BLACK FRIDAY MADNESS 715 MILLION EUR BLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY SALES BELGIUM Source: World Economic Forum 2 OOH AS A DRIVER FOR THE BLACK FRIDAY MADNESS ENGAGE VIA MOBILE INFLUENCE SHOPPING +17% 83% People who see an OOH campaign are Recall having seen OOH advertising 17% more likely to engage with the brand within the last 30 minutes before on their smartphone shopping, Source: / The last window of influence Outsmart / Ipsos Mori, base 35 campaigns UK 3 BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING PEOPLE SHOP VIA DIFFERENT CHANNELS BUT MOST MONEY IS SPEND ONLINE How much of your Black Friday/Cyber Monday spending will be by…? 45% 26% 24% 5% Laptop/Desktop Store Mobile Other Source: PwC consumer survey 2018 4 BLACK FRIDAY SPENDINGS ONLINE VS OFFLINE GROWTH RATE 2018 VS 2017 ONLINE SHOPPING +48% +27% OFFLINE SHOPPING Source: GFK Point of sales tracking 5 BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING MORE VISITORS GO OUT SHOPPING DURING THE BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND THAN IN A REGULAR WEEKEND 140 127 100 100 Black Friday weekend Regular weekend Friday Saturday Source: What the shop insights based on WIFI sensor data – averge contacts during Black Friday compared to a regular weekend 6 BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING PEOPLE WILL ESPECIALLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF GREAT DEALS ON ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AND CLOTHING What will you spend most on Black Friday/Cyber Monday? Electricals/Technology 59% Adult clothing & accessories 45% Christmas stocking fillers 38% Toys 29% Health & Beauty 26% Homeware 22% Food & Drink 20% Children's clothing & accessories 19% Travel & leisure 13% Source: PwC consumer survey 2018 7 Thank you JCDecaux Belgium Sablon Tower Joseph Stevensstraat 7 Rue Joseph Stevens 1000 Brussels - Belgium
[email protected] 8.