SARA F. HALL, Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago Email:
[email protected] Department of Germanic Studies (MC 189) Ph: (312) 413.2372 (office) 601 South Morgan Street Ph: (773) 330.0614 (cellular) Chicago, IL 60607 Fax: (312) 413.2377 EDUCATION Ph.D. German Literature and Culture, University of California at Berkeley 2000 -- Freie Universität Berlin 1998-1999 (Social Science Research Council Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies) Dissertation: The Subject Under Investigation: Weimar Culture and the Police Dissertation Director: Anton Kaes. Committee in Charge: Bluma Goldstein, Claire Kramsch, Mark Sandberg M.A. German Literature and Culture, University of California at Berkeley 1994 -- German and American Studies, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena 1992-1993 (DAAD/German Academic Exchange Service) B.A. German Studies, Columbia University 1988-1992 Universität Heidelberg January-August 1991 ACADEMIC POSITIONS Associate Professor, Department of Germanic Studies, 2008-present Assistant Professor, Department of Germanic Studies, 2000-2008 Affiliated faculty member, Gender and Women’s Studies, 2006-present Honors College faculty fellow, 2011-present Affiliated faculty member, Art History, 2013-present Areas of academic specialization German Film History; Film Theory and Analysis; Gender Studies; Visual Cultures; Weimar-Era Cultural History; Modernism and Modernity; Late Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century German Literature and Culture ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS Interim Director, School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and