finally did it. Ms. Tymoshenko will not A coup d’état be prime minister. DoubleDoubleby Khristina ExposurExposur Lew ee In the process of neutralizing Ms. in Ukraine Tymoshenko, Our Ukraine has lost a lot, Dear Editor: including direct access to the govern- ment money trough. This golden trough The coup d’état was carried out with of other people’s money will be now I’m with the team surgical precision. When the votes were controlled by a competing clan of oli- The Ukrainian community in the and Ukrainian artists, including counted, the candidate from the Party of garchs from the Donbas. United States heaved a collective groan Eurovision winner Ruslana, performed. the Regions, Mykola Azarov, received 0 Of course, Our Ukraine hopes that Mr. when Italy defeated Ukraine 3-0 in the “We told Sheva that we supported him,” votes (even he did not vote for himself), Yanukovych will permit them at least quarterfinal match of the 2006 World said Mr. Futey. while the candidate from the Socialist partial access to the golden well of cor- Cup on June 30 in Dortmund, Germany. “It’s the first time Ukraine has Party, Oleksander Moroz, received 100 ruption. Oligarchs are oligarchs, all are Ukrainians in New York, Cleveland, appeared at a World Cup as a free coun- percent of the vote from the Communists, charter members of the former Soviet Chicago and Washington who had gath- try. We came to Germany to show the Socialists and Donbas oligarchs. nomenklatura, birds of a feather. How ered in Ukrainian sports clubs, local rest of the world that there are fans from It was just enough to ensure that oli- generous the victorious Viktor will be watering holes and in private homes to all over the world backing Ukraine,” he garchs, Socialists and Communists will with Our Ukraine remains to be seen. cheer Team Ukraine were left disappoint- said. Those fans included the current rule in Ukraine in the foreseeable future. After all, the Socialists and the ed – although not completely. Soccer, it president of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, President Viktor Yushchenko and his Communists stand ahead of them in line seems, had unified Ukrainians around the and boxing champions Vitalii and hapless Our Ukraine were left holding an for handouts. And the price of admission world better than any of Ukraine’s politi- Vladimir Klitschko. empty bag. to the trough has not yet been deter- cians. Letting Team Ukraine know that it has Mr. Moroz proved to be a brilliant mined. Thousands of Ukrainians from the supporters is equally important to the strategist. Together with Viktor In the end nothing much has really United States, Canada, England, who have traveled Yanukovych he was able to accomplish changed in Ukraine, in spite of the Scotland, Belgium, France and Australia, to France, Norway, Spain, England and in a matter of hours what Mr. doomsday predictions in the internation- as well as from Ukraine itself, traveled to Wales for various matches. “We want to Yushchenko and his entourage of “myli al press. Germany for the World Cup. Taras let the players know that Ukrainians druzi” (sycophants) could not accom- A few years back, former President of Jaworsky of Chicago, who began follow- from the United States, from England, plish during three and a half months of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk during his visit ing Team Ukraine back in 1999 at a qual- from Scotland and Belgium are behind political maneuvering, to say nothing to Minneapolis told us that the bulk of ifying match in France, organized a them,” said Mr. Jaworsky. about a couple of years of his wasted 600,000 or so bureaucrats group of 45, mostly from the United Lida Mykytyn of New York, who trav- presidency. (“chynovnyky”) that rule the country are States, to travel to Germany, through soc- eled to Hamburg for the Saudi Arabia Socialist Moroz and “capitalist” former members of the Communist Party. match and to Berlin for Ukraine v. Yanukovych, with an assist from And that includes almost everybody in They came from Chicago, Los Tunisia, said the experience was very Communist Petro Symonenko were able power, from the lowest “lanonyi” (over- Angeles, Miami, Toronto, Philadelphia, unifying. “Everyone would meet at the to grab the power that eluded the seer of a few hectares of agricultural land) Passaic, N.J., and Yonkers, N.Y.; three Ukraine booth of Fanfest [an area set up Yushchenko crowd. That is how success- to the president of the country and every- came from Australia. There were families for fans]. Everyone is wearing blue-and- with young children and a father-and-son ful coups d’état are always done. In a one in between. Patriotic and nationally yellow, everybody is friendly. You have a team. They set up camp at a hotel in matter of hours everything is over. conscious leaders, on the other hand, are connection because they are wearing a Berlin, and took trains to Leipzig for the Of course, Mr. Moroz will take a hit mostly poets and literary intellectuals Ukraine shirt and you are wearing a Ukraine-Spain match on June 14 and to for his traitorous action of switching poorly suited to run the affairs of state, Ukraine shirt, and you start talking ...” Hamburg for Ukraine v. Saudi Arabia on sides in the heat of the battle. But, said the former head of state (The She shared her reaction to seeing a June 19. frankly, one cannot blame Mr. Moroz Ukrainian Weekly, September 14, 1997). large banner, written in English, carried It was on the midnight train from that much. It was and remains public The recent history of Ukraine has proved by Team Ukraine fans from Hamburg back to Berlin that a few of knowledge that the party of President how right he was. Dnipropetrovsk: “One Nation. One them bumped into former Ukrainian Yushchenko had been negotiating with A ruling cabal of the former Communist Country. One Team.” “You look at that Presidents Leonid Kravchuk and Leonid Mr. Yanukovych’s Party of the Regions nomenklatura, be it in the guise of oli- banner and think, ‘sport is doing this.’ Kuchma. Andriy Futey of Cleveland tells for months. Expecting a double-cross garchs, Socialists or Communists, is You’re Ukrainian and it’s something big- the story: “After the Saudi game, I’m from Our Ukraine, which would have steeled to the core in the Soviet mentality ger than you are,” she said. sidelined him and his party, Mr. Moroz walking through the train cars, and there But, lest we get lulled into a false and corrupt way of doing business of gov- is Kravchuk, wearing shorts and a simply pre-empted their move, placing ernment. Messrs. Moroz and Yanukovych sense of peace, love and Ukrainian himself and his party at center stage. Ukraine team jersey, playing cards with togetherness, there were media reports of It was a brilliant demonstration of sur- (Continued on page 14) Bohdan Mysko [an American business- fights breaking out between Ukrainians vival of the fittest. It was also a demon- man]. I’m introduced to the president, from abroad and Ukrainians from the stration of the Heisenberg Principle of and he says to me, ‘You look like your Donbas, in eastern Ukraine. Messrs. Uncertainty (anything and everything Thanks for articles father.’ A few seats down is Kuchma, Futey and Jaworsky described an inci- can and does happen) in the practice of also playing cards.” Andriy’s father is dent that happened to them. Ukrainian politics. Judge Bohdan Futey of Washington, who “There were groups of guys from on trafficking issue has advised Ukraine on legal and consti- After self-inflicted disaster, President Dear Editor: Ukraine, between the ages of 18 and 28, Yushchenko is now campaigning for a tutional issues. who would walk away from us when broad or “grand” coalition with the Party Thank you for your in-depth reporting Andriy Futey and Taras Jaworsky also they’d see us coming, or who would ask of the Regions. The president does not on the subject of international trafficking had a chance to chat with striker Andriy us why we didn’t speak Russian. [During want to be in opposition to his own gov- of women and children. More specifical- Shevchenko, when they took a side trip the Ukraine-Spain match] when Spain ernment. That is how ridiculous it got. ly, for the recent articles by Andrew to Potsdam to see how Team Ukraine had three goals, a bunch of these guys But he has a problem here. He cannot Sorokowski and Fran Ponomarenko in lived. Potsdam’s central square was starting stomping on the Ukrainian flag. dismiss the prospective government of the June 25, issue of The Weekly. This transformed into a Ukrainian “selo,” or Mr. Yanukovych, the way he dismissed gave us, members of American for village, where Ukrainian food was served (Continued on page 14) the government of Yulia Tymoshenko. Human Rights in Ukraine, theimpetus to Only Parliament can do so. Mr. Moroz join other NGOs and write a series of let- made sure of that when the Constitution ters to the pertinent individuals involved of Ukraine was amended in 2004, during in the 2006 FIFA World Cup tournament. the days of the Orange Revolution. And We wrote 86 letters protesting prosti- now Mr. Moroz controls the Parliament tution in Germany: a letter to Pope that controls the composition of the next Benedict, six letters to members of the government. German government, 26 letters to all In spite of the disaster that befell members of the FIFA Committee in them, the oligarchs of Our Ukraine can Zurich. 46 letters to members of the U.S. claim at least one small consolation government and Congress, five letters to prize: they have prevented the much- members of the Ukrainian government hated and feared Ms. Tymoshenko from and 10 letters to the major sponsors. becoming prime minister, which was, In the letters we protested condoning after all the object of three and a half prostitution and using the repressed women months of delays in forming a democrat- and children from Eastern Europe for the ic coalition, and manipulations and pleasure and gratification of men during intrigue on their part. Ms. Tymoshenko the soccer spectacle and appealed to the was getting ready to clean the stables, organizers to mend their ways in the future. and that was not to be, if they could pre- vent it. It took them much underhanded Bozhena Olshaniwsky maneuvering and the writing of Newark, N.J. grandiose but false Orange Coalition platform declarations demanded by the The letter-writer is president of Taras Jaworsky president (all meaningless now), but they Americans for Human Rights in Ukraine. A banner from Dnipropetrovsk reads: “One nation. One country. One team.” 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29

noon on July 12 conducting negotiations, President tries... reported The Ukraine List, which is pub- Oleksander Moroz’s... The situation... (Continued from page 1) lished by the Chair of Ukrainian Studies (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 3) political manipulations to appoint top at the University of Ottawa. 1998. Russian as a “second language” shows it parliamentary and governmental offi- News sources said the Regions side Suddenly, it was apparent that the wants to keep Ukraine within the cials, are doomed,” said Mr. Vasiunyk. was represented by Raisa Bohatyriova, Party of the Regions was willing to give Russian-language communications “The president has always supported a Mykola Azarov, Olena Lukash, Andrii Mr. Moroz what the Our Ukraine bloc sphere and out of the English-language national political dialogue, which he Kluiev and/or Volodymyr Rybak. The had refused. communications sphere. believes is the only way to overcome the Our Ukraine delegation comprised President Viktor Yushchenko was the While the Canadian and Polish current stage of parliamentary uncertain- Roman Zvarych, Mykola Martynenko, most responsible for this turn of events, ambassadors can learn Ukrainian before ties. At the same time, efforts to involve Borys Tarasyuk and Anatolii Kinakh. which resulted in the collapse of the their appointments well enough to use it the president in any confrontational sce- Afterwards, Mr. Yanukovych appeared democratic Orange coalition, said Mr. publicly, some Party of the Regions lead- nario are in vain.” optimistic on the prospects of Our Vinskyi. ers have the unmitigated gall to speak in Mr. Vasiunyk also said the president Ukraine joining forces in a coalition with At 11:14 p.m. July 6, it was Russian in the Ukrainian Parliament. was going to send a letter to the Verkhovna the Party of the Regions. However, announced in the Parliament that a de Some, like Mykola Azarov, have not yet Rada to demand that parliamentarians for- President Yushchenko was more pes- facto coalition involving the Socialist managed to learn Ukrainian after 15 get words and mere declarations and begin simistic in his remarks to journalists. Party, the Party of the Regions and the years of independence. working to consolidate society. Various news sources reported that the Communist Party of Ukraine had given But then how many French in Algeria In related news, at the request of negotiations between the Regions and Our 238 votes to Mr. Moroz – enough to learned Arabic? How many English in President Yushchenko, the Party of the Ukraine had taken place but noted that the return him to the Verkhovna Rada chair- Ireland learned Gaelic? How many Regions and Our Ukraine spent the after- talks were being conducted in secret. manship after an eight-year absence. whites in Africa knew Swahili or Bantu? How many Japanese learned Chinese or Korean? How many Germans in Breslau • Persons who submit any materials must provide a day- learned Polish? To The Weekly Contributors: time phone number where they may be reached if any addi- Party of the Regions leaders, additional- tional information is required. ly, engage in symbolic colonial-homage- We greatly appreciate the materials – feature articles, Mailing address: The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, news stories, press clippings, letters to the editor, etc. – we type acts that pander to imperial Russian P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. nostalgia and compromise Ukraine’s status receive from our readers. In order to facilitate preparation of PLEASE NOTE: Materials may be sent to The Weekly The Ukrainian Weekly, we ask that the guidelines listed as an independent country. also via e-mail to the address [email protected]. Please below be followed. In November 2005 in Krasnoiarsk, for • News stories should be sent in not later than 10 days do include your mailing address and phone number so that example, Viktor Yanukovych publicly we may contact you if needed to clarify any information. after the occurrence of a given event. gave the speaker of the Russian Duma a Please call or send query via e-mail before electronically • Photographs (originals only, no photocopies or comput- bulava – the symbol of Ukrainian state- er printouts) submitted for publication must be accompanied sending anything other than Word documents. This applies especially to photos, as they must be scanned according to hood. While the party formally supports by captions. Photos will be returned only when so requested “Euro-integration” – just like President and accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope. our specifications in order to be properly reproduced. • Full names (i.e., no initials) and their correct English Any questions? Call 973-292-9800 or e-mail staff@ukr- Putin supports the Euro-integration of spellings must be provided. Russia – it has not explicitly stated that it is for European Union membership for Ukraine. Given this omission, there is every reason to believe that if the Regions return to power they will first incorpo- rate Ukraine into the Single Economic Space and only then, via Russia, “inte- grate into Europe” just like Belarus. Regions Party leaders learned their politics under Volodymyr Scherbytsky, ran Leonid Kuchma’s “blackmail state” and employed criminal Bolshevik-style electioneering practices. They publicly belittle Ukrainian independence, are in constant contact with Russian extremists like Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Konstantin Zatulin and Yuri Luzhkov, and they want the Communist Party included in coali- tion talks. All of which shows that, for all their chatter about laws, representation and committees, Ukraine’s neo-Soviet Party of the Regions is no mere opposition party. It is more a restorationist party whose pur- pose is to destabilize the country. If the Party of the Regions’ tactics succeed, they will compromise Ukraine’s post-2004 ruling coalition; they will strengthen those opposed to Ukraine’s entry into EU and who think that it should remain in Russia’s sphere of influence. Foreign observers must ask themselves how a renewed Party-of-the-Regions led, Kuchma-like “blackmail state” is sup- posed to fit into the EU? How is Russia, a resource-based autocracy, supposed to be “stable” when resource-based autocracies everywhere else in the world are notori- ously unstable? Ukrainians, for their part, can be sure that Party of the Regions leaders will not trouble Bill Gates about a Ukrainian ver- sion of Windows, or Hollywood studios about Ukrainian dubbing and subtitles, or fashion magazine chains like Burda about Ukrainian translations.

If you’dNeed like toa obtain back a back issue? issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, send $2 per copy (first-class postage included) to: The Ukrainian WeeklyAdministration 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280 Parsippany, NJ 07054. No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 9 NEWS AND VIEWS: Kyiv conference focuses on life and work of Vasyl Stus

by Oles Obertas Drohobych; Olha Fedorchenko, post- yet been discovered by our contempo- “Now Ivan and Vasyl have met togeth- graduate of Kerch, Crimea; and Halyna raries. A lot of themes are still waiting for er ‘outside the golden windows of stars KYIV – The Ukrainian Samvydav Shmilo of Lviv. their researchers, among them the role of in heavenly Kyiv, where even the eternity Museum-Archives, Smoloskyp Publish- Often called the “Taras Shevchenko of Viktor Medvedchuk in Stus’s life and is a bit cramped for Stus,’ according to ers and Vasyl Stus Humanities Center, the 20th Century,” Stus has been studied death. The palimpsest character of his Iryna Zhylenko.” earier this year held a conference at the by various generations. The participants imprisonment works has not been studied During the conference the first docu- Smoloskyp Building in Kyiv on the of the conference were divided into three yet; his imprisonment notes delivered mentary exhibition about Stus’s life and topic: “Vasyl Stus: Twenty Years After groups including: people who had known from the hermetic closed hard-regime work was opened and will be on display His Death: Contemporary Reception and Stus from 1960 to 1980, scholars who labor camp have not been examined. The until the end of August of this year. The Reinterpretation.” The event focused on had already begun to study Stus’s works archives in the Museum of the exhibit includes rare photos of the poet the social, political, legal, linguistic, liter- during his lifetime, and young Movement of the ‘60s and other collec- and his close circle. Many other unique ary and other aspects of the dissident researchers who are investigating the tions have not been investigated. materials are part of the exhibit, includ- writer’s works from the perspective of works of the prominent Ukrainian poet “For our generation, who were lucky ing one display that allowed visitors to current events in Ukraine. from fresh perspectives. to be contemporaries of Stus, he is hear the voice of the poet reciting his Being that many aspects of Vasyl Members of the first group shared remarkable as a fighter for human digni- poems. Stus’s works are connected to the hard- their recollections of Stus at a roundtable ty, a talented and conscientious man of Concluding the conference was ships he suffered during his life, the con- discussion, while the second group dis- letters. We also remember him as a kind Stanislav Chernilevsky, 2006 laureate of ference participants agreed that it is cussed working under the Soviet regime and impressionable man with quite mun- the Vasyl Stus Prize with a presentation impossible to interpret his literary works and its influence on their investigations. dane weakenesses and virtues. of the film “The Black Candle.” without knowledge about the author’s The third group collaborated on different “He has always been a brother, faithful The next conference at the Smoloskyp life. approaches to Stus’s works and discussed companion, native spirit for my family, Building will be dedicated to the 30th The February 3 conference, which was how this kind of teamwork can con- especially for Ivan Svitlychny. My moth- anniversary of the formation of the featured in a special issue of the journal tribute to inter-generational dialogue. er recalled ill and weak Ivan to have Ukrainian Helsinki Group in the fall of Moloda Natsiya (The New Nation) in Lively discussions among the repre- mystically felt Stus’s death before we this year. It is expected that attendance at March, was a rare event, being that only sentatives of different generations were informed about it. Vasyl dreamt in this conference will equal or surpass this three such conferences have been held focused on the topic of Stus’s “mental ill- his letter from prison, ‘I pray God that I recent event dedicated to Vasyl Stus, one since 1998. The aim of the conference, ness,” the problem of perception and could meet Ivan, bow our gray heads in of the members of the Ukrainian Helsinki moderated by Rostyslav Semkiv, Oksana interpretation of Stus’s works by students quiet friendly chat, hear clear Sverstiuk’s Group, and will properly honor the true Dvorko and Oles Obertas, was to begin a and others. Mr. Kipiani, a journalist, voice, and then I really can die.’ heroes of Ukraine. scholarly discussion and form a circle of employed the Smoloskyp archives to researchers of different generations research an interesting detail of Stus’s including young scholars (mostly stu- biography: his nomination for the Nobel dents and post-graduates), as well as Prize in literature in 1985. Vasyl Stus, 1938-1985 respected literary critics of Ukraine, such Mr. Kipiani covered the biographical as Mykhailyna Kotsiubynska, Yevhen aspect of Stus studies with the help of Vasyl Stus was born on January 6, Sverstiuk, Vasyl Ovsienko, Dmytro Stus, more than 1,200 documents from the 1938, in the village of Rakhnivtsi, V. Morenets, R. Veretelnyk, Tamara Ukrainian Samvydav Museum-Archives Vinnytsia Oblast. In 1940 the family Hundorova, Vakhtanh Kipiani and E. that were presented electronically during moved to the Donbas, where Stus spent Solovey, that would study the works of the conference. Among these materials his childhood. He studied philology at Stus. were articles about Stus’s life and work, the Donetsk Pedagogical Institute, and Students and writers from all over translations of his works, the texts of his first poems were published in 1959. Ukraine convened at the conference Radio Liberty broadcasts, documents of After graduation he worked as a including: Maryna Harbar, Hryhorii the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation teacher in the Kirovohrad Oblast, Savchuk, Olha Cheremska, Olena Kozyr, Council and Smoloskyp information served in the army and taught Antonina Tymchenko and Viktor Kysil of services, and other important papers Ukrainian language and literature in Horlivka, Donetsk Oblast. the region; Hanna Vivat and about Stus’s works in different languages In 1963 Stus began graduate studies Dmytro Shupta of the Odesa region; Ihor from Ukraine and abroad. at the Institute of Literature in Kyiv. Isaiev, Nataliya Kandybka and Kateryna In addition to those present at the con- His poems and critical articles started Chernykh of the Zaporizhia region; ference,“virtual” participants Osyp to appear in journals, and he took an Volodymyr Kuzentsov, Nataliya Zinkevych and Nadiya Svitlychna con- active part in the rich literary life of the Pokolenko, Valerii Babenko, Lesia tributed to the gathering. Ms. Svitlychna time. Olifirenko and Serhii Nesvit of the sent a letter of greeting to the conferees. In 1965 he was dismissed from the Donetsk region; Yevheniya Naychuk and She wrote: “... Having learned that the institute for taking part in a protest Iryna Nosenko of the region; Vasyl Stus conference gathered so many Vasyl Stus people who are interested in his life, meeting that denounced the secret Olha Dmytruk and Yulia Ostapchuk of joined the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. works and immortality 20 years after his arrests and closed trials of members of the Rivne region; Roman Krylovets, Eight months later, he was again arrest- martyr death, I greet you sincerely from the Ukrainian intelligentsia that had post-graduate of the Academy; ed and sentenced to 15 years (10 years’ America, where he had sent his begun that year. He was forced to work Iryna Stamplevska of the Kherson imprisonment and five years’ exile). ‘Palimpsesty.’ at various menial and unsatisfying region; Uliana Mishchuk and Yurii The circumstances of his second “These 20 years have changed us and jobs, but he continued to write poetry, Khorunzhy of Kyiv; Larysa Podkorytova incarceration in the strict-regime camp especially our country; a new generation, literary criticism and appeals protesting of Khmelnytskyi; Nataliya Purii of in the Perm Oblast were unbearable. for whom Vasyl Stus is a kind of abstrac- the restoration of the personality cult, He was allowed no visits, was continu- tion separated from this generation by his Russification and the denial of freedom Oles Obertas is on the editorial staff ally harassed by the authorities and his enormous talent, has grown. In spite of of thought. of the monthly bulletin Smoloskyp health was deteriorating – he suffered considerable publications, Stus has not Mykhailyna Kotsiubynska, in her Ukrayiny. introduction to the collected works of from chronic stomach ulcers and heart Vasyl Stus, writes: “There was a con- problems. Worst of all for him, he had stantly present conviction that he was no opportunity to smuggle out a single wasting his life. This, coupled with an line of his writings. His letters were early developed consciousness of his confiscated and everything he wrote in vocation and an objective self-evalua- the camp was taken away. tion of his potential, produced a state In a state of total nervous exhaustion of mind he later called ‘death-exis- and during a protest hunger strike, Stus tence’ or ‘life-death’ ... The little com- died in solitary confinement on promises with life, the times one had to September 4, 1985. He was buried at remain silent – all this gnawed at his the camp cemetery in a grave marked soul and pained him. It is rare to meet a only “No. 9.” person so unamenable to compromise.” On November 19, 1989, his remains In 1972 Stus was arrested with other were interred at Baikove Cemetery in dissident writers – Ivan Svitlychny, Kyiv along with those of his fellow Yevhen Sverstiuk, Ihor and Iryna inmates Yurii Lytvyn and Oleksa Kalynets – and sentenced to five years Tykhy, who had died in 1984. in a labor camp and three years’ exile. He spent his imprisonment in – Oksana Zakydalsky (originally Mordovia and exile in Kolyma. He published in The Ukrainian Weekly on returned to Kyiv in 1979 and soon September 3, 1995).

To subscribe: Send $55 ($45 if you are a member of the UNA) to: The Ukrainian Weekly, Subscription Department 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280 Participants of the Kyiv conference marking the 20th anniversary of the death of Parsippany, NJ 07054 Vasyl Stus. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29 A conversation with Prof. Roman Serbyn, historian by Fran Ponomarenko holiday and the myth that went with it. in the Famine of 1932-1933? Special to The Ukrainian Weekly The struggle for the historical memory of the Apparently the Soviets allowed some German aid to Roman Serbyn was born in 1939 in Vyktoriv, Western Ukrainian nation is clearly still urgent. The UPA get through to the German settlements, so as not to Ukraine. In 1948 he and his family settled in Montreal. does not have recognition. Divizia Halychyna is not antagonize Germany. As for the Jewish agriculturalists, In 1960 he obtained a B.A. in political science from even on the horizon, whereas the myth of the Great who were not very numerous, they also received aid McGill University. He went to France, where he first Fatherland War is alive. Who is promoting this at from Western Jewish organizations that continued to studied French and then history at the Sorbonne. In this moment? help Jewish agricultural settlements after the 1921-1923 1967 he obtained a licence en lettres in history from the famine. But this topic needs further exploration. For Université de Montréal. In 1975 he completed his Ph.D. The Communist Party, the Red Army Veterans, the some reason, historians seem to be avoiding this ques- in history at McGill University. He began teaching at Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, ethnic tion. the Université de Québec – Montréal (UQAM) in 1969; Russians and non-Russian Russian speakers who may But to get back to the issue of resistance to the recog- he retired from this institution in 2002. Prof. Serbyn is feel threatened are continuously bolstering this. The nition of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide. No Western the author of many scholarly publications. myth of the Great Fatherland War is preventing reconcil- government except the Balts has, to my knowledge, I had the opportunity to speak with Prof. Serbyn on iation between Ukrainians who fought in the three dif- declared the to be genocide. That it’s man- June 2. The interview is published in two parts. ferent military formations (even though there were made is a given. However, we have enough solid evi- transfers between them): the Red Army, the Ukrainian PART II dence that it was carried out in a way that fits the Insurgent Army (UPA) and those who fought in the Axis requirements of the Genocide Convention to be quali- When did you start work on the way in which armies, especially the Division Halychyna. fied as genocide. New evidence is provided by the cor- World War II was and is being presented in It is a disgrace to Ukraine and especially a shame on respondence between Stalin and Kaganovich. Ukraine? In commemorative events this war is the Ukrainian political elite that 60 years after the war We also have an official document dated January 22, always called the “Great Fatherland War” in Ukrainians are still divided on this issue and a shame 1933, signed by Stalin and Molotov which was sent to Ukraine and in Russia. that must be shared by the president, the government Ukraine and Byelorussia and to regional Russian centers and the Parliament of Ukraine, that the only armed force around Ukraine decreeing the closing of Ukraine’s bor- I began my regular travels to Ukraine as of 1990 and that was specifically formed to struggle for the inde- ders. The document says that for the second year in a in 1994 I noted in that year Ukraine was celebrating the pendence of Ukraine is not recognized by this independ- row peasants are fleeing and they must be stopped at the 50th anniversary of the “liberation” of Ukraine. Also the ent state today. borders and punished or sent back to their villages. 9th of May is a statutory holiday commemorating the There was no liberty for Ukraine after the war. There There was to be no escape from hunger; within six end of the war and is always portrayed as a great victory was liberty in Europe when the Nazis were defeated, but months over 200,000 people were apprehended, shot, of the Soviet and Ukrainian people. And, of course, the not in Ukraine. Furthermore, victors get spoils and sent to the gulag or back to the starving villages. Death war was referred to as the “Great Patriotic War.” wouldn’t all the peasants who were in the army get the becomes inevitable. The Genocidal intent on the part of I found it outrageous that Ukraine should be celebrat- spoils? The commanders did – these spoils were shipped Stalin is clear. ing the exchange of a Nazi tyrant (Hitler) for a back to the USSR by the trainloads. But not the cogs! Communist tyrant (Stalin), especially as the second Mostly of farmer stock, they would simply have wanted If we couple this closing of the borders with the destroyed more innocent Ukrainians than the first. I their land back. They got nothing. decrees (naturalni shtrafy) issued in the fall of 1932 became interested in how the whole mythology got whereby foodstuffs were removed from the houses of started and what it meant for the Soviet Union and why They got another famine in 1947. When you first the villagers, ostensibly as a penalty for not giving it was taken over by independent Ukraine. started raising this issue and writing about it, how was over the grain which they did not have, large scale I asked historians in Ukraine when this expression the your work received in Ukraine? As far as I know, you death had to be certain. But now I’d like to ask you, “Great Fatherland War” first appeared. No one knew or are the only historian who is looking at this aspect of to what extent is Holodomor becoming an important cared. So I started doing some research. The term was, the construction of historical myth in Ukraine. aspect of the educational process in Ukraine? Has it in fact, invented on the first actual day of the war, that is become part of the common consciousness? on June 22, 1941. The next day it appeared in Pravda in Part of the answer would be in the fact that at first an article by Emilian Yaroslavsky titled “The Great only one paper in Ukraine agreed to take my articles on Not yet. The Italian historian Andrea Grasiozi made Fatherland War of the Soviet People.” In this article you this topic. Now publications on this subject abound and an interesting comment. He said that great calamities are can see the coalescing of various aspects that were used they are getting pretty close to my perspective on the internalized by a society as they happen and become for propaganda purposes and for forging the myth that war. These interpretations are also spreading to academ- part of the collective memory. But it is hard to resusci- this was a “war for the fatherland.” ic conferences and publications tate the memory of the Famine since it was so strongly The three components of the myth are: a) the patriot- denied for several generations. Most Ukrainians grew up Perhaps we could touch on the Famine of 1932- ism and élan of the Soviet people, b) the liberation of without any personal experience of this atrocity and 1933 for a moment. You have been over the years Ukraine, and c) of victory of the Soviet people. My with no outside information about it. very outspoken on this tragedy. You have published research and reflection on the German-Soviet war have It is interesting to compare in this respect what is widely on this subject as well, including a recent led me to conclude that for the vast majority of done by the Jewish community to preserve and honor entry in the MacMillan Encyclopedia. Is there still Ukrainians it had little to do with patriotism, it did not the memory of the Holocaust in Ukraine and what the resistance to the idea of the Famine as genocide? liberate Ukraine and the Soviet soldiers can hardly be Ukrainian state and the Ukrainian nation is doing with considered as the real victors. Yes! No serious scholar would deny that the Famine regard to the Holodomor. There are already several took place; most agree that it was man-made, and that Holocaust museums and research and study centers In Europe the commemoration of the end of the devoted to that topic. war the Soviet authorities were responsible. Many Russian takes place on May 8. In Russia and Ukraine the The Ukrainian authorities so far have been spending date is May 9. Why is there this discrepancy? scholars accept this. They are primarily interested in the famine in the RSFSR. Some in fact are suggesting that all their energy on discussion of various half-baked proj- I examined this question also. On the 8th of May Russians are also victims of genocide. The question that ects. At the same time they continue to treat German 1945 Stalin decreed that there would be a holiday on the is debated amongst scholars is: Can it be called geno- occupation as the greatest evil and push the Famine- 9th of May, and so Victory Day was celebrated in 1945, cide? If so, was it a national genocide, or was it against Genocide into the background. Nazi crimes are present- 1946 and 1947. But by 1947 (on December 27 to be pre- the peasantry. ed as being larger than Communist ones and the myth of cise) a decree was issued that the 9th of May 1948 was I maintain that Ukrainians were targeted as a group. the Great Fatherland War is dominant. In my opinion, going to be a regular workday. The fact that Famine also occurred in Kazakhstan does this is bad for Ukrainians on all scores. Not enough At the same time in 1947 all the invalids on the not negate the Ukrainian genocide. All it means is that intellectual work is being done to bring the Famine into streets in the big cities started to disappear. They ended there were two different groups victimized in a genoci- the consciousness of the citizenry. up on Valam Island, north of St. Petersburg and in other dal attack by the Soviet regime. A resolution has been made to build and organize places of deportation. They were removed in order not A weakness in the Russian claim to national genocide a Ukrainian Institute of National Memory. What do to remind the people of the war. Why? In order to start is the fact that the famine areas in Russia were inhabited you think of this project and what do you think changing the collective memory, to issue a new memory. by ethnically mixed populations, in some of which the ought to be their priority task? The Revolution was the foundation myth and the way Russian population was in the minority. In the the war was remembered would become the consolidat- one-third were Ukrainians. In two-thirds were First of all, the combining under one roof of all the ing myth. Ukrainians. Russian sources call these people Russians. atrocities committed against Ukrainians by various In this regard there were two very revealing toasts What has not been done but needs to be done is to look regimes, as it is presented in the present project – Polish, proposed by Stalin at victory banquets. In the first one, at the census for each region and break it down into a set Communist, Nazi – will have the effect of diluting the at the end of May 1945, Stalin singled out the Russian of small units and see if in fact there is a difference central significance of the Holodomor, which was the nation as the guiding nation of the USSR. Nations between the rates of death in Ukrainian and Russian vil- central assault on the Ukrainian nation. Yad Vashem would now bow to the Russian nation. In the second lages, as well as to look at the different policies or dif- deals only with the Holocaust. The Washington museum toast, Stalin raised his glass to the “cogs” of the great ferent ways of implementing the same policies, and so also deals with the Holocaust. Remember that originally state mechanism without whom the people in command on. there was some discussion of building a Holodomor could accomplish nothing. How true, but cogs are not Russian historians don’t seem to be interested in this complex that would house a museum and a research liberators or victors, they are just cogs, and that’s the type of research, but Ukrainian historians are not doing center. This project seems to have gone by the wayside. way Stalin liked it. After Stalin’s death the “party” this either. This would give a more exact picture of the This is a serious mistake. replaced him as the main authority focus. ethnic composition of the famine victims who died. One There should be two separate institutions: a Famine- In 1965 Brezhnev brought back the May 9 holiday problem with the Ukrainian presentation is that it often Genocide Institute and an Institute of National Memory, and monuments started going up. In Kyiv we have the restricts itself to Ukrainian state territories, but even say dedicated to the 20th century, which would include deservedly maligned metal monstrosity of a woman there it does not give national breakdown in the ethni- material on all the repressions, in the various decades, that warrior, spoiling the graceful silhouette of Kyiv’s right cally mixed area. were initiated by Soviets and Nazis. The Famine [of 1932- bank. May 9 replaced Revolution Day as the Soviet Union’s main holiday. Independent Ukraine took the What were the conditions for Germans and Jews (Continued on page 19) No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 11

at Ms. Tymoshenko for allowing her Rada in crisis... national deputies to fling eggs at him. (Continued from page 1) “In all my years as a national deputy, I price, are trying to get into power and don’t remember such a tense situation in gain the corresponding authority at any the session hall,” Mr. Zvarych said. price,” he stated. “This is evidence that a significant por- Both Our Ukraine Legal Department tion of deputies’ body realizes how fla- Chair Roman Zvarych and Yulia grantly the Rada chair of Ukraine violat- Tymoshenko announced their political ed regulations and how he cynically vio- blocs had submitted court complaints to lated their rights.” contest the formation of the Anti-Crisis The Anti-Crisis Coalition emerged despite the fact that the Party of the Coalition, which they alleged was illegal Regions is a pro-business party and the because it violated the democratic coali- Communists had long ago accused Mr. tion agreement signed on June 22. Moroz of betraying Ukraine’s left-wing “Given that the Constitution [of ideals. Ukraine] doesn’t allow for the simultane- “The Communists are demonstrating ous existence of two coalitions of we know how to reach the correct con- deputies’ factions, we will demand that clusions in a certain situation,” said Petro the court recognize as illegitimate the ... Symonenko, the leader of the Anti-Crisis Coalition’s agreement,” Mr. Communist Party. Zvarych said. “In this situation, we took the step Additionally, the Constitution requires toward compromise that provides a pos- that anyone leaving a coalition agree- sibility to create a realistic leadership in Zenon Zawada ment has to give partners 10 days’ notice, the Rada and begin the Rada’s work. We something Mr. Moroz failed to do. Socialist Party National Deputy Ivan Bokyi accuses Yulia Tymoshenko of order- don’t deny earlier statements we made. As a result, Ukraine’s Parliament cur- ing her national deputies to throw eggs at him in the Verkhovna Rada on July 11. We know Oleksander Oleksandrovych rently has a functioning, pro-Russian Moroz. We know his positive and nega- majority coalition that hasn’t demonstrat- tured in the last three months large sup- New elections would cost the tive qualities. But, in this situation, the ed a tangible agreement, as well as a port from the Socialist Party and Our Ukrainian government $100 million, Verkhovna Rada has to work.” legally binding, pro-Western coalition Ukraine voters who are disenchanted which is approximately what the March When asked by a Lviv reporter to con- that has no chance of revival. with their leaders, political experts said. 2006 elections cost, said Maryna firm if the Communist Party received Fist fights and deafening police alarms Though many of Mr. Moroz’s support- Stavnyichuk of the Central Election money for their votes, Mr. Symonenko couldn’t prevent Rada Chairman Moroz ers would remain loyal to him, his act of Commission. was visibly irritated. from submitting Viktor Yanukovych as betrayal has cost the Socialist Party a sig- All the political heavyweights have “I am sick of your stupid questions,” the Anti-Crisis Coalition’s nominee for nificant part of its electorate, said Oles mobilized citizens to launch protests in he told the reporter from the Vysokyi prime minister to President Viktor Donii, chair of the Kyiv-based Center for Kyiv that will likely last for weeks. Zamok newspaper. “Just as we were hon- Yushchenko the same day. Political Values Research, which is sup- Revealing its solidarity with Ms. est and principled, that’s how we Pro-Western national deputies also ported by Ukrainian citizens. Tymoshenko, the Pora Citizens’ Party remain.” couldn’t prevent the eventual nomination Ms. Tymoshenko said she supports leg- pitched more than 50 tents on Kyiv’s Tymoshenko Bloc National Deputy and election of Communist Adam islation to raise the qualifying barrier for Independence Square and asked that Mykola Tomenko accused the Party of Martyniuk as the Rada’s first vice-chair- Parliament from the 3 percent that was in Ukrainians join them in their act of civil the Regions of setting up a $250 million man, which was announced at 11:32 p.m. effect for the March 2006 elections. disobedience until the president dismiss- slush fund to buy the votes of national on July 11. “I am convinced that neither the es the Parliament. deputies. Besides legal action, Ms. Tymoshenko Socialists nor the Communists, who even Meanwhile, 1,500 Party of the After the session, Mr. Moroz declared that she wants President Viktor united their names today with clans, Regions supporters have been arriving announced that three national deputies Yushchenko to dismiss the Verkhovna criminals, corruption, oligarchs, will from other cities and protesting in front had defected into the Anti-Crisis Rada and to unite her bloc with Our make it into Parliament, regardless if the of the Verkhovna Rada, calling for Mr. Coalition: Oleksander Volkov and Ukraine in the subsequent elections. barrier is raised or not,” she told Yanukovych to become prime minister Volodymyr Zaplatynskyi of Our Ukraine “I think that if pre-term elections are reporters on July 11. and the other parties to unite behind and Volodymyr Zubyk of the held out of this chaos, which was created It’s unclear how President Yushchenko him. Tymoshenko Bloc. by unnatural coalitions, there’s only one will deal with the emergence of a parlia- The July 11 violent fiasco in way out: obtain additional authority from mentary coalition that is hostile to his Parliament came exactly one year after the people,” Ms. Tymoshenko said. “If foreign policy goal of drawing Ukraine the Communists brawled with pro-busi- pre-term elections are held, absolutely closer to the North Atlantic Treaty ness forces to prevent them from passing our bloc will enter them with dignity and Organization and the European Union. bills needed for Ukraine’s accession into in full union with Our Ukraine.” So far, Mr. Yushchenko has called for the World Trade Organization. New elections are common in negotiations to resolve the crisis, rather This time around, it was Our Ukraine European democracies, she said, as in than any drastic action. and Tymoshenko Bloc deputies throwing times of crisis, leaders ask the voters to On July 12, the Ukrainian president the punches and blaring emergency return to the polls in order to reaffirm invited Mr. Moroz, Mr. Yanukovych and sirens. their support. Party of the Regions leaders for coalition Chairman Moroz opened the session, Ms. Tymoshenko would stand to gain discussions at the Presidential Secretariat. declaring an end to the democratic coali- It’s apparent that the Our Ukraine bloc the most in new elections, having cap- tion and the birth of an Anti-Crisis would split if its leaders decide to join a Coalition comprising the Socialists, the broad coalition with the Party of the Communists and the Party of the Regions Regions and the Socialists. consisting of 238 national deputies. While acting Prime Minister Yurii He entered the session hall behind Yekhanurov favors Our Ukraine uniting dozens of Party of the Regions national with the Party of the Regions, other bloc deputies who formed a protective barrier members such as Mykola Katerynchuk around the chair’s rostrum. said they would never join such a coali- When Mr. Moroz called for a vote fol- tion. lowing the announcement of the Anti- After meeting with Mr. Yushchenko Crisis Coalition, Our Ukraine and the night of July 11 for 90 minutes, Mr. Tymoshenko Bloc deputies blocked a Moroz said President Yushchenko would main aisle to prevent Regions deputies support a broad coalition. from returning to their seats to vote. Despite the chaos in the Verkhovna As the pro-Western deputies pushed Zenon Zawada Rada, the president hasn’t directly the Regions members back, the latter Our Ukraine Legal Department Chair addressed the events, instead allowing responded with a push forward, and the Roman Zvarych. Secretariat Chair Oleh Rybachuk to com- two groups rocked back and forth in what ment that the Anti-Crisis Coalition vio- looked like a wave. lates the Constitution and the When Tymoshenko Bloc National Parliament’s regulations. Deputy Oleksander Turchynov attempted Tired Though forming a broad coalition with to take to the rostrum, Oleksander Stoyan the Party of the Regions and the of the Party of the Regions began smack- Socialists remains an apparent option for ing him over the head with a newspaper. of second-hand Our Ukraine, Mr. Yushchenko hasn’t In this fashion, the first scuffling and ruled out dismissing the Parliament fighting erupted. news? either, Mr. Rybachuk said. He can do so Highlights included a national deputy Zenon Zawada Read The Weekly to get the news as of July 25, he said. getting flipped off his feet, another sus- first hand as reported Viktor Yanukovych, who has been Meanwhile, Mr. Katerynchuk said pro- taining a broken nose and an egg splatter- and prepared nominated by the Verkhovna Rada’s Western forces plan to block the ing the suit of Socialist National Deputy Anti-Crisis Coalition to become Parliament’s activity until about that Ivan Bokyi. by our experienced team Ukraine’s next prime minister. time. During a break, Mr. Bokyi lashed out of editors and correspondents. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29

Yonkers festival highlighted by performances of area dance ensembles by Karen Chelak singers and dancers. their pride for their Ukrainian heritage. Folk Dance Ensemble of Bound Brook, The festival ran from Friday, June 16, The schools that performed throughout N.J., both directed by Hryhoriy Momot; YONKERS, N.Y. – There could not have been a more beautiful day for the through Sunday, June 18. Each day was the weekend included the Iskra Dance the Obrij Folk Dance Ensemble, created 21st annual Ukrainian Heritage Festival as fun-filled as the one before with non- Ensemble from Whippany, N.J., under the and directed by Roman Lewkowicz; and in Yonkers, N.Y., sponsored by St. stop food and drink, as well as rides, artistic direction of Andrij Cybyk; the finally the School of Ballroom Dance of Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church. games and vendors. There was not a sin- Roma Pryma Bohachevsky School from New York City. The smell of cotton candy and pop- gle face without a smile. Manhattan and the Barvinok Ukrainian The beautiful costumes complimented corn, as well as that of varenyky and Yet, the most exciting aspect of the Dance Ensemble from Astoria, N.Y., both the superb dancing of each and every one kovbasa, wafted through the warm sum- festival had to have been the wonderful directed by Orlando and Larisa Pagan; the of the talented performers. The exhilarat- mer air as crowds gathered to watch the dancers who put on a spectacular show, Ukrainian American Youth Association ing Hopaks and the exotic regional dances exceptional performances by the featured proud to display their talent, as well as Dancers of Yonkers and the Barvinok all added to a truly unforgettable weekend.

The intermediate/advanced group of the Iskra Dance Ensemble of Whippany, N.J., Russ Chelak performs a Hutsul dance. The Barvinok Folk Dance Ensemble of Bound Brook, N.J., performs.

The senior dancers of Iskra Dance Ensemble, Whippany, N.J., under the artistic direction of Andrij Cybyk, prepare to perform a gypsy dance. From left are: Dancers from the Roma Pryma Bohachevsky School in Manhattan perform Maria Kavatsiuk, Alya Kuzyszyn, Nicole Berezny, Deanna Rakowsky, Lara a lively Hopak. Chelak and Anna Chelak. 30th annual Ukrainian Street Festival held in New York City NEW YORK – The streets of New York City came Church on May 19-21. The featured dancers includ- Ukrainian Dance Ensemble of Astoria, N.Y.; and the alive with Ukrainian food, dance and song at the ed Iskra Dance Ensemble of Whippany, N.J.; renowned semi-professional ensemble Syzokryli 30th annual Seventh Street Ukrainian Festival Barvinok of Bound Brook, N.J.; the Roma Pryma under the artistic direction of Andrij Cybyk. Below sponsored by the St. George Ukrainian Catholic Bohachevsky School from Manhattan; the Barvinok are some of the young dancers at the festival.

Russ Chelak No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 13 Five scholars receive John Kolasky Memorial Fellowships for 2005-2006

by Bohdan Klid for his activities in defense of human Kyiv-based writer Yurii Pokalchuk was in tions. In Edmonton she spoke on the Edmonton to work on an anthology of reception of Ukrainian literature in the E DMONTON – In 2005-2006 there rights and sentenced to a seven-year term Alberta prose writings to be published in U.S. and Canada. Following her stay in were five recipients of the John Kolasky in forced-labor camps, to be followed by Ukraine. Hosted by CIUS at the U of A, Canada, Prof. Luchuk went to the United Memorial Fellowship: Viktor five years’ exile. Dr. Pokalchuk worked with George States to continue her research. Brekhunenko, Olha Luchuk, Myroslav Released in 1987, he returned to Melnyk, professor in the Faculty of Prof. Luchuk is the author of Marynovych, Yurii Pokalchuk and Iryna Ukraine, where he taught the history of Communication and Culture, University of “Dialohichna Pryroda Literatury” (The Tiurmenko. religion in Ukraine at the Drohobych Calgary, on selecting the writings. He also Dialogic Nature of Literature), published in The first Kolasky Fellow to come to Pedagogical Institute (1990-1994). Since consulted with Jars Balan of CIUS and 2004, and of scholarly articles on transla- Canada was Ms. Tiurmenko, professor of 1997 he has been associated with the Lviv with the Alberta writers Rudy Wiebe, tion and literary studies. She is also a co- history at the National University of Food Theological Academy (Ukrainian Catholic Robert Kroetsch, Myrna Kostash and author and compiler of “Sto Rokiv and Technology in Kyiv. Her subject was University since 2003) as director of its Yunosti” (One Hundred Years of Youth), an the life and activities of Metropolitan Institute of Religion and Society and, since Candace Jane Dorsey. The planned anthology of 20th century Ukrainian poetry Ilarion (Ivan Ohiienko) and the Ukrainian 2000, as vice-rector for external affairs. anthology consists of writings by 20 in English translation, published in 2000. diaspora. Mr. Marynovych is the author of numer- authors on the theme of love in Alberta. The visits by the five John Kolasky In Winnipeg, Prof. Tiurmenko did ous works on religion, politics and human For the past 15 years, Dr. Pokalchuk has Memorial Fellows in 2005-2006 are further research at the Consistory of the Ukrainian rights. His latest book, “Ukrayinska ideia i been a volunteer social worker dealing testimony to the success of the fellowship Orthodox Church of Canada, the Ukrainian Khrystyianstvo” (The Ukrainian Idea and with juvenile delinquents. While in program. Each Kolasky Fellow is required Cultural and Educational Center Christianity), was published in 2003. Edmonton, he gave a lecture co-sponsored to conduct research or work on a project (Oseredok) and the University of From January to April, Dr. by the Ukrainian Canadian Archives and and to give lectures to academic and Manitoba. She also worked in the Brekhunenko, head of the Division of the Museum of Alberta on working with Ukrainian community audiences. Many of Ukrainian-related collections of the Library History and Theory of Archaeography, Ukraine’s juvenile delinquents in the cre- the Kolasky Fellows are distinguished and Archives of Canada in Ottawa. Prof. Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography, ative arts. On his way back to Ukraine, Dr. scholars and experts who have been able to Tiurmenko was hosted and assisted by National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Pokalchuk stopped for a brief stay in many individuals and institutions, among (Kyiv), was in Toronto, Winnipeg and Toronto, where he spoke about his life as achieve their scholarly goals as a result of them Dr. Roman Yereniuk of Winnipeg, Edmonton to conduct research on the an author and community activist and read their stays in Canada and have shared their the Rev. Ihor Okhrymchuk of Ottawa, the typology of Kozak communities in Eastern some of his poems. wealth of knowledge with academic and Rev. Ihor Kutash of Montreal, the Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. Dr. Pokalchuk is the author of some 15 community audiences in many Canadian Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Hosted initially by the CIUS office at books of prose and poetry and the vocalist cities. (Communities that would like a Church of Canada and the Volyn Society. the University of Toronto, Dr. and lyricist of the Ukrainian rock/jazz member of the CIUS academic staff or a During her stay in Canada, Prof. Brekhunenko spent most of his stay in group Vohni Velykoho Mista. His latest visiting scholar, such as a John Kolasky Tiurmenko appeared often before scholar- Winnipeg, where he was hosted by Dr. two collections of short stories, Memorial Fellow, to give an address, ly and Ukrainian community audiences, Roman Yereniuk of St. Andrew’s College, “Pamorochlyvyi zapakh Dzhunhliv” (The should contact the Canadian Institute of where she gave lectures on the state- and at CIUS in Edmonton. In Winnipeg, Disorienting Fragrance of Jungles) and Ukrainian Studies, 780-492-2972. building views of Metropolitan Ilarion, he worked in the archive of Metropolitan “Zaboroneni Ihry” (Forbidden Games), Sponsoring scholars and other profes- the architecture of the Ukrainian Baroque Ilarion, while in Edmonton he worked were published in 2005-2006. He has also sionals from Ukraine to work on a project style, Ukrainian culture between the largely in the U of A Library. written scholarly studies on contemporary or do research in Canada continues to be Scythian-Sarmatian and Classical periods, While in Canada, Dr. Brekhunenko lec- Latin American literature and on alienation of critical importance, as Ukraine’s educa- the introduction of Christianity in Kyivan tured on the Muscovite conception of the among youth in North America. Dr. tional and scholarly institutions are still Rus’, and the Hetmanate of the 17th and Pereiaslav Agreement of 1654 and on Pokalchuk has served as president and extremely underfunded. 18th centuries. political developments in Ukraine since vice-president of the Association of The John Kolasky Memorial She is the author of the monograph the Orange Revolution. He also spoke on Ukrainian Writers and as a member of Endowment Fund was established as the “Derzhavnytska Diialnist’ Ivana Ohiienka the Dnipropetrovsk school of Ukrainian Ukraine’s National Radio and Television Ukraine Exchange Fellowship (Mytropolyta Ilariona)” (State-Oriented Kozak history, the Treaty of Pereiaslav Council. Endowment Fund in 1990 by William and Activities of Ivan Ohiienko [Metropolitan (1654), Russo-Ukrainian relations and the In March and April, Prof. Luchuk, of Justine Fedeyko, Peter Kindrachuk (1912- Ilarion]), published in 1998, as well as current work of the Institute of Ukrainian the Faculty of International Affairs at the 1998) and Pauline Kindrachuk, and John many articles on his life and activities. Archaeography. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Kolasky (1915-1997) in order to support She has published articles on Ukrainian Dr. Brekhunenko, a leading specialist and head of the English Department at the Ukrainian scholars and professionals con- culture and learning and on Kozak in the early history of Kozak Ukraine, is Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, was ducting scholarly research or updating Ukraine and is co-editor of the textbook the author of more than 80 scholarly hosted by the Petro Jacyk Program at the skills in Canada. The fund was renamed in Kulturolohiia: Teoriiia ta Istoriia Kultury works, including the monograph University of Toronto’s Center for early 1998 in honor of its initiator and co- (Cultural Studies: The Theory and History “Stosunky Ukrayinskoho Kozatstva z European, Russian and Eurasian Studies founder, the late John Kolasky. of Culture), published in 2004. Donom u XVI – seredyni XVII st. and by CIUS at the U of A. Thanks to the generosity of donors, the From January to April, Mr. (Relations between the Ukrainian and Prof. Luchuk came to Canada to capital of the John Kolasky Memorial Marynovych, vice-rector of the Ukrainian Don Kozaks from the 16th to the Mid- research the epistolary legacy of the late Endowment Fund now stands at $750,787, Catholic University in Lviv, was hosted 17th Century), published in 1998. In his Prof. George S. N. Luckyj, a renowned allowing CIUS to sponsor more scholars by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian latest study, “Moskovska Ekspansiia i specialist in Ukrainian literature. She from Ukraine than in previous years. The Studies (CIUS) and the Metropolitan Pereiaslavska Rada 1654 r. (Muscovite worked in Luckyj’s archive at the last large donation ($200,179.88) to the Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Expansion and the Pereiaslav Council of University of Toronto and in the archive fund came in 2004 from the estate of Christian Studies at St. Paul’s University 1654), published in 2005, Dr. of Ivan Lysiak-Rudnytsky at the U of A. William Lipkewich of Vancouver, B.C. in Ottawa. During his stay in Canada, Mr. Brekhunenko traces the origins of In Toronto she gave lectures on George On establishing the fund in 1990, Marynovych conducted research on the Muscovy’s conception of the Treaty of Luckyj and his contemporaries and on Kolasky stated that his goal was to contin- diaspora movement in support of a patri- Pereiaslav in the context of its expansion- new perspectives in contemporary ue fund-raising until the capital reached archate for the Ukrainian Catholic Church ist strategies between the 14th and 17th Ukrainian politics, history and culture. $1 million. Donations to CIUS can be ear- and its influence on the formation of a centuries. She also participated in a roundtable on marked for the John Kolasky Memorial new ecclesiastical identity, as well as on In February and March, the well-known the 2006 Ukrainian parliamentary elec- Endowment Fund. the Church’s attitude to ecumenism. While in Edmonton, Mr. Marynovych worked in the Bohdan Bociurkiw Memorial Library at CIUS, the University of Alberta (U of A) Library and St. Joseph’s College at the U of A. He also delivered the Bohdan Bociurkiw Memorial Lecture on religious freedom in Ukraine and spoke on the dynamics of Ukrainian inter-faith and inter-Church relations. Before community groups in Edmonton, Winnipeg and Toronto, Mr. Marynovych spoke on current politics and the religious situation in Ukraine, on Ukrainian church life and prospects for ecumenism, and on his life as a political prisoner. In Ottawa, Mr. Marynovych conducted research in the St. Paul’s University Library. There he gave lectures on the spiritual experiences of prisoners in the Soviet gulag and on ecclesiastical issues facing a post-totalitarian society. Mr. Marynovych was a co-founder in 1976 of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, a human-rights organization. In April 1977 he was arrested by the Soviet authorities John Kolasky Memorial Fellows for 2006 (from left): Viktor Brekhunenko, Olha Luchuk and Myroslav Marynovych. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29

Administration. “This area is economi- cally very poor, without much industry or CLACLASSSSIFIEDIFIEDSS Hospital(Continued fromopens... page 4) local business, so people are continuing TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI, (973) 292-9800 x 3040 of the Chornobyl disaster this year, the to live off the land as they have for many centuries. Unfortunately this land is con- or e-mail: [email protected] UNDP, CCRDF and other international agencies have been increasing their assis- taminated, and we need to give them as tance to this region to help reduce the much information as possible, so they SERVICES PROFESSIONALS risk of birth defects, pregnancy compli- can reduce their exposure and we need to give them new resources, including new cations and immune deficiencies, as well hospitals and clinics to give them the best as to provide better diagnosis and treat- Dr. Theodosius Krupa chance to prevent and combat illnesses.” ment of oncological illnesses. Kozak Construction Co. Psychiatrist Dr. Zamostyan expressed his great All aspects of home improvement: 138 W. Hanover Ave. In June, CCRDF also delivered a respect for the residents of Tomashhorod parquet, tiles, sheetrock, painting. Morristown, NJ 07960 Fresenius blood cell separator from and surrounding areas: “These are coura- Tel. 201-437-3227 Tel.: (973) 539-4937 Germany to the Rivne Regional geous, determined people, who have 646-279-1910 Hours by appointment Children’s Hospital to help improve sur- taken the initiative to improve their own vival and recovery rates for children suf- lives. They are not giving up. They are fering from leukemia. ïêàëíàçÄ ÅêéÑàç building their future.” In late July, CCRDF will also be èðÓÙÂÒ¥ÈÌËÈ ÔðÓ‰‡‚ˆ¸ CARDIOLOGIST For more information on health care proj- Á‡·ÂÁÔ˜ÂÌÌfl ìçë installing new equipment at a newly con- ects in the Rivne Oblast readers may please CHRISTINE BRODYN Petro Lenchur, MD, FACC structed maternity hospital in the village contact the Children of Chornobyl Relief Licensed Agent Board Certified: of Volodymyrets, located between the and Development Fund, 272 Old Short Hills Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. Cardiovascular Disease, Interventional, Rivne Atomic Energy Station in Road, Short Hills, NJ 07078; telephone, Nuclear Cardiology, Internal Medicine Kuznetsovsk and serving other settle- 973-376-5140; e-mail, info-ua@childrenof- ments contaminated by Chornobyl. 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280 Parsippany, NJ 07054 The only Ukrainian-speaking Interventional; or contact Dr. Mykola “These are communities that want to Movchan at the U.N. Development Program Tel.: (973) 292-9800 (Ext. 3039) • Fax: (973) 292-0900 Cardiologist in NY and NJ. build a better future for their children,” office in Kyiv: phone, 044-253-50-68; e- In-office cardiac testing at two convenient said Oksana Zalipska of the Rivne Oblast mail, [email protected]. The locations: 776 E. Third Ave. 1432 Hylan Blvd. Ukraine scored positively only on four of LUNA BAND Roselle, NJ 07203 Staten Island, NY 10305 these factors. On the other hand, 15 factors Music for weddings, zabavas, (908) 241-5545 (718) 351-9292 Reforming... festivals, anniversary celebrations. (Continued from page 6) received a negative correlation, including OLES KUZYSZYN phone/fax: (732) 636-5406 Initiative and incorporate suggestions most factors related to lack of independ- e-mail: [email protected] provided in that analysis. This report, the ence in the judicial decision-making and GEORGE B. KORDUBA Judicial Reform Index for Ukraine, external interference in other aspects of the Counsellor at Law assesses how the conditions related to work of the judiciary, dire financial condi- Emphasis on Real Estate, Wills, Trusts and Elder Law judicial reform and judicial independence tions of the courts, and lack of transparen- Ward Witty Drive, P.O. Box 249 in Ukraine correlate with fundamental cy of court proceedings and documents. MONTVILLE, NJ 07045 international standards in this area. The It is hoped that the debate on judicial Hours by Appointment Tel.: (973) 335-4555 judiciary is analyzed through a prism of reforms will continue and that the 30 factors covering areas such as judicial Parliament of Ukraine, after it begins qualification and education, judicial pow- functioning, will seriously consider all ers, financial resources, structural safe- views, including those of the judges of guards, accountability and transparency, Ukraine, before it adopts reform that will LAW OFFICIES OF and efficiency of the judicial system. affect judicial independence for many ZENON B. MASNYJ, ESQ. Unfortunately, the results illustrate that years to come.

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Fine Gifts Authentic Ukrainian Handicrafts Art, Books, CDs, Ceramics Andrew R. CHORNY EARN EXTRA INCOME! AN OPEN INVITATION Embroidered Goods and Supplies Manager The Ukrainian Weekly is looking Gold Jewelery, Icons, Magazines TO LOCAL COMMUNITY ACTIVISTS Newspapers, Pysankas and Supplies for advertising sales agents. All Services to Ukraine, Mail-orders For additional information contact Would you like fellow Ukrainians to know about events in your community? Maria Oscislawski, Advertising Would you like to become one of The Ukrainian Weekly’s correspondents? Tel.: (416) 762-8751 Fax: (416) 767-6839 Manager, The Ukrainian Weekly, e-mail: [email protected] Then what are you waiting for? (973) 292-9800, ext 3040. The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes submissions Ukrainian Book Store from local community activists. Largest selection of Ukrainian books, dance You may reach The Weekly by phone, supplies, Easter egg supplies, music, icons, (973) 292-9800; fax, (973) 644-9510; greeting cards, giftwear and much more. WANT IMPACT? e-mail, [email protected]; 10215-97st Run your advertisement here, or mail, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Edmonton, AB T5J 2N9 in The Ukrainian Weekly’s Parsippany, NJ 07054. Toll free: 1-866-422-4255 CLASSIFIEDS section. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29 15

Reuters reported. Mr. Hadley noted that NEWSBRIEFS President Bush has a good relationship (Continued from page 2) with the Russian president, “and one of the reasons he does is because he thinks Interfax reported. “If fresh elections take it is important for him to be able to sit place, our party will definitely participate down privately with President Putin and in them in a union with Our Ukraine,” speak his mind and for President Putin to It is with great sorrow that we announce the death she said, adding that the Socialist Party of our beloved husband,† father and grandfather. feel comfortable to do the same.” For his and the Communist Party could find part, Mr. Putin told the BBC on July 10 themselves left out of Verkhovna Rada that he considers President Bush “my following new elections. “I believe that if friend” and a man with whom he can early elections are held, a transition to a ANDREW KEYBIDA comfortably do business. (RFE/RL two-party system will take place,,” Ms. Newsline) Tymoshenko said. (RFE/RL Newsline) on Wednesday, July 5, 2006, at the age of 89. Leaders invited to Babyn Yar forum Regions calls for end to confrontation The funeral services were held on Monday, July 10, KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko at 9:30 a.m. at St. John’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, Newark, NJ, KYIV – Yevhen Kushnariov, the has invited world leaders and heads of followed by interment at Gates of Heaven Cemetery, East Hanover, NJ leader of the Party of the Regions caucus international organizations to a forum in the Verkhovna Rada, has urged marking the 65th anniversary of the President Viktor Yushchenko to call on In profound sorrow are: Babyn Yar tragedy. The president said he the Our Ukraine faction to abandon what Wife, Evelyn Eugenia believes such events will be “an integral he described as its policy of confronta- Daughter, Andrea Severini part of the continuous international effort tion, Interfax reported on July 11. “The Son, Dr. Robert Keybida with his wife Diane to honor the victims of Nazism.” Babyn people of Ukraine are witnessing an Granchildren, Christopher and Melissa Keybida Yar, the site of a mass grave of thousands aggressive and meaningless position of people massacred by German Nazi SS Lauren Severini assumed by two ‘Orange’ factions – the squads, is one of the first tragic pages of Thomas Severini with his wife Michele Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc and Our the Holocaust, but Ukrainians remember Ukraine. They are demonstrating their it as the place where thousands of Soviet Vichnaya Pamiat! – Eternal Memory! cynicism and their profound disrespect prisoners of war were tortured and killed, for the Ukrainian Parliament and the In lieu of flowers, contributions in Andrew’s memory may be made to: he said. “We have a chance to remind the Ukrainian people,” Mr. Kushnariov said. St. John’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, 719 Sanford Ave, Newark, NJ 07106 world and particularly the young genera- He admitted that the Party of the Regions tion of the importance of remembering has blocked the work of the Verkhovna the lessons of history and preventing Rada, but said it did so to protest anti-Semitism, xenophobia and ethnic attempts by the Orange coalition to vio- intolerance,” he added. (Official Website late the country’s Constitution and to of the President of Ukraine) usurp power. (RFE/RL Newsline) Putin slams U.S. vice-president Rybachuk meets with EU, G-8 envoys MOSCOW – President Vladimir Putin KYIV – Presidential Secretariat Chief told Western television broadcasters in of Staff Oleh Rybachuk met with Moscow on July 12 that he will listen to European Union and G-8 ambassadors to what he called “well-intentioned criti- discuss the current parliamentary crisis. MIRON F. SUL cism” at the upcoming summit of the He said President Viktor Yushchenko was Group of Eight (G-8) industrialized going to meet with parliamentary leaders countries, international and Russian and Verkhovna Rada Chairman news agencies reported. Mr. Putin Oleksander Moroz on July 12 in order to stressed, however, that he rejects any jointly resolve the conflict. Mr. Rybachuk attempts to “interfere” in Russia’s added that the president would be able to domestic affairs, by whatever means, dissolve the Parliament on July 25 On April 5, 2006, at the age of 71, Miron F. Sul died, leaving behind and under whatever pretext, “including because “no government will probably be his wife, Maria, and son, Andrei. The deceased was a famous the idea that our society needs democra- formed by that time.” He added, tization ... We consider this absolutely Ukrainian scientist, Merited Geologist of Ukraine and one of the chief “However, this is the last tool the presi- unacceptable.” The Russian president dent can use. He will not do it [dismiss directors of the Lviv Geological Research Expedition Center. During characterized U.S. Vice President Dick Parliament] if there is the slightest Cheney’s criticism two months ago of his lifetime Miron made significant contributions in historic geological chance to make the Verkhovna Rada several aspects of Russian policy “a compromise and unite Ukraine,” he said. excavations resulting in economic profit to Ukraine and mankind. failed hunting shot.” Mr. Cheney acci- Mr. Rybachuk said the president insisted dentally shot and wounded a friend dur- that parliamentarians should observe the ing a quail hunt in February. Mr. Putin Constitution and other laws, and expect- MAY GOD REST HIS SOUL! also said that Mr. Cheney’s concerns ed them to work constructively. (Official about Russia engaging in “energy black- Website of the President of Ukraine) mail do not seem sincere and hence are Ukrainian minister talks with Gazprom unconvincing.” The Russian president likened Western criticism of his coun- KYIV – Fuel and Energy Minister try’s democracy to the colonialist men- Ivan Plachkov held talks with Gazprom tality of a century ago. “There are differ- To: Our Canadian Subscribers Deputy Chairman Aleksandr Ryazanov to ences between countries, and it could be From: Subscription Department obtain guarantees that Gazprom will sup- very dangerous to ignore these,” he ply Ukraine with 16.9 billion cubic added. Defending himself against RE: Delivery of The Ukrainian Weekly meters of gas at $95 per 1,000 cubic Western critics who say that Russia does meters in October-November 2006, not meet the political or economic crite- Do you have a postal service problem? Kommersant-Ukrayiny reported on July ria for G-8 membership, Mr. Putin said 7. In return, according to the newspaper, that he considers Russian membership in 1. The first step is to bring your concern to your local post office. the Ukrainian side offered to support that body “natural.” (RFE/RL Newsline) Gazprom in agreeing to a united position 2. If your concern is still not resolved, the second step is to on the question of further purchases of Lithuania slams Russian ‘blackmail’ contact the Customer Service Department at Canada Post at Turkmen gas. Kommersant-Ukrayiny (800) 267-1177. added that Mr. Plachkov agreed to pay BERLIN – Lithuanian President off all debts Ukraine owes Gazprom by Valdas Adamkus said in Berlin on July 11 that Russia is using energy policy as a 3. If you still have a concern, you may request that the the end of August and to convene a meet- Ombudsman at Canada Post review your case. ing of the founders of the International form of “blackmail,” the dpa news serv- ice reported. Mr. Adamkus charged that Consortium for the Management and The Ombudsman is the final appeal authority in the dispute Development of the Ukrainian Gas Moscow responded to Lithuania’s recent decision to sell a refinery to a Polish resolution process at Canada Post and is committed to help improve Transportation System on July 12. postal services for all Canadians. (RFE/RL Newsline) company instead of a Russian one with “hints that crude oil deliveries could be Bush to speak to Putin ‘frankly’ halted. This has nothing to do with world The Office of the Ombudsman offers its services market prices. I call that political black- free of charge to all Canadians. MOSCOW – Stephen Hadley, who is mail.” He added, “Those who control President George W. Bush’s national your energy supply control you political- P.O. Box 90026, Ottawa, Ont. K1V 1J8 security adviser, said in Moscow on July ly. This is unacceptable.” President 10 that at the Group of Eight (G-8) sum- Telephone: (800) 204-4198, Fax: (800) 204-4193 Adamkus urged the Russian authorities to mit Mr. Bush will raise concerns about guarantee their pledges of gas and oil Russian democracy with President deliveries at the upcoming G-8 summit. Vladimir Putin “frankly but privately,” (RFE/RL Newsline) 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29 No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 17

NOTESNOTES ONON PEOPLEPEOPLE Joins law firm in Charleston CHARLESTON, W. Va. – Nikolas Tysiak on June 15 joined the Business Department of the Steptoe & Johnson law firm. He plans to work in the fields of energy and real estate law at the firm’s Charleston office in West Virginia. Mr. Tysiak graduated from Washing- ton College of Law at American University in May 2005. A member of Ukrainian National Association Branch 13, he is a past recipient of a Ukrainian National Association scholarship. He studied at the School of Ukrainian Studies in Watervliet, N.Y., where he was a mem- ber of the local Ukrainian community. Mr. Tysiak graduated from the College of William and Mary in May 2002 with a B.A. in government and history, while also studying Spanish and Russian. Nikolas Tysiak During his college experience, in the summer of 2001, Mr. Tysiak worked as Work at the Department of Labor and an intern at the Ukrainian National the Department of Justice and tending to Information Service in Washington. his own clients at the Washington Several of his articles, in which he inte- College of Law Civil Practice Clinic grated his legal interests with the con- helped Mr. Tysiak to further develop his cerns of Ukrainian Americans, appeared legal experience. in The Ukrainian Weekly. Topics ranged Mr. Tysiak is the son of Slavko and from human trafficking to reparations for Cynthia Tysiak of West Sand Lake, N.Y. forced laborers. His father is a newly elected UNA auditor.

Valedictorian at Buffalo school by Judie Hawryluk BUFFALO, N.Y. – Mary J. Michalow, 17, gave the valedictory speech for her graduating class of Mount Mercy Academy in June. Graduation ceremonies were held at Kleinhans Music Hall in Buffalo. Deemed “the crazy class,” Mary noted that it’s the people who see things differ- ently who push the human race forward; that the “crazy ones” who believe they can change the world are the ones who do. Mary attended the local School of Ukrainian Studies and is a member of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization. She will be working with children this summer at the YMCA as a day camp counselor. In the fall Mary will attend Ithaca Mary J. Michalow College (Ithaca, N.Y.) to study journal- ism and English education. Her hard Mary, her sister. Stephanie. and moth- work and diligence won her the Ithaca er, Ulana Pedersen, are all members of College Park Scholar Award, which pro- Ukrainian National Association Branch vides for full tuition, room and board. 360 in Buffalo. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29 No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 19

fulfilling their functions in Ukrainian. a high place on party list in a system that menting on the Fourth Wave of A conversation... Ukrainians no longer need to accept does not elect its members of Parliament Ukrainians coming to the West. (Continued from page 10) this domination of the language of the by proportional representation. colonizer. The recognition of Russian as Secondly, the source of the political I would say that the Third Wave 1933] was the central assault, however, (which was strongly patriotic) did not and it must have its own research center. Ukraine’s second official (state) language illness in my opinion is the country’s sys- would be the beginning of the end of tem of Parliamentary immunity, which integrate well with the previous waves of Should this Famine-Genocide center Ukrainian as Ukraine’s national lan- should rather be called parliamentary immigration. Because of this lack of also include the “Rozstrilane guage. But until Ukrainians have pride impunity. Instead of being a guarantee fusion with the first and second waves, Vidrodzhennia,” the execution of the and respect for their own language things for the elected representatives to fulfill many talented people were lost to the Ukrainian intelligentsia? The terror? will not advance. their responsibilities as representatives of community organizations. The same error their electorate, the system has become a is taking place again. It is important to The starvation of Ukrainian farmers was Is it necessary to reform the protection for dishonest elements against integrate this Fourth Wave. the part of the genocide which was the National Academy of Sciences? How legal prosecution for crimes committed This immigration has a much higher most costly in human life, but it cannot be likely is this to happen? before or during their tenure. level of education, but a much lower treated in isolation from the rest of the level of national consciousness. In the The very name suggests a lack of self- Political parties are not interested in genocide. The assault on the Ukrainian promoting a genuine political culture. Soviet Union, the state controlled every- respect. In France it’s the Académie thing but it also paid for all the activities nation included the decimation of the The spirit of otamanschyna dominates Française. In Russia it’s Rossijiskajya that it sponsored or approved of. This Ukrainian cultural and political elites Ukrainian political life. This means Akademia Nauk. In Poland it’s Polska Fourth Wave had a lot of trouble accept- (Rozstrilane Vidrodzhennia) and this must politicians want privilege. also be included. The Russification of Akademia Nauk! Why not simply call it ing the fact that the Ukraine and Kuban is part of the geno- the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences? It There are still two major cases out- life was organized on voluntary basis and cide. Ukrainians in the RSFSR must be definitely needs reforms, but it is hard to standing: the poisoning of President non-paid community participation. We included. Some mention should be made expect this devalued institution to reform Viktor Yushchenko and the Gongadze don’t have enough psychological studies of the precursor famine (1921-1923) and itself. It would first have to purge its own murder. Will there ever be a just reso- addressing these problems of assimilation the aftermath in the Great Terror. ranks – hardly something we can expect lution to these? and integration and adherence to ethnic these people to do. origins. Do you feel that there are currently What has always puzzled me is why I seriously doubt it. It seems to me that good historians addressing Ukrainian good scholars from the diaspora have everyone at the official level is tired of W hat are you presently working on? issues? accepted to be nominated to this institu- “solving problems,” including Yushchenko. I am just finishing up an article using tion? If they expected to bring about Yushchenko has become a Hamlet. The The problem is that there is not changes, I think they have been mistaken. U.N. criteria to show that the Famine of enough solid work being done by atmosphere in Ukraine is not one where 1932-1933 was indeed genocide. As you people feel support from the authorities in Ukrainian historians. The best work on I’d like to ask you a few political know, the U.N. Convention recognizes only the resolution of such matters. the Armenian genocide has been done by questions, if I may. What are your views four groups as victims of genocide: these . The best work on the Jewish about the ongoing political reform? How would it be possible to interest are national, ethnic, religious and racial. Holocaust has been done by Jews. We Ukrainian financial magnates and oli- Genocide exists where there is action with are, of course, pleased if non-Ukrainians I would hardly call it “reform” if by garchs to become cultural philanthro- intent to destroy one of these groups, in take up work on Ukrainian history but reform we mean change for improve- pists? whole or in part. I’ll be presenting this paper there are not enough Ukrainians in this ment. Two months after parliamentary at the Urbana conference at the end of June. field doing the fundamental work. That elections and there is still no government. This will only happen when they devel- I continue to write on the myth of the work urgently needs to be done. This is as primitive as a political system op a sense of personal dignity and a nation- Great Fatherland War. I would like to pub- can get. I am opposed to proportional al consciousness. I suppose you need finan- lish a French anthology of Podolynsky’s You are one of the few diaspora representation in such a situation as we cial incentives set up, too, like tax deduc- works, which is almost complete but for intellectuals taken seriously in have in Ukraine. In my view it reduces tions for pro-Ukrainian philanthropy. But which I have no sponsor for publication. I Ukraine. One often gets the impression citizen participation in the political life of eventually, some Ukrainian robber barons am revising my article on the Sion- that there is some negativity to the the country, makes deputies dependent on will become Ukrainian philanthropists. Osnova controversy for a publication in diaspora. What can be done to acceler- the party bosses and completely inde- Ukrainian, and I also want to get back to ate a more positive attitude? pendent of the electorate. You cannot buy I wonder if you wouldn’t mind com- the Famine of the ’20s. Serious scholars in Ukraine take seri- ous scholars in the West seriously. Hunczak, Szporluk, Subtelny, Kohut, just to name a few, are well respected by his- torians in Ukraine. Please comment on your view of the contemporary state of the Ukrainian lan- guage. What in your view is a fair resolu- tion of the linguistic situation in Ukraine? To begin with I think that the diaspora capitulated too quickly in the face of the onslaught of Sovietism. The diaspora preserved some of the basic elements of the Ukrainian language. There was no reason to accept the Soviet “pravopys.” In Ukraine, the Russian language is the language of the former colonial power, which has managed to maintain its status of a dominant imperialist lan- guage. The problem is that the Soviet propaganda machine made the Ukrainian people accustomed to accept their subor- dinate colonial status as a normal state of affairs, and they have difficulty in shak- ing this mentality. It is not normal that a member of Parliament not know and publicly use the country’s state language, to say nothing of the arrogance of minis- ters who are too arrogant or linguistically challenged to learn and use Ukrainian in 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29

Rome that he was secretly consecrated Dear Readers! Reunited cousins... by Slipyj in his Moscow hotel room. (Continued from page 4) Bishop Velychkovsky returned to Lviv family received a special invitation from and continued to serve as an under- the Vatican to attend the ceremony. I ground bishop until he was rearrested in The Ukrainian Weekly is have been to Lviv several times since 1969 and sentenced to three years of and I have also seen a memorial plate hard labor in Kommunarsk. At the end of accepting greetings on the that the Lviv city government put on one his term he was released, forbidden to of the buildings where Uncle Vasya lived return to Ukraine, and almost immediate- occassion of the in his honor.” ly sent to Zagreb. After short stays in Bishop Velychkovsky was born on Zagreb and Rome, Bishop Velychkovsky June 1, 1903, in Stanislaviv and educated permanently settled in Winnipeg, where 15th15th AnniversaryAnniversary there. When he was 15 he joined the he died the following June. Ukrainian Galician Army (Ukrainska *** Halytska Armiya) and served during the of the war for the independence of western The Eternal Word Television Network Ukraine. He joined the Redemptorists in (EWTN), the international Catholic cable 1920 and completed his studies at the network, released an hourlong documen- IndependenceIndependence ofof UkraineUkraine Theological Academy in Lviv. tary on the life of Bishop Velychkovsky He made his final profession and was which first aired on June 22. Further We invite individuals, organizations and businesses also ordained by Metropolitan Andrey information can be obtained on the net- to show their pride and support for those individuals Sheptytsky in 1925 and was assigned as work’s website, an instructor at the Redemptorist Minor who through personal dedication and sacrifice Seminary in Zboiska. He conducted mis- have secured a free and independent Ukraine. sions throughout Halychyna at the same Orange Circle... time. In 1935 he was appointed superior (Continued from page 3) Special Rates of the Redemptorists in Stanyslaviv and in 1942 he was named to the same posi- cy analysts; briefings on current econom- 1/8 page – $50 1/2 page – $200 tion in Ternopil. ic and political developments in Ukraine; 1/4 page – $ 100 1 page – $400 Father Velychkovsky was arrested in and national and international confer- Ternopil in April 1945 after organizing a ences and seminars. Please send your greetings, address and mass march of some 20,000 faithful who Led by a small staff of experts with prayed the rosary and protested Soviet backgrounds in business, government telephone number by August 12, 2006, to: policies. He was sent to Kyiv for trial and the non-governmental policy com- and was sentenced to death. After several munity, the Orange Circle links a net- The Ukrainian Weekly months on death row, his sentence was work of eminent political scientists, 15th Anniversary Greetings commuted to 10 years of exile and hard economists, business experts and policy- makers. 2200 Rt. 10 labor as a miner in Vorkuta. He was released in 1955 and allowed to return to The organization’s board of directors PO Box 280 Lviv. includes Adrian Karatnycky, Ihor Parsippany, NJ 07054 In 1958 he was secretly nominated a Bardyn, George Chopivsky, Nadia Diuk, bishop by the Vatican and it wasn’t until Adrian Hewryk, Julian Kulas, Roman Tel.: (973) 292-9800 ext. 3040 1963 when he received a call from then Kyzyk, Alex Motyl, Ambassador e-mail [email protected] Metropolitan Slipyj to immediately come William Green Miller, Ihor Rakowsky to Moscow before the latter’s release to and Jim Temerty. SELF REL IANCE NEW YORK Federal Credit Union Main Office: Effective April 1, 2006 108 Second Avenue the NCUA has increased insurance New York, NY 10003 em limits from $100,000 to $250,000 Tel: 212 473-7310 It Fax: 212 473-3251 ws on Individual Retirement Accounts . Branches: Ne Kerhonkson: 6325 Route 209 Retire in con fidence and style. Kerhonkson, NY 12446 Tel: 845 626-2938 Open an IRA at Self Reliance New York. Fax: 845 626-8636 Uniondale:

IRA’s are your safest and best bet. 226 Uniondale Ave. Uniondale, NY 11553

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Outside NYC call toll-free: 1-888-SELFREL *APY - Annual Percentage Yield. Rates subject to ch ange at any time. Regular, ROTH or Educational IRA ’s available. Visit our website at: NCUA www. E-mail: [email protected] No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 21

Kutztown and Precarpathian universities UKRAINIAN SPORTS FEDERATION OF U.S.A and CANADA continue their academic collaboration This summer USCAK youth games will be held on July 29 and 30 at SUM Camp in Ellenville, NY, USCAK member-clubs and organizations are urged to participate in team and individual sports.


July 29, 2006

Track events ... 5 age groups Swimming events ... 4 age groups Tennis ... 2 age groups Volleyball ... lower age group Soccer ... lower age group July 30, 2006

Soccer ... older age group Volleyball ... older age group

Visiting professors from Precarpathian National University in Ukraine, Natalia Please direct pre-registration to: Chahrak (right) and Iryna Klanichka (second from right), with Pennsylvania State Mr. Roman Pyndus, Secretary Rep. David Argall and Prof. Paula Holoviak of Kutztown University in Pennsylvania. 145 Midland Place, Newark, NJ 07106 Tel.: (973) 375-0668 KUTZTOWN, Pa. – Two professors Paula Holoviak, Ukraine Exchange from Precarpathian National University in Program coordinator, at (610) 683-4452 A ll pre-registrations must be received by July 22, 2006 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, recently visited or [email protected]. Kutztown University in Pennsylvania as part of the renewed collaboration agree- ment between these two institutions of higher education. Prof. Natalia Chahrak of the tourism management department and Prof. Iryna Klanichka of the English Studies program visited Kutztown University on April 4- May 4. During this, their first visit to the United States, the professors lectured to American students regarding education, politics and everyday life in Ukraine. They visited both public and private ele- mentary schools, toured Washington and Philadelphia, and conducted their own research at the Kutztown University library. On April 25 the professors visited the state legislature in Harrisburg as the hon- ored guests of House Majority Whip David Argall and House Speaker John Perzel. The professors were acknowledged on the floor of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and received an extensive private tour of the newly renovated capitol building. Rep. Argall’s district includes Schuylkill County, home to many second- and third-generation Ukrainian Americans. Precarpathian University’s collaborative agreement with Kutztown was signed in 1993 but recently was re-instituted by Kutztown’s new president, Dr. Javier Cevallos, and the new rector of Precarpathian University, Dr. Bohdan Ostafijchuk. The agreement includes stu- dent and faculty exchanges, collaborative academic conferences and research and cultural exchanges. Next summer, American students will be able to earn three to six college credits in language, history or culture while enjoying the beautiful Carpathian Mountains at the Precarpathian University’s facilities. Other planned exchanges will involve sports teams, and music and dance ensembles. Kutztown and Precarpathian universities share similar academic disciplines, making for an ideal match. Both universities train elementary and secondary school teachers, as well as maintain extensive programs in the visual and performing arts, liberal arts and sciences, and business. Kutztown University’s mission includes a strong dedication to internationalizing the curriculum through study abroad pro- grams and student and faculty exchanges around the world. Precarpathian University is seeking to build tourism to the region and to promote the beauty and health benefits of the nearby Carpathian Mountains through its newly created department of tourism. For more information on the Kutztown student exchange program, contact Dr. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29 No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 23 OUT AND ABOUT

July 21-23 North Dakota Ukrainian Festival, “The Year of the Dickinson, ND Churches,” Ukrainian Cultural Institute, 701-483-1486

July 21 Rusalka Open Golf Tournament, Bel Acres Golf and Winnipeg Country Club, 204-795-4360 UKRAINIAN AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION July 22 Barvy ensemble perfomance, Grazhda Music and th Jewett, NY Music and Art Center of Greene County, 518-263-4619 29 ANNUAL CONVENTION July 22 Ukrainian Festival, Voloshky Dancers, NOVEMBER 9 - 12, 2006 Johnson City, NY St. John Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 607-797-1584

July 22 West Island Ukrainian Golf Tournament, Club de Golf To be held at the plush, upper upscale...... Montreal Area, QC Atlantide, 514-932-4545 or 514-694-5957 LOEWS CORONADO BAY RESORT & SPA July 20-Oct. 15 Opening reception for art exhibit “Crossroads: Chicago in Ukraine, 1920-1930,” Chicago Cultural Center, 4000 Coronado Bay Road 312-744-6630 Coronado, California 92118

July 27-30 Ukrainian Food and Fun Festival, St. Mary Ukrainian McKees Rocks, PA Orthodox Church, 412-331-2362 Enjoy the Ultra Low RESERVATIONS: July 29 Luau hosted by the Ukrainian American Citizens’ Philadelphia Association, The Ukie Club, 215-627-8790 UABA Conference Rate: Nightly $169.00 July 30 St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church annual parish Uniondale, NY picnic, St. Vladimir Parish Center, 516-481-7717 Toll Free: (800) 815-6397 or (619) 424- 4000 Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions from all our readers; please send e-mail to Registration is available online at [email protected]. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors and as space allows; photos will be considered. Please note: items With UABA registration already nearing capacity at Loews, for will be printed a maximum of two times each. alternative accommodations now honoring our $169 convention rate, members and guests may contact the nearby GLORIETTA BAY INN: reservations, (888) 267-6236 toll free, or (619) 435-3101. For information log on to: HE KRAINIAN EEKLY Visit our archive Ton theU Internet at: 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2006 No. 29


Saturday, July 29 the Pan Am Hotel. Doors open at 7 p.m. with dance music at 7-8 p.m.. The “Party Ptashat” Soyuzivka’s Datebook J EWETT, N.Y.: “Music at the Grazhda” kids’ dance will be held at 8-9:30 p.m., fol- presents the Grazhda Chamber Music Through August 28, 2006 August 5, 2006 lowed by the youth “Vechirka” beginning at Every Monday: Steak Night with Dance Camp performance 2 p.m., Society, with Alexandre Brussilovsky, violin; 10 p.m. Live music will be provided by Hrim music by Soyuzivka’s House Band Auction Fund-Raiser sponsored by Oleksandr Abayev, violin; Borys Deviatov, from 8 p.m. to midnight. CD dance mixes are Chornomorski Khvyli and viola; Natalia Khoma, cello; and, Volodymyr welcome at midnight. Admission: kids and Vynnytsky, piano. Time: 8 p.m. The Grazhda Through August 30, 2006 Soyuzivka’s Heritage Foundation students, $5; adults age 23 and over, $10. A Every Wednesday: Hutsul Night with is located on Ukraine Road off Route 23A; it portion of the proceeds go toward the Vovcha Golf Tournament is five miles west of the town of Hunter, music by Soyuzivka’s House Band Zabava with Zahrava Band, 10 p.m. Tropa Plast campground’s improvement N.Y., in the Catskill Mountains. For direc- fund. Donations will be accepted. For infor- tions visit; for Through September 1, 2006 mation and suggestions, contact Adrian August 6-19, 2006 additional information call 518-263-4619. Horodecky, [email protected], or log on Every Friday: Odessa Seafood Night Ukrainian Folk Dance Camp, Sunday, July 30 to with music by Soyuzivka’s Session #2 House Band UNIONDALE, N.Y.: The annual picnic of Sunday, September 10 August 12, 2006 St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church HILLSIDE, N.J.: Religious Education class- July 22, 2006 Miss Soyuzivka Weekend and will take place beginning at 1 p.m. at the es for children will begin shortly before the parish center, 226 Uniondale Avenue. The Zabava with Na Zdorovya Band zabava with Tempo 10:45 a.m. Sunday liturgy at the Immaculate price of admission, $15 for adults, Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, July 23-28, 2006 includes a meal, soft drinks and all activi- located at Liberty Avenue and Bloy Street. August 12-19, 2006 ties. For information call 517-485-0775. The program is designed for children from Children’s Ukrainian Heritage Club Suzie-Q Week Day Camp, Session #2 Friday, August 25 pre-school (age 3) through Grade 8. For fur- ther details and registration, please contact August 13, 2006 WILDWOOD CREST, N.J.: The Patricia Shatynski, 908-322-7350, by July 23-29, 2006 Music concert sponsored by Khmelnychenky Plast fraternity is sponsor- August 13. Additional information may be Ukrainian Sitch Sports Camp, UNWLA Regional Council of NY ing an all-ages dance at the Wildwood Crest found on the parish website, www.byzan- Session #1 Pier Recreation Center, across the street from

July 23-August 5, 2006 August 18, 2006

“Pete and Vlod – unplugged” perform

IVAN SERNA 30 MONTGOMERY STREET JERSEY CITY NJ 07302 Ukrainian Folk Dance Camp, 901125 W Session #1 at the Tiki Bar, 10 p.m. Don’t let your subscription lapse! July 28-30, 2006 August 19, 2006 Help yourself and the Subscription Department of The Ukrainian Weekly Ducia Hanushevsky Exhibit featuring Dance Camp performance followed by keeping track of your subscription expiration date (indicated in the top by zabava with Fata Morgana left-hand corner of your mailing label (year/month/date) and sending in Ukrainian ceramics your renewal fee in advance of receiving an expiration notice. July 29, 2006 August 26, 2006 This way, you’ll be sure to enjoy each issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, and will keep yourself informed of all the news you need to know. Zabava with Lvivyany Band Zabava with Vidlunnia Band M 0000999 Subscription renewals, along with a clipped-out mailing label, should July 30-August 5, 2006 September 1-3, 2006 be sent to: The Ukrainian Weekly, Subscription Department, 2200 Route 10, Ukrainian Sitch Sports Camp, Labor Day Weekend P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Session #2 September 1, Zahrava Band performs Subscription fees are: $45 for members of the Ukrainian National at Tiki Bar, 10 p.m. Association, $55 for all others. Please indicate your UNA branch number July 31-August 4, 2006 when renewing your subscription. Golf Day Camp and Beach September 2, Afternoon performance Volleyball Day Camp by Hrim Band; performance by Yavir School of Ukrainian Dance, August 4, 2006 8 p.m.; zabavy with Luna Zahrava Band performs at the Tiki and Zahrava bands, 10 p.m. Bar, 10 p.m. September 3, performance by Yavir August 4-6, 2006 School of Ukrainian Dance, 1 p.m.; Kozak exhibit zabava with Zahrava Band, 10 p.m.

To book a room or event call: (845) 626-5641, ext. 140 216 Foordmore Road P.O. Box 529 Kerhonkson, NY 12446 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

HEY! Get your own subscription! To subscribe to The Ukrainian Weekly, fill out the form below, clip it and mail it to: Subscription Department, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Or simply call 973-292-9800, ext. 3042.

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