POPE at Easter HOLY WEEK as archbishop recalls victims it happened calls ASAD SHAH’S of 'blind, brutal around murder shocking. terrorism.' . Page 3 Pages 6-7 Pages 2-3



Bishop John Keenan washes the feet of six young parishioners from the Cathedral Parish on Holy Thursday in Paisley Diocese. For Holy Week events around Scotland, see pages 2-3 PIC: PAUL McSHERRY Pontiff denounces ‘vile’ Pakistan bombing I Pope’s words helped after Easter attack targeted Christians, killing children, Lahore archbishop tells Aid to the Church in Need

By Ian Dunn First-hand account greatly encouraging and I was able to prayers for the victims and for an end to a genocide nevertheless. Archbishop Shaw confirmed that many encourage others too, saying that the the actions of ‘violent persons, who “Unless Western governments wake POPE Francis has denounced the of his Faithful had been in the park Pope was asking after them. I said sow terror and death,’ insisting that up to this problem the death toll for ‘vile and senseless’ Easter Sunday enjoying Easter festivities when the this to both the Christians and the ‘violence and murderous hate lead only Christians living there is set to rise suicide bombing of a Pakistan park attack took place but added that many Muslims in the hospital—who were to sorrow and destruction.’ exponentially.” that targeted Christians and of the dead and injured were Muslims also encouraged by this act of kindness Mr Chowdhry said that the trigger for included children as young as 4 and other non-Christians. shown by the Pope.” British reaction the attack was probably the execution among the 72 dead and more than “To my own Faithful I said that they On Tuesday Cardinal Vincent Nichols, last month of Mumtaz Qadri for the 340 injured. must not give up hope,” he said. “Even Pope’s calls Archbishop of Westminster, described 2011 murder of Salman Taseer, a The attack took place in Lahore and though we were going through a period On Monday Pope Francis spoke the bombing in Lahore as ‘despicable reformist politician who had argued for the city’s archbishop, Sebastian Shaw, of grave difficulties, we have to learn to publicly of his distress at the attack and utterly contemptible.’ Writing on the repeal of blasphemy laws used to described going from bed to bed and rise up again, just as Christ was able to while addressing the Faithful in St Twitter, the cardinal added that ‘evil persecute Christians. hearing personal accounts of the raise himself again, despite carrying Peter’s Square. will never defeat goodness.’ Mr Chowdhry said that hatred and atrocity in the city’s hospitals. the Cross.” “Easter Sunday was bloodied by an Glasgow City Council flew the intolerance of minorities in Pakistan “I visited every bedside and every While Archbishop Shaw was visiting abominable attack that massacred so Pakistani flag at half-staff over the City was increasing and that ‘the majority’ victim, of whatever faith,” the archbishop the injured in hospitals in the wake of many innocent people,” he said. Chambers on Monday as a mark of of Muslims in Pakistan now believed told Catholic charity Aid to the Church the blasts, he received a call from the The Pope also appealed to the respect for the dead. Mr Qadri was a national hero and an in Need. Apostolic Nunciature in the capital government of Pakistan to take steps to Wilson Chowdhry, the chairman of the Islamic martyr ‘for killing a man who “It was truly difficult because I saw Islamabad, and he was told that the Pope ensure the safety of the country’s British Pakistani Christian Association, stood for Christians and other minorities.’ so many children, [aged] only 4 or 5, had personally contacted the nunciature Christians and other minorities. He said the attack was further evidence of a A rally held in protest at the execution both Christians and Muslims, who to offer his condolences and the assurance called on ‘the civil authorities and all campaign of genocide being waged drew a crowd of 25,000 people on to the had been wounded or killed by this of his prayers to the victims. community leaders in that nation to do against Christians in the majority Sunni streets of Islamabad on Sunday. Some terrible attack.” “I was getting very tired but then I everything possible to ensure the Muslim country. protesters fought with police, threw stones, Pakistan Taliban group Jaamat-ul- got a call from the nunciature saying security and serenity of the population, “Pakistan is not safe for Christians as lit fires and staged a sit-in demonstration Ahrar have claimed responsibility for that the Pope had called and personally particularly the most vulnerable there is a genocide taking place there,” outside the parliament buildings. the attack and said it was intended to wanted to send messages of condolence religious minorities.’ Mr Chowdhry said. “Not a genocide specifically target Christians. and greeting,” he said. “I found this The Holy Father has asked for that is state-sponsored in its entirety, but I [email protected]

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Contact SPUC Scotland for candidate question pack for the Remember the Value of forthcoming Scottish Parliamentary Election on 5th May 2016 Phone: 0141 221 2094 LIFE when you cast your Vote in May 2 HOLY WEEK NEWS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 GLASGOW’SMARKSCHRISMMASS

IN ST ANDREW’S Cathedral in Glasgow, death and resurrection of Jesus,” he said. “All the priests from across Glasgow Archdiocese, Sacraments come from the power of Christ’s death joined Archbishop Philip Tartaglia and and resurrection. Archbishop Emeritus Mario Conti as the “These blessed oils will be taken to the parishes annual Chrism Mass was celebrated. of the dioceses where the priests here today will use In addition to blessing the oils to be used in the them to celebrate the sacraments with you.... These sacraments throughout the archdiocese in the com- are truly the great mysteries of grace.” ing year, the Mass also saw the clergy of Glasgow In his Easter Message, the archbishop said: renewing their priestly promises, and Archbishop “Easter comes early this year. Even nature seems Tartaglia spoke of the ‘blessings and graces’of the to have cottoned on, with gardens already bright priestly life in his homily and asked for the prayers and blooming with spring flowers. of the faithful as they continue their ministry. “That newness of life is a kind of sermon which “When we renew these promises we can see the the natural world preaches to us, reminding us of whole story of our priestly life and wherever we the more profound truth of the season, namely that find ourselves in the journey of life, we give thanks Christ conquers death and restores new life… to God for the blessings and graces of the priest- always. In the words of the great Easter hymn, the hood; we thank God for being instruments of his Victimae Paschali: ‘Death and life contended, love and mercy; we ask pardon for our failures; we in a vivid battle: the Prince of life, who died, re-commit ourselves to the priesthood; and we pray reigns alive.’ that there will be new priests to come after us,” the “Those words are a summary of our own lives. archbishop, said. “The renewal of our priestly com- Every day in little ways we fight a battle between mitment means in a word and above all that we are good and evil, between caring and ignoring, not priests for ourselves, but for Christ, for the between virtue and vice—such is the stuff of life. Church and for you. And you need to pray for us, But Easter reminds us that, in the end, Good can— that we can be that priest.” and will—triumph. We are marking this year as a Archbishop Tartaglia also spoke of the oils which ‘Year of Mercy’—a time to be ever more convinced will be used in administering the sacraments and of that God is always ready to forgive us, if we turn to the importance of the sacraments to the priesthood. him in sincere sorrow. God will not be outdone in “The Mass of Chrism with the blessing of the mercy—that is the great news of this week. oils for the sacraments takes place in Holy Week “May the blessings of the risen and merciful because this is the time when we solemnly com- Jesus Christ be with you and your families today PIC: PAUL McSHERRY memorate and celebrate the events of the passion, and always.” Edinburgh Chrism Mass for East Coast Archdiocese

AS THE Faithful of St works so hard, retires so late in Andrews and Edinburgh life, is paid so little and yet gathered in St Mary’s remains so committed and so Cathedral in Edinburgh for happy as the men you see up on the celebration of the annual the altar with me this evening,” Chrism Mass, Archbishop he said. Leo Cushley took the oppor- “That is because it remains tunity in his homily to authentic, it remains the sacred praise the priests of the priesthood of Jesus Christ in archdiocese for their min- their hands, in spite of our istry and service. unworthiness, it remains a priest- As the holy oils—the oil of hood of service, a priesthood of catechumens, infirmorum and gift that is inspired and conse- holy chrism, which will be used crated by the Holy Spirit.” in the administration of the sacra- The Chrism Mass sees the ments throughout the archdio- priests of the archdiocese gather cese in the coming year—were with the archbishop in order to blessed by Archbishop Cushley, manifest their unity and renew he spoke of the great Faith their priestly promises, and over shown by his priestly brothers 80 priests from Edinburgh and St celebrating Mass with him. Andrew’s were present in the “No-one trains so long, no-one cathedral to concelebrate Mass PIC: PAUL McSHERRY

PIC: PAUL McSHERRY PIC: EDDIE MAHONEY WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER NEWS 3 Seminarian will run a Asad Shah’s murder has shocked all marathon for hospice By Ian Dunn motivated.’ Assistant Chief Constable Ruaraidh A SEMINARIAN from the THE Archbishop of Glasgow said it is Nicolson and Commander Mark Chishty Scots College in Rome has vital ‘the example of friendship’ set by of the National Police Chiefs' Council taken on a marathon chal- murdered shopkeeper Asad Shah is his have written a letter of reassurance to peo- lenge to support and pro- true legacy. ple in the south side of the city, vowing to mote a charity that formed a Mr Shah (right), a Muslim, was killed deal ‘swiftly and strongly’ with any ‘sec- lasting impression on him. outside his Shawlands store on the tarian conflict, hatred or extremism.’ Andrew McGowan (right), evening of Holy Thursday, just hours after “We are proud of our community cohe- experienced the work of St he posted a Facebook status wishing sion,” the letter states. “Through continu- Margaret’s Hospice in Clyde- Christians a ‘Happy Easter.’ ing to work and engage with our bank, last summer, and the A 32-year-old Muslim man—Tanveer communities we will ensure they remain Glasgow Archdiocesan semi- Ahmed from Bradford—has been arrested safe and are always protected. narian is now raising funds for in connection with Mr Shah's death and “If you have any concerns, please feel the hospice. appeared in Court on Tuesday afternoon. able to contact your local policing teams, The theology student is a Archbishop Philip Tartaglia said ‘the who will be happy to help. Additional keen runner and hopes to sup- murder of Mr Shah has shocked everyone’ patrols and police visibility have been port a Good cause by taking in the archdiocese. arranged to help reassure you at this diffi- part in the Rome Marathon on “The outpourings of sympathy follow- cult time.” April 10. The route, which ing his death are a tribute to him—they A Gofundme page was created follow- begins and ends on the Via dei have come from Christians, Muslims, peo- ing the incident by some of Mr Shah's cus- Fori Imperiali in the centre of the service it provides to the ple of other faith traditions and those of no tomers to raise funds for his family. Posts the city, follows the Tiber for a community, so the seminarian’s faith,” the archbishop said. on the page describe Mr Shah as a ‘popu- long portion and passes land- efforts could make a huge dif- “He was a man who valued and lar, well-respected and much-loved’ mem- marks such as St Peter’s, Piazza ference to this much loved respected everyone in his community. It is ber of the community. del Popolo, the Colosseum and institution. vital that his example of friendship, peace As the SCO went to press, more than St Paul’s outside the Walls and St Margaret’s is the oldest and brotherhood prevails." included him in our prayers as well.” 3700 people had donated, with more than covers the required 26 miles and largest hospice in Scotland Mgr Paul Murray, parish priest at St The priest added that one parishioner £100,000 raised. 385 yards of a marathon. Since its doors opened in Helen’s parish, Langside, which is only had told him he had gone into the shop Two vigils were also held for Mr Shah “Training is tough and 1950, St Margaret of Scotland 300m from where Mr Shah’s body was with his newborn baby. in the local area over the weekend. requires me to run distances of Hospice has touched the lives found, said parishioners were ‘shocked “And Mr Shah took a card off the shelf, A silent vigil on Friday evening was between 30 and 40 miles a of thousands of patients with and saddened.’ asked the baby’s name, filled it out and attended by about 400 people, including week,” he admits. However, for advanced life-limiting illness “The ones at the end of the parish used gave it to him,” he said. “He was a great Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, the seminarian from Glasgow, and older people with complex his shop frequently,” Mgr Murray said. one for giving people cards so a nice thing whose constituency covers the area. An competing in and completing a medical and nursing needs, “He was very well known for being is a lot of parishioners have gotten Mass event held on Saturday was organised by marathon is ‘one of the things their families and friends. friendly, so people have been very affected cards for him.” local teenagers on social media. still to achieve.’ If you would like to support by [his murder.] A lot of parishioners were Police Scotland confirmed the killing St Margaret’s Hospice needs Andrew in his efforts visit the at the vigils at the weekend and we was being treated as ‘religiously I [email protected] £40,000 a week just to stay College’s website at open and continue providing http://scotscollege.org/ Grasping the broad God Question

AROUND 170 delegates ence on Friday evening (left) pher Hitchens. attended Woodhill Evangeli- on working Towards a National He discussed Facing atheist cal Church in Bishopbriggs Strategy. Challenges to the Christian over the weekend of 18/19 The bishop suggested that Worldview and God, Science March to Explore the God Grasping the Nettle can help set and Genesis: In concert or in Question at an event hosted an agenda for change in soci- conflict? by Grasping the Nettle an ety. Grasping the Nettle is a initiative which brings indi- John Lennox, professor of broad church movement viduals and church leaders mathematics at Oxford Univer- formed to challenge the alleged in Scotland together to sity, is an internationally default assumption in society invite society to take an renowned speaker on the inter- that we have ‘outgrown the objective look at the evi- face between science, religion need for God.’ dence in favour of God. and philosophy and has debated For more information on the Bishop John Keenan Bishop prominent new atheists Richard movement visit www.grasp- of Paisley addressed the confer- Dawkins and the late Christo- ingthenettle.org

(From far left) Bishop John Keenan celebrated the Chrism Mass in Paisley’s St Mirin’s Cathedral with priests from the diocese on Wednesday, while Bishop Stephen Robson of Dunkeld celebrated on March 23 in St Andrew’ Cathedral, Dundee, and Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen lead the Holy Thursday celebrations in St Mary’s Cathedral in the city. In Motherwell Diocese, Bishop Joseph Toal spoke with pupils from Hamilton’s Holy Cross High School after the celebrations in Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral

EWTN CATHOLIC TV IS ON SKY EPG 589 Sky Freesat £175 total cost , no monthly charges. 200 Free channels including EWTN TV & Radio. Call Sky on 08442411602 for installation. Call EWTN on 020 83502542 or e-mail [email protected] for free monthly posted programme guide and visit www.ewtn.co.uk for more info. PIC: MICHAL WACHUCIK WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 4 SCHOOLS/LOCAL NEWS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 Clydebank students on eight-mile walking pilgrimage to Glasgow Special St Patrick’s

By Daniel Harkins The war memorial is now By Daniel Harkins mounted on the north wall of the THIS YEAR’S Feast of St church, with spaces at the bot- STUDENTS at St Peter the Patrick had added signifi- tom of the list of names in case Apostle High School in cance for the parishioners of other casualties are found Clydebank followed the St Patrick’s in Kilsyth as they through further research. words of Pope Francis as bought to a close yearlong cel- In his homily, the archbishop they walked an almost ebrations marking the 50th offered his sincere apologies to eight-mile long pilgrimage anniversary of the church and the parishioners for being a year to the Holy Door of Mercy the 150th anniversary of late—His Grace was scheduled at St Andrew’s Cathedral the parish. to preside at the opening of the in Glasgow. Archbishop Leo Cushley of anniversary year in March 2015 The Holy Father has called on St Andrews and Edinburgh cele- but was called to Rome at the Catholics across the world to brated Mass for the anniversary last minute for a meeting with make pilgrimages during this and unveiled and blessed (right) the Holy Father. The archbishop Extraordinary Jubilee Year of a commemorative War Memo- joked that being told he had to Mercy. Catholics can obtain a rial dedicated to men from the be on a plane in one hour felt plenary indulgence by passing parish who had died during the ‘just like James Bond.’ through a designated Holy Door First and Second World Wars. The occasion also looked and the 40 young Catholics went The memorial was unveiled toward the future and served as a above and beyond the call as they by Daisy McLanaghan, P1 pupil special day for the altar staff of made their journey on foot from PIC: PAUL McSHERRY at St Patrick’s Primary, and the parish with the Archbishop their school in Clydebank to the Alice Conway. conducting a Ceremony of Glasgow city centre cathedral. towards Glasgow. Along the and justice in the world. “My dear brothers and sisters, Enrolment of Altar Servers into Close to £1000 was raised by way, one enterprising pupil com- A number of the congregation we gather here this evening in the Archconfraternity (Guild) of the generous pupils for the Scot- mandeered an abandoned shop- in the cathedral spoke to the remembrance, in thanksgiving St Stephen (below). tish Catholic International Aid ping trolley, and charged fellow pupils about their journey, and and in prayer, on this, our feast After reminding the 19 Fund (SCIAF) with the walk, pupils donations to SCIAF for the archbishop commended them of St Patrick, for those from this enrolees of the important part with a total of £900 already the relief of loading their back- on their efforts in a reception parish who gave their lives in they have in service at the Lord’s counted and more expected to packs into the cart. held afterwards. the two wars, in service for our table, the altar servers made come in. The young people were joined Pauline Barr, principal teacher country, sacrificing in such a their Guild Promise and were The students have been learn- as they made their way along the of RE at St Peter the Apostle’s, costly way for the sake of oth- presented with their Guild of St ing about the Year of Mercy dur- Clyde by school chaplain Fr Pat said the pilgrimage was a fitting ers,” Archbishop Cushley said. Stephen Medal as a sign of their ing Lent and have organised Boyle and were met at the end of way for the senior pupils to bring “O God, by whose mercy the admission into the Guild. ongoing fundraising events for their journey by SCIAF’s to an end their time in Catholic faithful departed find their rest, Archbishop Cushley granted SCIAF, including an Easter egg schools officer Mark Booker. education. “They were quite Bless this war memorial in permission for a branch of the hunt and sponsored fast for the Once they reached the cathe- chuffed with themselves,” she remembrance of our forefathers Guild of St Stephen to be estab- sequently the Diploma of Affili- charity that has a long-associa- dral, they were greeted by the said. “To be honest, they didn’t who died in World Wars one lished in the parish of St ation was received from the tion with the school and whose Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of realise what an achievement it and two.” Patrick’s in October 2015. Sub- Archbishop of Westminster, logo appears on the jerseys of the Glasgow and passed through the was until they got to the cathe- Cardinal Vincent Nichols. school’s football team. Holy Door. A prayer service was dral and there was quit a fuss Christopher Venditozzi, direc- Setting off from the high held in the cathedral where the made of them. The headteacher tor of Altar Staff and Guild of St school on a thankfully clear pilgrims reflected on their contri- was delighted that so many of Stephen at St Patrick’s, said the Monday, the pupils headed east bution to helping promote mercy them could take part.” whole community came together during the Mass to ‘contribute towards what was a memorable evening.’ SPOTLIGHT ON Children from the local St Patrick’s Primary helped lead the singing and the school choir performed a beautifully sung arrangement of a traditional Irish Blessing after Holy Com- munion. Holy Mass ended with a stir- ring rendition of Hail Glorious St Patrick before all enjoyed a buffet in the church’s newly con- structed hall.


Pupils from St Peter the Apostle High School were amongst those who paid their respects to murdered Clydebank schoolgirl Paige Doherty (right) last week. The 15-year-old went missing on Saturday March 19 as she headed to her part-time job at a hairdressers. Her body was found on the following Monday. A man has been charged in connection with her murder PIC: PAUL McSHERRY

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WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SCHOOLS/LOCAL NEWS 5 Tremendous turnout celebrations at Kilsyth parish in Glasgow for the start of RE course

By Daniel Harkins tinue on their learning paths as they journeyed through their ARCHBISHOP Philip careers, so that their pupils Tartaglia encouraged teach- would benefit from their learn- ers and student teachers to ing and prayed that they would grow in their Faith as they grow in their own faith as they began a new course on reli- continued to learn more about gious education. Church teaching. The group gathered at St SCES Director Michael Andrew’s Cathedral in Glas- McGrath said the course pro- gow on Saturday March 19, the vided the teachers the opportu- Feast of St Joseph, for the new nity to share their experiences course—Setting Out on the with ‘each other and with the Road—which has been course tutors who have been designed to prepare them for supporting them.’ teaching RE in Catholic “It’s been gratifying to hear schools. how much they have enjoyed The course began with an Setting Out on the Road,” Mr intensive 4-day summer school McGrath said. “By June we in July, and course participants hope to have 45 teachers who have since been working their will have completed the course way through a series of tasks successfully and then, by next and assignments which have December, another 40 teachers been submitted for assessment. from the dioceses of Dunked By June it is hoped that all and Aberdeen.” the participants will have com- SCES are currently enrolling pleted the required assignments new participants for the Setting and be ready to be awarded a Out on the Road course in certificate by the Scottish August. Details can be found Catholic Education Service on the SCES website (SCES). www.sces.org.uk Archbishop Tartaglia of Glasgow thanked the partici- I [email protected] There was a great celebration at St pants for their willingness to Leonard’s East Kilbride for the 100th complete the course and to (Below) Archbishop Tartaglia with birthday of parishioner Edward Nel- just a few of the many young develop their knowledge people at the Setting Out on the son, pictured next to parish priest and skills. Fr Gerard Chromy. Road event Friends, family, and fellow parish- He encouraged them to con- ioners came down on Saturday March 19 to mark a remarkable man who received a Papal blessing to mark the occasion. A secondary school teacher and later psychologist, despite his age, and the death of his wife 20 years ago, Mr Nelson remain a keen a fixture at the Church. “Until quite recently he used to take the car to Mass every morning,” his granddaughter Clare Nelson revealed. “But we really are trying to discourage him from driving now!” She said he was ‘a very proud and religious man,’ and the whole family was ‘delighted’ at the Papal blessing he’d received on his centenary SPOTLIGHT ON PIC: TOM EADIE

FIND AND LIKE THE Students’ Door of Mercy challenge for Malawi SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER PAGE ON FACEBOOK By Ian Dunn and renovates school buildings in Malawi’s poorest communi- FR STEPHEN Friel is lead- ties. CfM believes that the only ing a remarkable fundraising sustainable route out of poverty attempt to pass though all is education, and works so that THE GLASGOW PHOENIX CHOIR eight Scottish Cathedral children can be taught in safe A Scottish Charity SC002904 Holy Doors in a single say. and welcoming buildings. sponsored by To mark the Year of Mercy, This year, Fr Stephen Reilly, presents a Gala Concert celebrating the 100th on April 15 and 16 the priest the co-ordinator of spiritual and Birthday of ‘ERSKINE’ - Caring for Veterans since 1916 will be accompanied by stu- pastoral formation at the school All proceeds to Erskine - Scottish Charity SC00609 dents and staff from the School of education, will be part of the of Education at Glasgow Uni- 28- strong CfM team which with special guests versity will attempt to pass will build and renovate class- Royal Regiment of Scotland Band through the 8 Scottish Cathe- rooms in two rural Malawian Military Wives Choir WoS dral Holy Doors, on the heroic communities. Inverclyde Voices attempts and to make things In Larangwe, the team will A Choired Taste interesting their journey will build a three-classroom block Aeolian Male Voice Choir only involve foot and public and renovate another four- munity. This latter project will projects for this year. Donations National Youth Pipe Band transport. classroom block. In Namu- be sponsored by St can be made via Just Giving at The journey from Aberdeen lenga, the team will build a Bernadette’s Motherwell www.justgiving.com/Holy- GLASGOW ROYAL CONCERT HAL to Oban will raise funds for two-classroom additional sup- Malawi Partnership. Doors-Challenge Friday 22nd April 2016 7.30pm Classrooms for Malawi (CfM) port needs block, thus helping All money raised by the Tickets Price: £8 / £10 / £12 / £14 / £17 a small Scottish charity, set up the poorest and most disadvan- sponsored challenge will go GRCH BOX OFFICE Tel: 0141 353 8000 three years ago, which build taged children within the com- directly towards the building I [email protected] WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 6 WORLD/VATICAN NEWS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016


Worshippers carry a Cross on Good Friday into the Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem that is said to be the location of Christ’s tomb

tion of an interview in which his NEWS ROUNDUP longtime private secretary, Arch- bishop Georg Gänswein, said: “He's like a candle which is Easter ‘urbi et orbi’ denounces Christ’s tomb to slowly,serenely fading.” In the full be restored interview, Archbishop Gänswein CATHOLIC, Greek Orthodox, made it clear that the physical EASTER is a feast of hope enables us to see with his eyes does not give a homily. Instead, that blind and brutal form of vio- and Armenian Apostolic leaders decline of the former Pope is grad- but also a call to assist all of love and compassion those with hands clasped in prayer and lence,’ praying that the Lord have announced that Christ’s ual, and that he is not facing any who suffer, Pope Francis who hunger and thirst, strangers head bowed, he led the tens of would touch places in the globe tomb at the Church of the Holy crisis. He remains ‘very lucid,’and said before giving his and prisoners, the marginalised thousands of people in the square scarred by war, terrorism, poverty Sepulchre in Jerusalem will be although he has increasing diffi- solemn blessing ‘urbi et and the outcast, the victims of in silent reflection. and environmental destruction. restored within the next year. culty in walking, he continues to orbi’ (to the city and the oppression and violence,’ the After Mass, before giving his “The risen Christ points out The current church, which was pray, read, receive visitors, prac- world) on Sunday when he Pope said after celebrating solemn blessing, Pope Francis paths of hope to beloved Syria, a constructed following a fire, tice on the piano, and play with made a denunciation of Easter morning Mass. said Easter should give people country torn by a lengthy con- dates from 1810. Architects cats in the Vatican gardens, his ‘blind’ terrorism, recalling Easter in Rome dawned bright the courage to ‘blaze trails of rec- flict, with its sad wake of destruc- have warned that structural dam- secretary reported. Fr Federico victims of attacks in Europe, and sunny; in St Peter’s Square, onciliation with God and with all tion, death, contempt for age endangers the building. Lombardi, the director of the Vat- Africa and elsewhere before the steps leading up to the basil- our brothers and sisters.’ humanitarian law and the break- Condensation from pilgrims’ ican press office, said that Pope- news of the suicide bombing ica were turned into an abundant Speaking about Christ’s power down of civil concord,” the Holy breath has led to ‘alteration of emeritus Benedict showed ‘the in Pakistan became public. garden with thousands of tulips, over death and sin, the Pope Father said. the mortars,’ and the use of can- effects of old age and a gradual The risen Jesus ‘makes us daffodils and flowering bushes. expressed hope that ‘will draw us “To the power of the risen dles has ‘led to a great deal of growing fragility of physical con- sharers of his immortal life and On Easter morning, the Pope closer to the victims of terrorism, Lord we entrust the talks now in thermal stress to be placed on the dition, as with any elderly person.’ marble,’ the Franciscan Custody But there are no immediate causes of the Holy Land explained in a for alarm about his condition. statement. The marble tomb will Pope Francis be dismantled and only the ‘Slow-motion Pope Francis severely damaged pieces will be genocide’ washes the foot replaced as the tomb is recon- THE CATHOLIC Justice and of a refugee dur- POPE Francis washed the structed. Pilgrims will be able to Peace Commission of Brisbane ing Holy Thurs- feet of migrants of different visit the church throughout the Archdiocese, Australia, has day Mass of the faiths and both genders on restoration project. The Greek charged that ‘slow-motion Lord's Supper at Holy Thursday at a reception government will help fund the genocide’ is taking place in West the Center for centre for asylum seekers. tomb’s restoration, as will the reli- Papua, an historically Christian Asylum Seekers “Today, right now, when I do in Castelnuovo the same gesture as Jesus in gious denominations that share province of Indonesia. “The di Porto, about custody of the church. Indonesians want to replace the 15 miles north of washing the feet of you 12, all Pope emeritus Christian religion with Islam,” said Rome March 24. of us are making the same ges- fragile but lucid Sr Susan Connelly, the author of The Pope ture of brotherhood,” the Pope the commission’s report. washed and said. “We are different, we are REACTING to stories that sug- “There is clear evidence of kissed the feet unique. We have different cul- gested Pope-emeritus Benedict ongoing violence, intimidation, of refugees, tures and religions, but we are XVI is close to death, the Vati- and harassment by the Indonesian including Mus- brothers and we want to live in can has issued a statement indi- security forces,” added PeterArndt, lims, Hindus and peace.” cating there is not ‘any the commission’sexecutive officer. Copts “Each of you has your own particular concerns’ about the The report also found that ‘the story,” he added. “Many health of the retired Pontiff. government given the land for crosses, many pains, but also Rumours about Pope Benedict’s exploitation to some 50 decline arose with the publica- multinational companies.’ WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER WORLD/VATICAN NEWS 7

POPE Francis has denounced those commit- Founder of EWTN ting terrorist acts while profaning God’s name and lamented what he called Mother Angelica’s ‘anaesthetised’ consciences over refugees flooding Europe. At Rome’s Colosseum Good funeral is today Friday, after presiding over the Stations of the Cross (right By Ian Dunn able to assist Mother Angelica below), the Pope offered a long during the early days of EWTN. meditation on how Christ con- MOTHER Mary Angelica of Over the years, that relationship tinues to be scorned, tortured the Annunciation, the grew, and today the Knights of and crucified in suffering peo- founder of the Eternal Word Columbus and EWTN partner ple around the world. Television Network, the regularly on important projects.” “O Cross of Christ, today too world’s largest religious “Mother Angelica was fear- we see you raised up in our sis- media network, has died at less because she had God on her ters and brothers killed, burned the age of 92. side,” Anderson added. “She alive, throats slit and decapi- The Franciscan nun died on saw what he needed her to do, tated by barbarous blades amid Easter Sunday at Our Lady of and she did it! She transformed cowardly silence,” he said on the Angels Monastery in Ala- the world of Catholic broadcast- March 25. “O Cross of Christ, Hope and challenges on bama, the monastery she had ing and brought the Gospel to far today too we see you in the helped to found over 50 years corners of our world. faces of children, of women and Good Friday, Holy Saturday ago. She had been in poor health That witness of faith was people, worn out and fearful, for some time, and had been unmistakable to anyone who met who flee from war and violence placed on a feeding tube. and worked with her, and gener- and who often only find death Mother Angelica founded ations of Catholics have and will and many Pilates who wash Eternal Word Television Net- continue to be formed by her their hands.” work in 1980, using a converted vision and her ‘Yes’ to God’s At the Easter vigil the next garage at the monastery and will.” evening, however, the Pope said $200. It steadily grew, not least She was born Rita Antoinette Easter is a celebration of hope, thanks to her own appearances Rizzo in 1920, to Italian-Ameri- one that must begin within the on the talk show Mother Angel- can parents who would later hearts of each Christian even in ica Live. The channel broadcasts divorce. She has said that she the darkest times. a range of talk shows, inter- and her mother were ‘barely sur- “Christ wants to come and views, news programmes, and viving’ in the years after the take us by the hand to bring us devotional items including daily Depression. out of our anguish,” he said in Mass. EWTN expanded to After joining the Poor Clares his homily. “This is the first include a radio station and the of Perpetual Adoration, she stone to be moved aside this National Catholic Register began making TV programmes night: the lack of hope which newspaper. In 2015 its program- in the mid-1970s; later, she imprisons us within ourselves. ming reached 250 million homes bough satellite space to launch May the Lord free us from this in over 100 countries. EWTN. It began with a mixture trap, from being Christians Mother Angelica was known of specifically Catholic, gener- without hope, who live as if the for her straight-talking, feisty ally Christian and non-religious Lord were not risen, as if our manner and her profound trust in programming (including cook- problems were the centre of God. She once said: ‘I’m not ery shows), but became more our lives. afraid to fail, but I am scared to markedly Catholic; in its tone it “Today is the celebration of death of dying and having the mirrored many of the themes of our hope, the celebration of this the name Stella, was also Bap- sure foundation of Christian Lord say to me: ‘Angelica, this John Paul I’s pontificate. truth: nothing and no one will tised. The other catechumens hope and not ‘mere optimism, is what you might have done had It is funded almost entirely by ever be able to separate us from came from Italy, Albania, nor a psychological attitude or you trusted me more.’” donations. terror his love. Cameroon, India and China. desire to be courageous.’ Archbishop Charles Chaput of Mother Angelica said she had “The Lord is alive and wants Confirming the 12 during the The Holy Spirit ‘does not Philadelphia, who has served on experienced a vision of the Child to be sought among the living. vigil (top), the Pope asked the remove evil with a magic wand. EWTN’s board of governors Jesus on a visit to the Basilica of course.” After having found him, each cardinals, bishops and priests But he pours into us the vitality since 1995, said: “Mother Divino Niño Jesus in Colombia. He prayed that the power of person is sent out by him to present to join him in raising of life, which is not the absence Angelica succeeded at a task the He told her: “Build me a temple, the Resurrection would ‘over- announce the Easter message, their hands and praying over the of problems, but the certainty of nation’s bishops themselves and I will help those who help come hardened hearts and pro- to awaken and resurrect hope in newly-Baptised so that God being loved and always for- couldn’t achieve. She founded you.” mote a fruitful encounter of hearts burdened by sadness, in would send forth the Holy given by Christ, who for us has and grew a network that As a result, Mother Angelica peoples and cultures,’ particu- those who struggle to find Spirit upon them. conquered sin, death and fear.’ appealed to everyday Catholics, built the Shrine of the Most larly in Iraq, Yemen, Libya and meaning in life. This is so nec- At the beginning of the vigil, Christians are called to understood their needs and fed Blessed Sacrament, next to Our the Holy Land. essary today." after blessing the Easter fire, awaken the same hope in the their spirits. She had a lot of Lady of the Angels. “May the Lord of life also During the Easter vigil, Pope Pope Francis entered a dark- hearts of others, Pope Francis help, obviously, but that was part In 2001 she suffered a stroke accompany efforts to attain a Francis Baptised eight women ened basilica, gently illumi- said. Without such witness the of her genius.” and afterwards spoke with more definitive solution to the war in and four men, including Yong- nated by the light of the Easter Church risks becoming ‘an “In passing to eternal life, difficulty. Her health had slowly Ukraine, inspiring and sustaining joon Lee, the South Korean candle. international organisation full of Mother Angelica leaves behind a declined since, though until initiatives of humanitarian aid, ambassador to Italy, who took In his homily the Pope said followers and good rules, yet legacy of holiness and commit- recently she continued to make including the liberation of those the baptismal name, Stephen. that while problems will always incapable of offering the hope ment to the New Evangelization appearances on EWTN. who are detained,” he prayed. The ambassador's wife, taking remain Jesus' resurrection is a for which the world longs.’ that should inspire us all,” said Her funeral will be celebrated Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight on Friday at 11am local time at of the Knights of Columbus. “I the Shrine of the Most Blessed washes the feet of migrants during Holy Thursday Mass was honored to know and be Sacrament in Hanceville. an open heart that wants broth- destruction in a European city, erhood.” by people who do not want to During the Mass, the Holy live in peace’—and con- Father washed the feet of one demned those who profit volunteer and 11 migrants— from the attack. four Catholic youths from “Though behind that ges- Nigeria, three Coptic women ture, as there were behind that from Eritrea, three Muslims, of Judas, there were others,” and one Hindu youth from he said of the attacks. “Behind India. Judas there were those who The Pope celebrated the offered money, that Jesus be Holy Thursday Mass of the hosted at CARA centre are tures and words, referring to delivered up to them. Behind Lord’s Supper at the CARA Muslims, and among the the gesture of Jesus washing that [other] gesture [on Tues- Welcome and Hospitality Cen- Christians, most are Copts or the feet and Judas taking the day in Belgium], there are tre outside of Rome. Nearly Protestants, according to the 30 pieces of silver to betray manufacturers, arms dealers 900 migrants and more than Catholic News Agency. Jesus. He spoke about the who want blood, not peace; 100 volunteers attended the In his homily, the Pope said March 22 terrorist attacks in they want the war, not Mass. Most of the migrants gestures speak louder than pic- Brussels—‘an act of war, of fraternity.”

WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 8 FEATURE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 Scotland’s Easter uprising role CANON BERNARD CANNING looks at the historical context in which our nation contributed

COTLAND played an important the first Irish Tricolour by three French part in the 1916 struggle for Irish women; became involved in the after- Independence. Padraig Pearse on effects of the French revolution, was the Tuesday evening of Easter arrested and sentenced to death but was Week 100 years ago stated: ‘Vic- commuted to penal servitude for life, tory will be ours, even though the victory escaped and made his way eventually to will be found in death.’ He, a barrister, New York in 1852, studied law and admit- writer,S educationist and teacher, was born ted to the bar in 1855. In the next year 1856 November 10 1879 in . He was a he founded the Irish News, went to Central deeply religious person attending daily America, joined Union in the Civil War, Mass and with his brother William, was a became brigadier General of the Irish life-long member of the Pioneer Total Brigade but was drowned in 1867 in Fort Abstinence Association of the Sacred Benton, Missouri. Heart (1898). Both were executed on May The flag seemed to lie low for another 3-4 1916. It was thought that Padraig 55 years before it was adopted in 1922 by Pearse thought of the Rising in Easter Republicans and given Constitutional Sta- Week in keeping of Christ dying in the tus since 1937 Fianna Fail Government of darkness of Good Friday but Rising Glori- Eamon de Valera. It was flown for the first ously on Easter Sunday. time in 1916 by Republicans and flown There were seven Sinn Fein members on from GPO that year. the Proclamation of Irish Independence— The heraldic green of the Irish flag is Padraig H Pearse, Thomas J Clarke, James intended to suggest joy, hope and health. Connolly, Thomas McDonagh, Sean Mac The white implies cleanliness, wisdom, Diamada, Eamonn Ceannt, Joseph Mary innocence, chastity. Orange in old heralds Plunkett. These were spiritual men. Two of signifies ‘worthy ambition’ representing them were denied the rites of the Church followers of William III of Orange. The in their last moments of life and were union of both sections implies peace and refused priests. The injured Scot James unity. Connolly was seated in a chair as he was shot dead. Seven is a Biblical number as Flesh and blood civil war seen in the Bible itself, liturgy of the It is said with great sadness that the brutal- 1 Church and in countless ways. ity, killings and slaughter in Mr Pearse visited Glasgow in 1899 and exceeded that of the Black and Tans when addressed the Gaelic League in Glasgow Irish men and women were killing their established there in 1895 and continues to own flesh and blood in the Civil War of 2 6 this day. It has endeavored to be non-polit- November 1922-December 1923. ical and to rise above politics. Founded in It is said that there is no bitterness so Dublin on July 31 1893 by seven men deep as like that of civil war. That bitter- including Dr Douglas Hyde, Church of Ire- ness was mentioned several times in the land, the League’s first president and later Irish election of 2016. It is still there in first President of Ireland in 1938. The later generations of the people of today. Gaelic League by 1910 had sixteen and at Most, if not all, of the 645 women were the Ard Fheis twenty three branches in members of Cumann na mBan—founded Scotland itself. Later there were branches in 1913 in Dublin—or ardent supporters of in Paisley, Blantyre, Motherwell, Hamil- the IRA. They were arrested and impris- ton, Wishaw, , Carfin, Renton, oned in Mountjoy Jail Dublin and else- Kilsyth, Barrhead, Denny, Johnstone, where. They were arrested or interned for Dumbarton, Ayr, Port Glasgow and refusing to accept the treaty. Twenty coun- Greenock. ties of Ireland’s 32 plus several from the James Connolly (born June 5 1868, in Unknown. Dublin had 202, Cork 72, Kerry Edinburgh, to Irish immigrant parents) and 54, Carlow 24, Louth 24, Galway 20, Padraig Pearse were two dominant person- Mayo 18, Tipperary 17, Glasgow 16 alities in Dublin’s GPO that Easter Week. (among them was Margaret Skinnider, 4 Mr Connolly joined the British Forces born in Scotland of Irish parents, excelled aged 14 and stationed in the Curragh and as a sniper at College of Surgeons, Dublin, Dublin. was wounded three times fighting British He worked as carter and became active in soldiers in Harcourt St Dublin, later socialist and trade union affairs; in 1896 he became a teacher and president of the Irish returned to Ireland and founded The Work- National Teachers Organisation), Kildare ers’ Republic, the first socialist paper; devel- 15, Limerick 12, Wexford 12, London 11, 3 oped the Irish Socialist Republican Party to Donegal 8, Liverpool 6, Tyrone 4, attain ‘the national and economic freedom 3, Westmeath 3, Roscommon 3, Wicklow of the .’In his life he took on the 3, Armagh 2, Cavan 2, Down 2, Laois 2, role as a journalist, lecturer and toured Leitrim 2, Kilkenny 1, Clare 1, Longford Britain and USAin 1902 remaining there for 1, Offaly 1, Unknown 21. There is no seven years founding the Irish Socialist Fed- record for as women in Cumann na eration in New York, publishing monthly mBan would have been arrested by the The Harp. He was in command at the GPO RUC and some were detained. 5 in Easter Week and was badly wounded. After the civil war, more than 10,000 Later he was executed by firing squad in Kil- women who had participated in the conflict mainham Jail on May 12 1916, aged 52, tied had virtually disappeared from the politi- to a chair physically unable to stand. From cal scene. By then there were three sec- 1916 onwards, during the War of Independ- tions or divisions: Pro-treaty, anti-treaty ence, cultural activities in Glasgow were and neutrals who seemed to be the major- neglected as most of those involved were ity of Cumann na mBan. By May 1922 it involved in the Irish Republican Brother- had 133 branches, a significant drop of 838 hood and Sinn Fein of July 1921. Several non-Catholics such as Alice National flag of Ireland Milligan, born into a Methodist family The national flag of Ireland is a vertical tri- Gortmore near , gave great and 1 Copy of water-colour by Walter Paget depicting the inside the GPO with Padraig H Pearse on the left and lying in centre James Connolly colour of green, white and orange. Thomas heroic service to Cumann na mBan. Dr badly injured and thought supported by his daughter. See priest on far right ministering to dying Francis Meagher born in Waterford in 1874-1955, born in Mayo, 2 Waterford-born Thomas Francis Meagher is credited with bringing the first Irish Tricolour to Ireland in the aftermath of the French Revolu- 1823, achieved much in life, educated at tion and donated by three French women daughter of Church of Ireland rector gave 3 Marist Brother Carthage King, native of Sligo, early in the 1940s established the Fainne, a gold or silver circle, indicating that the bearer is a Jesuit Colleges, Clongowes and Stone- fantastic work but did not join Cumann na Gaelic speaker. Some priest bearers added the Heart of Christ of the Priesthood in its centre hurst. He was a general, follower of Daniel mBan, was given full military honours at 4 Two Euro coin marking Hibernia (Ireland) 1916-2016 O’Connell whose leadership he left in her funeral in 1955 in recognition of her 5 Flag of Ireland 6 Margaret Skinnider of Coatbridge 1848, went to France, where he was given great work for Ireland. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER LETTERS 9

LETTER OF THE WEEK Prize winning Easter Respect our difference, bonnets at St Columba's Primary respect our beliefs School at Lochyside, Fort William.The AS AN ardent reader of the Scottish pupils made their Catholic Observer I was disgusted to read bonnets at home and Ian Dunn’s article on page 8, March 11. then they paraded Ms Hunt is head of gay rights them at school organisation Stonewall and a practising assembly Catholic? According to Ian Dunn. To print this in a Catholic newspaper is PIC: an insult and does not represent a true ANTHONY practicing Catholic faith and Christian MacMILLIAN beliefs. To use a full, large space to promote Stonewall… Ms Hunt’s chosen selfish lifestyle, her absurd views on the Sacrament of Marriage, her confused spiritual needs, and searching for common ground between religious groups and the gay community, is misleading. In today’s modern society, were , live and let live, as long as you love one another, no matter what the consequence, and encouraged by governments and others in the name of equality and diversity, is it no wonder that our Catholic faith and Christian beliefs are being crucified even by some of our own Catholic fraternity? With mixed messages coming from press and other media and not enough protection and defence of our Faith and beliefs from the pulpit and Catholic press. Maybe a full page in the SCO devoted to the traditional lifestyle of a true to their Faith practising Catholic would be more PICTURE OF THE WEEK suitable material to read. Name and address suppied

IT COMES as no suprise to read the knee Suggestion of political bias Thompson, editorial director of the Catholic jerk ‘outraged from Motherwell’ type in the SCO is laughable Herald, the London- based owner of the reaction in the SCO about the recent SCO, is supporting a move to sell it as he interview with Ruth Hunt from Stonewall. I WAS slightly surprised to see the letter believes the paper, and the Church’s Scottish ESTABLISHED IN 1885 I am not a fan of Ms Hunt nor the Be more positive about Scotland’s future hierarchy, are too close to the SNP and the organisation she represented but see them from S McGhee on March 18. independence cause. The London view is as no threat to my Faith. How intelligent of The writer says that the SCO is negative markedly more conservative than the SCO. the SCO to hold her impossible position of about the Scottish Government and During the Referendum the SCO being a practisicing homosexual and a Scottish people. As a long term member of published a cartoon on the front page—I practisicing Catholic up to scrutiny instead the SNP—50 years, a practising still have it. It showed two women asking a of taking a1960s-style crack at her. Catholic—81 years, and a regular reader of priest “Father, has Holy Mother Church got Religious violence threatens the SCO this mystifies me a bit. any advice as to what we should do?” C Sweeney Just this week I read a piece in the Jim Lynch to make April fools of us all MOTHERWELL Glasgow Herald saying that Damian EDINBURGH

Nuclear version of St dutifuly, keeping their children in order. Relief to see Pope being EMPTING as it is to play an April fool today—to choose Augustine's famous prayer Some even smile shyly at the camera. They questioned a topic unrelated to or at odds with Catholic teaching and are obeying orders, just doing what they are champion it—there is too much sadness mixed in with our HAVING travelled to London to participate told to do. Waiting to go on the train taking IT WAS such a [relief] to see a letter sent Easter joy. Pope Francis’ Easter Urbi et Orbi message in the massive anti-Trident demo and heard them to extinction by one of your readers to reach the letter denounced terror in light of the recent extremist attacks on Nicola Sturgeon vow to make Trident an This is us, my friend. We are on the train page where the contents were all about the public transport in Brussels. This followed his focus on refugees, hope election issue, I came home to hear Kezia and it's racing onwards. Who the driver is, we displeasure of our Holy Father. and challenges through the earlier Easter Triduum Masses and serv- Dugdale inform an awed public that she is do not know. Where we are going to, we do I have been very angry with Pope Tices. a multilateralist. not know. But we fight for our places in the Francis over a number of things that he has Before the joy of the Miracle of Christ resurrection has been She also believes in motherlove, family carriages, and scramble for the good seats. done and said and this letter highlights that marked throughout the whole world, however, news broke of the sui- values, apple pie, and being kind to animals. Our destination is a matter of pure faith. and I fully support everything in the letter. cide bombs targeting largely Pakistani Christians in a Lahore park. The mere fact that—as far as Britain is Surely, they must know what they are doing, It is heartening to see that even harsh Of the 70 people killed and the 400 injured, most were women and concerned—multilateralism does not exist, is and where they are taking us. Our job is to criticism of the Holy Father can be printed children. An off-shoot group of the Taliban has claimed responsibil- no problem to her. The word sounds good, mind our own business, look after our and thank you for that. ity for the attack which, although targeting Christians at Easter, also and that's all that matters. Bugger principles. families, and do as they tell us. Be To cover and hide symbols of our Faith, claimed the lives of Muslims. She piously offers up the nuclear version of respectable. “Straighten our tie, wear a good but more importantly Christianity, was the On Monday, the Pope decried the Easter massacre of Pakistani St Augustine's famous prayer: “Lord, let me suit, and stand for the National Anthem.” last straw. Christians as a ‘vile and senseless crime’ and called for assurances be chaste—tomorrow.” As soon as this pub While here and now we are poised 24/7 to I commend your reader for the letter but from the Pakistani Government that the safely on the country’s Chris- closes, come the revolution, we will stop slaughter untold millions, mouthing dishonest a big thank you to you for allowing it to be tians was a priority. threatening nameless thousands with platitudes about ‘multilateralism’ is utterly published. “I appeal to civil authorities and all sectors of that nation to make annihilation—honestly. despicable. This is not the way we ought to every effort to restore security and serenity to the population, and in At some time in the future, in a distant live. We must live honestly, by our humanity. Alexander Pajewski particular to the most vulnerable religious minorities,” he said. galaxy far away, we will have a world free of When the power of love replaces the love of BY EMAIL While we should now be looking forward to Divine Mercy Sunday nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, back in the real power, then we will have peace and justice. in this the Year of Mercy, many are still struggling to come to terms world, we must replace Trident with even Either we have a future without nuclear with and forgive the religious violence and persecution of recent more powerful H Bombs. This is logic, weapons, or we have no future at all. It is as Is the US way the future weeks. Captain Kirk, but not as we know it on simple as that. Why does Kezia Dugdale not of our pro-life scene? Here in Scotland, outside Glasgow where the SCO offices are, the planet Earth. see this? community in Shawlands has been stunned by the murder of a local Look at the old photos of people waiting to I CANNOT help feeling uncomfortable Muslim shopkeeper Asad Shah in Holy Week, a crime that police board the wagons taking them to the death Brian Quail with the latest development in the pro-life believe to be sectarian and religiously motivated. camps. I mean, look closely. They line up GLASGOW scene in Scotland. Mr Shah was attacked following an Easter greeting from an online Surely there are more appropriate places account apparently belonging to the 40-year-old that had been posted to pray than at the entrance of a large busy, earlier that day. The Facebook message read: “Good Friday and very G SCO reserves the right to edit letters to conform with space or style requirements hospital? happy Easter, especially to my beloved Christian nation x!” A Mus- G This page is used solely for reader opinion and therefore views expressed are not necessarily Must we adopt all that comes from the lim man has since been arrested in connection with the ‘religiously shared by SCO US, however unsuitable? prejudiced’ killing. G If you would like to share your opinion, send your correspondence to the address below Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those who have experi- Mrs C Maguire G Whether you use e-mail or post, you must provide your full name, address, and phone number or enced loss of late, but particularly with those who have suffered at your letter will not be used PAISLEY the hands of religious prejudice that has now become of daily concern in all of lives. WRITE TO LETTERS, SCO, 19 WATERLOO STREET, GLASGOW G2 6BT [email protected] 10 COMMENT SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 Would we be ready for an attack on Church events or parishes?


E ARE quite used to being under attack within the Catholic Church in Scotland. There is the constant bombardment from the secular/ humanist/atheist alliance railing against Catholic schools and the WChurch’s stance on moral issues. And there are occasional, but, thankfully, rare sectar- ian attacks on church buildings. Reflecting But, in Pakistan, Syria and parts of the Middle East, Catholics have been bombed murdered and injured for practising their After our Church marks the faith in the teeth of increasingly aggres- sive, so-called Muslim militants. Catholic Easter Triduum, DEACON HENRY worshippers have been attacked as they have prayed by evil people who do not in McKENNA looks at Scripture any way represent the true teachings of Islam, peddling their hatred through jihad, It is easy to say that this is an over-reac- Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois of Paris leaves in and tradition, examining the holy war against anyone who dares to dis- tion, but the reality is that terrorists did procession after celebrating a Mass in Notre agree with them. carry out an attack at Glasgow airport and Dame Cathedral in Paris November 15 last year to pray for those killed in terrorist attacks Christian belief in the Trinitarian Now, I don’t want to alarm anyone, but that some Scottish young people have there is an underlying threat from militants gone to Syria to join the jihadis. And we within the United Kingdom, Scotland have all been asked to be vigilant at all included, against Christian places of wor- times, although it’s worth stressing that ship. In the eyes of militants, they are legit- Police Scotland have not identified any involved in real and simulated emergency S WE celebrate the most important time in the Catholic imate targets and offer the possibility of a immediate or specific threats. handling in their role as police and fire Church, the Easter Triduum, we have the culmination high propaganda value hit, if, for example But what does become clear, is that we service chaplains. of Divine Revelation where ‘God meets man.’ In com- one was bombed. So, would we be pre- do need to be ready, Just imagine what you And, there are everyday risks with a ing to meet man, God the creator of all things, in wish- pared? I very much don’t believe that we would do if a gun man burst into Sunday large number of people congregating in a ing to offer heavenly salvation to humanity would would, for, although the UK Government Mass at your church. Given that many church, and, in 41 years of going to our reveal Himself gradually by his divine pedagogy (CCC 53). In order has issued advice on what to do if Paris- parishioners are elderly, others may be lost parish, for example, I can’t ever recall any- that man might understand the divine teaching of God, Revelation style attacks by gun men and bombers hit in private prayer or just, as we all do at one mentioning something as simple as a isA revealed to us progressively, in stages, culminating in the final public buildings, I am not convinced that some time at Mass, doze off or go on to fire evacuation procedure, despite all those revelation in Jesus Christ. The nature and object of Divine Revela- we have done anything at all about it at auto-pilot, people would panic and a candles and naked flames around. tion is necessary because God wanted humanity to become partak- national Church or parish level. Yet we bloodbath would ensue. And what about a roof or building col- ers of His divine nature and share in the fullness of our human should be. lapse—increasingly likely in older destiny (CCC 51). God’s Revelation to man was never more o where would we run to? Would we churches which may not have had planned poignant than at the moment of the Transfiguration when the Father hat the Government advises is know in advance because it had been maintenance? How would it be dealt with says “This is my Son, my Chosen One, Listen to Him” (Lk 9:35, that every public building or talked about and thought out, per- and a host of other incidents including a Mk 9:7, Mt 17:5). meeting place should have a hapsS with professional advice? Would all crime being committed, or something as In revealing Himself, God the Father speaks to us through the planW based on its advice of ‘run, hide and the church exits, including fire doors, simple as a heating boiler failure or elec- Prophets, through the Apostles and the evangelists, through the tell.’ That means having identified a safe open? Are there places to barricade people trical fault, leading to casualties. Church and its visible head, the Roman Pontiff, and the Doctors of place to run to within or outwith the build- in, and which emergency number would What the Church needs is an emergency the Church, moreover, through Christ His Son. In Jesus, God has ing, to get away from the assailant, and to you phone? Does the church have accessi- plan, including who speaks for it, how its spoken His final and definitive Word. In Jesus, the Son of God made hide there and to phone and report what’s ble first aid kits, and has it identified first media relations and public information are man, we have the definitive and perfect self-revelation of God to us, happening. The underlying idea is for as aider, paramedics and medics who are reg- conducted in a crisis, how it mitigates and there will be no further public revelation until His final coming many people as possible to survive, but, ular members of the congregation who damage to people and property, and above in glory. I’m sure that as a Church, we haven’t even would deploy? all, how it reacts spiritually as an agency God the Father, by His infinite wisdom addresses the whole of started to examine what is a pressing issue. What worries me—as a former press which gives comfort in time of tragedy. humanity because, from the very beginning after the Fall, God did And it does need to be examined from the officer who was also trained and worked The possibility of a terrorist attack and not abandon his creatures but from the fullness of his unconditional point of view that, if a congregation were in emergency planning, disaster avoidance the Church’s response, needs to be love, addressed them as friends and offered humanity a means of to be slaughtered in a Scottish church by and recovery, including terrorist attacks on addressed urgently. salvation (Gn 3:15). terrorists, the Church would be deemed to schools, theatres, libraries, leisure centres But, equally, such an issue, which has to All down the ages God communicates with man in order to reveal have been partly responsible for the deaths and public places—is that the Church be approached without creating public Himself. Through Abraham ‘the father of all nations’ (Gn 17:5) in and injuries, unless it could show evidence doesn’t seem to have much in the way of alarm, flags up the absolute need, morally whom all people shall be blessed, humanity would be the trustees of of having prepared to deal with such an emergency plans in place at all. and legally, to be prepared to deal with any the divine promise (CCC 72). In forming Israel ‘his chosen people’ event by pre-planning its response for That is worrying, especially as several emergency that comes the Church’s way. and freeing them from Egyptian slavery God chose Moses to lead parishes across the country. priests are well aware of and have been It’s time to start planning. Now. his people and established with them from Mount Sinai his law so that they would recognise and serve the one living and true God (DV 3). This covenant would be valid for every individual person of What do you think of HUGH DOCHERTY’S comments on The views expressed in the every age (Is 43:1-3). From the ‘chosen people’ and King David EMERGENCY PLANS? Send your points of view to the opinion pages of the SCO are would be born the One, ‘a man among men’ (DV 4) who would those of informed individuals redeem his people, Israel. SCO. Write to Letters, SCO, 19 Waterloo St, Glasgow G2 6BT or and groups and not The figure of Jesus is at the centre of Trinitarian and Christocen- necessarily those of the tric doctrine and the heart of Christian faith, the One in whom God e-mail [email protected] newspaper or the Church is perfectly revealed and communicated. Therefore, the purpose of Revelation contains a salvific meaning. This salvific meaning has as its purpose a personal address aimed at bringing about a personal WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER COMMENT 11

on Divine Revelation, our Faith

relationship between God and man. At the heart of God revealing In giving His own Son, God spoke everything to us in His sole Word. man can obtain true happiness and salvation. Himself is His free gift to humanity of a share and a promise of hap- He has no more to say. Salvation is the whole purpose of God reveal- Vatican II Dei Verbum was instrumental in this doctrine by declar- piness and eternal life. The Catechism speaks of ‘man’s desire is ing Himself, he wishes to draw man to Himself through Jesus and by ing that the Doctrine of Revelation should no longer be explained in written in the human heart and only in God will he find the truth and the Spirit so that, man might share in His divine nature (DV 2). As relation to reason but in the light of God’s Son who expresses per- happiness he never stops searching for’ (CCC 27). a result God completes and perfects Revelation by revealing that fectly God’s will for us to be saved. Asserted to this teaching, This share and promise of happiness and eternal life comes about God is indeed with us (DV 4). Gaudium et Spes expands the teaching of Dei Verbum in that in the through God revealing Himself because “It pleased God, in his good- In unity with the Old Testament, the New Testament, whose cen- light of the Word incarnate and of his Paschal Mystery, humanity is ness and wisdom, to reveal himself and to make known the mystery tral teaching is Jesus Christ is part of the Bible that was written by engaged on a ‘journey to the kingdom of the Father’ (GS 11). There- of his will” (DV 2). With deeds and words God revealed himself so human authors who were inspired by the Holy Spirit and these books fore, Revelation guides humanity as a valid source to the meaning of that all peoples might share in his divine plan as adopted ‘sons and are the ultimate truth of God’s Revelation ( CCC 124, Jn 16:13) for human life because only in the mystery of the Incarnate Word does daughters’ in the only begotten Son of God (1 Tim 6:15-16, Eph 1:4- “God is the author of Sacred Scripture” (CCC 105). The Church the meaning of life which man never stops searching for take on light 5)). For this reason, by making himself present and manifesting him- acknowledges and believes that the Holy Spirit, the third Person of (GS 12). self, Jesus perfected Revelation. By the Incarnation God would now the Trinity inspired the authors who wrote these books, and in doing In the mystery of the Incarnate Word, for Catholics, God’s plan of reveal, to man, His true image in Christ. It is only in the mystery of so, preserved them from error, so that their witness and what they saving fallen humanity is enacted every day throughout the Christian the Word made flesh that the mystery of Divine Revelation is were inspired to write is true, faithful and sure (2 Pt 1:20-21, DV world. It is through the Liturgical celebration of the Paschal Mystery enlightened for the Faithful (GS 22). 11). Through this inspiration, the Holy Spirit gives us a sure light so that Christ Himself communicates Revelation. It is through the Therefore, from the perfect and definitive Word of the Father the that we can understand the plan of revealed truth. Since they are Paschal Mystery most especially in the Blessed Eucharist that Christ full and definitive revelation of God was accomplished in his Son. guaranteed by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Scriptures are valid for all communicates his grace (CCC 1084). Revelation is made present to Jesus is the ‘Father’s One, perfect and unsurpassable Word,’ the Son times. us in the Liturgy. It is God’s offering to us of entering into com- of God made man in whom everything is said (CCC 65). In doing Scripture and tradition are closely connected to Revelation. One munion with Him, an offering that enables us to incorporate our- so God revealed through his Son, the Word made flesh, the media- cannot stand without the other and the Church recognises both their selves with communion in His divine life. tor and fullness of Revelation to share with us divine benefits that the importance (DV11). Indeed the Catechism says, the Church “has human mind can only grasp through faith. Sustained by divine grace illuminated the unity of the divine plan in the two Testaments nly in the Church through its Liturgical celebrations does and through man’s obedience of faith, God in his loving wisdom through typology, which discerns in God’s works of the Old Revelation become alive and active. Sacrosanctum Concil- desired that all men come to the knowledge of the truth and that his Covenant pre-figurations of what He accomplished…in the person ium 5 refers to this celebration as the wondrous sacrament of Revelation should remain for all people and be transmitted to all of His incarnate Son” (CCC 128). Othe whole Church. In the Eucharist we experience the whole reality generations to come (DV 7, Rm 16:25-26). The letter to the Hebrews of the Incarnation and Redemption. It is where the work of salvation tells us: “In many and various ways God spoke through the prophets; hrough tradition it is the witness of the Apostles which forms accomplished by Jesus Christ through His Passion and death but in these last days he has spoken through his Son” (He 1:1-2). the starting point for the transmission of God’s self-revelation becomes for us a mandate to the living of a Christian life. Pope John in Jesus Christ. This Christological orientation of Revelation Paul II reminds us that the Paschal Mystery is at the summit of the n Jesus, the eternal Son of God made man; we have the perfect mustT be taken into account in the interpretation of Sacred Scripture revelation of the inscrutable mystery of God (Dives In Misericor- expression in human terms of what God is like and of His plan as the unity of God’s plan. In the light of the resurrection and under dia, No 8, 1980). This mystery is fully revealed and humanity is to us. He is the fulfilment of all that has been foreshadowed and the guidance of the Spirit the Apostles witnessed the significance of given the true meaning of our existence because in Jesus Christ, the Ipromised. Revelation, therefore, is the good news that God has Jesus’ actions and words. This ‘Apostolic Tradition’ can be no bet- Redeemer of Man, God has indeed truly revealed Himself to us revealed to us in that He is with us to free us from the darkness of ter expressed than in Dei Verbum 7. (Redemptor Hominis 11). sin and raise us up to life eternal. In order that what has been The relationship of Scripture and Tradition has a vital role in the The Revelation of God is the fundamental principle of the revealed for the salvation of all peoples is to be carried on to future transmission of Revelation so much so that the role of the Magis- Catholic Faith. The whole Christian faith is concerned with what generations, God graciously arranged and commanded the Apostles terium is also important (DV 10, LG 25) and indeed essential if what God has revealed. In order to understand what has been revealed to hand on what they themselves had received by going forth and has been handed down by the Apostles is to be preserved, defended Christians must have an understanding of the relationship of the teaching all nations ( Mt 28:19). Their mission was to transmit in its and authentically interpreted. Working together, under the action of three Persons of the Trinity (CCC 234). In a Trinitarian dimension entirety the revealed truths that would be accomplished by the Son the Holy Spirit, Sacred Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium of the most basic doctrines are those concerning the one true God: of God. The Apostles with the interior help of the Holy Spirit were the Church contribute today and throughout the ages to the divinely Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the God who is the creator of all things then entrusted to begin the process of transmitting Revelation revealed truth that Jesus Christ true God and true man is himself and who reveals and communicates Himself to the world for our sal- through their witness and this witness the Church calls ‘Apostolic both the mediator and the sum total of Revelation (DV 2, Jn 1:14, Mt vation. From the beginning of creation, God in His wisdom invites Tradition.’ 11:27). us to share an intimate friendship with Him by sharing His “In this way the Church, in her doctrine, life and worship, perpet- For this doctrine to be understood in the light of human reasoning, divine life. uates and transmits to every generation all that she herself is and all man must have the interior help of the Holy Spirit, who moves the In the Person of Jesus, the second Person of the Trinity is the that she believes” (DV 8). heart and opens the mind so that through the obedience of Faith, a nucleus of our Christian faith and of Christian life. God the Father The books contained in the Old Testament are venerated by Chris- supernatural gift from God, he can freely accept and believe the truth makes this mystery known to us by sending humanity His Only tians as the Word of God. They are divinely inspired and retain a that has been revealed to him. The Catechism tells us that Faith Begotten Son ’Filioque’ (CCC 261). The revelation of the three Per- permanent value. With the New Testament they are the sure witness begins at our Baptism (CCC 1226) and St Paul says in Faith ‘believe sons reveals the relationship of the Father and Son with the Spirit. of the divine pedagogy of God’s saving love. The Old Testament in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved’ (Acts 16:31). This gift of the This is why, in His wisdom God has revealed the’ Blessed Trinity’ prepares all people’s for the coming of Christ and sheds light on the Spirit is the revealed truth from God by the sending us his beloved to us, so that we may come to know and love Him as He knows and New Testament as the Psalmist says ‘a lamp to my feet and a light Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (CCC 179). The loves Himself. to my path’ (Psalm 119:105,). The completion of God’s revelation is Catholic Church in defining Revelation through faith calls it ‘the For this reason all Christian belief is Trinitarian and as Christians Christ made man, as prophesied throughout the Old Testament (Ps beginning of human salvation’ whereby, it is a supernatural virtue we acknowledge and profess our belief when we recite the The 118:22, Is 49:6). He is the perfect and definite ‘Word of the Father.’ inspired by the grace of God who revealed Himself so that by faith Apostles Creed. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 12 MISSION MATTERS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER MISSION MATTERS 13

BRINGING LIGHT INTO LIVES SALLY McELLISTRIM from MISSIO SCOTLAND explains how the charity—through its Scottish supporters—is helping change the lives of people in Malawi both in a material and also a spiritual sense

HAD heard it said many times before about Africa: Our meeting with the blind lady, Christina, was during a Outstation Church of St Thomas (above centre) where the “People used to laugh at us Catholics as we only had a the week with any surplus being redistributed back to the support of the wider mission family,” he said. “We have been government, though with huge continuing support from the “You will be shocked every day by something you day spent at the Kumpatsa Outstation Church. Now in her villagers were out in force to clap and dance our arrival, shed to pray in, but now we have our beautiful Church” people. In turn, we had treats of our own to give. I would helped enormously by our brothers and sisters in other countries Church. The Missionary Sisters play a huge part in the health see; it could be something poignant or something 80s, she was blinded by cataracts at just 55 and spends her giving us a welcome as warm as the sun. Hands reached out Moses, one of the Catechists, said. never have imagined the joy and magic that little bottle of and this sustains us mentally, spiritually and financially.” clinics that are run on a shoestring, they prepare and cook beautiful.” For me, the sight of an old blind woman days tended to by her extended family in the village she lives to touch and hug us; women sang and clicked their tongues He happily recounts the tale of a lady who converted to bubbles would give to the kids. They gathered around and the food distributed in schools, and they teach women how sitting outside her home made of mud in Malawi in. The natural warmth and exuberance of the visiting priests in ‘Olutation’ a unique and amazing sound that symbolises Catholicism as a result of the commitment she saw. seemed to totally grasp the meaning of sharing, as each child t is glaringly obvious that the Catholic Church is doing to plant and grow crops and other skills that help makes their (above right), receiving Communion from a priest jolted me; could obviously be sensed by Christina and it was humbling huge happiness and celebration. “The chief said the Catholics are good here; they stuck to would wait for his or her turn to blow the bubbles.” a huge amount of work in helping to combat the huge lives a little bit more comfortable. such was its beauty, poignancy and simplicity. and heartening to see the dignity she was shown by them. They The simple Church of St Thomas is the focal point for the their Faith even though they only had a shed to pray in,” he People, many of whom were barefoot, walked the dry problems facing the people. The poverty is grinding The pastoral visits to the sick and aged are vitally important IWe had travelled on a Missio trip to the stunning Central spoke and prayed with her, before giving her the Sacrament community. It was finally built by hand in 2000, with the said. dusty roads to get to the church, in some cases this involved Iamidst the spectacular Malawian landscape. Scorched earth and as one lady, Arestina, said to me: “Having the priests East African country and were based in Zomba Diocese. of Holy Communion. It struck me forcibly that this was real mud bricks collected long before that in readiness for its “The Mass was a joyful uplifting experience; singing and a journey of some 20km. does not a bountiful harvest make and the people eek out here is like a visit from Jesus.” Each day we accompanied Fathers Vincent Mwakhwawa and mission and real faith in action—both hers and theirs. After construction. While it may have a tin roof that leaks during dancing, the congregation were alive and revelled in the One priest, a smiling wiry man, cycles 33kms most days to their meagre supplies of maize, always running dangerously As we prepared to leave Malawi, my mind goes back to Henry Chiwaya (above left), Pontifical Mission Societies communion, the villagers sang and danced around Christina, the rainy season, handmade ornaments constructed from Mass. The offertory procession was unlike anything I’ve see his parishioners. You could see how much our visit low as they anxiously await the rainy season. While much Christina. She would sleep on the floor in her two-roomed (PMS) national director and diocesan director respectively smiled and laughed and revelled in the sense of community. battered old newspapers to decorate the altar, and only a ever witnessed before. We were invited to stand at the altar meant to those we met. They know that the Scottish people has been done in the battle against HIV, it still remains at mud house. I don’t know what she had to eat that day, even as they carried out their pastoral visits and duties in the handful of benches that accommodate just a fraction of the and receive the gifts. What an experience. Gifts of maize, have a huge love and respect for the ‘missions’ and have high levels; malaria is a constant threat and can kill in one if she did eat but what I do know is that the visit from Fathers sprawling diocese. They were gracious, fun and warm hosts, he visit to Christina’s home was just one of several congregation, the assembled Mass-goers were just thrilled to mangos, tomatoes and eggs were presented to us as gifts as gone to Malawi in their droves. Your continuing prayers and to two days and life expectancy is just 58 for men and 61 Vincent and Henry that day brought light to her dark world. hugely committed to their pastoral duties; a vital cog in the we made during a particularly hot, exhausting but be there; to have their Church to gather and pray. Their pride were two live chickens. This was a treat of treats. The food financial support is not lost on Fr Vincent. for women. While 80 per cent of the schools were intro- chain of bringing and keeping the Faith alive. exhilarating day. We had started the day at Kumpatsa in having their own Church was so touching and genuine. was given to be shared amongst the priests as their food for “I truly don’t know how we would go on without the duced by the Church, most have now been taken over by the I http://www.missio.scot T WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 12 MISSION MATTERS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER MISSION MATTERS 13

BRINGING LIGHT INTO LIVES SALLY McELLISTRIM from MISSIO SCOTLAND explains how the charity—through its Scottish supporters—is helping change the lives of people in Malawi both in a material and also a spiritual sense

HAD heard it said many times before about Africa: Our meeting with the blind lady, Christina, was during a Outstation Church of St Thomas (above centre) where the “People used to laugh at us Catholics as we only had a the week with any surplus being redistributed back to the support of the wider mission family,” he said. “We have been government, though with huge continuing support from the “You will be shocked every day by something you day spent at the Kumpatsa Outstation Church. Now in her villagers were out in force to clap and dance our arrival, shed to pray in, but now we have our beautiful Church” people. In turn, we had treats of our own to give. I would helped enormously by our brothers and sisters in other countries Church. The Missionary Sisters play a huge part in the health see; it could be something poignant or something 80s, she was blinded by cataracts at just 55 and spends her giving us a welcome as warm as the sun. Hands reached out Moses, one of the Catechists, said. never have imagined the joy and magic that little bottle of and this sustains us mentally, spiritually and financially.” clinics that are run on a shoestring, they prepare and cook beautiful.” For me, the sight of an old blind woman days tended to by her extended family in the village she lives to touch and hug us; women sang and clicked their tongues He happily recounts the tale of a lady who converted to bubbles would give to the kids. They gathered around and the food distributed in schools, and they teach women how sitting outside her home made of mud in Malawi in. The natural warmth and exuberance of the visiting priests in ‘Olutation’ a unique and amazing sound that symbolises Catholicism as a result of the commitment she saw. seemed to totally grasp the meaning of sharing, as each child t is glaringly obvious that the Catholic Church is doing to plant and grow crops and other skills that help makes their (above right), receiving Communion from a priest jolted me; could obviously be sensed by Christina and it was humbling huge happiness and celebration. “The chief said the Catholics are good here; they stuck to would wait for his or her turn to blow the bubbles.” a huge amount of work in helping to combat the huge lives a little bit more comfortable. such was its beauty, poignancy and simplicity. and heartening to see the dignity she was shown by them. They The simple Church of St Thomas is the focal point for the their Faith even though they only had a shed to pray in,” he People, many of whom were barefoot, walked the dry problems facing the people. The poverty is grinding The pastoral visits to the sick and aged are vitally important IWe had travelled on a Missio trip to the stunning Central spoke and prayed with her, before giving her the Sacrament community. It was finally built by hand in 2000, with the said. dusty roads to get to the church, in some cases this involved Iamidst the spectacular Malawian landscape. Scorched earth and as one lady, Arestina, said to me: “Having the priests East African country and were based in Zomba Diocese. of Holy Communion. It struck me forcibly that this was real mud bricks collected long before that in readiness for its “The Mass was a joyful uplifting experience; singing and a journey of some 20km. does not a bountiful harvest make and the people eek out here is like a visit from Jesus.” Each day we accompanied Fathers Vincent Mwakhwawa and mission and real faith in action—both hers and theirs. After construction. While it may have a tin roof that leaks during dancing, the congregation were alive and revelled in the One priest, a smiling wiry man, cycles 33kms most days to their meagre supplies of maize, always running dangerously As we prepared to leave Malawi, my mind goes back to Henry Chiwaya (above left), Pontifical Mission Societies communion, the villagers sang and danced around Christina, the rainy season, handmade ornaments constructed from Mass. The offertory procession was unlike anything I’ve see his parishioners. You could see how much our visit low as they anxiously await the rainy season. While much Christina. She would sleep on the floor in her two-roomed (PMS) national director and diocesan director respectively smiled and laughed and revelled in the sense of community. battered old newspapers to decorate the altar, and only a ever witnessed before. We were invited to stand at the altar meant to those we met. They know that the Scottish people has been done in the battle against HIV, it still remains at mud house. I don’t know what she had to eat that day, even as they carried out their pastoral visits and duties in the handful of benches that accommodate just a fraction of the and receive the gifts. What an experience. Gifts of maize, have a huge love and respect for the ‘missions’ and have high levels; malaria is a constant threat and can kill in one if she did eat but what I do know is that the visit from Fathers sprawling diocese. They were gracious, fun and warm hosts, he visit to Christina’s home was just one of several congregation, the assembled Mass-goers were just thrilled to mangos, tomatoes and eggs were presented to us as gifts as gone to Malawi in their droves. Your continuing prayers and to two days and life expectancy is just 58 for men and 61 Vincent and Henry that day brought light to her dark world. hugely committed to their pastoral duties; a vital cog in the we made during a particularly hot, exhausting but be there; to have their Church to gather and pray. Their pride were two live chickens. This was a treat of treats. The food financial support is not lost on Fr Vincent. for women. While 80 per cent of the schools were intro- chain of bringing and keeping the Faith alive. exhilarating day. We had started the day at Kumpatsa in having their own Church was so touching and genuine. was given to be shared amongst the priests as their food for “I truly don’t know how we would go on without the duced by the Church, most have now been taken over by the I http://www.missio.scot T WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 14 FR ROLHEISER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 Love and goodness will triumph over all Him, the text simply says that he left the temple area and ‘no one laid a hand upon Him because His hour had not yet come.’ Why the inability to take him captive? Was Jesus so physically adept and elu- sive that no one could imprison Him? These stories of His ‘slipping away’ are highly symbolic. The lesson is not that Jesus was physically deft and elu- sive, but rather that the word of God, the grace of God, the goodness of God, and power of God can never be captured, held captive, or ultimately BY FR RONALD killed. They are adept. They can never be held captive, can never be killed, ROLHEISER and even when seemingly they are killed, the stone that entombs them HE STONE which rolled always eventually rolls back and away from the tomb of releases them. Goodness continues to Jesus continues to roll resurrect from every sort of grave. away from every sort of grave. Goodness cannot be nd it is this, the constant resur- held, captured, or put to death. It rection of goodness, not that of evades its pursuers, escapes capture, viciousness and evil, which Tslips away, hides out, even leaves the speaksA the deepest truth about our churches sometimes, but forever rises, world and our lives. again and again, all over the world. The Jewish-Hungarian writer, Imre Such is the meaning of the resurrection. Kertesz (right), who won the Nobel Goodness cannot be captured or Prize for literature in 2002, gives a revealed in the resurrection of Jesus. how unjust and cruel a situation, and stone, but the stone rolled away. His killed. We see this already in the poignant testimony of this. He had as What the resurrection reveals is that the no matter how omnipotent are anger disciples abandoned Him in his trials, earthly life of Jesus. There are a num- a young boy been in a Nazi death ultimate source of all that is, of all being and hatred, love and goodness will but they eventually returned more ber of passages in the Gospels which camp, but what he remembered most and life, is gracious, good, and loving. reappear and ultimately triumph. committed than ever. They persecuted give the impression that Jesus was afterwards from this experience was Moreover it also reveals that gracious- Jesus taught that the source of all life and killed His first disciples, but that somehow highly elusive and difficult not the injustice, cruelty, and death ness, goodness, and love are the ultimate and being is benign and loving. He only served to spread his message. to capture. It seems that until Jesus that he saw there, but rather some acts power inside reality. They will have the promised too that our end will be benign The churches have been unfaithful consents to his own capture, nobody of goodness, kindness, and altruism he final word and they will never be cap- and loving. In the resurrection of Jesus, sometimes, but God just slipped away can lay a hand on Him. witnessed amidst that evil. tured, derailed, killed, or ultimately God showed that God has the power to from those particular temple precincts. We see this played out a number of After the war, it left him wanting to ignored. They will break through, cease- deliver on that promise. Goodness and God has been declared dead countless times: Early on in His ministry, when read the lives of saints rather than biog- lessly, forever. In the end, too, as Mr love will triumph. The ending of our time, but yet a billion people just cel- his own townsfolk get upset with His raphies of war. The appearance of good- Kertesz suggests, they are more fasci- story, both that of our world and that of ebrated Easter. message and lead him to the brow of a ness fascinated him. To his mind, evil is nating than evil. our individual lives, is already written— Goodness cannot be killed. Believe it! hill to hurl Him to his death, we are explicable, but goodness? Who can and it is a happy ending! We are already told that ‘He slipped through the explain it? What is its source? Why does nd so we are in safe hands. No saved. Goodness is guaranteed. Kind- I Fr Ronald Rolheiser is a priest and crowd and went away.’ Later when the it spring up over and over again all over matter how bad the news on a ness will meet us. We only need to live member of the Missionary Oblates of authorities try to arrest Him we are the earth, and in every kind of situation? given day, no matter how in the face of that wonderful truth. Mary Immaculate. He is president of told simply that ‘He slipped away.’ It springs up everywhere because God’s threatened our lives are on a given day, They couldn’t arrest Jesus, until He the Oblate School of Theology in San A Antonio, Texas. Visit his website at And, in yet another incident when he goodness and power lie at the source of no matter how intimidating the neigh- Himself allowed it. They put His dead is in temple area and they try to arrest all being and life. This is what is bourhood or global bully, not matter body in a tomb and sealed it with a www.ronrolheiser.com

The views expressed in the opinion What do you think of FR ROLHEISER’S comments on GOODNESS? Send your points of view pages of the SCO are those of to the SCO. Write to Letters, SCO, 19 Waterloo St, Glasgow G2 6BT or e-mail [email protected] informed individuals and groups and not necessarily those of the newspaper or the Church

WILLIAM Harvey, who died Teach me the art of appreci- send athletes. In the year 394 shares at least one colour with on April 1 in 1578, was a doc- ating what is ordinary: of AD the Roman Emperor no the Olympic rings. Some tor in London. He is recog- slowing down to look at and longer allowed the Games to words of Baron de Coubertin nised as having been the first become more aware continue. are often quoted at the Games: to discover that blood circu- of the beauty around me; to Just over 1500 years later, “The important thing in the lates around the body, pumped take time to be with others, on April 6 1896, the first of the Olympic Games is not win- by the beat of the heart. to sit and enjoy music modern-day Olympic Games ning, but taking part. The Our prayer today has been or a good book —to give was opened. essential thing in life is not used by some people with myself time for myself. The Games were the idea of conquering but fighting well.” heart problems. The prayer Remind me each day of the the French sportsman, Baron LORD, inspire me to give of my refers to the ‘pounding of the fable of the hare and the tor- Pierre de Coubertin, who best and make good use of the heart’ and the need for us all to toise, that I may know that the hoped they would encourage talents you have given me. slow down and appreciate race is not always to the swift; many to think of physical fit- Show me how to be positive what is around us: that there is more to life than ness, as well as helping to pro- in attitude, appreciating and SLOW me down, Lord! increasing its speed. mote understanding and valuing others, always being Ease the pounding of my heart Let me look upwards respect between nations. ready to encourage and give by the quietening and calming into the branches His ideal was that nations praise. of my mind. of the towering trees PRAYERS FOR THE WEEK would compete on the playing Sometimes I draw conclu- Break the tensions and know that they grew great field rather than on the battle- sions about people in terms of of my nerves and muscles and strong because they grew remind ourselves that we are in THE first recorded Olympic field. what I think is meant by ‘suc- with the soothing music slowly and well. God’s presence… Games took place in the year In those first Olympics of cess’ and ‘failure,’ but the ‘fail- of the singing streams Slow me down, Lord, and LORD Jesus, you invite each of 776 BC, although they may modern days in 1896, 13 coun- ure’ of one person might count that live in my memory. inspire me to send my roots us by name and you call us have been held for a few hun- tries took part, with 285 ath- as a great ‘success’ of some- Give me, amidst the confu- deep into the soil ‘friends.’ dred years before that time. letes. In our own days about one with other talents. sion of the day, the calmness of life’s enduring values. Lead us to show as much The Games were held every 11,000 athletes attend from Lead me never to judge peo- of the everlasting hills. Slow me down, Lord, respect and care for others as four years at Olympus, the 180 countries. ple but to accept others as Steady my hurried pace that I may grow true and we would like them to show place where the father of the The Olympic Flag dates they are, knowing that it is with a vision of your eternal well in your light. for us. Greek gods, Zeus, was thought from 1913. The connected together, each with our differ- reach of time, Amen. Help us to look foand bring to live. Invitations went out to rings are of different colours, ences, that we build up your and restore and heal me out the best in all who share many cities throughout the representing the 5 continents. Kingdom. in the hours of sleep. LET’S pause for a moment to our lives this day. Amen. Greek world, inviting them to The flag of every country Amen.


SUNDAY APRIL 3 5.30PM 9.30AM EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY HOLY MASS AND 9PM JUBILEE OF DIVINE MERCY REAL LIFE CATHOLIC SUNDAY THURSDAY APRIL 7 1PM 1PM LIVE SUNDAY MASS DAILY MASS 3PM 5.30PM DIVINE MERCY CELEBRA- EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY TION FROM VILNIUS 8PM LITHUANIA EWTN LIVE 6PM 9PM MASS AND CELEBRATION THE CROWN OF OF DIVINE MERCY THE AVENTINE FROM STOCKBRIDGE, MA IN FRIDAY APRIL 8 THE US 1PM 9PM DAILY MASS DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR 5.30PM FROM HANCEVILLE EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY MONDAY APRIL 4 8PM 1PM THE WORLD OVER LIVE MASS OF THE ANNUNCIA- TION OF THE LORD WITH 9PM MFVA ON ASSIGNMENT: SAINT 9PM JOHN CANTIUS, RESTOR- LIVING MERCY ING THE SACRED TUESDAY APRIL 5 SATURDAY APRIL 9 1PM 1PM DAILY MASS FROM EWTN DAILY MASS 5.30PM 7PM EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY MARY'S DOWRY PRESENTS: 9PM SAINT EDMUND ARROW- THE KING IN OUR MIDST SMITH WEDNESDAY APRIL 6 9PM 1PM FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY DAILY MASS PRESENTS PEACE BE WITH YOU LAY READERS’ GUIDE The DOMINICAN SISTERS OF ST CECILIA from ELGIN reflect on SUNDAY APRIL 3 the message of Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday approaches Second Sunday of Easter. Divine Mercy Sun- day. Acts 5:12-16. Response: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. Apocalypse 1:9-11a, MERGING from the gloomy, before their very eyes. Their wills jumped 12-13, 17-19 John 20:19-31. chaotic darkness of Good Friday A SPIRITUAL forward in joy at the possession of this and the grey stillness of Easter Good, who made himself totally available Saturday, through the hopeful REFLECTION to them. MONDAY sunrise of Easter morning, Christ Peace. The good news is, it is ours for the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. burst upon the apostles in the Upper Room asking as well. For the very next words of IIsaiah 7:10-14; 8:10. Response: Here I am, on the “evening of the first day of the week.” Christ were: “As the Father has sent me, so Lord, I come to do your will. Hebrews 10:4-10. EHis first words were astonishing in their sim- I send you.” And he breathed on them, Luke 1:26-38. plicity and effectiveness: “Peace be with “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the you.” (John 21:19) sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you TUESDAY Peace. The apostles sorely needed it. Their retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Acts 4:32-37. Response: The Lord is king, world had been rapidly turned upside down, (John 21:21-23) and they were awash in fear, violence, Just as the apostles had lost their peace with majesty enrobed. John 3:7b-15. trauma, and confusion. They had sinned; because of sin, so we lose ours in the same they had denied and abandoned their good way. Yet Jesus has established a way for us WEDNESDAY and innocent Master. There was a wall of desires need to be for truly good things to regain that peace. In the sacrament of rec- Acts 5:17-26. Response: Response: This guilt, uncertainty, and even terror between because objects which are only apparently onciliation, the priest, ordained in apostolic poor man called and the Lord heard him. them and their next steps. For what could good leave us dissatisfied. Even when we succession from the first apostles who John 3:16-21 they do with themselves after that terrible attain them, we are soon searching for more received Christ’s mandate, gives us the for- Friday? and once again not at peace. There is one good giveness of the Risen Christ. Once again, the Peace. St Augustine defines it as the tran- which unites all our desires in one completely Lord is placed at the centre of our hearts and THURSDAY quillity of order. What order did the apostles lovable object which will never disappoint us, we are free to love him again above all Acts 5:27-33. Response: This poor man need? The order given by Jesus’ Summary because it is eternal and it is perfect. That things and our neighbours as ourselves. The called and the Lord heard him. John 3:31-36 of the Law: First, love the Lord your God Good is God. And that God stood resurrected tranquillity of order is restored. The obsta- with all your heart, with all your soul, with in the person of Jesus Christ before the apos- cles to peace are removed. No matter how all your mind, and with all your strength, and tles on the evening of that first day of the many times we find ourselves back in that FRIDAY second, love your neighbour as yourself week. There he was: the ultimate Good to same ‘upper room,’ gloomy in our sin, we Acts 5:34-42. Response: There is one thing I (Luke 10:27). When the dust had settled on which all human desires tend. He was alive can hear those reassuring words again, “And ask of the Lord, to live in the house of the Good Friday, that Law was found to be com- and he was smiling at them, full of tenderness, I absolve you from your sins, in the name of Lord. John 6:1-15 pletely overturned; the Son of God had been mercy, and forgiveness. the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy killed and neighbour had been abandoned as Peace. In one sweeping moment, the dis- Spirit. Amen.” SATURDAY every man ran for himself to ‘safety.’ Some- ordered chaos of the apostle’s lives (above) May the peace of the risen Christ reign in Acts 6:1-7. Response: May your love be upon how, this order needed to be restored. was righted again. Here was a God who our hearts, made pure and fresh through our us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you. Peace. St Thomas Aquinas notes that peace could be loved because He was real, He was encounters with Him in the Sacraments this gives calm and unity to our desires. Our alive, and he was creating their lives anew joyful Paschal season. John 6:16-21.

WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 16 FAITH IN CULTURE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 Easter through the eyes of the next generation FAITH IN CULTURE believes Christ's Resurrection is alive when we able to forgive others, show love to our enemies

takes hold of young hearts and minds it remains demic facts are not important. forever, perhaps renewing our spirit in later years, There is a great truth translated in the resurrection of Jesus never loses its power to the folk story about St Patrick redeem our lives. teaching the people about God, The early morning school run is often a chance for Christ and Holy Spirit through By Richard Ryan and I to have a father and son talk and I am nature with the shamrock, whether often surprised by his consideration of what are dif- it can be proved or not is irrelevant. Purden ficult concepts and ideas for a 5-year-old. He previ- The legend tells us something ously brought home some artwork that he had made about how God reveals himself to at school of the three crosses on Golgotha (right). He us, the story strengthens our culture ESENTING the Easter Story in a fresh was particularly gripped by the thieves on either side and gives our children some under- way while appealing to generations and of Christ and their fate—one accepting heaven and standing of this world and the one diverse congregations is a challenge for the other choosing to remain in anger. My wife beyond us. It's the kind of tale that clergy across the globe. There are dif- Louise is often trying to find new ways to present the can change lives for the better as ferent levels of knowledge and aware- Easter Story in her role as a family support worker, GK Chesterton suggests: “Fairy ness to be considered. On the school run recently she recently recalled to me that after a showing of tales do not tell children the drag- my son Ryan began to talk about Jesus carrying The Miracle Maker, one young girl was captivated. ons exist. Children already know theP cross while considering how Christ must have She immediately brought something of her own life that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell felt after an Easter lesson at school. It has been a and struggles to Christ. Once again she was gripped children the dragons can be killed.” privilege to see how the narrative has engaged by the power of the story. There has been much dis- In our own culture Billy Ryan's creativity and imagination. When a story cussion about St Patrick of late. In a sense the aca- McNeill the former Celtic captain often refers to the ‘fairytale aspect of Celtic that shows its head every now and then.’ There Gordius No 240 are powerful stories contained within the history technology and the lives of others. Easter reminds CROSSWORD of the club which continue to galvanise hopes and us what needs resurrected in our lives—it could be dreams in our community even now. As people of a broken family or friend relationship, a God given faith we believe the Easter Story to be a true event. talent that we never pursued or a simple opportu- 1 2345 678 When my son discovered the greatest story ever nity to reach out and make a connection. I heard told it reminded me of hearing the account of one priest suggest over the Easter Weekend that 9 Christ’s journey to the Cross for first time. Christ Christ’s Resurrection becomes truly alive today 10 11 being Crucified summons a sadness about the when we are able, with God’s help, to forgive oth- darkness of humanity—no matter how progres- ers and show love to our enemies. The challenge is sive, liberal and able we are as a society or indi- immense but it says much about the character of vidual we all lack something. Only God is perfect, the God we believe in. 12 131415 First entry out the hat on FRI only God is the true definition of good. Every I Richard Purden is a freelance journalist, the 16 17 APRIL 8 will be the winner Easter Christ's resurrection is a blessing to us all- death, sin and human frailty in all its forms is con- author of We are Celtic Supporters, Faithful 18 19 20 quered. We all fall into the traps of ritual and Through and Through, an SCO feature writer and Send your completed routine. We find our lives being dominated by a married father of two 21 22 crossword entries—along with 2324your full name address and daytime phone number—to 25 CROSSWORD CONTEST SCO 19 SUDOKU 26 27 2829 30 WATERLOO ST GLASGOW G2 6BT 3132 5 8 SIMPLE 33 34 The winner’s name will be printed below. 835 46 5 7 9 3 1 2 846 6 1 2 7 8 4 3 95 35 36 The editor’s decision is final 7 4 2 9 314 8 6 9 5 27 1 6 3 9 2 8 754 ACROSS MARCH 25 912 7 5 4 3 6 8 1 &33a A hint: add seventy vets like this to find a member of SOLUTION 9 1 a Christian sect (7-3,9) 4 8 5 1 6 7 9 3 2 6 Knock senseless (4) 7 396 4 5 2 1 8 10 Castor (5) ACROSS 653 4 11 Below five hundred you'll find one—how rare! (9) 1 Exhilarate 6 Brag 2 5 1 8 7 6 4 9 3 12 You’d have to be nuts to be moved by this! (7) 10 Islam 11 Forbidden 8 9 4 2 3 1 7 65 15 Inn (5) 12 Swooned 15 Tenor 4 1 17 Woodwind instrument (4) 17 Ogle 18 Hits FILL IN THE GRID IN SUCH A WAY 19 Rests 21 Clarify 18 Classical poet with a part in the ‘Mikado’ video (4) 6 8 9 7 AS EVERY ROW AND COLUMN 19 Parts in a play (5) 23 Larch 24 Knot 21 Ten play around as a punishment (7) 25 Agra 26 Eaves AND EVERY 3 BY 3 BOX CONTAINS 23 An amount of bread baked (5) 28 Notepad 3 4219THE NUMBERS 1 TO 9. NO GUESS 24 Tablet (4) 33 Gardening 34 Chile WORK IS REQUIRED AND THERE 25 Skilful, competent (4) 35 Rush 36 Cannelloni 26 Communication via the internet. (1-4) 4 3 IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION. ABOVE 28 This vegetable has chaps in disarray (7) DOWN IS THE MAR 25 SIMPLE SOLUTION 33 See 1 across 1 Epic 2 Holy water font 34 Scripted ‘The Broken Tower’ (5) 3 Limbo 4 Rifle 5 Tarn 35 Condiment (4) 7 Radon 8 Generosity MODERATE 36 Is it a franchise or the craft of card distribution? (10) 9 Jittery 13 Nail 74 8 2 14 Doorman DOWN 16 Challenger 3 5 1 8 9 4 2 7 6 1 Stitches together (4) 20 San Marino 9 3 6 2 8 4 3 7 6 5 91 2 Inept, I vow to change perspective (9) 21 Chasten 27 Verbs 3 Synthetic fabric (5) 29 Organ 30 Excel 7 9 6 2 1 5 3 4 8 4 Abode, residence (5) 31 Visa 32 Levi 5 7 6 85 142 9 7 3 5 Appends (4) 192 3 784 6 5 7 Freshwater fish (5) 8 Provide knitters to the cunning in unnecessary MARCH 18’s crossword 8 1 4 7 9 6 52381 fashion (10) competition winner was: 8 1 7 9 3 2 4 56 9 Take a bow if you compete in this sport! (7) 13 The what-do-you-call-it is encased in enamel (4) D Keane, Greenock 1 6 4 6 3 5 4 8 1 9 2 7 14 Turns around Rosetta (7) 9 4 2 5 6 781 3 16 Twice, fish for a large stringed instrument (6,4) 3 5 20 Primitive garment (9) Scottish Catholic Observer: FILL IN THE GRID IN SUCH A WAY 21 Body of ancient Greek soldiers in close formation (7) AS EVERY ROW AND COLUMN 22 Cab (4) Scotland’s only national 1 6 27 Blacksmith's block (5) Catholic weekly newspaper AND EVERY 3 BY 3 BOX CONTAINS 29 Part of the flower grows from a broken plate (5) printed by Trinity Mirror, Oldham. THE NUMBERS 1 TO 9. NO GUESS 30 More up-to-date (5) Registered at the Post Office 8 4 9 WORK IS REQUIRED AND THERE 31 Cut-price cereal (4) 32 Cry (4) as a newspaper. IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION. ABOVE IS 6 2 7 3 THE MAR 25 MODERATE SOLUTION WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER CHURCH NOTICES 17 CHURCH&PUBLICNOTICES

MEDJUGORJE OUR LADY’S MONTHLY MESSAGE THE WHITE FATHERS LEGION OF MARY GIVEN TO THE VISIONARY MARIJA PAVLOVIC FOR THE (Missionaries of Africa) VILLAGE OF MEDJUGORJE AND THE WORLD ON MARCH 25 2016 THE PARENTS & FRIENDS ACIES “Dear children! TodayI am carryingmylove to you.God permitted me to love you and, out of love, to call you to ASSOCIATION CEREMONY conversion. You, little children, are poor in love and you still have not comprehended that mySon Jesus, out of love, gave His Invite you to attend the life to save you and to give you eternal life. Therefore pray, The LEGION OF MARY invite all little children, prayso that in prayeryou maycomprehend ACTIVE and AUXILLIARY MEMBERS God‘s love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” ANNUAL MASS to the ANNUAL ACIES CEREMONY Craig Lodge Family House of Prayer Dalmally, PA33 1AR. Tel (01838) 200 216 for - venues and times as shown www.craiglodge.org DECEASED MEMBERS DUNDEE GLASGOW AND WHITE FATHERS Friday 8thApril 7pm Sunday 17thApril 3pm Opinions of advertisers are not At St Patrick’s St Patrick’s, 12.00 noon Dundee Dumbarton necessarily those held by on SUNDAY10 TH APRIL 2016 EDINBURGH Sunday 17thApril 3pm In the Community House Saturday 9thApril 3pm St. James’ The Scottish Catholic Observer 9 MILRIG ROAD, RUTHERGLEN St Catherine’sConvent, Crookston Laurieston Gardens Telephone : 0141 647 3800/0141 613 0209 Sunday 17thApril 3pm AYRSHIRE Immaculate Heart of PRAYER MEETINGS ALL VERYWELCOME Sunday 17thApril 3pm Mary St Winning’s, Balornock Diocese of Paisley Archdiocese of Kilwinning Glasgow N St Anthony’s & St Aidan’s N Rhema Prayer EXPERTSERVICES Prayer Group GREENOCK Community St Aidan’s Hall, Sunday 17thApril 3pm St Marys RC Church Tower Road, 89 Abercromby Street, Daly Garage Doors St Patrick’s Johnstone Calton, Glasgow G40 2DQ Family Business With Over 30 years Experience Greenock TUESDAYS 7PM WEDNESDAY 8PM INSTALLATIONS, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE OF ALL GARAGE DOORS

Free estimates & advice 24 Hour THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES - CARFIN To advertise Call Out contact TEL: 01355 261601 SUNDAY 3rd APRIL 2016 Maire Elise Khoo G EORGE P. R EILLY on Painter and Decorator DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 0141 241 6105 30 Years of Experience or email Free Estimates advertising@ 07974379811 sconews.co.uk 01698 822215


THE JERICHO COMMUNITY Do you feelthat (A Private Association of thr Lay Faithful) Confessions from 1pm God is calling A Community of Men (founded 1974) you to the following the Rule of St. Benedict Holy Hour with Benediction 1.30pm-2.30pm Missionary andwitnessing to Priesthood The Compassion of Jesus Then we The Chaplet ofDivine Mercy 3pm can help among the homeless, the drug and you alcohol addicted and others being ‘passed by on the other side’. Followed by Holy Mass Contact: The community directs Jericho Houses in A Plenary Indulgence is granted to all those who pass through the Holy Door of Scotland, England & India the Parish Church, having been to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), Vocation information from: receive Holy Communion and pray for the Intentions of Pope Francis. The Vocations Director Fr. James or Bro. Patrick, Monastery of Jesus SMA FATHERS Harelaw Farm, Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire St Theresaʼs All the Chapels and Shrines in the Grotto are now open. PA10 2PY Tel 01505 614669 Hot and cold food is available for purchase in the Pilgrimage Centre. Clarendon Place, Dunblane Perthshire FK15 9HB Scot. Charity No. SC016909 18 FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 FAMILYANNOUNCEMENTS

DEATHS 90TH BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE MORGAN Please remember in your prayers the souls of McLEAN, Patricia MacKINNON Reverend Father Flavian Peacefully, surrounded by Remembering our dear C.P., died April 6, 1970, her family at home, on father, grandfather and and his nephew, Charlie Wednesday,March 23, 2016, great-grandfather, Donald, Smith, died April 15, 1970. Tricia, beloved wife of who died December 2, 1966, On whose souls, sweet Willie, devoted mother of and whose 90th birthday Jesus, have mercy. Michael, Louise and Julie would have been on Our Lady of Sorrows, and mother-in-law to Claire, pray for them. March 31. St Joseph, pray for them. beloved sister of Mary, Liz, PILKINGTON You are always close COONEY, Thomas Jim and John, sister-in-law St Paul of the Cross, pray Sophie, who fell asleep beside us, 12th Anniversary and dear friend of many. for them. on March 6, 2016, aged In everything we do. CASEY Agnes and family. In loving memory of my Fortified by the Rites of dear husband, Tom, who the Holy Catholic Church. 24 years. A beloved You were our greatest Remembering with love daughter to Roslyn, a treasure, all those cherished and MEMORIAM died April 7, 2004, much R.I.P. loved father of Angela Funeral Mass at St sister to Taylor, a much God’s gift to us was you. treasured memories of BUCHANAN and Pauline, sons-in-law, Aidan’s RC Church, loved granddaughter, Venerable Margaret my darling mum, Helen, In loving memory of our grandchildren and Wishaw, Thursday, March niece and cousin to all the Sinclair, pray for him. whose birthday occurs on dear parents, Archie, died great-grandson Tom. 31, with burial at family. Your loving family Eriskay, April 2. on April 6, 1974, Morag, Uist, Barra and Edinburgh. I know that you are no died June 24, 1998. Also Our Lady of Lourdes, Cambusnethan Cemetery. Fortified by Rites of Special thanks to Dr further away from me our dear sister, Mary pray for him. the Holy Church. R.I.P. Downey, Dr Waterston than God, Mum, and God Clare, died April 17, 1986, and the colorectal and God bless you Sophie. is very near. aged 21 years. R.I.P. COSTELLO Deep in our hearts you oncology nursing teams Roslyn and family would Inserted by loving daughter Of your charity, please like to thank Father will always stay, pray for the repose of the at Wishaw General and Sheila and the family. Loved and remembered Monklands Hospitals. Dornan and Collette from every day. soul of James Costello, St Bernard’s Parish, DUFF Inserted by all the family. who died April 5, 2001, Place Your Intimation Shawhead, the Remembering with love, and also his dear wife, Announcing, undertaker, McLarens, for David, died January 9, Irene, who died Remembering, December 3, 1996. Thanking services rendered, also Births, 2006, and whose birthday Births, Marriages, Our Lady and St Francis Deaths,Anniversaries relatives, friends, Engagements, occurs on April 4. Let us thank God for the Xavier, pray for them. neighbours and all at Marriages, Cadden Dental Practice years he was with us, for Anniversaries and GALLAGHER for their cards and the happiness, joy and Congratulations 18th Anniversary prayers during this sad love that he gave us. To place a Family Announcement Contact These are the things In fond and loving memory Patricia Cairney: 0141 241 6106 time. nothing can take away, of my dear husband, father, they are ours to hold and papa and father-in-law, Daniel Gallagher, who died cherish forever. COLL Kathleen and family. 11th Anniversary of our April 4, 1998. R.I.P. dear friend, Helen, who Sacred Heart of Jesus, MacMILLAN died on April 1, 2005. have mercy on his soul. Treasured memories of You are always close Fold him, O Jesus, in Michael, loving husband, beside us, Thine arms, dad and gen, whose In everything we do, And let him henceforth be, birthday occurs on April 2. You were our greatest A messenger of love treasure, between, A card we cannot send you, God’s gift to us was you. Your hand we cannot touch, God Bless you Helen. Our human hearts and God will bring this message, Inserted by Elizabeth, Thee. To you we loved so much. Jake and family. Inserted by his loving wife SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Our Lady of Lourdes and Also her dear husband Breed, sons, daughters, St Francis, pray for him. John and Steven and Gwen. grandchildren, sons-in-law His loving wife Annie and and daughter-in-law. 12 ISSUES FOR ONLY £12 family. We want you to experience the benefits of having RELIGIOUS MEMORIAM GIBBONS The Sco'sh Catholic Observer delivered to your door every week – and In loving memory of my dear mother, and our dear to show you how good our newspaper is. That is why we are making sister, Sheila, who died you this excep&onal offer, which has gone down a storm with readers April 1, 1986, also her who are keento get anintroduc&onto Scotland’s husband, James, died na&onal Catholic weekly newspaper. February 2, 1998. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for them. 12 ISSUES FOR ONLY £12 COONEY (née Houston) Inserted by the family. Return with cheque to:Scosh Catholic Observer, -Bridget (Bunty) 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT or telephone Remembering with love MacDONALD and pride, our treasured 5th Anniversary 0141 241 6112 to order and pay by card MEAGHER Mum, Mum-in-law and In loving memory of Fr Grandma, Bunty, who In loving memory of our Name: Frank who died on April 4, died on April 4, 2007. brother, brother-in-law Address: 2007. St. Pio, pray for her. and uncle, Donald Alister, Remembering all the Remembering too, Jim who died on April 1, 2011. happy times we shared and John, also gone Fois shiorruidh thoir dha with our friends. before us. A’Thighearna, Eternal rest grant unto Email Address: Fr Frank you are very them, O Lord, Agus solus nach diobair sadly missed. And let perpetual light dearrsadh air. Telephone Number: Our Lady of Lourdes and shine upon them, Always in our thoughts. This offer is only available to new subscribers & can only be used once St Patrick, pray for him. Maytheyrestinpeace,Amen. Allan, Donald John and Margaret. Inserted by the family. families. FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS 19 FAMILYANNOUNCEMENTS

McFADYEN MacLEOD MOONEY ROBERTSON ROBERTSON SIMMONETTE Treasured memories of Treasured memories of a 1st Anniversary Remembering with much In loving memory of our 25th Anniversary of our our beloved mother and darling son and brother, In loving memory of Joe, love, Elizabeth (Docherty). dear and beloved niece. dear mother and grand- grandmother, Mary (née Donald, died April 2, who died April 5, 2015, a 2nd Anniversary of a dear Of all the precious gifts in mother, Mary, who died Gillespie), who died on 1991, aged 21 years. loving husband, dad and daughter, wife, mother, life having you as our April 4, 1991. April 2, 1999, also our father sister, aunt and niece, On whose soul, sweet granda. god-daughter and niece You suffered much in silence, and grandfather, Michael, Jesus, have mercy. who died on April 3, 2014. Your spirit did not bend, who died August 27, 1983 Sadly missed. was the greatest gift of all. May he rest in peace. God called your name softly and all loved ones gone To those who think of him That only you could hear, You will always be in our You bore your cross with before and after. Mum, Calum and Fiona. today, And no one heard the hearts and prayers with dignity, Although you are not A little prayer to Jesus say. footsteps all our love. Until the very end. beside us, MacMILLAN St Joseph, pray for him. Of angels drawing near. St Teresa, pray for her. Inserted by May and Ian, 12th Anniversary You are never far away, Inserted by Mary and It broke our hearts to lose you Auntie Bettie and Uncle Joseph and family. In loving memory of our You are always in our hearts, family. But you did not go alone, Willie. With every passing day. dear brother and uncle, For part of us went with you The day that God called As time goes by without you, Donald John, who died REYNOLDS MURRAY you home. And days turn into years, on April 2, 2004. 8th Anniversary They hold a million 13th Anniversary You’re always close Fois shiorruidh thoir dha In loving memory of Con, memories, Thighearna In loving memory of beside us And many a silent tear. Hugh, a dear dad, In everything we do, who died on April 2, 2008, Agus solus nach dibir much loved husband of Sacred Heart of Jesus, dearrsadh air gu’n robh grandad and great- You were our greatest treasure the late Ellen, a loving have mercy on them. fois ann an sith. grandad, who died on God’s gift to us was you. dad, granda and great- Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady, Star of the Sea, April 2, 2003. pray for them. We will always remember granda of the family. pray for him. Our Lady of Lourdes, From your loving family. the way you looked Forever in our thoughts Inserted by the family. pray for him. Thewayyoutalkedandsmiled, and prayers. Inserted by the family. STARK McGARVEY The little things you said Rest in peace Mum, Dad In loving memory on the and did In loving memory of our and Rosemary. second anniversary of dear parents and NAIRN Thatmadeourlivesworthwhile. Patricia (néeAnnie Brien Each time we look at your St Theresa and St John grandparents, James, In loving memory of our Bosco, pray for them. Kane),who diedApril 1, 2014. died April 3, 1994, Peggy, picture dear brother, Michael, Inserted by all the family. Beautiful memories died September 22, 1997; who died April 1, 1984. You seem to smile and say, treasured forever, Don’t be sad but courage also our dear sister, Sheila Our Lady of Perpetual Of the love and take RUTTER (Carr), died May 15, 1984. Succour, pray for him. happiness we shared On whose souls, sweet And love each other for 11thAnniversary of together. Inserted by your loving Jesus, have mercy. my sake. Catherine-Ann, my dearest Greatly missed by her St Anthony, pray for them. brothers and sister. St Bernadette, pray for her. husband Gerald and all Fromyourlovingmumand wife. Missed by all the family - St John Ogilvie, pray for them. forever in our hearts. the family. Inserted by their loving NUGENT dad. Let perpetual light shine MAIN Rest in everlasting peace. family. Treasured memories of We miss you more and upon her, 31st Anniversary more each day. Inserted by her loving Margaret, dearest May she rest in peace. Precious memories of my Sleep well our angel. husband, James. St Anthony, pray for her. McGORRY dear husband, Jim, died daughter of Paddy and 23rd Anniversary Helen. Also much loved In loving memory of my April 2, 1985. Also sister of John, mother of dear husband, Jimmy, remembering his mum, who died suddenly on Elizabeth, died April 5, Fiona and Claire and April 2, 1993. 2001, his brother, Billy, grandmother, whose 16th May he rest in peace. died July 8, 1975. Also anniversary occurs in Inserted by his loving wife remembering his dad April. and family. Archie, who died on July Loved and remembered 17, 2015. always. Thank you for the years Queen of the Holy we shared, Rosary, pray for her. The love you gave, the Dear St Joseph, pray for way you cared, her. Deep in my heart your memory is kept, Too dearly loved to ever forget. Inserted by your loving wife Elizabeth. McINALLY Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the MAIN soul of our dear father In loving memory of our and grandfather, James mum, dad, brothers, nana, McInally, who died on great-granny and uncles. April 1, 2004. You are always close O’NEILL Our Lady of Fatima, pray beside us, 21st Anniversary for him. In everything we do, Treasured memories of Inserted by the family. You were our greatest our beloved mum and treasure, gran, Marie O’Neill, died MacLEAN 35th Anniversary God’s gift to us was you, April 5, 1995. Please pray for the In our hearts you will We have loved her in life, repose of the soul of my always stay, Let us not forget her in dearly beloved husband, Loved and remembered death. Hugh Francis MacLean, every day. Also remembering our who died suddenly on Our Lady, Star of the Sea, dear dad, John O’Neill, March 28, 1981. pray for her. died December 11, 1984. In the shelter of Thy Immaculate Heart of Sacred Heart, Love and miss you always, Dear Jesus, may he rest. Liz, Billy, Elizabeth, James, Mary, pray for them. Our Lady of the Waves, and all great-grandchildren, Inserted by all the family, pray for him. and Archie, Linda and all Sandwood Road, Inserted by his wife Mary. family in Canada. Glasgow. 20 FUNERAL DIRECTORY SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 FUNERAL DIRECTORY BISHOPS ENGAGEMENTS ARCHBISHOP TARTAGLIA Archbishop of Glasgow, www.rcag.org.uk

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Organist Adv Advertisingertising Phon PhoneeMaireOn Maire On SUN 3 APRIL 11AM Mass for Jubilee Day for Life, 014101 412416105 241 6105 Opinions of Divine Mercy Sunday, St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee. & WED 6 10AM Mass and Visit to Wellburn Home, Dundee. 7PM Lourdes Meeting, Diocesan Office. FRI advertisers are not 8 7PM Legion of Mary Meeting, St Patrick’s Church, Cantor Dundee. SAT 9 11AM Mass for the Sick, St Bernadette’s, Tullibody. Available for weddings With over 100 years of experience offering necessarily those a caring and professional service. and funeral services held by BISHOP KEENAN Glasgow 53 Morrison Street Paisley, www.rcdop.org.uk Listen online at: 0141 429 4433 www.paulcarrollmusic.co.uk The Scottish SUN 3 APRIL 10.30 AM Mass St Josephs, Greenock. Funeral homes throughout Glasgow To locate your nearest funeral home visit: 2PM Cemetary Mass St Convals cemetery. THU 7 www.co-operativefuneralcare.co.uk 1.30PM SCIAF meeting Diocesan offices Paisely. T. 01698 325 493 Catholic Observer SUN 9 10 2PM Hawkhead Cemetery Mass. BISHOP NOLAN MEMORIAMCARDS Galloway, www.gallowaydiocese.org.uk SAT 2 APRIL 11AM St Winin’s, Kilwinning Confirma- tion/First Communion. 6.30PM Our Lady of Perpetual Memorare Memoriam Cards Ltd Succour, Beith Vigil Mass. SUN 3 APR 10AM St Full-Colour Tradi'onal Hand Finished Double Folder, Wallet, Brigid’s, Kilbirnie Mass 11.30AM St Palladiius’, Dalry. Single Cards, Acknowledgement and Bookmark Cards TUE 2PM Editorial Group Meeting Diocesan Office. For free sample pack posted 1st Class SAT 9 APRIL 12NOON Golden Jubilee of Sr Marie Tel 0141 812 4491 * DIRECT LINE MEMORIAMdesigned & printed to your exact CARDS requirements Byrne DC St Margaret’s Cathedral, Ayr. (Everything is produced in Erskine, Scotland, nothing is sent away) You canspeak with Margaret un'l9.00 P.M Every day including all weekend * we can produce order of service for Requiem 50% Off selected cards. We deliver anywhere in the United Kingdom. Masses and also design and print BISHOP MCGEE Free Keyrings; free Full Colour Photo in Silver Plated Frame, free Acknowledgment Cards (T’s & C’s apply) jubliee cards, bookmarks, and Please visit our web site. h(p://www.memorare.co.uk Argyll & the Isles, www.rcdai.org.uk Never beatenonprice, quality or delivery, we come highly recommended.Now inour 15th year. acknowledgement/thank-you cards please call for full details of the personal service we can provide SAT 2 APRIL 5PM Parish visit to St Kieran's, Camp- beltown, Vigil Mass. SUN 3 10AM Parish visit to St Margaret's Lochgilphead. 12.30PM Mass in All Tel 07818 645 863 Saints Inverary. MON 4 6.30PM Parish visit to Dunoon. Mass St Mun’s. BISHOP TOAL Motherwell, www.rcdom.org.uk To Advertise: ADVERTISING TERMS AND CONDITIONS Advertisements submitted must contain complete and accurate VISIT WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK TO KEEP UP information and comply with requirements of all relevant legislation, Contact Maire Élise Khoo the British Code of Advertising Practice, and the Advertising Standards TO DATE WITH ALL THE LATEST NEWS? Authority. The publisher has the right, at its discretion, to refuse, omit, suspend, or change the position of advertisements, or require artwork or copy to Phone: be amended to comply with any moral or legal obligations. The FOLLOW THE SCO ON publisher will not be liable for any loss of revenue to the advertiser 0141 241 6105 incurred as a consequence of non-publication or incorrect reproduction of an advertisement. Advertisements may be cancelled within 14 days of TWITTER: SCO_NEWS an order being received and not less than a minimum of 24 hours before deadline for entry. Email: Any cancellations outside this period will not affect the buyer’s liability FIND AND LIKE THE [email protected] for payment for the advertisement. Payment for advertisements must be received within 30 days. Any order, verbal or written, which is placed for SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER the insertion of an advertisement amounts to an acceptance of these PAGE ON FACEBOOK conditions. FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER CHILDREN’S LITURGY 21

Our weekly series on Children’s Liturgy has lesson plans and activity suggestions for use with young people who are on the path to Christ Each week, Catechists will find readings and Psalm responses, complemented by prayer, reflection, FAITH discussion questions, and activities. Please feel free to use them as you wish The lessons are created by Adorer-theologians using the lens of the spirituality of St Maria de Mattias, which also embraces precious blood spirituality FIRST While this is the starting point for the lessons, readers are invited to approach them however the spirit moves you The Church is concerned with the availability and understanding of scripture for children who have their rightful place in the Church. In light of this SCO aims to provide a useful tool in drawing children closer to KIDS the Catholic Faith crackers and small rolls of bread on the ‘fire.’ my God, forever will I give you thanks. Enjoy this meal as a class. (R) I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. CHILDREN’S Prayer Alleluia Lord Jesus, you have died, you have risen, Luke 24:32. CROSSWORD 125 and you are with us now. As we recognise you (R) Alleluia, alleluia. in the breaking of the bread, may we also come Christ has risen: He who created all things and to know you in the breaking of the word. As we has granted His mercy to men. 1 2 3 4 5 open the Scriptures and ponder their meaning (R) Alleluia, alleluia. for us today, help us to die and rise with you to 6 new life both now and forever. Amen. Gospel Jesus stepped forward, took the bread and gave it to 7 First Reading them, and the same with the fish.. A reading from the We are witnesses of all this, we and the Holy Spirit. A Holy Gospel according to John 21:1-14. 8 reading from the Acts of the Apostles 5:27-32, 40b-41. At that time, Jesus revealed Himself to His When the captain and the court officers had disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. He revealed 9 brought the apostles in and made them stand himself in this way. before the Sanhedrin, the high priest questioned Together were Simon Peter, Thomas called 10 11 12 them: “We gave you strict orders, did we not, to Didymus, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, Third Sunday of Easter stop teaching in that name? Yet you have filled Zebedee’s sons, and two others of his disciples. 13 Jerusalem with your teaching and want to bring Simon Peter said to them: “I am going fishing.” 14 15 16 Reflection this man’s blood upon us.” They said to him: “Wealso will come with you.” But Peter and the apostles said in reply: “We So they went out and got into the boat, but 17 18 THE title of this wonderful story from John's must obey God rather than men. The God of our that night they caught nothing. Gospel might be ‘Surprise Picnic at the Beach.’ ancestors raised Jesus, though you had Him When it was already dawn, Jesus was 19 In a very human way, it shows the great love killed by hanging Him on a tree. God exalted standing on the shore; but the disciples did not Jesus and his friends had for one another. Him at His right hand as leader and Saviour to realise that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them: 20 While the disciples are out fishing, the risen grant Israel repentance and forgiveness of sins. We “Children, have you caught anything to eat?” Christ appears on the shore at Lake Tiberias. are witnesses of these things, as is the Holy Spirit They answered Him: “No.” They are anchored at a distance and do not whom God has given to those who obey Him.” So He said to them: “Cast the net over the ACROSS recognise him. But when they follow his The Sanhedrin ordered the apostles to stop right side of the boat and you will find something.” 1 Royal daughter (7) advice and wind up with a sagging net full of speaking in the name of Jesus, and dismissed So they cast it, and were not able to pull it in 6 How many in a pair? (3) fish, John figures out that the stranger is them. So they left the presence of the Sanhedrin, because of the number of fish. So the disciple 7 Quick swim (3) Jesus. Coming ashore, they enjoy the picnic rejoicing that they had been found worthy to whom Jesus loved said to Peter: “It is the Lord.” 8 There are 60 of these in a minute (7) 9 Big (5) breakfast Jesus has prepared for them. suffer dishonor for the sake of the name. When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, 10 You’ll see them on a tiger or zebra (7) Although our reading stops after the meal The Word of the Lord he tucked in his garment, for he was lightly clad 13 Spaghetti and lasagne are types of this itself, we know from the rest of the Gospel that and jumped into the sea. Italian food (5) Jesus called Peter aside after they ate. He Responsorial Psalm The other disciples came in the boat, for they 15 He and Robin protect Gotham City (6) asked Peter to ‘feed my lambs. Tend my sheep.’ 29:2, 4-6, 11-13 r. 2. were not far from shore, only about a hundred 17 Put it in the tank of a car (6) (R) I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. yards, dragging the net with the fish. When they 19 Number of players on a football team (6) Discussion I will extol you, O Lord, for you drew me clear climbed out on shore, they saw a charcoal fire 20 These creatures can create a nasty smell (6) I Reread the passages in this Gospel in which and did not let my enemies rejoice over me. with fish on it and bread. Jesus tells the apostles to lower their net on the O Lord, you brought me up from the netherworld; Jesus said to them: “Bring some of the fish DOWN other side of the boat. Why do you think the you preserved me from among those going you just caught.” 1 Walk in shallow water (6) 2 Serious; deserving your attention (9) apostles took Jesus’ advice? down into the pit. So Simon Peter went over and dragged the I 3 Nearest (7) Suppose they had had the know-it-all attitude, (R) I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. net ashore full of 153 large fish. Even though 4 Put it under a cup (6) “Well, what does Jesus know about fishing? He Sing praise to the Lord, you His faithful ones there were so many, the net was not torn. 5 Brags (6) was a carpenter, not a fisherman. We’re the and give thanks to his holy name. Jesus said to them: “Come, have breakfast.” 6 You have one when your skin turns professionals here!” Where would this arrogance For His anger lasts but a moment; a lifetime, His And none of the disciples dared to ask Him: “Who brown (3) have gotten them? goodwill. At nightfall, weeping enters in, but are you?” because they realised it was the Lord. 11 We learn them to help with sums (6) I St Benedict told his monks to be sure to ask the with the dawn, rejoicing. Jesus came over and took the bread and gave 12 You use it to rub things out (6) youngest in the monastery for advice, because (R) I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. it to them and in a similar manner, the fish. 14 Gorillas, for example (4) often God reveals His will to the ‘least likely’ Hear, O Lord, and have pity on me; O Lord, be This was now the third time Jesus was revealed 16 An oak is one (4) person. What does this tell you about seeking an my helper. to His disciples after being raised from the dead. 18 Sprinted (3) answer to a problem you might have? You changed my mourning into dancing; O Lord, The Gospel of the Lord I We share a special meal as Jesus’ disciples LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION today. It is the Eucharist. We also recognise that ACROSS Jesus calls us to care for others. How will you 1 Discover 7 Drill 8 Mail 9 Adam and Eve 13 Owls show your love to those who join in the celebration 15 Germany 17 Chair 18 Swan Lake of the Eucharist with you? DOWN Activities 2 India 3 China 4 Valuable 5 False 6 Gate 10 Dollar G In the Gospel reading, the apostles do not 11 Drum 12 Soccer 14 Knock 15 Grew 16 Rain recognise the risen Jesus. Then John says: “It is the Lord!” Explain to the children that Jesus lives in each of us today. To reinforce this idea, The Children’s Liturgy page is gather the children in a circle. Have each child published one week in advance to say one way another child in the class is like Jesus. Continue until all children have a turn. allow RE teachers and those taking G Re-enact the Gospel reading in which Jesus the Children’s Liturgy at weekly prepares and feeds his apostles a breakfast of bread and fish. Make a ‘fire’ using paper towel Masses to use, if they wish, this spools for logs and yellow, orange, and red page as an accompaniment to their tissue paper for the flames. Gather the children around the ‘fire.’ ‘Cook’ haribo fish or goldfish teaching materials

WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 22 CELEBRATING LIFE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 Message of peace flies alongside kites in Glasgow

By Daniel Harkins

GLASGOW Catholics took part in a fun kite- flying afternoon with a serious message and a call for peace. The Voices for Creative Non-Violence held the Fly Kites Not Drones campaign in Bellahouston Park to coincide with the Afghan New Year on March 21. Inspired by the Afghan peace volunteers and working with Afghans in the UK they came up with the campaign as an act of solidarity with Afghans who live under the constant threat of drones in the sky. The US with UK assistance use missiles launched from drones to kill terrorists and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries. Hundreds of civilians—including children—have been killed in the strikes with leaked intelligence which was once banned under the Taliban. For Park (above) to fly kites on a bright and clear day kite-flying events took place in other cities in the documents showing 90 per cent of strikes kill many Afghans, kite flying represents freedom. and hear about those in Afghanistan who do not UK and the rest of Europe, US and in Kabul. unintended targets. Encouraged by the Glasgow Catholic Worker have that luxury. Kite flying is a well-loved Afghan pursuit, group, children and adults came to Bellahouston This year as well as Glasgow and Edinburgh, I [email protected]

Waterway to learn about the environment

By Hugh Dougherty towpath as the first part of a Flag status. Our thanks go to drive which will see them the trust for working with us PUPILS from St Ninian’s enjoy lessons on the history, in this imaginative and very High School eco group have ecology and current relevant way.” been cleaning up the banks development of the canal which, Karen Moore, Scottish of the Forth and Clyde Canal with the Union Canal, connects Waterways Trust chief executive, as part of a project to boost Glasgow with Edinburgh. added: “Through this project, the school’s appreciation of “Our eco group and school the students of St Ninian’s the 225-year-old waterway council met with the Scottish High Scholl will benefit from St Bride’s pupils bring their patron saint to life which passes their school Waterways Trust and developed their local canal environment. in Kirkintilloch. this project,” Derek Lang, St Our canal heritage officer will BEAUTIFUL voices were The cast of more than 100 The Cantata was specially Armed with litter pickers Ninian’s depute headteacher, work with the school to teach complimented by stunning children from the school (above) written by Jim Thomson following supplied by project partners, said. “It will make a pupils about the rich heritage costumes as St Bride’s Primary told how the daughter of an Irish a discussion with the pupils. The the Scottish Waterways Trust tangible difference to our and vibrant culture of the canal School in Bothwell brought the chieftain Dubhthach shunned composer is pictured above with and Scottish Canals, youngsters immediate environment and and illustrate its significance to story of the school’spatron saint her wealthy lifestyle to dedicate the cast from the upper school. (above) have cleaned up the help us on our quest for Green the local area.” to life with an Easter Cantata. her life to the poor and needy. PIC: TOM EADIE


Wearing their best green, parishioners from across Lanarkshire turned out for some great fun and dancing at the St Patrick's Day celebration of the Union of Catholic Mothers Motherwell Diocese. Members from parishes throughout the diocese filled the church hall of Sacred Heart Parish Bellshill, this year’s venue for the fundraising event. The Irish Ceili evening echoed to the music of The Reasons, and the Irish Meal from Rena Gallagher made the night a great success for the Motherwell Diocese Strident Priest Fund PIC: TOM EADIE


St Joseph’s parish in Blantyre welcomed members of the Knights of St Columba to the church there for the celebration of a special Mass. The Mass—concelebrated by Fr Brian Lamb, chaplain of Council 490 KSC, and Fr Andy O’Sullivan, chaplain of Council 246 and Province 16—marked the installation of provincial officers for Province 16, Lanarkshire. The installation of the new provincial officers was led by Supreme Knight Charlie McCluskey, who was joined by Supreme Director Fred Stacey, and after the provincial officers had been installed, Provincial Grand Knight Frank Reid performed the installation of the five councils officers who were also selected to take up their new positions. Mr Reid was also called upon to install four Grand Knights with their Past Grand Knight collarettes. The annual Installation Mass, in addition to performing an important role for the knights in electing and installing their officers, is also an important opportunity for them to socialise together, and after the celebration of Mass the knights and their wives were invited to attend at a celebration tea, Sunshine on Pluscarden pilgrims which was held in Blantyre Columba Club PICS: JIM HOEY

CATHOLICS from Bea- Giles on the theme of uly and Cannich were Christ’s Mercy, and took the welcomed to Pluscarden opportunity to receive the Abbey as they took part Sacrament of Reconcilia- in a special pilgrimage tion, before enjoying a time during the Year of Mercy. of reflection and group dis- Led by Fr Maximilian cussion. Nwosu CCE and Fr James Mass was concelebrated Anyaegbu CCE, the parish- by Fr Maximilian and Fr ioners of St Mary’s, Beauly, Giles for the group, who and Our Lady and St Bean, also attended Sext and Marydale, Cannich made Vespers during their time in their way to the abbey for the abbey. the day, where they were After a successful conclu- greeted by Fr Martin and sion to their one-day pil- Fr Giles. grimage, members of the Entering the abbey thro- two parishes are already ugh the Holy Door, they planning their next pilgrim- enjoyed two talks by Fr age together.


Children from St Michael’s Primary School in Port Glasgow are trying out a new path after a familiar face at the school took up a new role. The primary school pupils are fol- lowing in the footsteps of Bishop Brian McGee, recently elected as Bishop of Argyll and the Isles, who served for many years as chaplain to St Michael’s, and some even got SCIAF Parishioners of St Kessog's Church in Balloch showed their commitment to almsgiving during Lent as the chance to try on his zucchetto they raised vital funds for Mary’s Meals. In total, £1000 was raised for the charity, meaning that the future of the and mitre. daily meals given to thousands of children in Malawi and elsewhere in the developing world can continue. Despite some difficulties from his Following a midday Mass parishioners of St Kessog’s enjoyed a special simple Lenten lunch of soup, bread and young friends in the Paisley Diocese cheese—provided by a group of volunteers in the parish and gathered thanks to the donations of many in the in donning the habits of a bishops in The parish of St Jude and St John Ogilvie in Glasgow began their Palm area—and welcomed Elaine Boyce and Moira McErlean from Mary’s Meals to St Kessog’s for the day. the correct fashion staff at the Sunday celebrations in the glorious sunshine outside the church as the palms They were on hand to accept a cheque for £1000 from Sheila Kane, who made the presentation to them on school are hopeful that there may be were blessed before Mass and the local Catholic community began their behalf of the generous parish community in St Kessog’s another bishop associated with preparation for Easter in earnest St Michael’s before too long E-MAIL CELEBRATING LIFE EVENTS TO DAN McGINTY AT [email protected] 24 ECOLOGY SERIES SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY APRIL 1 2016 Our relationships with ecology and our being DR HARRY SCHNITKER says that we must take time to realise that we are CHURCH AND THE ENVIRONMENT created beings, part of a wider creation and have a duty to be its stewards

HAT is a human person? That may seem a simple question, and in many cultures and for most of mankind’s existence, it was. Yet in parts of the world, including our own, the answer is far from simple. We are getting used to the idea that human beings are what Wthey think they are. This is expressed forcefully by the many who are convinced that there are no real permanent rules. It has been termed a culture of rel- ativism, but I am not so sure about that. If we, for argument’s sake, accept that there are no differences between men and women, we cannot tolerate those who argue the opposite. It brings to mind a sen- tence from a traditionalist Swedish pastor, who wrote that ‘the Church of Sweden has no dogmas, except on women priests.’ True relativism has space for all opinion. This leads us only somewhat away from the key topic of today’s article, namely the human person, and, indeed, all of creation. Let me reiterate the question: What is a human person? What is his/her essence? Is it possible to be what one imagines oneself to be, or are we cast in stone? These may seem ethereal questions, with little relevance to the environment at all, yet the issue is pivotal. Bear with me as I take you on a brief journey to illustrate the crucial difference made by the way we see ourselves. What matters is the starting point. The great Dominican theologian, St Thomas Aquinas, stated quite clearly that there is a fundamental difference in the way that a theologian and a philosopher approach the human person: “The believer and the philosopher consider creatures differently. The philosopher considers what belongs to their proper natures, while the believer considers only what is true of creatures insofar as they are related to God, for example, that they are created by God and are subject to him, and the like.” (Summa contra gentiles, Book II, Chapter 4) Simply put, do we start with man as an individual for his own sake, or do we consider man in the light of his relationship to God? This matters profoundly when we recall what our topic is. Ecology is about relationships, whereas the philosophical view is about the (internal) realities of a person—I freely admit this is a gross oversimplification, yet space enforces simplification for the sake of clarity.

f we start with the theological perspective, we can see the following pattern. Only God is pure Being. He does not depend on anything, He is Iall ‘Essence.’ From Him all flows, through Him all is brought into being, in Him all things come together and with Him all things hold together. It disfavour—he was also wrong. The disfavour lies oving from the God-focused, theological fruits and its goods.’(Discourse on Method, VI, 44). is a familiar phrase, the declamation of the in the fact that by creating the dichotomy view of mankind, we arrive at a more This has caused two different reactions. On the Eucharistic Doxology: Through Him, with Him Christianity-Environment many in the Church see philosophy-based notion of the human one hand, there is the sense of alienation from the and in Him. It follows from this, that all creation any environmental action as anti-Christian; they Mperson. This leans heavily on the pioneering work wider environment and the deep sense of loss that has its essence in common, that all is related to have bought into the White thesis. That thesis was of the French philosopher, René Descartes (1596- this has occasioned, on the other, the perceived everything through God. wrong: Genesis makes it clear that God gave 1650). Famously, Descartes divided the human carte blanche to use anything that we feel profits The implications of this for our understanding of mankind Eden (above), a garden to be used, but, person into two elements, matter and mind. The us, regardless of the impact this makes. The shift in both ourselves, all other creation and, importantly, importantly, a garden. Now a garden is a place that latter mattered: ‘“Je pense donc je suis,”—“I think, attitude first discerned by Descartes has since for the ecological dimension of life cannot be is nurtured, cared for, where man and nature therefore I am.” ‘Being’, in this view, is something gathered speed. The mystery of the creation has overstated. All derives from God. We know this, co-operate in creating beauty. Mankind is in charge that is conditioned by what goes on inside the brain. been reduced to mathematics, nature appears of course; the creation story in Genesis makes this and able to modify, but that does not make Genesis The body and all other matter is reduced to conquered (but is not really) and the environment clear: “Then the Lord God formed man of dust 1:26 a charter for exploitation—on the contrary. mechanics. Again, this sounds complex, but is not. valued only in as far as it benefits us. (This is true from the ground.” (Genesis 2:7). We were formed It is clear, then, that mankind was given a Descartes summed it up as: “I am, then, in the for exploitation, but also for environmentalists, from created materials, which derive their essence stewardship, made complicated by the Fall, when strict sense, only a thing that thinks.” (Meditations who refer to nature through a human lens). from God. Laudato si’ reiterates this (LS, 11). Of nature turned from benevolent to un-cooperative, on First Philosophy, 11, 18) In Laudato si’, Pope Francis tried to place the course, that does not mean that humans were equal and even hostile. The wilderness, most potently From this, it was a small step to claim that the human person back into a relationship with the rest to all creation.Again, Genesis points this out: “Then exemplified by the desert, can be dangerous, but it only reality is the one we can think, and that we of creation, and with the Creator. In some ways, God said, ‘let us make man in our image... and let also has the potential to nurture and create, as, for can think anything into, or out of, existence. So God he takes a few loose remarks in St John Paul II’s them have dominion over the birds of the air, and example, during the Exodus or the 40 days of Jesus can be thought into, and out of, existence. The Theology of the Body, which dealt with the impact over the cattle, and over all the earth” (Gen 1:26). in the desert. It comes as no surprise, if we can human person lives only in the mind, is unconnected of Descartian thought on human self-perception, This is not the place to go into the various accept Genesis as a charter for stewardship, that to anything or anyone. Nature, the environment, is and expanded them into an ecological exposé. It is Genesis versions, but the latter phrase has been mankind has fallen short of expectation: The Fall something outside of us, and we, our minds, are crucial that we learn to realise once more that we interpreted as implying that God gave mankind a made this inevitable. In the end, greed (we can outside the environment. It is an ecological are created beings, part of a wider creation, and with free hand to use the rest of creation as it saw fit. It become rich from what is around us) and pride (we disconnect. The results are that we are allowed to a duty to be that creation’s stewards. This is crucial, was the historian, Lynn White, who first made this can control what is around us) are basic sins. In view nature not as creation, but as a resource. since it was a task given to us by the one who created. claim in a famous 1967 essay, The Roots of Our Laudato si’, the Pope recognised this (LS, 2; 204, “Humans can be lords and masters of nature,” Time then, to rediscover our ecological relationship, Ecological Crisis. Mr White did the Church a great 213, 237). Descartes claimed, and we could ‘use it to enjoy its and our relationship with the source of being. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK