Rugby Football Union but of Ail the Clubs in Membership

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Rugby Football Union but of Ail the Clubs in Membership t l RUGBY FOOTBALL.: UNION l' l' n ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held at the MAY FAIR HOTEL, Il LONDON, on Friday, jth July, 1952, at 5 p.m .. The following Clubs (287) were representedl: - . Army Rugby Union Darlington l' K.C.S. Old Boys Mil: College of 'Science Darlington Granimar School Kent County 10 (Trades) Trng. Regt. R.E. i Old Boys' Kersal 33 Airborne Light Regt. R.A. Davenport 1: Kingsbridge W oolwich Garrison Derby " King's College Hospital Depot and T.E. C.R.M.P. Devonport High:I,School. King's College School 67 Regt. R.A. Oswestry Devonport Servites King William's College (I.O.M.) 9 Btn. R.A.O.C. Donnington Dorset and Wilts Lancashire County 70 H.A.A. Regt. R.A. Bedford Dudley KingswiAford Leicester 3 Trng. Btn. R.A.O.C. Hilsea Dulwich Colleg~; Leicestershire London District Dulwich College':Preparatory Leighton Buzzard Ashford (Kent) , School Lensbury and Britannic House Associated Equipment Co. Durham County 1 Letchworth Bancroft's School Ealing Liverpool Bank of England Eastbournell Lizards Barbarians Eastbourne College Lloyds Bank Barclays Bank Eastern CountieS London Union Barking Park Modern O. Boys East Midlands Union London and Home Counties Barnstaple Eccles ' Schools Beckenham Esher London Irish Bedford Exeter 'l' London Scottish Berkshire County Falmouth Old Gtammarians London University Birkenhead Park Falmouth London Welsh Bishopston Finchley . l" Luton Borderers Foreign Of?ce \ Lyons J;3orough Road College G.E.C. (Wltton) ~ Malsis School Bristol and District Comb. Gloucestershire €ounty .Manchester Bristol Saracens Goodyear " Manchester Y.M.C.A. Broad Plain Gravesend 1; May & Baker Broughton Park Guy's Hospital l, Medicals Camborne Haberdashers' A,~ke's Hampstead Metropolitan Police Cambridge City Hampshire C01lIl,ty MeL Police No. 2 District Corpus Christi College, Harlequin Itl Middlesbrough . Cambridge Harpenden l' Middlesex County Camp Hill O.E. Harrodian! Moseley Catford Bridge Harrow School Il Municipal College of Commerce Chelsea Polytechnic Hastings and Bexhill Napier Cheltenham Headingley( National Provo Bank Chesterfield Hendon ! Newbold-on-Avon Chiltern Hertfordshire Union New Brighton Chingford Honourable ArtilIery Company Newbury Christ's Hospital Hoover Sports "; Newport Civil Service Union Horsham '! Northampton Clifton Ilford Wanderers:J" Northern Cornwall County Imperial College' Northern Polytechnic Coventrians Ipswich Y.M.C.A. North Tawton Coventry Juno } Northumberland l' '~ "1 .I..~. ~\ 1 Nottingham Schoolboys Pinner i St. Erbyn's School Notts. Plymouth Albion: St: Catherine Society Notts., Uncs and Derby Polytechnic : St. John's Prep. School Nuneaton Port of London AVthority St. Mary's Hospital Nuneaton Old Edwardians Portsmouth Gram: School St. Thomas's Hospital Old Askeans Pressed Steel \' Salisbury Old Azurians Public Schools Wanderers'1 Saraeens Old Beccehamians Queen Mary Collegel' Seghill Old Birkonians Queens Eng. Worfs Sevenoaks Slough Old Blues Reading School ,l' Old Brocklians Reigate . , Spur Old Boys Old Cantabrigians Richmond Staffordshire Old Colfeians Rockc1iff Staines Old Cranleighans RoUs Royee ~ Standard Telephone Old Creightonians (London) Rosslyn Park /. (New Southgate) Old Dunstonians R:A.F. Rugby Union Streatham Old Edwardians R.A.F. Acaster Mhlbis Sussex County Old Elthamians R.A.F. Cardingto~ Sutton Oldershaw Gram. School R.A.F. Coltishall i Swindon Old Freeman's R.A.F. C~anwell , Tamworth and District Old Fullerians R.A.F. DlShforth \: Thurrock Old Gaytonians R.A.F. Felixstowe, Tonbridge Old Grammarians R.A.F. Hemswell!. Twickenham Old Haberdashers R.A.F.Henlow ; U .C.S. O1d Boys Old Leysians R.A.F. Hereford t University College School Old Maricollians H.Q. Bomber Command University College (Southampton) Old Merchant Taylors H.Q. Tech. Trainmg University Vandals Old Mitchamians H.Q. 62 Group Uqit Upper Clapton O1d N ewtonians . R.A.F. Jurby te Vickers Armstrong O1d· N ovocastrians R.A.F. Kenley 1 Wallasey Gram. School Old Rutlishians R.A.F. Lyneham t Warlingham O1d Shootershillians R.A.F. Mildenhal1 Warwickshire County Old Surbitonians R.A.F. Marbam 1 Wasps O1d Walcountians R.A.F. Neatishead Waterloo O1d Warwickians R.A.F.Oakingtorl Westc1iff High School Old Westcliffians· R.A.F. Padgate :~ Westcombe Park O1d Wheatleyans R.A.F. Sandwich '.1 West HartIepool O1d Whitgiftians R.A.F. Upwood: West Herts. Old Wimbledonians R.A.F. Waddingt9n Westleigh Old Wycombiensians R.A.F. West Kirby West Norfolk Orrell R.A.F. Wroughtoh Westoe OSjerley Royal Aircraft Establishment Weston-Super-Mare Otley Royal Grammar School, Wilmslow Oxford ;'> Newcastle Wimbledon College Oxford Exiles Royal Marines (P6rtsmouth) Wimborne Oxfordshire R.N.A.S. Culdrose Woodford Oxford Y outh Service R.N.E.'College, Devonport Woodpeckers Park House ' R.N.V.R. (L/D) 1 . Woolwich Polytechnic Penzanee and Newlyn St. Bartholemew's Gram. School W orksop College Percy Park St. Bartholomew's Hospital Yarnbury ! r "[' The Notice convening the Meeting was read by t~e Secretary. The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 22nd June, 1951, were confirmed and signed. l " The President (Mr: Harry Cleaver)· said: "1 sho~ld first like to ex tend a cordial welcome to all yo~ , representatives of Unions and Clubs who have come to this Annual Meeting. Some of you have come long dis- \ , , - tances and it does show the Înterest you take in our game, and particularly in the activities of the Goveming -Body. :1 The Annual Report and Accounts have been citculated so l will only deal briefly with a few matters in connection with my Presidential Year. 1; First l would say how much the Committee appreciates the unanimous response to their request that on the death of our Patron, King George VI, aU clubs wit~outexception, suspended aH games and postponed aH social functions until after the funeral. We made this request very promptly and perhaps gave a lead generaUy in the world of sport. 1 Two great workers for the game died during tde year. Mr. F. H. Fox, of Somerset, who served on the Committee from 1888-1948-59 years. He was President for two seasons and did great service not only on the Governing Body but in his native Somerset. Mr. Pcltter Irwin served for 22 years on the Committee and was a Vice-President; he also did great service for the garrte and as many of you will know he gave outstanding service in a particular branch, where we need it, namely'l as a Referee. l am sure you were aU delighted with the imprdved results of the England XV; it was the best season for some time. In the International Championship to win three and lose one by a place kick, shows how near we were to winning the championship., l ' In thinking of this record l would like you to a~preciate as the Rugby Union Committee do, the valuable work done by the newly constituted Selection Commitiee under the Chairmanship of ML H. C. Catcheside. It is not an easy job; many people think they can select ci better side, but the results speak for themselves. We are aIl pleased to see our football on the upw~rd grade. ,) . The football was very much hand1capped by th~ weather. Grounds throughout the country suffered and none more than Twickenham but l am sure you were aU pleased that the game v. Ireland was not postponed a second time. The conditions were atrocious, as the R~port records. The players of both sides overcame the appalling conditions and it was really a splengid game cind one which we shaH aIl remember. The County Championship continues to be poJular and we can congratulate Middlesex on winning after n~m. _ f l am sure you will approve of the appointment of the Overseas Liaison Committee which will do very valuable work in co-ordinating the principles and laws ,\of our game abroad. The game is spreading so rapidly and may l add so extensively, that this Committee under Mr. John Tallent can do a very valuable service. At the la st Annual Meeting l referred to our Sduth African visitors. Because of the enthusiastic' wel­ come extended to them and their great achievements 011 the field of play, the "4th Springboks" will be rated as one of the greatest of touring sides ever to visit this country. They drew large crowds everywhere and certainly did much to further popularise Rugger with the people of the four Home Countries. The Manager, Col. Frank Mellish, and aH the South African boys by their attrattive play, friendship and general sportsmanship on and off the field, will be remembered and appreciated for rrtany years, to come. r also asked you to look after the youth who wlnt to play our game and l know how weH this has been done; the season records a large increase in the numbef of clubs and a tremendous increase in the number play- ing the game, which is the measure of our success. il , There is one matter to which you will expect so~e reference and that is the negotiations now taking place between the four Home Unions and the French Fededtion. l mention this to avoid difficult questions. The first princip le of our game is its amateur st!tus without compromise or qualification and that is the issue. l would ask aU of you to have confidence in yoilr representativeswho have a very difficult problem indeed to solve. With this in mind you will, r know, wish to express to our representatives who are carrying this great responsibility, our best wishes for the succes~ of their negotiations, and at the same time let them kn?"". they have the full sup~ort not only <,lf the Rugby Football Union but of aIl the clubs in membership. It 1S Important that the game ln both countnes ShOUld'j be played under the same laws and in the same spirit.
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