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jiaurliralfr upntnn i Vol. XCIX, No. 132 — Manchester, Conn., Wednesday, March 5, 1080 • Since 1681 • 20c Single Copy • 15t Home Delivered | Condos Concern Many By MARY KITZMANN Saying the future is condominium ownership, leaflets urging meeting attendance last night. Herald Reporter Oleksinski suggested a program where rents be However, only the Housing Study Committee ques- tion was to be considered last night. Mayor MANCHESTER — Cutting across partisan lines, used as payments toward purchasing a con- dominium, and low-interest government loans. Stephen Penny noted this before the residents both liberals and conservatives appeared last Both persons, seeking action on conversions, began speaking, and said the comments would be night before the Board of Directors supporting were in agreement with Robert Faucher, co- made a part of the public record. town action on condominium conversions. chairperson of the Manchester Citizens for Social Many speakers drew cheers as they outlined the ■ About 75 persons crowded into the Hearing Responsibility, which opposed withdrawing from aspects of the conversions. They cited % Room to ask the board "to do something" about the CD program. Manchester’s low apartment vacancy rate, which the elderly and low-income families who are Faucher, representing MCSR, asked the board is less than 1 percent, and forcing families'from affected by the conversions. They also expressed to establish a separate committee to deal with the the town. concern that young families would have to move condominium issue, rather than reactivating the "If we had $40,000 we’d buy a house,” Pam mil outside Manchester to find housing. Housing Study Committee. Fries, Garden Drive, said. “If We can’t find an A proposed ordinance would prohibit conver- Reactivating the committee was suggested by apartment we’ll have to move out of town and sions for 90 days while the problem was studied. Mrs. Weinberg. readjust the three lives (in our family.)” hi Director Barbara Weinberg and Deputy Mayor The advocacy group, which had proposed the "What are you going to do with us,” Christine Stephen Cassano proposed the temporary moratorium two weeks ago, pushed for board Valentine, Park Chestnut, said, "We are in our moratorium, while still opposing government in- acceptance last night, as several members eighties, and we'd like to stay here. Do you have terference in private business. testified in support. an answer?” Government interference was the reason why The group is also requesting that the town “Not so far,” replied Penny. While the majority many Manchester residents supported counsel investigate the moratorium legality and withdrawing from the federal Community supported town action, one speaker Barry Bot- other actions limiting condominium conversions. ticello, an attorney representing Raymond Development Block Grant. "Housing is a profit for business,” Faucher said. But last night, several who supported Damato Enterprises, said "the problem is "We’re not seeking a permanent ban, we’re saying overstated.” ■withdrawing from the CD program, supported the conversions are causing hardship. We need to He noted that whether apartments or con- town action, ranging from literal grandfather stop and study the effects and reprecussions of dominiums the units still provide housing. clauses to zoning regulations to combat con- conversions on Manchester.” "Renters become owners,” he said. dominium conversions. “It has been said a moratorium on conversion Betty Sadloski, Hollister Street, who supported While questioning the constitutionality of a would harm the owners, and that we should show the CD moratorium, urged the board to examine moratorium he suggested the town buy conversion that it would not.” rights to apartments to insure they remain zoning regulations condominiums. “Well, I can’t say it won’t harm the opportunity She also said it’s not a question of the apartments. h'' to make substantial profits the next three months, moratorium being unconstitutional. "Vernon and but I can certainly say it can’t cause any of them Damato Enterprises own about 300 rental units Enjoying Winter other towns have already done it," she said. to move out of Manchester in three months.” in Manchester, and Botticello said there were no William Oleksinski, Dartmouth Road, who also "It won’t cause them to try to scrape up a down- intentions of converting them. There are a lot ways to enjoy the winter. Jeffrey Woods of 15 supported the CD moratorium, said the elderly payment in three months for three rooms they Bill Pagini, a frequent board meeting attendant, Hemlock St. thinks the shopping cart basket is the greatest, es- had to be protected from conversions. would rather riot buy. said "developers who build apartment “should pecially when you have some one to give the basket a big push. "We need a grandfather clause saying the eidei- “I will wager that it will not force him to move keep them apartments" ly don't have to move,” Oleksinski said. “And That’s the job of Craig Ogden of 137 Branford St. The spot is out of Manchester.” "Gentlemen study this very carefully," he ad- those of a certain economi: level should be MCSR members spent last weekend passing monished. Springs Pond annex. (Herald photo by Pinto) protected.” Directors Recommend Buckland School Sale clude a stipulation to replace the two- vironmental harm to the area if a development.” a year. McCavanagh said last night that By MARY KITZMANN acre ballfield included on the school shopping center were built. McCavanagh said the school's poor The subcommittee had the building the subcommittee had no recommen- Herald Reporter parcel. It has been reported that Richard condition was a reason for appraised, and Hayes has "offered a dation, as of yet, on the type of sale MANCHESTER — A recommenda- The ballfield location would be con- Hayes, president of Hayes Corpora- recommending the sale, fair price, based on the appraisal,” tion to sell Buckland School was tingent upon the Park and Recreation tion, wants the schbol as access to a “It’s operating in the red," McCavanagh said last night. "We welcome any public input on given last night by the Board of Commission’s recommendations, lOO-acre’ parcel behind the school. McCavanagh said. “If we sell it, it The appraised value was ap- whether there should be an auction, a Directors subcommittee. McCavanagh said this morning. Hayes plans a major shopping center will generate revenue and we will put proximately $115,000. bids,” he said. James McCavanagh said the sub- Buckland residents opposed the for the parcel, according to it on the tax base.” The Planning and Zoning Commis- committee, which included Peter school sale at a several meeting, in- newspaper accounts. McCavanagh said the town sion approved the school sale, while The town's attorney's office DiRosa and Barbara Weinberg, un- cluding a Board of Directors’ public Hayes has said publicly the school “probably would not use the school the Conservation Commission op- released an opinion last week saying animously endorsed the sale. hearing, saying the open space was would be used for office space, and again for kids.” posed it. The sale could come to a there were no restriction on the However, the committee needed in the area. offered to replace the ballfield if it Presently Messiah Lutheran vote at the next Board of Directors school parcel's deeds that prohibited recommended that the sale should in- They also cited potential en- was need “ to complete Church leases the building for $4,500 meeting on March 11. the sale. Anderson Surprises; Ted Gets First Win BOSTON (DPI) — George Bush got stages by the tally from St. force was in the field. the victory he needed in Johnsbury in the deep woods near the Carter sent a message of con- Massachusetts and Ronald Reagan Canadian border. Anderson also gratulations to Kennedy for his home won in Vermont, but darkhorse John nursed a Massachusetts lead, built on state win and thanked Vermont sup- Anderson nearly mugged both support from independents, until he porters for their landslide support. Republican leaders in two presiden- was nosed out by Bush when the His press secretary, Jody Powell, tial primaries Tuesday. counting reached final stages this noted that with Vermont Carter had Sen. Edward Kennedy gave a spark morning. won three of the four New England to his battered campaign with a 2-to-l Kennedy said his strong primaries. win over President Carter in the Massachusetts victory over Carter Bush said in South Carolina he was Massachusetts Democratic contest. was more than a homestate shewing. "pleased over what’s happened,” and Carter won even bigger in Vermont. He said it was a call for economic Reagan, in Los Angeles, said he had "We were out to start a new change. done better than he expected in both citizens coalition. I think this elec- "I think what was most significant New England states, which he called tion here in Massachusetts has was the attention the people of “not exactly my territory.” validated it,” Illinois congressman Massachusetts gave to the issues of In Massachusetts, with 97 percent Anderson said today after finishing>a our economy and inflation,” he said. of the precincts counted, the vote raz o r close second in both "I believe the economic issues are was: Massachusetts and Vermont. going to be the precise issues of the Democrats “Nobody has annointed Mr, Bush final selection of the Democratic Kennedy 567,290 or 65 percent to be the alternative to Mr. Reagan,” nominee ...” Carter 251,231 or 29 percent Anderson said of charges by Bush Anderson, a 10-term Illinois con- Republicans that he is grabbing moderate votes gressman, finished fourth in New Bush 119,699 or 31 percent from Bush. “1 would suggest the Hampshire Feb. 26. His showing Anderson 118,821 or 31 percent results here prove this is a wide open Tuesday gave him no claim to fron- Reagan 110,6^ or 29 percent Cinderella Candidate race.” trunner status but it inflicted wounds Baker 19,199 or 5 percent. Reagan’s Vermont win was a on both the Bush and Reagan cam- The GOP also rans were John Con- A happy Republican presidential candidate supporters at the Sheraton Boston Hotel. His heart-stopper, decided in the last paigns and served notice that a third nally and Rep. Philip Crane with 1 John Anderson gives the victory sign after wife Keke, right, and daughter Karen, left, percent each, Sen. Robert Dole, look on. (UPI photo) Benjamin Fernandez, and Harold winning the Vermont presidential primary on Stassen with 0 percent each. Gov. the GOP ticket Tuesday, appearing before his Edmund Brown Jr. was third in the Democratic race with 3 percent. In the contests for national conven- tion delegates, Massachusetts gave Winners Knock Vote , • 77 delegates to Kennedy and 34 to The Weather Religious leaders ask the state to Carter and put Kennedy ahead 111-85 Stamler said the candidates can- By CHARLIE MAYNARD toward the challengers,” he said this Partial clearing tonight. Moetly stop advertising and promoting in the race for the 1,666 needed to win morning. "We didn’t feel it (the vassed door-to-door in their sunny Thursday. Detailed forecast legal gambling. Page 3. the Democratic nomination. Herald Reporter primary) was deserved. It was a strongholds, omitting two villages on Page 2. ^ The Republican vote translated MANCHESTER — Incumbents short-sighted move on their part. The where the challengers showed their f e i ^ into 14 delegates for Bush, 13 for from District 9 today expressed dis- party probably won’t look to them to strength, and sought to repeat the WwmaSJI^'^ Reagan, 13 for Anderson, and 2 for pleasure over what they considered fill any slots in the future.” voting pattern which secured them MnSMe M Ouay Baker. That would t>e a national total was a needless primary and issued victory in January. stern warnings to the defeated The slate of seven incumbents Under law, the challengers filed a Hartfori^*' High eiim inales •«: j of 36 for Bush, 35 for Reagan, 15 for defeated the five challengers by Manchester in CIAC ^ Classified .,...... 28-^ Anderson, 8 for Baker and 1 for John challengers. petition last month for the primary. nearly a 2-to-l margin Tuesday night. Prignano said the incumbents con- play ... Penney High suffers same ; ...... ; ; ...... 23 Connally in the race for 998 needed to ^tonal ...... ,...... 4 nominate. “It’s a shame we had to spend Former Mayor Matthew Morarity fate at hands of H ^ o r d ’s Weaver centrated on the voters who sup- Entertainment 10 . „ money for this,” said District Chair- Jr. had 191 votes followed by Stamler ported the slate in January and said Basebuii strike vottfiieing taken Fam ily.. 1M8 In Vermont with 99 percent of the man Frank Stamler, who was the se- with 185; Mary Ann Roy 181. the door-to-door stumping was one Obituaries 8 Precincts counted; cond highest vote-getter among the Prignano, 175; Robert B. Prince, 171; reason for the win. I, Cqntmeticut Peopie/Food 13e Democrats winners. “I hope they learn a lesson Robert Temple, 161, and Roger J. McDermott had won the most Peoptetalk , ..X ...... ’ .2 Carter 28,822 or 74 percent from this.” McDermott' 152. votes at the caucus, but was the low Sports . '‘'A',',’" ’■ Kennedy 9,898 or 26 percent. i A former University of Conneo vote-getter in the primary. Stamler TelevislOT Republicans Former Deputy Mayor Pascal The challengers were Henry T. Rcut football pUyo* s ^ he and his Prignano said the primary challenge Becker, 100; Richard J. McConville, said he assumed he lost support Uncle conunitted a house burglary ’4 TUwnTalH . . 8 Reagan 19,441 or 31 percent because McDermott signed the peti- Update ;.!!! ! , 2 Anderson 18,825 or 30 percent “was not a wise move” in the wake 87; Helen M. Diehl, 79; and John W. that resulted in a (policeman's of January’s caucus balloting. Lahda and James T. Newton, each tion which enabled the challengers to slaying. Page 2. Vl^ther 2 Bush U,008 or 23 percent go to the primary. ’' w ‘ ...... Baker 7,938 or 13 percent. “ There’s a certain ill-feeling with 66. EVENING HERALD, Wed., March 5, 1980 - 3 2 - EVENING HERALD, Wed., Marqti 5, 1980 Bungled U.N. Vote Threatens Peace Plans Mpclote. NEW HAVEN (UPI) - The United Nations ‘"The purpose of the debate was a diver- He said his nation’s security “has been debate which led to a bungled U.S. vote con- sionary one. There was a convergence of in- totally ignored and overlooked by the Security demning Israel has jeopardized peace efforts terests between the Soviet Union, which Council.” Blum said the debate “speaks oif wanted to divert attention away from fighting. It also said the Moslem guerrillas in the moun- the 3-week-oId strike. in the Middle East, Israel’s ambassador to the ‘holy places,’ while in actual fact what was in civil war and avert the threat of renewed violence U.N. says. Afghanistan, and the rejectionlst Arab states Khomeini To Allotv Visits tains were being pinned down by tank fire and continuous ’The meeting was expected to take place today, the minds of delegates was an ‘oily’ place.” created by his stunning landslide election victory. bent on sabotaging the ongoing peace heavy bombardment by helicopter gunships and MiG although the mayor has said repeatedly she would never Yehuda Blum also charged ’Tuesday that the He said the U.S. and Israel have had a process,” the Israeli ambassador said. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini has overruled the bargain with the union while the firefightera remain on Mugabe and Nkomo slipped away from their residences debate was an attempt to divert attention traditionally warm relationship, “but we have fighters. The resolution condemned Israeli militants occupying the American embassy in Tehran strike. to a neutral site to hold the talks ttiat could forge a coali- from Russian intervention in Afghanistan. had our ups and downs.” settlements in occupied Arab territories. But and said members of the U.N. Commission on Iran will tion government. “It was not a service to peace. It was a dis- He also said it was inconceivable to Israelis be permitted to meet with the 50 American hostages. Stalemate in Colombia Snow Warnings Posted service to peace. And the resolution that en- the U.S. later said it cast its vote in error that while Jews are allowed to live in Iran’s Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh said after The seven-yefir civil war that ended with the British- sued aflversely affected peace chances in the because it believed references to Jerusalem Bethlehem, Pa., and Hebron, Neb., “they a meeting of the ruling Revolutionary Council Tuesday BOGOTA, Colombia (UPI) — Colombian officials and Heavy snow warnings were posted for much of the Middle East,” Blum said. ‘"That’s why the had been deleted. should be barred from living in Bethlehem, leftist guerrillas holding about 30 hostages, including 21 sponsored trucethat set up the independence elections night Khomeini had approved the meeting between the Midwest as a severe storm, which surged through Kansas for the transition to hlack rule, pitted black against whole resolution is objectionable and ob- ‘"The provision calling for the dismantling of Judea, or Islam, Judea.” U.N. panel and all the hostages, an official Pars News diplomats, at the Dominican Embassy remained and Missouri, moved toward the Ohio Valley today. The noxious to us.” settlements was a provision the United States But Egypt’s Meguid. said, “It’s my un- stalemated today over the captors’ ransom demands. white, black against black and claimed more than 25,000 Agency report broadcast on Tehran Radio said. National Weather Service predicted snow would cover lives. Both Blum and the Egyptian ambassador to always worked hard to have deleted. And in derstanding the United States will consider For the first time since the hostages were seized at a the Midwest. Heavy snow warnings were issued for the United Nations, Asmat Abdel Meguid, in a U.N. terminology, all Israelis living in the the settlements as illegal and as obstacles to reception Feb. 27, they received fresh changes of clothes, eastern Iowa, southern Wisconsin, northern Illinois and rare joint appearance at Yale University, said Jewish quarter of Jerusalem ... are living in peace.” Rebels Battle Soviets letters, and games from their families to pass time as the central lower Michigan. the United States’ error in casting the U.N. occupied territory or settlements. “It is very essential for the Palestinians to Colombian government and the leftists dicker over the Danger Not Greater ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (UPI) - Afghan rebels are Moderating temperatures and bright sunshine in the vote was “an American m atter.” “It’s absurd to adopt a resolution of this have their own rights and if there is any doubt conditions for their release. battling a combined Soviet and Afghan army force in the Mid-Atlantic states aided efforts to dig out from the SAN DIEGO (UPI) — Researchers say women who But Blum said the debate which led to the kind, as President Carter stated Monday night it will be very difficult to establish peace in Kunar province in eastern Afghanistan, but have weekend blizzard blamed for 40 deaths. work face no greater danger of heart attack or heart dis- controversial vote was “diversionary.” (it) was neither proper nor practical,” Blum our part of the world,” he said. retreated from villages into the mountains, the rebels Byrne To Meet Union ease than housewives. said. reported. » Mugabe Meets Rival But among the women with jobs, those working in The Islamic Alliance for the Liberation of Afghanistan CHICAGO (UPI) — Mayor Jane M. Byrne has agreed to SALISBURY, Rhodesia (UPI) — Prime Minister-elect clerical jobs such as secretaries have a 2-to-l greater said the Soviet-Afghan force captured the main Kunar meet with a Fire Fighters Union representative for talks Robert Mugabe met with his guerrilla rival Joshua chance of having heart disease than women in other that could lead to a new round of contract negotiations in Nkomo in an« effort to heal wounds from seven years of Directors Honor Zinsser towns of Asmara and Shegal in three days of bitter professions, they said. MANCHESTER — After Carl Zinsser was ‘"The Board of Directors, acting for the peo- Sylvester, who was chosen by the GOP Town honored for eight years of service, his ple of Manchester thank Carl Zinsser for the Committee for the board, resigned from the successor Pete Sylvester on the Board of ... service he has given Manchester,” Penny Zoning Board of Appeals. He had served as an Peopletalk Directors was formally sworn in. read from the certificate. alternate on the zoning board. “Speaking personally. Penny said he would Sylvester took the oath of office from •umi Football Player Testifies In presenting the merit certificate Mayor Stephen Penny commended Zinsser for put- miss Zinsser for any reasons,” including the Charles Holmes, former Justice of the Queenly Degree ting effort into the job, and for being philosophical differences.” Connecticut Supreme Court. forthright. Zinsser, receiving the award, said he was Sylvester is also an officer of the National ’Thailand’s Queen Sirikit is twice titled. Besides “ We may have had different philosophical “glad his leaving brought peace and Guard. In noting this Penny declared the During Castonquay Trial tranquilty” to the other members. month of March as Minute Man Month, to being a monarch, she now has an honorary degree differences, but I respect the effort he put in from Tufts University. his work,” Penny said. Since his resignation, the board agreed not honor “vital role the National Guard plays in Tufts’ President Jean Mayer says the 47-year-old HARTFORD (UPI) - A former hear any sounds?” asked Chief Assis- CHifford attacked Testa’s immunity “Sometime we all have to go back to ear- to submit party line budgets this year, an act defense of our nation.” queen’s work to help her country’s refugee problem University of Connecticut football tant State’s Attorney Robert Meyers. grant, questioning Testa’s motives ning a living.” which Zinsser opposes. “Today’s National Guard are descendants of While his successor , Pete Sylvester, for- the freedom fighters,” Penny said. “The 3 0 0 0 inspired the award. player testified at his uncie’s murder “Yes sir,” Testa replied. “One since the grant would free him from Zinsser resigned from the board in January Joint Appearance mally joined the board last night, he resigned l O W i n TIM P II A TU IIS Says he: “Her majesty has aroused the con- triai that he heard a gunshot after the gunshot.” prosecution in a host of burglaries — saying he lacked the motivation needed for the Connecticut National Guard is an integral part _ - 10 M W O n t f A l Yehuda Blum, right, Permanent representative of Israel to the U.N. science of the world.” two had to flee a house burglary “Did you stop?” asked Meyers. each of which carries a 10 to 20-year position, and business concerns. from his other town position. of town and community.” Tuft’s Fletcher school of law and diplomacy dean, when policeman Robert Holcomb “No, sir,” replied Testa. sentence. and Asmat Abdel Meguid, permanent representative of Egypt to the Theodore Eliot Jr., says the queen “has set a arrived. Testa said after running several Testa, who was arrested with his Condominium Study U.N. made a joint appearance at Yale University in New Haven, pattern for the nations of the world in the aid of Rocco Testa, 23, of Bristol, also miles from the burglary scene he uncle on Dec. 1,1977 for the slaying, Pickets Charged Tuesday, for a panel discussion on the Middle East. (UPI photo) refugees from neighboring Cambodia.” Churches Rap U P I « I A T N i H P O T O C A iT • EZZ3* said the alleged murder weapon used stole a car and drove to his has been held in protective custody at PLAINVILLE (UPI) - Seven Released by State ’The soft-spoken, elegant queen is in the United in the killing of Holcomb was similar girlfriend’s house in Bristol, where a federal prison in California. Tight striking workers face charges for a States for allergy treatments and to visit her son. to a gun carried by his uncle, Gerard he bathed and changed his clothes. security marked his appearance in picket line disturbance outside the HARTFORD — A study entitled “Con- Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn. dominium Conversion: An Interim For period ending 7 a.m. EST 3/6)80. During “Gary” Castonguay, during the Nov. He said he and his girlfriend later Hartford. Gaihblng Ads Wasley Products Inc. plant. FULL E A S T H A R TF O R D Wednesday night, rain will fall over the south Pacific 21,1977 house burglary in Plainville. drove back to the scene because he Police said they were taunted, Response" has just been released. State 1150 BU R N SID E A V E N U E area, while snow is expected in the northern Rockies and Awards Behind Awards Testa testified ’Tuesday in Hartford was curious about who had been shot Meyers said it hadn’t been deter- HARTFORD (UPI) — ’The Christian Conference of threatened and shoved as they tried Commissioner of Housing Joseph E. mined whether Testa would be freed Canale has announced in Hartford. M ID D L ETO W N the mid Mississippi valley. Clear to partly cloudy Superior Court under a grant of im- and also wanted to retrieve his car. Connecticut says state officials should halt adver- to clear about 100 workers who were 900 W A S H IN G TO N ST., RT. 66 elsewhere. The guys who dream up the gizmos that make munity. Jle said when he found the car immediately after concluding his tisments paid for with public funds that promote the blocking a plant driveway about 6 The report compiled by the Connecticut award-winning films possible get Oscars, too. Castonguay, 36, is charged with the g'one, “I felt then that he testimony as scheduled today or if he “debilitating’’ practice of legalized gambling. a.m. Tuesday. Department of Housing, Division of M A N C H E S TE R 260 N O R TH MAIN A T MAIN And .at the top of the Academy of Motion Picture slaying of Holcomb, a Plainville (Castonguay) had gotten away.” would remain under the protective ’The ecumenical organization, representing Catholic, Police said the situation escalated Policy and Planning, “defines the issues, Weather Forecast Arts and Sciences’ list this year is Mark Serrurier, police officer who was shot four Chief Defense Attorney ’Thomas D. custody longer. Episcopal and Protestant churches, said 'Tuesday the when they arrested a woman picket evaluates the facts and recommends an STORE HOURS: who perfected the film editing equipment his times at close range, according to state was promoting a practice which hurts the poor most and several other strikers tried to interim course of action which, if O P f N MON THRU S AT. a OOA.M. lo >P.M. followed, will effectively minimise the OPEN SUNDAY 10A.M. to SP.M Cloudy with rain today, Becoming windy with the highs father, Iwan Serrurier, invented. previous testimony. and “does not free humans from the bondage of poverty.” prevent them from putting her in a negative aspects of conversions while PrtcDt Good Thru Sol., Mar I . IMO. 45 to 50 or around 9 C. Rain gradually ending tonight He gets the Academy Award of Merit, says Testa also identified a pry bar ■ ’The conference said that by promoting gambling the cruiser. fostering the positive.” followed by partial clearing. Lows in the middle 20s. academy President Fay Kanin, found near Holcomb’s body as state had “ become an advocate for a practice which in its Six other pickets were arrested Cara Quinn Case The study culminates several months of Mostly sunny Thursday with the highs 40 to 45. Probabili- But there’s more. A cross-section of those named similar to one carried by Castonguay end effect is debilitating to people, especially those who after Bristol and Farmington police research, data collecting and public ty of precipitation 80 percent today and early tonight for Technical Achievement Awards, academy cer- the night the policeman was slain. He are poor and those who receive public financial were called to the scene to assist hearings and is the only document decreasing to 20 percent overnight and near zero tificates. turns up such esoterica as Paul Trester said he didn’t see the shooting, but assistance.” Plainville police. analyzing the condo issue at a statewide Thursday. Southerly winds increasing to 20 to 30 mph and and James Stanfield’s device that repairs film did hear a gunshot while fleeing the Itev. Mark Rohrbaugh, spokesman for the organiza- The workers, who walked off the level. gusty today shifting to the northwest tonight. Northwest sprocket holes; and J.D. Flowers and Logan R. burglary scene. Ruled a Homicide tion, said the statement was drawn up at the earlier job last month in a contract dispute, The report is available to the public, and IF YOU DIDN’T winds 15 to 25 mph Thursday diminishing to gentle Frazee',5 method of controlling flight patterns of Testa admitted he had accom- request of conference directors. were charged with breach of peace may be obtained by calling Alice Liebson variable by evening. miniature airplanes. panied his uncle on other burglaries ‘"The various bishops and their counterparts from other and third-degree criminal mischief, FARMINGTON (UPI) - Cara munity,” he said. “We’re con- at the State Department of Housing at 566- Extended Outlook and said he had committed several denominations who form our board asked (a Social Issues police said. RECEIVE YOUR EXCITING on his own while attending UConn on Quinn, a high school cheerleader who sidering alterations of bus routes, Management team) to review the matter,” he said. “It’s 5314. Extended outlook for New England Friday through /Vo Equal Prime Time a scholarship. disappeared after she left her rural reminding students about the a general opinion of the spiritual leaders that gambling is Sunday: dangers of hitchhiking, and urging In the nick of prime time, Atlanta got World War ’ Testa detailed his initial conversa- home for school on Valentine’s Day, an inappropriate way of raising revenue for the state.’’ Massachusetts, Rhode Island & Connecticut: Cloudy was fatally shot in the head and neck, them, to get to bus stops on time. II instead of a presidential candidate. > , tion with his uncle on the night of the The conference said it was aware it could not “legislate 112 M E FUUrCOLOK with chance of snow or rain Friday. Fair Saturday and Parents are doing the same.” WATL-TV showed Randolph K ott in “Gung Ho” PIAinville burglary under questioning an autopsy reveals. morality” but urged lawmakers to “oppose such poten- Sunday. Daytime highs in the 30s to low 40s. Overnight He said the girl had missed her on the 8 o’clock movie instead of the scheduled by the prosecution. The chief state medical examiner’s tial undermining of the moral fibre of athletes and the lows in the 20s. office, which had initially been un- school bus and was walking along a “Santa Fe Trail,” starring Ronald Reagan and “He (Castonguay) asked me if I public.” Vermont: A chance of flurries Friday and rain or snow “road without homes” when she dis- Errol Flynn. wanted to make some money. He able to determine a cause of death, In a response to the use of state funds to the promotion Saturday tapering off to flurries Sunday. Highs in the up- appeared. The reason for the switch? Programmer Terri asked me if I wanted to take a ride classified the case as a homicide of legal gambling, the religous leaders said “we urge that ^ALE CIRCULAI^ per 20s and 30s. Lows zero to 15 above Friday and in the “I think when they learned of the Tingle forgot about federal equal-time restrictions that night,” Testa said. Tuesday. the state curtail, as an inappropriate use of public funds, teens and 20s over the weekend. death they were shocked. ’They had until the last minute. “It meant ‘Did you want to go out Officials said external tests Mon- the advertising and promotion of all forms of gambling PLEASE PICK ONE UP AT ANY Maine and New Hampshire: Fair Friday. Chance of and do a burglary,” ’ he explained. day did not show a cause of death, but hoped she would return as long as she snow north and snow or rain south late Saturday into ear- Says she: “Oh, my God, I knew about that, when I from which the state may receive revenue.” He then detailed how Castonguay an examination Tuesday revealed the was just a missing person. This is The religious leaders also asked the Legislature's ly Sunday. Highs in the mid 20s north to mid 30s south. made out my movie rotation I didn’t take it into ac- TOP NOTCH STORE! count.” brought out burglary tools, gloves, girl suffered “gunshot wounds of the even more shocking, Having it be a Lows in the single numbers north to teens south. Judiciary Committee to support life imprisonment hats — “the necessities” — and a head and neck.” homicide adds something to that. It without parole as an alternative to the state’s death Miss Quinn, of Redding, who would sure did to me.” gun. penalty for capital crimes. The Almanac Quote of the Day “The first notable item I (had) have been 17 today, disappeared They said capital punishment was inconsistent with seen was a tan holster loosely while walking two miles from her Louise Nevelson, America’s grande dame of The high school has 1,070 students religious, moral and ethical traditions. hanging from his shoulder,” Testa home to Joel Barlow High School the in grades nine through 12. But the church leaders urged the committee to support By United Press International sculpture who turned 80 this year, had her first told a courtroom packed with spec- morning of Feb. 14. Her body was State police, who had been treating legislation that would make murder involving rape a VALVAMI COiFON Today is W^nesday, March 5, the 65th day of 1980 with show at 41 and sold her first work at 56. But says she tators, some of whom waited more discovered 20 miles from her house the case as a potential homicide, said crime punishable by life imprisonment without hope of knew her destiny from the start. As a young girl she last weekend. 301 to follow. than an hour for a seat. Tuesday the autopsy ruling would not parole. M A R T I N S O N ’S The moon is moving toward its last quarter. told her mother “It doesn’t matter how I live, but “In the holster was a gun. I asked Nelson W. “ Pete” Quinby, prin- how I die.” And of her success today, she says in the change their probe. him if he was back to his old habits. cipal of the girl’s high school, said CLIP and The morning star is Saturn. latest issue of “Horizon” : “All of this doesn’t sur- “It’s been treated as a possible COFFEE 'The evening stars are Mercury, Venus, Mars and He said he was lucky and it had saved the announcement her death was a homicide investigation all along,” prise me. I gave up almost everything. I concen- his life a few nights earlier,” Testa homicide would “shock” students Jupiter. trated totally. I was fit for the job. Not a day did I state police spokesman Adam Berluti 1LB. Those born on this date are under the sign of Pisces. said. and faculty. said. “This doesn’t change anything. HAVEWEGOTA question the line. ’The work sustained me.” SAVE these CAN He described her as “the all- American lithographer James Ives of the Currier and He then described how he and It’ll just continue as it has.” Castonguay selected the home they American girl,” who was a Ives team was born March 5, 1806. WITH COUPON AND MO 00 FOOD PURCHASE burglarized at random and broke in. cheerleader, played piano for the LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER DEAL FOR l OD? GOOD THRU SAT . MAR I iMO Also on this date in history: While in a bedroom with Castonguay, high school choir and was an A and B He refused to comment on how We’ve made a special purchase..while they last VALUABLE In 1770, British colonial troops killed five civilians in he said he looked from a window and student. “She was an outstanding stu- many times the girl was shot. the so-called “Boston Massacre.” saw a police car. dent, very popular with the faculty Her body was found in a wooded Slumberland In 1953, the Soviet Union announced Premier Josef The two then ran down the stairs to and other students,” he said. area o{ Shelton, lying facedown and COUPONS! Stalin had died at the age of 73. the first floor where Testa said he Quinby said since the slaying ap- fully (ilothed. Miss Quinn’s bands QUALITY BEDDING In 1966, a British airliner crashed into Japan’s Mount saw a flashlight beam near the door parently occurred while the girl was were folded under her head. Fuji, killing all 124 people aboard. they had entered. He said he went in on her way to school, parents and Troopers and volunteers had VALiAlU I'lUMim.TTl teachers were concerned about search^ for the girl five days after In 1977, President Carter discussed his problems and the opposite direction from Colonial Sp a cla l Cut policies in the course of answering questions from 42 Castonguay, dove “full force straight transportation of other students to she disappeared. But those efforts LAROE WHITE were abandoned and ice sl^pters callers from 26 states on a natiowide radio broadcast through” a window and fled into an and from school. adjacent wooded area. “That’s got to be a concern for found the body Sunday — 17 days from the White House. EGGS BACON “As you got to the woods did you parents and leaders of the com- after she disappeared. Grade 1LB. A thought for the day: Soviet Communist leader Josef PKG. Stalin said, “In the U.S.S.R., work is the duty of every Thomas Manchester Terrorism, Vandalism Dozen able-bodied citizen, according to the principle: he who WITH COUPON AND MO 00 FOOD PURCHASE A Sizes up WITH COUPON AND MO 00 FO OD PURCHASE LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER does not work, neither shall he eat.” L M n ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER GOOD THRU SAT . MAR I . IMO to 52 reguler GOOD THAU SAT . MAR I . IM O and 5 2 1 ^ Glimpses MH Lottery Numbers Mario Thomas has filed a $200,000 damage suit in Legislation Said Overdue THAT'S RIGHT!! Buy~one luH at regular price, get Top,Nolch. Top,NolclL Los Angeles Superior Court against Keith Barish, a Be autiful the second suit for only $1.00 Winning daily lottery numbers drawn Tuesday in New film producer who rented her home and allegedly HARTFORD (UPI) - Strong would establish the desecration of the front the building. made off with several art objects and destroyed legislation aimed at deterring the in- property as a deprivation of rights He called both “efforts at racist in- h e a vy-w e ight ______•fctc/wAnj Corduroy SuiH and Yount SulH England: print, sm o o th-top Connecticut: 949. others ... “ Funny Girl” is headed back to Broadway creasing numbers of cross-burnings and make it a Class A misdemeanor, timidation” and which “should never FLANNELS, _ . _ Massachusetts: 6097. and composer Jule Styne has sent the script to and similar acts of terrorism and which is punishable by a maximum happen in our state again.” for com fort. With a ge nuin e New Hampshire: 8485. Melissa Manchester for her consideration to play vandalism in Connecticut is long penalty of one-year in prison or a $1,- Parker called the panel’s proposal Slum b er-loc® in n e rspring unit for CORDUROY and 4 / O 5 Rhode Island: 6166. the role that made Barbra Streisand famous ... overdue, the state’s human rights 000 fine. a first step but said stiffer and more Vermont: 624. director says. But Chief State’s Attorney Austin comprehensive legislation was firmness. A gre a t ma ttre ss at a gre a t The Legislature’s Judiciary Com- McGuigan and Green said criminal needed. pric e. O u r qu a ntity is limit e d, so ^™'lTsl/Z PRICE mittee Tuesday heard testimony on a object burning should be a Class D The committee also heard those who buy now ge t a sensa tional measure whicly would increase the felony, which carries a five-year testimony on a measure which would Manchester To Advertise To Report Nbwe de al. East Hartford—Glastonbury For a classified advertisement, call To report a news item or story idea: pdnalty for desecration of property sentence or $5,000 fine. limit strip searches by police of- Eve ning Herald 643-2711 and ask for Classified. Office Manchester___Alex Girelli, 643-2711 and was askedUo take the proposed ficers. MEN'S ■ USPS 327-500 hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday East Hartford...... 643-2711 punishment further. McGuigan’s proposal would apply Peter Berry, executive director of “The time is long overdue,” said Published daily except Sunday and cer- through Friday. When the office is Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 when an object was intentionally the Connecticut Chiefs of Police tain holidays by the Manchester closed, classified ads may be placed by Andover...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 Arthur Green, director of the state burned to terrorize, intimidate or Association, said the group was ‘ calling 643-2718. Belton...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 Commission on Human Rights and “wholeheartedly opposed” to the MA^L OUTERWEAR | / ^ PRICE Publishing Co., Herald Square. P.O. ridicule another person. Box 591,-Manchester, Conn. 06040 For information about display adver- Coventry .., Claire Connolly, 742-8202 Opportunities. ‘"This is not the first Green said it may not be a cross, proposal which would prevent strip tising.'Call Tom Hooper, advertising Hebron ... Patricia Mulligan, 228-0269 series of cross burnings in Connec- searches in motor vehicle and mis- Hava a Compla int? but sticks and rags which were director, at 643-2711. Swth Windsor. Judy Kuehnel, 644-1364 ticut.” demeanor cases. Vernon . Barbara Richmond, 643-2711 burned on a person’s lawn, but the D O W NTO W N MAIN ST. MANCHESTER MANY OTHER ITEMS AT 1/2 PRICE! Nawt — If you have a question or To Subscrib e burning still had “the same chilling He said searches were necessary complaint about news coverage, call To subscribe, call Customer Service Commission counsel Philip A. effect.” for the protection cl the arrested per- FREE DELIVERY • EASY TERMS Frank Burbank, managing editor, or . at,647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a m. son and the police officer and a Steve Harry, executive editor, 643-2711. To report special news: Murphy Jr. said it held a series of State Treasurer Henry Parker, to 5:30 p.m Monday through Friday search for possible weapons must OPEN 6 DAYS • THURS. riN 9:00 P.M. Circulation — If you have a problem and 7 to 10 a m. Saturday. Business...... Alex Girelli, 643-2711 hearings and found incidents of Connecticut’s top black elected of- martiii regarding service or delivery, call Suggested carrier rates are 90 cents Opinion...... Frank Burbank, 643-2711 racial and religious violence had ficial, said he was a “victim of racist begin immediately. Cusloiner Service, 647-9946. Delivery weekly, $3.90 for one month, $11.70 for Family...... Betty Ryder, 643-2711 “markedly increased” during the behavior” during mayoral cam- Berry said police officers were should'be made by 5:00 p.m. Monday three months, $23.40 for six months, Sports...... Earl Yost, 643-2711 last two years. paigns in New Haven in 1971 and 1979. trained to know when to search a per- h II through Friday and by 7:30 a.m. Satur- and'$46.80 for one year. Mail rates are Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. He said there were 19 incidents of Parker said a cross was burned in son and the measure would destroy day. available on request. Monday through Friday. cross-burnings. front of his campaign office and Ku their flexibility and undyrmine The bill before the committee Klux Klan literature was pasted on morale. «k.

4. - EVENING HERALD. Wed., March 5, 1980 EVENING HERALD. Wed., March 5, 1980 - 5 g I iH aurliriilfr Eu^uim lH ^ral^ Memorial Tree Planting Set for Spring wmEditorial. Manchester — A City of Village Charm make a contribution to the made: LaBonn'e (Mark Kravitz) Berman, Bernie Marshall, Botanical Garden which Memorial Tree Program in Founded Oct. 1, 1681 Manchester - Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Samuel Katz); Mr. and Mrs. Janet Hubbard, Beverly having m ? has prepared an extensive memory of a deceased Menhorial Tree Program list of 99 tree varieties McKinney (Thomas Harvey); Charles S. Burr (John R. Woodhouse, Julia M. Taggart, Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, family member or friend Dorothy Wood (Chester Congressional Antics Committee Chairman Dr. suitable for a harsh city en- Mrosek) (Andrew ^ttaglia) Joanne C. Salafla, Lori-Bea affair? Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. Douglas H. Smith, an- or to honor newborn Kosak); The British (Arnold Tozier) (Elva McCor- Turner, Priscilla M. Ather, Americans, lawmakers Mueller. “As their senator, I vironment. American Club Inc. (Fred Congress, that dis- Member, Audit Bureau of Circuletlon Member, United Free* Intemetlonel nounced today finalized children are asked to send mick); Emily, Mary, Beth Fran Bartolotta, Barbara wa have the supplies—I Manchester's goal will Baker); Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Monahan, Jan DlBella, Sue might cite the anniversary of could not be prouder. ’These plans for spring planting ol a check for |10 or more and Dorothy (Charles Moller) • napkins • paaUo cups a candtaa • tabla cowra tinguished body of American Steven Harry. Executive Editor be to add as many different towards the cost of Smith (Edwin L. Culber); Ann (Elizabeth Jones); Mary Tomeo, Maura Lucius, Cheryl • dscoratloiM • craps paper atraamars a historical happening or young people have developed Customer Service — 647>994S Frank A. Burbank, Managing Editor flowering trees on public memorial tree varieties as Kunkas, JoAnn Kuncas and Florkowski, Nancy Anderson, lawmakers, functions in Harold E. Turkington. Editor Emerttus purchasing trees to the Wlnzler (Loved Ones); i Raymond f. Robinson, Editor-Publisher property. This planting will possible, in the concept of a Helen and Terry Terrien (Vic- Mrmr ewi liMdto 4wr ta* a«t)r - aaS aar ariOM CAST honor the memory of a noble their remarkable God-given Greater Manchester Priscilla and Roger Ather Arline Brown, Ercel ba bnll lull RtfUMO on uuutud paekafM. dignity and sticks strictly to be in late April and townwide arboretum, so toria McGrath); co-workers (Annie Scarchuk); Nancy and DISCOUHTt to uH orgunitallomi countryman now deceased. talents magnificently,” Chamber of Commerce, Edwards, John Boroch, Susan business in its sessions — represents the onset of the local residents can become in controller’s office. Town of Bill Baron (Annie Scarchuk); excel at winter sports as two resolutions honoring the 257 East Center St. and C. Hitt, Lillian Farrand, It’s all there in the Proxmire exulted. 16th year of (he tree acquainted with some Manchester (Lorenzo Tar- Friends and Neighbors (Nora Kathleen M. Carmlenke, Judy most of the time. well.’’ make checks payable to diff); Mr. and Mrs. John Congressional Record, that Then Sen. John G. Tower, Georgia Hussars, historic program in Manchester. more unusual and exotic Deasy). Finnegan, Carrie Dooman, But as drum-beaters for the M em orial Tree Collins (Mary Scholsky); military command organized Spring plans call for the but durable tree types not The Legal Secretaries of Dolores Berdat, Kae Allen, evtry impressive printed log of D-Tex., asked for the floor. Program. Margaret R. McNamar Manchester made a donation their respective states,' our placement of 24 flowering readily found in local Valerie Wilbur, Holly Uuk A few other entries on Feb. 13, 1736 which brought Following is the list of the (Stella DeLude) (Virginia in memory of John R. Mrosek senators and representatives each day’s proceedings in the “I congratulate the senator trees along the east side of nurseries. McDonald, Carol King, Kathy “local pride” : “honor and glory to the State most recent list of donors to Eels) (William Teasdale); Vi- and in memory of Elizabeth Hedlund, Sandy Schack, Pat th e mVael« of molp itrU t H ifcfnr/ House and Senate. Here are a from Wisconsin on having an Harrison Street, as street The spring tree planting like to boast of their con- the Memorial Tree Planting vien M. Murray (Mrs. Elinor Juul. Zabraeli. Dons Luetjen. Carol dowrttown m anehestep^* — Sen. Jake Garn, R-Utah, of Georgia and to the trees, in Blast Cemetery will be completed in April stituents — champion few recent examples from opportunity to brag about Program and (inparehtheses) Magnano); Althea. Ann, The secretaries are Suver. Mary Lou Taylor, asked to have the Nation.” acrording to joint efforts of by Grantland Nursery. the names of those in whose Beverly. Gertrude and Louise Dorothea Spiilane, Estella athletes, oration winners, the Record: these three fine young people Suzette Barnas. Cathi Gallup. Congressional Record print a — Rep. Morris K. Udall, I> Robert Harrison, town Any individual wishing to memory the donations were (Edwin Culber): Nancy M. Kutz. Linda Gustafson, Diane folks cited for bravery or un- Bubbling with pride over ... I add a Texan’s con- park superintendent, and poem by Judy Anne Rider of Ariz., read into the record a usual achievements. his state’s singular contribu- gratulations to them ... They Dr. Smith. Utah on' outrages against poem of tribute to veterans, Specific types of ______i As politicians, they tion to the U.S. Winter Olym- deserve the accolades of all human liberty in holding of freedom, and the country, flowering trees have not sometimes indulge in sly or pics team. Sen. William Americans.’’ American hostages in Iran. written by an Arizona been selected yet, pending open digs at colleagues of the Proxmire, D-Wis., reminded Then Tower got in his own consultation with the New Save on C/oset and Storage Organizers. He called the poem “an American Legionnaire, Peter opposite political faith. the Senate that all six medals commercial: “I am con- York Department of City eloquent statement of the M. Perez. Planning and New York As human beings they oc- Americans had won at Lake strained to observe that if we Placid at that juncture were had the kind of rotten dignity of each human casionally mix a bit of humor Zippered Storage Bags earned by three Wiscon- weather in the wintertime in being.” Matching Jumbo or horse play with debates on in See-Through Vinyl Dress Bag and Suit Bag sinites — Beth Heideh, Eric Texas that they have in — Sen. Herman E. legislation. Talmadge, D-Ga., offered Group And as patriotic Heiden, and Leah Poulos Wisconsin, I am sure we could EACH EACH 1.47 Our Rag. 1.99 lo 3.29 4.88 Our Rag. 6.99 To Run • Men's Individual Sujt Bag Attractive coordinated protection 8000P8 kyDomSneiyil • Ladies’ Individual Dress Bag for your garments. Avoids crowding and crushing. Choice ot brown or Letters m m MORE 0(i THE WIKRy'ANP CORRUPTION AH...iuiwirofi;MaNT Gardens • Ladies’ Individual Gown Bag yellow m otif SCANAU IN M M S H m . 9WPMS£K-RJHS! •Set (o Two Sweater Bags •Spacious Blanket Bag MANCHESTER - A Protects expensive clothing Irom Garment Hangers cooperative has been dust and dirt, yet Keeps them easily Team Makeup EACH formed to take over the identiliable and readily available Q Q t operation of the communi- HEALTH & BEAUTY if needed. O O Our Rag. 1.49 A 1.79 To the editor: senior much more than the players in ty vegetable gardens ’’at SPECIAL VALUES! •4-Tier Skirt Rack I wish to respond to the letter of question while his younger brother Manchester Community ‘S v H ’' •Set to 3 Skirt Mangers College. 38” Free-Standing Mrs. Carol Kulpa in the February 28 was a star starter. 'The character of •Gillette ‘Foamy’ •5-Tier Slack Rack edition of The Evening Herald which that senior contributed as much and The first organizational Shave Cream, 11 oz. Garment, Hat & Shoe Rack complained that some senior basket- more to that fine team as any player meeting was held Feb. 25 •Set of 2 Slack Hangers ball players at East Catholic did not that year and was recognized by the Jf/ and Ernst Engelbrecht of Helps keep clothing wri'nkle-lree, 23 Bruce Road, was named 99^ Our Rag. 1.67 8.33 Our Rag. 12.99 works wonders at eliminating over- play in their last game. coaches, the team, and all those crowding! Slock up now and save! acting chairman of the Top and bottom racks lor shoes and We try to inculcate in our players a close to the team. Most importantly ©Rely cooperative. a Rely Tampons, 30’s Tampcr'jJ I hats, ample hanger space. Great team spirit, an East community it was recognized as worthwhile by A second meeting has organizer when you have guests. Easy assembly. spirit, which transcends individual that young man and certainly helped The Herald in Washington been scheduled for March 1.47 Our Rag. I.i recognition. This requires sacrifice mold his fine character. 10 at 7 p.m. in Room 201 of Carlan Self-Adhesive of self, on the part of substitutes par- Basketball is a “team" sport and the Hartford Road building Vinyl Shelf Lining ticularly, to the greater good which achievement comes to the team. No at MCC. All those in- •Appedrine Weight- Free-Standing Shoe Racks terested in participating in ROLL is the best possible team effort. Yet player worthy of the name looks for Reducing Formula oppcdniMB Our Rag. 1.67 Nation’s Pulse Stronger the program for the com- AA each 1.23 the girl or boy of character learns to individual recognition. Both our 77 42 Tablals ■ • T * T Our Rag. 5.99 make that sacrifice and is rewarded coaches were not starters in college ing growing season are in- 1mil Our Rag. 2.39 4 Give your shelves a pretty spring more.' But from citizens at large, if not vited. At this meeting, Choose ladies' 9-pair rack, men's treat! Choose from a wide variety by the gratitude of teammates, the and certainly empathize with those in By LEE RODERICK Teeter, who said these findings are from their president, there are other Englebrecht said, general 6'palr rack for neat, space-saving ol decor-conscious . It s togetherness of the team, the a similar role. Yet they recognize WASHINGTON - Forty-five of the washable in 18" x9' roll. from a poll taken late last year, signs of gutsy optimism and deter- guidelines for the •Prolamine Weight- storage to end closet clutter. recognition of schoolmates. A team that their satisfaction came from nation's governors attending the added that Americans are becoming mination to turn the country around. cooperative’s operation Reducing Formula is made in plactice where the sub is being a part of the team. They try to winter meeting of the National disoriented as they find the three Eighty-four percent, for example, will be discussed, along 4 >1 20 Tima Capsules as necessary as the starter. This is pass on a sense of this satisfaction to Governors' Association here the “life cycles" changed —buying a told Teeter’s pollsters that the with a proposed set of rules 2• IH Our Reg. 2.76 certainly recognized and appreciated their young charges. other day got some good news and and responsibilities of home, lo catin g their children, and United States "has the potential ‘A TOUCH OF SPRING' 2-Ton Hydraulic by all the players and coaches. The The giving of self to a worthy cause some bad news from two of the those participating. planning for retirement. resources to solve its own energy 8” Hanging Plants Roller Floor Jack worthy sub recognizes his contribu- was the message of Christ. We try to nation's leading pollsters. The gardens were "At the end of 1979 we found that 77 problems,” tion in practice and' rejoices in the teach that example. First the good news: Most originally conceived as a percent of the people thought this Pollster Arthur White, whose firm SUPER HOUSEHOLD 4i33 Om Rag. 5.99 46.70 Rag. 64 99 team's efforts in a game whether he Americans have been shaken from public service offering in country was seriously off on the does the polling for Time magazine, connection with a course CLEANING AIDS! Healthy beauties! Chod'se Mechanic's type jack lilts from plays or not. The Rev. Robert E. Saunders, their lethargy of 5" lo 15", quickly, safely. Has wrong track. Sixty percent of those corroborated Teeter’s findings. The MCC used to offer. The greenhouse-fresh flowering My greatest admiration of an Principal, recent years. or foliage plants. locking wheels, stop'es blame the government in general as nation’s isolationist mood following gardening course has been compactly. East team member has been for a East Catholic High School, They are over the the reasons.” the trauma of the war in Vietnam is discontinued and the substitute who "rode the bench” as a Manchester. Vietnam syn- About half lay most of the blame apparently over, he said. program has become a drome and now EACH 20” Fern Plant Stand 5-Gal. Fuel Container for inflation on government said “Eight-six percent favor an em- problem for the college, believe the United1 ■ , both in time and staffing. Teeter. Business and labor combined bargo on wheat to Russia, using it as Our Rag. 6.89 States must built While MCC will no longer •Johnson’s ‘Shout’ 4.88 7.76 Our Rag. 11.99 are blamed by about 30 percent. "So a weapon in the fight for inter- Student Center and flex its be able to administer the Laundry Soil & Pretty show-olfs ol hand-made Spout fits all cars; vented. government, for the first time in 15 national strength,” White reported. 1:^ quality; unfinished or walnut. military muscle. program as it has in past We ar' writing as concerned tant. Students go to their classes and or 20 years, is getting a huge share of “Seven out of 10 are saying we’re Stain Remover ^4 They believe, at long last, that the years, it will still be able to 12 oz.. Our Reg. 1.39 Locking Gas Caps Manch°ster Community College leave, for there is no where for them the blame for inflation.” ready to do whatever is necessary,” Thoughts make the land available for energy shortage is reai. And, while •A TOUCH OF THE GREEN' studen; f ir we the students have to go and nothing to do. "In the same national survey at the to help the nation regain its position gardening. they list inflation as the nation's • Johnson’s ‘Favor’ been deprived for almost a year now. Some students don't even bother end of the year, 74 percent of the in the world. “All those people who Live Shamrocks 4.76 ou'WeM number one problem, three-fourths Furniture Polish Has 2 keys: fits most cars. We don't know if you are aware or with some of their classes for they peopel strongly disagreed with the “The’re recognizing the energy registered for a garden 12 oz.. Our Reg. 1.59 of them strongly believe it can be Each Plant not, but we still do not have a student live out of town and there is a two, statement that inflation is something shortage is real. They didn’t as plot last year will be con- 59^ three hour or even longer break whipped. tacted personally,’’ • 10-Qt. Potting Soil • Caldof Windshield Washer center. Tlie center destroyed by fire we simply have to learn to live with, recently as six months ago.” •Carbona Spray Antifreeze, Qal. Englebrecht said, ‘‘to Our Rag. 1.69 1.33 on April 7, 1979, is still not com- between their classes. Now the bad news: They expect the that the government can’t do much In the 1980s, he said, it appears Thoughts Spot Remover Our Reg. 1.29 87" determine whether or not 7 oz.. Our Reg. 1.69 pleted. There is no real communication government to do something to solve about it.” there will be less hostility toward in- they are still interested in i S j t a i i o o ; Governor Grasso promised she between the students for the tem- Somehow that word hasn’t reached stitutions, both government and Another thing we can’t do is be these problems —and they're getting this p roject. The would cut the red tape; tell us what porary lounge is in the auditorium Jimmy Carter. On the very day another’s judge. Because we are not •Glamorene impatient. private. “People want as much from remaining pl^s will be ‘Rug Fresh’ Rug & rebate savings she has cut? where there are just rows of seats The pollsters appearing before the Teeter was speaking to the visiting you (government leaders) as ever, God we never see or hear anything. offen^ o ii^ a « s t come, Mcign The center was to be ready by and limited leg space. governors were Robert Teeter, presi- governors, Carter was entertaining a but there is more of a willingness to Because we are never perfect we Room Deodorizer first s#ve'basfir with the IS OL, Our Reg. 1.49 September when school opened for The bookstore is now about four dent of Market Opinion Research, group of out-of-town editors at the work with you than there has been.” have no authority to condemn others. rental fee remaining at the fall semester, and it was not yet miles from campus. and Arthur H. White, vice president White House. White said that Americans especially Yes, society rightly sets standards by $10.” in the process of being built. These are just a few of the of Yankeiovich, Skelly and White and After lamenting the soaring infla- would like to see business, with its which we judge behavior, but they Plans are to have the Then it went to November, problems that have resulted from the a member of Gov. Ella Grasso's ad- tion rate. Carter told them, “It would "resources and record of efficien- are open to change; they’re hot God. land staked out a ready for the first plantings by April December, January and February. fire on April 7. ministration in Connecticut. be misleading for me to tell any of cy,” play a greater role in the Yes, we can tell another person how 15. In February we were told there is a Furthermore, we the students of “Going into 1980 the national mood you there is a solution to it.” decisions of government. we see them, but as Jesus said, few minor delays and by the middle MCC want to know what is going on is not one of angry voters, but one of While conceding that the energy In short, while the nation faces "Pass no judgment and you will not of March it will be completed. and where is our student center? be judged.” (Matthew 7:1, 2) frustrated, anxious, apprehensive and inflation problems have reached some extremely tough problems in Toastmaster On Feb. 21, 1980, the students were the "crisis state,” Carter stuck rigid- Rev. Laurence M. Hill and in many ways frightened the months and years just ahead, its Mason Event Kodak ‘Ektralite 10’ Toaster/Oven/Broiler told the center would not be com- Elizabeth A. Peck, voters," said Teeter. "They are ly to his guns. On the economy, for pulse, according to the experts, is South United Methodist Pocket Outfit Westclox 46.99 pleted until the middle of April. East Hartford, simply apprehensive that all the old example, he said, “The basic policies strong indeed and very much up to Church Set Tuesday Magnavox Caldor Reg. Price ENTIRE STOCK OF Caldor Sale Price 34.70 The students at MCC have been the Loreta Kepenis, Manchester Our AM/FM Electronic ‘Dialite’ Electric rules they've lived by don’t work any we have espoused suit me fine." the challenge. Mir. Mall-ln Rabata 5.00‘ ones who have been getting hurt for Manchester, I •FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT 29.40 Rag. 33.97 Clock Radio Alarm Clock the social life on campus is nonexis- MCC students. MANCHESTER - No focusing necessary! Has Our YOUR action-slopping built-in elec- Our FINAL COST 29.70 "Square Head Night” will •WOOD-BURNING STOVES 26.40 Rag. 32.99 3.43 Rag. 5.89 be observed on ‘Tuesday tronic . Includes film Extra large size lets you en|oy and batteries A great way to start the day! Funclionally attractive with March 11, at 7:30 p.m. any type meal from toast lo EXAUPLES: Has Magnavox big quality white case, gold trim, lighted Washington Merry-Go-Round when the M anchester •Tele-Pocket Camera with dial and easy-to-read black burgers to casseroles eco- Electronic Flesh sound, silent LED lime display, nomically! 4370 Lodge of Masons meets at lasl/slow time set numerals. •Deluxe I110TFI402. Rag. 29.70 24.40 cltrk lor d ftillt the Masonic Temple. Glass-Door The stations for the Firescreen How Russians Are Killing Afghans With Poison Gases Master Mason degree will be filled by members of 1- Scandinavian descent. 59.88 W By JACK ANDERSON they are holed up. tion has resorted to such an in- their genocidal weapons against the Soviets are waging secret chemical troduced over the past two years by They qre Robert Benson, Our Orlg.* 99.70 WASHINGTON - In the towering, From the available evidence, in- humane weapon since our colonial Afghan rebels. and biological warfare against the the eight congressmen who were worshipful master and past master of Hartford Lodge treacherous mountains of telligence specialists have identified French and Indian wars when Indian A key intelligence source told my defenseless but defiant Afghans. filmed by the FB I’s candid camera. Bi-lold doors vrith top of Masons; Richard Bolin, and bottom draft Afghanistan, the Soviet invaders are one gas as Soman. This colorless tribes were deliberately given associate Dale Van Atta that the None of them offered a bill on behalf P.M. and senior warden; controls. Bring Inside attacking guerrillas with deadly nerve gas has a pleasant, fruity odor smallpox-infected blankets. Soviets have placed extensive of anyone with a name even remotely lireplace dimensions John 0 . Nelson, junior lor size. I . S A V E A N E > a R ^ nerve gases that even Adolf Hitler but brings agonizing death within 15 Even Hitler decided against using stockpiles of chemical weapons in Congress SCAM? warden; Everett Johnson, Not an llnlthat I balked at using. minutes. It kills by being absorbed nerve gases developed by his Nazi their Warsaw Pact satellite nations. similar to the Arab pseudonymns secretary; Bruce Reinohl, (lias In all ilo rn . ‘ • i i i i ( 40% OFF I The implications are so hideous through the skin. scientists in World War II. But after In the early ’70s, intelligence agen- used by the Bureau. 1 1 treasurer; Erland John- • Deluxe 24" Cast-Iron Grate ^ our Reg Pf'^es The victims in their final minutes cies established that poison gas was I have checked what the con- that American analysts don't want to the Third Reich collapsed, the son, P.M. and senior Our Orlg.' 17.M 10.79 believe their own intelligence, but of life, according to a U.S. document, Soviets quietly moved an entire Ger- stored in Poland and unidentified gressmen, who are implicated in the Reps. John Murphy, D-N.Y., and deacon; Roy Benson, junior deacon; Carl V. 'IntennedUtafnMkdowm UUn. Star* eioch only, no raincfwdit. F k o l^ not included eyewitnesses ac- „ "display the following symptoms: man nerve gas production plant to chemical weapons were kept in ABSCAM operation, did in return for Michael Myers, D-Pa„ for example, Gustafson, senior steward; counts, satellite ^ difficulty in breathing; drooling and Russia and employed former Nazi Czechoslovakia. They learned later the money they were paid by under- photos and com- ''' _ ^ excessive sweating; nausea, scientists to develop the dread stuff. that a Soviet air force division in allegedly agreed to introduce private Bruce Johnson, junior steward; John Kjellson, Sterno & Duraflame White-Westinghouse 18-lb. Heavy-Duty Washer munications in- ^ » vomiting, cramps and involuntary "'Pentagon sources now estimate East Germany possessed a stock of cover FBI agents. It left me bills in return for cash. But Murphy Select Group of Imported European Crystal marshal; James Stratford, 3-Hour FIrelogs defecation and urination; twitching, 400 chemical bombs. wondering: Who was scamming Servingware and GIftware Accent Pieces tercepts have that the Russians tested their has not offered any legislation since P.M. and chaplain; Frank Features two wash and spin speeds for verifield the terri- jerking and staggering; headache, chemicals in small amounts against More ominous, mock military who? perfect fabric care Energy-minded 5-posilion Gakeler, P.M., tyler; and QQe each Choose irom an impressive water saver control, plus convenient bleach *277 ble truth. confusion, drowsiness, coma and rebellious tribesmen in South Yemen maneuvers in the Warsaw Pact coun- the beginning of 1978; Myers has in- James W. McKay, organist 9 9 Our Rag. t.28 collection ot wine and cordial dispenser for a whiter, brighter wash Our Rag. 329.70 The cash handed over to the law- sets, salad bowls, chip-&-dips. These moun- convulsion ... followed by cessation as early as 1964. tries, according to intelligence troduced only one bill, and it had and choir director. •Duraileme 2-Hour 8.88 »17.76 candlesticks, vases, more. Our flag. 14.99 lo 29.99 • Whlta-W aatlnghouae Matching Elaclrlc Dryer, Oui Rag 239 70 •199* tains are called of breathing.” Then in 1978, the Soviets used sources, have included "simulated makers by G-men posing as Arab nothing to do with an Arab, phony or There will be a corned Fifelog,OwRag.Nc 87‘ -Add 110 iBi . (Oallvtry ind/or Iniltllallon ogllonal •! tilra coal I The Defense Intelligence Agency beef and cabbage dinner at QIFT OEPT. (Not all llam i In all tlo itt. ttora tloch only, no rainchacha.l Hindu Kush, meaning "Killer of Hin- mustard gas to subdue the indepen- chemical attacks against NATO sheiks was supposed to buy the in- otherwise. dus.” But it's Afghans who are now has also picked up references in dent Meo tribes entrenched in the forces.” 6:15 p.m. Reservation are troduction of private legislation that being accepted by John SENIOR CITIZENS’ DAYS, dying on the craggy, wind-whipped Soviet communications which in- highlands of Laos. Survivors In the name or humanity, What this indicates is that would permit the immigration of cer- Nelson at 646-1318. EVERY TUESDAY 6 WEDNESDAY heights. The Russians ar§ using gas- dicate the Russians may also be staggered out of the mountains meanwhile, an international com- ABSCAM’s agents were getting little MANCHESTER VERNON Carl J . Anderson, grand in o /. O C IT ever yt hing waging germ warfare against the mumbling fearfully about “yellow more than empty promises from TM-CIT1SH0PFIN6 CENTH es to flush the fierce mountain men mission should be empowered at tain wealthy Arabs. But I have master of Masons in I w /O V / r r IN OUR STOCK 114ST0UlUIDTIIIIinKE out of the caves and crevices, where Afghan tribesmen. No civilized na- rain.” Now the Russians have turned once to assess the evidence that the reviewed all the private measures in- their congressional friends. Eicagt Itlai, lobacca pvoducta and liana akaady on aala. Connecticut, will attend. DISCOUNT IN EFFECT EVERYDAY ON PRESCRIPTIONS STORE HOURS: DAILY AND SATURDAY, 10 AM lo 9 PM aSUNDAY, 12 NOON to 5 PM aPRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY 6 - EVENING HERALD. Wed., March 5,1980 EVENING HERALD, Wed., March S, 1980 - 7 ToujnTol At a recent “roast” for the Ver- Adams Difference Vernon. Board member Harold ranks last week. Pete Silvester join Speaking of Cheney Mill Tuesday night. "I am impressed with the Board Cummings came up with the idea other Republicans Wilhiam Diana, redevelopment, Mel Gamzon, an non Mayor Marie Herbst, Vernon’s of Education budget. It is readabie ‘‘Why not turn it into con- Pete DiRosa and Gloria Della economic consultant studying the first female mayor, among the even though the numbers scare During a budget session the dominiums.” Fera. Congratulations, I’m sure project, told the Cheney District gifts given were a pink pistol and a m e” — Glastonbury Board of Board of Education Finance Com- you’re well-qualified. Mayor Historical Commission, ‘‘We’ve little pink fire truck. Along with Finance Chairman William B. mittee was talking about money to Stephen Penny said. ‘‘He is,” Pete w ork^ with you to plant the seed, them was a note saying, “No-No As O yvIs Top T ribe Glotzer said in discussing budget make long-needed repairs to the The Board of D irectors DiRosa assu red him , ‘‘H e’s it’s up to you to water the garden.” Marie, you can’t paint everything formats with the finance panel roof of the Maple Street School in welcomed its new member into the Italian.” ____ pink.” By LEN AUSTER deadlocked three times in the second “I thought it would be a hard- period but the Owls behind Adams’ fought game,” Piorkowski stated, “I Herald Sportawriter uncanny shooting touch took a 32-26 thought Manchester would be a tough Mike Adams. halftime edge. He hit 5 in a row, 4 in club. Manchester played super but If anybody asks ‘what’s the succession, in the second eight- the pressure was on them at the end Direictors Air Fund Use difference between the Manchester Obituaries minute span and was 7-for-13 at the and they missed some shots. His kids High and Hartford Public basketball MANCHESTER - The Board of withdrew from the Community will cost approximately $S million. break. are well-coached, well-disciplined. Andrew J. Stroker Anna F. Newell John L. Fairweather teams?’ —just say ‘Mike Adams’. Directors heard two proposals last Development Block Grant program. Joto Tucci, Castle Rrad, said using With Public’s 6-foot-7 pivotman They’re the best CCIL team I’ve seen ROCKVILLE - Anna F. Newell, MANCHESTER - Funeral ser- The elusive 5-foot-lO junior guard MANCHESTER - Andrew J. night to use |1 million in federal A request for funds has been in- the revenue sharing fund for the high Chris Canty on the bench with three in two years.” 86, of 9 South Terrace, died Monday vices will be Thursday at 10 a.m. for hit 13-of-24 field goal tries en route to Stroker, 82, of 3328 South East 11th revenue sharing funds for next year’s cluded in the Planning and Zoning Of- school would help i^ u c e the addition personal fouls at the outset of the Vincente Ithier and George Amos, a 28-point outing, including a couple Place, Cape Coral, Fla., husband of at Rockville General Hospital. She John L. Fairweather, 86, of 64 Walker budget. fice’s budget, but Lamson noted this to the mill rate. third period, Manchester ran off 8 un- the latter hitting some key corner was the wife of Francis F. Newell. St. who died Monday at his home. He mere mortals wouldn’t have Clara Hewitt Stroker, died Monday Congress has already appropriated week, he didn’t expect to receive the A November referendum on the answered points to take the lead, 34- jumpers, added 10 and 8 markers Mrs. Newell was born in was the husband of Violet (Daniell) launched let alone sank, in leading at his home. $500,000, and the other half is funds. bonding for the renovations is 32. But Adams —again —broke the respectively for the Owls, who were Bridgeport and had lived in Hartford Fairweather. the Owls to a hard-fought 63-54 win Mr. Stroker was bom in South expected, according to Charles “It’s ironic for a town this size to planned. skid for the Owls with a 19-foot right- 29-for-50 (58 percent) from the field. for 60 years, moving later to Besides his wife he leaves a over the Indians in a CIAC State Windsor Aug. 5, 1897 and had been a McCarthy assistant town manager. try to grow without a plan of JoAnne Mikoleit, Manchester Area side jumper. Canty snared 9 rebounds. Rockville. daughter. Dr. Jeanne Fairweather of Tournament Class LL Region I resident of this area most of his life, Robert Faucher, 28 Church St., development,” Faucher said. Conference of Churches, said that Two hoops by Canty and a three- Anderson, 6-foot-5 junior pivotman, She is also survived by three sons, San Antonio, Texas; a brother, semifinal last night before a crowd of moving to years ago. He who is co-chairm an of the “Citizens appear before the com- she would support both proposals. point play by Adams made it 45-40 had 18 points and 10 rebounds to pace Edward Newell of Rockville, with Harold J. Fairweather of Windsor; 500 at the University of Hartford. was empioyed by the Manchester Manchester Citizens for Social mision protesting developments, if Last year the town received $950,- but 4 markers in the closing 25 the Indians. Manchester out- whom she made her home, Harry and a sister, Mrs. Mildred Dobie of “The difference was Adams, he’s a Park Department for many years. Responsibility, said $50,000 should be the town had a comprehensive plan 000 in revenue sharing. About half seconds, on a Brian Sweeney hoop rebounded Public, 24-18. “It was Newell oT Windsor Locks and Worcester, Mass. great player. It’s as simple as that,” He was a member of the Dilworth- used to update the town Comprehen- they would know where and what was used for debt retirement, and and two Ed Kennison free throws, Billy’s best all-around game of the William Newell of Hartford; two Funeral services will be from the stated Manchester Coach Doug Pear- Cornell-Quey Post of the American sive Development Plan. could be in their neighborhood.” another third for the pension fund. left the reading 45-44 with eight year. He played the way he can and daughters, Mrs. Harriet Pelow of Watkins Funeral Home. 142 E. Center son. “ I knew he (Adams) could Legion, the Disabled American The plan is 15 years outdated, ac- Another suggestion was using the Other uses included street lighting, minutes to play. proved he will be reckoned with in Hartford and Mrs. Dorothy St. Burial will be in Buckland shoot. Alex (Britnell) had a hand in Veterans of Florida. He was an Army cording to Alan Lamson, town fund for Manchester High School and insurance for the special taxing Public canned its first six shots of the future,” Pearson commented. Koropatkin of Windsor Locks; two Cemetery. his face all night, he played super veteran of World War II. planner. The funds to update the plan renovations. According to Board of district, and the special fire district the final canto. Biggest of all was a Kennison and Silver, the latter brothers, Joseph and Henry Friends may call at the funeral defense. But he took some real long He is aiso survived by a stepson, were eliminated when the town Education figures the renovations fund. three-point play by Adams with 6:13 handling Public’s pressure very well, Ciifton C. Coffin of Manchester; a Kostelnik, both of Stratford; a sister, home today from 7 to 9 p.m. rangers and I knew he’d made some, to go. He was tripped in the lane 12 each added 10 m arkers for sister, Mrs. Walter (Frances) Mrs. Helen Kostelnik of Bridgeport; not all of them.” feet from the basket by Britnell, but Manchester, which was 24-for-48 (50 Skowski of Santa Anna, Calif.; three 13 granchildren and five great- Fritz Magnuson “Adams in my opinion is the best continued in for the layup and got the percent) from the floor. grandchildren. nephews. Dr. Ronald Skowski, MANCHESTER — Funeral ser- guard in the state," intoned Owl two-pointer and the subsequent “ I think we proved we’re a real Theodore Leitch and Henry Babsky, Funeral services will be Thursday, vices for Fritz Magnuson, 91, of 333 I~84 Backers Join Suit Coach Stan Piorkowski, who now charity toss. good team. I’m sure proud of them," all of California; and three 11 a.m., at the Rose Hill Funeral Bidwell St., who died last Friday at a takes his 8-11 quintet into the Region representing the Yes Committee, The Owl lead was 58-50 before Pearson stated, “We almost got over grandchildren. Home, 580 Elm St., Rocky Hill. local convalescent home, will be EAST HARTFORD - After the Yes committee will file to in- I championship against Weaver, a said the actual complaint from a Britnell hit two buckets, the first on a the hump. We almost got into the Funeral services will be held Burial will be in Rose Hill Memorial Friday at 10:30 a.m . from the meeting with Gov. Grasso Monday, tervene. 44-40 winner over Penney, Thursday coalition of environmental and anti- spectacular feed from sophomore quarterfinals. If we can do it; it’ll do Friday, 9:30 a.m., from the John F. Park, Rocky Hill. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St. the legal representative of the 1-84 night at Glastonbury High at 8:15. highway groups is yet tO be served Committee Chairman Eugene guard Joe Maher, to slice it to 58-54 a lot for our program. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. Friends may call at the funeral Burial will be in East Cemetery. Yes Committee said the group will “Manchester was playing very good against the federal and state Lariviere said an executive board with 3:25 to play. “If we play a few more games Center St., with a mass of Christian home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. There are no calling hours. Friends intervene in a suit in U.S. District defense but Mike is a superb athlete departments of transportation. from the Yes Committee met with A Pat Silver steal gave the Indians against city teams like that, we'll burial, 10 a.m., in the Church of the who wish to may make memorial Court that could determine if the who can make a shot with someone Clark said the complaint seeks an the govemer to get her support in possession but a Britnell pass to Billy win. We’re that close, he added, VConn Quintet Assumption. Burial will be in St. Card of Thanks donations to the Emanuel Lutheran Hartford to Providence highway is on him,” We want to thank all our friends and neighbors for injunction to stop any further design asking the federal government to un- Anderson along the baseline was too holding two fingers slightly spread, James Cemetery. Church Organ Fund. built. “I told Alex he couldn’t do any their kind expression of sympathy shown to us at the Tom Clark, of Clark, Gilligan and work on the highway. Once the com- derstand the problems of the hot to handle and Public got the ball “This is the kind of game that makes In NIT Test Friends may call at the funeral death of our husband and father. better than he was doing,” Pearson Mayo, a Hartford law firm that is plaint is served by a U.S. marshal. highway’s supporters. back. you look forward to next y ear" home Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 William Leonard Family Bronislaw Spankiewicz added. '“That turnover was critical, we STORKS (UPIl — The University p.m. 55 Bilyeu Road Public jumped to a 6-0 lead as the Manchester VERNON — Bronislaw could have cut it to two,” Pearson of Connecticut puts its unbeaten Silk Towners, who wind up 17-7, mis- llaiiforcl Public (6,3)— Ithier 5 0-2 10, Spankiewicz, 90, of 21 Court St., Citizen Group cited, “but the kids played real well. Nelson 1 0-0 2, Canty 3 1-2 7, Amos 4 0-0 8, home string on the line tonight with Rockville, died Monday at a local sed their first 7 shots. They didn’t get They weren’t intimidated at all. We Adams 13 2-2 28, Huertas 1 0-0 2, Bell 2 2-2 three ailing starters when the convalescent home. Sets Meeting on the scoreboard until 3:41 went down 6-0 but didn’t panic. We 6. Totals 29 5-8 63. Huskies host St. Peter's in a first M s l f m s r s s m . . . remained in the stanza. “That hurt, Munclicftlcr (54) — Koepsel 0 0-0 0, round National Invitation Tourna- He was born in Poland and had MANCHESTER - The Pops for Two came right back. Women in Army ^ . _ . „ we came out very tight,” Pearson lived most of his life in Rockville. He “We played well, they played Sweeney 4 0-0 8, Anderson 8 2-3 18, ment contest. Citizens for Manchester’s Manchester senior co-captain Brian Sweeney (44) holds the remarked, was a veteran of World War I. He Development will discuss better and Adams was the Britnell 3 2-4 8, Kennison 4 2-2 10, Silver 5 UConn forward Corny Thompson, worked in the local woolen mills. ball high over his head and gets set to release jumper over Hart- But the Indians fought back and difference. If he wasn’t in there we 0-110, Maher 0 0-0 0, Wilson 00-0 0. Totals center Jim Abromaitis and guard the upcoming town budget 24 6-10 54. He is survived by a sister, Villian and the condominium con- ford Public’s Vicente Ithier (53) in Class LL Region I tilt last trailed io-8 at the turn, it was would have won." Bob Dulin were all nursing minor ills Answer Queries suffered in a loss Saturday to Dellella of Arizona and a version problem at its WHY P AY MORE night at the University of Hartford. Sweeney was 4-for-4 from grandnephew. Jack Fidler of West meeting tonight. field and scored 8 points in Indian setback. (Herald Photo by Syracuse. By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA call for a registration lead to a draft. The three have accounted for about She said she would prefer the reten- Springfield, Mass. The group, meeting at 8 Adamson) Herald Reporter ,The White-Gibson-Small Funeral p.m. in the First Federal half the Huskies scoring and reboun- tion of a volunteer army, because it Penney^s Best Showing ding this season. MANCHESTER - The biggest means people are serving because Service, 65 Elm St., was in charge of Savings Association, asks misconceptions about women who the arrangements. for public input on these “They are responding to medical they want to. treatment and we are hopeful they serve in the U.S. Army are that they But she added that a big mis- topics and several others. are promiscuous, homosexual, and The group’s steering will be ready," said Coach Dom Per- conception is that the Army can call Merdcl no, whose team has won all its 10 have a very difficult time proving for registration. It is the president committee agenda aiso in- Qnqfe^^ Just Not Good Enough their competency to men, according Editorial cludes the Cheney games at the Storrs campus. and the Congress that can authorize a The NIT berths offer both UConn to three female officers who spoke at Historial District Plan, the credit" draft or registration, not the By KEVIN CASEY Kirkpatrick and a Pete Cace 20-foot and St. Peters a chance to rewrite the Manchester Community College military. Downtown Taxing District jumper, to take a 34-33 lead with 6:56 “We came and challenged them Disturbs By Correspondent disappointing finishes to their 20-8 Women’s Center Tuesday. A major misconception about the plan, and town comdemna- SHOP N0W.». to go. Two Steve Blocker hoops, the (Weaver) tonight. Some kids came Wimbledon It was a well-played game by seasons. In an effort to allay the fears service is that a soldier must obey tion of property for sewer second off his own steal, made it 37- slower than expected but they finally AND SAVE BIG MOHY ON THESE TOP QUALITY.... Earl Yost Penney, maybe the best it could Syracuse dealt UConn a 92-61 women may have of serving in the superior officers. Spec. 5 Francine Officials easement. 34 in Weaver’s favor. arrived. We had more players active produce, but the Knights dropped a humiliation in the Big East playoffs. military, these women are traveling Nesson, dressed in a dark green suit, The group, formed by A Cace hoop sliced the lead and during a course of a year than ever DRYERS! WE HAVE THEM ALU Sports Editor Provided 44-40 bout to Weaver High in a State St. Peter's suffered an 18-point throughout Connecticut and western said the highest authority is the MANCHESTER - The mayor, Robert VonDeck, pushed after Weaver gave the ball back before,” Penney (?oach Bernie liiiiiiiiiiiifnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiinnuiiiiiiiiuiunnH^^ Basketball Tournament Class LL defeat to Iona in the ECAC Metro Massachusetts to answer questions Geneva Convention. deputy mayor, and a director were fo r M a n c h e s te r ’s twice, Penney took its final advan- Dandley explained his club's late- Region I semifinal last night at about what the army expects out of She said if a general told her to “deeply disturbed” last night about withdrawal from the Top Thrill tage with 5:02 to go on another Cac^ season surge. Division final. QENEML ELECTRIC Manchester High. The Peacocks, the nation's leading women, and about what women can take part in something like the Nazi an editorial that appeared in federal Community two-pointer. He finished with 13 “The effort out there was very defensive team, have been carried by expect out of the army. holocaust or the My Lai massacre, Tuesday’s Evening Herald. Development Grant “Winning Wimbledon gave me my the Australian title three times ,the points. good tonight. They made a game out ‘The Knights bow out 7-16 while the a smaller but more experienced star- The effort is timed to meet the she would refuse, on the grounds that “I found the editorial very unfair,” program last April. biggest thrill in tennis,’’ Rod Laver Gladstone Devonish’s hoop put there. We did a pretty good job on the United States Pro championship five Beavers, 11-9, face CDC rival Hart- ting five. Junior center Kevin Rogers heightening interest in military ser- a higher authority said the action Mayor Stephen Penny said. “I pride quipped yesterday in Hartford when Weaver in front for good and two boards and fought it tought. We took times and two French Opens. ford Public, a 63-54 winner over is the tallest player in St. Peters' vice caused by President Carter’s was wrong. myself on my fairness in wielding the Man Charged he joined his Australian teammates Laver won’t be playing singles this Earle Scott free throws made it 41- their break away and they turned the Manchester High, for the Region I front line at 6-foot-6. call for a draft registration. Although gavel.” for the draw against the United 38. Bob Linnell fed Cace for a bucket ball over,” Dandley added. MANCHESTER - weekend, rather surprisingly. The championship Thursday night at The Huskies have been impressive the gathering was attended by few Other misconceptions addressed The Herald editorial criticized FOUR TDff. SOECnONS States in the final Aetna World Cup with Weaver then going into a delay Neither side shot particularly well, Police charged a 44-year- pairings were announced yesterday. Glastonbury High at 8:15, at times and mediocre at others women, those who participated include the belief that in the service, Mayor Penny for “becoming in- THREE CVOES which starts Thursday night at the game. Penney 18-for-50 and the Beavers 17- oid Manchester man this “I won’t ever get into serious tour- during the season. Although became involved in a sometimes if a recruit slips up once, the creasingly short” with citizens who EMDOFCYIU Hartford Civic Center. Penney was down 9-8 at the turn Tony Cruz fouled Beaver Blocker for-52. Kirkpatrick was 4-for-8 and morning in connection with nament play again," he repeated, lackluster in some victories against heated debate on the legitimacy of recruit’s career is ruined. Kelleher spoke at public hearings and . “Anyone who has ever played at and 20-18 at the halftime break. It with 1:16 left and he made one of two Cace 6-for-14 for the Knights. Scott PERMPiSSS which may be one reason he’ll only weak teams, UConn ran off six serving, and also were treated to an said if a recruit has a drug or alcohol meetings. the Feb. 17 sexual assault ”^AVE Wimbledon knows that it's the went into the final eight minutes missed all 10 field goal tries he be seen in doubles play. free throws. A backcourt violation of a young teen-aged girl. straight victories before losing to insider’s view of life in “the biggest problem, or any similar difficulty, “The editorial was grossly unfair,” biggest thrill anyone can have in ten- behind by a 33-30 count. gave the ball back to Weaver with 58 attempted for Weaver while Davis Anthony Peroziello of 869 Syracuse for a second time. fraternity in the world.” the recruit can talk to supervisor Penny conUnued. “If they don’t have nis,” the 41-year-old Aussie said. Weaver had a 42-40 lead with seconds to go. The Beavers tried to was 5-for-12 and Blocker 4-for-ll. Main St., Apt. 11, was During the streak the Huskies First Lt. Joyce Smith, dressed in upon supervisor in an almost endless the decency to identify what par- TTiis year’s format, changed con- Tabbed Greatest / Penney calling timeout, with posses- kill the clock but Scott was fouled. He Davis had 11 points to lead Weaver. black combat boots and fatigues, said chain of command. charged with second- dumped Boston College, Boston ticular item they refer to, then I siderably, will feature players 35 and His 20 World Cup Tenniytoumey sion, with 22 seconds to go. But an missed the front end of the one-and- degree sexual assault and University and Holy Cross — all NIT she came from a nice family and was She said these discussions cannot don’t believe the harsh criticism of over on the two teams for the four- Andy Sylvester field goal try missed one, giving Penney one last oppor- Weaver (44) — Devonish 2 2-2 6, a “good girl.” She said one of the impinge on the recruit or the' fourth-degree sexual titles is more than twice the number or NCAA entries. the editorial was owed to me.” day event that will lure just half the of the next closest player. Twelve and Greg Davis secured the tunity. Blocker 4 1-4 9, Davis 5 1-2 11. Scott 0 2-3 biggest personal adjustments for her recruit’s career, thus negating the assault, police said. He 2, Jones 3 3-4 9, Allison 1 0-0 2, Stewart 2 1- Half of UConn’s eight losses came Penny also said those with <50. attendance that Grand Slam victories came in singles and scored at the other end with “Tonight we just couldn’t get it was released on a $2,500 at the hands of nationally ranked was that people allow preconcieved image the army has of never criticism of his conduct should con- previous World three seconds to go for the final together,” voiced Beaver Coach John 2 5. Totals 17 10-17 44. notions of army women being gay or forgiving mistakes. non-surety bond for a play which have earned him in many Penney (40) — Cace 6 1-2 13, Linnell 2 teams. Along with the two defeats tact him, rather than the newspaper. Cups in Hartford count. Lambert, “I thought it would be sexually loosejo^color their opinions Excitement and tension were in the March 17 appearance in quarters the designation as the 0-0 4, Kirkpatrick 4 0-0 8, Cruz 0 1-3 1, against sixth-ranked Syracuse, the He wondered if the Herald editorial miiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' attracted. greatest player of all time. The Knights scored the opening close. We went man (to-m an of her, before having gotten to know air when the officers discussed was based solely on accounts given to East Hartford Superior Sylvester 3 0-0 6, C. Garen 1 0-0 2, S Huskies also dropped games to St. With play limited The pairings follow: Thursday two hoops of the fourth quarter, an defense) so we could try to run but Garen 0 0-0 0, Fahey 0 04) 0, Dunn 2 2-2 6, her. women in combat. Currently, the the editorial board by the reporter at Court, police said. John's and lOth-rated Georgetown. WHIRLPOOL to 35 and over night - Singles, Ken Rosewall vs. offensive rebound bucket by Scott Penney came to play and give it Peruccio 0 0-0 0. Totals 18 4-7 40. Mrs. Smith admitted however,that Army offers 360 jobs, 42 of which are last Tuesday’s Board of Directors Last year the Huskies won the New players, Laver was Tom Gorman; Doubles - Roy Emer- one of her first roommates in boot clos^ to women. These positions meeting. England title but were eliminated by GAS DRYER one of the first to son and Fred Stolle vs. Marty camp had been a lesbian. She said un- would involve fighting. While women Penny’s remarks had been ANTIQUES Syracuse in the first round of the accept. Riessen and Dennis Ralston; Friday der Army rules, she had told the cannot fight, they are medics and preclude by Deputy Mayor Stephen PROFESSIONAL SPECIAL “I’m not in- NCAA playoffs. authorities about the women’s sexual truck drivers on the front lines, so Replace with a more eKcteni. night - Singles, John Newconibe vs. Welch Turns Over New Leaf Cassano, who said the “editorial was STRIPPING & p ik K l^ gas appliance and terested in playing | ^ they are subject to death or capture. save money arxl energy Riessen; Doubles, exhibition Pancho preference and the woman had been an attack on the whole board in- REFINISHING the touring circuit discharged. Gonzales and Pancho Segura vs. NEW YORk (UPl) - He is best never got up in the morning and dre Dawson and Rodney S cott... Bil- tegrity." •Wicker Rewetving aVeneer «268 anymore,” the 5-8 head pro at Hilton Rec Volleyball Repair aSeati Rushed and Caned Frank Sedgman and Rex Hartwig; known for his classic confrontation drank, so I didn't think I had a ly Martin seems to have the Oakland Army recruiter Sgt. Chris Kelleher “1 feel it involves all of us, and our Head, S.C., said. “I’m too busy run- Manchester Rec men's volleyball To Conduct Bingo •Chairs and Furniture Reglued Saturday afternoon - Singles, with Reggie Jackson in the second problem. Sometimes I might drink A’s believing in themselves, "He’s said two of the most often asked policies of conducting hearings,” ning my tennis school.” There are playoff action last night at filing saw questions are whether women have MANCHESTER — Members of the •General Furniture Repair *Lathe SAVE! Rosewall vs. Riessen; Doubles to be game of the 1978 World Series. It was one beer, sometimes 10. But no changed my attitude,” says shortstop Cassano said. Auto sMtMT dry two chaiqpionship courts at the South Redwood Farms down ABA Tool & to cut their hair to be in the service, L Hand Carvuig •Proper Kesiora- announced; Sunday afternoon - matter how much it was, 1 couldn’t Mario Guerrero ... Relief pitcher Anderson-Shea Post of the Veterans Cassano said that he saw Mayor purmprcM c y ^ Carolina site, plus 25 others used at a colossal battle that young Bob Die. 15-12, 15-4: Lathrop Insurance and whether the rumours of having to lion ol your (ine antiques •Call Singles, Newcombe vs. Gorman; Welch won, striking out the Yankee Pedro Borbon has ajerted the San of Foreign Wars and its Ladies Penny conduct “ many difficult multi tomp the camp which stretches three handle it.” Agency best Economy Electric. 15-6, "sleep your way up” are true. Auxiliary will meet tonight at 6:30 at Doubles to be announced. Night play slugger before a nationwide Elsewhere around the spring cir- Francisco Giants he will be in camp emotional” hearings, and that Pen- Karl Pirfclnton Mtoetton miles on the Atlantic Ocean coast. 15- 9; Hoggers top North Enders 15-8. While the three officers all had 203-646-2586 starts at 7, day games at 2. tonight after having visa problems the post home, 608 E. Center St., and ny’s behavior was not reproachable. The sport's first millionaire, Laver, audience. Today, Welch faces a much cuit, Chicago White Sox batting in- 16- 14; and Insurers beat Renn's short hair. Ms. Kelleher said it while trying to leave the Dominican depart for Newington Veterans' Director Peter DiRosa agreed with WESTRMNOUSE who now lives year round at Hilton more severe test. structor Orlando Cepeda has ordered Tavern 15-7. 15-6. wasn't an Army rule. Republic ... Home where they will conduct a the Penny and Cassano. GAS DRYER Head, has been playing 33 years. Clinic Friday Welch admitted to his Los Angeles Action continues Tuesday with Ms. Kelleher said as a recruiter recreational bingo. More members “ However, this is not only a Dodger teammates Tuesday that he Cleveland pitcher Victor Cruz also Redwood vs. Insurers; Lathrop vs. Friday afternoon from 3 to 4:30, had visa trouble but finally made it to the greatest frustration is when are needed to participate, because problem now, but it has been a had a drinking problem and told of a Hoggers; North Enders vs. Economy ^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilllllllllllllN U.S. Captain Dennis Ralston and Baseball Camps the Indian camp. Manager Dave Gar- women call up asking how they can officers who usually attend have problem with the media, DiRosa Play for Fun “ painful” five-week stay in a Electric; and Renn's vs. ABA. get out of the service, should Carter’s another commitment. Probate Court is open for Aussie Captain Fred Stolle, assisted hospital for rehabilitation. “I’m hap- cia wasn’t thrilled, however, when noted. “I believe youngsters should start conferences with the judge by Roy Emerson, will conduct a free pier now than I’ve ever been in my a heavier bat for catcher Glenn Cruz tipped the scales at 210 pounds playing tennis when they are 8, Not from 8:30 P.M. to B P.M. MAYTAG clinic for all area high school age life,” he told his team. “ And I’m Borgmann and thinks the veteran competitively, but for fun. That’s on Thursday nights. Ap-! players at the Civic Center. proud of myself.” will respond with a bunch of homers what the game is all about. pbintments suggested. Technique and strategy will be Welch had a 7-4 record with a 2.03 this season ... Reggie Jackson and Teens Charged inSeheme RUYTU “Youngsters should not get intb the Night telephone nuni^er: stressed...Ticket sales have earned run average in 1978. Last Tommy John left Yankee camp to at- competitive' part of the game until Baseball Strike L 647-ja27, averaged 7,500 for each of the four 5 MANCHESTER — Police charged three area teens GAS DRYER year, a season filled with arm tend a player representative meeting Edwin N. Dubose. 39, of 96 Olmstead St. was released they are 12. Too many youngsters are Tuesday and are seeking four more arrests in a scheme William E. FitzGerald dates with sales picking up, Tom troubles, Welch slipped to a 5-6 in Tampa, F la .... the Atlanta Braves on cash bond for a March 17 court appearance. Police Auto aMwor dry pushed at too young an age and when which involved the alleged return of stolen merchandise Judge of.Probate Collins of Aetna reported. Capacity is record and a 4.00 ERA. say pitcher Larry McWilliams, who alleged he presented a forged prescription at the Shop permpreeq qreto they should be reaching their peak, fo cash. Rite Pharmacy, 214 Spencer St. •nd ol oycto algiMl twice that number... Between the “I didn’t have a very good year,” had elbow miseries throughout last Voting Starts SAVE they have had it and turn to other matches Saturday, two wheelchair Philip J. Silverman, 16, of 108 Scott Drive, Manchester, said the 23-year-old Welch. “I’m not season, is coming along nicely to forms of entertainment,” the little was charged with third-degree larceny. players, Jim Worth and Brad Parks, saying my drinking was the only CLEARWATER, Fla. (UPl) - possibility me players might open the sandy-haired man who annexed two date ... Walter T. Kostrzewa Jr., 17, of 288 Burke St., East will team with two pros in an exhibi- reason, but it may have been part of The Pittsburgh Pirates announced Marvin Miller, executive director of season, then call the strike later, Grand Slams in his storied career Hartford, was charged with three counts of third-degree SIWE tion match which should be the problem.” they had reached agreement with the Major League Baseball Players possibly June 1. WATERPROOFING added. The years were 1962 and 1969. larceny. worthwhile. Welch decided to go to the right-hander Don Robinson but no Association, will begin taking a Miller said he will take the strike Four times Laver won Wimbledon, Gary R. Melendy, 17, of 736 Vernon St., Manchester, ROOFING — CHIMNEYS NOW alcoholism treatment center at details were released ... Milwaukee strike vote today during his m eeting. votes of each team while he tours the was charged with six counts of third-degree larceny and Wickenburg, Ariz., after talking with GM Harry Dalton is quite upset that with the Philadelphia Phillies at spring training camps. one count of fourth-degree larceny, police said. DON'T DELAY— CALL TODAYIH >40J their spring training complex in He will report the results of the Don Newcombe, the former pitcher pitcher Bill Travers has yet to report All three were released on $100 non-surety bonds for a who works in community relations but was happy second baseman Paul Clearwater. vote to the board at its meeting in March 17 appearance in East Hartford Superior Court. WE STOP ALL LEAKS for the Dodgers and is a recovered Molitor was in camp despite not com- Miller was directed to take a strike Dallas April 1. Police alleged Melendy and another employee at the Baskeball alcoholic. ing to terms with the Brewers ... St. vote by the association executive There has been speculation that if D&L Parkade store bagged merchandise foPtheir friends committee after a closed-door, 4W- the players strike, club owners would 528-9315 ALL-STARS Transactions ”I wanted to quit drinking,” said Louis catcher Ted Simmons is without recording the sales on the registers. The other • BASEMENT WATERPROOTING • HATCHWAYS REf AIRED • BUCO DOORS INSTAUEO SaUMii M: D ili II Welch. ”I might have known I had a thrilled to have Bobby Bonds bn the hour session in Tampa Tuesday. start the season with minor league •SUMP PUMPS INSTAUEO • FOUNDATIONS REPAIRED • ROOFS — NEW REPAIRS ‘uii e.ucki East Side Midget All-Stars stopped By llnile

“I write “I have a 90-day Notice “ For the fastest bank “Our place was really ready for “My Safe Deposit Box? Costs checks—earn Savings Account. interest— I go winter—our me less than interest at Perfect timing for a 6-Month bank’s Home a dollar the same dme. for me. Money Market^ Improvement oo d o oo Frances Bartolotta * [ I / F a month.” AN.O.W. Certificate.” Loan did it.” Manchester David Edtfy ^ Betty Jean Satuyer Account’s Lebro T.Urbanetti Manchester Manchester Coventry a good deal.” T. Harteog Manchester

1. “Checking is great at my bank. “With my Student Loan, “That new 2V: Year Bond “I can’t think “Easy-to-get Travelers Checks. No minimum I was able to Market CD of another bank That’s a attend the is Super. You should^ with so many nice extra!” balance or see the interest Convenient f Mr. & Mrs. Albert Tuttle service charges,^ Morse School Manchester of Business.” it pays!” Offices either!” Dave Alexander Linda Thurston Amy&Cheryl for me.” Manchester Manchester Hawkins Marcia Hanson East Hartford Cov^ry ;,V Durinti the 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Holy it.,' Week, thousands of familie.s across the nation will be observing Lent. For those wbo wisb to carry on tbe “meatless meals on Friday" tradition, here are several delicious new recipes. For those who don’t observe I..ent, 7 but do look for flavorful ways to feed a family, the incred- ible edible epp and canned salmon can turn “ho hum” meals into “ummm” terrific ones! With a carton or two of etjps in your refriKerator and ‘Talk about helpful! canned salmon on the shelf, you can create some marvel- “My money’s “I got my Visa Credit Card ‘Tying up my “I batik by phone. Telephone And our bank’s ous meatless meals. These relatively low-calorie foods growing with with no fee money in an Transfer lets me are packed with protein, vitamins and minerals. And Home Mortgage m a 6-Year CD. at all!” 8-Year CD move money egg and salmon dishes are easy to prepare quickly — a rate was as m: And no , Deborah Roberts is crazy. from savings boon to tbe busy chef! Marwhester low as we minimum Like a fox!” to checking. How quickly and easily can they be prepared? Well, #'4 Edward Moriarty Or vice versa!’ could find.” take a quiche for instance — an Easy Salmon Quiche. deposit at Though it carries a fancy French name, a quiche is Bolton Adrienne Ovian William Hurley W my bank!” simply a savory custard pie that can be a sensational Manchester Glastonbury Daniel F. Reale supper for the family or a terrific dish for a company Maruhester brunch or lunch. F^or the chef who arrives home when everyone is / already “starving” or for the family whose members all need to eat at different times, omelets are the answer. Each omelet takes only about a minute to cook and the « picture-pretty salmon filling requires only the opening of a can! ■- - \ If the convenience of a make-ahead meal appeals to 1 you, try Super Salmon Strata. Strata means layers and “Went off to California with a “ I got an IRA Plan. layering is about all you need to do to prepare this dish in “My Social Security Check “I got a Personal^ “My Home Equity Loan sure advance for tonight’s dinner or tomorrow’s lunch. automatically Loan without will come in handy Vacation Loan My retirement Salmon, bread slices, shredded cheese and thawed (but goes right any big fuss to re-landscape from my bank. years look not cooked) frozen broccoli arc the layers. Over this color- XT'! HadabaU!” better now.” ful combination, pour a mixture of eggs, the salmon into the bank. ataU.” the yard!” liquid (to capture every bit of the salmon’s flavor and mt Jacqueline Ennis Creighton Shoor I like Direct Wayne Jean Charles Stanley nutrients) and seasonings and refrigerate. When you Manchester W7«r Hartford Deposit.” Manchester Tolland bake the strata, the egg mixture will cause the dish to Mae Popik puff up prettily. 90':" ; m East Hartford Sky-High Salmon Souffle is the choice for a spec- tacular Ix;nten meal. This souffle takes a short-cut by substituting a can of soup for the usual white sauce. The kids will get a kick out of Salmon Egg Ix)af. It’s as easy to prepare as any “meat” loaf, but is much more special. In addition to the super salmon flavor, there’s a surprise inside — hard-cooked eggs baked right in the loaf! F’or hearty family suppers or elegant entertaining, remember salmon and eggs. This incredible duo fills the bill for Ixnt or any other time you want to serve a deli- ‘My 1 Year Savings “I shopped around fqr_Life “Could be the ‘My bank pays higher interest “ Sure, I have cious, nutritious meal in a hurry. Keep them both on hand. CD gets me 6 V2 % Insurance. easiest on Regular Savings than Christmas Gub Savings. Pretty compounded My bank’s Car Loan ^commercial banks. Whatever your schedule, a strata is super! Layer the ingre- Add cheer tv Lenten meals wilh sunny eggs and savory As simple as pie — a saimry custard pie, that is. Pour a sea- salmon. This unique "meatless ’ loaf is easy to make hut interest. That was cheapest I ever got!’ I like the ho-ho-ho, soned epp and salmon mixture into a pie shell, hake and enjoy! dients and refrigerate this main dish until you're ready to impressive to serve. sure helps.” ofaU.” Donna Demko people, too.” come December.’ hake it. Roberta JohnR. Crowley Manchester Laurence Paulette A . Fenwick EASY SALMON QUICHE SUPER SALMON STRATA SALMON EGG LOAF McCormick Manchester Eddy Manchester S seroinps H s e r v i n g s fl servings Manchester Manchester ii I 19-inclu pie shell', iinhakcd :i -I teaspoon celery salt 1 can fI5'/j oz.) salmon f) epps. beaten I tablespoon instant minced onion I 2 teaspoon dry mustard I't slices cocktail rye bread I teaspoon lemon juice 1 can ll.b' -• oz.) salmon 6 epps, beaten I tablespoon snippet! parsley I can 17'I m.i salmon I H teaspoon pepper 2 cups (H oz.) shredded Swiss :i '4 teaspoon salt ,'i epps. beaten / 4 teaspoon dry mustard I tablespoon lemon juice Milk Watercress or parsley, cheese 2 cups soft bread crumbs 1 package (U) oz.) frozen chopped I 8 teaspoon hot pepper 4 cup chopped pimienlo- :i hard cooked e g g s ' 1 tablespoon lemon juice optional Kpp Parsley Sauci' 2 teaspoons instant minced onion broccoli, thawed and drained sauce stuffed preen olives Milk Brush pie shell with small amount of the beaten eggs. Prick bottom Drain and flake salmon, reserving liquid in a measuring cup for Drain and flake salmon, reservinjj liquid in a measurinK cup. Cut Egg-Parsley Sauce. In medium bowl,combine salmon wilh beaten W\ and sides with fork If using a pie plate, bake shell in preheated 42,')°F. bread slices into trian^^Ies or halves. Grease a Id-quart baking dish oven until golden brown, about b minutes. If using a metal pie pan, eggs crumbs, olives, onion, parsley and lemon juice Spread 1 3 mmm and cover bottom with half the bread slices. Top with 1 .1 ()f the mixture in 8' -x-l' .-x2' .-inch wtll-grea.sed loaf pan. Place hard-cooked bake shell at 4ril)°F, Cool on wire rack. Reduce oven temperature to cheese, then all of the salmqn and broccoli and 1 '2 of the remaining 350°F. for pie plate, 37r)"'F. for metal pie pan. eggs end-to-end on top of mixture, pressing lightly. Gently but lirrnly cheese. Arrange remaining bread triangles over top. Add enough pat remaining salmon mixture over and around eggs Hake in pre- “Conni, the 24-hour_ “I opened a Special Occasion signed up for Payroll “ I’m glad my bank^ “Special free gift! Yours Drain and flake siilmon, reserving liquid in a measuring cup. Add milk to reserved salmon liquid to make 1-1- 2 cups. Combine with heated 3.')0 F, oven 35 to 40 minutes. Unmold to serve. Top with enough milk to mtike 11'2 cups. Combine with beaten eggs and beaten eggs and seasonings. Pour egg mixture over salmon-broccoli automatic teller Savings Account. Savings where suggested a just for bringing this seasonings. Sprinkle salmon in pie shell. Pour in egg-milk mixture. mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 1 hour or Egg-Parsley Sauce. machine, But my special ^ I work— really Collateral ad into any Bake in preheated oven .'l.T to III minutes or until knife inserted off overnight. Uncover and bake in preheated 325°!'. oven 4.’) minutes. certainly will occasion is makes my Loan. The rate ] office and center comes out ciean. Let stand b to 10 minutes before serving. Top with remaining cheese and return to oven for 1.) minutes. Ix.*t Garnish with watercress or parsley. stand 10 minutes before serving. EGG-PARSLEY SA UCE make banking] my secret.” life easier.” sure was low.” asking about | •You may use it thawed, frozen deep-dish pie shell. Pre-bake shell in tabout I' ■ Clips! convenient... Diana O ’Connell ■ Nelson Beaulieu Eleanor Colangelo any of our preheated 12h F. oven. Bake quiche at ,37.')°F. Andover Manchester Manchester accounts or 2 tablespoons butter 1 e g g . b e a t e n and fun, tool’ A meatless meal can be marvelous when this souffle is on 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons snipped parsley Linda Clark services.” the menu. Salmon provides the flavor while eggs add Reserved salmon liiiiiid 2 tablespoons lemon juice Manchester TomMatrick Ah omelet is an envelope, a nutritious, delicious envelope and excitement. Chicken broth Vice President, it’s sensational when filled with salmon and topped with Savings Bank quick-fix Pucumher Saute. SKY-HIGH SALMON SOUFFLE In small saucefian, melt butter. Blend in flour, (’ooli over medium 6 servings heat, stirring constantly, until smooth and huhhly. Add enough o f Manchester SALMON OMELETS WITH CUCUMBER SAUCE chicken broth to reserved salmon liquid to make 1-1 3 cups Stir into 4 .servings Butter 2 tablespoons prated flour mixture. Cook iind stir until mixture hoils and thickens. Blend Grated Parmesan cheese Parmesan cheese small amount of hot sauce into heaten egg, then stjr egg into sauce. 1/2 cup 14 VI.I dairy sour cream 8 epps I can (lOVi oz.) condensed cream I teaspoon prated lemon peel Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, 1 minute. Stir in parsley 1/2 cup chopped peeled cucumber 1/2 cup water of onion soup, undiluted 6 eggs, separated and lemon juice. I tablespoon minced preen onions I /q teaspoon salt I can (?’/< oz.) salmon, 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar with tops 1/8 teaspoon pepper well-drained and flaked 1/2 teaspoon dried dill weed 1/4 cup butter, divided I can fV/i oz.) salmon, undrained Fresh dill weed, Butter bottom and sides of 2-quart souffle dish or casserole. Dust with and flaked optional Parmesan cheese. In medium saucepan, combine soup, salmon, 2 •♦To Hard-Cook Eggs tablespoons Parmesan cheese and lemon peel. Cook and stir over Do your neighbors know something about US you don’t? Combine sour cream, cucumber, onion and dill weed. Cover and re- medium heat until mixture is hot. Remove from heat. Put eggs in single layer in saucepan. Add enough tap water frigerate while preparing omelets. In a small saucepan over medium In small mixing bowl,beat egg yolks at high speed until thick and heat, heat salmon and keep hot. Mix eggs, water, salt and pepper with to come at least 1 inch above eggs. Cover and (luickly bring lemon-colored, about 5 minutes. Wash and dry beaters. Blend a small just to boiling. Turn offbeat. If necessary, remove pan from fork. For each omelet: Heat 1 tablespoon butter in 8-inch omelet pan amount of hot salmon mixture into yolks, then stir warmed yolk over medium-high heat until just hot enough to sizzle a drop of water. burner to prevent further boiling. U't eggs stand covered in Pour in 1/2 cup egg mixture. Mixture should set at edges at once. mixture into salmon mixture. hot water 15 to 17 minutes for Large eggs. (Adjust time up With pancake turner turned over, carefully push cooked portions at In large mixing bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar at high or down by about 3 minutes for each size larger or smaller.) ,Savings Bank speed until stiff but not dry, just until whites no longer slip when bowl Immediately run cold water over eggs or put them in ice Manchester: Main Street (Main Office); Purnell Place (Drive In); Burr Comers Shopping Center; East Center Street; Manchester Parkade; Hartford Road at McKee; edges toward center so uncooked portions flow to bottom. Tilt pan as necessary so uncooked eggs can flow. Slide pan rapidly back and is tilted. Gently but thoroughly fold yolk mixture into whites. Care- water until completely cpoled. To remove shell, crackle it by Shoprite Plaza at Spencer; Top Notch Shopping Center at North End. East Hartford: Burnside Avenue; Putnam Bridge Plaza. Bolton: Bolton Notch at Route 44A. fully pour into prepared dish. For a “top hat”, hold a spoon upright tupping gently all over. Roll egg between hands to loosen Andover: Andover Shopping Plaza. South Windsor: Sullivan Avenue Shopping Center. Ashford: Junction Routes 44 & 44A. Member F.D.I.C. Telephone 546-17(X). forth over heat to keep mixture in motion and sliding freely. While of Manchester top is still moist and creamy-looking, fill with about 1/4 cup hot and circle mixture to make ring about 1 inch from side of dish and shell, then peel, starting at large end. Hold egg under run (Si ning cold water or dip in bowl of water to help ease off shell. Equal Opportunity Lender salmon. With pancake turner, fold in half or roll, turning out onto 1 inch deep. plate with a quick flip of the wrist. Keep warm while preparing re- Bake in a preheated 350°F. oven until puffy, delicately browned and maining omelels.Top each omelet with about 1/4 cup chilled cucum- souffle shakes slightly when oven rack is gently moved back and ber sauce. Garnish with fresh dill, if desired. forth, 3.5 to 40 minutes. Serve immediately. EVENING HERALD, Wed., March 5, 1980 - 15 U - EVENING HERALD. Wed.. March 5, 1980 Great News for Gardener»t Turn Ham Salad Into Gourmet Treat salads. Serve with cherry chopped. (If you have no Landscape Yoiir Property to Put Food on Your T ^le processor, chop bam and 2 ribs celery These simple dishes can 1 (20-ounce) can pineap- dressing. 4 large canned peach fo(^ processor, chop bam Ham-salad sandwiches For example, mound a ple slices, drained celery. Stir together clovds and celery.) because of crosspollina- all summer, and provide bring a gourmet touch to This kitchen-tested halves Gardening should be fun, them about five feet apart. make fine eating. But there special ham salad made Lettuce leaves and cheese, then mix into Place each halves oft let- Newspaper carriers on trees or ridges? Are you in driveway. to develop. In selecting tion. Rabbiteye edible orange-red rose hips your table. recipe makes 4 servings. 4 lettuce leaves not a chore. Fertilize each spring. are more ways to enjoy with creamed cottage Maraschino cherries (for ham-celery mixture.) tuce leaves. Mound ham their early morning rounds a frost pocket? Ask your — Is anything already sites, allow for the shade blueberries, which ..are in the fall. The hips are Cherry Dressing W cup sour cream Lawrence’s suggestions Mulch around the bases to ham salad than merely cheese over pineapple garnish) Arrange 4 pineapple mixture on peaches. swipe fresh strawberries neighbors if you’re new in growing on your lot that they will give other, later native to Florida, also very high in vitamin C. Ham Salad With Combine W cup mayon- Vi t e a s p o o n g r o u n d of plants suitable for edible save moisture and keep spreading it between slices slices and lettuce. Top with Cherry dressing slices on lettuce leaves. Stir together sour cream from Michael Lawrence’s the area. Is there a view you want to keep? You may plantings. The plant dealer grow well in other southern Rugosa roses thrive'in full Cherry Dressing naise and y« cup red ginger landscaping: weeds down. Cover the of bread. cherry dressing for added Combine ham, celery Mound ham mixture on top and ginger. Mix in front yard in Burlington, you want to keep? have plantings that control can tell you what their states. sun or partial shade. They 1 c u p l e f t o v e r h a m maraschino cherries. (4 cup red maraschino — Highbush blueberries; bushes with netting before flavor and visual appeal. and cloves In food of each slide. Top with cherries. Serve with Vt. — Consider traffic erosion, give privacy, growth pattern is. — Highbush cranberries become a thick, full hedge chunks cherries they grow 4-6 feet tall and the fruit turns blue to Or spoon ham salad over processor. Process with maraschino cherries, if Peachy Ham- salads. “I don’t mind," he says. patterns. Is there a corner screen out a view you don’t — If your home faces are hardy, 8-10 foot tall that needs very little care. 2 ribs celery Combine ham and celery make excellent hedges in protect from uninvited peach halves. Serve with a cutting blade until desired. Cherry Salad This kitchen-tested “I plant a little extra.” schoolchildren cut across want or provide wind- south, you’ll probably want bushes that produce easy The thorny plants grow 6-8 Dash ground cloves in food processor. Process areas where they can get birds. Leave the berries on dressing flavored by sour chopped. Mix in cheese. (If Halve remaining pineap- 1V4 cups leftover ham recipe makes 4 servings. Lawrence is a landscape on their way to school? Is breaks. Don’t be hasty vegetables in the front to pick berries. They are feet tall and can be pruned 1 cup creamed cottage with cutting blade until full sun. They like acid soil, the bushes for 7-10 days cream, ginger and cherry. you have no food ple slices. Arrange around chunks architect who favors there heavy foot or vehicle about replacing them with yard. If asparagus is one very tart, better suited to to a desired height. They cheese which you can provide by after they have turned mixing ornamentals with traffic past your lot, front edibles. Do a little at a choice, plant it first jellymaking than for eating need no winter protection Social adding sulfur. They will blue. They will not ripen edible plants because so or back, during certain time so you don’t lose their because it takes a couple of fresh. Unlike most other and are relatively free of live 10-20 years or more, after picking. Mixing ear- many are also highly hours of the day? These protection. years to reach the cutting cranberry varieties, they pests and diseases. depending on care and ly, mid and late season decorative. could affect your choice of — You probably will stage. do not need boggy growing - Elderberries grow on 6- Security last WEEK’S WINNERS OF MOO; location. Add large varieties will extend your His 60 by 100 foot lot has plants. If you are building, want to put in hedges, — Make a list of what you conditions. 7 foot tall, hardy, thornless amounts of organic matter harvest up to six weeks and strawberries for ground look for the simplest bushes and trees first hope to plant each year. — Rugosa roses blossom bushes in almost any soil. Q. Will my 1980 Social before planting and set also get larger berries Security tax be higher than cover, an informal hedge locations for walks and because thev take longest Don’t go overboard. it was for 1979? F R E E ! * * 1 0 0 “ " O F F of highbush blueberries . A. The 1980 Social Securi- LILLIAN LENZANO and a side garden of ty tax rate is the same as it vegetables that replaces A n S t o p & S h < v s S u n d a y 9 a m > 5 p m ,-_was in 1979. Therefore, if Y O U R H E A T IN G or G ASOLM E BILL! MANCHESTER the lawn as "the focus of ■--you 1979 earnings were *NO PURCHASE NECESSARYI FILL OUT AN ENTRY the whole yard," Lawrence Incredible Offer! ^ Special dollar values... save you money... in every departm ent.. stock up this week! said in a telephone inter- ■."■■$22,900 or iess and you Each ol Uwso •dvoflltoU Noms Is rauuirtd to bo roodUy BLANK AT ASP. THERESA WINNER IN EVERY STORFi r ekco et er imaI r ovoNoMo lot sola at or balew lha advortlsad priea In sacn view. Chunk Light "expect to earn the same Aap tio ra , ascapi as spacHIcaay nalaU In ttUs ad. DRAWINGS HELD 4 P M SAT., MAR. 8, 1980 Assorted Fruit Flavored Fudge Brownie Mix 100% Columbian Coffee ■ ;-amount in 1980, your Social "1 also have a few things : ;I ^ u r i ty tax will be the for birds, some decorative ;' same. ------aC Q iBE m SlZ^— — I rhododendrons and azaleas F l a t w a r e Ifi'CFruit Betty Star-Kist ^ockSull Q. My doctor has RBL With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase* | L With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase* • and a Small greenhouse." he said. Never needs polishing ■^ijeferred me to a physical ^M A N COFFEE ^ I ^^AiP-1UI.FKO. ’N u ts iherapist for treatment of Lawrence recently choice of 2 patterns. Drinks Tuna designed a honeycomb- •arthritis. I go to the MARGARINE THIS WEEK’S FEATURE: therapist's office for treat- EIGHT $ 0 1 9 ! shaped garden along the inent. Will Medicare pay For Frethnott same lines for Gardens for UARTERS All. a non-pkofit. national JN nnerFotk for this? O’CLOCK AP-MO I AP-601 and Savings ‘Excluding llama Prohlbltad By Law. , -xcludlng Hams Prohibited By Low. Classic A. Medicare medical in- Limit One Coupon Per Family. Valid March 2-8,1980 membership organization Pieces*' in oil or water Limit On« Coupon Per Family. ValiO March 2-6,1960 oaii based in Burlington. The 20 or . surance can help pay for Bastille physical therapy services by 50 foot plot uses you receive from strawberries for ground independently-practicing. COUNTRY FARM PORK cover, highbush blueberry EKCOETERNA Medicare-certified hedges and dwarf fruit PORK LOIN-CENTER CUT Ctftfom Cut To Ordarl trees instead of ornamen- physical therapist in his or BEEF ROUND 22-2 6 LBS. K i t d i e n her office or in your home RIB tals for shrubbery. Multiflora roses lining the if the treatm en t is WHL. BOTTOM<'$ -^ 8 9 Tods DOLLAR DAirS! PORK CHOPS prescribed by a doctor. But ROUNDS driveway provide rose hips THIS WEEK'S FEATURE; the maximum amount PORK LOIN-CENTER CUT in the fall for making tea or BastfngSIpoon BEEFCHUCK-WHOLE 16-20 LBS. medical insurance can pay LOIN $479 jam. INetDcfight ^ ^ RedPadc. for these services is $% a PORK CHOPS n ,b BONELESS $4 79 A backyard garden using USLCtade^A” FhdtCoddail 9.1 Tomatoes 9 :1 year. The medical in- the same principles of easy or Pear Halves Crushed or Round in Puree CHILEAN-RED, BLACK, OR PORK LOIN-4 CENTER. 2 SHOULDER. SHOULDER n lb accessibility and space- 2-1 16 ounce c a n ...... WKm 28 ounce c a n ...... surance payment would be AND 2 SIRLOIN END Wrth every S3 food purchase BEEF ROUND-WHOLE 10-12 LBS. saving was designed for less than $W if charges for lb. these services are used to Seedless Grapes ASSORTED $4 39 Goddard College, in Plain- Stop & Shop DietD^ght CHILEAN-PLUMS, PEACHES or BONELESS $af99 2Sorl PhotoSak! meet part or all of your $80 PORK CHOPS n ,b field, Vt., by Galley Com Oratmes deductible. SIRLOIN TIPS n lb O’Neill, an artist and Two prints for the price of one! Cream Style or Mandarin Nectarines Whole Kernel 16oz can lO'/j ounce can Q. Our son, a teen-ager, SERVICE DELI* LENTEN SEAFOOD experimental gardener in Now, Slop 8 Shop will give you with all 10-13 lbs FRESH CRISP Calais, Vt. Her shield- 110,126 or 35mm color print film brought Frozen is blind and has no income •Await. 41 tfo re a With OeN'a Only. in for processing .FREE, one complete AVAILABLE WED.-SAT. Plump, tender birds Stop&Shop O^spray of his own. Would my Pascal Celery bunch STORE SLICED-COLONIAL , shaped garden for a 50 by set of extra prints! Yes! You'll auto- husband’s salary be FRESH COD 50 foot plot leaves space matically get 2 sets ol prints for the in the most popular Tomatoes fresh Glazed Ham *2 ^ for a play area or pool price of 1 ..You won't have to ask for your size. Gel an extra California Whole Grapefruit counted in deciding if our 12 02. 28 ounce can...... 48 ounce bottle STORE SLICED B A 2 9 FILLETS about 20 feet wide. tree prints either. They'll be right in your one to enjoy later! ‘ son is eligible for SSI Mushrooms Phg A&P-QUCK FROZEN-BATTER [XPPEO M M * ^nvelope..righl through May 31, 19 ^ . payments? Colonial Pastrami d m In a telephone interview NEW STORE SLICED-CARANOO Fish Sticks 9 9 ^ Stop&Shop Vani^Fair A. In deciding on the Ms. O’Neill described edi- Swift Premium Butterball Turkeys 10-13lbs. Frozen 7 9 = . Genoa Salami d ib ASP-QUICK FROZEN-SANOWICH C4 9 O ble landscaping as "very lenten seafooid Potatoes eligibility of a child under lb. Whole or Sliced PrintToweb Green Cabbage SLICING OR BULK S 0 9 9 125ct.,2ply Fish Portions pioneering work. I don’t 16 ounce can 18 (or under 21 if in school NEW FLORIDA Carando Pepperoni d ib FROZEN'W/shr mpstuffmq- iz o z .pkq . e M 2 9 think there are more than who lives at home), part of CREAMY . J A g Fresh Pd lo d c Gorton’s FISH por t ions dw the parents' income and Red Potatoes lbs. Fresh Cole Slaw 4 9 ib five of us seriously looking Tettesr Stop&Shop FROZEN-TASTE O'SEA-DINNERS into edible crops as ^BeeiTopR^d ' assets are considered to be nutr itious STORE SLICED sal ami A SNACK 9oi pkg. Fillets TrallKIgS the child's. Not all of the 11 02. Provolone styl e Haddock 79* landscaping." Package of 100 French or Cut FROZEN-MRS-PAUL'S-FAMiLYSiZE tgAJQ 15Vz ounce c a n .. Pkg. TANGY ONtON-HOT pepped-Amer ic a n e^OQ One is Robert Kourick. Fresh Cod Fillets M.99. parents’ income counts, GEH Raisins Fish Sticks uor^Hi however. There are Land-O-Lakes cheese ” ib. who works on a 60-acre . F r e s h H a d d o c k OfrtWKJ M.99, Round Roast A superb oven roast, lean, naturally tender beef! , Skippy allowances for work and FIRM & FLAVORFUL demonstration project at Fresh Oysters B ouncBxtf1»rv>e H c o n t a x 'e ' M.7a B&MBaked ,— -4ia];iwiuaatz— j —.■ the Farallones Rural PeamitButter 1 living expenses and for Cherrystone Clams 79t Beef Top r)0 Beef Top Chunky or Creamy Beans I with This Valuable Coupon With This Valuable Coupon with This Valuable Coupon Center in Occidental, 21 ounce can other children living at Round Steak Round LondonBro.i ^ i.^ y ,, 18 ounce jar. home. After these CUCUMBERS Calif., about 70 miles north allowances are deducted, of San Francisco. h C a k e B Pillsbury P ln t^ ^ $100 Q p p U $100 Q p p H $100 o p p “There’s some evidence Stop & Shop Cooked! USDA the remaining, amount is [ C H O I C E used to decide if the child ancient Egyptians planted 16 ounce pkg Frozen CatFood Cakebfixes Z 9 BeefRound Buffet Size Assorted Flavors Assorted Flavors meets the SSI income and fruit trees” for their com- 6 ’/} ounce can...... 18Vj ounce package Cooked Shrimp' 6rKt*qFfryefl .“Great B eef’ resource requirements. j The Regular Purchase Price Of | The Regular Purchase Price Of The Regular Purchase Price Of bined ornamental and food USDA Choice Q. Up until now, my uses, Ms. O’Neill said. She Eldorado Shrimp Shrt-OiF'oZtfi 5.40 Golden Grain Cyde FREEZER PACK NO. 1 FREEZER PACK NO. 2 ' FREEZER PACK HO. 3 said classical Japanese mother lived alone in an Dressed T rout M .59 Your m on^back if you don't enjoy our 'Great Beef. Dinner l^ F o o d X ’°1 apartment. Because her 41 EACH PACK CONTAINS: EACH PACK CONTAINS: EACH PACK CONTAMS: gardens always had a cou- Macaroni A Cheese Assorted Vartelies ple of fruit trees that were Fish & Chips '2.49 7V4 ounce p ackage...... 14 ounce can health is failing, I’ve con- • 5 LBS. FRESH GROUW) BEEF • 5 LBS. FRESH GROUND BEEF • S LBS. FRESH GROUM) BEEF BeefRound o n BeefRound Ar\ vinced her to Come live revered for their blossoms DuChef Escargots 1.79 • 5 LB8. ASSORTED PORK • S LBS. ASSORTED PORK • 5 LB8. CENTER CUT . Tip Steak ^ Cube Steak .4 y,n with us. How' will this as well as their fruit, and a Mackerel Fillets "nSL"” 69“ Stop&Shop Prince SpagHem action priced lor savings CHOPS CHOPS PORK CHOPS lot of kitchen and herb gar- • •” r*^Thm Spaghetti affect her SSI payments? Shrimp Cocktail 3 '2.49 ^ ’tw w Macaroni A. If an eligible person HELLMAN‘S>6 0 2 . JAR FRENCH'S-INSTANT • 5 LBS. CHICKEN THIOHS • S LBS. SPLIT FRYING • 5 LBS. CHICKEN THIOHS dens were combined during LWeOSeA Ft-uen Ziti with Lir>«s 16 ounce package. lives in another person’s 6 ’/^ oz. I AND DRUMSTICKS CHICKENS AND BREASTS the Middle Ages - but most Tartar Sauce 59^ Potatoes box ' corner deli May we serve you? I White household and receives SEVEN SEAS DRESSING HUNGRY JACK ^ gardens down through jChkken « 5 LBS. AAP MEAT FRANKS .•5 LBS. ANN PAGESL.BACON • 5 LBS. AAP ROLL SAUSAGE history have been or- support and maintenance Available in stixes with a service deli Gem "White Gem ’’ BigButtettop Stop&Shop Viva Italian 1°^ Biscuits 53* AP-2 , $ I Limit One Coupon Par Family Limit One Coupon Per Family AP-2 namental. in kind from that person, SHORTENING BETTY CROCKER-BLUeBERRY,_,^„, Limit 0ns Coupon Per Family Nor- Lemon Pie Valid March 2-6.1980 610 < Valid March 2-8, 1980 ^611 €sm Valid March 2-8. 1980 612 In a world where maybe 5 - 61b. pkg. Bnad 22 ounce p a c k a g e ...... the basic SSI amount is westem Less lb Stop & Shop Sliced 22oz loaf reduced by one-third. This Crisco ‘?a”n' *2” Muffin Mix "'^ox” 89* two-thirds of the people are _ Turkey reduction takes the place hungry, she said, the only Chicken r\r\ Chicken Aim Fluoride of counting the dollar value II W M . KEIWEL or CREAM MOTTS THICK-RICH BE YOUR FAVORITE ethical use of land is to Bfeast’

! li 16 - EVENING HERALD, Wed., March 5, 1980 EVENING HERALD, Wed., March 5, 19W - 17 Bermuda Has No National Dish Stir-Frying T h e Su per m ar k et Shopper HAMILTON, Bermuda— restaurants also serve it Chinese Chicken W teaspoon ground sprouts. Cook and stir, scraping drippings from Don't get rumpled if, after regularly on Sundays. and Celery ginger bottom of skillet, for 1 ---- Readers^ Tips for Removing Those Obstinate Labels------you empty your bowl of At first, it might seem as 3 whole chicken breasts, Cut chicken breasts into Refunds Bermuda fish chowder, if Bermudians eat nothing skinned, boned and 1-inch chunks. Place in minute. for this refund form before Blend 2 tablespoons plus to tell whether there really simply cut the lable and supermarket shopping, Write to the following ad- you ask for the recipe and but fish. This is untrue. In split medium bowl. Sprinkle fill the jar or bottle with Oct. 31, 1980. You can 2 teaspoons cornstarch By MARTIN SLOANE ha^^and is a label! Many manufac- the plastic container with couponing or refunding, dress to receive the form only get a polite refusal. fact, one of their great 3 teaspoons cornstarch, with 1 teaspoon cor- wrapper. Seal the bag very hot water. Then I put request the form required Many refunders com- turers print their label.in- it. Then I step on it a few necessary for this refund Chances are, the cook favorites is Hop’n John. divided nstarch, black pepper and 1 with 2 tablespoons soy let it sit for an hour.’^’ it into a dishpan with write to me in care of this plain that the bardes part formation right on their times to flex the plastic. offer, which is worth the for this 31 refund from the won’t part with the recipe, Non-Bermudians, seeing it V« teaspoon ground black teaspoon soy sauce. Toss to sauce and W tablespoon Nine times out of 10 isn’t enough hot water to com- newspaper. Volume of of turning their trash into “If the label doesn’t pop mail prohibits personal price of a half gallon of following address: Nabisco especially if it has been in served for the first time, pepper coat chicken completely. ginger. bad. But for that 10th label pletely cover the jar. plastic bottles. wili say it’s simply peas Stir In a little of hot refund cash is removing But a Bakersfield, Calif., off, I mail the whole thing replies, but letters of milk: Milk Mate Offer, P. Save 31, P. 0. Box 225, El the family for several 7 teaspoons soy sauce, In very large skillet or that remains defiantly "I leave it overnight, and Paso, Texas 79977. Send for generations. To give it and rice. On appearance divid^ wok, heat 3 tablespoons oil liquid from skillet. Then obstinate labels from hugging the jar, a reader the next morning my label reader has it figured out. to the manufacturer.” general interst will be 0 . Box 3000, Winston- Salem, N.C. 27102. Void in this refund before away so frivolously would alone, that’s true. When 5 tablespoons oil, until hot. Add chicken a blend into skillet. Cook and bottles and jars, especially from San Jose, Calif., says is floating in the water.” “Plastic bottles are the If you have questions or published in future Maine and Nevada. Send April 30, 1980. be tantamount to heresy. it’s made Bermuda style, divided few pieces at a time. stir until mixture boils and those made of plastic. that she has the answer: "I Sometimes it is difficult worst,” he writes, “but I comments concerning columns. Although Bermuda has though, it becom es 6 cups thinly sliced Brown on all sides. thickens. The new “super” glue no national dish, fish something more than just celery Remove and set aside. used by manufacturers to attach their tables has chowder is perhaps the plain oi’ peas and rice. 1 cup thinly sliced Add rem aining 2 Return chicken to skillet. closest thing to it. In fact, Hop’n John is made from Simmer, covered, for 5 created a whole new PICK UP YOUR VALUE PACKED CIRCULAR carrots tablespoons oil. Heat until A LL F O O D M A RTS STO R ES OPEN S U N D A Y 9 A .M . TO 4 P.M. IN THE STORE. WHILE SUPPLY LASTS! making good Bermuda- pigeon peas or birdseye 1 cup sliced scallions hot. Add celery, carrots minutes. Do not overcook. category of home ac- style fish chowder is peas with some fried (green onions) and scallions. Saute for 5 Serve immediately with cidents that range from serious business, at times onions and sausage or 1 chicken bouillon cube minutes. cooked rice, if desired. broken fingernails to cut even competitive to the bacon mixed with rice. W cup boiling water Dissolve bouillon cube in and broken fingers. Food Mart gives you the key to good eating! point where some cooks Locals eat it as a main dish 1 (1-pound can) bean boiling water. Add to This kitchen tested In a previous column, I PRICES E F FECTIVE SUN D AY, M A R CH 2TH R U S ATU R D A Y, MARCH 8. hide the recipes so they or as a vegetable with fried sproutk, undrained skillet along with bean receipe makes 6 servings. asked readers how they WALDBAUM'S r won’t get stolen. chicken or other types of handled difficult-to- TH O M A S' Annive rs a ry o f Frozen Foods! Seemingly, every meat. This dish, too, is remove labels. Most W A L D O R F household has its own fish easily found on restaurant suggested a method using E N G LIS H menus. One of the secrets doth artilable in ATTENTION DOLL LOVERSl water. chowder recipe, each one white or black Food Mart TIS S U E of better-than-good Hop’n HAPPY BIRTHDAY! cailing for Bermuda porcelain M a k e Y o u r O wa A r e a d e r f r o m B i r - W HITE & A SST. M U F F IN S onions, potatoes, carrots, John is letting it sit for a mingham, Ala., just fills , celery and fish heads. The few days and reheating it. (fin i^ed doll Authentic “Crying By-Lo” the jar or bottle with very ROLL 24 o z . Freezing and reheating h worth $100) P AC K seasonings hardly differ — Antique Doll Reproduction hot water. She finds that Th e " Pic k y, Pic ky, P ic k y' TW IN 6 P ACK curry powder, cloves, produces the same result. after a few minutes the All materials provided, (porcelain-bisque parts, Fresh Produc e Exp e rts! thyme, bay leaves, clove hand blown eyes, china paints, etc.) with the assistance glue usually melts; the garlic — but beyond that, label can then be carefully JOIN US FOR A DAT FUN of three ’’certified” BIRDSEYE each recipe goes its own Any visitor who rum- instructors pulled off. Luscious way. And therein iies the and go home with fomething tpcdal This method has the ad- mages through a collection that YOU madel Vine Ripened PREMIUM C H O P P E D secret because getting the of Bermuda recipes will vantage of being fairly DEL M O NTE right taste, the one that Cost: *76” for all day seminar Ul Miller clean. And the label immediately notice that Claudette West Cantaloupes SALTINES B R O C C O LI sets each concoction apart Reg-ister before March 15th doesn't get wet and soggy. Gre e n Be ans • Peas • Corn onions are always among Monique M. Falcon^ LARGE SIZE from all the rest, always the ingredients. That Place: Knights of Columbus Bu t wh a t if the la b e l still 'LB PKG5 lO O Z .i r e q u ir e s a p in c h of doesn’t mean any ol’ Manchester, Conn. won’t budge? BUFFET I PKGS.^ something extra. One of A r e a d e r f r o m P a w - SIZE onions, though. It means Time: 10 a.m., Sunday, March S3, 1980 FIE®ACH, 2 FOR the island’s European Bermuda onions, a specific tucket, R.I., offers a BIROS EYE -A L L VARIETIES Bring your own lunch Del Monte VEBV YOUNG SWEET MIXED INTE R N ATIO N AL chefs freely admits that his type that not too long ago method that she says CALIFORNIA FRESH 10 oz LARGE Foo(d Club Peas M. PKG pinch is cognac. was a major agricultural Call 642-6698 or Midi registration fee to: works nine times out of 10; TE N D E R ASPARAGUS SIZE 99‘ V E G ETA BLES 69* The signature of Ber- export of the island. While "Soak a paper towel with CORN INDIAN RIVER • SEEDLESS CREAM st yl e •.r WHOLE KERNEl BIRDS EYE muda fish chowder is Bermuda onions are now hot water and place it over 16 O Z. W HITE GR A P E F RUIT , ‘ 1. A L P O T E TL E Y ORANGE PLUS CAN always written with a few grown elsewhere in the Petits Amis the label. Enclose the jar *1.09 splashes of black rum and U.S. NO. 1 • ALL PURPOSE 17 0 . ' world, the island is still c/o Mrs. Claudette West^ with the towel over it in a 5 LB. ' ANS H V b a g 99‘ BAG sherry pepper. Without identified with the pungent / West Town Road MAINE P OTATO ES 59* D O G F O O D T E A BIRDSEYE them , Bermuda fish 3 bulbs. In fact, Bermuda is ' Lebanon, Conn. 06249 ALL VARIETIES Broccoli Spe ars chowder really isn't — still affectionately . GREEN PEPPERS 59* F O O D C L U B * 2 14% OZ. B A G S well, Bermuda fish ANTIQUE REPRODUCTION DOLL^ Clip ‘n’ File referred to as the Onion W w. LONG GREEN mM C A NS 100 C O U N T PKG. chowder. and stuffed toys, etc. Macaroni & &- C a uliflow er Patch. ^ Refunds FRESH CUCUM B ERS * 1. The best part of it all is We Personalize on Special Orders ^ 10 oz. that Bermudians aren’t mutie Mnd mtms ko*e$ tvtiisMe in um * Jotl$ anJ ktufftJ toys Cheese Dinner PKG. given to selfishly hoarding Maybe the secret of the Personal Products (File SW EET JU IC Y - 1 . H their culinary creations. goodness of all the local 11-B) 7 ' . o z ® MRS PAUL S DOLE PKGS 14 OZ FAMILY FISH STIC KS & They might not readily dishes is the Bermuda Clip out this file and keep FISH 10 OZ BUTTERED FISH FILLET ‘ 1.59 give away those jealously- onion; maybe not. it with similar cash-off PINEAPPLES 5 GORTO N'S EOOD CLUB guarded family recipes but Whatever the case, if you • • V coupons—beverage refund JUMBO 8 SIZE Silver Floss Sauerkraut. 2 2 FOR * 1 . B ATTE R FILLETS ‘ 2.79 B L U E L A K E they're quite willing, even pass up the chance to par- Guy Lecom te, executive chef of the Princess Hotel in Berm uda, is offers with beverage To p Frost take of the few culinary cumbenland farm s I C To p Frost eager, to share with French but has learned the Bermudian art of fish chowder prepara coupohs, for example. BEANS Food Club Tomatoes .ec 3 F O R * 1 . visitors everything they creations Bermuda offers, E ACH Ora nge Juic e French Fries Start collecting the ne^ed CUT or FRENCH STYLE REGULAR Of CRIN KLE whip up. In the case of you’ll go home from the tion. In a m atter of hours, this assortment of fish and vegetables will proofs of purchase while 6 OUNCE CAN 9 O UN C E PKG- F RESH'TENDER Contadina Tomato Puree local fish chowder, nearly Onion Patch shortchanged. be reduced to a tangy chowder to set before the guests. looking for the required re- every restaurant and out- fund forms at the super- ZUCCHINI SQUASH Farm Fresh FLORIDA SW EET JUICY Friends Pea Beans -ec FOR of-the-way oasis serves it. market, in newspapers and TA N G E R IN ES large sue 8 FOR * 1 . TO P FROST U.S. FANCY CALIFORNIA Then, too, it’s not unusual magazines, and when 2’A ” ROUND W A F FLES izozpkc M ACINTOSH APPLES MIN Vkl 99* to hear a taxi driver trading with friends. GET MORE FOR LESS MONEY AT FOOD MART! G ORTO NS BATTER singing the praises of his ' for breakfasUi Offers are subject to U.S. NO. 1 U.S. NO. 1 FISH & CHIPS -ozPKG O R E IDA SW E ET ALL PURPOSE CRIN KLE CUT own fish chowder and then manufacturers’ Spanish Onions U.S.D.A. CHOICE spontaneousiy invite you geographical limits and .Yellow Onions L U N D Y F R E S H P O R K HEINZ DEEP FRIES i^ozpkg 2 F O R ‘ 1. CHEESE Of CHIVE home for a cup of the stuff. local laws. Allow 10 weeks 5 LB. 19 OZ BAG 6 9 « 19^lb ASSO RTE D P E N O B SC OT P OTATO ES PKG 69’ A word of advice: if such to receive each refund. SIRLOIN GALLON CONTAIN ER an invitation ever comes ; KOTEX Refund Offer. IMPORTED • TA N G Y FLAVORED S E A LTE ST ICE CREAM ‘ 1.69 G R A N NY SMITH APPLES PO RKCH OPS SEALTEST your way, don’t turn it ^Receive a |1 refund. Send 3 LOIN 3 CENTER down. PACK 3 RIB END FROZEN YO G URT c o n ^t a In e r 99‘ ;the required refund form JO B E S puSf SPIKES OF 20 . STEAK 13 o z PKG Another word of advice: plus Universal Product LOUISE’S ROUND RAVIOLI ‘ 1.19 Bermuda fish chowder Code symbols from two ------item o f the W e e k! BEEF LOIN SHELL isn’t elegant looking so *1.3 S ! packages of Kotex Napkins NEW FRESH B UY O N E G ETO N E F R E E don't let the looks of your OCEAN SPRAY COMES ISO’s. Expires June 30,1981. LA PIZZERIA first bowl discourage you. BACON ; L ’E R I N C o s m e t i c s . SU G A R S N A P P E A S 89.’ F R E S H It’s the taste you’li be after A cross between an engllsh pea and a sno-pea. Eat P O R K B U T T S *1. 19 CHEESE PIZZA ; Receive a refund of $1 or pod and all) Simply delicious!! L B .•1.SS anyway, and that more • 32. For the $1 refund, send 20 OZ. PKG NO LIMIT ' than makes up for the un- DUE TO OUR FRESHNESS POLICY SOME ITEMS C E N T E R C U T tthe required refund form N OT AVAILABLE TIL TUESDAY. U.S.D.A. CHOICE • BEEF U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF tidiness. ‘plus proofs of purchase PORK CHOPS There are other Ber- I (carton top or cap label) B O TT O M TO P Fresh D a iry Foods! muda dishes a visitor can ;from two different L’Erin W a idb a um's N. Y. Styie D eli! try, too. One of the best FFFMEEN! , products. For the $2 re- • 1.B3 TR O P IC A N A HO OD liked is mussel pie: LUNDY GOURMET KOSHER KING R O U N D R O U N D • fund, send the form plus BARBECUE STYLE V A C U U M P A C K E D shucked mussels, potatoes Uhree proofs. Expires May COO K ED O R A N G E C O TTA G E KOSHER S L I C E D B A C O N *1.19 and Bermuda onions, all It# 431 1930 H A M R O A S T S TE A K JUIC E CHEESE coarsely -ground, seasoned • M OpESS 31 Refund. SLICED TO ORDER CHIC K ENS F R E S H P I C N I C Vz GALLON CARTON SMALL or LARGE CURD and thickened to stew con- ^Receive a 31 refund. Send & NU FORM sistency. The mixture is jthe required refund form 9 s«B S LB Pork Shoulder then wrapped in a pastry ;plus the size designations l b . S q O S 16 OZ and baked. C U P '("40 .regular” or “40 SLICING WALDBAUM S Then there’s conch stew. isuper’'! plus the words P RO VOLONE CH E ESE LB ‘ 2.59 U.S.D.A. C H O IC E • B EEF Similar in some respects to IMPORTED Perdue BONELESS BLADE CREAM CH E ESE 59* V’Modess because” from DANISH HAVARTI LB‘ 2.89 E H E S H S O U T h EFII j ‘ ,IY1 E fish chowder, right down to Jtwo packages of Modess C H U C K STE A K '2 .1 9 P O R K the spalshes of black rum Ov e n U S D A CHOIC E BEEF BONELESS LA YO G U RT al l flavors ISk 3 <=or 89* {Economy 40’s. No expirea- C A R A ND O PEPPERONI L B ‘ 2.99 UNDER S A U S A G E R O L L S and sherry pepper, the •tion date. C H UC K R O AST BLADE ‘ 1.89 BORDENS - PASTEURIZED PROCESSED INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED stew's consistency is ‘Miscellaneous NonFood St a ff er S e a food Sp e cia ls! AMERICAN S I N G L E S o W ’p^k'?‘ 1 .29 thicker and, needless to S A L A D S A LE! U S D A C H O IC E -B E E F ^Products (File 12-A) FRESH BUTTERMILK • COUNTRY STYLE say, the taste is distinctive- TO P ROUND R O AST ‘ 1.99 PILLSBURY BISCUITS PKG 5 for *1 . : B U R P E E ’S Seed ‘n ’ CHIC K EN or TU N A Roasters WITH COO KIN G TIMER PAN READY SM E LTS lb*119 ly different. FLORIDA 100% Para FRESH {Start.'Receive a 3 1 19 re- (WITH BIRD W ATC H E R HOODS Bermudians don't just TH E R M O M ETE R) COLONIAL • CRYOVAC WRAPPED SC R O D FILLETS l b‘ 1.99 LARGE {fund. Send the required re- GR A P E F RUIT JUIC E CONTAIN ER ‘ 1.09 steak the shark They also SEMI-B O N ELESS HAM l b‘ 1.69 ORANGE JUICE Ifund form plus proof-of- • 2 . 2 0 H A D D O C K FILLETS l b‘ 2.49 hash it. The local recipe ALASKAN Frtsli fraa Caaeaatrata I purchase seals from four PERDUE FRESH LIG HT N ’ LIVELY MILK CONTAIN ER 89‘ calls for only parsley and LEAN DOMESTIC SLICED TO ORDER CO RNISH HENS ‘ 1.19 KING CRA B LEGS l b‘ 4.19 JBurpee’s Seed ’n’ Start C O O K ED R O AST BEEF LB ‘3.99 WALDBAUM'S SHARP EXTRA SHARP q . chopped hot bird peppers CARANDO HaH j Kits. Expires June 30,1980. SLICED CH EDDA R CH E ESE 'weight' lI” ‘ 2.19 mixed with boiled shark EGGS It G E N O A SALAMI TO ORDER LB ‘ 2.99 He a lth & B e a uty A id s! { E V E R E A D Y H e a v y LEMONADE & PUNCH meat. What gives the hash Galaa^ Hurry! O nly 2 W e e k s its consistency and unique •Duty D ollar Refund. CARANDO C A R A N D O C O LG ATE EF FERDENT MINUTE MAID DRINKS CONTAIN ER 65* taste is the shark liver oil, I Re c eive a 31 refund. Send D A N D Y Le ft to Com pl e t e Yo ur • the required refund form M O RTA D ELLA TO O TH P A STE TA B L ETS extracted and collected by cum hei^nd farm s V E A LLO A F frying the liver. Another of ; I plus the cardboard with the SLICED TO ORDER SLICED TO ORDER Ens e mble o f . . . 15' OFF LABEL 20' OFF LABEL PUIN ■ I plastic removed from a Fresh B a k e d Goods! the less-pretty creations, C A N N O N m O r m C B l jL i O 7 OZ. TUBE 60 COUNT PKG. shark hash might not easily CINNAMON '{Heavy Duty 1222BP-2 B S • E c o n o m y T w i n P a c k . LB. Hoste ss be found on restaurant DONUTS SUGARED LB. Ta b i e Ta l k I Expires April 30,1980. VIRGINIA STYLE menus’, but when it is it GLAZED SLICED There’s another way ‘ ^H O LL Sports Cushion C O O K ED HAM TO OHDEH ‘ 2.69 TOWELS PIES shouldn't be passed up. JO H NSO N & JOHNSON PIES 14 ex. :Cash Refund Offer. HEBREW N ATIO NAL This W a a k's Fe ature 14 OZ APPLE, LEMON Perhaps the most CONTAIN ER ‘ 1.49 4 FLAVORS B E E F GRIDDLES 13 X 13 BABY POWDER & OTHER VARIETIES traditional Burmuda dish to get your fawMTite tastes from Ocean S ^ 3^ 0J>ACK ; Receive a 75-cent refund. ‘2.59 W A SH CLOTH 4'/z OZ. PKG. {{Send the required refund ROTHMUND SUGAR FREE VO-5 22 OZ. PKG. — served primarily as Sun- Reg. 99C REG. H E N N A SHAM POO 89’ day breakfast — is codfish It's frozen Ocean Spray* cranberryjuice ‘■form'plus the name SKINLESS FRAN KS ‘ 1.69 •1.29 j S a ? e l 5 ^ o n a i ij i “Scholl”' and the large (*HOT WHEN AVAILABLE) with potatoes and bananas. cocktail. Cranorange" cranberry orange W/ E A C H S3 PURCHASE “ H OT " BAG ELS BAYER ASPIRIN 50 C OUNT B O H L E 89‘ Ironically, codfish is not in- I O c e a n S p r a V CHmfeair 4 m l « a r m a ; words “Sports Cushions” PROGRAM SCH EDULED T O E N D MARCH 15thl juice drink, and pink and white Indian { from the back of the card. digenous to local waters River grapefruit juices. All in the freezer, I Frozen Concentrate. PRISH DAKID DM Fashiaaad and has to be imported. Mr Grocer; Oce an Sp r a v C n r.o e rrl e s w lll redeem this ' Expires May 31, 1980. and all full of Vitamin C. With nothing coupon for I5 « plus5< n a n d lln g lf you receive and The fare originated several ha ndl e It stricily In accordance w itn ihe le rm a o f lh l a VANNIA artificial added, sotheclean, crisp natu- offer and If. uDon recMe al. you a ubmll evidence ICE CREAM generations ago in the th ere ofa allsf aciory ioOc e a nSpra yCra nb e rri e a . Inc. ral taste you love always comes through. C oupo n may not be assigned or tra nsf erre d. C u s kitchens of the less tomer must pay sales lax. Void where prohibit e d, And with this 15- .W...iItPh, i•h•i>a.. cupon «a•t FfoWoWdl I With tn>a coupon at Food 1 5« Wt RMHVt the Rifht to Limit Quantititi . Check Our Weekly In-Store Specials Jim With ihia coupon at Food Urn ! With Ihia coupon at Food Marl Good thru S a t. Mart Good Itiru Saf The three esculents go . kee Doodle’’ ii unknown, but It ' With thtg coupon at Food a with thig coupon et Food I Mart Good thnr Marl Good thru I March 6 Limii one pxg March 6 Limit one phg li believed to have been com- I M«rl Good thru 8x1. I Mwt Good thru Sat. together as naturally as SALE ITEMS THROUGH MAR 9 For A d d «l Savings March 8 LMUl ona Ootita • g. imt\ one bag M i l -1, poeed In England in the 17S0a coupon pet cuaiomar ^ one coupon pet cuatomar ^ SJS~~£' ’• ’i ham and cheese on rye. {T’.’nrL'T.T.r:.!;:: ~ ______lo. ^ •«...... w . ci.». ^ . . i . n « « * • «< i». i,p o g .«.r.«x i.™ ,. and Hied to deride American * In lairne** to ou* cuatomera. me reaerv# the right to limit aalaa to 3 pkoa ol any dam aicapt whara otheranae noiad llama oUerad lor aaia not availaWe Today, the dish is enjoyed .1 colooiali. It became Initead a virtually by all islanders patriotic American air. The and many families without Cumb erla nd f a rm s “ lin t known American prlnt- fail have it every Sunday 1200 s t o r e s t h e r e 's o n e n e a r yo u! - ing of the aong wu upait of M A N CH ESTE R after church. Several {2 Bmjamin Carr'i “Federal' 410 W EST MIDDLE TP K E. O p e n 7 d o y s (o r y o u r c o n v e n i e n c e 5 Overtiife’’ in Baltimore in ' 17»S. 18 - EVENING HERALD. Wed.. March 5, 1980 EVENING HERALD, Wed., March 5, 1980 - 19 Menu; B o l to n B o a r ds Meet on School Space with strawberry topping. clam roll, tartar sauce, fru it, peanut bu tter organization plan to the school Robertson. Tacod with taco subject to change without potatoes, cole slaw, year plan is a facility for town of- tion were the school board’s agree- Willington. That building (Bolton Ryba said, “How long do we have Vernon Friday: Tomato soup, salad, com chips, mixed cookies. By DONNA HOLLAND system and arrangements for an Manchester sauce, fluffy rice, corn notice. chocolate chip cookies, fices. No one wanted to build a new ment with Willington to accept its Center School) could be empty in five to wait (for the school board to make Herald Correspondent - architect’s estimate of expenses are niblets, apple crisp with pineapple chunks. Sykes & Elementary facility If a school would be available students on a tuition basis and the years.” a decision)? Those people can’t make Cafeteria menus which Tuesday: Goulash BOLTOM-The Board of Selectmen distribution and enrollment projec- underway. topping. MT. VERNON l o w for use, but the school board wouldn’t Selectman Douglas Cheney said, a direct on the spot determination.” will be served March 10-14 Monday: Hamburgers on will request a joint meeting with the Haloburdo said, “The Board of Wednesday: Salisbury Hebron (macaroni, beef, com and be available for use, but the school tions of Bolton children. “We might have need of a meeting at Manchester Public roll, french fries, whole Board of Education to discuss the Education recognizes the potential of steak, onion gravy, mashed tomato), green beans, board wouldn’t commit one of the The current enrollment in the room in the evening but there would Ahearn said, “I hate to see the Schools are as follows: Rham kernel corn, pears with possibility of available space at one state monies for educational con- potato, buttered green homemade rolls, frosted DAIRY STORES i:, school buildings to the town. Bolton school system is 756 students be certain constrictions if we used building (Bolton Center School) emp- Monday: Hot dog or chili Monday: Lasagna, gar- cake. cherry.- of the schools for town office use. If The current Community Hall, a and by the 1983-1984 school year the struction that might prove beneficial the school.’’ ty. Somebody has to make a decision beans, school-made whole Tuesday; Shells with dog, potato rounds, den salad, homemade Wednesday: Hamburg U ll II 244 Broad St. 690 Hartford Rd. PRICES the school board agrees to the date, wooden structure, was built in 1914. figure will drop to 628 students accor- in the town’s decision to increase its Alan Bergren, administrative sometime.” wheat roll, chilled peaches. meat sauce, green salad, buttered green beans, milk rolls, lemon graham pizza, garden salad, orange mlLrV Manchester Manchester the meeting will be March 19 at 7:30 Most of the selectmen agreed it ding to projections. governmental facilities.” assistant, said, “The separation of Thursday; Juice, mile- hard rolls with butter, and chilled peaches. cracker square. juice bar. p.m. at the Community Hall. Haloburdo said several ideas have He said, “The school board is in- town departments between two Cheney said, “I don’t read much long hotdog, baked beans, spiced applesauce. wouldn’t be worth putting money into Tuesday: Tomato soup, Tuesday: Hot dog in Thursday: Meat pattle, Joseph Haloburdo, school board the structure to bring it to state been discussed by the school board. terested in whether or not the town structures makes toVn government hope in their letter.” chicken salad sandwich, vegetable, brownie. Wednesday; Baked LAND O’LAKES homemade bread,' french gravy,.potato rounds, peas, chairman, in a letter to First Select- codes. They include transferring grade 7 has need for space in our building.” disfunctional-impossible to operate celery and carrot sticks, Friday: Juice, pizza, chicken, mashed white fries, carrots and pineap- homemade rolls, peaches. man Henry Ryba, said, "That a joint Haloburdo said, "The decision by and 8 students to the high school thus Ryba said, "I can’t forsee using efficiently. If there’s enough space pickle circles, milk and tossed salad, gelatin with potato or sweet potato, ple, fruit bar. Friday: Tomato soup, meeting of the two boards should the Board of Education to maintain freeing some rooms at Bolton Center the same facility as school children for the entire operation, then it’s topping. broccoli, bread and butter, Selectman Carl Preuss said, “I’d peanut butter cookies. Wednesday: Hamburg grilled cheese sandwich, RUTTER participate in joint planning relative its grade 9 thrpi^h 12 high school School and transferring grade 5 and 6 (for town offices). I can’t see feasible.” A salad bar is available gelatin with topping. like to sit down and talk to them.” Wednesday: “Mexican pizza, juice, garden salad, vegetable sticks, potato to community facility needs for program in Bolton stronglyf indicates students to Bolton Elementary dividing our offices in two sturc- Ryba said, “I don’t want to see us daily at the high school. Thursday; Orange juice, Day" —Sangria Punch fruit gelatin with topping. chips, apple cake. Milk governmental and educational uses.” at this time that there will not be a School. The latter move would tures. You have to operate together weaved into a spider's web by the Ahearn said, “They hope to get (cranberry/grape juice), Also, during Lent the high Thursday: Baked ham, grinders, potato chips, served with all meals. Haloburdo said the school board significant amount of space to be used require additional rooms at the to run right.” Board of Education.” He said, some students from some where. meat and cheese tacos, school is offering a choice scalloped potato, mixed strawberry fluff with voted to notify the selectmen of its for other than educational purposes elementary school. Selectman Aloysius Aheam said, “Don’t you think it’s about time the They see the basic need for develop- Tijuana corn, milk and of cheese pizza or meat and vegetables, orange juice strawberry sauce. South Windsor projected use of the schools. for the next five years.” He said the board directed the “There’s not an overwhelming influx town had a new, decent facility in- ment of town offices, their needs Mexicali cake. cheeze pizza on Fridays. bar. Friday: Tomato soup, One item in the selectmen's five Other items taken into considera- superintendent to prepare a five year of students coming in from stead of all hand-me-downs?” may not be as much.” Thursday: Salami The Nathan Hale School Friday: Chicken noodle All Schools grilled cheese sandwich, will also offer this choice. grinder, applesauce, milk soup, grilled cheese Monday: Hot dog on roll, carrot and celery sticks, and ice cream. Robertson Breakfast sandwich, potato rounds, french fries, green beans, corn chips, mixed fruit, Friday: Apple juice, Monday: Juice, vegetable sticks, peaches. pudding with topping. peanut blitter cookies. I baked macaroni and scrambled eggs, toast, In addition the combo is Milk is served with all Road Repair Schedule Tuesday: Spaghetti with 1.69 Region cheese, popeye salad, milk. served as an alternate meat sauce, salad, Italian meals. bread, butter, milk and Tuesday: Fruit, English lunch each day. This in- bread and butter, cake High & Middle mystery bar. muffin, jam or peanut cludes hamburg on bun, with frosting. Monday: Hamburgers on butter, hot chocolate. lettuce, onion, pickles, con- Detailed to Selectmen Wednesday; Ham and roll, french fries, whole State Wages Elderly Wednesday: Half diments, potato chips, turkey grinder, lettuce and kernel corn, pears with Sewer Project bananas, doughnut, raisins, vegetable of the day, tomato soup, potato puffs, By DONNA HOLLAND There are 74 roads in Bolton. The Miscellaneous Menus will be served cherry. Inconsistent milk. dessert and milk. Also Tuesday: Shells with Herald Correspondent longest is Hebron Road at 2.28 miles March 10-17 at Mayfair and doughnut. In other business the board: Thursday: Fruit cup, available are soup of the Thursday: Pizza, salad, meat sauce, green salad, BOLTON—Repairs to Flora Road and the shortest is Sumner Road at •Learned the annual town clerk's Westhill Gardens to sweet roll, hot chocolate. day, sandwich of the day, Backed by Board HARTFORD (UPI) - State jobs .06 miles. ice cream cup or sandwich, hard ' rolls with butter, should be s ta rt^ around the first of records check was completed by San- Manchester residents 60 or ranking high in importance don’t Friday: Half banana, cookies and ice cream. All fruit juice. spiced applesauce. May and the job should be com- The two unimproved roads in town dy Pierog and Nancy Silverstein. more, are as follows: pay as much as less valued jobs if French toast, milk. meals include a choice of Friday: Tuna sandwich Wednesday: Baked pleted, weather permitting, by June are Bailey and Skinner. •Will request Elmer Wilson, dog Monday: Italian meat white, non-fat or chocolate growth in the lake and other en- they're traditionally filled by with shredded lettuce, chicken, white or sweet 1. warden, to submit monthly reports. sauce over spaghetti, By CLAIRE CONNELLY women, a study shows. non-fat milk, and bread tomato, potato puffs, soup, potato, broccoli, bread and vironmentally sensitive areas. The Board of Selectmen learned of Money Transactions Since A pril 1979 W ilson has grated cheese, mixed East Hartford Herald Correspondenl The study commissioned by the and butter. cookies. butter, gelatin with top- The main official opposition in the status of the road repairs at its The board approved a 3L5(X) ap- responded to 71 complaints about green salad with Italian 1979 state Legislature determined, All Schools Elementary Milk is served with all ping. COVENTRY — The Town Council town now rests with the (Conservation meeting Tuesday. propriation to upgrade the electrical dogs. dressing, chilled canned Commission, which has requested a for example, that a state trooper, Monday: All beef hotdog, Monday: Turkey pot pie meals. Fresh fruittis Thursday: Juice, has voted five to one to endorse a The town recently pulled the bond service at the firehouse to 200 amps. •Accepted the resignation of pears, garlic bread, federal environmental impact study. who is generally a man, was less baked beans, chilled pears, with biscuit, parsley available daily. grinders, strawberry fluff municipal sewer plan proposed by on Flora Farms subdivision because Clifford M ^sey, civil Robert Cormier from the road crew, margarine, skim milk, Breault said that such a study could important and required less skill granola cookie. the Water Pollution Control Authori- the road improvements were not preparedness director, said, “The effective March 28. coffee, or tea. be conducted at the discretion of the than a state dietician, who is Tuesday: Tacos with ty and to bring the issue to a referen- completed. present■ electrical service is •Learned the services from the Tuesday: Oven-baked SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK AND EVERY EVENING (SUNDAYS ’TIL 6PM) Environmental Protection Agency, usually a woman. meat or taco saude, lettuce dum before the end of June. The bonding company sent the marginal in its ability to supply both Rockville Public Health Nursing chicken with gravy, sweet which probably would not act until a But the median income for state and tomato cup, chilled If adopted; the 314-million sewer town 315,(XX) to be appli^ to a con- the firehouse and warning system Association will cost 36,480 for the potatoes glazed, green referendum passed a sewer proposal troopers is 315,(X)0 a year, while pineapple. system could result in a four-mill in- tractor’s bill for completing the road power with 100 percent reliability.” 1980-1981 fiscal year. peas, fruit gelatin with and the town applied for Phase 2 fun- the average dietician's salary is Wednesday: Open faced crease for taxpayers over the next 20 work. The town recently purchased and •Changed its April 15 meeting date whipped topping, whole ding. Phase 1 involves the facilities 314,600 annually. hot turkey sandwich, years, although the initial cost would In the meantime the contractor, installed a new outdoor warning time to 7 p.m. so board members can wheat bread, margarine, O u r o w n bra nd be largely funded by the state and plan for the sewer system drawn up The study released Tuesday gravy, potato salad, fruit Dufford, said he would complete the device on the firehouse. The device is attend the public hearing on the town skim milk, coffee or tea. by the engineering firm of Fuss and recommended an overhaul of the cocktail. federal ‘governments. job for 336,810 plus any increase in not yet in operation. government portion of the budget at 8 Wednesday: Baked state job classification system and Thursday: Pizza with In an unusual bipartisan display, O'Neill. asphalt material. The board approved an 3810 ap- p.m. Both meetings will be at the meatloaf with gravy, a more equitable pay scale. meat sauce, topped with Republican Chairwoman Roberta The council stopped short of asking When his work is completed he propriation to the Library Board. community Hall. whipped potatoes, green In another example, the study cheese, creamy cole slaw, costs y o u less Koontz and her colleague Jeffrey the federal agency to refrain from an should be paid by Lina Lucarelli, sub- The money was received in memory beans with tomatoes, impact study, which is also included ranked the job of senior state petitte banana. Lancaster teamed with Democrats division developer, and, at that time, of Michael Pesce and the library Dance Graduation chilled apricot halves, corn in the facilities plan. Instead, on an transportation engineer, usually Friday: Macaroni and Jack Myles, Joyce Carilli, and Karen the town will release the 315,000 to board plans to buy furniture in CROMWELL — The Rosetown bread, margarine, skim filled by men. as having less value cheese, cucumber spears, SAVE WITH MEDI MART Nash to support the sewer plan, a amendment proposed by McLain, the her. Pesce's memory. Square Dance Club will hold its gradua- milk, coffee or tea. than the job of state psychiatric hot peach crisp, roll and 3 new Medi Mort hair-core fom iulai move requested by control authority council voted to ask the agency The completed job will be checked Both transactions must be ap- tion dance Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Thursday: Turkey ala Compare service, compare price, VITAMINS INTRODUCTORY whether it intended to do such a nursing supervisor, generally butter. Milk is served with PRICED chairman Richard Breault. by an independent engineer hired by proved by the Board of Finance. Cromwell High School, Raymond king over rice, lima beans, ■uv filled by women. all meals. compare convenience... THERAPEUTIC Only Republican Councilman Roy study if the townspeople favored the local Planning Commission. Bids Solicited Place. Leo M. Dumas will be caller and vegetable cole slaw, sewers. Breault said the study could Nursing supervisors made 33,000 GIF 99 McLain opposed the endorsement, orange sauced peaches, then have your prescription M VITAMINS Road Mileage Concurrence First Selectman Henry Ryba said teacher. Ihetapeulic stating his belief that the council delay the installation of sewers by less a year on the average than Dick and Kay Yellen will cue the whole wheat bread, fiiled at M edi M art. un OUR 1.39 PROFESSIONAL transportation engineers, who The Board of Selectmen concurred bids are being solicited from the Glastonbury M should wait to see how the voters two years. rounds starting at 7:30. margarine, skim milk, 3” The facilities plan calls for a storm earned a median income of 321,000 with the state Department of Capitol Region Purchasing Council All Schools y SHAMPOO OR RINSE react to the referendum before All square dance graduates, friends coffee or tea. Special RX Offer! COMPARE TO VIDAL SASSON taking a position. Republican Laurier drainage system to supplement the a year, the study found. Transportation that Bolton has 35.51 for grass seed and fertilizer for the Friday: Oven-baked fish COMPARE TO park department and town green and relatives and area club level Monday: hot dog in bun, THERAQRAN M 8-oz. DeMars was absent from the session. sewers. The council voted to hold the Norman Willis and Associates of miles of improved roads and .33 cakes, catsup, vegetarian ANY NEW Lw j planting program, traffic line dancers are welcome. Refreshments french fries, spinach, I High polsocy'hlsnun- SRMIPOO A larger, regional sewer plan to be cost of this proposal to 31.3 million. Seattle directed a research com- miles of unimproved roads that are beans, pickled beet salad, mintral iuppitmtm Buy OUR 1.39 OIL-FREE striping for about 19 miles of line and will be served. Soft-soled shoes are tangerine. PRESCRIPTiON ; too and rtcaivaSO shared with Mansfield was rejected Breault's group was requested to mittee of nine employees from eligible for State Town Aid participa- fresh orange, rye bread, SHAMPOO required. Tuesday: Fishwich, com, FREE' in two previous referenda over the consult with the superintendent of various state departments in tion. stop bars. margarine, skim milk, OR TRANSFER I BALSA M COMPARE TO AGREE cole slaw, cookie or »l0FF past decade. The present plan, which streets, the town engineer, the town e x a m in in g 123 s t a t e jo b coffee or tea. Oily. Normal and ConIrot lormulaa. il-oi fresh fruit. It you need a prescription refill, regardless wtiere ii I imm essentially would sewer the lake and planner, and Fuss and O’Neill “to es- classifications for the study. The menu is subject to was filled before call Medi Mad Our pharmacist I MULTIPLE SNAMPN Wednesday: Spaghetti, OUR 1.29 BALSAM A village areas, has been endorsed by tablish construction priorities” for change. will handle the details Coupon good toward one RX ■ VITAMINS salad greens, yeast rolls, purchase only Limit one coupon per family Valid I the storm drainage proposal. A OUR PRICE PROniH SHAMPOO the planners, who have passed new fruit cup. 3722/81. PAA pioQram rtol Inelodtd.^^ COMPARE TO REVLON FLEX regulations to control unwanted report on this review is done April 21. Coventry Thursday: Schoolmade Oily and Normal lormulaa. lO-oi (Action Issues) vegetable soup, egg Salad All Schools refill CL: 1** sandwich with lettuce, ^ PLUS 5(XOFF ON YOUR NEXT ' COMPARE TO i When your new prescription la tilled using the St (X) oH coupon ONEA-DAY Heating Oil Prices FLETCHER GLASS CO. Monday: Chilled juice, fresh fruit. you will receive artolher coupon good tor SO« toward your nexi refill Valid thru March n . I960 Diaiary sup- I MEDI MART Otft 35 Ytor$ ef iififntntf o( MANCHESTER California grinder, cole Friday: Pizza, lettuce, plamanl 100-cl MEDI MART spinach and chickory BEAUnOIL slaw, oatmeal and raisin Spray SPRAY DEODORANT I Increase 1,4 Cents COMPLETE AUTO GLASS SERVICE salad, pears. Milk is served OUR PRICE cookies. Diogo SUDAFED iDeodoiaiil OUR PRICE HARTFORD (UPI) — Home-heating oil prices in WINDOW GLASS • MIRRORS • GLASS FURNITURE Tuesday: Ravioli day at with all meals. Menus are TAK TABS MULTIPLE VITAMINS |2 9 Connecticut climbed an average of 1.4 cents a gallon TOPS • PICTURE • FIREPLACE & DOOR SAVE994 SAVE 80* PLUS MINERALS during the last two weeks, a state energy analyst says, MIRRORS • TUB ENCLOSURES • SPECIAL WORK 7-01. daodorant tor tha whola |9 9 10 OUR PRICE lamily Russ Kaplan of the Energy Division of the state Office 3 COMPARE TO COMPARE TO COMPARE TO of Policy and Management said Tuesday the latest in- ONE-ADAY OIL OF OLAY fcOUECTOR’Sl Potatoes Top o OUR REQ. 2.98 RIGHT OUARD crease put the average price of heating oil at 99.3 cents a ^uNCHtsTER 649-452 y OUR REQ. 4.49 isN run too mg. 100 ct. Multivttamlns and muliiminarai sup- gallon. tablalB 100-ct 30mg. - plamant. 100-ct TUU. O E l M n K J Prices should soon go even higher as dealers pass along iNUNE REFROINKTlONSr Meat Loaves a recent Yise in the cost of foreign oil, plus increases Utimate Gladly Given OXFORD caused by inflation and domestic oil decontrol, Kaplan OXY10 FLUORIGARD Individual meat loaves 1 tablespoon Angostura said. OFEk MOH-Fia I m - SJO pjn. FUSTICS M STOCK DENTAL CREMES are ideal make-ahead fare aromatic bitters SKIH SAVE20« The state’s twice-monthly survey of 66 oil dealers found SAT m i 2 NOON .100-)4"-3/16’' - r for a busy family. 2 c u p s h o t s e a s o n e d MEDICATION RINSE CREST IRISH SPRING prices ranging from a low of 89.6 cents a gallon to a high When ready to serve, top mashed potatoes SAVE 1.00 SAVE48« |9|S.| of 31.03 a gallon, he said. 54 McKEE y., MANCHESTER SOAP 2-PK SCREENS REPAIRED them with hot mashed Combine all ingredients TOOTHPASTE Two weeks ago, the average price was 97.9 cents a (Off Center Su) ‘ |4 9 I Chocolata or Vamiia SAVE 624 SAVE 304 potatoes. Youngsters, es- except mashed potatoes. 16-02 B y B u rry gallon, Kaplan said. pecially will enjoy this Mix until well blended. suibbotnl OUR REQ. 2.99 OUR REQ. 1.97 combination of two PLANTERS Shape mixture into 8 in- Extra ftitnglhacna- Anti-cavity dantaJ nnsa favorite foods. dividual meat loaves. pimpie medication with lluoride 16 02 TAVBMNUISI Serve with broiled Place loeaves side by side SAVE 504 u i m h s pr i ng ^azi±iciti uzz tomatoes or carrots and iTAVEItfjJ on shallow baking pan. NUTSC OUR REQ. 1.79 OUR REQ. 894 peas with milk as the Bake in preheated 350- MERSENE The toothpaste with fluoristan. S-oz. bath size bats. says Us time to freshen-up 99' In mint or regular flavors. 9-oz. beverage. degree oven for 20 minutes. DENTAL BAN ROLL-ON OUR REQ. 1.49 Irish sprina Steak or Hamburger P o la lo -( .rented Remove from oven. CLEANSER DEODORANT itW-ot canolnuls For Spring, We offer the Reef l.oaven Spoon mashed potatoes SAVE 38* SAVE so* CAREFREE down center of each loaf. ROBITUSSIN “YoulA Specialty Shop** With all the pressures of inflation and identified 88 specific: slate programs 2 pounds ground beef GUM 10-PK KLEENEX finest permanent waving chuck Replace in oven and bake 99' SAVE 404 COUGH SYRUPS 757 Main St. rising prices, more and more taxpayers which they feel should be examined to 2 eggs another 10 to 15 minutes or 99' FACIAL at very affordable prices, OUR REQ. 1.49 SAVE are struggling to keep their budgets in see which ones we migiit be able to get 1 (8-ounce) can tomato until potatoes are lightly OUR REQ. 1.37 MANCHESTER Outclaana the leading In regular, unscantad or TISSUES along without. Collectively, these pro- sauce browned. lablela m powering quick dry scents I 6 or 1043 Main SI., Manchester 643-9832 balance. When your outgo gets ahead of oil plaqua 40-ci SAVE 544 '4 Serve meat loaves with OUR REQ. 1.39 your income, then you just have to sit grams represent a potential s|)(!iuling cup finely chopped tablet! their own tomato slices, celery Pappatmint, tpaat- onion mint or vaiiaty pack down and begin to make some choices. cutback of $75 million—and some ‘4 cup finely chopped hearts and sweet gherkins. FANCY A vacation abroad—or on “home beach”'? very welcome relief for the Connecticut green pepper This kitchen-tested L'OREAL HENDRIE'S OUR SALE PRICE • FINGERS BOXES A new car this year—or next? A night at taxpayer. 2/3 cup cracker meal recipe makes 8 individual LIP GLOSS ICECREAM FOR For children and adults. Wiew§ On SAVE 81* SAVE 2.00 OUR REQ. 77968. Ri' b (iissin PE, DM and CF lorm ulaa the movies—or watching TV? It can get We, The |obmakers of Creator 2 teaspoons sail loaves. available. .SANWICHES 200-ct tissues per box. Hartford, applaud these Icxiders for their H ave 504 Limit lour boias par cuttomar Cental Healtli right down to the question of steak or 1** hamburger. political courage. OUR REQ. 2.50 OUR REQ. 9.99 Seven new (aahionabit An eesy to apply nail lip I By JACK BYNES, D.M.D. As taxpayers, we wonder why this It won’t be easy and the choicies are shadaathai oMera kit you can us# to craala I J” Mi daapar. richer ahimmer long natural looking OUR REQ. 1.89 Before that wonderful same basic common sense approach often hard. But perhaps this is the year when flngarnalts and shine tZIarga lea craam I DENTAL X-RAYS occasion arrives, be seems to be forgotten when it’s time to al- we can make a start by reviewing some ol locate dollars for government programs. our ongoing—even time-honored—state For a dentist to conauct a leeth or broken root sure you've selected A SYLVANIA EVEREADY9V?\ I complete dental examination fragments or impacted teeth the very prettiest We hardly ever reduce or eliminate a pro- programs and seeing which ones we FLASH CUBES ALKALINE without using dental x-rays, can only readily be deter- of dresses, the gram. If there’s not enough money, we can modify or get along without. Our SAVE 404 BATTERY ; is like watching TV with your mined by x-rays since these simply raise taxes or go deeper in debt. legislators have to do this in their own [eyes closed. “ Why” , you abnormalities are normally handsomest of suits. TRADE REQ. 1.99 SALE 1.00 may ask, "can’t the dentist hidden from view. Now, however, there seems to be a homes—why not in the General Assem- Tell odiers (tic terms of 99' MFR. REBATE 1.00 I' -r use his eyes and trusty With modern, shielded major breakthrough at the State Capitol. bly too? OUR REQ. 91.39 NET COST 0.00 mirror to do the same equipment and high speed x- WE ALSO HAVE A your trade witli a Offaraipiraa March 31, We hope you will join us in making diagnosis?" Because, as the State Senator [Richard Schneller and Rep- Classilied ad. There's 1960 Saaatora display ray film, only a very small GOOD SELECTION DELUXE PHOTO ALBUM fordaiaiiB "unsinkable" Titanic dis- amount of x-ray radiation is resentative Gardner Wright, co-chairman your views known. no lime like the present |covered; like icebergs, most OF BOYS’ WHITE 4 99 save 3.00 I POLAROID ------required to take a complete of the Appropriations Committee, have to make lliai deal with SX-70 FILM G.E.^ETn SHARP MUSICAL G.LSTUMIION 'serious dental trouble is set of pictures. It’s less than SHIRTS, DARK W# QURREQ.a.99 M l WINDSHIELD Ibeneath the surface and out one of our readers. SAVE 1.10 RECORDER aiCULATDR NET COST* we normally receive from il- ^ WASHER M ^ A A Ilia of view. luminated watch faces. The TROUSERS AND Spread the word to Naadtnocornata 1 NET COST* SAVES.00 V 0 9 U LI 1UD pagai SAVE 404 ■ AK^^MFR.>U9ATEt66 Dental x-rays often reveal countless people in wiwmmui tail nw x-ray camera is one of the BLAZERS.. . 0099 MFR. R U A T tl W 1^99 ■ ^ mm TO beginning decay between the dentist's most valuable doubl n rint 5‘* 9 Thejobmakers our eommunitv! ^ ^ ^^ A liehtwotohi iron lhal'a eeay to Jl G e l A double vet ui pnnls with rv e ry mW <>> ' OUR REQ. 6.79 NHiMt ifB rx ^ and handta. fF20l. teeth or beneath a filling or diagnostic tools. rotor or We ek end wtiAe pool IWr* (tr«e ki(> tOaipoaura land film Fwlur.1 *C cord M oplionU b»t at the bottom of a narrow pit GREATER HARTFORD ed .tnd (we a ed TOOAV ANO f Vf HVDAT OUR REQ. 1.19 ttry c V KlWlor oo.t.t«>n. WW. OUR REQ. 19,96 * • « Ona gallon live bultl'in mic and automatic and F aaluttt aanaor iowch^** aniry partal or groove in the chewing sur- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 643-2711 DOUBLE KODAK FILM ol-iapaahuloH t 3-SlOS with touch Iona and a marryory func- A public service with the wr>en you drup o tion Battariaa included SilB. *SEE STORE face. The amount of bone 250 Constitution Plazd PV) M f I oll e' you Iwu options Purr P.is4- aim of promoting a better 'Ai on* l o l W KodALOkH or hLv h .ind wralt- supporting teeth that has Hartford, Connecticut 0()103 Mm end • HiGive en .HMrfiin.ii nrfl Iu t dental health environment. 'v been destroyed by periodon- (203) 525-4451 643-2718 OR A FREE ROLL OF t A U PRICES EFFECTIVE MS P UY tal disease, the development From the office of: JACK OUR OWN FILM THRU MARCH 1 .1 N 0 BYNES, D.M.D., 2991 South unwaueihr rwevt awi>eiMt *«eT reeve# of root abcesses and cysts, OHieeiiMia reMenebM wnut ««•#■<# isBnp Street, Coventry. Phone: Nights, Saturdays, or Sundays ine U S A hy Iht-'lM Cumii.HiYl •' temi M leu n «(i to ell cvtiemoii the presence of unenipted if iu brmtj > .Hif M.Htd i>l I ” 5^^4120 FOR DETAI L 742-6665. .SIIVHL y 20 - EVENING HERALD. Wed., March 5, 1980 HIpWantad Hip Wantad Towns Oppose Hip W»nt0d 1i TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. Must haw proven work record Region Apply 81 Commerce Street, making good mo *Hh referencee. Expertenoe Glastonbury. PTG time noon, loliclll rtquirtd In tlRcW ctl pr*v«nttv« Payment Plan (X)MPAW. Telephone 633- our piMiant East malnitnRnc*, machina rapalr, 7631. Offlce/YIoariy rate, Plua com- buHdmg and around*. Flrat *Wft missions, plus bonuses. Hours wtih opportunity for ovartima. Wa PART-TIME TELLER • HARTFORD (DPI) — A legislative proposal to require CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call us at 566- oNar on Inturanca Plan, pakt Thuraday n i^ta and Satur- towns with nuclear power plwts to help pay for emergen- - Experienced only. Top 1 To previd* Nuning Car* 4993, ask for Teresa. vacattona. hoNdayt and tick tima. days. Apply Manchester State Eaayaooaaatol-M, l-M . Apply In B^. cy evacuation plans has drawn opposition from represen- ADVERTISIHG wages. Apply: Atlas ’nle,.18 1 In private hamaa and paraon at tatives of the affected communities. Benin ’Tplie., WethersfiiWethersfield, Madleal FaedWaa. Part RATES 5634151. ' PlLOlirTaCORPOMtNN CLERK-CASHIER - Part- and The bill before the Energy and Public Utilities Com- 1DAY...... 14'wwfaw Wma,lulltlma.Conaldara- full-time clerks needed for Hen givan to pratoranca 49 Ragant Straal ' mittee would allow the state to assess 25 percent of the 3DAYS ...13'twnw RN-LPN wanted for 3 p.m.-ll BABYSITTER WANTED: 3 Mandwator local 7-Eleven Food Store. oh-LecaUon and Heura. to 5:30, Monday thru Friday Some cashier-retail local property taxes in Waterford and Haddam^ where 6DAYS ...Wwwraw p.m. and 11 p.m-7 a.m. shifts. NO ree • wiekl V pa y COE M/F Apply director of nursing. and schodi vacations. Own experience helpful. Benefits the state’s three nuclear power plants are located. 26DAYS ...IViw nun For bdermatlon eaN Transportation. Call after include Insurance, Credit The funds would be used to help other towns within a 10- Salmonbrook Convalescent 1BWORD,ia.1SaMi Home, off House Street, 64)4818 5:30. M6-7230. GAS ATTENDENT - Days. 20 Union and Profit Sharing. mile radius of the Millstone I and II and Connecticut HAPPY A DS *2.30 H Glastonbury. Please call 633- to 25 hours weekly. Call 646- Apply in person at: 7-EIeven Yankee plants develop an emergency evacuation plan. 5244. MDAASSItTMICE > WOMAN TO CLEAN HOUSE S tore, 305 G reen Road, But Sen. Richard Schneller, D-Essex, told the com- -1 day per week. Must have Manchester, Conn., 06040. gl Norfli EaMMn CoML own transportation. Call 568- qual Opportunity Employer, mittee Tuesday the proposal “would set a dangerous TYPISTS AND CLERK EXPERIENCED GAS SUPOS )S7 Eaal Cantor t t 2605. STATTON attendant 18 or M/F. precedent” In allowing the state to take revenues away TYPISTS are needed to work ”c o o i p o o r Dream kitchen, fully applianced. in the Hartford area. Call Manehnator over. Apply in person: Maple from communities. AUTO BODY COMBINATION Super Mrvice, 220 Spruce LARGE DUtECT SELLING Centrally air conditioned and new pool, Cathedral ceiling, fieldstone Fireplace, 6 room Ranch. All appliances. Full today. TAC/TEMPS, 7274430. MAN - At least 5 years’ company hiring new manager He said it could lead to one community assessing Lott and Found S tm t, Manchester. make this lovely Ranch an exceptional library with bar, 4 bedrooms, 3 Vi baths, 2 basement. Located on 2.3 acres of prime experience. Can start at $7 per in M anchester area. buy. Located in area of fine homes. All decks, professional dark room, in-law another community for polluting rivers and waterways PART TIME. Want cash for COCKTAIL WAITRESSES - hour. All fringe benefits. Call Ebiperience helpful but not industrial property. Good access to from factories, oil spills or other accidents. “Once you FOUND - Adult male, gold the holidays? For every day? Earn up to $200 a week. ASSISTANT DISPATCHER - appliances included, electric garage door apartment. This home is snuggled highways. Owner will consider financing. Bill Kates at 688-7596. Need a person with previoos necessary. For interview call beautifully on over 1 acre with view of start it, where can you end it?” he asked. and white cat In Forest Hills It’s easy with the phone in Experienced or will train. 649-2333 after 5 p.m. opener, screened porch and much more. $74,900. area. Call 643-9408. your own home. Call 249-7773. Apply 330 Ledyard Street, experience but will train. $69,900. pond, and nature. Private. Every ameni- He said the nuclear plants and not the towns should be Hartford.. HELP WANTED Excellent company-paid ty passible. The finest construction. Call fringe benefits. Pay commen- WOMAN TO Do housework, 4 required to pay the costs for any evacuation programs. IMPOUNDED - Fem ale SALESMAN- Opportunity for hours per week. Own for full deUils. $210,000. Rep. Janet Polinsky, D-Waterford, t e s t if y the bill Great Dane 2-years-old. Color exciting position. Knowledge $370 / THOUSAND FOR surate with ability and work Bridgapoil Oporalor tran ^ rtatio n . Call 643-7591 "appears to be an attempt to punish Waterford and Had- Fawn. K-Mart Plaza. Contact of stoves helpful. Base plus ENVELOPES YOU MAIL. experience. Call between 3 anytime. Manchester Dog Warden at Postage paid. Free applica- and 5 pm. Ask for Steve dam” for accepting the nuclear facilities while they commission. Full medical Will train 646-4555. benefits. Paid vacation. Call Uon. Fa S^, Dept. K, 732 Thornton. 643-2133. NIANTIC - GIANTS NECK BOLTON - Immediate oc- HIGHWAY CREWMAN - 13 Situation Wantad 15 cupancy. 7-room Ranch with benefit all consumers in the state. Mrs. Gray 525-1931. Don Ron, St. Louis, MO. 63123. Paid holidays, excellent In- Town of Bolton. Job descrip- Halp Wanlad BEACH. 3 bedroom Ranch, She said the state would collect about $2 million but it LOST - Grey, white and gold surance benefits. Full time ATTENDANTS FOR SHELL paneled living room, eat-in in-ground pool and 2-car gar- car wash, Manchester. Full- tion available. Apply Office of QUAUFIED FULL CHARGE age, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, would be necessary for the town to raise taxes, in turn fluffy female kitten. 8 months BABYSITTER NEEDED IN TEACHERS AT ALL position. 50 hour week. App- Selectmen, 222 Bolton Center PART-TIME - Immediate kitchen, 2 car garage, oil lieat, old. Extremely friendly. LEVELS: Universal time day positions. Must be opening available for training bookkeeper interested in 15 to lovely quiet setting on dead- kitchen and family room com- assessing Northeast Utilities, which “will just pump this MY HOME preferably from iy in person to: friendly, neat, have a eood Road, 9-5, M-F, Deadline 20 h o u rs p e r w eek. bination with carpeting and Lydall and Parker street Manchester, Vernon, Bolton Teachers, Box 5231, Portland, March 30, 1980. Equal Oppor- as: Automotive mechanic, end street, deeded beach higher tax bill into their next rate increase.” area. Please call 646-5964. Ore.. 97208. work record. Call Mr. Communications specialist, Experienced in all phases of rights. $79,9(X1. Call exclusive fireplace, formal dining room, area. 3 days a week, 8 to 4 METRONICS tunity Employer. office work, including typing, aluminum siding. $85,000. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is drawing up •••••••••••••••••••••••••• p.m. Call after 4 p.m., 646- Morgan, 9 to 3. Supply Specialist, Clerk- agent, Carol_Cable-Wagner, requiations for developing and implementing evacuation Panonali 2 PART TIME HELP Wanted Route 6 A 44 A Typist. No experience filing, invoicing, payroll and Beazlev Co. Realtors, Equ Equal Group I Wolverton Agency 3914. IMMEDIATE OPENING, tax returns. Available Realtors. 649-2813. plans as a result of the 'Uiree Mile Island nuclear acci- downtown. Manchester. Call BOLTON IMMEDIATE OPENING. necessary. Join the Connec- housing opportunity. 443-4470. School nOrse, Bolton public School nurse, Bolton public evenings and one day per RIDE WANTED - From LEGAL SECRETARY- Uw 646-5999. schools, full-time position, 10 ticut Army National Guard. dent in Pennsylvania last year. Hebron Gay City area, third schools. Full-time position, 10 Call Sergeant Hanna at 649- week. Call Linda at 646-1717 COLONIAL - 8 rooms, 2 1/2 BOLTON - In-law apartment Committee co-chairman Rep. David Levine, D- Firm in Vernon seeks full months per year. For infor- months per year. For infor- days; 643-7904 evenings. included with this 12-room In New Workroom shift to Pratt & Whitney. Call time Legal Secretary with REAL ESTATE SALESMAN LATHE OPERATOR - mation and appli cation, con- 0423 for enlistment informa- baths, first floor panelled Durham, said the issue of who should pay for evacuation 6464776. wanted by old established Experienced, able to set up mation and application, con- tion. family room with lireplace Colonial an 4 1/2 acres. good ^ in g and shorthand tact Raymond A. Alien Jr., tact Raymond A. Alien, Jr., WILL DO HOUSE WORK - Heated family room with Ms. Nancy Beth Walgrove, of the nursing s te r iliz e r in the w orkroom of the planning in the case of a nuclear accident has been skills. Experienced preferred. firm. Must be a self-starter, and run small production lots superintendent of schools. and large deck. Formal dining AnnouneamanlB 3 aggressive, personable and and do prototype work, ^ p ly superintendent of schools. WAITRESS - Mature woman Part or full time at minimum room, 4 bedrooms. 2 car gar- fireplace. 5 bedrooms, 4 dodged for too long and sufficient federal assistance Telephone 646-1974, Between 9 Notch Road, Bolton. EOE. wage. Call 646-6849 anytime. baths, remodeled kitchen. staff of the Rockville Public Health Nursing association s expanded headquarters in the a.m. and 5 p.m. hold a Connecticut license. at Wesco Industries, JES In- Notch Road, Bolton. EOE. part time, 9:30 to 1:30. Call age. Wooded lot. walk out could not be guaranteed. We’ll show you the way to basement. Group I, Philbrick Built 1860. Group I Wolverton ATTENTION TOTALPHONE dustrial Park. Route 5, South between 4 and 7 p.m., 643-0848. Agency Realtors. 649-2813. But state Cfvil Preparedness chief Frank Mancuso SUBSCRIBERS! Do you need enjoy an unmatched lucrative, Windsor. 5684334 EOE. WANTED - ADULT Agency, 646-4200. PRIVATE party to board my testified it was the responsibility of the government to help receiving your calls? rewarding professional ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN MANCHESTER - Here’s the Temporary or permanent. LEGAL career. Send resume to Box INSPECTOR - Experienced 2 poodles temporarily. Send TRANSCRIPTION - Part time, hours optional. * EDUCATION provide the money to draw up plans. replies to Box V, c/o way to beat inflation. Buy this Personal Attention ... Veiy K, c/o Evening Herald. Inspector for first piece and nPIRT Experienced in repair and MANCHESTER 2-family home for only He said he did not think it right to impose the costs on Reasonable. 233-8991 or 247- NOTICE receiving inspection. Must be Manchester Herald. calibration oscilloscopes, any community but he declined to say if it was the state’s We have an in - Private Intlrucllont IS $32.500/unit and let your 8623. able to keep good records and teresting . and signal generators, etc. 644- tenants help you pay the Trimmed School Budget responsibility to put up the money. DEPARTMENT OF use measuring tools. Apply at DENTAL ASSISTANT - Part- 2151. Lovely 7 Room Ranch. 1st Halp Wanlad 13 time position in specialty challeMlng position in RIDING LESSONS indoor mortgage. Income over Levine pointed out the federal government may ENVIRONMENTAL Wesco Industries. JES In- our Medical Records floor family room, sunken $600/month. Group I Wolver- practice in East Hartfdrd. STOCKROOM ATTENDANTS riding ring. Western stock provide just enough money to formulate plans butit was PROTECTION dustrial Park, Route 5, South Department for living room, 3 bed rooms, ton Agency Realtors. 649-2813. NURSE AIDES: 3-11 and 11-7 Windsor, 5684334. EOE. Experienced preferred but - Openings for persons who seat, saddle seat and hunt not clear who was going to pay to carry them out if an ac- NURSES AIDES wanted for STATE OF CONNECTICUT Shift. Orientation program Transcription Typist. seat. All levels 228-9817. deluxe kitchen, 2^5 baths, 3 full time on all shifts. Appiy will train. Must have own are very conscientious and starting every Monday. Plea- transportation. Reply to Box Good typing skills, fireplaces, unique wood bur- ECONOMICAL 6-ROOM To Face Board Action cident occurred. director of nursing. Salmon- AIR COMPLIANCE UNIT FULL- OR PART-TIME and the ability to use a have a record of good figure CAPE • 3 bedrooms, 1 partial- at a 30 percent increase over the pre- sant working conditions. Call dental-medical receptionist U c/o Evening Herald. aptitude. Experience VOICE, PIANO Instructions. ning furnace, for auxiliary just under a 11 percent increase for a brook Convalescent Home, off E-PE No. 7824 Mrs. Maloney at Burnside Transcriber a must. Former faculty New York ly finished. Garage. by BARBARA RICHMOND sent 85 cents a gallon to $1.10 a gallon House Street, Glastonbury. and assistant wanted for oral preferred but not required. heal, 2 car garage, many total of $12,114,264. There may be a Convalescent Home. 289-9571. HAIRDRESSER We offer Comprehen- Music and Art High School. Aluminum siding. Convenient Herald Reporter so the committee decided to go along Please call 633-5244. surgeon’s office. Experience Apply at Wesco Industries. extras. Excellent location. location on bus line. Asking few more minor changes in figures NOTICE OF DECISION ON Experienced with following. sive Fringe Benefits Jes Industrial Park. Route 5, Professional Singer/Pianist. necessary. Call 872-8331.* and pleasant surroun- $89,500. $53,900. 643-6927. VERNON — An klucation budget, before Monday, Dr. Bernard Sidman, with that figure., reducing the fuel Farmland LATHE OPERATORS - With APPLICATION FOR A COCKTAIL WAITRESSES - Full-time position in busy South Windsor. 568-6334. EOE. 644-8597. dings. cut by the superintendent of schools oil account by $68,477. POINT SOURCE Experienced. Weekends. And RN FULL TIME - BSN in Manchester Salon. Call superintendent, said. 2 years’ experience. Good INSTITUTE OF LIVING Schools-Cfsssaa 19 MANCHESTER - Seven-room and again by the Board of Education Reductions were also made in the benefits. Salary n^otiable. OPERATING PERMIT Busboys. 989 Ellington Road, Public Health Nursing - Ultimate I. 643-2103, or 647- BARTENDERS - Full and 1) & R Real t y Co. Cape near Country Club. 2 Of the total increases of $1,118,000, South Windsor, alter 11 a.m. exMrience preferred. RN or 1315 evenings. Ask for Diana. 400 Washington Street Part time, day and evening Finance Committee will go to the en- special education general accounts at Hawk Precision Co., 303 The Air Compliance Unit, of FOR THE BEST - Manchester zone gas heat. 1 1/2 baths, at Level I, most are in fixed costs. Wins Support Burnham Street, East Hart- LPN for weekends and Hartford, Conn 06106 hours. Good pay and benefits. 643-2692 tire board for approval Monday night $43,891; food services, $2,439; Social the Department of En- Is Egto OppwWt) tophiw Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 large lot, quiet street. They are: Teaqher salaries, $540,000; ford, telephone 528-9845. CHEF’S HELPERS & holidays. Prior nursing WENDY’S OLD-FASHIONED Apply Ground Round Robert D. Murdock Realtor Appliances and pool table. at 7:30 p.m. at the Middle School. Studies, $2,299; language arts, $6,125; vironmental Protection experience required. Call Hamburgers is looking for Restaurant, 3025 Main Street, pupils per teacher. FREE in- custodial and secretary salaries, HARTFORD (UPI) — A measure which would put COOK’S HELPERS - Apply troductory lesson with this ad. Priced for quick sale $75,000 The superintendent's proposed and minor cuts in other categories. RARE OPPORTUNITY - hereby given gives notice of 989 Ellington Road, South Manchester Public Health quality minded people to work Glastonbury. $74,000 (estimated): transportation Connecticut’s pilot farmland preservation program on Call 646-6306, or 646-3549. by owner. 647-1331. budget totaled $12,529,906 represen- The proposal for the new data OWN YOUR OWN the final decision On the Windsor, after 11 a.m. Nursing Association, 647-1481, lunch shift for 2 to 3 hours costs, $50,000; utilities, $24,000; fuel, the books for good has won support from the state’s EEO/AAP employer. weekdays. Excellent part- WAITERS and WAITRESSES ting a 14.08 increase over the current processing system was left in the BUSINESS. Distributor for application by The Rogers $271,000; new computer system, $97,- agriculture commissioner and a farmer with an expan- Kodak film, Duraceli Corporation of Mill St., ALL ROUND time job for housewives and INTRODUCTORY OFFER: - Full and part time, good pay budget and is based on Level I of a budget so the entire board can decide □ REAL ESTATE 000; alarm system, $50,000; fringe ding poultry business. Batteries, G.E., Sylvania and Manchester for a permit to MAINTENANCE MAN for In- FULL- OR PART-TIME mothers with school-age If you’re already working you and benefits. Liberal working possible three level system. Level I if it should be left in. It was pointed dustrial Laundry. Electrical dental-medical receptionist children. Apply: Wendy’s Old- can easily add $100 to 1 ^ a hours. Apply in person: benefits, $12,000. The Legislature’s Environment Committee Tuesday other photo products needed operate an AER Corporation is the high priority level which con- out that with the town to also use the in your area. No selling. Ser- & Hydraulic experience and assistant wanted for oral Fashioned Hamburgers, 260 week to your present income Ground Round Restaurant, Hornet For Sale 23 Originally the budget committee heard testimony on a measure which would provide $10 Type B Incinerator. Broad Street, Manchester. tains mandatory or essential items to system for billing it would help pay vice top Retailers under required. Company Paid surgeon’s office. Ebcperience giving out free catalogs to 3025 Main Street, Glaston- had estimated fuel costs for next million in bonding and make the 1978 pilot Farmland exclusive contract established The Department has decided Benefits. Pleasant at- preferred. Call 872-rol. your co-workers. Over 500 bury, COVENTRY - 25 Acres with 6 the school programs. for it year at $1.25 a gallon but Dr. Sidman Preservation Act permanent and eligible for review in by us. High immediate in- to grant the permit. mosphere. Equal Opportunity LATHE OPERATOR - Two Items available. Discount plus room Western Ranch. Only 4 Wrapping up its budget Blaine Gerard, language arts EXPERIENCED CASHIER years' experience air craft convenience shopping at its ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE said he had just received a memo five years. come minimum required in- The decision may be er. Apply in person or years old. With central air, deliberations, Tuesday night, the supervisor and David Parker, super- vestment $9,975. 100% profit ichamcs Uniform Ser- WANTED for part-tim e parts. Set up and operate. best. Satisfaction guaranteed. Clerk - Immediate opening fenced pasture, out buildings, from the Capitol Region Purchasing Farmer Sam Kofkoff, who plans to build a poultry com- examined in the Office of the budget committee will present a visor of social studies, both attended structure. Call between 8 AM vice, 151 Park Avenue, hours. East Pleasant working con- Excellent benefits. Hawk 27years in business. For more Computer experience nelpful, 2 ponds, brook and much Council regarding projected fuel oil plex to accommodate 880,000 chickens on a parcel of land Assistant Director - » Hartford, 289-3421. ditionsf Apply at Mobile Self- Precision Corp. 303 Burnham information call 1-800-523- but not necessary. Some budget to the board that represents last night’s meeting to support their & 5 PM, 1-800433-6367. Or 'P ' costs. The council, projecting them which is part of the preservation program, called it a key write: American Film Engineering, State Office Service Center Street, Street, East Hartford. .528- 7601. typing skills desired. Salary Agency 646-4:1200. requests for new text books for their 9845. program for the future. P rocessing, Inc., 1935R Building, 165 Capitol Avenue, SECURITY - North East Manchester, between 8 and 2 commensurate with departments. The committee agreed Security has immediate p.m. WAITRESS - Over 18 years to experience. Please call 289- "The intent was to prepare food production for the Hoover Court, B’ham, AL Hartford, Connecticut. MANCHESTER - Exceptional to leave the text books in the budget 35226. 01343 openings for weekend per- BABY SITTER NEEDED serve Food St Liquor. 6861. 15-room colonial home Sidman^s New Pact at the Level II request but to leave generations to come because we can not rely on other sonnel in Manchester area. WELDER - Experienced. IMMEDIATELY -3 1/2 days Experience necessary. Apply situated on 6 1/4 acres, per week. 1-year-old child. ONLY ^ 5 3 , 9 0 0 the rest of those budgets at Level I. states,” Kofkoff said. Successful applicant must Must be able to read in person only: La Strada est, GAL FRIDAY ■ Applicant overlooking Manchester. State Agriculture Commissioner Leonard Krogh said have a phone, car and clean blueprints. Full time. Full Call 649-4083 after 5 p.m. 473 Hartfrod Road. must be excellent typist, at Large kitchen, summer Other reductions were made in the least 60 w.p.m. Diversified For $53,900 you can own your own 2 the program met its legislative intent to “preserve LEGAL NOTICE police record. North East benefits. For information kitchen, formal dining room, Boosts Pay $9,000 areas of new equipment requests Security will provide un- call: Personnel Consolidated TYPIST - Hartford Insurance COOK - Full time. Reliable, duties. Excellent benefits. beautiful family room with bedroom home, 1'/z baths, with living because Dr. Sidman said it was farmland and provide farmland for the production of Town of Bolton Official Notice iforms and training. Apply in Cigar 131 Oak Street, Agency needs good typist. neat, hard working. Duties in- Call between 9 and 3. 568-1927. massive fireplace, 5 VERNON— In executive session Hours flexible, good wages room and dining area, full basement and decided that the approved salary rather difficult in these times of food.” Board of Tax Review person to North Eiast Securi- Glastonbury, Ck>nn., 633-3641. clude: Food preparation, in- bedrooms. 3 baths, all new Monday the Board of Education ap- ty, 61 WiUarid Street, Hart- An Equal Opportunity and benefits. Free parking. ventory control, supervision RECEPTIONIST - Diversified applianced kitchen. ERA Buyer Protec- schedule would bring Sidman’s financial hardship to recommend “I stand ready to promulgate a permanent program,” The Board of Tax Review of the Town of Bolton, Connecticut electrical, plumbing, founda- proved a three-year contract for Dr. Krogh said. ford. a . or call 522-5143. Employer M/F. Call Mr. Tanguay 522-0333. of kitchen staff. Apply: Rein’s ont desk position available for tion May be heated with tion Plan. Let us show you how! Call for salary to those of other new equipment. will be in session in the Bolton Town Hall, 222 Bolton Center New York Style Dell gal with a pleasing telephone Bernard Sidman, superintendent of Controversy arose when Kaye Andrus sold the state wood. Group I Wolverton superintendents with similar duties JoAnn Worthen, chairman of the Road, Bolton, Conn, on the following days during the month of TEMPORARY WORKERS - Restaurant, El Camino Plaza, manner and excellent typing Agency Realtors. 649-2813. your appointment today. schools. His present salary is $37,538 and expertise. budget committee, noting that no development rights to his 324-acre Lebanon farm for March 1980: Assignments East of the Route 30 Vernon, skills, at least 60 wj).m. Light and it will increase to $46,629 by the OIL BURNER TECHNICIAN River for clerk-typists, As the board had previously done budget deliberations would be final $32,0,000 and then sold the agricultural rights to Kofkoff Saturday, March 8, 1980 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon INSTALLATION EXPEMENCE NECESSANY figure work. Excellent MANCHESTER - Six-room third year of the contract. Poultry Farms of Bozrah for $250,000. , secretaries, with and without PROGRAMMER - System 3, benefits. Call between 9 and 3, Colonial Ranch. 3 large with the assistant superintendents without taking risks, asked the com- Monday, March 10, 1980 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM •EXCELLENT WAGES shorthand. Top company. Cali Before approving the salary Rep. Aloysius Aheam, D-Bolton, said “this bill was Model 5412, RPG language. 568-1927. bedrooms, 2 baths, family and business manager, it cut Sid- mittee to approve a $20,000 risk fac- •PAID HOLIDAYS Lydia, Dunhill Temps, 289- Salary negotiable. Apply: DANIEL F. REALE schedule, the board gave Dr. Sidman Thursday, March 13, 1980 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM •SICK DAYS style kitchen with appliances, man’s vacation time from 30 to 25 tor in the teacher salary account. designed to preserve prime farmland, not to put poultry 4319. Gaer Brothers, 140 Rye St,, a favorable evaluation report. •RETIREMENT PLAN SALESMAN - Supermarket dining room, beamed and INC., REALTORS days a year. All other fringe benefits The committee also added $5,461 buildings on it.” All persons claiming to be aggrieved by the Assessor of the South Windsor. sales helpful. Salary and fireplaced living room. 2-car The increase the first year of the •BLUE CROSS PART-TIME WORK A l you need to know will remain the same. into the budget for repairs to the Aheam, the son of a poultry farmer, said the purchase Town of Bolton must appear and file their complaint to one of travel. Apply Gaer Brothers, garage, 1 1/2 treed acres. contract will be 10.5 percent as of "left a tod taste In a lot of peoples’ mouths.” these meetings or at some adjourned meeting of said Board of •CMS AVAILABLE - Work any 3 If you enjoy working in fresh 140 Rye St.. South Windsor. Group I, Wolverton Agency The three-year contract was Maple Street School roof and said •MAJOR MEDICAL evenings and all day Saturday. ■iNBalEstaier July 1 of this year, bringing the Krogh' defended the decision, saying “poultry is a very Tax Review. air and meeting people, then Realtors. 649-2813. prepared on request of Dr. Sidman Angelo Demma, maintenance super- •N O TRAVELING TO HARTFORD $104.76 weekly for 18 hours AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC salary to $41,500. A six percent in- vital part of agriculture production.” working at Mr, Auto Wash Car ElMUonk Rrally when the board voted to renew his visor, will be told to find the rest of Dated March 3, 1980 part time. ’Management Care Center is right for you. with state certification can RANCH - Six rooms, 3 crease the second year will bring it to training available, w e r 18. (Mh oHkf indcpendenlly contract for the current year. Dr. the money for the roof repairs in his He said Connecticut’s egg industry is the only one Board of Tax Review CALL ....MORIAirnBROTHERS,INC. Wages based on ability and start at $7 per hour. 8 am. to bedrooms, rec room, im- owrtcd pM gprrsicil. $43,990 and the increase for the final John Gleason, Chairman Car necessary. Call 872-2128, Sidman has been superintendent budget. Committee members said which can meet 100 percent of the state’s needs. 643-5135 extra incentives are available 4:30 pm. Clood working con- maculate home with park-like year is 5.9 percent. Hvi Cannon 12-3 pm only, Monday- ditions. All fringe benefits. yard. Only $57,900, Group I since 1978 when he was hired to Kofkoff, whose family business had almost $9 million in HARRY JENSEN to you. Apply at 150 Tolland 179 MAIN 6T. 646-4925 In making its decision the board tbe Board of Education has facilities Jean Gately Thursday. St., East Hartford. For appointment call 688-7596. 'Philbrick Agency. 646-4200 replace Dr. Raymond Ramsdell who sales last year, called the Andrus farm the best piece of studied superintendents’ salaries for assessed at $20 million that it is 012-03 retired. land he could Hnd for the proposed complex. school systems of similar sizes and responsible for. BOOKKEEPER/SECRETARY Pact Negotiations Wanted for small expanding business. Ability “WE’RE SELLING HOUSES!" to type, perform basic bookkeeping tasks and ad- Nearing Agreement D. W. FISH REALTY CO. minister a small office. Please forward resumes We Know Where The Money Is! OF / homes/ directly to: VERNON — The negotiations for custodial and 243 Main St. Manchester Tel: 643-1591 secretarial salaries in the Vernon public school system, Hours • Daily 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM y 0 872-9153 NEW ENGLAND SWEEPING which have been going on for some 16 months, may be Vernon Circle Vernon P.O. BOX 148, Bucktond StoUon nearing an agreement, Harold Cummings, negotiator for Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Closed Sunday MANCHESTER, CONN. 06040 the Board A)f Education told the board’s Budget Com- FRANK BORYSEVICZ mittee Tuesday night. DONALD FISH WILLIAM FISH MAC KICHAR PAUL OLIVER GORDON FISH FRANK BORYSEVICZ

Cummings revealed the information during a budget ROBERT PRATT GRANT HARLACHER BEVERLY DEPIETRO TONY WASILEFSKY MARILYN MAWHINNEY LORRAINE BOUTIN i — Magnificent 7 room discussion on salaries. The custodians and secretaries PLASTICS INJECTION contemporary with 1st floor fireplaced family room, high A TWO FAMILY FOR THE PRICE OF A SINGLE? have been working without a contract this school year. ONLY S44,900i — A rare find on the market! Living vaulted ceilings, all thermopane, cedar exterior and room, kitchen with dining area, 2 bedrooms, plus a You bet! a 5-4 with separate heating systems, A rare Cummings said a "factfinding’’ hearing was conducted much more. An exceptional buy! 80’s. price range of $55,000. last summer and he was just told a few days ago that out It's the Gallery of Homes palette: the MOLDERS Florida room, fireplace with wood stove and garage! of that came a recommendation to increase salaries by WHATS BEHIND THIS SIGN nationally recognized emblem that eight percent for 1979-80 and by 8.5 percent for 1980-81. attracts home buyers and sellers Positions available for Thermoplastics InjeC' If the recommendation isn't rejected by the board or tion Molders. Experienced preferred. r ’’ the union representing the employees, by March 21 then it alike — because It stands for will become binding. If it is rejected by either group then Performance! Last year alone, PUBTKS GEMiliG TECtMOLOCY it will go to binding arbitration, Cummings said. Gallery of Homes sold over $4 billion Cummings said at this point he understands that the worth of homes. Over 15,000 sales 1305 Tolland Tpk. Manchester, CT. 06040 board would accept the factfinders report. He also said ______Tel, 643-6340 ______he understands that it’s the intent of the union to accept it counselors at 1,400 offices nationwide give prompt professional too. FOflEBT HILLS HOME located on a cul-de-aac. TRAN8FERED EXECUTIVE offer their redecorated results. Presently Mt up as an tn-law suite with separate kitchens Ansaldl built Colonial. Premier Spring St. location. 2 THE CLASSIC LINES of this quality built home will PLEASE READ and baths. A great place to share with your parents or fireplaces, family room, extensive landscaping and last forever. 7 large rooms, 2tk baths and a great country Buyers enjoy "armchair selection" of I ADVERTISING older children. more! A great buy can be yours!______club location. P.S. also a fantastic inground pool! Fugitive Arrested homes from a gallery of illuminated DEADLINE YOUR AD color photos. Sellers welcome Il2:00 noon the day Herald la reaponelbtol NEW HAVEN (UPI) — A Hamden man has been nationwide listing, national adver- lliefore publlcallon. lor only one Incorrect I arrested as a fugitive from justice from Florida, where knartion and than only he is accused of rigging jai alai games. tising. Transferees use Gallery’s I^ d lln e lor Saturday BLANCHARD io the a lia o l the Fotios Kotsakis, 30, was arraigned Tuesday on the relocation services. |and Monday to 12:00 original lileertlon. 70 O A O t a fugitive count in New Haven Superior Court. His case Ifloon Friday. Errors which do not S700ERA was continued until an extradition hearing March 11. < The pallette Is the badge of the real toaoan the valua ol the omen OfEWU Kotsakis was charged with bri’nery of an athletic con- estate specialists — Gallery of Bl Slaealfied ada are adverttoemont wIN not | NATKMWIOE test in Florida as a result of a probe of jai alai game Homes. aken over the phone be corrected by an ad- CONBICnCUT ROSSEHO fixing at the Dania, Fla., jai alai fronton, state police I a c o n v e n i e n c e . T h e dHlonal biaartlon. REALTORS spokesman Adam Berluti said. Performance oriented! Kotsakis was being held in the New Haven Correctional Center in lieu of $25,000 bond. 846-2482 Kotsakis was one of five bettors indicted by a Broward a t ie ThAr M I

32 - EVENING HERALD. Wed., March 5, 1980

EVENING HERALD, Wed.. March 5. 1980 - 23 PMnuto — QhirlM M. Sehuli 9 Business & Service X HARMON DIUWORTH ^FRANK & 1 ACROSS DOWN Answer to Previous Punie .'■a s O ft p R A M 0 D D 8 ERNEST . t Head covering 1 Seduce (si.) ^ PIERCE ^ 1X15 WAS CUTE..THI5 H F e A V E U R E A FOSTER ___ /y 2 Pennsylvania 0 HEARTHECinE'miNe L WAS REALLY CUTE...V 5 Channel 0 1 t AW E 8 T ml U C K . s (kh y 9 Diving bird port T 0 L L 8 8 0 W M b er BROKER BROKEST THATPI6-PEN5AIPTO 12 Folktlnger 3 Infirmities 11 A N 0 ^ ’' Guthrie u P * ,e1 By Abigail van Buren ME‘7E5TKPAY? 4 RaHie ft 1 1 N C E 8 U N 13 Amorous look 5 Non- P T A T A 1 1 B A T_ _E It 14 Compass consonant A C t U N E W P E N 9 $ point 6 Zounds R H 0 N E r V E R E 8 T 15 Fish sperm 7 Sick lo D 0 E T Al 1 6 ______Disney8 Confounded ft" N o s T H U M B 1 L lilM St-* 17 Leg joint 9 Very pale 1 M 1 |A T 1 V E 8 O u E 18 Reduced to 10 Information P A V 0 |e R A 8 8 r R E U j powder bureau (abbr.) 8 N A p 1 |s E N T 20 Assignation 51 Aulot For Sale 81 Virgins Had 11 Owned 42 Clot Apartmenlt For Rent S3 ottleef-Sloree tor Rent 55 tliiloi For Bale 22 Snaksllke fish 28 Fires (si.) Sarv/cM Ottered 31 Servleee Ottered 31 Pelntlng-Peperlrtg 32 Building Contrecting 33 PriBcilla’s Pop — Ed Sullivan 23 Besrllks drink 19 Author 43 Flying saucers 1971 ROAD RUNNER - 383. Tolstoy 29 Cans FOUR ROOM APARTMENT- Misconceptions 24 Very small 30 One (Ger.) (abbr.) Craigers. Runs strong. Good (prefix) 21 Cerise PAINTING - Interior and FIRST CLASS CARPENTRY First floor. Mature adults on- 32 African 44 Run swiftly, condition. High mileage. I CANT CONCENTRATE ALL I CAN THINK OF IS 27 Come before 23 Melody exterior. Paperhanging, - Remodeling and Additions. ly. No pets. Security & FOR RENT Asking $1,200. Mike, 643-2919 8 THERE PO ESN T "THIS IS THE PAV THAT grassland as water excellent work references. Kitchens ana Rec Rooms. 35 WANTED JUNK AND LATE ON THIS SERA40N.' HOWTHE(X»STOF SEEM TD BE ANV- THE DORP HATH MAPE, 31 Magic herb 24 Mesdames references. Please call* 649- MODEL WRECKS - Cash p.m. 32 Empty (abbr.) 35 Camera tube 45 professional Free estimates. Fully in- years' experience! For Free Large modern office LIVING KEEPS GOING THING TMATS FREE BUT S O J U HAVE TD 36 Counted 1265. Paid. Call Parker Street Used DEAR ABBY; I read in your column thal a girl could 33 12, Roman 25 Kawkeye 46 Unused sured. Martin Matson, 649- Estimates, call 646-4239. suite with air con- U7l . UP ANP UP. ^ ANV/W3RE.' RAV FDR IT- 34 Mother sheep 38 Smalt rug Auto Parts, Inc. 649-3391. 1971 FORD LTD BROUGHAM become pregnant without going all the way. Thanks for State 47 Nonle 4431. THREE ROOM - Excellent condition. No body . 35 Consteliation 26 Hint (Brit ) 39 Actress FARRAND REMODELING - APARTMENT- Main Street, ditioning. 1,000 square rust. Qoth interior. Call 644- printing it. That is what happened to me. 36 Volunteer 48 Bi^ical land A&W PAINTING Contrac- Cabinets. Roofing. Gutters, 1970 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN- Before we were married, my fiance and I had ;gone 27 Registering of Farrow third floor. Heat, appliances. feet. Centrally located 428, 4 barrel. $500, or best, 3260 days, 644-1454 nights. slats (sbbr.) votes 51 Nigerian tors. Quality painting and Room Additions, Decks, All together for 2‘/» years. We were very much iii love, and just 37 Lumber 4 1 Got up Security. References. Lease. offer. Call 649-6410, anytime. tribesman paper hanging at reasonable types of Remodeling and Call after 7 p.m., 64^3911. In Rockville area. like the kids do today, we did a lot of hugging, kissing and factory In co m e T ax Services 1971 BUICK SKYLARK, 8 B 0 10 11 rates. Fully insured. Free Repairs. Free estimates. Ful- Ample parking. cylinder automatic. Good run- cuddling, but 1 swear we did not go "all the way!” Never- 39 Billiard shot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Estimates. Call Wayne 649- 1^ insured. Phone 643-6017. HIGH PERFORMANCE AND 40 Do sums 149 OAKLAND STREET - 3- ECONOMY. Modified 1/6 ning condition, must sell. Best theless I found myself very much pregnant. 12 13 * 14 7696. room heated apartment. No CALL offer. 289-1183. I couldn't believe it, but the doctor explained it to me ex- 4t Be sick LEON CIESZYNSKI Formla Ford Pinto. 0-60 6 42 Moslem 17 pets. No appliances. $280 seconds, 30 mpg^^, suspension actly the way you explained it: “All that is necessary is for IS 16 INCOME TAX PERSONAL Paperhanging BUILDER- New Homes, Ad- monthly. Security deposit. Te- 875-0765 lawyer radial S| liters. Excellent con- 1972 FORD GRAN TORINO the sperm of the male to meet the ovum of the female, and 16 19 H20 21 PREPARATION SERVICE ■ for particular people, by Dick. ditions, Remodeling, Rec nant Insurance required. Call SQUIRE. 302-V8,1 owner, low 45 Pecan Call 643-5703 anytime. Rooms. Garages, Kitchens dition. , 646-7536. this can be accomplished without actual penetration." confection At your home. 20 Years 646-2426, 9 to 5, mileage, loaded, runs 23 J73 Remodeled, 'Ceilings, Bath PROFESSIONAL / Even though WE knew how it happened, it was hard to 49 Labor group Experience. Dan Mosler. 649- 1975 MERCURY MONTEGO excellent. $925. 6464243. ■ GIVE TAX PROBLEMS the PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Tile, Dormers, Roofing. BUSINESS OFFIC? explain to others. We are now in our 60s, and we still kid 50 Italian 24 25 26 21 29 30 32». or 52S-S263. CENTRAL LOCATION - 3 MX- Excellent condition, low Captain Eaay — Crooka ft Lawranca ole 1-2 punch! Tax Conwra- - Interior and exterior. Residential or Commercial. rooms second floor with heat, BUILDING - Approximately about it, and call each other ... greeting ■ mileage. Quadrophonic 1970 DELTA 88, 350, two 31 tion of America, SECOND Commercial and residential. 649-4291. hot w ater, electricity, 2600 square feet, with ample "DUMBBELLS" 52 Golden calf largest Tax Service is FIRST Free estimates. Fully in- parking. Close to Center, stereo^ track, power steering barrel, regular gas, new tires, A POME OF PARK RANGER* AMD 53 Canal system ■ ■ INCOME TAX- Done in your parking, stove and brakes, complete exhaust. 34 in convenience. Your home- or sured. 646-4879. CARPENTRY, CUSTOM hospital and new court / brakes, one owner. 872-6528, DEAR ABBY; I am one of those "unusual cases" of a POLICE 88fllN 5 COMBING THE WOODS in northern H home. Six years experience. refrigerator. One-year lease 633-5310, or 659-0508. Inspected December 1979. FOR THE RUNAWAY SOY AND THE Michigan 1 J my office. 647-9426. Pauline HOUSES. ADDITIONS, and security required. Call building. For info, call 568- woman being a pregnant virgin. I conceived with my hymen 37 36 Call for very Reasonable Great long-distance vehicle. ESCAPED TIEER 54 Kimono sash f' R ates. 646-5346. W alter Kozuck. J.P. LEWIS & SON- Custom GARAGES, ROOFING & 649-2865. 7658 or 871-0401. intact. Decorating, Interior & SIDING- Kitchens, 1976 FORD ECONOLINE 15 to 17 mpg highway. $325. (p!.| 40 41 angler. VAN lOO- V8. Finished in- 643-6187. When I went to the doctor, suspecting that I might be 55 Actress ■ DOWNTOWN 47 46 Exterior Painting, Bathrooms, and Repair Work MANCHESTER - 5 room pregnant, he examined me and said I most certainly was., 42 43 44 46 Paperhanging & Remodeling. Of All Kinds. Call Robert Jar- MANCHESTER • Large, terior. Loaded with options. Lanchester duplex, 3 bedrooms, excellent PINTO 1974 RUNABOUT - When it came time for me to have the baby, the doctor had 56 Compass 1 Kitchens, Recreation Rooms. vis for estimates, 643-6712. modem, carpeted office. Air Captains' Chair, stereo etc. 49 |50 51 52 condition, appliances, no pets, to deflower me surgically. I never would have believed it, point DAN WADE- Have our In- INCOME TAX Call 649-9658. conditioned. Heat, light in- $3750. Call 633-3233,569-1804 or Automatic. Good condition. adults. $400 rent. During day Asking $1,200. Call 646-3086 but I am- living proof that a girl can become pregnant 57 Knob 53 I54 r 55 expert- PREPARATION. Reasonable KITCHENS. COUNTER cluded. Available March 1. 563-6373 evenings. . come Taxes prepare 649-1801, a fte r 5:30 646-3884. weekdays after 5 p.m. 58 Suppose ly by leading'independent Tax accurate, in your home or LEE PAINTING - Interior & TOPS, PAINTING & Furnished or unfurnished. without going all the way. 56 I57 56 Consultant. Phone 649-6851. mine. Norm Marshall, 643- Exterior. "Check My Rate WALLPAPERING - Block Cali days to 5:30, Mr. F. CAMARO 1975 - V-8, MRS. W., TORRINGTON, CONN. - i SOUTH WINDSOR - 2 and 3 Trucks lor Sale 62 .,2.'. A 9044. Before You Decorate". Tile Floors, Bathrooms, Nassiff at 647-9126, automatic. Interior/exterior V**. ■ , ^ ' |NEWSFAF(R IN TtRFRfSt A8SN I bedrooms. As low as $195.236- excellent shape. Runs great. Dependable. Fully Insured. Ceramic Tile St Finish Work. 5646. Locators. Fee. DEAR ABBY; 1 was very happy to see the item in your 646-1653. Commercial & Residential. ROCKVILLE STORE - 20x60. Asking $3,100 . 643-7736. GMC 1972 1 TON UTILITY column about the girl who got pregnant and had a baby Free estimates. 646-3046. Center. 19 West Main Street. TRUCK- Has the reading though she was still a virgin. The same thing happened to C&M TREE SERVICE - Free MOVING LARGE GLASTONBURY - Elegant 3 1973 FORD GRAN TORINO - enclosed bo^, with side com- bedroom. Quiet area. Kids ok. Full basement. Parking. M.I. me when I was 17. He married me, and we have five estimated, discount senior APPLIANCES - Cellars, At- Kaplan, owner. 232-9041. Bucket seats, one owner. partments. Excellent for con- , citizens. Company tics cleaned. Odd jobs done. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING $300s. (244-4) 236-5646. children, the oldest is now 48. ■ residential and commercial Needs some body work. $800. tractor. 7:30 a.m. to 5:30p.m., Allay Oop — Dava Qraua briciqe Manchester-owned and Also will buy anything. Call R&R HEBERT PAINTING- Locators. Fee. Call 6464288, or 5654672, 633-0249. People never believed me when I told them that that is remodeling, additions, MANCHESTER - Retail, what really happened. My doctor confirmed it. ^ ^ operated. Call 646-1327. 644-1775. I n terior & Exterior. storage and/or manufacturing "Guaranteed Quality aluminum siding, new con- MANCHESTER - Immaculate AW IN IS IS M Y CH IEF ...WHY, H E WAS struction. Fully insured. 646- space. 2,000 sq. ft. to 50,000sq. 1971 FORD F-250 PICKUP- B&M TREE SERVICE- Workmanship! ” Call 649-7718. 3 rooms. Too many extras to ADVISER...TH' GRAND RIGHT OVSa NORTH 3 5 80 DUMAS ELECTRIC - All 4879 ft. Very reasonable. Brokers Excellent condition. Power WIZERf THERE JUST A South ducked the opening Speciallst In tree and stump types of residential wiring, advertise. $215. (231-2), 236- steering and brakes. DEAR ABBY; I am a 39-year-old mother of four, and I was AJ5 5646. Locators, Fee. protected. Call Heyman 1975 CHEVY MONZA T.C. LITTLE WHILE spade lead and Elast won the removal. Free estimates. electrical improvements, INTERIOR PAINTING & Ih-operties, 1-^1206. Automatic transmission. Will ; just as innocent as that 55-year old grandmother who asked AGO! V10 4 Senior citizen discount. 24 WALLPAPERING - Quality. CARPENTRY - Repairs. Very good condition. Power ♦ Q1093 king. At the second trick East repair work, service changes. Paneling, Rec Room, trade for four wheel drive. > you to explain how a girl could get pregnant and still be a hour^year round service. 643- Circuit Bi;eakers installed. Professional Work at brakes, AM/FM 8 track. 23,- $1995.6464557, after 6:00 p.m. 6AKJ 10 cashed the ace of diamonds Cabinets, Formica Counters. 000 miles. New Tires. $2,700. virgin. and continued them South 7285. SPECIAL WINTER Complete Range and Dryer in- Reasonable Prices! Fully in- It's a shame how people can go through life half-ignorant WEST EAST RATES! sured. References. Free F'or estimates call Paups 649- Homes tor Rent 54 AUTOMOTIVE 646-6269 a fte r 5 or 1-423-6525. Motoreycles-BIcycles 64 ruffed and West dropped his stallations. Additional 8694. between 5 and 7 p.m. because they're too embarrassed to ask questions. *98764 *K32 appliance circuits and plugs. Estimates. G.L. McHugh, 643- *A92 VK king. EXPERT PAINTING and 9321. SOUTH WINDSOR - 2 and 3 1978 HARLEY DAVIDSON - • I sent for your booklet, WHAT TEENAGERS OUGHT The only problem now was 646-4985. Autos For Sale 61 1967 DODGE - In good running TO KNOW, for my two sons. 12 and 14, and they thought it KJ «A8I542 LANDSCAPING Specializing bedrooms. As low as $200, 236- LOW RIDER. 2500 miles, ,' *Q76 *953 the trump suit. Barring an in Exterior House Painting. RELIABLE 5646. Locators, F’ee. condition. Call after 5:30 p.m., 100% stock and in excellent was terrific. So did I. And my husband agreed with me. I incredible mistake by the WE PAY TOP PRICES for 647-9240. never could have told them about drugs and sex the way you SOUTH Tree pruning, spraying, HOUSEKEEPER looking for BoolIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 shape. $4500. 742-8786. *Q10 opposition, declarer still had mowing, weeding. Call 742- EAST HARTFORD - wrecked and junk cars. A 4i B did. to lose two trump tricks to the work References. Call 646- Auto Salvage, used auto parts. y. ^ TH E HO RSE te M OUTH USED ICE SKATES, sizes 7 to (luding Ovations, plus free and meals. Private entrance. Town Car (Demo.) BBAUry IN OUR ©OCIETV. case with this au Carlos Town CPE. (Demo.) Moonroof, Stk. '9V47 Astro-Graph Letter, which Don't suppress your creativity Beal Estate Wanted 2B 11, good condition. 646-8069. Call 649-5459 begins with your birthday. Mall guitars 60% off. Rivers Music, Moonroof-Stk. (|9L4 Stk. iH9L16 today. It can be used In other SI for each to Astro-Graph, Box areas besides the artistic or SFXLING your house? Call us 7 M a i n S t r a e t , N e w Central Location, Free LIST PRICE *14637 LIST PRICE *18308 489, Radio City Station, N.Y. esthetic. Apply It In all you do. Britain.225-1977. Layaways. LIST PRICE *16195 first and we'll make you a parking. Kitchen privileges. Moriarty Discount 3305 Moriarty Discount 4072 10019. Bo sure to specify birth 8AQITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dm . 21) cash offer' T.J. ('tockett. Security and references. 14 Moriarty Diacount 3965 date. Doing nice things lor those who FIREWOOD- 4-foot fresh cut, Arch Street, Manchester. 11332 14236 ARIES (March 21-April It) In need your help comes naturally ‘IM NOT BUYING’WHOtm^. rr&T(X) eXPENSIVe.' Realtor. 643-1577 12230 your commercial dealings today, $65 a cord Well seasoned. A-1 Garden Products 47 Moriarty Rebate 1000 Moriarty Rebate 1000 today. What makes It even more hardwood. True full cord, 128 Apartments For Bent 53 Moriarty Rebate 1000 pay particular attention to little Impressive Is thal you'll keep MAY WE BUY your home'’ details. A combination of small Quick, fair, all cash and no cf. $90 deliverd in Manchester IT ISN'T SI’RING in the air SALE your good deeds a secret. area 528-2950. that counts to the gardener, SALE SALE things could help you turn a tidy CAPRICORN (Dm . 22-Jan. 19) problem Call Warren FT LOOKING for anything in real profit. it s spring in the ground. estate rental - apartments, PRICE PRICE 43236 Try to spend lime today with Howland. Realtors, 643 1108, 40332 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) That's where Vesey's Seeds ERICS. 41230 friends who talk about things you FIREWOOD- All Hardwood homes, multiple dwellings? Don't leel you have to do big find mentally ttimulaling. A brisk CONTINENTAL NEW MARK V 1979 C •* *«A- M.TMNi*U8Mea WA.N'TEl) TO BUY SMALL cut 1 year ago. Cut, split, short-season catalogue comes No fees. Call J.D. Real Estate things to please pals today. exchange ol Ideas will prove MM HOUSE for Iwo adults delivered. 12 "-16 "-24". Elmer in F'or 40 years, gardeners in Associates, Inc. 646-1980. Town Sedan Stk. *9V66 Small tokens of thoughtfulness productive. Private party. Conlidential Wilson, 649-5900, short-season eastern Canada (Demo.) Stk. j|9L82 will be most meaningful, so AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) Short Riba — Frank Hill Cash W'rile Box TT. c o and New England have dis- WANTED roommate • Act Now! spread a lew kind words. Don't alt on any Ideas you think Manchester Herald. FOR SALE - 10-horse Ariens covered hardy, fast-maturing Male or female. Immediate LIST PRICE *15867 LIST PRICE 17557 OEMINt (May 21-Juna 20) Be could mean something to you DID >t?iJ WEAR T H E Snowblower. 5-speed forward, seeds perfect for their content today with slow but materially. Your thoughts are ONE‘ E ABeR ENTERPRISE XS8N I after 5 pm. 646-7230. dress hasn't changed in 40 Moriarty Rebate 1000 Moriarty Rebate the right direction. years either: Vesey's Seeds -iiLQQ REFRIGERATORS EAST HARTFORD - Magnifi- ORGAN FOR SALE- 1161. York, P.E.I., Canada cent 2 bedroom. Kids St pets SALE ^500 SALE Btrry’s Worlu — Jim Btrry Washers Ranges, used, Gulbrianscn. model Paragon. COA IPO. guaranteed and clean. New welcomed. $200s. (221-4). 236- PRICE______ON NEW 1 9 7 9 & 1 9 8 0 PRICE Spinet-type with rhythm sec- •••••••• 5646. Locators, Fee. 41282 42586 Bugs Bunny — Hslmdahl & Stoffal shipment damaged, G E Si 48 F'RICiIDAlRE Low prices. tion, chimes and piano. Call Antique/ 79 NEW MARK V C O U G A RS NEW CONTINENTAL 643-1176. MANCHESTER - 4-room B D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main CASH PAID FOR Antiques, 1979 /v^Y QACN TUCN SI6NALS Street, 643-2171 apartment, first floor, newer Moonroof ^300 WE BUY St SELL USED Clocks, Oil Paintings, Old two-family. $375 per month. Stk. #9L81 Town Sedan, '9L83 rVO N T W O R K FURNITURE- One niece or Dolls, F?arly Toys and Depres- 659-0394. Evenings 6334119. ON NEW 1979 8.1980 ABSOLUTE BARGAINS! sion Glass ’Call anytime. 646- LIST PRICE *16653 Custom made draperies, slip- entire household. Cash On The LIST PRICE *18007 Z EP H YRS Our Boarding Houaa Thia Funny World Line Furniture Barn. 646- 2690. FEMALE ROOMMATE Moriarty Discount 3998 Moriarty Discount 3766 covers and upholsterv. Budget 0865. Terms Arranged. Call 239-2331 WANTED - Apartment in HURRY 12887 IAS KNOW.W M'MWISTRA- e IM StmL. Iw 32 or 646-1000. WANTED - Antique Fur- Manchester. Non-smoking. 14009 ,JPOV0U COUCH 94 inches long. Dark niture. Glass, Pewter, Oil $135 month, includes heat and Moriarty Rebate 1000 Moriarty Rebate 1000 r Paintings, or Antique Items. tOINICUf TAPPAN GAS STOVE. White green, also has floral slip hot water. 649-1312 after 4:00 LIMITED TIME! 1 T HAT OUR FAlff dover. Excellent condition. R Harrison, phone 643-8709 p.m. SALE SALE 'city.' im peu sh t ep that with heater. Good condition $200 delivered. 649-3436. MYOWNEKT FINAUY * Call 646-8476 after 6 pm PRICE PRICE 41887 j(A* HAP AN IPEM Vernon 43009 SEARS DELUXE double elec- FOR SALE - 10 MONTHS' LIST 23177 SALE PRICE membership to American MARK V COLLECTORS SERIES , ,(WHA-V«A'T-T? tric oven. Excellent condition Discount 5267 Asking $75. Call 649-2587. Health Fitness Center. $30 naturally ------monthly. 649-1865 between 9 SPRINGTIME FUN Ford’s Finest Automobile! £™*'**^ 17910 and 3 p.m. Moon Roof, Stk. *9V90 ^97^ Morlart' Rebate 1000 ‘16910 0\A, IMISC. FOR SALE ■SOFA • F’air condition $50 2 willow weu. Storm Doors, 35 l,'2x77 3'4, 31 'BROOK Articles tor Sale 41 1 2x77 3'8. $15 each. Call 742- Think ahead to lounging around the pool 9009 alter 5 p.m with cabana and ... LIVING ROOM FURNITURE - .Single Twin Bed, complete COLONIAL GOLD COUCH. Taka Advantage Of Our *20. SPECIALI 1! Older Bedroom Set Oil $100 Hi-fi, maple cabinet, $50 ERS / Burner Call 649-0498. Maple Dinette Table, $25. 643- For further Information Please call: / MORIARTY BR 7994 --- $______~ _ BRUCE 4e CONTEMPORARY DINING yiAYOR ROOM SET, table, six chairs, F'lREWOOD - All hardwood, 871-6482 ‘FRI6B6 buffet, hutch, good condition. cut one year ago. Cut, split, or call 246-1613 "FoUow my lead - GIVE UP RUSSIAN £IA $600 or best offer Call 633- delivered, 12'’ , 16", 24 ". Edward Rogers Management CAVIAR!'' A4,U» 1903. Elmer Wilson. Call 649-5900. 3-S "We had the standard five hundred dollar vacation — it coat an even thousand.” 24 - EVENING HERALD. Wed.. March 5, 1980 I-Park Land Purchase T h e R e g io n Spinal Screening Set VERNON — Spinal screening will start in the public schools next week for students in Grades 5-9. Students Goes to Planning Unit will be examined for a spinal curvature. School nurses and physical education teachers will VERNON — Although the Economic requirements of the deed to build by July Vernon Land Swap conduct the examinations which are done by checking Development Commission has 1, 1978, as extended. the student from both front and side as he or she stands recommended that the town “buy back” The EDC members said that since this straight and then bends forward. Each examination 9.5 acres in the Industrial Park, the condition wasn’t met, the titleds rendered takes about 30 seconds. matter still has to go to the Planning Com­ voidable "not to be confused with voided” A slide program concerning spinal curvature will be mission before the Town Council takes and that means the town has the option to Settled after Year void the title and is entitled to ^,000 in shown to Grade 5 and 6 students this week. any action. use of the ballfields,” referring to a com­ Any parents having questions about the examination The matter was discussed at Monday damages. By BARBARA RICHMOND ment in newspapers attributed to Robert should call Mrs. Bobbitt, head nurse, at 875-1634. night's council meeting. The land was sold The EDC recommended that the town Herald Reporter Boardman, hospital administrator. to Father & Sons. The firm bought a exercise its option and void Father and Sons title to the land and that the town buy VERNON — To resolve a matter that Council member Leonard Jacobs, who is ‘Head Shops^ on Agenda building in the park and had planned to ex­ the 9.5 acres for |23,000. The commission has been under consideration for about a also an attorney, said he would like to pand its business using the 9.5 acres. VERNON - The matter of "head shops” , shops said it feels the land can easily be resold year, the Town Council Monday night ap­ know what the totality of the three-way selling drug-related paraphernalia, will be aired at a and developed. proved the concept of a three-way land transaction would be. public hearing in Room AW of the State Capitol tonight “While this action may be distasteful to switch between the town, the Rockviiie Jacobs said it seemed to him that the It was a provision of the sale that the town-owned property on Route 30 is more at 7. expansion program had to start within a Father and Sons, the likelihood of court General Hospital and the Rockville Bap­ The Town of Vernon has been concerned about this valuable than the Henry Park property certain period of time and the company action is minimal, in that it would require tist Church. matter because of such a shop which is operating in The original proposal called for the and he wondered if the town could get has been given several extensions. additional legal expense on their part to the area of Rockville High School. hospital to give the town a parcel of land it some cash through the agreement. "I’m Now Gil Miller, one of the general defend a position on land for which the ti­ reluctant to go first,” Jacobs said. Town Council member Jane Lamb, who first brought partners of the firm, has told the town tle has been voided,” the EDC said. The owns in the Henry Park section, to the tthe matter to the attention of the council and asked town, to have the town give land it owns DuBeau answered, "I guess what you that the company isn’t going to expand commission added that, while its the council to take some action about other such shops recommendation wasn’t intended with off Route 30, to the church and to have the (the town) have to decide is whether or and under an agreement he believed opening, will attend tonight’s hearing. malice, that the council shouldn’t lose church turn over its property, near the not the deal is valuable to you.” existed between the firm and the town, he wants the town to buy back the land for sight of the fact that some 2% years have hospital, to the hospital. DuBeau said economic restrictions prevented the hospital from going directly Adoption Meeting Set the 825,(X)0 the firm paid for it. passed since the original sale with an Town Council member Leonard Jacobs to the church and buying the land and Town Attorney Edwin Lavitt told the agreement to build was consummated. told Attorney Robert DuBeau, who VERNON — Persons who are interested in becoming another problem was the fact the church council and the Economic Development Attorney Lavitt told the council the represents the hospital, "I can’t believe foster parents are invited to attend a series of has to have a guaranteed place to relocate Commission that he saw nothing in the matter had to be referred to the Planning that the hospital would ever deny us the meetings on March 17, 24 and 31 to learn more about before it can agree to the transaction. Commission because the state statutes original agreement to require the town to ’The town-owned parcel is now partially the subject. buy back the land. However, this would say that no municipal body can acquire The meetings will be held at 7 p.m. at the Rockville used for the annual community gardens free Father and Sons to sell the property land until it refers the matter to the Plan­ office of the Department of Children and Youth Ser Oil Firm President project and town officials have been con­ to any prospective buyer at any mutually ning Commission.

cerned about this. However, council vices, 1 Court St. agreeable price. Appears as Witness The meetings wiil explain that foster parents do not Bolton PBC To Meet member Stephen Marcham said the alter­ The EDC said a close scrutiny of the have to own their own home, that each child needs his nate garden site, suggested previously, in legal instrument which conveyed the BOLTON — " The Public Building Com­ VERNON — John Cunneen, president of or her own bed but not necessarily their own bedroom, the area near the Middle ^hool, is ap­ property to the firm, shows that the mission will have a special meeting the Pearl Oil Co. of Rockville and the and that persons do not necessarily have to be married parently satisfactory to those having the purchase of the land was initially subject tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Danielson Oil Co., recently appeared as an to be a foster parent. expert witness before the U.S. Depart­ gardens. to liquidated damages in the amount of Hall to discuss the proposed soccer field at ment of Energy in Washington, D.C. Marcham said the soil and water con­ $2,000 because the firm failed to meet the Bolton High School. Cunneen, who is a member of the Motor ditions at the present site are extremely Fuel Committee of the National Oil marginal. Jobbers Council, opposed changes in Councilman James McCarthy said, "It regulations called “ Downward seems the town has something to give and Certification." Those changes, Cunneen something to gain with the transaction." told the department officials, have the He added that he was very upset that it potential of seriously reducing the gas­ was so difficult for adults to make a deci­ oline supply to Connecticut. sion. McCarthy wasn’t a member of the 3 h t AIMVERSIIRY SALE Cunneen is also vice president of the council when the matter came up before. Independent Connecticut Petroleum ’The motion passed in a 9-1 vote with two Association. council members absent. NATIONALLY PEWTEI

ADVERTISED Satellite Job Service


To Expand Facilities m

SOUTH WINDSOR — A new satellite job local otlice, will staff the South Windsor service office will open Thursday in the satellite each Thursday from 9 a.m. to South Windsor Community Center to 3; 15 p.m. in the first floor conference make the fifth suburban Job Service office room of the Community Center. BIrthstones, Onyx, Pearl ONEIDA 8ILVERPLATED in the Hartford Labor market area. Applicants who visit the office will be | " ^ | | / The announcement was made by P. assisted in obtaining jobs with employers Signet, Etc. PAUL REVERE Joseph Peraro, state labor commissioner. in the area and statewide through the Reduced up to / Q The South Windsor office is the only one of computerized job matching system. Area this type in the Manchester-Vernon area. employers will also be contacted for

The others are in other parts of the state. listing job opportunities with the agency. JEWELRY CLEANER BOWLS Peraro said that establishment of these Commissioner Peraro said South Wind­ 10" size Reg. $30 . satellite operations are part of the labor sor’s acting Town Manager Charles Enes Reg. *1.50 d O « department’s continuing program of and Recreation Director James Snow SPECIAL 6" Size Reg. $15. bringing the public employment service were especially cooperative in providing closer to area employers and job seekers. rent-free space and other services for the Richard B. Holmes, of the Manchester new satellite office. The GEM-SONIC removes tarnish, stains,

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