ANALYTICAL APPROACHES TO ASSESSING RECOVERY OPTIONS FOR SNAKE RIVER CHINOOK SALMON. A scientific summary prepared by: Phaedra Budy Assistant Coop Leader, Fisheries Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit Department of Fish and Wildlife Utah State University for: Columbia River Fisheries Program Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Vancouver, WA 1 Citation: Budy, P. Analytical approaches to assessing recovery options for Snake River chinook salmon. UTCFWRU 2001(1): 1-86. This report is available from: Phaedra Budy, Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Fish and Wildlife Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290, USA. Phone: 435:797-2511; Fax 435-797-4025; E-mail:
[email protected]. You may also download a PDF file from 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The depressed status of Snake River stocks of chinook and steelhead and the recent listings of many salmon stocks in the Columbia Basin have led to several analytical evaluations and management advice aimed at recovery of these stocks. These different analytical reviews address the effectiveness of different hydrosystem options as well as the potential for recovery through improvements that increase survival at other life stages (e.g., habitat, harvest). Hydrosystem options evaluated included status quo, maximizing transportation, and the option of breaching the lower four dams on the Snake River (also called drawdown and natural river options), the main topic of the Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Report / Environmental