Sociocultural Data Report
Sociocultural Data Report Isle Of Normandy (Miami Beach) Population Area: 1.169 square miles Jurisdiction(s): Cities: Miami Beach Counties:Miami-dade General Population Trends Description 1990 2000 2010 2015(ACS) (ACS) Total Population 9,456 10,345 8,747 9,682 Total Households 4,022 4,205 3,896 4,027 Average Persons 25.59 28.12 34.84 37.40 per Acre Race Average Persons 2.47 2.63 2.25 2.40 per Household Average Persons 3.12 3.28 3.00 3.13 per Family Males 4,561 5,089 4,333 4,869 Females 4,895 5,256 4,414 4,813 Race and Ethnicity Trends Description 1990 2000 2010 2015(ACS) (ACS) White Alone 7,587 8,106 7,419 7,233 (80.23%) (78.36%) (84.82%) (74.71%) Black or African 1,050 713 554 618 American Alone (11.10%) (6.89%) (6.33%) (6.38%) Native Hawaiian 3 0 8 0 and Other Pacific (0.03%) (0.00%) (0.09%) (0.00%) Minority Percentage Population Islander Alone Asian Alone 207 106 122 27 (2.19%) (1.02%) (1.39%) (0.28%) American Indian 15 62 27 247 or Alaska Native (0.16%) (0.60%) (0.31%) (2.55%) Alone Some Other Race 594 810 358 1,180 Alone (6.28%) (7.83%) (4.09%) (12.19%) Claimed 2 or NA 548 258 377 More Races (NA) (5.30%) (2.95%) (3.89%) Hispanic or 4,912 6,916 5,981 6,349 Latino of Any (51.95%) (66.85%) (68.38%) (65.58%) Race Not Hispanic or 4,544 3,429 2,766 3,333 Latino (48.05%) (33.15%) (31.62%) (34.42%) Minority 5,961 7,802 6,584 6,999 (63.04%) (75.42%) (75.27%) (72.29%) Page 1 of 13 Sociocultural Data Report Printed on: 8/07/2017 Age Trends Population by Age Group Description 1990 2000 2010 2015(ACS) (ACS) Under Age 5 7.48% 6.20% 5.94% 5.91%
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