London & South East Fixtures 2020-2021

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London & South East Fixtures 2020-2021 Round 1 05-Sep-20 Round 2 12-Sep-20 Round 3 19-Sep-20 Round 4 26-Sep-20 Round 5 03-Oct-20 Hertford v North Walsham Tring v Maidenhead Sidcup v Tring Maidenhead v Sidcup Hertford v Maidenhead Maidenhead v Wimbledon CS Stags 1863 v Hertford North Walsham v CS Stags 1863 Tring v Hertford CS Stags 1863 v Wimbledon Sidcup v CS Stags 1863 Wimbledon v Sidcup Hertford v Wimbledon Wimbledon v North Walsham North Walsham v Tring Tring v BYE BYE v North Walsham Maidenhead v BYE BYE v CS Stags 1863 Sidcup v BYE 1 conf 'A' Brighton v Havant Dorking v Tunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells v Sevenoaks Sevenoaks v Dorking Dorking v Havant Westcombe Park v Dorking Havant v Sutton & Epsom Sutton & Epsom v Brighton Havant v Tunbridge Wells Westcombe Park v Sutton & Epsom 1 conf 'B' Sutton & Epsom v Sevenoaks Sevenoaks v Westcombe Park Westcombe Park v Havant Brighton v Westcombe Park Tunbridge Wells v Brighton BYE v Tunbridge Wells Brighton v BYE BYE v Dorking Sutton & Epsom v BYE BYE v Sevenoaks Round 6 10-Oct-20 Round 7 17-Oct-20 Round 8 24-Oct-20 Round 9 31-Oct-20 Round 10 07-Nov-20 Maidenhead vNorth Walsham CS Stags 1863 vMaidenhead North Walsham vHertford Maidenhead vTring Tring vSidcup Sidcup vHertford Wimbledon vTring CS Stags 1863 vSidcup Hertford vCS Stags 1863 CS Stags 1863 vNorth Walsham Tring vCS Stags 1863 North Walsham vSidcup Wimbledon vMaidenhead Sidcup vWimbledon Wimbledon vHertford BYE vWimbledon Hertford vBYE BYE vTring North Walsham vBYE BYE vMaidenhead Brighton vDorking Dorking vSutton & Epsom Havant vBrighton Tunbridge Wells vDorking Sevenoaks vTunbridge Wells Havant vSevenoaks Tunbridge Wells vWestcombe Park Sevenoaks vSutton & Epsom Sutton & Epsom vHavant Brighton vSutton & Epsom Sutton & Epsom vTunbridge Wells Sevenoaks vBrighton Dorking vWestcombe Park Westcombe Park vSevenoaks Havant vWestcombe Park Westcombe Park vBYE BYE vHavant Tunbridge Wells vBYE BYE vBrighton Dorking vBYE Round 11 14-Nov-20 Round 12 21-Nov-20 Round 13 28-Nov-20 Round 14 05-Dec-20 Round 15 week 15 Sidcup v Maidenhead Maidenhead v Hertford North Walsham v Maidenhead Maidenhead v CS Stags 1863 Brighton v Hertford Hertford v Tring Wimbledon v CS Stags 1863 Hertford v Sidcup Tring v Wimbledon Sutton & Epsom v Sidcup North Walsham v Wimbledon Tring v North Walsham CS Stags 1863 v Tring Sidcup v North Walsham Westcombe Park v Maidenhead CS Stags 1863 v BYE BYE v Sidcup Wimbledon v BYE BYE v Hertford Sevenoaks v Tring 2 'H' OR 'A' Dorking v Sevenoaks Havant v Dorking Dorking v Brighton Sutton & Epsom v Dorking Dorking v North Walsham opp. conference Tunbridge Wells vHavant Sutton & Epsom vWestcombe Park Sevenoaks vHavant Westcombe Park vTunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells v CS Stags 1863 Westcombe Park v Brighton Brighton v Tunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells v Sutton & Epsom Brighton v Sevenoaks Havant v Wimbledon BYE v Sutton & Epsom Sevenoaks v BYE BYE vWestcombe Park Havant v BYE Round 16 week 16 Round 17 week 17 Round 18 week 18 Round 19 week 19 Round 20 week 20 Wimbledon v Brighton Brighton v CS Stags 1863 North Walsham v Brighton Brighton v Tring Maidenhead v Brighton Hertford v Sutton & Epsom Sutton & Epsom v Wimbledon CS Stags 1863 v Sutton & Epsom Sutton & Epsom v North Walsham Tring v Sutton & Epsom Sidcup v Westcombe Park Westcombe Park v Hertford Wimbledon v Westcombe Park Westcombe Park v CS Stags 1863 North Walsham v Westcombe Park Maidenhead vSevenoaks Sevenoaks v Sidcup Hertford vSevenoaks Sevenoaks v Wimbledon CS Stags 1863 v Sevenoaks Tring v Dorking Dorking v Maidenhead Sidcup v Dorking Dorking v Hertford Wimbledon v Dorking North Walsham v Tunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells v Tring Maidenhead v Tunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells v Sidcup Hertford v Tunbridge Wells CS Stags 1863 v Havant Havant v North Walsham Tring v Havant Havant v Maidenhead Sidcup v Havant Round 21 week 21 Round 22 week 22 Round 23 week 23 Round 24 week 24 Round 25 week 25 Brighton v Sidcup Hertford v Brighton Brighton v Wimbledon CS Stags 1863 vBrighton Brighton v North Walsham Sutton & Epsom v Maidenhead Sidcup v Sutton & Epsom Sutton & Epsom v Hertford Wimbledon v Sutton & Epsom Sutton & Epsom v CS Stags 1863 Westcombe Park v Tring Maidenhead v Westcombe Park Westcombe Park v Sidcup Hertford v Westcombe Park Westcombe Park v Wimbledon Sevenoaks v North Walsham Tring vSevenoaks Sevenoaks v Maidenhead Sidcup vSevenoaks Sevenoaks v Hertford 3 'H' AND 'A' Dorking v CS Stags 1863 North Walsham v Dorking Dorking v Tring Maidenhead v Dorking Dorking v Sidcup opp. Conference Tunbridge Wells v Wimbledon CS Stags 1863 v Tunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells v North Walsham Tring v Tunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells v Maidenhead Havant v Hertford Wimbledon v Havant Havant v CS Stags 1863 North Walsham v Havant Havant v Tring Round 26 week 26 Round 27 week 27 Round 28 week 28 Tring v Brighton Brighton v Maidenhead Sidcup v Brighton North Walsham v Sutton & Epsom Sutton & Epsom v Tring Maidenhead v Sutton & Epsom CS Stags 1863 v Westcombe Park Westcombe Park v North Walsham Tring v Westcombe Park Wimbledon vSevenoaks Sevenoaks v CS Stags 1863 North Walsham v Sevenoaks London & SE Premier Hertford v Dorking Dorking v Wimbledon CS Stags 1863 v Dorking Issued by: Sidcup v Tunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells v Hertford Wimbledon v Tunbridge Wells London & SE Divisional Organising Committee Maidenhead v Havant Havant v Sidcup Hertford v Havant 10th July 2020 Round 1 05-Sep-20 Round 2 12-Sep-20 Round 3 19-Sep-20 Round 4 26-Sep-20 Round 5 03-Oct-20 Belsize Park v O Haberdashers Amersham & C. v Chingford Leighton Buzzard v Amersham & C. Chingford v Leighton Buzzard Belsize Park v Chingford Chingford v Eton Manor Harpenden v Belsize Park O Haberdashers v Harpenden Amersham & C. v Belsize Park Harpenden v Eton Manor Leighton Buzzard v Harpenden Eton Manor v Leighton Buzzard Belsize Park v Eton Manor Eton Manor v O Haberdashers O Haberdashers v Amersham & C. Amersham & C. v BYE BYE v O Haberdashers Chingford v BYE BYE v Harpenden Leighton Buzzard v BYE 1 conf 'A' Shelford v Sudbury Southend Saxons v Brentwood Brentwood v Norwich Norwich v Southend Saxons Southend Saxons v Sudbury Thurrock v Southend Saxons Sudbury v Colchester Colchester v Shelford Sudbury v Brentwood Thurrock v Colchester 1 conf 'B' Colchester v Norwich Norwich v Thurrock Thurrock v Sudbury Shelford v Thurrock Brentwood v Shelford BYE v Brentwood Shelford v BYE BYE v Southend Saxons Colchester v BYE BYE v Norwich Round 6 10-Oct-20 Round 7 17-Oct-20 Round 8 24-Oct-20 Round 9 31-Oct-20 Round 10 07-Nov-20 Chingford vO Haberdashers Harpenden vChingford O Haberdashers vBelsize Park Chingford vAmersham & C. Amersham & C. vLeighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard vBelsize Park Eton Manor vAmersham & C. Harpenden vLeighton Buzzard Belsize Park vHarpenden Harpenden vO Haberdashers Amersham & C. vHarpenden O Haberdashers vLeighton Buzzard Eton Manor vChingford Leighton Buzzard vEton Manor Eton Manor vBelsize Park BYE vEton Manor Belsize Park vBYE BYE vAmersham & C. O Haberdashers vBYE BYE vChingford Shelford vSouthend Saxons Southend Saxons vColchester Sudbury vShelford Brentwood vSouthend Saxons Norwich vBrentwood Sudbury vNorwich Brentwood vThurrock Norwich vColchester Colchester vSudbury Shelford vColchester Colchester vBrentwood Norwich vShelford Southend Saxons vThurrock Thurrock vNorwich Sudbury vThurrock Thurrock vBYE BYE vSudbury Brentwood vBYE BYE vShelford Southend Saxons vBYE Round 11 14-Nov-20 Round 12 21-Nov-20 Round 13 28-Nov-20 Round 14 05-Dec-20 Round 15 week 15 Leighton Buzzard v Chingford Chingford v Belsize Park O Haberdashers v Chingford Chingford v Harpenden Shelford v Belsize Park Belsize Park v Amersham & C. Eton Manor v Harpenden Belsize Park v Leighton Buzzard Amersham & C. v Eton Manor Colchester v Leighton Buzzard O Haberdashers v Eton Manor Amersham & C. v O Haberdashers Harpenden v Amersham & C. Leighton Buzzard v O Haberdashers Thurrock v Chingford Harpenden v BYE BYE v Leighton Buzzard Eton Manor v BYE BYE v Belsize Park Norwich v Amersham & C. 2 'H' OR 'A' Southend Saxons v Norwich Sudbury v Southend Saxons Southend Saxons v Shelford Colchester v Southend Saxons Southend Saxons v O Haberdashers opp. conference Brentwood vSudbury Colchester vThurrock Norwich vSudbury Thurrock vBrentwood Brentwood v Harpenden Thurrock v Shelford Shelford v Brentwood Brentwood vColchester Shelford v Norwich Sudbury v Eton Manor BYE v Colchester Norwich v BYE BYE vThurrock Sudbury v BYE Round 16 week 16 Round 17 week 17 Round 18 week 18 Round 19 week 19 Round 20 week 20 Eton Manor vShelford Shelford v Harpenden O Haberdashers vShelford Shelford v Amersham & C. Chingford v Shelford Belsize Park vColchester Colchester v Eton Manor Harpenden vColchester Colchester v O Haberdashers Amersham & C. v Colchester Leighton Buzzard v Thurrock Thurrock v Belsize Park Eton Manor v Thurrock Thurrock v Harpenden O Haberdashers v Thurrock Chingford v Norwich Norwich v Leighton Buzzard Belsize Park vNorwich Norwich v Eton Manor Harpenden v Norwich Amersham & C. v Southend Saxons Southend Saxons v Chingford Leighton Buzzard v Southend Saxons Southend Saxons v Belsize Park Eton Manor v Southend Saxons O Haberdashers vBrentwood Brentwood v Amersham & C. Chingford vBrentwood Brentwood v Leighton Buzzard Belsize Park v Brentwood Harpenden v Sudbury Sudbury v O Haberdashers Amersham & C. v Sudbury Sudbury v Chingford Leighton Buzzard v Sudbury Round 21 week 21 Round 22 week 22 Round 23 week 23 Round 24 week 24 Round 25 week 25 Shelford v Leighton Buzzard Belsize Park vShelford Shelford v Eton Manor Harpenden vShelford Shelford v O Haberdashers Colchester v Chingford Leighton Buzzard vColchester Colchester v Belsize Park Eton Manor vColchester Colchester v Harpenden Thurrock v Amersham & C. Chingford v Thurrock Thurrock v Leighton Buzzard Belsize Park v Thurrock Thurrock v Eton Manor Norwich v O Haberdashers Amersham & C.
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