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7 I PIRST ANNUAL BEPORP- I OF THE 1 : ~~mmi:~aiorreaaf I BROOKLYN. JANUARY WSth, 1861. I IN COMMON COUNCIL, Brooklyn, Jm. 23, 1861. Resolvecl, That fifteen hundred copies of the First Annual Report of the Cominissior~ersof Prospect Park, be printed in pamphlet form. The resolution was adopted. Attest, b Will. G. BISBOP, City Clerk. To Hon. MARTIN KALBFLEISCH, President, dc., of the Common Council: SIR : In pursuance of the Act of the Legislature, I herewith present to the Common Council of the City of Brooklyn the First Annual Report of the Commissioners of Pros- pect Park. I have the honor 60 be, Very respectfully yours, J. S. T. STBANAHAN, President Board of Commissiolzers of Prospect Park. Brooklyn, January 28th, 1861. OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PROSPECT PARK. BY the 20th section of the Act of the Assembly of April I'itl~,1860, entitled "Bn Act to lay out a Public Park and a Parade Ground for the City of Brooklyn, and to alter the Commissioners' Map of said city," it is made the duty of the Cornmissioners of Prospect Park, in the month of January of every year, to make to the Common Council of the City of Brooklyn a full report of their proceedings, and a detailed statement of all their receipts and expenditures. In complying with this provision of the law, the Commissioners deem it proper to introduce their first Annual Report with a history of the successive legisla- tive enactments relating to the subject upon which they are called to act. On the 18th day of April, 1859, at the solicitation of the citizens of Brooklyn, the Legislature of the State of Ne w-York passed the following act, *entitled "AN ACT To authorize the selection and locatioil of certain grounds for Public Parks, and also for a Parade Ground for the city of Brooklyn.
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