Some Theory Technology

Clifford V. Johnson and Astronomy University of Southern California

Academic Training Lectures CERN, 6th - 10th June 2005 This Section’s Goal

To introduce: the language the setting and tools the scope and limitations

To set the scene for: various breakthroughs various special topics various current events.... Describing Strings

Strings come in two broad varieties, open and closed:

As they move in , they sweep out a two dimensional surface known as a “worldsheet”.

A starting point: tackle the description of the string’s allowed motion = allowed shapes of worldsheet. Describing Strings

First parameterize the worldsheet with some coordinates: σ,τ { } Describing Strings

First parameterize the worldsheet with some coordinates: σ,τ { }

Then we say where the string is in spacetime, which has coordinates: X µ ,µ = 0,1,...,D 1 { } − Describing Strings

First parameterize the worldsheet with some coordinates: σ,τ { }

Then we say where the string is in spacetime, which has coordinates: X µ ,µ = 0,1,...,D 1 { } −

This implies some map(s): X µ(τ,σ) What are the allowed ones? Describing Strings

Determine the allowed shapes by an action principle:

extremize the area swept out by worldsheet

induced metric

1 Tension: T = 2πα!

Sets a basic Comparable to Planck length? length scale: !s √α# induced metric induced metric ∼ Aside: Planck Scale?

Where does the Planck scale come from?

Simple argument: h¯ Quantum effects set a natural length scale: ! = c mc Gm ! = Gravity sets a natural length scale: s c2 At what mass do these length scales coincide? hc¯ mp = ! G hG¯ 35 This length scale is the Planck length: ! = 1.6 10− m p 3 ∼ × ! c induced metric induced metric Describing Strings

An equivalent action:

independent metric on worldsheet

This action is more pleasant to work with than the other one.

But they are equivalent!

induced metric induced metric Describing Strings

An equivalent action:

Action has some interesting local (“gauge”) invariances:

World-sheet reparameterization invariance: σ,τ σ˜ (σ,τ),τ˜(σ,τ) −→ Weyl invariance:

is function So three functions altogether

induced metric induced metric Describing Strings

This allows us to choose a gauge: “Conformal” gauge

Theory is conformally invariant (remnant of reparams and Weyl.)

φ drops out of the action, classically. Equations of motion become:

The two dimensional wave equation!

So the problem of the string’s motion is just solutions to this, with boundary conditions. Closed: Periodic Open: Neumann or Dirichlet. induced metric induced metric Describing Strings


(can also have DD and ND strings. See later.) Open: Neumann - Neumann (NN)

standing waves

Closed: Periodic

Traveling waves, independent left- and right-moving etc... induced metric induced metric Quantum Strings

Fourier modes become annihilation and creation operators.

There are D independent families of harmonic oscillators. One for each boson in world-sheet theory.

Theory must be reparameterisation invariant: Virasoro constraints. Succeeds in removing “ghosts” etc...

induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics?

Example of closed string states: massless states in spacetime µ ν symmetric α˜ 1α 1 0> Gµν(x) “graviton” − − | antisymmetric Bµν(x) “Kalb-Ramond” trace Φ(x) “” oscillators add vacuum has mass-energy +2 mass-energy -2 Note: vacuum gives a tachyon in spectrum. (More later)

induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics?

Example of closed string states: massless states in spacetime µ ν symmetric α˜ 1α 1 0> Gµν(x) “graviton” − − | antisymmetric Bµν(x) “Kalb-Ramond” trace Φ(x) “dilaton” oscillators add vacuum has mass-energy +2 mass-energy -2 Note: vacuum gives a tachyon in spectrum. (More later) massless states Example of open string states: in spacetime µ α 1 0> Aµ(x) “photon” − | oscillator adds vacuum has Note: vacuum gives a tachyon in spectrum. (More later) mass-energy +1 mass-energy -1 induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics?

Consistency sometimes places a condition on D.

The condition comes about because theory has an anomaly in conformal invariance, with the following ingredients:

Counting D Each field X contributes +1: c = D 1 as number of bosons on − world sheet There are Fadeev-Popov ghosts c = 26 for fixing gauge, and they give: − 26 D The field φ does not in general c = 1 + 3 − decouple, and contributes: 3 ! "

induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics?

Consistency sometimes places a condition on D.

The condition comes about because theory has an anomaly in conformal invariance, with the following ingredients:

Counting D Each field X contributes +1: c = D 1 as number of bosons on − world sheet There are Fadeev-Popov ghosts c = 26 for fixing gauge, and they give: − 26 D The field φ does not in general c = 1 + 3 − decouple, and contributes: 3 ! "

Comes about because has non-trivial world-sheet coupling induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics?

Consistency sometimes places a condition on D.

The condition comes about because theory has an anomaly in conformal invariance, with the following ingredients:

Each field X contributes +1: c = D 1 − There are Fadeev-Popov ghosts c = 26 for fixing gauge, and they give: − 26 D The field φ does not in general c = 1 + 3 − decouple, and contributes: 3 ! " Total vanishes, and so can have a in any number of dimensions. But one of them is different from others. Lorentz...? induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics?

Consistency sometimes places a condition on D.

The condition comes about because theory has an anomaly in conformal invariance, with the following ingredients:

Each field X contributes +1: c = D 1 − There are Fadeev-Popov ghosts c = 26 for fixing gauge, and they give: − 26 D The field φ does not in general c = 1 + 3 − decouple, and contributes: 3 ! " For Lorentz invariance, all dimensions must couple same way, resulting in: “Critical Dimension” D = 26 induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics? Gµ (x) What determines the dynamics ν of the spacetime fields? Bµν(x) Φ(x)

Revisit worldsheet action (henceforth Euclidean):

String now propagating in background of fields whose quanta it generates!

Model must still be conformally invariant... induced metric induced metric String Perturbation Theory

Notice that the value of the dilaton couples to the Euler number of the worldsheet.

# of handles

So what? Well, in the path integral, amplitudes will be weighed by a Φχ topological factor: e− induced metric induced metric String Perturbation Theory

Notice that the value of the dilaton couples to the Euler number of the worldsheet.

# of handles

Look at Every vertex has different additional factor orders in of “closed string coupling”: perturbation g = eΦ theory: s local value of coupling set by dynamical field... induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics

Trace of stress tensor for the model Gµν(x) (complicated since background fields Bµ (x) act as highly non-linear couplings): ν Φ(x)

Conformal invariance requires these to vanish...But this looks like a set of spacetime field equations! induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics

Those field equations can be derived Gµν(x) from this spacetime action: Bµν(x) Φ(x)

some dimensionful numbers...

This is the low energy effective action for the string theory, at tree level. induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics

Those field equations can be derived Gµν(x) from this spacetime action: Bµν(x) Φ(x)

Notice the implicit power of the string coupling that appears. Everything was computed at the sphere level. Tree level in string pert. theory. induced metric induced metric Language of Perturbation Theory


Can always choose conformal factor to map 2 all external states to gs− “vertex operators” at points....

Disc (see later)

Similarly for open 1 strings.... gs−

...they become operators on boundary. induced metric Language of Perturbation Theory


Can always choose conformal factor to map 2 all external states to gs− “vertex operators” at points....

Disc (see later)

Similarly for open 1 strings.... gs−

...they become operators on boundary. induced metric Language of Perturbation Theory Some more diagrams...

induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics

Can also rescale metric to present Gµν(x) set this to be action differently: asymptotic value Bµ (x) of dilaton ν Φ(x)

induced metric induced metric Spacetime Physics

Can also rescale metric to present Gµν(x) action differently: Bµν(x) Φ(x)

This is the low energy effective action in “Einstein frame”. Recall: Φ (Previous was “String frame”). gs = e

Closed string coupling sets Newton’s constant induced metric induced metric