Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013 No. 78 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was tions in the garment industry there. Listen to what the women told me: called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Bangladesh is the second largest gar- Rehana jumped from the fourth floor pore (Mr. STEWART). ment-producing nation, employing window and was knocked unconscious. f over 4 million skilled and industrious She broke her leg, and the doctors told workers, mostly women, at a minimum her she will need to be on crutches for DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO wage of $37 a month. I learned that the rest of her life. TEMPORE many factories have continued to oper- Reba was the breadwinner in her The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ate in unsafe residential or multistory home. She jumped from the third floor. fore the House the following commu- commercial buildings even after the She cannot work because of the pain. nication from the Speaker: Rana Plaza collapse. I learned more Her husband is sick. She has two sons, WASHINGTON, DC, about poor conditions created by a one of whom just qualified for the mili- June 5, 2013. myriad of middlemen hired by retailers tary college, but she doesn’t know if I hereby appoint the Honorable CHRIS that pit one factory against the next, she can afford to keep him there; and STEWART to act as Speaker pro tempore on squeezing out the last few pennies per until I prodded Bangladesh Garment this day. Manufacturers Export Association, JOHN A. BOEHNER, garment. I learned that Bangladesh Speaker of the House of Representatives. garment workers subsidize those low Reba had not received the promised sti- pend for those who were injured—6 f prices with their lives. I visited the hospital where there months later. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE were scores of women, many with am- Rowshanara jumped from the third The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- putated legs and arms or who were suf- floor and still has severe pain in her ant to the order of the House of Janu- fering from brain damage from the col- back and legs. She was visibly in pain ary 3, 2013, the Chair will now recog- lapse of that building where they were after sitting too long while talking to nize Members from lists submitted by working and where they were locked us. She is single and gets by on loans. the majority and minority leaders for inside. I met with a woman near Rana She has two teenage sons in school and morning-hour debate. Plaza who was looking for her son even doesn’t want to force them to go to The Chair will alternate recognition though the unidentifiable or the un- work, but she worries how she will get between the parties, with each party claimed workers had been buried in a by. limited to 1 hour and each Member mass grave. Deepa worked on the third floor. She other than the majority and minority And Rana Plaza is not an isolated saw the fire, and tried to escape to the leaders and the minority whip limited case. second floor. The factory manager to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall I visited with seven courageous padlocked the door and told everyone debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. women injured in the Tazreen Fashions to keep working. Workers were crying factory fire that killed 112 workers last f and searching for a way out. A me- November. There were seven women chanic yelled to come to the east side BANGLADESH who had to jump from the third and of the building where he had created an The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fourth floors of their factory because exit. She jumped from the third floor Chair recognizes the gentleman from the factory supervisors locked the exits and fell unconscious. She broke her left California (Mr. GEORGE MILLER) for 5 after the fire had started and had told leg. She was 4 months pregnant, and minutes. them to go back to work or they would she lost her baby. Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. be fired, and the doors were locked. Sumi decided to jump from the third Mr. Speaker, I recently returned from That was the policy of that factory and floor rather than perish in the factory a trip to Bangladesh where more than of many other factories. Just this because she wanted her family to be 1,100 garment workers died and 2,000 week, we saw poultry workers in China able to identify her body, and that were injured in the Rana Plaza build- locked in a factory after the fire had wouldn’t happen if she were consumed ing collapse on April 24. Many Ameri- started; and they, too, perished in the in the fire. She broke her leg and arm cans may remember the horrible pic- fire. These were seven women who had and could not move. Her family bor- tures of workers being buried under to make the decision to jump from the rowed money to pay for her medical tons of concrete from the collapsed third and fourth floors of this factory bills before the association funds ar- building. to save their lives. Tazreen produced rived. Two weeks before Rana Plaza, I learned a great deal about what garments for Walmart and many other she came to the U.S. to urge retailers must be done to improve safety condi- American brands. and brands to join the enforceable and b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3099 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:05 Jul 17, 2013 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2013-BATCH-JUN\URGENT-CXS\RECFILE\H05JN3.REC H05JN3 bjneal on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H3100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 5, 2013 binding Accord on Fire and Building Mr. Speaker, Mr. Bone was a man of The truth is we’ve done this before. Safety. constant and restless energy. He served That’s right, Mr. Speaker, we nearly Nazma said she would have died if on countless State and national boards, eradicated hunger in the 1970s. It she had waited 10 more minutes to committees and commissions, includ- wasn’t easy, but the concept was sim- jump. She saw the manager locking the ing his service as president of the Na- ple. The political leadership in Wash- gate to the second set of stairs and tional Council of Agricultural Employ- ington made a commitment to end grabbed him by the collar to stop him, ers. Dale also delved into his local hunger in this country. but he ignored her. She cut her arms community with characteristic re- In the 1970s, Congress and the Presi- while trying to get through a window solve. He served as a trustee for Barton dent expanded the food stamp program, to reach the bamboo scaffolding. She College, as a board member for the Sal- created the WIC program, and ex- broke her backbone. She can’t carry vation Army, and on the Arts Council panded the school meals programs. anything or do housework. She has of Wilson, North Carolina. They found the political courage to do three children. Her stipend went to In addition to all of his honors and what’s right because they believed that medical care and to her children’s edu- activism, Dale was also able to make a it was unacceptable that anyone in cation. Her 14-year-old son has had to direct, personal impact in the lives of America went hungry. leave school to try to find work. his employees and their children. Dale Yet that effort was lost when these I am grateful that these women had cared deeply for the well-being of all of programs were slashed in the 1980s. the courage to tell me their stories. his employees, many of whom were mi- Hunger came back with a vengeance. There is widespread agreement that grant workers, by providing them with The number of hungry people sky- if the Tazreen fire and the Rana Plaza the financial support necessary for rocketed. In fact, it’s been rising stead- collapse workers had had the right to them to learn English at the local com- ily since the Reagan Presidency. These refuse unsafe work, they would be alive munity college. programs weren’t just cut; they were today. Nobody, not even the factory, Dale and his beloved wife, Genia, demonized. Food assistance became a denied that that’s the case; but for too were also committed to improving the pejorative to some, and we see the re- long, the Bangladesh Government has lives of local children. Dale and Genia sults of those years of demonizing blocked new unions. Only now, in fac- endowed the Bone Scholars program at those programs today. ing the potential loss of trade pref- NC State University, which continues The truth is SNAP works. Food as- erences, the government has opened to offer significant scholarships to the sistance works. People on food assist- the door a crack. Twenty-seven new children of migrant workers. In his ance are able to feed themselves and unions have been registered recently, later years, Dale was particularly their families.