Official Journal. ( Entered As Second-Class Matter, Post Office at New York City.)
THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. ( ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER, POST OFFICE AT NEW YORK CITY.) Vol.. XXX. NEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1902. NUMBER 8,926. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND Bronx and Byram River Supply. ELECTRICITY. The regular force has been employed in cleaning and in keeping in order the con- duits, roads, channelways and reservoirs. The work of this force has been largely aug-, mented by reason of the freshet of March last. The injunction prohibiting this Depart- ment from drawing upon the Byram river having recently been vacated, that supply has Report for the Quarter Ending June SO, 1902. been added to the City's supply. Storage Drawn During the Quarter. Gallons. Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, From Kensico Reservoir Commissioner's Office, Nos. 13-21 Park Row, 450,000,000 From Rye Ponds Reservoir 240,000,000 New York City, July 12, 1902. Hon. SETH LOW, Mayor, City of New York: Total 690,000,0oo Dear Sir—In accordance with the provisions of section 1544 of the revised Greater New York Charter, I respectfully submit the following report of the business and trans- actions of this Department for the quarter commencing April 1 and terminating June Three hundred million gallons ran to waste over the Kensico dam in April. 30, 1902: The storage on hand in these reservoirs is 3,200,000,000 gallons. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. Consumption of Water. The report of the Chief Engineer of this Department for the quarter ending June 30, states that the rainfall recorded by the rain gauges was as follows: Gallons.
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