Curriculum Vitae • Hopkins Marine Station, 120 Ocean View Blvd, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 • [email protected]

INTRODUCTION: My current work at Hopkins Marine Science Station at involves an investigation of the energetics and of the predator/prey interactions between large baleen whales and their prey. This work involves a combination of methodologies including the examination of video, acoustic and accelerometer data from tagged animals, the passive acoustic detection and monitoring of the vocalizations of these species, and the examination of prey density and distribution using active acoustic techniques. In 2014 I completed a master’s degree in in the department of Ocean, and Biogeochemistry in the College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at . My master’s thesis was on the distribution and depths of acoustic scattering layers in the Gulf of and involved the creation of a novel layer detection algorithm. Prior to enrolling at Oregon State, I did a 10-week project using passive acoustics to study the linguistic properties and acoustic structure of killer whale vocalizations in Washington State. I am interested in a wide variety of analytical topics including predator/prey dynamics, lunge- feeding biomechanics of rorquals, oxygen utilization, biomechanics, acoustic target strength, acoustic daylight, acoustic scattering layers, and the utilization of animal vocalizations in localization and behavior analysis. I hold a current California teaching credential and was a high school math teacher for 6 years near San Francisco, CA. I have certifications in SCUBA and as a Wilderness First Responder and have additional experience (including internationally) as an outdoor educator and volunteer coordinator.

EDUCATION: 7/14- present • Stanford University, Stanford, CA - Pursuing a Ph.D. in Biology at Hopkins Marine Station 9/11-3/14 • Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR - M.S. in Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science 6/04-6/05 • Stanford University, Stanford, CA - M.A. in Education and California Single-Subject Teaching Credential in Mathematics 9/98-5/02 • Brown University, Providence, RI - A.B. in Mathematics - Additional coursework in Astronomy, Geology, Computer Science, Environmental Science and Education - CV Starr fellow for public service 1/06-10/10 • Post-bac supplemental coursework: Beam Reach Science and Sustainability School University of Washington, Fall 2010 Assorted science courses- UC Berkeley, College of San Mateo, San Francisco City College

PUBLICATIONS: Cade, D.E., Benoit‐Bird, K.J., 2014. An automatic and quantitative approach to the detection and tracking of acoustic scattering layers. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 12 (11), 742-756. Cade, D.E., Benoit-Bird, K.J., 2015. Depths, migration rates and environmental associations of acoustic scattering layers in the Gulf of California. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 102, 78-89.

AWARDS: 2014/2015 Hopkins Marine Station- Outstanding Achievement Award for High Impact Paper 2014 - present Stanford University- Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Fellowship

MEDIA/OUTREACH: 08/15- Video collaboration with BBC: (link 1) (link 2) 05/15- Passive acoustics work with MBNMS: (local news link) (outreach video) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:  Adjunct Professor 08/14-12/14 University of San Francisco - Instructor of record for BIOL 390 & 391- Field course in Marine Biology  Graduate Teaching Assistant 01/14-3/14 Oregon State University - Biology 102 TA

 Graduate Research Assistant 9/11-12/13 Oregon State University - Biological oceanography research using active acoustic techniques  Software Developer 11/10-2/11 Individual Contracts - Used R to write optimization programs for LuvLaf LLC, Mill Valley, CA  Mathematics Teacher 8/06-6/10 Summit Preparatory Charter High School, Redwood City, CA - Designed curriculum and taught Precalculus and Math Support classes - Collaborated on School Leadership Teams on a variety of topics ranging from budget to curriculum to hiring to relationship building among parents, students and faculty - Trained student teachers from Stanford’s Teacher Education Program - Designed first year of math support program 8/05-6/06 XCEL (Cross-Cultural Environmental Leadership) Academy, San Francisco, CA - Taught Geometry & Algebra to 9-11th graders in a new charter high school 8/04 – 6/05 Mission High School, San Francisco, CA - Taught integrated freshmen math as a student teacher

 Environmental and Experiential Education Instructor/Leader 6/05 – 7/05 & Adventures Crosscountry, Mill Valley, CA 6/01 – 8/01 3/04 – 6/04 Stone Environmental School, East Madison, NH 6/03 – 10/03 & Appalachian Mountain Club Education Department, Gorham, NH 6/00 – 8/00 6/02 – 3/03 Aspen Achievement Academy, Loa, UT 9/99 – 5/02 Outdoor Leadership and Experiential Education Project (OLEEP), Providence, RI 2/00 – 5/02 Brown Outdoor Leadership Training (BOLT), Providence, RI 6/99 – 8/99 Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, NM

FIRST AID/SAFETY & DIVING CERTIFICATIONS: PADI open-water July 2005 NAUI Advanced certification January 2007 NAUI Training Assistant August 2008- over 80 logged cold-water dives. REEF Check Survey Diver Certified from 2008-2010 Wilderness First Responder exp: June 2015 CPR >10 course completions Leave No Trace Trainer since June 2000

TECHNICAL COMPUTING SKILLS: Experienced programmer using Matlab and R Proficiency with ArcGIS and Echoview software

COMMITTEES: Board member, Caltrain Bicycle Advisory Board. San Mateo, CA. 8/10-2/11.

REFERENCES: Science and mathematics references: Jeremy Goldbogen [email protected] Stanford University, Ph.D. Advisor Ari Friedlaender [email protected] Oregon State University, Fieldwork Supervisor Kelly Benoit-Bird [email protected] Oregon State University, M.S. Advisor Jason Wood [email protected] Beam Reach Marine Science and Sustainability School

Teaching and professional collaboration references: Todd Dickson [email protected] Summit Preparatory Charter High School