A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week

FubUatlea Every Thursday VOL. XIX—NO. 12 • FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 9; 1957 at 18 Green Street, Woodbrtrtee, S. J PRICE BIGHT CENTS Sweetness Town Assessed on arid Light Ratables, but By CHARLES E. GREGORY

The rnores of the youth of i our times—particularly the Tax on Values practice, as the kids un- grammatically say, of going steady—has stirred a lively Town Committee? School Board Boycott and amusing controversy among some of our folks at Forum to Study Local Revaluation Need Amherst. WOODBRIDGE — Although no members of town Township, who was successful in his suit On True Value either the Town Committee.or the Board of Edu- before the Supreme Court to require assessment cation were present, strong: arid authoritative at full, true value of real estate; and to Stu&rt Qfp The Alumni Council News advocacy of a careful revaluation^ of local real Robson, Tax Assessor in Princeton Township this issue, reprinted the text estate in Woodbridgre Township was voiced at which is the only municipality in New Jersey an open f ornnv last night. which presently assesses at 100 per cent, of value. WOODBRIDGS — An argument of a careful and comprehen- . * * =•? & •A. * S :;: that has been used by Township sive exploration of the sub- The Board, faced with the urgent necessity The forum, attended by approximately 150, officials who have consistently AGREE ON REVALUATION:'These men in the above photo presented their views on tax assess- of borrowing" large sums of, money in order to was arranged by the Colonia Council of Civic been against revaluation and re- ject from Harper's Magazine ments and the need or revaluation, at a meeting in the Barron Avenue School last night sponsored build necessary schools, has been warned by the Clubs and was held in the auditorium of the old assessment of property in -the by Dr. Charles W.' Cole by the Colonia Council of Civic Clubs., From the left, they are William Kingsley, deputy tax direc- Satte Department of Local Government it will high school. tor, Trenton; John Evanko, Colonia, chairman of the council; Paul Switz, Middletown, whose municipality went up into proverb- not be permitted to borrow unless a program of * * * s youthful president of Am- wife instituted a suit in this state for true assessments; Stewart Robson, Princeton Township tax ial thin smoke this week. revaluation is under way,,.The' responsibility for "The politicians cry that assessment at full herst, entitled "American assessor, and Philip M. Peck, Golonia, program chairman. value would cause chaos," said Mr. Switz. "We getting the program under way rests with the Consistently during the past two Youth Goes Monogamous.'' have chaos already." or three years, so-called authori- Town Committee. -.' * ::= :;: His conclusions so startled * & :!; $ ties speaking against revaluation Both he and Mr. Robson urged assessment at declared that if the Township were Francis T. P. Plimpton, dis- Edison Housing Authority Off -Duty Cop-Nabs Both groups, however, failed to take advan- full, value as the only means for establishing revaluated and reassessed, it would tinguished member of our tage of the opportunity to' hear the views on tax equality. They'were joined by Mr. Kingsley Purchases Township Lots Tough Thug Due the subject by William Kingsley, Acting Director in urging that before any change in assessment have to pay more in county taxes Board of Trustees, that he of the State Tax Division; Paul Switz, Middle- (Continued on Page Six) without any appreciable local ad- vantage. addressed the student body EDISON—The 60-unit low-rent WOODBRIDGE—A 20-year-olc with some clearly logical— apartment housing project in the "cop hater" who declared he had A table of aggregates released Potters section of the township Campaign Started broken the arm of a Rahwajy pa- Police to °Help Boy Scouts this week by the county shows the even if impish — observa- became closer to reality last night trolman and who threatened the Subdivision Denial Township has set a net valuation, tions. when Harry "Wright, authority life of an off-duty Woodbridge "of- for itself, at $47,533,16', including vice chairman, .presented a check For. Mental-'Health ficer who stopped him after a hec- Qualify as Top Marksmen Appeal Postponed Second Class Railroad Taxes. The * * * * for $11,500 to the Township. Com- tic chase in which several people County, on the other hand, has mission as payment for 89 town- -' WOODBRIDG$ —Mrs. Cyril WOODBRIDGE — Through the Dr.' Cole resisted any im- were almost hit, found himself in WOODBRIDGE — The date of set the net valuation of the Town- ship-owned lots at the project Hutner and Rev. Dewey F. Fager- cooperation of the' Woodbridge ship for County Tax Apportion- pulse to be facetious in his the workhouse today for a year's a public hearing on, the appeal site. burg, pastor of the Congregational stay. His 16-year-old companion Police Department and members ment at $260,446,917. The country- Church, have been named co- of a Planning Board decision Harper's article, and treated The apartment project is one was sent to the detention home in of the department's pistol team, Drive -Jn' Theatre has already valuated the Township? chairmen of the Mental Health denying approval for a major phase of the overall rehabilitation New Brunswick for action by 3oy Scouts of 29 troops in the at what it deems 100 per cent; true his thesis with perception campaign in Woodbridge. Central District in the Raritan Bay subdivision which would have program being planned by the juvenile authorities. valuation and it already is paying, and candor: He raised and A meeting to organize the cam- area have finally found a, place Curb is Proposed •been known as.Brooktree Manor, the authority in the Potters sec- as it did last year, on that basis' paign" here was held Friday in the Taken into custody by Patrol- to qualify for merit badges in has. been changed by the Town then substantiated' the fear tion. man Lawrence J. Jefferson was So town officials, against revalua- Congregational Church. Present 'marksmanship." WOODBRIDGE — A second or- Committee from May 23 to May tion, are predicting something that that in their monogamy our The site for the apartment proj- were Mrs. Raymond Deming, Ise- James T, Dunn,, 191 Lewis Street, dinance regulating the operation 27 at 7:30 P. M., at the Municipal ; Robert Neary, Fords, chairman has been in effect for two years. ect is bounded by Fox, Lincoln, lin; Mrs. Mortimer Cowen, Col- Rahway. • . . of drive-in theaters was introduc- Building. youngsters had surrendered Georgia arid Cleveland Avenues 3f the Health and Safety Com- Mayor Hugh B. Quigley, who onia; Mrs. Hutner, Mrs. Malcolm Patrolman Jefferson, one of the ed on first reading Tuesday night The application for the sub- their resourcefulness- and and comprises 104 lots. Of this mittee of this group, who travels I has been the only member of the Hirschey and Bernard Dunigan, newer members of the police de- by the Town Committee over the division of approximately 200 total, 89 lots will become the prop- to all the troop meetings in the Committee to state openly that he their sense, for the competi- Woodbridge. partment, reported to his superiors strenuous objections of Bernard erty of the -Housing Authority to- area was approached by Elmer homes was made by Sommer Bro- is kTfavor of revaluation, said to- .The fund campaign, which will as follows :"At 4:45 P. M. Tuesday, tive, for the sake of security. Jensen, scoutmaster of Troop 17, L. Green, counsel for the Walter thers under the corporate names day: "Woodbridge Township hag night. Six lots now in private be conducted during the month of while off duty and traveling on Perth Ainboy, with a request for Reade Theaters, owners of the of Renee Realty Corporation and everything to gain and nothing to This state of affairs is criti- hands are under the authority's May,, is part- of the Middlesex Carieret-Woodbridge Road, a car* option to buy and the remaining assistance in obtaining a site for Woodbridge Drive-in Theater. Esco Realty Corporation for a lose by revaluation. The county County Association for Mental passed me at a high rate of speedi( cal, if Dr. Cole is correct as scouts to try for the "marksman- site located west of Green Street, has estimated our true valuation nine lots of the tract will be ac- Health drive, which-'•in turn is running my car off the road. The Originally, the ordinance great- ship." merit badges. In .the. past, it- Iselin, at.Poor Farm Road. at $260,446,917. If we 'hire a re- I believe-iie jgjaj?.^eJOL-bs, and quired by the authority through sponsored' By" the Watioiial Asso- other car continued on the left ly curtailing the hours of -opera- has been difficult to obtain these Notice of appeal was served on liable form to do the work, we may legal proceedings. ciation for Mental Health. hand side of the road as it went tion of open air movies, was in- gives us concern over the awards becouse the youngsters the Town Committee by the law find our true valuation is, say, Joseph Rosko, the authority's The number of Middlesex Coun- over the Turitpike Bridge and three have been -unable to find a place troduced in September, 1956. At prospects for survival of a other cars were forced off the. road that time, Mr. Green asked for firm Toolan, Haney and Romond, $240,000,000 — and there would be executive director, said after the ty'residents now in mental institu- to qualify for them. This endeavor Perth Amboy. a saving to us." system of life which is so authority has acquired full title tions of the New Jersey Depart- to avert a head-on crash." appeared-to bes doomed. a conference and agreed to take corrective steps to prevent the In its resolution denying the to the -tract, preliminary plans ment of Institutions and Agencies Continuing, Officer Jefferson Effect is Described clearly dependent upon en- Mr. Neary made no promise but noise late at night to which application, the Planning Board and specifications, will be submit- as of June 30. 1956, numbered said that he gave chase and as the Tax Collector Michael J. Trainer terprise, free and unfettered. did say he would attempt to locate neighbors had been complaining. noted that "the already over- ted to the Public Housing Author- 1,066 according to the Association. car he was trying to halt reached. burdened school facilities, necessi- pointed out yesterday that with This is exclusive of those being a site. After contacting William The original Ordinance would ity. When these have been ap- Trinity Lane, children and adults tating double sessions, would be our county "taxes based on the : Wright, scout, executive in the have made it mandatory to close proved, working drawings and treated at the , mental hygiene walking along the road were for-ced, county estimate of $260,446,917 as "The new ways may also area, who offered his assistance, the theater at 11:30 P. M. The even more adversely affected by specifications will be submitted to clinics, by private psychiatrists, on to flee to safety. One man, who' true valuation, the extra amount. the Fords man spoke to_ Police new ordinance, on which a pub- another development of approxi- be related to the search for the PHA'for approval and after waiting, lists, or at the Diagnostic was not identified, was forced to of taxes the Township pays the Chief John Bgan and Deputy Chief lic hearing is scheduled for May mately 200 residential units . . . this has been obtained, bids for Center, Menlo Park. . dive head first to the ground to county is distributed evenly among Security," Dr. Cole wrote. Benjamin Parsons of the local 21, sets the closing hour at 12:30 an addition of approximately 200 construction will be sought. The The Middlesex County Associa- prevent being hit. police department. j residential units in this Township all taxpayers, whether or not they "The boy or girl who has a federal agency is involved because tion for Mental Health has con- A. M. have a $10,000 home or a $50,000 "The car continued onto Rah- They assured Mr. Neary. they would further adversely affect the steady is secure. Each part- the total cost is borne iby the ducted a program of public educa- After the ordinance was intro- home. If revaluation took place the way Avenue and with the help of would lend all possible assistance essential facilities of fire-fighting, PHA. tion on this subject, has compiled duced Tuesday, Mr. Green ac- amount would be based on the ner knows that the other can two other motorists it was finally ji this venture and would further (Continued on Page Six) a directory of special services for cused the Town Committee of value of the property, so that, the be counted on for the coming The authority also announced halted .after it had been driven, cooperate by granting the use of that the township commissioners personality problems for the coun- most of the way on the wrong side "bad faith." He called, the "little man wouldn't be paying the pistol range here> and that an county taxes for the big man," high-school dance or the will be asked to adopt an ordi- ty, showing specifically where help of the street," the officer stated language of the ordinance "very for mental problems is available. officer would be present to help Joint. Installation next football game. In a day'nance which -would vacate the in his report. teach, the boys the proper use of vicious and infl-amatory." In the table of aggregates, it is oublic rights of several "paper" It has also -worked to interest the "In course of^ the introduction Set for Sat,, June 1 noticed that Woodbridge Township when the 'population moves county government in the subject Patrolman Threatened firearms. streets in the department project As he left his car, Patrolman Top Men Assigned of the first ordinance," Mr. Green WOODBRIDGE — Plans were has the highest household deduc- from home to home with and to persuade the Board of went on,,^ "the Walter Reade tions in the County —• $1,64.9,- tract. These streets are indicated Freeholders to act for' a mental Jefferson said, Dun ran toward Officers assigned were Patrol- formulated this week for the com- such freedom and when so on maps but have never been con- hygiene clinic. him in a threatening manner and men Andrew Ludwig- and Arthur Theaters discussed with this com- ing joint Sisterhood-Congregation 815. Perth Amboy has no exemp- many homes are broken by structed. The vacating action is a at the same time I^tie policeman Grosskopf, both crack shots with mittee and with you, Mr: Mayor, Adath Israel installation which tions on household and New legal formality. to clear the way identified himself by showing his ihe Woodbridge Pistol Team. Mr. all complaints and we arrived at will be held Saturday, June 1, Brunswick's deductions amount to divorce or otherwise, this for 'final plans for the project. MOTHERS' CLUB TO MEET badge. Two girls jumped out of Neary rechecked with Mr. Wright a clear understanding as to what at 8:45 P. M. Dancing- and re- only $189,200. kind of security is very pre- The apartment project is a rel- WOODBRIDGE — The next Dunn's car and ran away before and a letter of verification was corrective steps were to be taken. freshments will follow the instal- Total deductions in the Town- atively small portion of the vast meeting of the Woodbridge Mo- they could be stopped. The 16- sent to Chief Egan indicating that In good faith we agreed to do lation. ship amount to $5,524,061>of which certain thuags and not to do cer- cious to young people. Per- rehabilitation program planned thers' Club will be held Monday year-old youth tried to circle Jef- the program -was approved by the Mrs. Irwin Hundert and Eugene $3,874,246 is for veteran's exemp- tain things. , We have acted in haps, too, the general de- by the authority for the Potters at 1:30 P. M. at. the home of ferson from the rear while Dunn Raritan Council. The parents were Hornick are co-chairmen, and tions. The remainder is made up good faith." cline of competition undei section. Later developments will Mrs. Edward Keating, 149 High came toward him shouting threats, then consulted and a written con- have appointed the following of exemptions for churches, see the 'clearing of a wide Potters Street. Mrs. William Harned will declaring, "I'll kill you. None of sent was given the police to release Closing Feared committees: Installation program schools, State property and ceme- be co-hostess. Annual reports will the welfare state has led area, of which the apartment the Rahway cops will mess with them from liability. The first Mr. Green continued by point- chairman, Alfred Rauchman, as- teries. be presented and new officers of to less competitive * socia? tract is only a small unit. In this me because I broke the arm of one group met at the range Saturday. ing out that the drive-in theater sisted by Albert Leon, Harold Edison Township has a total de= the club will be elected. for the cleared ai'ea adjacent to the of them." • • •• • Mr. Neary, in appreciation of represents a substantial invest- Wishna, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Klein; ductions of $2,864,850 and that in- customs. Just as the retail coming year. (Continued on Fage Five) (Continued on Page Six) the cooperation given him and the ment in Woodbridge Township Mrs. Lewis J. Housman, publicity; cludes the Federal property it stores have tried to shelter Boy Scouts in this area, had this with'a "major tax payment;" that Mrs. Albert Leon, refreshments; Raritan Arsenal. Deduction-, THer- 1 pich, Park Avenue, went to New celebrate the 3rd birthday of their 8 3 . M. in the school auditorium. York City, Friday with their son, Craig. Those who attended Shirley Ann Sedor Bride 176 Pupils Enroll The,costumes; and scenery to "be grandmother, Mrs. Cora Nolan, were: His grandparents, Mr. and used in; this production are being Lake Hopatcong. Mrs. MarkowJtz, Passaic'; Mr. and created by the students them- Mrs. B. Markowitz, Brooklyn; Mr. •—Tickets for the fashion show Of Michael /., Sullivan In Y Swim Course selves. r •-.••'. : • ' " • ••"'. and Mrs. Kurzeja and family, WOODBRIDG-E — It's very dif- .""Elections of the following of- to be held at St. Cecelia's Church Newark; Mr. and Mrs. E. Prupis PORT READING — Miss Shir- ter'of the bridegroom, and Ann will be sold at..the door today and WOODBRIDGE—The coopera- ficult to please evgryonei the Town ficers, will-also be held:, first vice and family, Hillside; and Mr. and ley Ann Sedor, daughter of Mr. Britt, South Amboy. .Acting'' as tive "learn-to-swim." campaign, tomorrow. Mrs. J. Prupis and family, Union. and Mrs. John Sedor, 30 Daniel junior bridesmaid was Miss Ruth Committee found out Tuesday. president; second vice president, under the auspices of the YMCA in Recently the Committee was al- and treasurer. All nominations for —Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Reeves, —Congratulations to William Street, became the bride of Mi- Ann Kotlar, Perth Amboy, cousin conjunction with the Woodbridge Harrison Avenue, visited Mr. and chael Joseph Sullivan, son of Mr,, of the bride. located $30,000 in State aid to con- filling 'these?''offices will be made Olszwoski, Bloomfield Avenue, Board of Education, entered its struct a permanent road, on Chain from the.floor. Mrs. Robert Mathews, Woodbridge who was nine years old Monday. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan of Anthony Carucci, Bayonne, was second week of a six-week course, Oaks, Saturday;, also present were 310 Avenue A, Bayonne, Satur- best man while Edward Obriski, O''Hills Road, between Colonia All - parents registering their A family dinner party was given in Monday. and Iselin, even though it had re- children for; the first time in Mr. and Mrs. Bert Murray, Wood- his honor and guests were: Susan day afternoon in St. Stephen's Perth Amboy, cousin of the bride, bridge Oaks. Church, Perth Amboy. Given in and Terrence Boyle," Bayonne, One. hundred and seventy-six guested $60,000. As a result the School 11 are invited to attend Olszwoski, Bloomfield Avenue; students, representing Schools 7 Evelyn and Bill Krasser, Newark, marriage by her father, the bride ushered. Robert Obriski, cousin of Township can complete tout half this meeting which will be the —Congratulations to John and'14. Ifords; School 10, Hope- of the road this year. • last regular. -PTA meeting until Charles Praizner, Harrison Ave-' and Mrs. Nortis, Newark. wore a gown of nylon tulle over the bride, served as junior usher. satin and her fingertip-length lawn; School 12, Sewaren and After a conference with the en- October. Joseph Manzione, presi- nue, who received his first com- . —The Chain-o-Hills Woman's Now on a wedding trip to Flori- Schools 6, 15 and 18, Iselin, all munion at St. Cecelia's Church, Club will hold its monthly meet- veil of French illusion was at- da, the newlyweds will reside at gineer, the committee decided to dent, has arranged to liave a rep- ing, May 14, at the Presbyterian tached to a coronet of seed pearls sixth grade pupils, are enrolled in start at the Colonia end, because resentative of the post office at Sunday. the Daniel Street address upon a 12-lesson course. Church, at 8:30 sharp. A surprise and sequins. She carried an or- their return. The bride wore a li= all the public utilities have. t>een the meeting; to register any new —Lillian Wertz, Washington Instructors are Ted Ressler, installed there. After a State im- residents for. .voting. " Avenue, was given a family din- program is planned. chid and stephanotis on a prayer- lac and white sheath dress with book. white accessories and an orchid youth director at the Y and- a provement, the road cannot" be ner party to celebrate her 17th —Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gero opened for five years. and family, Clinton Street, spent Miss Catherine Trygar, Perth corsage for going away. qualified aquatic director and John Homes Sold Recently birthday. Guests were: Mr. kad Brennan a qualified Red Cross in- Tuesday a delegation from the Mrs. William Thompson and fam- the day at Lakehurst, Sunday. Amboy, was the maid of honor .The bride is a graduate of "Perth MISS ROBERTA W. MURAWSKI and the bridesmaids were Misses structor. Iselin side appeared to request the In Iselin, Colonia ily, Washington Avenue, and Sil- Amboy High School and is em- work be started from its side. . vio Guzzo, Iselin. .. •Dorothy Sullivan, Bayonne, sis- ployed as a secretary at the Fed- In the 12 lessons the students ENGAGED TO LOCAL MAN: • WOODBRIDGE — Two recent will be taken from the rudimen- After Committeeman Peter —Congratulations to Laura erated Metals Division of the Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Muraw- Schmidt explained the reasons for sales of local real estate have been tary beginning of floating and get- : Playter, Park Avenue, who will re- American Smelting and Refining ski, 6 West. Maple Street, Me- starting at Colonia, a spokesman reported •by the, law- office of Company, Newark. The bride- ting acquainted with the water to tuchen, have announced the Frederick M; Adams, 530 Kahway ceive her first communion at St. VFW Post, Unit the complicated maneuvers in deep from the Chain O'Hills" develop- Cecelia's Church on Sunday. groom, a graduate of Bayonne engagement of their daughter, ment, Iselin, wanted to know if Avenue. water and diving. Roberta W., to Ernest Charles —Mr. and Mrs. Herpich, Park High School, is employed in the there is a guarantee the work will ^Mr. and MrsV Carmen P; De- traffic department of The Ameri- This'will toe the third year of the Gere, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- be completed next year. . • . Simone have purchased a five- Avenue, attended a Spring frolic Induct Officers ward Gere, 337 St. James Ave- dance at tisa Irvington House, Irv- can Smelting and Refining Com- learn-to-swim campaign and dur- Mr. Schmidt said he had "every and-one-half room house at 996 nue, Woodbridge. ington, sponsored- by R. C. A. COLONIA — A joint installa- pany, New York. ing the past two years, 96 per cent reason to believe ihe rest of the Rebecca Place, iseliiii from Mr. of the children enrolled learned to Miss Murawsld is a graduate and, Mrs. vjohn Masterson. Mr. Saturday. ' • ' tion of the Post and Auxiliary of- rpad will be completed next year." swim. of Metuehen High School, DeSimone is employed toy the —Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Mo- tff t~*r r\** i??- ;Abe Fox, who said he did. not ficers was held Saturday by the The last lesson will be a dem- Washington School for Secre- Regina Corp., Rahway: Mahon and family, Harrison Ave- live on the Iselin end or the Col- Colonia Memorial .Post 6061, Vet- onstration period to which parents taries, Pierto Diero Accordion onia end, "but smack in the nue, visited Mr. McMahon's par- Mr. arid Mrs. Harry G. Sorrn- erans of Foreign Wars, at the Co- are invited. Awards will be given Conservatory and is public re- middle," said -he was amazed that tag have purchased a six-room, ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. MeMahon, to 'the children who qualify. lations director at Perth Amboy one group wanted to work to "the Belleville, Sunday. Colleen McMa- lonia Civic Club. two-story : dwelling at 52 West- General Hospital. At present detriment to the other group. "I cliff Road, Colonia, from Mr. and hon is spending the week with Mrs. Albert Gundarseii, who was she is attending Rutgers Uni- feel this committee is doing an ex- her grandparents. re-elected for her second term in 9 Mrs. John-A. Golaszewski. Mr* versity as a psychology major. cellent joto," he: said. '.--.•' Sonntag is employed by the A. —Best wishes for a speedy re- office, was installed by Mrs. Mary WHS Class of 42 She is a member of the Ameri- ; Thorne and her staff from the "But what assurances have we?" O. .Smith Corp., Union, and Mrs. covery to Mrs. Daniel Flanzbaum, can Accordionists Association the •spokesman asked. Sonntag is a secretary for the Grand Avenue, who was operated Middlesex County Auxiliary. Oth- and is on the staff of the Rut- ers installed were Mrs. Bernard To Hold Reunion To which Mr. Fox replied, "By United Laquer Co. They have one on Friday. gers University College Eve- having faith. We live in" faith and Krajewski, Mrs. Eek,. Jr., Mrs. child. Mr. Adanrf>was-#ie attorney —Congratulations to Mr. and ning .Collegian Staff. die in despair." for. both sellarand purchaser. : James Posselli, Mrs. Raymond WOODBRIDGE — ,sThe 15-year Mrs. Sidney Goff, Park Avenue, Mr. Gere is a graduate" of ANTHONY J. CACCIOLA Hughes, Mrs. George Thomson, reunion of the Woodbridge High •who celebrated their anniversary Woodbridge High School and Wednesday. Mrs. Jack Zingg, Mrs. Harry School Class of 1942 will be held PROMOTED: The Prudential Morecroft, Mrs., Vernon Travis, June 22, in Cottage Inn, Route 1, has a B. S. degree in account- Insurance Company has an- Mrs. Joseph Giannattasio, Mrs. Edison Township. ing from Rutgers University. nounced the promotion of An- Isaac Burroughs, Mrs. George The affair will be for members He is employed as accountant thony J. Caceiela, Woodbridge, Benson, Mrs. Ruth Curtis, Mrs. of the class only, whether or not for Rosenthal aryl Attinger, Qlsn's Jewelers Has Sifts That Make to the post of staff manager of Mary Curtis, Mrs. Anne Burke, they were graduated, according CPA's and RMA.s, New Bruns- the Woodbridge office. Mr. Cac- Mrs. George Latzko and Mrs. Phil- to Donald Kerr, class president. wick. He served with the 41st your wardrobe eiola joined Prudential in 1953 ip Singalewitch. Reservations may be made with Finance Division, U. S. Army, and has been a leader in the or- any member of the reunion com- In Hieidelberg, Germany, for ganization each year since be- mittee. two years. A summer wedding go to "Waistlf Middlesex County Council Com- is planned. coming a sales service represen- mander, Paul Arway, installed the MISS; CAROL LINDQUIST - Questionaires are being mailed tative. to all members for whom ad- post officers who are: Commander, : Mr. Caceiola recently returned Jack P. Zingg; senioir vice-com- FLANS '58 WEDDING: Mr. dresses are on record. Mrs. Vivian CAKE SALE from a trip to Florida for which mander, Bernard Krajewski; jun- and Mrs. J. Richard Lmdtjuist, Brodniak Ricci and Mrs. Jean - WOODBRIDGE — A cake sale he qualified due to his record ior vice-commander, Ernest Wil- 121 Ridgeley Avenue, Iselin, .Daub White are in charge. sponsored by the welfare and edu- with the company. He is a mem- liams; chaplain, James Black; announce the engagement of Other committee members are: cation department of the Woman's ber of the Knights of Co|umbus quartermaster, John Wohltman,- their daughter, Carol Lee, to name tags, Mrs. Jean Walker Ni- Club of Woodbridge will be held and Woodbrifige AHmni Associa- advocate, Harry Morecroft; sur- Robert C. Salmon, son of Mr. cholas, Mrs. Ethel Kline Hirseh- at noon Saturday. In the lobby of tion. A former athlete, he is in- geon, Isaac Buroughs; adjutant, and Mrs. John Salmon, Balti- land, Miss Irene Colomfaetti; Christensen's Department store. terested in the Little League. He more, Md. Miss Lindquist, a prizes, William Brose, Albert Ac- Mrs. Fred Ascough, chairman, asks MOTHER'S PAY John Stanton. Outgoing com- graduate of Woodbridge High was a former manager and mander John Eck, Jr., was elected quila, and Walter Drews; publici- that club members donating cakes SPECIAL! owner of the Woodbridge Gold- School, Class of 1955, is employ- ty; Peter Reynolds. Mrs. Helen bring them to the lobby at 11 A. as 3c trustee. ed as a secretary by the Howard Simulated pearl 2- en Bears. Commander Zingg expressed the Schmidt Sedlak is secretary. M. All cakes will be homemade. ," was oaes tbe roughest, Savings Institution, Newark. Mrs. Bernard Concannon is assist- strand necklace toughest mas to fit.Bu t flow hope that more of the new eli- Her fiance is attending Rutgers with matching drop KITE FATAL TO BOY gible residents of Colonia would New Atlantic ship line gets Fed- ing Mrs. Ascough with arrange- ii6 "rovinds up" his wardrobe University, where he is a mem- ments. ; earrings. |Erom our large collection of Montrose, Pa. — William Kro- take advantage of membership in ber of Theta Chi Fraternity and eral subsidy. ^V-Line suits . ..•. scientifically psf, 7, and his smaller brother, this new post for both civic and the Scarlet Key Honor Soci- designed to slim stouts—segu- Ronald, were flying their kites in social reasons. Refreshments and ety. A wedding is planned for lar, short or long. Come in to- a field near their home. William dancing followed the installation early next year. •day, and let as slim yo&- suddenly pulled a kite away from ceremonies. in style?. ^ his brother as it neared a high tension power line. However, the SUITS . . . from $55 kite cord contining small wire strands, fell on the line and trans- USE YOUR mitted the current to William, no here! MOTHER'S CONVENIENT electrbcuting him. SPECIAL Mothers Come In AH Sizes ... "HALLMARK1' So Do Our Lovely— ® SHORTY. PAJAMAS ® NIGHTGOWS'- ® .-HOUSECOATS Open Evenings 'Til 10 Because of the recent publicity given @ PETTICOATS to home repair racketeers you are probably wondering how you can be sure you are dealing with a reliable 9 PANTIES -;-..• firm if you are in need of roof repairs, a new" roof, home insulation, combina- • ' . • GIRDLES . . tion windows, siding, exterior painting, eic. - : MOTHER'S DAY Main Street, Woodbridge Insulation and Siding Corporation, 9 BRAS Certified Johns - Manville Contractor, SPECIAL! 905 Main Street, Asbury Park, has over ;'@ SWEATERS 6,000 local satisfied customers (per- Simulated haps two or three who are dissatisfied); Pearl Ne.cklaces It is the only company in Monmouth, • ' BLOUSES Middlesex or Ocean Counties- ever to and Chokers be awarded the Johns-Manville honor roll blown home insulation citation. .; © SKIRTS If you are interested in an estimate from us won't you stop in at 280 Hobart ..'"' ® HOSIERY Street, Perth Amboy, phone Hl-2-6126, By BALLET and HANES or call Herbert F. Butch at HI-2-4095, Fords, N. J. Open Friday Til 9 P. M. . •' . . Use Your Handi-phf*"?* Open Thursday Evening or GleiJ's Cjbtar,g-e ^lap- 'Til 8 — Friday rtk' 9 GLEN'S JEWELERS GENTLEMEN: We'll Be Glad to Help •'MAIN AND CHERRY STREETS, RAHWAY You Select a Gift .. (Opposite Majestic Theatre) Phone FU-8-5178 PERTH AMBOY TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON THURSDAY, MAY 9, 195s? PAGE THEE! Local Women Attend WHS Music Units to Offer Lions Earn $418 Ashury ParkMeetiiig 3 areReadied WOODBRIDGE — • Sisterhood Congregation . Adath Israel , is 'Spring Festival May 17 At Hot Dog Stand AVENEL—Witn construction of sending, a delegation of women to •WOODBRIDGE—The Music De- of twenty-three voices will sing, WOODBRIDGE—A net amount tlJC new libraryuncerway and pro- attend, the first ..birthday con- partment of Woodbridge High "Thank God for a Garden,;' Del ference of the central New Jersey of -418.00 was earned by the ctidlng according to ^schedule, School will present a Spring Music Riego; "I Got Plenty O'Nuttin'," Woodbridge Lions Club during its "branch of-the National Women's ?-stival May 17, 8 P. M. in the from Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess." plans _for the third annual" Ayeriel- League which takes place today and "By the Light of the Silvery one day operation of Stewart's 1 high school auditorium. The pro- Root Beer stand, Amboy Avenue, Iaoj-aj-y Building fund drive 'were in Temple. Beth El, Asbury Park. ersm will include selections by the Moon." The entire chorus will then according to John Aquila, chair- be.ng ireadied, according to Joseph Attending from here ' are Mrs. end their part of the program with man of the club's ways and means David Gutman, Mrs. Sol Klein, students of Band, Choral Music, Cole Porter's "Begin the Beguine"; A. Maflzione, chairman of the fund Orchestra and Swing Band. committee. Use of the stand was raiflisp committee. Mrs. Ernest Lichtman, Mrs. Al- "The Halls of Ivy" by Russell and donated by the owner and club lan Turtletaub, Mrs. Philip Map- The orchestra., under the direc- Knight; and the Glory March member, William Hansen. ;-».fa hoped that this year's . pen, Mrs. Hy Plavin, Mrs. Murray tion of John Schraeder, will open from "" by Verdi., drive to be held June. 3 through Dem, Mrs. Samuel Newiberger, the program with MacDowell's Mr. Aquila stated that 60 mem- June Jo will bs the last," Mr The Band, under the direction Mrs. Jules Meistrich, Mrs. Leo- "Scotch Poem" followed by 'Hun- of Charles. Urbanski, will open with bers, at one time or another during M.tiwfwip stated. Construction of nard , Goldman. <*aripn T)snce 8" Brahms; "Black the day, served as cooks and car thPStfw- library, "Fete Triumphal-March" by Oli- wnich will qoStan Eyes," Horlick-Stone; "Two Gui- vadoti with the Twirlers demon- hops. The money will go towards estimated $15,000 wag commenced Mi's. Goldman is being awarded carrying out the various commun- one of too first prizes far her or- tars." arranged toy Delamater; strating their baton skill. Next will tr.is saving with $9,b00 : in,-- the "William Tell" selection, Rossini: ity activities of -the Club. tmisii-y, which was raised during iginal scripts, excerpts from which be "Malaguena," Lecuona; "Space "Lover Come Back to Me" and Cadets," Dedrick; "Ave Marie," . The annual installation night thp pise two years, it is expected Mil •: ;be presented, by the local dinner and dance will'be held May delegates. .... [ ,.-. "The Riff Song" by Romberg, and Schubert; "Symphonic March," that Volunteer labor will reduce : "Emperor Waltz," by Strauss. 26 at the Forsgate Country Club, *ho total cost of the building Con- Mancini; "Joshua" arranged by Yoder; "Finale—New World Sym- according to William Perna, chair- swutehtly, a successful driye: this The Swing Band, under the di- man of the entertainment com- y.\ir should provide sufficient rection of Chai-Ies Urbanski, will phony" by Dvorak, and "Washing- 1 ton Post March" by Sousa. mittee. Cocktails will be served at funds,to complete the new library play some "tricky" arrangements 6 P. M. and dinner at 7 P. M. y of popular favorites. Tickets may be obtained from y,iUioit any delays. ; SCENE FROM 'DARK VICTORY':' Left to right, Craig: Baker, Jody Demain and Jack Gottdenker. Music will be supplied by Walter Tlie Choral Group, under the the students or may be purchased Kross and his orchestra. The af- ., Mrs* Andrew Galisin, a mem- The latter is well known in Little Theatre groups in this area. direction of Elizabeth Farrington at the door. -ser o fair is under the chairmanship of :the Board of Trustees, is in Musacchia, will offer: "America, Dr.. Edward Novak. eharg i of organizing workers. TMs Others engaged in the produc- Our Heritage," Steele; "Let God Dr. Cyril Hutner reported that sl^ announced, Avenel has Gottdenker to Have Lead tion include the following: Busi- Rule the World," Bratton-O'Hara; in Iftnded into sections and a Youth Week is in progres at ths ness manager, Miss Connie Mar- "Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates," fitoar trustee.has been placed in from Handel's oratorio, "The Mes- local high schools and that mock fharg of each section. Each sec- In 'Dark Victory' May 17 chitto; costumes, Mrs. Margaret siah." Then will follow "Sweetheart elections among the students will tion, he added, has been further Aronsen; lighting and sound ef- be held this week. Th^se students WOODBRIDGE — Jack Gott- starts the romance on its way. of Sigma Chi" sung by the boys elected to the various offices will broke down into streets and that fects, Danny Alber, Harry Kasha and "Trees" sung by the girls, fol- idira iuals who reside upon the denker, 380 Elmwood Avenue, will Mr. Barmes appeared in several be dinner guests of the Club on have the featured male role in the productions of the Rahway The- and 'Lynn Paege; makeup, Gene lowed by the entire chorus sing- May 13. liar street are being contacts Merck Circle Players' forthcoming Gallow; properties, Raymond ] ing -'It's a Grand Night for Sing- canvass : that street. Mrs. atre -Guild before that group production of "Dark Victory." ceased operation a few years ago. Gardner; publicity, John Ed- ing" by Rodgers and Hammerstein. |irges the cooperation of monston and Bob Havrah. A selected boys' and girls' chorus Bowlings to Sail May 29 are requested to serve Performances will be May 17-18 Sylvia Nulman, a newcomer to and 24-25, .beginning at 8:30 the Players, takes her first role For 2 Years in England Cor itruclion of the new library P. M., at the Circle Playhouse, on any stage with her perform- fe under the general supervision of 559 Rahway Avenue. ance as Alden Blaine, friend of 16th Century Rite Planned SEWAREN—Mr. and Mrs. John Arvid jWinquist,' a local builder and Widely known to Little Thea- Judith. Up to now Mrs. Nulman's J. Dowling and children, Peter Hbraiy trustee. He stated a num- tre-goers in this area, Mr. Gott- artistic bent has been directed and Susan, sail May 29 on the feer o| local residents have already denker has previously appeared in toward costume design and in- By Sodaiists Next Sunday Cunard liner "Queen Elizabeth" the'Circle productions, "Through terior decoration. for two years in England. Mr. donated their time and services MISS ^BARBARA E. GARRITY WOODBRIDGE — The crowning Bishop of Trenton. and local tradesmen will be re- the Night" and "Apple of His Catherine Herder, 71 Mildred Dowling, a long-time executive of TO WED IN FALL: Mr. and of the Blessed Virgin's statue, a Other highlights include a ser- the Esso Oil Co., has been as- quested to donate their services Eye." * Lane, Fords, plays Miss Jenny, colorful religious ceremony that Mrs. Andrew W. Garrity, 238 Dr. Steele's housekeeper and for- mon on "The Responsibility of signed as job engineer for the new When f the masonry, plumbing, In "Dark Victory" he plays the dates back centuries, will be con- the Laity in the Crises of the heatiiig and other phases of con- I Dixon Avenue, ESberon, have mer grammar school teacher. Mrs. Irish refinery now under con- part of Dr. Frederick Steele, a ducted Sunday at Waters Stadium, Modern World" by Rev. William J. struction. The Dowlings expect to s'tructjon are reached. announced the engagement of famous brain surgeon, who is Herder was stage manager for the their daughter, Barbara Eliza- Perth Amboy, by 500 members of Capik, S.T.L.. and- hymns sung by live in London, however. brought in to examine a patient Circle production of "Burning the Sodality of -Mary. Included in St. Cecelia's Choir of St. Stephen's beth, to Joseph Charles Vene- Bright", earlier this season, but 1 PVT. JOSEPH M. PATSKANICK Their two oldest sons do not just as he is on the verge of quit- the group will be Sodaiists; from Church, Perth Amboy. expect to be with the family in rus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' ting his Park Avenue practice to until now has not appeared on three Township parishes — St. According to Father Constance, PARATROOPER: Army Pvt. England. David, an Air Force .ser- Kiddies' Matinee Venerus, Clinton Street, Wood- return to his native Vermont as the boards. James' and Our Lady of Mount there are 90,000 Sodaiists through- Joseph M. Patskanick, son of geant who has been stationed in bridge. a country doctor. Carmel, Woodbridge; and Our Craig, Baker, 261 Campbell out the world whose purpose it is Mr. and Mrs. Victor Patskanick, England for two years, gets out Miss Garrity is a graduate of Lady of Peace, Fords. 67 Woodbridge Avenue, Sewaren, Douglass College where she was. Dr. Steele and the wealthy, self- Street, a new member of the Play- "to produce a better world by en- of the service in September and willed patient, Judith Traherne, ers, appears as Michael, the groom Rev. Samuel C. Constance, recently qualified as a para- plans to return to this country elected to Kappa Pi Honorary couraging devotion to 4he Mother trooper at Fort Bragg, N .C, WOODBRIDGE — The PTA of Art Fraternity and Phi Beta fall in , and together they face who seems able to hold his own Fords, director of the Amboy.Dis- of God." and enter college. Jack graduates the. crisis that confronts them with Judith Traherne, as well as after graduating from the 82nd School No. 11 will present a Kappa. She is presently Assist- trict Sodality Union, says this de- Their history can be traced to from Cooper Union in New York when Judith, at 27, is threatened horses. In" this role, Mr. Baker is votion originated in the Franciscan, Airborne Division's Jump School. this June. "Children's Matinee" program at ant Crafts Director at .Fort 1 the 12th century., when Blessed with blindness and death. They appearing on the stage for the church of St. Clare at Naples in Pvt. Patskanick received his the iiarron Avenue School this Monmouth. Mr. Venerus was Peter de Honestis founded the parachutist's wings after com- While they are gone, the Dow- Saturday. There-will be-two per- graduated from Rutgers where win "their "victory over the dark" first time. the 16th century. It was approved lings will rent their Cliff Road in a moving story of courage and Supporting players include and indulgenced by Pope Pius VII. Fraternity of Sons and Daughters pleting the five-week course, formances at 1 and 3-P.M. Ad- he was a member of Theta Chi. of. Mary at Ravenna, Italy. The which included five training home. Mrs. Dowling is the former love. Charles Schicker, who played the The ceremony at the stadium, Jane Kingberry of Woodbridge, mission price is 50 cents and tick- He did graduate work at Wil- movement spread throughout jumps. He entered the Army in ets mky be obtained at the school. Jody Demain plays Judith Tra- feature role of Joe McCall in "The which is open to the public* will, be- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. liams College while an employe Europe, especially during the 16th November, 1956, after being- "Rumpelstiltskm," a fairy tale herne, the role made famous by Tender Jrap" last March; Mary gin at 4:00 P. M. and will consist Kingberry, West Palm Beach, Fla. of Sprague Electric Company, century, under the auspices of the graduated from Woodbridge put o| by the Webb Marionettes. North Adams, Mass., where he Tallulah Bankhead and Bette Ann Filippone, former Arthur j of a procession, the placing of bou- Mr. Dowling has been active in Society of Jesus. In 1947 the So- High School. v^J *%W feature, and Alan Abel was elected to Sigma Xi. He is Davis. Mrs. Demain, who ap- Murray dancing teacher who will quets at the feet of Our Lady's many township civic causes and will psflarm on the drums. "Eum- currently in the II. S. Army peared as Poppy 'katson in the •be on the stage for the first time; statue by the Sodaiists, the crown- dality got its start in the United has just completed a term as pelstittSkin" follows the usual Signal Corps attached to the Circle production of "The Tender Joanne Morrison, 157 Winchester ing by Miss Veronica Tylian, pre- States in school for women con- Doubled It chairman of the Woodbridge Red fairy fgale version- with elaborate Engineering Laboratories at Trap" last March, has acted with Road, Fords, who has appeared in fect of the Sodality Union, the-re- ducted by the Sisters of Charity. Sailor (on leave): "I met my old Cross chapter. interior and exterior scenes, show- Fort Monmouth. The couple is Little Theater groups in Youngs- several productions of the U. S. newal of the act of consecration, Twenty-nine yaers later- member- girl today. Haven't seen her in ing tlje life of the miller's daugh- planning an October wedding. town. Ohio, and Davis. California. Army Special Service Division in j a living. Rosary, and benediction ship was opened to all Catholic ten years." "Mummy, may I go in to swim?" Helen Hester appears as Miss Germany; Stanley Kaplan, a vet- of" "th e Mos--•t Blessed Sacrament i men and women so that today Friends: "Has she kept her girl- "Certainly not, my dear, it's far §jld Jpr the king, and her attempt : Walter P. Reuther was recently Wainwright, Dr. Steele's assistant. eran performer with Little The- celebrated by Monsignor Charles there are more than 50,000 people ish figure?" too deep." re-elected president, of the United Miss Hester, one of the first mem- ater groups, and Rose Anne Cano- G. McCorristin, V.F., delegate of in this country who honor the Vir- Sailor: "Kept it? She's doubled " But Daddy is swimming." to mi ae name of the "little old His Excellency George W. Ahr,'gin Mary in this special way. prevent her :baby's being, Automobile Worker's. It will foe bers of the Merck Circle Players, nico, who appeared in the Circle it." "Yes, dear, but he is insured." ay. his seventh term.. has played in "Here Today," "An- one-actor,• "Man in the Bowler taw gel Street," "My Three Angels," Hat," this season. "The Silver Whistle," "Picnic." Director of "Dark Victory" will and "Apple of His Eye." be Mrs. Ruth Kaplan, who has Flowering Delights Do Your Part—Participate; In . Howard Barmes takes his first directed most of the Circle pro- role with the Players as Dr. Par- ductions recently. Producer is Dr. For MOTHER'S DAY sons, the society, doctor who calls Max Ben; stage manager, Mrs. Woodbridge.. Township in Dr.. Steele to look at his patient, Katy Hartnett, 12 Turner Street, Order Now . . . Continental-Fisl Saece* { Judith Traherne, and thereby Port Reading. POTTED PLANTS For long-lasting- loveliness Crush 2 small cloves .of garlic J - . - inHlsp.ofSterlingSalt.Com-' FRAGRANT BOUQUETS -bine with H tsp. curry powder, 1 or 2 drops Fresh-cut, artistically arranged lemon juice, and 1 tsp. of Worcestershire LOVELY CORSAGES Sauce. lX1hen add pl&iii jnayonxkaiss until . desired amount of sauce is made. i ••• • ... • „ j Yen ad


MAY. 30th., (Memorial Day), Mother doesn't . " ; to JUNE 2i expect a medal... via Luxurious Sight-seeing Bus . .. but she certqinly deserves one. COME AND SEE ALL THE THRILLING SPEC- She's an dllrqround trouble shooter, TACLES at the world's most famous honeymoon guarding her family's health and comfort spot. You will visit all points of interest on the » and protecting their security as well. Canadian and American side of the great Falls, enabling you to watch, .mighty-torrents of water- We salute her ©n Mother's Day .... cascading down this gorge from every direction. and are proud to serve her every day.

No need to postpone neces- Per sary repairs or desired im- m ^^R provements for lack of ready P Person w, • <%P *Jf -*J Person cash. The First Bank ..and (Minimum 2 In a Room) (Single Room) Trust Company offers a Price includes transportation, hotel room for 3 nights, J;- low-cost home improvement and all sight-seeing trips. loan with a repayment plan geared to your income or Coach will leave Central State Travel Bureau, 1743 financial situation. SAN8IN6 HOUSft MemJay-Thurjday ? A.M. - 3 P.M. triday t A.% • # fjff. St. George Avenue, Rahway, at 9 A. M., Thursday, May 30, and return 10 P. M. Sunday, June,2. i Safety for Savings Since 1869 FOR ADDITIONAL "The Bank with All the Services" INFORMATION CALL FU 8-8700 The wmwwm AMB®¥ • I I •msr BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Savings Institution IENTRAL 5TATE (RAM DUREAU PERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSE? ., PERTH AMBOY, N.J. 1743 St. George Avenue, Railway MEMBER FEDERAl DEPOSIT INSURANCE Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation THURSDAY, MAY S, 1957 EBISQN_TOWI^SjnP .AND WKiM. MiS



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10 u. 20 oz. cello bag ceilabag isoz. *ie 46 oz. .'(2 TOMATO 2 cans ^3C can c From Western Farms Fine For Slicing carton bunch Red,.Ripe 3 to 4 Fresl Broccoli Vi gal, gal. Tomuh From Nearby Farms feet. c bet. Extra Large Size each bunch Fresh Ihubnrb A&P , Brand * «• m 8 oz. C jar ieplarly Priced at 49c Del Monte Brand Greenwood's—Home Style 16 oz. *% f This Pratt® Juice • bottles ^# £ Red Cufabnge jars J I € Week For Cooking, Salads ( Cream of Pea, Vegetable - Vegetarian A wonderful dessert . . . luscious tempting tropical pineapple in a pie that's Weis@n Oil »-35c <»-OJC ieini Sciups ' 2 ^ 27 baked to perfection in a golden flaky crust makes this a. family favorite! 1 Jane Parker-Large Size For Friday and Saturday Only! Apple 'Sauce w*™* 2 ^27c Grape Jelly -^ Jars um 7oz. each h Mother's -..Day » 115 Ry-Krisp , ^?24« Wefers Nabisco More-GroceryValues! Candy Treats! pint < Ef,€S A&P's own all purpose oil # bottle' bottle' W1LDMERE SUNNYBROOK \boz.i iei$Gii $ Merri Mints 'Broadcast Chill .Con Came sp|L a met • R ASP Brand — Fresh Frozsn Large, irown antf White Large, White, Leghorn Sf ar-Klst Tpna Fish chanksiy!. t'/i I MIH Miilfi Warwick — chocolate covered i Fresh Grade A, Nearby Farms can 81* ck I Ib. Sfflg 6oz.cans , 12oz. P u fl 46 oz. Ass®rtid-Ch@@sfafes All mZ7'' 6oz. 1 dozen 1 dozen Hawaifan '.Punch I^ l :r lilk or Dark and Mill box®® cans I handi-pack' cans y can 0 3 2 cartons[89c cartons Sophie Mae Psanu! Brittle 'a 2 Byrry's Oxfsrd Oremes . . * II oi. T pkg. Fruit Drops —^ More Frozen Food If slues I More Dairy Values ! Chi¥er^s Orange Marmalade . 16 oz. tin M iar Birds -Eye Mixed Frail * .. Sliced Irtierlean Oheese Pt°^ &• iareaf Cslored Tissue . E*« rolls. 12 oz. for the Week End i v "8oi# 9flc Birds Eye Sliced Peaches * pkgs. Natiral Subs. Slices ^E^iE"* £ West Piste Oeodsrasit . bottle *11 ieguInF Size « . •. jy^'i Birds Eye Strawberries ^ Hid Cheddar Oheese f-^^ *. Angel Soft Faeial Tissue *• of 400 B regular' Camels, Chesterfield, Kool, Lucky Strike, Old Gold. Philip Morri. Stouffers Potatoes au'Gratin Sharp Cheddar Spread W^M. »>•WeodfcuryDe orLSeap B S cakes ' 2 bath t PiltPf TiSl carton of ^ Birds Eye Cora @n

Lifebuoy Soap. ®!@§§;§!ar§h ffwe Soap FaimoSive Soap For toilet and bath Especially for the bstti For toilet and bath Especially far ih» ba+t. re 3 s- 40e THE CHEAT ATLANTIC S PACIFIC TEA COMPANY <£;• | ro,u 49f cakes Prices effective thru Saturday, May 11th in Super Markets and Self-Service stores only. P SUPER MARKET, 113 Main St., Woodbridge A&P Self Service Store Open. Tuesdays Ik. Thursdays Tfl 9 P.M. —.Fridays IS 10 P.. M>. 40 New Brunswick Avenue, FORDS, N, I * EfilSON TOWNSHIB AND FORDS BEACON THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1957 PAGE FtVE 4-H Teenettes Mark Dinner-Dance Ticket OBITUARIES Birthday of Member Deadline Tomorroio Port Reading Personals ISELJN — The birthday of Bar- WOODBRIDGE — -The dead- 3SEPH C. CASALE .Pride of Puritan Council, Car- bara Sisko was celebrated at the MATAWAN — Funeral sei-vices reret Odd Fellows of Carteret; 25- line for, obtaining tickets for the those unused articles taking up monthly birthday meeting of the Charter Night dinner-dance of ere held Saturday morning from, Year 'Club of Poster-Wheeler, 4-H Teen cites held at the home of space in attics and cellars. Just ie Gretoer Funeral Home, 44 chairman of the club for three the Woodbridge Township Busi- By MRS. leave them on the Library porch I Mrs. Joseph Rapacioli, Dow Ave-ness and Professional Woman's reert Street, and a retruiem mass years and secretary and treasurer | nug, -Iselin. MCDONNELL any day this week. Jlebrated at St. Anthony's I of the combined -clubs of Dansville, , Club" is tomorrow night, according A planning committee including JOHN T. Mother — Daughter Breakfast hurch. Port Reading, for Joseph'Pa., New York and Carteret. to an announcement made today The Altar and Rosary Society of Judith Kummler and Mary Dilkes, by Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, dinner 15 Sixth Street Casale, age 57, who died at He is survived by his widow, inA a clean-up committee includ- St. Anthony's Church met Tuesday is home here, Beeehwood Ter- Mary (nee Slowinski)^ two sons, chairman. .»• .. Port Reading | night in the church hall. Plans and ing. Bonnie O'Neil and Muriel The affair will be held Wednes- ICP. May 2. A resident of Port James L., Woodbridge, and Wil- Dickenson, was appointed. j reservations for the. annual Moth- liam H., Rahway; his mother, Mrs. day, May 22, • at the Colonia WO-8-4673 eadmg for 45 years, Mr. Casale Announcement was made that ) er-Daughter ^Communion and ad moved here two years, ago. Anne Eggert Brown, Carteret, Country Club, Superior Court Breakfast were completed. Both Judith Kummler had given a very Judge t?. W. Vogel will be the e was employed as a guard at isuccessful demonstration on '-How events will taks olacs Sunday, le Airtron Corp., Linden, at the MRS. ANN AVASS prin_i.ual speaker and Charles E. May 12. FORDS— M rs. Anna Vass, 77, ; to Hem a Towel" at the Agricul - Gregory, publisher of The Inde- Auxiliary Activities me of -his death% _ The Ladies' Auxiliary of Port Mr. Ct?asale retired from the 328 Crows Mill Road, died Sunday tural College in New Brunswick. pendent-Leader, will be the toast- at Perth Amboy General Hospital. master. Reading Fire Company will spon- BIG FIRE LOSSES foodbridge Police department in sor a cake sale Saturday, from 9:00 352. He was a member • of the Widow of John Vass, she was a AUXILIARY TO MEET Big nres set two records dur- communicant of St. ' Michael'.s Officers to be installed at a A. M. until noon at Victor's Mar- ort Reading Fire Co., the Port WOODBRIDGE — The regular candlelight ceremony are: Miss ing 1956 in this country—in num- Greek Catholic Church. She was kc; arid Louis Martino's Store, bers and in dollar losses, accord- eading Exempt Firement's As- a resident of Fords for the past 50 meeting of the Parents' Auxiliary Ruth Wollc, president; Mrs. Vera ir th on Woodbridge Avenue. Mem- iciation, the New Jersey State of the Woodbridge Little League Ryan, first vice-president; Lenore ing to the National Fire Protec- years. >evs are asked to have their cakestion Association. A reported 430 .B.A., 38, of Woodbridge, which and Pony League will be held to- Carbaugh, second vice president- at the stores before 9:00 o'clock. e served as secretary in 1042. : Funeral services were held Wed- night at 8 in the cafeteria of St. Mrs. Laura Berman, recording "large loss" fires, each causing nesday morning- from: the J. Acting as chairmen are Mrs. Car-destruction of a quarter of a mli- He leaves his wiciew, Lena (nee ; James School. After the business secretary; Mrs. Anne Boros, cor- men D'Alessio, Mrs. Alfred Caval- nthonjp; a son, Frank, Wood-^ Mitruska Funeral Home, Fords, meeting, movies of previous Little responding secretary; Mrs. Beu- lion dollars or more, occured in and at-St. Michael's Church with League activities will be shown. lah Muller, treasurer. lero, and Mrs. Getano Russo.- the United States and Canada in ridge; ''two sisters, Miss Jose- Library Auction Set hme Gasale, Port Reading, and Rev Albert Gajdos as oelebrant of Any .persons having 8-mm. movies 1956 — for a total direct loss of t)_e Mass. Burial was in Our Lady of any Little League activities are We are reminded by the board $33,156,000. The total of 430 big trs. Sabadino Zullo, Rahway; jf Hungary Cemetery. Puzzle nd two'brothers, Albert, Linden- requested to bring them along as nf directors of the Port Readin? fires .exceeds by more than a third a projector will be available. The Pilgrims put a fish in each Public Library that the time of t\e the 1955 high of 316 large-loss ad Carmen, Matawan, Burial VICTOR NOVAK as in;St. James cemetery, Wood- hill of corn, and the only expla- auction, May 25 at 2:00 P. M . is fires. The direct dollar loss of las', FORDS—Victor Novak, 2 Oak- nation of it the modern gardener not too far off and since Bus is year's big fires is greater bj ridge. Pallbearers, all jjjembers land Avenue, diedjsuddenly Satur- The Nation's debt problems are can think of is that they must $50,000,000 than the previous rec- f th$ Woodbridge Police Depart- "Clean Up Week," it presents a ! day at his home'. A resident of becoming more difficult. have been rich. — Boston Globe. very convenient way to dispose of ord loss of $274,374,500 set in 1953. ientr were Hem-y Dunham, Fred Fords for the past 40 years, he was eidner, Frank Szallar. Amt Pet-a communicant of Our Lady of •sen, Martin ThullesorvClosmdo Peace Church. uccaro. Mr. Novak was employed as cus- todian of School 14, Fords, by the /HXIAM BARTHA Board of Education. He was a KEASBEY William Bartha, member of the William J. Warren 1, 23-William Street, died sud- Association.1' Surviving, are his 'Oy .Feed'Company .Your snly,' Tuesday, at his home, widow, Anna Dobo Novak; a urviving are his father, Michael daughter, Miss Anna M. Novak at artha; three sisters, Mrs. Molly home; two sons, Victor, Jr., U. S. MRS. RONALD F. GXITWEIN ertes, Perth Amboy; Mrs. Helen Navy, and Robert J. Novak, at vvwi ski, -Fords; and Mrs. 'Charles home; a sister, Mrs. Mary Mack, ield,|-Old Bridge. Bartha was em-Perth Amboy; 'three brothers, Ioyed at the Raritan Arsenal. Martin, Fords; Joseph, Perth Am- Gutwein -Sch urnacher Rites boy, and Peter, East Brunswick EKS. CATHERINE M. BROWN Township. SEWAREN — Mrs. Katherme Funeral services were held yes- Held Saturday in Amboy I. Brown, widow of Louis H., died terday at the Flynn & Son Funeral Fords —- Carrying a colonial Her gown was of white lace, hursday night at her home, 498 Home, Fords, and in Our Lady of bouquet of white roses, Miss Mar- cocktail-length, with a shoulder- liff I^oad. She was 83 years Peace,, Church. Burial was" in St. garet. Monica Schumacher, daugh- length veil. Miss Renate Ella Schu- Id. Mrs.. Brown was a residentGertrude's Cemetery, Colonia. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schu- macher, Fords, and Miss - Gisela f Sewaren for many years and macher, Lafayette Road, ^became Beimgragen, Somerville, were You'll find everything- you need as a -devoted and active member the bride of R6nald Frank: Gut- bridesmaids, and wore gowns of for lawns arid gardens here — we f St. .John's Episcopal Church, wein, son of Mr .and Mrs. Michael pink with white lace collar and carry a complete line of nationally 'he furjferal will be held from More Time Urged Gutwein, Jr., 158 Liberty Street, carried bouquets of pink roses. advertised products — stop in er home tomorrow morning, and Fords. Rev. Charles W. Krahe of- Edward. Seyler, Jr., Fords, serv- church service will be Held at For Budget Study ficiated at the double-ring cere- ed as best 'man and the ushers t. John's Church at 10:30 A. M. mony which was, held Saturday were Richard T. Barto, Fords, and in St.. Paul's Evangelical Reformed Bloom in July •urial -vfill be in St. John's Cal- Thomas M. Gutwein, brother of and August ary Cemetery, Yonkers, N. Y. WOODBRIDGE — More time ,to Church, Perth Amboy. The bride the groom. study municipal budgets before was given in marriage by . her LEXA&DER UR they are adopted was requested of uncle, Werner Issendorf. The bride wore a beige box-style months ahead WOODBRIDGE — Alexander the Town Committee by the' Coun- suit with white accessories for rr, 6?, a life-long resident of cil of Civic Associations of Col- travelling. The couple- will make SToodlridge, died at his home onia in a resolution submitted their future home at Gates Ave- you-use 'uescjayx 78 Second Street. Mr. Tuesday night. Mother Program nue, New Market. The bride and rr ^^j j by the* Wood- The resolution stated that the groom both graduated from ridge Township road depart- "1957 Municipal budget was only Woodbridge High School, class of Turns Lawns "Green... lent, and was a member and for-available for public inspection a Planned by WSCS 1955. She. is employed by Revlon, ler eider of the Hungarian .maximum of 16 hours prior to Inc, and Mr. Gutwein is an elec- Keeps Lawm Green trician and currently attending :efarmed Church. He was also hearing and adoption." It further COLONIA — A meeting of l memtepr of the Hungarian Fed- stated that the "date of the public W.S.C.S of the New Dover Metho- Union Junior College-for engineer- itfONT \r^lm§ - NiW "CONSTANT-FEED" ration*of America, Washington, hearing coincided with the date of dist Church will be held May 15 in ing. >. C. He leaves his widow, Juli- adoption, negating possibility of the Sunday School Room, in cele- nna, (n^e-Szilagyi); four daugh- recommendations or changes sub- bration of Mother's Day. ii-b, R^Zalia," Elizabeth', Agnes mitted to the public." The "birthday bank'*'*• will be Housing Authority Lawn Food nd M^ry, all of Woodbndge; five The, group asked "that all future open and the money apron pro- (.Continued from Page One) 3ns, .Mexaiiaer, Jr., Greenwood, details of budget appropriations ject continued. Proceeds will go to apartment tract, single family . C; John.. Joseph, David, and be made available to the public 30 the church treasury. Members are residences will be built for sale, to oil lawns-wardens-shrubs One feeding now with >tephen,,all of Woodbridge; and days prior to adoption ... that requested to remember their homeowners. Provision will, also be Wonderlawn Lawn Food guards our graiidchildren. The Funeral these details be available not only "Bluebird" or "Secret'Pah" made for commercial development against weeds, disease and wifb gACCTff MICHfOAN FEftT* with regular peel* drought...assures luxuriant health rill be^aj; the Hungarian Reform- during working hoursr but at least The Married Couples Club will and for suitable industrial devel- opment in that area. for your lawn through weather d CMreh. Burial * two evenings per week . . . that an meet tomorrow at 8 P. M. A film , extremes and seasonal changes. Ilover Leaf . Park Cemetery, announcement to this effect be will be shown and officers elected. •The huge, overall program will S,000 SQ. Ft. she published in The Independent- Married couples of all ages are ultimately return a profit to the 'High Organic, (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potash) Voodbridge. non-burn, safety-balanced formula. Easy to apply Leader , in a separate and con-welcome. Refreshments will be township through the opening of spicuous manner . . . that the dry granular form. So economical —• you need use YAN0VSKY served. the area to construction projects only lib. per 100 Sq. Ft. — because it's all food i—John P. Yanovsky, 461 Town Committee hold an open Mrs/ Herbert Schaefer's 3rd which heretofore had been impos- (contains no light or powdery waste). Road, died Sunday at meeting' two- weeks prior to final sible. 'This will mean, Mr. Rosko Roosevelt Hospital after a long adoption to permit public com- grade in Sunday School holds the banner with five Sundays of per- explained, a large increase in lness. He was a resident of Fords ment and allow time for fair con- township tax ratables which here- 3i- the past 50 years, a communi- sideration and adjustment if war-fect attendance. Mrs. F. Leach, a substitute teacher for the second tofore did nfot exist. The long- .STAR •:*. ant of|Our Lady of Peace Church ranted." range effect of the program, apart nd a member of Jednota. grade class, has joined the teach- In presenting the resolutions, ing staff as a permanent teacher. froin its municipal- betterment He is survived by three daugh- Maurice Luth of the council" de- EXCLUSIVE BflCCTO* PROCESS MAKES THE DIFFERENCE! Volunteers are needed for the aspe'cts from the removal of a ;rs, M^-." Helen Abraham and clared that he understood that the long-standing blighted area:, will Improved BflCCTO® MICHIGAN PEAT is the LIVE Peal that goes to wortj ROSES Irs. Ailia Filarowicz, both of Committee had complied with all Daily Vacation Bj b 1 e -School at once... gives you a 6-monih head start toward better gardening. scheduled to begin June 24. Class- return dividends -to the township The Conard-Pyle Co. 'ords, and Mrs. Rose Taylor, the requirements of the law, but far in excess of the costs involved. •Tests on -rhododendron plants by leading botanic institution. Jhatham; two sons, John P., Jr.,that .the extra consideration was es will be held June 24-27:, July ' "No Finer Anywhere" fopelawa, and James, Fords; nine 1 through 3, and July 8-11. Chil- The authority also received no- being- asked to permit study of the IN READY-TO-PLANT randchildren; a sister, Mrs. Susan budget. dren, .ages four years and up, are tice from the State Civil Service invited to join. Mothers willing to BftCCTO Erehowpik, Perth Amboy, and a Commission that Mr. Rosko has processed the BACCTO way, POTS. The request'-^vas referred to the help and having younger children qualified for tenure in his position, FAN TRELLIS rother, Michael, Riviera Beach, committee as a whole. look for the word increases bacterial action fiS la. to care for will find nursery fa- and that William P. Clarke has WILL BLOOM IN JUNE cilities provided. For. information 6ACCT0 on your soil, frees locked in ni- qualified for tenure in his position trogen and plant food • binds REG. TRELLISES WALTER H. EGGERT Entries Now Arriving call Mrs. Sweet, FU 8-8179, of as relocation director. Mr. Clarke's every bag. A true WOODBRIDGS — Funeral serv- Mrs. Herbert Schaefer, FTJ 8-5934. Sedge peat. Accept sandy soils • breaks Up clay "CLEMATIS" For, Beauty Pageant salary last night was increased by soils. Screened, ready to use. zes for Walter H. Eggert, 56, 195 $400 to. $6,500 per year. The Civil no substitute< Extra large, huge blos- PERGOLAS Jrove Ajvenue, who died of a heart This Peat puts new life into WOODBRIDGE — Entries are Service Commission recommends your soil instantly! Get 6 soming, climbing plant. ttack Sunday at his home, will beginning to come in for the Miss a minimum salary of $6,420 for 100 lb. bag S4.49 Will bloom all summer. ie held-#iis afternoon at 2 o'clock 3 Cubs Receive 50 Ib. bag: 52.4,9 months ahead—get BACCTO BORDER FENCE Middlesex County Pageant, offi- this position. today. Free booklet on lawns Available in red, pink and t the Greiner Funeral Home, 44 cial preliminary Miss America The salary of Mr. Rosko was 25 1b. bag $1.69 freen <' Street. Burial will be in and gardens. Michigan Peat, purple. Contest, to be held June 2 at the ' Highest Awards increased by $500 to $7,000 per Inc., 67 W. 44th Street, New ROLL FENCE Iloverleaf Park Cemetery. "Barron Avenue School. year by the authority, which cited Mr. Bggert was a machinist at - York 36, N. Y. Among the new contestants are , COLONIA — A meeting of Cub the municipal pressure of his he Foster-Wheeler Corp., Car- Miss Marie Rado, Miss Janet work and hours as the local hous- Flower eret. Hter was a member of Theo- Pack 145 was held at Colonia Li- Visit Our Havens and Miss Patricia Brack, brary under the leadership of ing and redeveloprdlent program lore Roosevelt Lodge, F. and A. all of New Brunswick, and Miss moves into its more advanced NEW 1357 and II., Carteret, and was a lodge Cubmaster Warren Reeb. After Patricia Borsuk, 'Metuchen. the opening ceremony Mr. Reeb stages. In both Mr. Rosko's and TULIP nasterin 1930. He was also a Entry Wanks may be obtained Mr. Clarke's cases, the increases aember of the Carteret Crafts- awarded the Honor Den Flag to Vegetable from Carlton Doeler, Box 45, Mrs. William Marquardt's Den 1 are subject to the approval of the "LAWN BOY" nan's .Club Choral Group,' the., South River, before May 12. En- BEDS Voodbridge Craftsman's Club, for having the best parent at- federal Urban Renewal Adminis- trants "must be 'between the ages tendance. tration. . Plants And Order Now tons and Daughters of America, of 18 and 28, single and a gradu- for Fall Bulbs Three Cub Scouts had the honor ' The salary of Mrs. William Apel ate of high school by June of was increased to $3,350 'per year Power m this year. of receiving their Webelos Badges, WHO DO YOU KNOW highest award in Cub Scouting, as clerk - stenographer to bring IH BALTIRBORE? Gerald Taver, Albert Schmidt and this position to the salary level Mowers Flats The naval research laboratory Jerry Felton, who were presented recommended by the Civil Service Give them a phone call. Commission. 3-irdnute station rate from reveals that the planet we live with.their badges by their parents. IN STOCK! on has a tail., It would be hum- A resolution was adopted re- New Brunswick after ^Additional awards were present- ^ For Free Delivery Call HI-2-1350 6 p.m. is only 50$ plus tax. iliating to discover that we are questing the URA to increase the the fleas. — Detroit News. ed -ks follows: Den 1, Thomas original authority application for Flemm, *wolf badge; Den 2, John federal aid toward planning for Orauff, dtenner stripe, Anthony the entire rehabilitation project EVERGREENS 72% OHLORDAHE STERNS iSRA-CELL Simqnelli, assistant denner stripe, from the original $80,000 request- 'SHRUBS Ant and Lawn Grub Killer WITH GIBREL Gerald Tarver. 3rd year'pin; Den ed to a new total of $95,000. Makes Plants Grow Up to 3 3'i Jerry Felton, 1 gold arrow, An- ROSE TREES — Termite Control — Times Bigger ton Auth, 3rd year pin; Den ^5, This action was taken because, James Kenworthy, 1 gold arrow; it is now estimated that the URA Den 6, Charles De Marco, 1 silver will require an additional three arrow, 1 year pin, Robert Romeo, months to process approval for bear badge, 1 year pin, 1.gold ar- the local program. The additional row, 2 silver'aiToiws, Bruce Ham- $15,000 will cover administrative ilton, 1 silver arrow. expenses of the authority during Co, the extended period that the URA Gerald Tarver and Anton Auth wills be processing the local proj- having reached their 11th birth- ect applications in Washington, days graduated from Cub Scouts D. C.' . and received a gift of a- canteen arden Shop OPEN iCVERY EVENING TILL 10 and a Boy Scout Field Book, from POWDERPUFF DERBY Mr. Reeb. Both boys are continu- The All Women's International Established 1919 — George Wajsh, President ing their scouting -work by join- Air Race, better known as thfe FREE DELIVERY STORE HOURS: ing Boy Scout Troop 44. Scout- Powderpuff Derby, will begin on TEL. HI-2-1350 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Daily master Frederick Boyle was pres- June. 7, and will follow a 1,700- 279 New Brunswick Ave., Perth Amboy Close Wed. at 12 Noon ent to welcome the boys to his mile cbiirse from Me Allen, Texas, (Corner of Oak Street) Troop and presented each with to Havana this year." The Cuban the Troop numerals to he sewn on Tourist Commission this year will their Boy Scout shirt. provide, prizes totaling $2,000. PAGE SIS THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1957 'COEDS' Teachers Hosts Drive-In Theatre Subdivision Denia (Continued From Page One) ^Continued from Page one) theater and that "it is a medium police protection, garbage -ie< At May Dinner of entertainment for the people lection, parks and recreatior of the locality." He declared that areas . . . the public health, saj WOODBKBDGE — A capacity- the restrictions placed on the ty, convenience, educational c attedance of 230 turned out Tues- theater by the ordinance will re- velopment, and general weifc day night for the "Hats Off "to sult in its closing down. of the Township would toe bi promoted by some reasonable co Us" annual dinner of the Wood- He further continued by saying bridge Township Federation of 1 trol by tb.e Planning Officials a Teachers, Local 822, held at The "it -is economically impossible for the Governing .Body over the n Jottings'. Pines, Metuchen. us to operate under these restric- at which new homes should Mr. and Mrs. Herman "Chic" tions. This is not regulatory it is Guest speakers were Michael built and it is the consider Stern, South Park Drive, Wood- confiscatory. I do not know what opinion of the Wdodbridge Tow bridge, left Tuesday by plane for Horton, director of public infor- kind of bitter cynicism is in back a visit in California. . . . Mr. and mation, National Broadcasting ship Planning Board, in its exe of pushing this issue. We assure cise of reasonable control, tfc Mrs. J. J. Komives, Woodbridge, Company, and Alois Stadeck, psy- you we want to live as good visited the glamorous theatre res- an application for the new devi chologist. Westfield school system. neighbors in this community. We opment of approximately 200 re taurant, Chez Paree, during a Robert Zanzalari was toastmas- have gone to extremes to be .co- recent visit to Chicago. . . . Gaile dential units should be reject fcsr. Miss Chloe Grand gave the operative. We think we can work at this time." B. Dunfee, daughter of Mrs. Ida- invocation, and Mrs. Andrew o\it all issues. All we ask is you belle G. Dunfee, 282 Green Street, Aaroe sang the national anthem. give us an opportunity again Woodbridge, was recently initi- Thomas Desmond gave the Me- to confer with you. I don't want SMALLEB SURPLUS ated into Ithaca College Chapter to' discuss the legality and con- of Pi Theta Phi, professional moriam talk and Stephen Szlin- The TJ. S. Government may ei sky, president of the Federation, stitutionality of this ordinance. I the current fiscal year on Ju physiotherapy fraternity. . . . I am sure this ordinance is •un- James Vajda, president of the welcomed the guests. 30 with a smaller surplus than t Middlesex County Chapter of the .After a tribute to members pro- constitutional and my clients nor $1,700,000,000 estimated thn SPCA, announces that this week moted to administrative positions this Township want fio be in- months ago by President Eise has been designated as "Be Kind during the year, an entertainment volved in expensive litigation." hower. The principal upsetti' to Animals Week" by the National program was enjoyed. THE-DINNER-COMMITTEE for the twelfth annual dinner of the Woodbridge Township Federation of Teachers is shown above at factor is that defense spending- Society for the 'Prevention of The Pines, where the affair was held Tuesday night. They are (left to right), Steve Szlinski, president; Mrs. John T. McDonnell, substantially ahead of schedu Last year's surplus was $1,62! Cruelty to Animals. . . . Two A United Nations economic re- Miss Frances Pinda, Mrs. "William Casey, Miss Chloe Grande, Rob art Zanzalari, Mrs, Jairces J. Harding, Mrs. Harlan Brady, Miss Boycott Forum Township residents were certified port said the Communist coun- Edna Nolan, Miss Gencvieve Keen, Mrs. Regina Shul+z. Absent from the picture were Mrs. George Matey, Mrs. Claire Brown and (Con tinned from Page One) 533,403. winners at the annual University tries were steadily increasing their " . Mrs. Margaret Fish. practices is undertaken that care- College Day Saturday for Rutgers industrial production, but with ful valuation be made by a repu- PERFUMED BUS FUMES, evening students. They are Au-food supplies lagging. What is to become of the con- table, independent appraisal firm Detroit — A formula to blei guste P. De Casas, 298 Amboy Sweetness and Light trolled experiment, the control- Off-Buiy Cop so as to obtain a.fair basis upon a fragrant deodorant with -exhat Avenue, Woodbridge, a student at ter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. (Continued from Page One) led experiment which forms.the (Continued from Page One) which to' apply assessments, fumes has been devised by tec New Brunswick, and Albert S. Finally, for self protection, Of- nicians of General Motors, and Manning, 36 Homes Park Avenue; :&Y, MAY 9, 1957 PAGE SEV1N FORDS HOPELAWN Final Bingo of Year Circle to Give Scheduled for Tonight Church Society Entertains Little Fellows Social Tomorrow FORDS—The PTA of Our Lady To Open Season of Peace Church will hold the At Mother-Daughter Supper FORDS—Afc Monday's meeting final bingo of the year tonight at HOPELAWN—The Little Fel- 8 o'clock in the cafeteria. FORDS—More than 150 guests thony, and Mrs. Samuel Harris. of the Priscilla Missionary Circle were,present Wednesday''at the Several"men of the congregation lows League of the Hopelawn of Our Reedemer Lutheran. Volunteer painters are needed Mother - Daughter Supper, spon- served as kitchen committee. Youth Organization opens its sea- Church, plans -were completed for for the annex fence. A large turn- sored by the Ladies' Aid Society son Monday when the Yankees the social tomorrow in the parish out is urged for Saturday at 9 of Our Redeemer Lutheran meet the Dodgers at 6 o'clock at hall, -with Miss OBodil Skov, hos- A. M. to complete the job. . • Church. Invocation was. given toy the Hopelawn field. The game pitality chairman", and Mrs. Wal- Ticket returns for Mrs. Eldon R. Stohs, wife of the Surrogate Talks will be between the Giants and. ter Riedel, program chairman. should be made as promptly as pastor. Braves. Thursday, the Yankees This will be a reception for new possible, either at the rectory, or and the Giants will meet. to Richard Williams, LI-9-1440. Mrs. Thomas Stevens gave a At Warren Session adult mexSbexs of the congrega- reading, "Once There Was a Girl," Joseph DeAngelo, supervisor, tionand the 1957 Confirmation and Miss Marylin Nagy told of the has issued a call for fathers, or class. FORDS — Surrogate Elmer E. other men interested in helping origin of Mother's Day. Poems Brown discussed the functions of Mrs. Samuel Harris, president, 6 New Members honoring grandmothers were re- the youngsters, to volunteer as •welcomed guests Mrs. Emily Cal- his office and explained the meth- coaches and to fill other super- cited by Miss Mary Ann Perry and ods of probating wills at Monday's lahan and Miss Helga Jensen. Miss Carol Pry; poems to mothers visory positions. There is a heavy Spiritual study on the life of Join School Unit meeting of the William J. Warren registration this spring and help- were read by Miss Valerie Vild Association at the Fords Tumble Miriam -was led by Mrs. Charles and Miss Elaine Boelhower. . ers are urgently needed. Wadenklee. HOPELAWN—Mrs. John Tim- Inn. The last teenage dance of the A contribution of $25 was voted ko, president, welcomed six new Selections were' sung by the Charles J. McManus and Frank season will be held tomorrow the Lutheran Hour radio pro- members at a meeting of the junior and senior choirs, and Tirrell, Iselin, spoke of Governor night, 7 to 10 P. M. in the Hope- gram. An acknowledgment was Hopelawn Home and School As- community singing, led by Miss Meyner's volunteer committee in lawn school. This is a "Mammoth received from "Eyes for the sociation. They were Mrs. Cecilia Mildred Jordan, Miss Vivian Jor- Woodbridge Township. Other Spring Dance" featuring a door Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. Morry Sil- dan and Mrs. Thomas Walp. The prize of a table radio. The usual Needy." Miss Skov, chairman, program concluded with a record- speakers were Freeholder William announced collection of old eye- ber, Mrs. Ruth Stein, Mrs. Sylvia J. "Warren, second ward township rules will be in effect; the wearing' Stitzer and Mrs. Gregory Tabor. ing by Pastor Stohs, "If Jesus of dungarees prohibited, and no glasses and frames for that or- Came to Your House." committeeman Peter Schmidt, R. ganization is still being carried on. Mrs. Stephen Stankiewicz, chair- Richard Krauss, and Eugene dancer to leave the premises be- GUEST SPEAKER^—Dr. Louis Panigrosso (leftj, chats with Mrs. Steven Panko and Rev. Alfred fore the end of the dance. Re- Mrs. Harris reported on visits man of the garden committee, re- The oldest mother -present was Schreiner, attorney to Woodbridge Smith, president and moderator, respectively, of the Altar-Rosary Society of Our Lady of Peace to children on the Sunday School ported two climbing roses had Mrs. Chris Nelson, who was 82; Township Housing Commission. freshments will be sold by mem- Church, Fords. Dr. Panigrrosso addressed the organization's annual Communion Breakfast held last bers of the Mothers Committee cradle roll. Others serving on the been planted; at the front entrance the youngest, Mrs. Eddie Jacob- Nineteen new members were Sunday in the church auditorium. He stressed the important role mothers must assume in the edu- - project are Mrs. Anders Jensen of the school, two trellises do- sen; the-most recent, Mrs. Axel admitted. Charles J. Alexander, and a donation of thirty cents Thompson. Mrs. Hans- Eriksen, cation of their children. Mrs. John Brzowski was chairlady. The breakfast was prepared and served will be collected to help defray the and Mrs. Martin Jensen. nated by Carmine Pinelli and fer- president, announced "township by the members of the Holy Name Society. The 15th anniversary of the tilizer and bonemeal by Julian with seven daughters, was cited recreation night" meeting will be expenses of the summer sports Circle will be celebrated at a sup- Kulick. as having the largest number of held June 3 at Scandinavian Hall, activities, uniforms, trophies, trips daughters. Mrs. Thomas Stevens, and parties for all children regis- per meeting June 3, at which hus- Mrs. Puline Gagliano, a mem- 524 New Brunswick Avenue. tered in the program. bands will be guests. Mrs. Harry ber of the faculty, announced with eight members, was the Dr. Panigrosso Discusses Hopelawn Cubs Cooper was named general chair- Parents' Night,-May 23, will afford mother with the largest family ATTEND DINNER A reminder is given that a tag man. an opportunity for parents to ex- representation. Four generations FORDS* — Mrs. Steve Balasz, sale will be held the evening of Miss Skov and Mrs. Nicholas amine the work of their children of the family of Mrs. Chris Nelson chairman, announced 34 members Delinquency at Breakfast Receive Charter May 17 and all day May 18 in the Boelhower were named delegate were present. Hopelawn area. Residents are re- and confer with teachers. and guests attended the ninth an- FORDS — Dr. Louis Panigrosso j speaker at the supper to be held quested to co-operate in this proj- and alternate, respectively, to the A hot dog sale will be held May Five great-grandmothers at the niversary dinner of the Mothers' HOPELAWN — Cub Pack 157, annual convention of the Atlantic supper were Mrs. Sidney Burke- spoke on juvenile delinquency at in conjunction with, the June sponsored by Hopelawn Memorial ect that is of such great benefit 16, with Mrs. Alex Zambar, chair- 1 Club of Boy Scout Troop 52 at the annual communion breakfast meeting. , to the children. District of the Lutheran Women's man, and Mrs. Norman Robbins, son, Mrs> James Rennie, Mrs. The Wivel, New York. Mrs. Mary Post 1352, V.F.W., received its Sunday of the Altar and Rosary ' Mrs. R. Knipes was welcomed charter Friday from Commis- Missionary League of the Missomn co-chairman. • Nicholas. Boelhower, Sr., Mrs. Falcone performed a song-and- Society of Our Lady of Peace as a new member. Door prizes Synod, June 12, 13 and 14, at A donation was voted the Cere- Eriksen and Mrs. Nelson. Miss dance act. Mrs. Anthony Colom- Church which was attended by were- won by Mrs. William Leahy sioner of Scouting, Benjamin Dun-Bar Club to Meet Pocono Crest, Pa. Arrangements bral 'Palsy Fund. Mrs. Stankiewicz Donna Nagy, three and one-half betti, newly elected president, was 125 members and guests. and Mrs. Joseph Cosky. Marks, who made the presenta- were made to visit" the Bethlehem reported on the Hopelawn Alli- years old, daughter of Mr. and presented with a corsage by the tion to Henry Cutler, cubmaster. With Mrs. Ann Sabine Orphanage on Staten Island in Mrs. Joseph Nagy, was the young- Officers re-elected at Monday's On the monthly theme, "Swiss ance. club members. meeting were Mrs. Stephen Panko, FORDS—The birthday of Mrs. June. . Mrs. Helen Kronenberg, nomi- est daughter present. Family Robinson," skits were pre- Mother's Day was celebrated at RETURNS HOME president; Mrs. Henry Kress, vice sented by Den 1, under the super- John Buckholtz was celebrated nating chairman, presented a Mrs. Nicholas Boelhower, presi- president; Mrs. John Alena, sec- Special' Service Wednesday at a meeting of the. a social after the meeting, with slate of officers. Mrs. Margaret dent, served as general chairman, FORDS—Robert Soleto, Scotch vision of 'Mrs. Norman Turcotte, Mrs. Jacob Melder offering- a retary, and Mrs. Thomas Vigiano, Dun-Bar Club at the home of Racin-will succeed Mrs. Timko as assisted by Mrs, Joseph Pry, Mrs.Plains, has returned from a week- treasurer. Rev. Alfred D. Smith and Dens 2 and 3, supervised by prayer, and recordings were Stephen Nagy, Mrs. Emil Spring- end visit with his uncle and aunt, For Mother's Day Mrs. Dominick Ruffo and Mrs. Mrs. Peter Di Meglio, 44 Dunbar president; Mrs. Edward Kolb was 1 led the devotionals. Avenue. Mrs. Bucholtz was award- played. Hospitality was in charge elected vice president; Mrs. Wal-er,-Mrs/Craig V-ild, Mrs.- Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Roland Soleto, New Andrew Binder. A display was of Mrs. Francis Miller and Mrs. Martensen, Mrs. Stephen An- Brunswick Avenue. H A social will be held, after No- FORDS — Mother's Day will be prepared by Den 5, assisted by ed a special prize. Plans were dis- ter Lozeski, corresponding secre- vena services, May 13 at the home cussed for an outing at Forest. Melder. tary, and Mrs. John Niedbala, re- observed Sunday at Our Redeemer Mrs. Edward Williams. Mrs. John of Mrs. Joseph Swanick, 27 Lutheran Church with the sermon Malinowski and Mrs. Louis Panek, Lodge. The club will meet May 15 cording secretary. Mrs. Zambor Hornsby Street. at the home of. Mrs. Ann Sabine, will continue as treasurer. Instal- "Ideal, of a Mother." During the with Dens 4 and 6, were in charge Boy Scouts, Explorers Mrs. . Raymond Levandoski late service a special anthem will of refreshments. 168 Mary Street. lation will take place at the June FORDS, HOPELAWN and KEASBEY chairman, announced Rev. Stan- meeting. be rendered by the choir under Honor Mothers at Party ley Levandoski will be guest the direction ?of Eddie Jacobseh. A wolf book was awarded An- The dark-horse prize was won ; thony Lance; silver arrow under St. John's Aid Squad - FORDS — Boy Scouts and Ex- by Mrs. Michael Bobal. Mrs. Gag- CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Rev. Eldon R. Stohs" will attend lion, Stuart Szycher; gold arrow Responds to 58 Calls plorers of Troop 52 honored their liano's second grade won the at- Committee Meets the New Jersey State Pastoral under bear, John Szeman; den- mothers last night at a party in tendance prize. » Conference' at Maywood Monday ner's stripe, Robert Maras; assist- FORDS—Captain John Fischer School 7. In observance of Moth- The birthdays of Mrs. John (Note: For insertions in the calendar, call 9 and Tuesday. Pastor Stohs and ant denner's stripe, one-year pin reports 58 calls answered by St. ers' Day,, each guest was pre- Hladik and Mrs. Niedbala were On ^County Fair lay-delegate Frank Christensen and bear book, Thomas Konar; John's First Aid Squad in April, se"qJiPd withja, jjotj;ed plant. observed at the-social portion of Mrs. William Romig, Jr., 501 Crows Mill Road, will attend the Atlantic District second-year pin, John Balog; lion including 27 fires, 11 transporta- Colored films in Switzerland, the meeting. Valley 6-4562, "before noon on Tuesday of each convention at/ Bronxville,. N. Y., book, James Racin; second-year tion, 10. motor vehicle accidents, Germany and France were shown AVENEL—Plans were furthered eight emergency and two indus- for an all day "County Fair" to be in. June. • ' pin-, Nicholas Binder. by Robert Berls. week. Mrs. Romig is correspondent for Fords, The'second session of the Adult trial. CAKE SALE sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary Membership cards for the year Refreshments were served by FORDS—A cake sale and card Hopelawn and Keasbey.) , of Avenel Fire Company at a com- Information Group meets tonight The ambulances traveled a total Steve Balasz and Ralph Game- at 8 o'clock; the junior choir re- were issued to committee mem- of 471 miles, 1800 pounds of oxy- party will be held tomorrow night, mittee meeting at the home of the bers, den mothers and cubs. 8 o'clock in School 14 auditorium. chairman, Mrs. Peter Greco, 64 hearses at 7, and the senior choir gen were consumed and 120'44 TO REPRESENT AUXILIARY Sponsored by the PTA, it is under George Street. 8. The Priscilla Missionary Tentative plans were made for man-hours were utilized. FORDS — Mrs. Benjamin Sun- the chairmanship of Mrs.. Robert MAY The affair is being planned for Circle will welcome recent addi- a father and lion cub weekend at shine, Mrs. -Elizabeth Di Matteo," Ohlson and Mrs. Joseph Lovasz, 10—Mammoth teenage spring dance, Hopelawn School, 7-10 F. M. June 1, on the,firehouse grounds, tions to the .membership rolls, the Camp.Cowaw in July. RESERVATIONS CLOSED Mrs. Desolina Moretti, and Mrs. and open to the public.' Tickets 10—Card party, PTA School 14. from 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. and in Adult Group and the junior con- FORDS—Mrs. Stanley Jedrzew- Ellen Christensen will represent may be secured from any member, 12—Paper drive, Hopelawn Engine Company. the' event of inclement weather, firmation class at a party tomor- ski and Mrs. Carole Lyons, chair- or at the door. row at 8 P. M. - UNIT TO MEET men, announce reservations closed the Ladies' Auxiliary iPost 163, 13—Social, Altar and Rosary Society, Our Lady of Peace will .be held June 8. Features for FORDS — Mrs. Lillian Burke, for the annual dinner of the Moth- American Legion, at the National Churth, at home of Mrs. Joseph Swanick, 27 Hornsby children will include fishing pond, Teachers' meeting will be held president, announces a meeting of ^Monday, 7:30 P. M.; Walther ers' Auxiliary of the, Fords-Clara • President's Luncheon, May 14, at CLUB TO MEET Street. • ' prizes and musical rides. the Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Barton Little League. Members Atlantic City. The poppy poster FORDS—The Fords Democratic 13—Annual dinner at Coby's Restaurant, Mothers' Auxiliary Chairmen of various booths will League,'Tuesday, 7:30 P. M.\ Memorial Post 6090, V.F.W., in will meet Monday, 7 P. M., at the contest of all-county units will Women's Club will meet Monday of Fords-Clara Barton Little League. be: Mrs. George Kovack, apron Mrs.- Edith Adams and Mrs. the headquarters on New Bruns- Edison. firehouse for transporta-* be judged May 15 at the Post at St. Nicholas Auditorium. Final 13—Meeting Fords Democratic Women's Club, St. Nicholas' and hand-made . articles; Mrs. Linnie Harris a2-e serving on the wick Avenue at 8 P. M. tion to Coby's Restaurant. home. arrangements will be made for a Auditorium. Rubin Greco, handbags; Mrs. An-Altai- Guild for May. Service team theater party in New York, June 5. 13—Meeting Keasbey Democratic Women's Club. drew Galisin, jewelry; Mrs. Jacob 5, Charles Blanchard, .captain, WOULD LIKE MAIL 13—Meeting Ladies' Auxiliary, Fords Memorial Post 6090, VFWJ Essig, plants, toys, comic books will usher at the 8:15 A. M. ser- FORDS — The new address of NEW ADDRESS 13—Meeting Keasbey Outboard Boating Club. and games; Mrs. Frank Wanca, vice; team. 6,- Charles Wadenklee, William Rasmussen is A/1C W. P. FORDS — The new address of 13—Meeting Fords Lions Club. white-elephant table; Mrs. Ever- captain, 10:45 A. M. service." Rasmussen, AF 12338219,. 4082nd Timothy Bur dash is A"3C T. Bur- 14—Meeting of Hopelawn First Aid Squad. ett Johnson, rummage booth of - Fix Up -Paint Field Maint. Sq., Box 55, APO 677, dash, AF 11320633, 4737 Supply 15—Dun-Bar Club meets at home of Mrs. Ann Sabine, 168 new and used articles; Mrs. Elmer New York, N. Y. Sq., Box 111, APO" 862, New York, Dragos, store and homemade Meeting of Chatterbox 1 .Mary Avenue. N. Y . 15—-^County poppy poster contest, American Legion Post home. canned goods; Mrs. John Kluben- Club Listed Tomorrow DEMONSTRATION 16—Hot dog sale, Hopelawn Home and School Association. spies and Mrs. Herman. Steinbach, KEASBEY — The Keasbey Wo- HOSPITAL PATIENT 17 and 18—Tag Days, Hopelawn Youth Organization. refreshment stand; Mrs. Walter FORDS—The Chatterbox Club men's Democratic Club will fea- FORDS — Mrs. Joseph Jogan, 20—Meeting of St. John's First Aid Squad. Meyer and Mrs. John Lockie, met Friday at the home of Mrs. CLEANUP Wl ture a lingerie demonstration at King Georges Road, is a patient 20—Meeting Mothers' Auxiliary, '"Fords -Clara Baa-ton Little musical rides and fishing pond. Floyd Argentierre, 11-2 Crestview Monday's meeting in the firehouse. at the Perth Amboy General All members of the auxiliary will Avenue. Guests are welcome. League. Hospital. 20—Meeting of Hopelawn Engine Company. participate at various booths. The dark-horse prize was won 18tl 22—^May supper, Log Cabin Inn, Route 1, Woman's Club of Donations will be accepted by by Mrs. Albert Hunt, Sr. The club Fords. any of the booth chairmen from will meet tomorrow at the home S7 I ,495 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE., FORDS 22—Meeting, Junior Woman's Club of Fords. auxiliary members or any ohe in- of Mrs. James Desmond, 91 Crest- Kjrahmann & PHONE VA-6-3396 23—Parents Night, Hopelawn "school. terested in the affair, on or before view Avenue. 23—Mothers' Day Supper, Jiggalettes, Keasbey fire house. June 1. Mrs. Greco stated that the 23—Meeting of Cub Pack 154, 7:30 P. M., School 14. public is invited to, attend. ENJOYED VACATION ATTENTION "BRIDES TO BE"... 23—Spaghetti dinner, 5 to 8 P. M., V.F.W. Post Rooms, Hope- FORDS—Mrs. Herbert W. Van See Onr Beautiful Wedding- Invitation Samples IN ALASKA Pelt, 123 Lawrence Street, and lawn. Public invited. FORDS —Roy Petersen is sta- children, Kristin, Lisa and Diane, 23—Meeting, St. John's Episcopal Church School PTA. tioned in Alaska. His address- is: have returned from a week's va- IMPORTED BAVARIAN CHINA 26—Scrap paper drive, Fords Lions Club. A/3C Roy Petersen, AF 11314048, cation visit with Mrs. Van Pelt'J 28—Meeting of Hopelawn First Aid Squad. 5001st Fid. Maint. Sq., Box 1075,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius MOTHER'S Shower- APO 731, Seattle, Wash. JEWELRY Wedding Emery, Astoria, L. I. DAY CARDS LUGGAGE and Birth. AND GIFTS Hummel Figures Accessories Mental Health Fund ' At'.Platt-''Stationery •,* Campaign Proclamation^ WHEREAS, mental illness is no longer hopeless, as evidenced by the increased rates of improvement and recovery in mental hospitals, and , ' ' , , WHEREAS, recovery from mental illness is dependent on early and proper treatment, a.nd * WHEREAS, many mental hospital patients are being denied i low in the chance for recovery because1 mental hospitals lack adequate staff, equipment and medical supplies to provide all their pa- . for an EXTRA tients with early and proper treatment, and i, • WHEREAS, mental disorders can be checked in their early GREINER stages, and ' • , • for a- NEW ROOF WHEREAS, the failure to provide early care, through men- Funeral Home tal health, clinics, guidance services and mentaf health pro- BEAUTIFUL grams in schools and industry, results in severe illness and MOTHER'S DAY CARDS • for .•: AUGUST F. GREINER, Director hospitalization for many, and by WHEREAS, these conditions can be remedied toy concerted " "RUSTCRAFT" /' . Want to.build a new house or remodel, repair, A new Home At The Same Address action of the citizens of our municipality, '•'-.• and $ Completely Remodeled ® THEREFORE, I, Hugh B. Quigley; mayor of Woodbridge "NORCROSS" improve art old one? See us for a low-cost loan. Township, do heresby proclaim the week of May 12 to 18 as We'll arrange a repayment schedule that can be 44 GREEN STREET, WOODBRIDGE Mental Health Week, and furthermore call upon the citizens of our community to help the mentally ill by working together readily budgeted out of current income. Phone: with the Middlesex County Association for Mental Health for Improved care and treatment of mental hospital patients and Woodbridge 8-0264 for the creation of community mental health services for the prevention and early treatment of mental disorders. Done under my hand and seal '.STATIONERY STORE ' HUGH B. QUIGLEY, The Friendly Bank of FordsP New Jersey ^Mayor of Woodbridge Township 100 Main Street, Woodbridge MEMBEH. FEDERAL, RESERVE SYSTEM Attest: B. J. EKMIGAN, Township Clerk Open Evenings 'Til 8 @ Phone WO-8-0398 MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COBP. PAGE EIGnT THURSDAY, MAY'S, 1957 EDISON TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACOH

Charles f Knudsen, and Jack Wig- Lodge to Take Part NEW LIBRARY HOURS trie library. This will take place Cubs Schedule" gins as follows: Bobcat pin, James Harriet Andersen Conyo is Elected Dukes Estates ISELIN—The Iselin Free Public tomorrow at 8 P. M. at the li- Golden; Bear Badge; Gary Smith, In Annual Convention Library held its regular board brary. Mrs. Rudolph Kummler Lion Badge; Arthur Hall, Wolf, and Mrs. John Cwiekalo are in Future Events AVENEL — Plans were com- meeting recently at the library Gold Arrow; Jack Michaels, Lion, To Wed June 15th By Student Council Group to Elect and approved the following new charger-Proceeds will go to .the Gold Arrow; • Arthur Hall and pleted for participation in the an- summer schedule of hours to be library building and book fund. COLONIA — The monthly Pack Richard Hamill, Wolf, Silver Ar- FORDS — A surprise - bridal nual convention of the Pride of WOODBEJDGE—Oerald Gonyo, meeting of Cub Pack 130 was held COLONIA — Officers will be effective through July and Au- row; Bill Sawyer (2), Nils Peter- shower was.given in honor of Miss New Jersey Council, Sons and son of Mr. and Mrs. John -Gonyo, nominated, at tomorrow's meeting gust; Monday 3-5, 7-tJ P. M.; Monday at the V.F.W. Hall, Ise- 1 10 East William Street, Fords, was lin. The attendance award was sen (2), Peter Rastoehy, Bear, Harriet Andersen, daughter of Mr. Daughters of Liberty, at a meeting of the Dukes Estates Community Tuesday 10 A. M.-l P. M.; Thurs- "Doctor," said the pretty nur-se, elected president of the Student Association at: School 17, Inman presented to Den 4 for the best Silver" AITOW; Ronald Sammond, and Mrs. Harry W. Andersen, Laf- held in the Avenei School audi- CouiicU yesterday at Woodbridge day 1-4, 7-9 P. M. Final "plans "everytiime 1 fake the patient's cub and parent representation. Lion, Silver Arrow; 'Richard Ham- ayette Road, at the home of Mrs. torium. High School and automatically be- Avenue, 8:30 P. M. were made for the card party to pulse it gets fa'ster. What shall I ' Skits based on the theme "Swiss ill, Webelos; Paul Dunda and • The convention ends today at Although the nominating com- be sponsored by the Women's do?" Kenneth Hansen, Moffett Street. comes mayor of Youth Week ac- mittee has suggested a slate, any Family ftobinsbn" were presented.. Thomas Kincaid,, D,en n e r s Hotel Jefferson, Atlantic Cityv . Ativities sponsored by the Wood- Club of Iselin and the trustees of "Blindfold him!" *• Stripes; Hugh Hanley, Assistant Mrs. Hansen was hostess. Miss large delegation from the loeal bridge Lions Club. member is free to propose addi- Cubmaster Willard MacArgel Andersen will be married to Jcounci. l is attending, including- Mrs. tional candidates.. Elections will Denners Stripes; Bill Sawyer and In addition to the student coun- anouneed that Cubs and their Vincent Wilding, Perth Amboy, Jacob Herman and Mrs? Adolf be held by secret, ballot at the leaders will participat in theTom • Barcellona, Den Chief's Elster who are- serving- as repre- cil elections, officers- were elected, Juhe meeting.- j Shoulder Coi*d; Court Mac^Argel. June 15. at the'First Presbyterian Iselin Memorial Day Parade; that sentatives. for the Junior and Senior; Classes' Nominees named toy the com- a family picnic will be held in Church, Perth Amboy. A handkerchief shower was held and for Junior Red Crass. All of mittee are: .' President, Robert June and after a summer vaca- The United States indicated in Guests were Mrs. Clara Soren- for Mrs. John Pasterick, state dep- them, will meet some time today Jones, 45 Wendy Road; Donald tion the entire Pack will have the United Nations Disarmament sen, Mrs. Rufus Allen, prs. Henry uty, who was unable to attend, diTe in "political convention" and ap-Nutting,- 21 Joanna Place; P-aul a family get-together at Roose- subcommittee in London that it Bang, Mrs. Carl Hansen' Mrs. to an injured ankle. point members to. serve on theYeisley, 17, Wendy Road-; vice SO . . . select her gift from velt Park. would be willing- to reduce non- Raymond Hansen, Mrs. Mary Lar- The anniversary of Mrs. Theo- Town Committee and Board of president, Kenneth Risinger, 21 Awards were presented by nuclear arms by 25 per cent in twoson, Mrs. Carl Larson, Mrs. Nor-dore Johnson and the birthday of Education during- .Youth Week. Autumn . Court; Mrs. Robert our fabulous stock -of name man Hansen, Mrs. Walter Ander- Spencer Green, were celebrated Other officers of the Student chairman of the pack committee, stages if others would do so. during the social hour. Wolfe, 25 Linda Avenue; trea- brand fashions. She'll love sen, Mrs. William -Smith, Mrs. Al- Council-are-. Vice president, Mat- surer, David Jones, 22 Wendy bert Orosz, Mrs. Harry Andersen, Mrs. Herman was the winner of thew. Prateroli; secretary, Blenda you for it! all of Fords; Mrs. Melville Wild- the dark horse prize, and hospitali- Road; Edwin McAdam, 40 Wendy ty was under the direction of Mr.Wilson; treasurer, Eunice Robak. Road; recording secretary, Mrs. ing, Mrs. Sadie Connors, Mrs. Ar- Senior Class officers "are Ralph thur Freyer, Perth Amboy; Mrs. Green and his committee. David Hasse, 19 Linda Avenue; KUmmler, president; Roland Sam- Mrs. Raymond Tschupp, 78 Pa- LINGERIE August Grosi, Mrs. Ben Jensen, son, vice president; Phyllis Mrs. Leland Peterson, Metuchen; They Were tricia Avenue; corresponding sec- Slips Panties Mrs. Neil Corcoran, Edison; Mrs.. Wheeler, secretary; Virginia Sy- retary, Mrs. Malcolm Greenidge, Teacher — "Robert who were sock, treasurer; Junior Class of- 1 Phoebe Court, and Mrs. Robert Emma Smith, Iselin; Mrs. Ru-the Pharisees." ficers, Barton Brodkin, president; Gowns Pajamas dolph Andersen, Mrs. Charles An- McArthur, 371 Dukes Road. by dersen, Hopelawri; Mrs. William Kobby — "The Pharisees were Richard Tyrrell, vice ' president; Kjersgaard, Morgan. people who fasted in public and Marianne Bloom, secretary; Wil- Luxite # Seamprufe in secret devoured widows' houses. liam Rabinowitz, treasurer. March chain store sales were Barbizon Officers of the Junior Red Cross 4,3 per cent below 1956 level. are: Joyce Haklar, president; Anita Zuckerberg, vice president; Susan Shrive,;secretary, and Rose Marie -Give Sazzari, treasurer. HOSIERY The members of the Student Tawn. Committee and Board of Every Mother Needs >• Education will be guests .of the Lovely Fresli" Lions Club at dinner next Mon- Stockings! By da& night at the Log- 'Cabin. . with For MOTHER'S DAY Potted Cut -''The boys and girls making up Kayser © Berkshire 8 Quaker the Town -Committee will meet . * Plants Bouquets with the adult committee May; 21 ® SHOES rent endz and the student Board .will meet ! : m 'with the Board of Education ® SLIPPERS Yes, for Mother's Day . . . jewelry by Krementz is May 20, ; J ROBES eminently suitable. Classic in design, precious in Beautiful Novelty '. ©CASUALS quality . . . each Krementz piece has lasting loveli- Lightweight Summer Styles! ness . . . imparted by a rich overlay of 10-Kt. gold. Corsages Plants Police to Help ; Our Brands Include: Come in and see our beautiful selection of this fine (Continued From Page One) You Must jewelry. if I could bring to the attention of CRICKETTES every one, not only in our com- CASUAL CLASSICS See The Season's Harlequin Brooch $11.50 Earrings $13.05 (plus tax) COMMUNION BOUQUETS munity but in our neighboring ENNA JETTICK These . . Smartest Bags Each in fine leatherette gift case towns, the facts that I have stated are at in my letter so that they too Could W. B. COON Paramount! come to realize through my ex- SUMMERETTES Blouses 93 Main LE GARDEN CENTER perience that we do have some Street I things in this life-^for which we Our Most Exciting 8L0VES Weodbridge Phone LI-8-2146 PUZZLED? Open Friday can be thankful — and that is Collection Ever. To match WO-8-I223 Till 9 P. M. I friends . . . friends who are always By everything 1170 Green Street, Iselin willing to help whereever and by whenever they can." < ® Judy Bond finiiiiftira^ '« Ship 'n' Shore » Kayser clifrlllif « Shalirnar > llllliiilliiipfilll-Js © MacShore # Lady Gay Shop Friday Evening Till 9' For Any Amount Your Mother's Day Gift Center in Perth -Amboy SHOE £0. ARAMOUNT Careful Fitting ® Since 191S 182 Smith St., Perth Amboy 182 Smith Street, Perth Amboy Open 9 - 5-30 - Friday Till 9 p. M.

A Big Milk Toast, 9 9

to MOM- She's the "Most"

"In the days when ive were little tikes, And roamed the world on three-wheeled hikes:, Mom kept us in tip-top condition And she saw ive got delicious nutritioni So on her day — let us drink to Mother — And let's drink tvith nothing other than Milk — the favorite Mom's Day toast, To Mother.— 'cause she is the 'most'."

Sweet, Smooth and Sassy-ihat's "Chevy! Model illustrated, the Be? Air Sport Sedes* wMi Sedy tjyJPMMh- PURITAN DAIRY MILK

Chevrolet*s new Turboglide is For this is the automatic with "; When you team Turboglide with the first and only triple-turbine triple turbines. One for quicksilver Chevy's new Positraction rear automatic transmission in any starts from a standstill..Another axle, you've really got it made! for cream-smooth cruising. And a This new engineering development ear. You can feel the difference third turbine that teams up with delivers power to the wheel that from your very first take-off! 1 the other two for passing response grips,' not the wheel that slips. Place -Your Just slip Turboglide into "D" for that's safer all the way. ' You have surer, safer control on "Drive" and pay it no mind. In GR (Grade Retarder) position any road surface.. Om- Drive* or There is no "Low" or other posi- Turboglide helps slow you down— try a Chevrolet with these two tions to worry about because with saves your brakes on long* steep • new extra-cost options at your WINNING DEM, CK9 6-0115 Turboglicie they just aren't needed* hate. Chevrolet dealer's. '" - cammom

Only franchised Chevrolet dealers"^33l92»Ill^ display this famous trademark. PURITAN DAIRY See Your Local-Author ized-Gh-evr-olet-D&bteT Fayette and Wilson Streets Perth EDISON TOWNSHIP AND FOSt&S BEACON THURSDAY, MAY 8, 195? PAGE NINE Want to Play Ball? Glove Easy to Get WOODBBIDGE—Boys who are baseball fans are eagerly taking advantage of the offer of baseball -equipment made % the Wood- bridge: Publishing- Company to EXTilI EXTilI ILL OUR. boys who selle' subscriptions "to any of the three p^jiei's^published by MEMSHiETIiLE-TRIMiEli the companiy; "The iridependerit- Leader, file ^JSdisori Township- Fords Beacon;' and the Carteret Press. Mail subscriptions are $3.00 for one year. " r ':' v . : :. The equipment; Is on-display at The Independent-fieader: office; 18 Green 'Street,. arid at the darterefc^ Press office, 76 Washington Ave-°; nue, Carteret. it .includes" Cats,-' baseballs, caps, • catciiers' gloves, first baseman's' mitts and fielders7 gloves. •'-• •: Bats, balls and caps can be had for one mail subscription,, while a fielders' glove can.be earned by ob- taining five mail subscriptions.

WHS Newspaper.—;. -.. Wins Top Award WOOD-BRIDGE — The All-Hi News of Woodbridge High School was given a first class rating at the sixth annual Journalism Day program sponsored by the Schol- astic Presj; Association of New Jer- sey at Upsala College, last Friday. The paper is printed by the Wood- bridge Publishing Company., This is the third award received by the student publication this year. Previously it was awarded first class ratings from the Colum- bia Scholastic Press Association and from the National Scholastic AH meals sold are from fhs Press Association. One hundred high schools nation's top peckers to insure throughout the State competed for satisfaction! This chuck honors at Upsala. The ratings were roast is the tenderesf, most the result of an extensive evalua- flavorful beef you'll find - • - tion of all pfiases of newspaper Yours at our typically low publishing by professional news- prices! paper men. .'•:.'• ."'.... Those who represented the All- Boneless Hi News at the program were Eva •CROSS Rl ROAST No Fat Added \h. Damen, Odette .Haddad, Carol Lebeda, Elaine Molnar and Anita Kosher-Style, Lean Zuckertaerg. . . . : 'CORNED BEEF Boneless Brisket Sonia Carisen is editor-in-chief and Miss...Victoria Pesce is faculty adviser. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C • GROUND BEEF Noe are faculty, business advisers.

120 Rate likely All Purpose Shortening t ($&*mt- ; On School Bonds WOODBRIDGE — Bids for $1,- 781,000 -worth-of school bonds will •be received by the Board of Educa- tion tonight at 8' o'clock at ' the Barron Avenue School and there is much speculation as to the rate CHASE and SANBORN of interest the Board will have to. The consensus is that the rate be over 4 per cent, possibly laround 4.25 due to the financial [condition of the Township and the [status of the bond market. It had \ • . ».\-ns:=-J= 'been hoped a 3.75 rate would be received. Cloverbrook Grade A Strictly Fresh On £May 1, school bonds were sold on the market at rates as fol- Symbol ## Quali lows: Cleveland, 3.058; Long Fmrmer Jones Beach, Cal., 3.603; Hollywood, Cal., Years! 4.221; Detroit, 3.47. F&r O'ver The proceeds from the sale of Nothing like Fresh Oranges for Hesifhl the bonds will be used to pay for Extra Juicy, Thin-Skin, Delicious Fiawor school construction, as follows: Menlo Park Terrace School, $465,- 250; Hoffman Boulevard School, Minute Maid Frozen White of Pink Sb, mgsh $531,500; alterations to Barron bag Avenue School, $200,000, and SchoollB, Iselin (which is now in use and was financed through temporary notes up until now) The Vegetable Powerhouse! $585,000. : v . Makes Every Meal Complete! U. S. 1 F:sissf S-jaSify New Harry Burke, acting Boax-d president, said that, if the rates bid for are not what the Board Kosher Style considers. a - fair rate, no bid will he accepted tonight. * Young, Zesfy, Nippy Vegetable! Terrazzo Chosen Gives Reel Zing to Every Salad Bis!s5

For School Floors large buneh "WOODBEIDGa — On a recom- mendation ,by its architect Murray ives etfective thru Sat., May 11th. We reserve the right to limit Quantity. Kot responsible for .typographical errors. Leibowitz, the Board of Education 3.98 Swctnson Beef, Chicken or Turkey decided to install terrazzo floors in the ramps, corridors and lobbies WONDER. TUBE of the Menlo Park Terrace and BLOtfSETTE- Hoffman Boulevard Schools at an SWEATERETTE Vi-lh. additional cost >of $8,385.90. For castial. evening, sports, or beach wear. Hand washable. 15 stunning Tjhe decision was reached at an designs can be created. Don't miss Borden's White or Yellow adjourned session after consider- tills sensational value! able discussion .as to whether there Maxwell House See' Demonstration at will be sufifcient money left for Mutual Tliuxs;, Fri. and Sat. furniture" and equipment. Now a.t "We don't want a repetition of jhstciii't Coffee. 1.29 Wax Paper 2 Mutual what happened in School 17," Act- ing President Harry Burke' re- Swansdown Chocolate Chip, Yellow, : White Rose Strawberry marked. -.\ •••••-.• , . . 12 oz if^#^ WhiteWillie,; Deviii'uevm s5 Fooroond James Mullen assured the Board - MOM « FO@P the appropriation will -be: siiffi- 4 Reg. 75« Desert Down or Pink 9" - No. 909 cient. Originally.asphalt tile floors had been planned! Mr. Mullen said On i«» "c LiCakp ton Chickee n NoodlMixee or s 2-*55e 'Pyrex Pie'Plate _ sPedai 39c the terazzo floors would do away Reg. 67c Butter Rum wi^.h maintenance pioblems. Tomato- pk9 ef Reg. $1. Assorted Colors..! Vi-Qf. - No. 92! Pyrex Tide 5 Vegetoble 3 37c SAVE SOIL BANK ' Round Oaks Dish_ speciai 58c PI1WHEEL CAK! special tipton Beef-Noodle or Lipfon Soil bank outlays for the cur- Reg. 49c Chock Full of Fruit rent, fiscal year appeared to toe Reg. 1.25. Assorted Colors. I'/z-Qt. No. 913 Pyrex falling short of the $1,200,000,000 ioii S©yp Soup 2 pk .27c Loaf or. Brtad Pan ci i6Ss January estimate by about $500,- gs spe a specie! 000.000. because farmers had not signed up in the expected num- bers. For example, only 37,580 Iowa farmers, or 18 per cent, met the 1957 soil bank sign-up dead- i - line tliis year. There were 68,000 signers last year. s Really Tough A rccuit strolled into a bar" in the roughest part of town. Being a bit uneasy, he casually said to the 'bartender: ' "I like these old places with sawdust on the floor." PAGE TIN • THURSDAY, MAY 9, EDISON TOWNSHIP."AjNt>"FORDS BE&CQB ^ ISELIN PERSONALS

By GLADYS E. SCANK Mrs. Eugene Rudland, Mrs. Mar- 497 Lincoln Highway garet Elliot, Mrs. Seeman Lustig, 'selin Mrs. John Cwiekalo and Mrs. Tel. LI-8-1679 's All Get To Bertha Hanna. —Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell and daughter, Kathleen,, and her —Mr. and Mrs. George Max- fiance, Vernon Oordan, all of well, Charles Street, and Mr. and Charles Street, were Thursday Mrs. Robert Scank attended the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert silver- wedding- anniversary of Mr. S. Scank, Metuchen. and Mrs. Leo Thomas at the -Auth Street Firehouse on Saturday —Mrs. Robert Scank and evening". daughter, Violet, Lincoln High- way, attended a bridal shower for —The P. T. A. of School 15 will Miss Regina Hollis, Westfield, at hold a hot dog luncheon Tuesday, Colonia Gospel Chapel, Friday. from 11 A. M. to 1 -P. M;, in each -classroom. The executive —Several members of the Lad- board of the P.T.A. will meet ies Aid Society of First Pres- next Thursday at the school at byterian Church of Iselin, at- 1:30 P. M. Cub Pack 148, spon- tended May Fellowship Day ser- sored by the school will make a vices, Friday, at Woodbridge bus trip to Fort Dix May 18. Two Methodist Chui'ch. chartered busgs will transport BETTER LIVING —Mrs. Pearl Grace, Hyannis, 70 boys and 14 adults. The buses Mass., is a guest of Rev. and Mrs. Will leave promptly at 7:30 A. M. Robert K. Stewart, Berkeley —Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pundock, Boulevard. 1591 Oak Tree Road, announce —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mauceri, the toirth of a daughter at Perth 257 Correja Avenue, attended the Amboy General Hospital. Spring Frolic, sponsored by the R. C. A. Athletic Association, at Irvington House, Irvington, Sat- urday. Dance . —Mrs. Jamfes O'Rourke and sons, Dennis and Gary, 149 Auth Avenue, motored to Waldwick, Slated Saturday Sunday, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris. Mr. and COLONIA—The Mothers Asso- Mrs. O'Rourke were Monday din- ciation of Colonia, Inc.. will hold ner guests of Mrs. O'Rourke's its fifth anniversary dance, Satur- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. day, starting at 9 P. M. at the Hubbs, Milltown. V.F.W. Hall, Iselin. —Edward Dwight Hollowell, son Music will be furnished by the of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hollo- Manhattan Quartet, with exhibi- well, Wright, Street, was christen- tion dancing by Betty Lane and ed Sunday at First Presbyterian Bruce Porter. Proceeds ' will go Church of Iselin toy Rev. Richard towards the Colonia Library Build- B. Ribble, pastor. The sponsors ing Fund. The proposed ' library were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deet- and recreation center will be erect- ley, Jersey City. Guests at a ed in the near future on the prop- family dinner were Mrs. Carrie erty adjoining the Colonia Me- Hagman,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert morial Park at the foot of Pennsyl- Hagman, Miss Lucille Hagman, vania Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Flaherty and Mrs. William Osmun and Mrs. daughter, Julia; Mr. and Mrs^ Harry Morecroft of the dance Charles Deetley and children, committee announced a buffet Charles Jr., Norman and Lor- will be served. Tickets may be ob- raine, all of Jersey City; Mr. tained from any club member, by and Mrs. Hamilton Billings,- Jr., calling Mrs. Andrew Dolch at FU- Hamilton, III, and Diane, and Mr. 1-0768, or at the door. Charues Benz, all of Iselin. —Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Billings, 24 Wright Anniversary Party Street, were"" Mrs. Leah Vander Hoof and Mrs. Tillie Doodee, both of Bloomfield. Sunday guests were Held at Hill Home Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benz, Jr., Westfield^. COLONIA—Mr, and . Mrs. Ben- —Roseann Gulgan, daughter of jamin Hill, Jr., McKinley Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gulgan, 62 were hosts at a party in honor of Dow Avenue, received her first the 25th wedding anniversary of communion at St. Cecelia's Mr. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Church Sunday. After the cere- Benjamin Hill, North Arlington. mony there was a family dinner Among the guests were Mr. for Roseann and also for her Thomas Hill, Mrs. Margaret Hun- parents in honor of their 20 th ter and children Marjorie and wedding anniversary- Guests in- Robert, James Armstrong, Kearny; • \ cluded Mr. aiid Mrs. Joseph Vil- Mrs. Alice Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. lani, Sayreville; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spear and children Lois, Steven Gulgan, Trenton; Mr. and Danny and Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Albert Rasznak, Mr. and Victor Nielsen and granddaughter, Mrs. William Tymczyn, Union; Joyce; Mr. and Mrs. Alec Nielsen Susan Flake, Colonia; Mr. and and son, Mark, all of Jersey; City; Mrs. Charles Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer • Anthony, and sons, Carl and Clyde, Evelyn North Arlington; Miss •Shirley Ruskowitz, and Linda Morgan, all Temple, Michigan, and Mr. and Woodbridge of Iselin. Mrs. George Nielsen, Pacanac —Mrs. Aliee Stevens and son, Lake. Richard, Allentown, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles TOO YOUNG YET jiglauf, 11 Trento St. Rockford, 111. — Police spied Richard A. Peasy in a sergeant's —Week-end guests of Mr. and uniform and decided he didn't Mrs. Leo Thomas, 145 Middlesex look just right. They checked and "Clean-up Avenue, were Mr-j and Mrs. Car- discovered that young Peavy was ney Schleck, Hicksville, Long wearing his soldier brother's uni- Island. form — Peavy is only 16. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were guests of honor at a silver wed- WAITS LONG TIME ding anniversary party Saturday McCook, Neb. — After riding in night at the new firehouse, Auth taxis for 42 years and spending Avenue. More than 125 guests 13th thru 18th more than $5,000 for taxi fares, were present. S. H. Russell, now a retired rail- —Guests for a week of Mr. and road employe, decided to buy juid John Anderson, 8 Trento Street, learn to drive an automobile. were Mrs. Paul Anderson and children, Helen, Robert and Linda, •Princeton. FRIENDS iN RICHMOND, VA.? Now is The Time... ECIAL NOTICE! —The Cancer Class of Woman's Call them, today. Station Club of Iselin, met at Iselin Free rate for a 3-minute phone Because of the incidence of daylight saving time all Public Library inhere they made call from New Brunswick Let's. jalf -"pitch.'in" . . . and make the annual Spring 150 cancer dressings. Present after 6 p.m.—just 70g GARBAGE COLLECTION by the Sanitation 0>epart- were Mrs. William Dangell, Mrs. plus tax. 8 Fred Walker, Mrs. Eric Weickert, lJ^, Paint Up, Fix Up Campaign a real success nient begins at 6 A . M. instead of_7 A. M. All residents s"ye_at._* Let's inake our homes and grounds sparkle and especially those who have become neighbors in our Community in recent nionths^are respectfully asked to wipi fttfebrightnes s of Spring . . . clean up the grounds, consider this and cooperate by placing their GARBAGE give th«~ house a new coat of paint, get going on those and TRASH at the curbing the night before, or before, 6- A. M. on the day of collection. needed repairs and improvements you've been plan- Any unusual or special problem in connection with the ning. Everyone can help . ; . from the smallest school removal of Trash or Debris will be given individual child to the old folks, each one doing his share to make attention. It will merely be necessary for residents to Woodhsidge Township and your own home a better and telephone the Sanitation Departmen and outline the particular problem which will be speedily and cour- DUTCH BOY$ more attractive place in which to live. teously attended to. LEAD (Black and Yellow LabBl)' Sponsored. In the Interest of a Better Township — by Floor and Trim $« s50 ARNESTO VARNISH ...... Gal. t Sash and Trim WHITE PORCH AND i DECK Gal. 3-Year Unconditional CEILING- $Q.5O Guarantee! PAINT Gal. SPECIAL! Wliite-AlUy D Francliised Dealer for DUPONT AND DUTCH BOY Hugh B. Quigleyv Mayor PAINTS.

OPEN 7 A. M. TO 7 P. M. — FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P. M. SUNDAY 8 A. M. TO 12 NOON Edward Rath R.. Richard Krauss L Ray Alibani MODERN LIVING WALLPAPER and PAINT STORE ' Peter Schmidt L Charles Mangioiie: \ .-...Elmer Dragos PAINTING - DECORATING - PAPER HANGING 118 Main Street Tel. WO-8-2845 Woodbridge EDISGH TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON" ' THURSDAY,, MAY 9, 1957 •'PAGE LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES .. st *~ LEGAL NOTICE Right-of-Way of the New Jersey Turn- ship will deliver a. bargain and sale An appeal has been filed by EDELLO pike; thence _ (1) in a general Easterly deed for said premises. , CONSTRUCTION CO., requesting a direction, along thee'Northerly line of DATED: May 7, 1957 variance in the requirements of the the New Jersey Turnpike 480 feet, more B. J. DUNTGAN. TownshiO CleMt Zoning Ordinance of the Township of or less, to the point of intersection of To be advertised May 9, 1957;, and the Easterly line of said Lot 1-A with May 16, 1957, in the Fords Beacon. Edison to. permit the erection of a the Northerly line of the New Jersey single family dwelling, 34' x 25.10', Turnpike, said point of intersection frame construction, to within 11 feet being also the Southwest corner of Lot Refer JN>: W-21 . \ of the side street (property lin-e, 'reciutr- 1-A, Block 347-D; thence (2j Northerly NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE mg a side yard variance of 4 leet, on along tire: Westerly line of Lot 1-AT, O WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: property luiown as Block 351-O, Lots Block 347-iDi Lots 3-A. and 2-B, in Block At a regular meeting of the Township 27, 28, 29 and 30, on the west side "of 347-E, aid.-Lot 1, BWek 345, 558 feet, Committee of the Township of Wood- Elliot Pl^ee and the corner of "Sylvan more or tess, to .the dividing line "be- bfidge, held Tuesday, May 7, Dell, in the Township of Edison, IT. 1. tween Lot 4-A, Block 344, and Lot 1, 1S57, I was directed to advertise the faojt For the purpose of heating objections BlocJc 342; thence (3) Southwesterly thaton Tuesday evening. May 21, to or protests against the granting of along the said last mentioned dividing 1957, the Township Committee will SB id appeal, the Edison Township Zon- line 566,41 feet, more or less, ,to an meet %t 8 P. M. (DST) in the Com- ing Board o'f Adjustment will hold a angle point In the same, thenee (4) mittee Chambers, Memorial" Municipal pnbllc hearing on Tuesday, May. 21,still along said dividing line South- Building, Woodbridge, New jarsey, and 1957. in the Council Chambers, Munici- westerly 150 feet, more or less, to theexpose and sell at public sale"- sod to pal Building, at 8 -o'clock P. M. point of intersection of the said divid- the highest bidder according to ^terme By order of the Zoning Board of ing line between Lot 1, Block 342, and of sale on file with the Real -Estate Adjustment. Lot 1-A, Block 344, with the dividing Department and Township Clerk open ' JOSEPH SIMON, line between Woodtorid^e and Edison f,n insDefition and to be publicly lead Secretary. .Township; thence (5) Southerly along prior to sale, Lot £9 in Block 346VB E. B. 5/9/57 said dividing line between Woodbridge on the Woodtaridge Township Assess- "and Edison Townships 2S2 feet, .more ment Map, LEGAJ, NOTICE or less, to the point or place of Be- Take further notice that the Town- An appeal has been filed -by EDELLO ginning. ship Committee has, by resolution and CONSTRUCTION CO., ' requesting a - BEING all of Lot 1-A in Block 344. pursuant to law, fixed a minimum variance in the requirements of the BOUNDED: price, at which said lot in said block Zoning Ordinance of the Township of Northerly by Lot 1, Block 342' > will be sold together with all other Edison to permit the erection of a Easterly by Lot 1, Block 345, Lots 2-A details pertinent, said minimum price single family dwelling, 34' x 25.10', rid 2-B, Block-347-E, Lot 1-8, Block being $50.00 plus costs of preparing frame construction, to within 11 feet 347-B deed and advertising this sale. Said of the side street property line, requir- Southerly by New Jersey 'Turnpike lot in said block, if:- sold on terms, ing a side yard variance of 4 feet, oh Westerly .by Ed'lsoh Township, all as will require a down payment of 25% property known as Block -SM-O, Lots shown on the Woodbridge Town- of the bid accepted by the Township 31, 32, 33 and 34 on the east sia.e of ship Tax Map, Sheet #22 Committee, the balance of purchase ster Irand "0.$ Wayne Street and the corner of Syl- SUBJECT TO a Bifht-of-Way 40 feet price to be paid in cash. van Dell, in the Township oi Edison, in width adjacent to and along the Upon acceptance of the minimum N. 3. N.»w Jersey Turnpike for the installa- bid, or bid above mini-mum, by the For the purpose of hearing objec- tion of oil pipe lines granted to Sin- Township Committee and the payment tions to or "protests against the grant- clair Pipe Line Co. thereof by the purchaser according to ing of said appeal, the Edison Town- Upon -aeeBBtaiice oi the mlnumini the manner of purchase in accordance ship Zoning Board of Adjustment will hid, or bid above minimum, by th«with terms of sale on file, the Town- hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May Township Committee and th« payment ship will deliver a bargain and sale' 21, 1957, in the Council Chambers, thereof by the purchaser according to deed for said premises. Municipal Building, at 8 o'clock P. M.fixe manner qt .purchase -in accordance DATED: May 7, 1957 By order of the Zoning 'Board oi with terms of sale on file, the Town- B. J. DUNIGAN. Township Clerk Adjustment. ship will -deliver a bargain and sale To be advertised May 9, 1957, and JOSEPH SIMON, 'de»<3 far said premi*5*"*. - May 16, 1957, in the Fords Beacon. Secretary. DATED-: -May 7, .1957 • E. B. 5/9/57 B." J. BUNIGAJJ..-TowhshiT> Clerk Refer To: W-21 To be advertised May 9, 1957-, and STOT1CE OF PUBLIC-SALE «. Refer To: W-602 May 16, 1957, In. the Fords Beacon. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: NOTiCE «• 49* BEGINNING at the point of inter- bid, or bid above minimum, by thedeed for said premises. LANCASTER BRAND-SLICED section of the Southerly line of said Township Committee and the" payment DATED: May 7, 1957. Lot 1-A with the dividing line between thereof by the Purchaser according to B. J. DDNIGAN. Township CierV Smelts « • zf. . •'. 'fa-39= Woodbridge and Edison Townships, the manner of purqhsse in accordance To be advertised May 7, 1957, anfi said point toeing also the Northerly with terms of sale- on file, the Town- May 16, 1957, in the Fords Beacon. § oz. Yeilew- Pike Fillet i , . ". . »~.W 63c SUPERIOR COUKT OF NEW JERSEY Chancery Division „ - ' Middlesex County . F-I836-56 ' NOTICE O'F IN REM PROCEEDINGS OF TAX LIEN TITLES BY TOWNSHIP OF EDISON (FORMERLY TOWNSHIP OF RARITAN1 T:>ke notice1 that an action. In Bern, has been commenced in the Superior Court of New Jersey by the filing of a WHOLE KERNEL OR CREftM-STYLl poiiipialnt on April 16, 1957, to foreclose, and forever bar any and all rights of redemption of the parcels of land, described in the Tax Foreclosure Lists below, from plaintiff's tax-lien titles. The action is brought against the lands only, and no personal Judgment may be entered- therein. Any person desiring to protect a right, title or Interest tn the described land or any parcel thereof; b'y redemption, or to contest plaintiff's right to foreclose must do so hy pacing -the. amount required to redeem as set forth below, Pius interest to the date of redemption, and such,costs as the court may allow, prior to the entry of Judgment therein. or by filing an answer to the complaint setting forth defendant's defense, within forty-five days after date of the piibli- W KRfSP — KOSHER eation of this notice. In the event of failure to redeem or answer by any person having the right to redeem or answer, such person shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all his right, title and interest apd equity of redemption in and to the parcels of land described in the following Tax Foreclosure Lists. The following are copies of the Tax Foreclosure Lists, showing the lands against which this action is brought: TAX FORECLOSURE LIST FROGRESSO EXHIBIT "A" • - • " 35 02, can Accrued Sched- "Amount Taxes, Amount Present ule Cert. Date ot Recorded of . Penalties Required Assessed No, Block Lot No. No. Sale - Book Pagfc .Sale and Costs to Redeem Owner 53 71G 11-12 None 10-31-39 •1127 63 $213.25 " $629.11 IS42.36 Adolph. M. Metzendorf 162 5D4 4 B315 9-23-35 1283 299 235.14 • d,644.69 ' 1.879.83 - Park Lane Co. 106 F001 433 626 55-58 Inel. 1080 5-1-29- 1263 123 . 61.49, 850.50 926.21 Emidio & Christianns Campea 434 G2« 59A-60A Incl. 429 12-29-36 1263 124 61.34 268.45 229.79 Pasquale Ferraro 435, 626 61A-62A Incl. 676 10-23-28 1263 125' 49.60 177.74 227.34 John Gwilling 436 626 63-65 Inch • 430 12-29-36 1263 . 126 90.95" 599.91 690.86 Pasquale Ferraro The descriptions as set forth in the above Tax Foreclosure List are the same as appear on tax CHOCOLATE: CHIP 8% oz.pkg, duplicate and in the Certificate of Tax Sale and on the official tax map, Township of Edison, (formerly Township of Earltan), Middlesex County, as revised to 6/1/26 by Baymond P. Wilson, Township Engineer, 46 Patterson Street, Ne^fr' Brunswick, N. J., subject to changes, if -any, as OR OXFORD OREMES 11,82, pk heretaabove stated. " . ' ' '/sgd/ RICHARD F. KNUDSON, 1 - - Tax Collector of Township of.Edison (formerly DATED: May 23, 1956 "" "" "• , -'., Township of Raritan)' VERI-THfN Township of Edison, Middlesex County TAX FORECLOSURE LIST ' x. EXHIBIT "A" Accrued Sehed- ,- •' Amount , Taxes, Amount Present' me Cert. Date of -Recorded -' of Penalties Required Assessed No. Black Lot No. No. Sale Book • Page Sale ana Costs to Redeem Owner FiMEST FRUITS & 182 923 1 None 10-31-39 1261 536 $HM,S4 $423.70' S528.54 Great Northern Realty Co. NOTE: Lot 1 in Biock 923, thereafter, by various changes in the official tax map, designated (Block 923, Lots 1A & ID) and now known as Lots 1A, IB, ID and IE In Block 923 Ronald & Mary Honls " I. - (Block 923, Lot IB) v Hugh Lee Miller, Est. ' (Block 923, Lot IE) 183 9?3 2B 45-130 ll-S-45 • 1264 . 537 6.06 67.47 73.53 Larry Livingston . 184 923 3 None JO-31-39 1264 " ' 538 84;46 170.07. 254.53 Julia Sharper - HINDLESS, GRADE A NOTE: Lot 3 in Block. 923, thereafter, "by various,changes in the official tax map, designated smd now known as Lots 3A, 3B and. 3C in Block "923. 9 2A None 10-2-40 1264 546 27.42 175.08 202.50 Homer Chambers 191 929 2B None 10-31-39 1264 547 12.51 65.73 78.24 Thomas & Birdie E. C Coleman AMERICAN Juicy Florida/ Regular 7S value I Mat eril color. 192 930 2A None 9-27-38 1264 549 31.34 162.97 194.31 Jos. & Ruby Williams Cheese Slices 193 930 2C 45-133 11-8-45 1264 550 4.60 45.87 50.47 Carrie, B. Terry 194 930 3A None 9-27-38 1364 551 35.97 1-93.12 229.09 Louis & Roxle Brown 195 931 1 * 45-134 11-8-45 1264 552 6.06 50.00 56.06 Nathaniel C. Williams PILLSBURY CRISP WESTERN ~ • 196 931 3C "None 10-2-40 1264 553 13.03 76.63 89.66 Great Northern Realty Co. 197 931 4 None 10-31-39 1264 554 38.39 161.10 199.49 Great Northern Realty Co. 198 932 3B None 10-31-39 1264 556 17.02 88.36 105.40 Zanie Ratcliff ia M 199 932 Great Northern Realty Co. Buttermilk pkgs. 4 None 10-31-39 1264 557 • 43.76 ,168.49 212.25 200 933 1A None 9-27--38 1265 76 26.1'4 116.31 142.45 Edw. & Beulah Ferguson i Iceberg Lettuce « 201 933 2A None 10-31-39 1265 77 31.03 172.69 203.72 Florence Walker, Est. 202 933 2B None 10-2-40 ^•1265 78 16.64 101.29 117.93 Samuel & Fannie Bass 20S 933 3A 45-135 11-8-45 1265 79 7.05 48.00 55.05 Great Northern Realty Co. 2 Serve a tasty, healthful salad with HOM-DE-LITE MAYONNAISE! 204 933 80 Great Northern Realty Co. - SERVE IQtJELLA, BUTTER- , 3C • None 10-2-40 a265 12.80 96.33 109.13 Lilly Paterson 205 935 .4A None 10-2-40 1265 81 16.17 80.68 96.85 Mamie Hill Est. 203 933 5A None 10-5-48 1265 83 11.45 52.17 63.62 James Garrett • WINNER OF OVER 500 PRIZES! ' • 207 933 6 None 10-31-39 1265 84 84.46 332.55 417.01 Great Northern Realty Co. 208 934 1 None 10-31-39 , 1265 85 84.46 332.55 '417.01 Great Northern Realty Co. America's greatest prize winner. The pure, sweet cream of 10 • Fancy Beets 209 934 2B None 10-3a-39 •1265 86 43.76 168.49 212.25 Florence Barber 211 934 5A None 10-2-40 1265 89 '9.03 61.67 70.70 Great Northern Realty Co. quarts of fresh milk goes into every pound. Brighten your vegetable salads; add color to menus; 212 934 5C None 10-5-48 1265 90 7.89 27.52 35.41 Great Northern Realty Co. 213 j.934 SB None 10-31-39 1265 91 23.38 86.39 109.77 •Great Northern Realty Co. Sweet and Tender. 214 *934 6D None , 10-31-39 1265 92 17.03 88.36 •105.39 Great Northern Realty Co. 215 934 7 None 10-31-39 1-265 93 84.48 332,74 4)17.20 NOTE;: Lot7 in Block 934, thereafter, toy various chanees In the official tax_map, designated (Block 934, Lot 7A) - and as Lots 7A and 7B in Block 934. Josie Holmes 1 now known (Block 934, Lot 7B) 216 936 1-8 Incl. 731 12-29--36 1265 94 63.30 209.79 -273.09 W. W. Boumlstrow 217 936 95 42.62 189.0S 231.70 W. W. Boumistrow BAKEMY DEPT. • -FROZEN FQQDS- 9-16 Incl, B481 9-23-35 1265 218 W. W. Boumistrow 936 17-19 Incl. B482 9-23-35 1265 96 .16.44 71.76 88.20 W. W. Boumistrow 219 936 ' 20-22 Incl. None 11-4-32 1265 97 1552 94.19 109.41 W. W. Boumistrow 220 936 23 B483 9-23-35 1265 98 ,7.60 . 41.21 48.81 W. W. Boumlstrow BANQUET CHICKEN, BEEF or TURKEY 22-1 937 - 1-25 Incl. 732 12-29-36 1265 99 147.23 575.03 722.26 W. W. Boumistrow SUPlEMi 100% WHOLE. .WHEAT 222 938 4-14 Incl. 733 '32-25-36 1265 100 81.83 321,16 •402.99 Irene Boiunistrow 223 939 1-12 Incl. 734 12-29-3C 1265 101 S7.99 303.86 391,85 Universal Inv. Co. 234 D40 1-10 Incl, E484 , 9-23-35 1265 102 56.84 242.50 299.34 W. W. Boumistrow 225 940 11-54 Incl, 735 12-29-36 1265 103 261,00 1,014.91 i;275.91 Universal Inv. Co. 8 oi. 226 941 1-28 Incl. B485 9-28-35 1265 104 144.77 654.31 799.08 W. W. Boumistrow 227 S42 1-6 Incl. 736 12-29-36 '1265 105 58.S3 257.3-1 316.M Universal Inv. Co. 229 8-14 1-18 Incl. E487 9-23-35 1265 107 91.98 418.8 J. 510.79 The .descriptions as set forth In the above Tax Foreclosure List are the same as appear on tax duplicate and In the Certificate of Tax Sale and on the official tax map, Township of Edison (Formerly Township of Raritan), Middlesex County, as revised to 6-1-26 "by -Raymond P. Wilson, Township Engineer, 46 Paterson Street, New Brunswick, N. J., subject to changes, if any, ss hereinabove stated. /sgd/ RICHARD F. KNUDSON Tax Collector of Township of Edison (formerlj Township of Raritan,) DATED: JUH6 27, 19SS i LIMA Bf ANS CHRISTIAN J. JORGENSEN Oraige Chiffon Cake SEAgRQQK LEAF OR SHOPPED and SPINACH SAMUEL I>. HOFFMAN E Attorneys for Plaintiff SPECIAL! IDEAL ORANSE $% But. mm ' «ft 12 oz. 83 Paterson Btrp.e't Apple Cake Wew Brunswick, W.-J. CONCEHTBATEB DATE: ¥ttbllsli«a In the Edlflon' Towneiiiij! ua$. Fords Beacon on May 9, 1«57, i^-fricss gffesive Ihrewgh tffa..A! 4f)dMt Igfep Wesfe* 1&*«§k

t ppf|l


Mrs. Peterson Heads LEGAL NOTICES Swimming Program Installation Dinner nance of the Township of Edison toj Scout; Troop 45 Oak Ridge Unit permit the construction of an addition > Boy Scout Mothers Set by Colonia Club to an existing dwelling, 18' x 14' x "... 17' 8", enclosed patio with roof, to Is Inaugurated COLONIA r—Thfc Mothers Club COLONIA — The Cancer Dress- within one foot of the southerly side At Honor Court To Elect Slate property line and to within 25 feet of Girl Scout News of Boy Scout Troop 46 electel.of- ing meeting of the Colonia Club the rear property line, on property ficers at the hoii?e oi Mrs. H. Fred | known as Block No. 694-K, Lots Nos. COLONIA — The, Colonia Civic. - COLONIA — A Parent Night- was held Monday at the Colonia Hansson, Clover A> er-ue. Library. Mrs. Charles Hozernpa, COLONIA — The Oak Ridge I 15 and IS, on the east side of Second Improvement Club announced the and Court of Honor was held Property Owners Association will Street, distance '150 feet of the corner inauguration of a swimming pro- •Named to office were Mrs. Ru- chairman, wa.^ in charge of the formed by the intersection of First Friday by Boy Scout Troop 45 at hold an election of officers af? a Avenue, in the Township of Edison. Please call Mrs. Jack . Brown. will register for Intermediate gram, for the youngsters, of the Xn- dolph Peterson, president; Mrs. work period. For the purpose of hearing objections . IJberty 8-1916, for all Girl Scout camp. Camp will be held rain or Hansson, vice-president; Mrs. the American Legion Hall where meeting tonight, at 8:30 at School to or protests against the granting of man Avenue section. Announcement was made that 17, Inman Avenue. or Brownie .ne*s. The mailing shine. There are still many open- Derby Denson,' secretary; Mrs. the' flag bearers were Robert Dr. Anna S. Starr, profer-Sor emer- said appeal, the Edison Township Zon- The civic group, with the coop- The slate of officers, is as fol- ing Board of Adjustment will hold a •^address?- is 120 Francis -• Street, ings' for Camp Counselors. Are eration, of the Perth Amboy Y. M. Charles Adams, treasurer. Brown and James Pretmd. itus of psychology at Rutgers Uni- public hearing on Tuesday, May 21, Iselin. • : - ' ; you hesitating because you have A discussion was held on ways James Taber, scoutmaster, ar- versity, will be speaker at the May lows: President, Richard Heller, 1957, in the Council Chambers, Munici- C. A. and a local bus company, will Jerry Sandak and Vincent Terra- pal Building, at 8 o'clock P. M. ..." Outdoor-• training, ioi* new lead-, no baby-sitter, for the younger transport the youngsters to Y pool which the club could best help the nounced that the Troop will par- 20 meeting. By order of the Zoning Board of era was completed toy Myrtie Pal- children? We have arranged to troop. It was decided to invite ticipate hi ,the Jamborette, May nova; vice-president, George Ev- Adjustment. under proper supervision. Joseph The installation dinner will be ans, Jerry Lerner and Jerry Roth- JOSEPH SIMON, mer, Marie Brozowski, Lucille have a baby-sitter for the days Baron, Cleveland Avenue, is chair- members of the sponsoring com- 24, 25, 26 at Duhernal Water Sys- held June 20th at Coral Lounge, Secretary. the adults take all-day training. mittee to attend the next meet- tem Property. Scouts will congre- enberg; treasurer, Howard Kay, E. B. 5/9/57 Hackett, Emma- 'Kerala, Muriel man of arrangements. Plainfield. Mrs. Rosemarie Menke and Mau- Lietoex'man, Jane Flemniing, Mary If you are" interested please call ing to discuss the needs of. the gate at the American Legion Hall Hostesses for the evening were the office far details. Need trans- At the last meeting James Black troop. The troop is sponsored by at 6:30 P. M... May 24. rice Megliori; secretary, Mrs. Pa- LEGAL NOTICE Poppochia, Buby Lakafer, Ruth discussed the Police Reserve or- Mrs. Anthony Kalinowski, Mrs. tricia Casper and Mrs. Sylvia An appeal has been filed by DOBSI & Denson, .Editli E'alk, Caroline Mu- portation? Call the-orB.ce ifor in- the- Colonia Volunteer Chemical Percy Hulick, district commis- William Kozan, Mrs. H. Lavin, MENNA requesting a variance in the formation about car pools. During ganization of Woodbridge. He de- Hook and Ladder Company. Seidner. _ requirements of the Zoning Ordinance santi, , Rose .'; Rosenbaum, Kitty 5cribed»the functions and aims of sioner, Raritan Council, presented Mrs., Edward Newton, Mrs.-Albert of -the Township of Edison to permit Douglas, Lena Brown, '."Dorothy" the camping .sessions there will the reserves, and stated that the New . members welcomed were the Troop Charter to Al Hollinger, Raber. Attendance prize was won All paid up members will be the use of _and occupancy of an exist- b£ a pixie unit for counselor's eligible to vote. One vote will be ing structure to be "used for a boat Kelernan, Margaret Hall, Jean unit will welcome additional'mem- Mrs. Alex Lyszczasz and Mrs. Wil- Institutional Representative of by Mrs. Edwin Ellam.. manufacturing and repair shop. Metal Dare, Lorraine Sutter aiid Eileen children 3 to 6 years of age. The bers. '..•..' liam Wels. * Colonia, American Legion, the permitted per household, but hus- and wood construction, on property Smith. Mrs, William Muriiay. and office telephone number is Wood- sponsoring organization, who in band and wife may split their vote known as Block No. 178, Lots Nos. 1 . Russell Moody described in de- if they wish. to 8 incl., on the. westerly side of Old Mrs.. Elwood E. Harris were then- bridge 8-4231. Someone will gladly tail the protest registered by the turn presented it to Mr. Chadoba, Jewish Youth to Make Post Road and the corner formed by answer all of your questions. Iselin Woman's Club the intersection of "Wooding Avenue, in instructors. •'. •, residents of Canterbury Village Troop Committee chairman. A Hay Ride Arrangements the Township of Edison. .Are all the applications for Day May I remind you that all against the erection of a gasoline To Meet May 15th plaque was presented the Troop Truman says the U. S. is "slip- For the purpose of hearing objections Troop news should be sent to me. ping" in world standing. to or protests against the granting of Camp in? Tomorrow is the last station at Broadway and Inman for 100 per cent subcription to AVENEL—Plans were discussed said appeal, the Edison Township Zon- day.you may make reservations! We are all interested in what YOU Avenues in Colonia. The residents ISELIN — The business meeting Boys Life Magazine. to hold a hay-ride, under the di- ing Board of Adjustment will hold a are doing, so let's share our ideas. LEGAL NOTICES public hearing on Tuesday, May 21,,,- Remember, all Brownie Fly-TJps of the development had protested of the Woman's Club of Iselin will Mr. Hulick (presented awards to rection of Jerry Goldstein by the 1957, in the Council Chambers, Munici-k to the builder and to the oil com- be held at Iselin Free Public Li- the Scouts as follows: Tenderfoot Avenel Jewish Youth,of the Con- pal Building, at 3 o'clock P. M. •* brary, Middlesex Avenue, May 15 LEGAL NOTICE • By order of the Zoning Board oi pany but without success. The case badges, Hal McCain, Roger Fox, gregation Sons of Jacob, at a meet- An appeal has been filed by HARRY Adjustment. was then brought before Mayor at 1:15 P. M. E. RALPH requesting a variance in the Richard Estock, Court MacArgel, ing held at the Avenel Jewish requirements of the Zoning Ordinance JOSEPH SIMON, Hugh B. Quigley and the Township. Mrs. John Cwiekalo, president, James Bundy,, Roger Chadoba, Community Center. of the Township of Edison to permit Secretary. Committee, who after hearing the erection of a one-family dwelling, E. B. 5/9/57 has requested that all department Albert Aymer, Raymond Smith, Michael Waters, president, fram and brick veneer construction, both, sides of the story, stated they chairmen present written annual Kenneth Hayes ^ 2nd class badges .named Stanley Resnikoff as chair- having a first floor area of approxi- LEGAL NOTICE To Owners: felt the residents were justified in reports at this meeting. were presented "to, Raymond Zir- man of a membership drive, and mately 1050 square, feet instead of 1400 An appeal has been filed by RAY- square feet as required by the terms MOND H. CHISM requesting a variance their-claims. A temporary stop was •-•Mrs. Carl D. Starch, chairman poloki Russell Morgan, Ralph Kir- the group also discussed plans for of the Zoning Ordinance, on property in the requirements of the Zoning placed on the builder's permit*, to acoffe, i James Bundy, Albert known as Block No. 497, lots Nos. 33 Ordinance of the Township of Edison When you decide to use our selling service, your of the luncheon to be held May 22 admitting new youth.to the.group and 34 on the west side of New Dover to permit the erection of a dwelling, ^ erect 'the station and a date was at "Ye Cottage Inn," Keyport, will Aymer, and-Court MacArgel. Rob- in the fall. Road in the Township of Edison, N. J. complying with the requirements of fj home will be intelligently priced, descriptively set for a meeting between the close reservations at the meeting. ert Brown and James Freund, Plans were introduced for the For the purpose of hearing objections | Residence "C" Zone, in a Light Indus-V committee; builder, a representa- each earned a Reading Merit to or protests against the granting of I trial Zone, on property known as Block ^ group to become affiliated with said appeal, the Edison Township Zon- No. 556-B, Lots 5 and 6, on the advertised and persistently shown to prospects tive :of the oil company, and a Badge. the United Synagogue Youth of ing Board of Adjustment will hold a west side of Harding Avenue, in thE committee representing the resi- ANNUAL MEETING public hearing on Tuesday, May 21, Township of Edison. : A •.-plaque was presented Sidney America. 1957, in the Council Chambers, Munici- For the purpose of hearing obj ections able to buy, and X-.-. SOLDI dents of Canterbury Village. An COLONIA — The annual meet- pal Building, at 8 o'clock P. M. to or protests against the granting of announcement was made by the ing of the Colonia Hills Taxpay- Freund. scoutmaster, for the year said appeal, the Edison Township Zon- 1955-1956. John Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank By order of the Zoning Board of builder that under the circum- ers 'Association will be held on Brown, Mrs. A. J. Bundy, John Adjustment. ing Board of Adjustment will hold a Call Right Now for a Free Sales Estimate JOSEPH SIMON, public hearing on Tuesday, May 21, stances he would release the oil Monday, 8:30 P. M., at Colonia Present ,wsre: Al Hollinger and Lockie, Mr. Chadoba and son, Secretary. 1957, in the Council Chambers, Munici- Gompany f rom its signed lease and Public Library. All members are Ernest Burrows of the Legion, and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kira- E. B. 5/9/57 pal Building, at 8 o'clock P. M. Kenneth McCain, Mr. and Mrs. By order of the Zoning Board of withdraw his plans for the station. expected to be present. coffe, A. J. Fox. LEGAL NOTICE Adjustment. Albert Aymer, Mrs* Sidney Freund, An appeal has been filed by JOHN JOSEPH SIMON, FOR SERVICE FAST AND STRAIGHT Mr. Moody announced the Refreshments were served by "Mrs. A. H. Weis, Mr. and Mrs. the Mothers Club. C. HIBNER requesting a variance in. Secretary. names of the new members to be NEW BRUNSWICK SECRETARIAL, Herbert Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. the requirements of the Zoning Ordi- E. B. 5/9/57 ACCOUNTING & PREP SCHOOL admitted as follows: Hansjorg 1 John Soleno, Mrs. Walter Zirpolo, Dandliker, Joseph Prior, Patrick NEW! (1) SWITCH BOARD Mrs. Hope Smith, Mr. and Mrs. CALL ON CENTRAL STATE McManus, franklin Whitaker, Ed- Willard MacArgel and children, -AT BORDEN'S- ward Reilly, Andrew Galaydick, (2) KEY PUNCH (IBM) BEALTY AND MORTGAGE CO. (3) MACHINE SHORTHAND Donald and Cynthia, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanlon, Winfiejd Holland Frank Hayes, and son, Gregory, 1110 Albany Street, New Brunswick 1743 ST. GEORGES AVENUE, RAHWAY and Thomas Sullivan. - / KI-5-3910 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horyak, Mrs. I An open house' dance to honor the new members was held at the Tel. FU-8-8700 club building, with Fred Von Lehr as chairman. ••

Scouts to be Hosts At Dance June 13 th RADER'S COIiONIA — The' Mothers' Circle of Troop 44 met at the home of Mrs. Frederick Boyle and discussed plans for a Scout dance with June 13 and a family picnic at Roosevelt Park Jun£ 23. Present Right Mix . . . were: Mrs. Theodore Wingender, Right Measure . . . Mrs. John tease, Mrs. Burnet OUR ENTIRE Leonard, Mrs. Fred Sutter, Mrs. the Right Time! Ralph; Detruck, Mrs. (Patsy Spo- sato", Mrs. Harold Hibell, Mrs. Robert Frank, Mrs. Walter Em- ery, and Mrs. Boyle. Hostesses for this meeting were Mrs. Frank and •AT- iASONHY PAINT Mrs. Wingender. The next meet- Woodbridge Transit-Mix The new, easy-to-apply mason- ing will be May 27 with Mrs. ry paint that's rubberized for Sposato and Mrs. Leonard as hos- extra durability. No primer re- tesses. quired—dries fast—leaves, no The Troop Committee met at Yes, in order that we may be able to offer you a wider selection of lap marks. fhe h^n-ip; of Scoutmaster Freder- ¥ FABRICS and NOTIONS, we are closing out our entire domestic depart- ick Boyle* Present were: John for brushing • rolling . spraying poally, John Conolly, Acie Rist, ment at cost and below.' Harold Hibell, Theodore Wingen- der. Plans were made for the RADER'S Council Jamborette in Old Bridge, May 24, 25, and 26. Wallpaper and Painters Supplies Tonight there will be a court 378 STATE STREET of honor at the regular meeting. PERTH AMBOY Tomorrow night a meeting of the Patrol Leaders and Assistants is sch*eduled4 at the Scoutmaster's home at 8. o'clock. BATH and HAND DACRON, DOWN Sheets STORE HOURS: and FEATHER and 8:30 A.: M. to 8 P. M. Monday Through Saturday Lung cancer is,linked to tobac- TOWELS c? leaf wax. ' • PILLOWS Pillow Cases From NEED an EXTRA CLOSET? Woodbridge Shop for Mother's- Bay Let Morey LaRue Clean and Flower Shoppe

BATH MAT Famous Name STORE YOUR CLOTHES and LID SETS BLANKETS «"•«*• **« * \ • \


Think what a convenience. All those "' bulky winter things gone , . . scads of room in all your closets . . . and no worry about moth damage. Then, when cold weather's oo the way again, back will come those winter clothes as clean Make Mom Queen for a Day! Shower her with BOXED Bedspreads Beautiful Plastic and Linen and perfectly pressed as' only Morey fragrant flowers from our ideal display] It and LaRue Sanitone Dry Cleaning can make costs a lot less than you think! Comforters Towel Sets Tablecloths them. But, remember ... storage space Coverlets is limited. Call on us now. We'll wire flowers anywhere I Send her favorite flower in a fresh-cut arrange- Many Unadvertised Items Come, See, Save!! •» ment, beautiful corsage or as a table center- Now at Sale Prices! Open Friday Evening Till 9 FUR COATS «s low as 2.95 ($10© *«!.? piece. Or, if you prefer, choose one of our niany potted blooms or hardy potted plants. *CIOTH COATS & SUITS ''« I«w «s^.7S C$25 ''If it Comes from Borden's You Know that it's Good" •plus cleaning pHONF TEL, WO B-I222 Hlllcrest 2-6161 or VUoocLoricbcia ^jri •a JOHN C- SCHWARZ, Prop. HUnler" 6-5000 Fresh Flowers from Our Own Greenhouses ECE FOB PROMPT EOUTEMAN laundry • Dry Clesnfns • Rwg Cleansing « Stores® 540-546 KAHWAY AVENUE WOODBRIDGE B4 Main Street (Corner School Street) Woodbridge 8-3036 suaded one of the churches in that city to honor mothers and asked that sons and BETWEEN THE HAMMER AND THE-ANVIL Edison Township - Fords Beacon daughters wear white carnations in honor of their mothers. This was done and soon Two Out of Every Five Questioned Published Every Thursday by the custom spread to all parts of the United The Woodbridge Publishing Co. States. In Survey. Say That Juvenile De- Post Office Address: Fords, Jf. J. Today we wear either white or red flow- linquency-is on the Increase i Woodbridge 8-1710 ers on this special day depending on Charles E. Gregory whether our mother is still alive. And there Their Home Communities : Editor and Publisher is little doubt that the observance of Mother's.Day led, later, to establishment Subscription rates by mail, including post- \ PRINCETON — How do rank Men Women age, one year, $3.00; six months, $1.50; three of Father's Day, which is held in June. and file New Jersey citizens feel More 44% 35% months, 85.cents; single coules by mail, 10 It is proper and well to observe Mother's about juvenile delinquency? Do About the same .. 27 32 cents. All payable in advance. they feel that there's more or Less 20 19 Day and a tradition of giving presents to less of it going on in their home . No opinion 9 14 By carrier delivery, 8 cents per copy. mothers on the second Sunday in May has communities today than there And higher proportions of was three or four years ago? those with little formal schooling Entered as second class matter April 17, become established in recent years. But Results of a statewide survey than those with more education 1936, at Fords, N. J., post office, under the observance of the day has done much good completed May 1 show that out say that juvenile delinquency is Act of March 1, 1879. through the years. Organizations dedi- of every ten people questioned, on the increase in their home four are of the opinion that communities. "~* there's more'* juvenile delinquency cated to the goal of reducing the loss of BY AMOUNT OF FORMAL life in childbirth long used the day to sti- going on today; another three in Far Aliead of His Time ten say that it's about the same EDUCATION mulate thought and generate support for today as it ".vas three or four, "c It is doubtful if any man of his genera- that cause. , years ago; two in ten say that '& 2 there's less now, and one in ten tion—certainly in these parts—^possessed In 1914 Congress officially recognized 5 m W ? expresses no opinion on the mat- o § - I? the appreciation for progressive social pat- Mother's Day and President Woodrow Wil- ter. •a ™ .5f 3 terns and behavior as did C. Raymond These were the findings when » o is p son first called upon U. S. officials to dis- New Jersey Poll staff reporters More 46% 37% 39% Wicoff. play the flag in' honor of the day. personally asked a cross-section About the A mother is a loved possession of_ all. of adult New Jersey citizens: same 27 26 39 Mr. Wicoff, who made his ideas and his "Would you say that there is Less : 15 23 24 influence permeate the Middlesex County Observances of the day knows no distinc- more or less juvenile delin- No opinion 12 14 8 tions, no limits and no special classes. And quency in your home com- Welfare Board since its inception, passed Noteworthy, too, is that the the fact that observance of the day has munity at the present time larger the size of the community, away Sunday after a brief illness. He had than there was three or four the greater the proportion saying grown so rapidly in this country and years ago? that there's more juvenile delin- been the first—and the only—Director of abroad is proof all of us think it only right The results: quency today. For example, a the Board which functions as a Federal- to pay. respect and do honor to the love and STATEWIDE majority (55%) of the big city More 40% people interviewed (those living State-Middlesex County agency for thecare and 'bother that once was—and usual- About the same 29 in cities with 100,000 or more alleviation of the problems of the aged and ly still is — spent on us by those we remem- Less : 20 people, places like Newark and ber this second Sunday in 1957. No opinion 11 Trenton) say that there's more infirm, and which shares a large responsi- Highlight of today's survey juvenile delinquency in their findings is that in every popula- communities today; whereas only bility for the care and rearing of children tion group _ measured, those who 29% of those living in places in broken and distressed homes. One • in - One say that there's more juvenile. with fewer than ..5,000 people ; delinquency today than there share this opinion. It was Mr. Wicoff's practical, political Several months ago, the world-renowned was three or four years ago out- The vote by size of community: and always-sincere diligence which result- ' number those who say there is psychiatrist, Dr. William C. Menninger, ed in the construction of the Roosevelt less now. These groups include created quite a stir with his declaration Under the'Capitol men and women, residents of all Hospital while he was a member of the v By L Jesiph Griilns city sizes, and all age groups, oc- Board of Chosen Freeholders. For many that the toll of niental illness is "one-in- cupations, and educational levels. years, he served the hospital which is re- one." Of course, Dr. Menninger did not Despite the fact that those who mean by this that everyone of us is a sub- TRENTON—A battle royal be« special targets of State troopers long to secure. their driver's li- say more outnumber those who 5: "i « § garded as foremost of its kind in the coun- tween New Jersey lawmakers and 'this, summer because of the' censes and car registrations and ' say less in each population group, try, as business manager, and he left this ject for a mental hospital. He explained jurists who interpret the law has threat to the lives of other mo- were required to stand in line there are substantial differences More 29% 29% 49% 55% that mental illness does not show up only broken out at the State House .torists. before motor vehicle agencies in sentiment among- the various About the important duty in order to guide the des- over which group should dictate Fifty-eight signs will be in-throughout New Jersey are still groups. \ same .... 40 33 27 19 tiny of an even larger public undertaking in extreme cases—of the kind which neces- rules of evidence. stalled in time for summer traf- inflicted with the disease of de- For example, somewhat higher Less :.. 15 25 22 15 in the field of social welfare. sitate mental hospital treatment. Mental The ten-year-old undercover fic along the Garden State Park- layed action. proportions of men than women No illness, he pointed out, can come in less dispute came out of the skirmish way urging motorists to "Keep According to Frederick J. Gas- say that there's more juvenile de- opinion 16 13 2 11 He was far ahead of his time in this area, stage with the introduction of a to Right Except to Pass" and in sert, Jr., State Motor Vehicle Di- linquency today than there was Finally, somewhat higher pro- and while his concept of government's severe forms, affecting every one of us in •bill in the Legislature setting addition, enforcement -and edu- rector, these same drivers, or three or four years ago. portions of manual workers than our daily lives. forth methods by which legal evi- cation aspects will be main- their imitators, are waiting until Here's how men .and women white-collar ones are of the obligation within it created wide contro- dence may be submitted in the tained during the' summer the last few days of the month answered: (Continued on Page Fifteen) versy—certainly in the beginning—Mr. Wi- Much of the trouble which people have ' courts of New Jersey. The statute months. . to send in their registration ap- coff was a man of indomitable perserver— on their jobs, or in school, or in marital was proposed by a Commission Last summer, State troopers plications, or are crowding mo- 1 relations are evidences of mental ill health, to Study the Improvement of hte gave out many tickets to such tor vehicle agencies during the ance and immeasurable patience. He held Law of Evidence created by the motorists because of their threat final days of each period. As a Competence Creates Confidence high his faith in thfr.doctrine which makes he said. Many of the physical illnesses 1955 Legislature. Retired Supe- to the lives of others and because result instead of. one great rush which we suffer—such as headaches, indi- rior Court Judge John O. Bige- New Jersey law requires that period, the division now has concern by public agencies for the ill and low is chairman of the commis- motorists keep to the right of twelve small rush periods. dependent, a legitimate, demanding thing gestion, ulcers, heart ailments—also origi- sion. roads. The law of New Jersey However, Director Gassert: ex- —to be served with devotion and pride by nate from emotional disorder, in most Chief Justice Arthur T. Vah- also prohibits passing a car on pects eventually to educate the derbilt has declared the enact- the right, although that practice motorist to handle his registra- * > cases. - t all those with the equipment and interest ment of the measure into law is legal in New York State. tion application promptly to to serve. Needless to say, his inspired He stressed strongly the need for "mental would run counter to nine-cen- Ltate Highway Commissioner avoid such delays. This is the first the ultimate in effort and devotion by the and emotional first aid," to deal with these tury old court procedures Dwight R. G. Palmer believes spring in motor vehicle,: history throughout the world. No such such signs should contain the where long lines have "not been legions he recruited to his cause. problems, and pointed out that most com- bill has ever made its appear- words "prohibited by law." This tornted in front of agencies, he ance in the Legislature of the irould show the motorist at a said. The imprint on public .thinking in social munities lack the first-aid devices—mental United States, he claims. health clinics, guidance' services, mental glance that he is breaking the Gassert is also pleased with the problems, which will be his everlasting me- "New Jersey would become the law while driving in the left •completion of the tremendous morial, was a task to which he literally health programs in schools and in industry. laughing stock of the common lanes, instead of thinking he has Insurance ii designed to assure against financial loss from many types a right to do so, Palmer argues. job of revising the system involv- of unpredictable disaster. The NEED for and value of insurance is law world instead of being ing 5,000,000 car records, which devoted his life. His passing will, leave a Now, during the Mental Health Week is recognized as the State with the a well established PACT. Since insurance is a field of specialization, More cars than ever are ex- •permits a motorist to secure his- your wisest move is to consult an-organization, such as ours, so -that, sad void in the hearts of all who worked a good time to recall Dr. Menninger's words finest court system in the coun- pected to utilize the turnpike try if the bill becomes law;" Van- driver's license and car registra- we may lay out an insurance schedule best suited to your individual with him, but the force of his personality and apply them to our own community and and parkway this summer as tion by mail. Despite the stagger- . needs. There is no charge for our personalized service—and many derbilt says. well as shore roads. Because New ing load placed upon the Division times our guidance will save you money. . and his convictions will remain with them to ourselves. And now, during Mental In addition to undermining all Jersey's traffic fatality rate is of Motor Vehicles last year-, the as a guide to highest ideals. To them, to progress made by the courts of going up, slow-driving motorists new system is now working out Friendly Service—As Near As Your Phone Health Week, is also a good time, to do New Jersey since the adoption of as well as the speeders may ex- Mrs. Wicoff, his neighbors and friends we something about it. If much of the suffer- well, he says. : the ' 1947 Constitution, Vander- pect arrests in the warm months WILDLIFE:—There* are indica- extend sinceresfc sympathy. ing which we endure 'is unnecessary, as bilt further claims such a law ahead. tions of a resurgence of the JM|il|||SS8ws«!S8i»«i«s««^ would swamp New Jersey courts PUBLIC EMPLOYEES: — The I Dr. Menninger says, and if it can be elimi- by involving them in a plethora bunny and bird population in New Jersey Taxpayers Associa- New Jersey despite housing arid nated by mental health first-aid services, of litigation over procedure and tion points out that one person Mothers Bay 1957 evidence. factory development in the up- ESTATE let us take action to provide such services in every 25 in New Jersey works lands of the State. Mother's Day dates from just a few years The right of trial by jury was for government. Years ago the wild duck failed in our own community. adopted after the Norman Con- back — 1907, or fifty years ago. Yet it has s The United States Bureau of to stop in New Jersey in great It is time, too, to stop thinking that men- quest and was included in the the Census reports there are 212,- (Continued .on Page Fifteen) already become nationally accepted and United States Constitution after 902 public employees in the generally observed in this and other coun- tal illness is someone else's problem, for, as the Revolutionary War. The State, of which 50,300 are em- Dr. Menninger says, the toll of mental{ill- other side of the coin of trial by ployed by the Federal Govern- tries. jury, Vanderbilt claims, is the ment:" 30,988 by the State Gov- Miss Anna M. Jarvis of Philadelphia per- ness is one-in-one. ' development of rule's of evidence ernment, and 131,614 by local by the courts. This should remain governments. with the New Jersey courts and Compared with October, 1955, not be done by the Legislature, these totals reflect 502 additional he insists. Six other Supreme Federal employees; 1,682 more What of McCarthy? Court justices share his views. State employees and an addition- Associate. Justice Joseph Wein- al 3,126 local employees, an over- troub has different ideas. tion to him was either sharply all increase of 5,310 public em- NEW YORK purpose. He struck hard at a "It's just like going to a hos- ployees in the State. . -'An Accident of History' time when powerhouse punch- black or white, depending upon pital for a major operation and ing was needed. Sometimes the how people felt about the issues Totals include- both full and The Post (tad.) in which he became involved, saying let's get rid of the expert part-time employees while the As a political figure he had swings were wild. We criticized surgeons and tyjm the operation State figures, as reported by the him for his means, never for his and the methods he employed in ceased to matter. In many ways connection with them. over to the internes,", claims the Census Bureau, include State McCarthy, sat almost provoca- ends. Perhaps he was unwise to Chief Justice. authorities and the State Uni- tively for the portrait of villain. take on the United States Army MILWAUKEE SLOW DRIVERS:—Laggards of versity in" addition to regular brass, tout that battle, if it ac- the high speed left lanes on New State agencies. i He could be cruel, vindictive, complished nothing else, ended Harmful influence deceitful. But essentially, Mc- Jersey highways, turnpike and CAR REGISTRATIONS: —Mo- any lingering, vestigial tolerance The JounuM (Ind.) Garden State Parkway will be the torists who formerly waited too Carthy -was an accident of his- of communism in the armed The hatmful influence of Mc- tory; he was the Creature of a forces. He was a man who did Carthy and McCarthyism was GLAMOR GiRLS time of national frenzy and not retreat. He was fearless. felt far beyond the world of frustrtaion over Cotnmuntst ag- America has lost a warrior. The politics. It injured American gression in the world. Joe Mc- war toward which he contrfti- prestige in the eyes of the world. you ever paused to Carthy was not. superman; nis uted%so much goes on. It. paralyzed national foreign equipment was diverse but lim- policy in a critical period. Fu- think how much of your progress ited. The shame of America is HARTFORD ture generations are likely to and happiness you owe to your that he could go so far and leave History Will Decide find this period ns fantastic, and so large an imprint on his time. The Courant (Rep.) harmful to the American spirit, BANKING HOURS: mother? Have you expressed your Perhaps the larger shame is thit To some the junior Senator as that of the Salem witch Monday thru Friday he could ever have been led to from 'Wisconsin was a national witch hunts, the post-Civil War gratitude and appreciation? Today believe that the way to glory lay! 9 A. M. to 2 F. M. hero. To -others he was a sinister Reconstruction or the Ku Klux is your opportunity. Make It a joy-' in this squalid business of politi- figure who made the name of Klan. Friday Evenings cal head-hunting. In a mature, America a by-word around the CHICAGO 4 J\ M. to 6 P. M. ful day to remember,for Mother, thoughtful democracy^ scrutin- world. It is not'for his contem- ized by an enlightened press, he Target of Smear Campaign poraries, but for history, to say The Tribune (Rep.) would never have dared to stage Who was right. What we must to large a hoax, nor would so Senator McCarthy was a pa- recognize is that the Senator triotic American and a deter- many men still bow to the spirit played his role on the stage of of his deeds even while belatedly mined opponent of Communists. history because he articulated And because of that he was proclaiming their abhorrence of the fears and suspicions that 1 his name. made the target of the greatest many of his fellow-citizens felt organized smear campaign of 'Man Who Did Not Betreat' deep within themselves, and our "day. Every "liberal" com- The Daily Mirror (Ind.) strongly. , mentator and newspaper lost no Senator Joseph R. McCarthy opportunity to vilify him. The was a young giant oi our times. DETROIT White House palace guard plot- Communists and leftists hated *Never Any Grey Tones' ted his ruin. The 'President sig- him because they feared him. The Free Press (Ind.) naled him out for studied in- Millions of patriotic Americans There were never any gray sults. No i man in public life was Our New Building, Corner Moore Avenue ever persecuted 'and maligned loved Mm. Many were puzzled tones where Senator Joseph R. , IIKO TEAIUSES SVTOICXT1B, IK, *O»tB MOSis IESKVS8. and Berry Street (Opp. Town Hall) •by his tactics, but none of his McCarthy was concerned. Reac- (Continued on Page Fifteen) "No, those are NOT the same kind of tires you've seen Member: Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation EDISON TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON PAGE THIRTEEN idtfcdr PAGE FOURTEEN THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1957 EDISO2T "TOWNSHIP AHD'FOEBS BEACON"


$1,00 for 155words Deadline for ads: Wednesday 1© 4c each additional word A. M. for the same week's Payable in advance publication. Telephone WO-8-1710 'Accordion 'School - Moving and Trucking Piano Snstruetlon Radio & TV Service Oovers • BUSINESS -OPPORTUNITY. •' • • FEMALE HELP WANTED • HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY ANY TV SET ADJUSTED OR to get into one of the nation's HAND MOVING REPAIRED — REASONABLE THREE WOMEN wanted part HENSCH'S Avenel Pharmacy (%5e arl time, easy work, three hours fastest growing businesses. Own Day Service. $O . SALE! per day. Car necessary. Must hot and operate a UNITED RENT- Accordion School 994 RAHWA1T AVENUE •AND STORAGE Cail only ** Parts 1857 Slip Covers now ALLS store. "The store that rents I »Xearn to play available at New Low I be employed elsewhere. Write 172 Brown Avenue. Iselin Color TV Extra P. O, Box 2, c/o this newspaper. everything." Requires a minimum WOODBRIDGE 8-1914 LOCAL AND LONG the Piano in a Prices! Call us . , . „„, 5-2, 9 of $7,500 covered by inventory. DISTANCE MOVING Antennas Installed Can be partially financed. Over Private Accordion Lessons SHORT TIME (Given in Your Home or Our PRESCRIPTIONS REASONABLE RATES i 3 Year Perfects Performance SERIVIAYA^ I 100 stores in operation; a world Studio) WOMAN wanted to help clean, Agency For . . . Lessons Guaranteed UPHOLSTERY SHOPS of potential; better than average ® Complete Accordion Repairs WHITMAN'S CANDIES one day a^ week. Call Liberty 8- © Sales, Rentals, Exchanges UNITED VAN LINES -Est. 1907 • i I profits. WRITE, WIRE or'PHONE. & Pickups and Amplifiers Installed in your own 5S93 after ff:00 P. M. 5-9 @ Music Books for Accordion Cosmetics - Film RAHWAY 9 AVENEL I UNITED RENT-ALLS, Inc. 609 W. ELIZABETH AVENUE HOME .... PHIL'S TV WO-8-1217 2627 North 27 For Information Call Greeting Cards LINDEN, Call VA 6-7151 FtJ-8-995i WOMEN, 18-55, to address and By a Well Known Teacher and T mail our circulars at home on Lincoln, Nebraska WO 8-4013 ' • Phone WAbash 5-2313-2314 (24-Hour Phone Service) commission. Write GIFT FAIR, 5-2, 9 Professional Musician (Depfc. 8), Springfield, Penna. Repairing . 5/9-5/23 FOR SALE Aluminum Prodyots • Funeral Directors Musk Instruction m SET NEED 1949 CHRYSLER — New Yorker REPAIR? LADIES — Are you in need of Convertible. Ready for Spring. (^Lesliie Call money? AVON Cosmetics holds Excellent condition; top almost LOWEST PRICES 11 Call for Appointment WO-8-4360 MARTINSON the answer. Become an AVON new; tires with lots of miles; radio WO-8-0781-M Representative and serve your and heater; original 37,000 miles. TRIPLE TRACK Extruded ART'S. RADIO STORE'S- Combination neighbors during- convenient $500.00. May be seen at Kondor's SYNOWIECKI 443 hours. 'Phone EL-6-6655 or write Amoco Station, corner Green St. ALUMINUM 1 y. & TELEVISION WINDOWS Pianos and Organs LAKE AVE. P. O. Box 705, Plainfield. 5-9 and Rahway Ave., Woodbridge. Funeral Home PIANO —SALES sand SEKVICE— Call WO-8-9327. 5/9 155 AVENEL ST., AVENEL COLONIA • MALE-FEMALE HELP • 46 Atlantic Street INSTRUCTION Antennas installed, Tubes test- FU-1-0114 WANTED FOE SALE Combination PRIVATE LESSONS - ALUMINUM ., Carteret, N. J-. ed free at our store, Car Radios BARBERRY HEDGE—A number DOOR , Classical or Popular serviced promptly. MAN OR WOMAN to clean of- For Information REPAIR ESTIMATES FREE! I Shoe Repairing fices.. Friese - Sexton Flooring 1 plants, 24" high. Call WO-8- Telephone KI 1-5715 Company, 1400 Rahway Avenue, 0227-M after 5:00 P. M. 5-9* * Installation Opt. CailFU 8-5619/ I Bike Repairing Rahway, or call WO-8-2888. (Bus © WINDOW SHADES 1951 STUDEBAKER — Good con- William DiTrolio, Colonia, N. J. 54 passes door.) 5-9 • VENETIAN BLINDS COLONIA TELEVISION I Lawn Mowers dition, clean, good tires. $375.00. SERVICE Call Liberty 8-5893. '5-9 © JALOUSIE WINDOWS MALE HELP WANTED Authorized Zenith Dealer Sharpened AND DOORS Enroll your 'Child Because we have practically Sales & Service UNDERWOOD typewriter, 10 • ALUMINUM AWNINGS now for private » Radio & TV Tubes MECHANICS. years old, good condition. $30.00. NO OVERHEAD, 1957 Models in Stock © ALUMINUM ROOFING lessons on: TV & RADIO REPAIRS We are expanding, our operations Call FU-8-7237 after 7 P. M. © TRUMPES We can offer low prices on INSTALLATIONS Tested Free in the manufacture of paper cups AND SIDING 0 GUITAR Pianos and Organs Member of Lake Avenue Tel. KI-1-7966 or KI-1-8564 ® ACCORDION EUlton 1-2011 and containers in our BRAND- FLYiN & SON USED PIANOS Car Radios Repaired Businessmen's Association FOR RENT or visit our modern showroom ©SAXOPHONE NEW AIR-CONDITIONED PLANT FUNERAL HOMES Boug-ht and Sold 20% Discount on All Tubes IN CARTERET. Aluminum Established 51 Tears GIBSON @ PIANO "Drop in and say hello. We're FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apart- GUITARS @ TROMBONE PIANO INSTRUCTION when purchased in store located right next to the Shell We need several men who have ment, heat, electric supplied. Products Co. 420 East Avenue and Amplifiers © DRUMS Phone LI-8-2387 " Corner Iriman Avenue and Station." had experience in the MAINTE- Business couple only. Call Wo. 8- Perth Amboy 1241 Roosevelt Ave., W. Carteret Kimberly Road NANCE OF AUTOMATIC MA- 2355. 5-9 . /4" in Size Industrial Exhaust System Taxi Oafas Sharpened and Serviced Newspaper Clippings Included Plumbing & Heating Motor Guards COAL-: FUEL'OIL * - • FOR FREE ESTIMATE Free Pickup—Phone KI-1-7163 International Laminating ® Remodeling Call WO-8-2145 or HI-2-6966 KEROSENE Industries, Inc. * ALBRIGHT'S KEY SHOP JOHN BARAN © New Installations 124 WASHINGTON AVENUE' Hoofing and Siding # Inquire at • Gas and Oil Burners LET US ' CARTERET 19 Charles Street, Carteret, N. J. SOLVE YOUR HEATING Call WO-8-S046, H1-2-73U2 mm ' ' . • PROBLEM • Liper Stores Pet Shops E. PUGLIESE - A. LIPO Henry jansen Sc Son JUST PHONE WO 8-020O Tinning and Sheet Metal Work LITTLE TO COMPLETE HEAT- Telephone Wcodbiidgre 8-1S89 Roofing Metal Ceilings and ZOO Fas* and Courteous Sendee ING INSTALLATIONS Furnace Work - Woodbridge TROPICAL and WDGE. 8-1400 588 Alden Street Liquor Store TJOLD FISH 443 PEARL ST. WOODBRIDGE JOS. ANDRASCIK, Prop. \ ALL FISH SUPPLIES Woodbridge, N. J. TANKS — PLANTS PUMPS "1 Complete Stock of Domestic Telephone 8-1216 } AWENEL PARAKEETS — SINGING and Imported Wines, Beers f ' CANARIES ' COAL & OIL CO. and Liquors © Plumbing and • 20 TYPES.OF-CAGES Heating Sales The teen-ager is very'tfashion- 826 EABWAY AVE., AVENEL 574 AMBOY AVENUE, FULL LINE OF SUPPLIES and Service E & L conscious. At this tender'age it is WOODBRIDGE, N. J. JUST ARRIVED! © Oil Burners, ROOFING important for growing girls to Now Shipment of Sales and Service GO. have the right kind of clothes. Oelicatessen • This does not mean expensive Moving and Trucking Indoor Plants — All Potted • FURNACE CLEANING Insured clothes or clothes that are correct Roofing Installation and in the eyes of their parents. It GUTH PET SHOP KARfiAZIN Repairs of All Types means clothes like those the rest TREAT SHOPPE Complete Moving Job" f 80 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret PLUMBING & HEATING © GUTTERS of the l'feowd" wears. ® 3 Rooms $25 5 Rooms ?35 KI-1-4070 @ Commercial ® Residential - © LEADERS 613 Railway Ave., Woodbridge 4 Rooms $30 6 Rooms' $40 STORE HOURS: © Industrial e SLATE REPAIR Fortunately, designers have be- I'll bring you all kinds of work-saving con- (Opp. White Church) Mon. Thru'Sat. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 18 MAIN ST. (Opp. Town Hall) e HOT ASPHALT ROOFS gun-thinking-about our teen-agers. All Loads Insured — 10 Tears Esp. venience and comfort at a cost of only pennies! WOODBRIDGE 8-4765 "Consequently, their clothes are a © SALADS at their BEST ECONOMY MOVERS For Free Estimates £hone far cry from the sloppy sweaters NATION-WIDE MOVEEtSfc: -";. and dirty saddle shoes that, were Visit your nearest Public Service showroom ® SODA" FOUNTAIN Phstsgraplty Fulton 8- Rsik & TV Service VA 6-5616 a must some years* ago. or your local electric dealer's and see ail the ® FRESH BAKER? GOODS The big favorite for school wear wonderful electric appliances with which I can 48-8tate remains the sweater and skirt, but Open 7 A. M, to 10:30 p. M. Moving, - Service Siatisns # they are becoming: neat and stylish help you LIVE BETTER.ELECTRICALLY! INCLUDING SUNDAYS Service « and designed to look good.;, AGENT . Closed Wednesdays All Day AL'S RADIO The choice of evening dresses land f'dress-up" clothes is varied. National Van Lines '& TELEVISION YOUR ELECTRIC SERVANT TOWNE GARAGE 'The main fight most mothers have Drags* Prompt Expert Repairs is to keep their daughters from J. F. Gardner & Son RCA Tubes and Parts wearing clothes too old for them. 485 AMBOY AVENUE Brassieres and panty-girdlesi* Batteries , with the youthful figure in mind, '^y\ , A. W. Hall and Son s Woodbridge RAYMOND JACKSON Local and Long Distance S4 PEKSHING AVENTJB - are made by almost all of the- Moving and Storage foundation companies. K NATION-WIDE SHIPPERS ol CARTERET, N. 3. AND SON Households and Office Furniture iiiiiiitt We're Specialists In Even costume jewelry, scaled for Authorized Agent A. KJsh, Jr., Prop, • BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT young girls, can be found. Howard Van Lines uve BETTER Druggists " Separate Rooms for Storage iimili!! telephone KI-1-5089 AND BALANCE HOME: COUNTY JAIL CRATING ® PACKING •Dallas. Tex. — Asked for his 1 ©BEAKS; SERVICE 88 Main Street SKST SELECTION OF home i address by hospital attend- {reclaimed Furniture of Every PHOTO SUPPLIES IN TOWN! ants, a man wounded in a street Woodbridge, N. J. Description brawl replied; 'The County Jail" Office and Warehouse Classified Ads He was right — he had been re- Telephone 8-6554 34 Atlantic Street, Carteret GALIARD'S PHOTO leased from jail that day after Tel. KI-1-5540 547 Amboy Aye. WO-8-3651 Bring Results serving; a- drunk and disorderly, sentence; * EDISON TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON THtJESBAY, MAY 9, 1957 PAGE FIFTEEN State House Dome stuck to his guns. The Republic has lost a stalwart defender. Avenel Juniors Take (Continued x'rom Editorial Page) 'Children' to Be Part in Music Festival Avenel Lions Club Rosary Welcomes numbers during- spring- and fal STV EOUIS AVENEL PERSONALS .migrations -down and: up the At- G. O. V. to Be Stronger AVENEL —. Sh£ members of the lantic Flyway. Today flocjcs . of The: Globe-Democrat (Ind.) Theme of Meeting Junior Woman's Club of Avenel Elect Codby Head "• 3 New Members ducks stop over in New Jersey be- participated in the annual Third cause, proper feed; and habitat Those who loved Joe McCar- AVENEL — "Assignment. •— AVENEL — Mrs. Rudy Viva- will be furthered for the annual thy, as Tifell as those who hated District Mu^ie Festival at Asbury AVENEL — Election of officers fund-raising- drive to be held June has 'been provided' for them on Children" will be the theme of the Park, which had. as its theme, was held by the Avene] Lions Club delli, Mrs. George ..Collins and Mrs. a large scale. • him—and there were few in be- at a meeting in Maple Tree Farm. Z. E. Mahr, were welcomed as new 3 to 15, under the co-chairmanship tween—.must agree on one thing, Women's Association meeting: next "From Broadway to the Parkway." members of the Rosary Society of By MRS. of Joseph Manzione and Mrs. An- (Tuesday night at the First Presby- Members of the local club pan- Plans were made to hold the in- Through game management he alerted the country; to the stallation dinner dance May 29, at St. Andrew's Church at a meeting DAVID DAVIS drew Galisin. i workers: of trie-state Division of terian Ghurch. A colored film will tomimed excerpts from "Guys and —The Firemen's Association will evils of communism. As he him- Dolls," under the direction of Miss the Club Bel-Air, Perth Amboy, held Monday in the church hall. 15 Lenox Ave., Pish and Game, many acres of self often said, the Communist be shown, starring Danny Kaye, with William Henthorn as chair- Plans were-discussed for partici- meet next Thursday at the firehouse. swamplands/ have _ been planted Gail Cooper, music department Avenel conspiracy-was no place for kid which deals with children around chairman. Miss Heddy Jaskolka man. . .. :. pation in the carnival the week of —Rehearsals for the May -with natural food for the ducks gloves and Joe was not a kid- the world. ; . i June 24, sponsored by the com- WO-8-2240-B, Crowning will be held by the Habitat, has also been1- improved portrayed , "Adelaide" and Mrs. Newly elected aofficers are: Jo- Young Ladies' Sodality of St. glove man in any respect. He Mrs. Daniel Ho well, chairman of Jame^s Gordon, "Nathan," with bmed societies of the church. Mrs. in the shore counties, and as a thus made a real contribution to seph J. Godby, president; Abbe Richard Pryce, Mrs. William Den- Andrew's Church each Monday and result the ducks fly to earth n the Community Cancer Dressing Miss Mary Lou Galisin, Mrs. Hans Feldman, ,first vice-president; Dan- vich, Mrs./ Robert Fisher, Mrs. Wednesday evening in the church his country. Senator McCarthy's Group, reports that in f6ur meet- Nielsen, Miss Wilma Froehlieh and iel Flanzbaum, second vice-presi- the Garden State to enjoy them- death, however, will unquestion- Harry. Kwasnieski, Mrs. Andrew —The Brotherhood of the Con-hall. The crowning will take place ings during- April, 1,403 dressings Miss Anne Baumgarten as other dent; John Zennario, third vice- Introne and Mrs. William Selby May 26. The group will conduct a selves. ably strengthen the Republican were completed. Approximately 15 "guys" and "dolls." * president; Abe Kramer, secretary; gregation Sons of Jacob will meet were named to serve on the com-at 8:30 P. M., at the Avenel Jew- cake sale May 19 at the church TO help increase the ^ party, for his methods made him women meet each Wednesday from A certificate of award was pre-Arthur Flanagan, treasurer; Vin- mittee. after each Mass, with all member*} population/ the Divisiorf has a repudiated and fractional, 1 to 3 P. M. in the church social sented'by Mrs. Daniel L. Levy, dis- cent Eiccardone; tail^twister; Har- ish Community Center. participating. •called ; upon- /landowners :;;ahd splinter of the party. room No. 1 for this-' charitable trict advisor, to each club that par- ry Yago, lion-tamer; Nathan Teni- Mrs. Harry Jones Jr., chairman —The Board of. Fire Commis- work. Mrs. Howell pointed out of the Mother's Day Communion sioners will meet tonight at the —Private 1/c William F. Hugel- sportsmen to keep the ball roll- ticipated. kin and Mr. Henthorn, board of breakfast, imported plans hav? tag by planting appropriate trees, that anyone having clean white Other Avenel Juniors who were directors for. two year ,- terms. nreliouse. meyer, who is stationed at Camp BOSTON material to donate may call either ! in • attendance were Mrs. Martin been completed for the affair tc be —A card party sponsored by the Lejeune, N. C, is spendh.. Charles Leicht, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- reaction, in which the law of ing secretary, Mrs. Martin Ham Victorine, Mr. and Mrs. Mark cording to the State-Department compensation, in,'.the end, has of Agriculture. , Naughton, and treasurer, -Mrs. j Tanz, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kelson, always prevailed. His death was William Adams. Installation of j Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Derwin, Mr. the final tragedy in an essen- these officers will be,held June 5 ian d Mrs. S. Freidlander, Mr. and Printed Pattern 9213: Misses' CAPITOL CAPERS:—Officials of tially tragic career. for PTA. 1 and the following Mrs. Sol Eisman, Mr. and Mrs. Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40, 42, 44, day for PTA 2. Mason Levinski, Mr. and Mrs. Isa- 16. Size 18 takes 5% yards 35-inch, the New Jersey Parkway intend PHILADELPHIA dore D rescher, Mr. and Mrs.. Mel Send Thirty-five cents,in coins to rent a helicopter for traffic War on Reds to Go On Rev. John M. Wilus, pastor, was North, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meltz, 'or this pattern—add 5 cents for control from the air if it becomes The Bulletin (Ind.) honored on- the 20th anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Murray Herman, sach pattern if you wis!! Ist-class necessary this sjunmer.. . . The Death has removed from the of his ordination into the priest- Mrs. Max Schwartz, and Mrs. nailing.. Send to 170 Newspaper New Jersey Taxpayers Associa- American political scene one of hood. Jack Farkas. ; Pattern Depf., 232 West IStU St, tion is asking "whether costs of •Jew York 11. N. Y. Print plainly its most picturesque and vehe- Plans for a dane"- May 18 in The F,un Club is planning a UAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, education 'should be controlled ment actors. Despite the passing the school cafetei-ia were made. second party next month. SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. from Main Street or the State of the chief huntsman in politi- Frank Jacob is chairman and he House.... The New Jersey Legis- cal circles, the warfare on the lature is scheduled to speed up will be assisted by fathers of Red underground will go on.- It pupils in the second grade. .beyond a snail's pace during the is regrettable that Senator Mc- next few weeks. Carthy did not live to attend ultimately the. funeral of the the enemies he made in the Communist party line in the higher echelons of the Commu- of Others United States. nist command, in Moscow and elsewhere, are a credit to his (Continued from Editorial Page) Voice Stilled Before Death zeal. But there is no recorded because of his beliefs as was The Inquirer (Ind.) instance of McCarthy's ferreting •Senator McCarthy. -He/ took it McCarthy was a determined out even one spy. His voice, had all without a whimper and battler against communism and been stilled long before he died.- ^^ Open AH Day Sunday, Mother's Day

n, c i-'J r-~-"1 p,-"% ''• Mi! C_3 ® Sensational - Package- Deal a THREE TRAOK STORM WINDOWS This Any Size to 36" x 65" ,; Anybody Can Play if — Without Lessons Extruded Aluminum — S3ST5 Sunday Without Any Musical Training May 12th THousands of people, from 8 to 80, who never took a music lesson, have found out how PLUS easy it is to play the Hammond Chord Organ. In only) thirty minutes you can play reason- j REMEMBER: THE ONE.: who never ably-well, after three hours you can play many of your favorite songs^popular and classical. forgets you .... with a CORSAGE, You needn't know a note. You play from "Picture Music." One finger of your left hand COMBINATION STORM DOOR presses one button to produce rich chords. One finger of your right hand plays the melody : M -or-GUT. FLOWERS (V THICK) line. One foot automatically produces the right bass for any song played. Extruded Aluminum — G3ST5 — with all Touch-response percussion con- Hardware, Knob, Frame, etc. trols. By flipping a key you can have DOES;. YOUR MOTHER LIVE FAR AWAY? , and 1 FREE A-12 Door Grill beautiful percussions like harp, FIU OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON If, so, we can send your flower order to her by wire. All 8 Installed Complete I am interested in a free trial in my home of the chimes, guitar, marimba, etc. ' Hammond Chord Organ and a free 33H I. p. r. of - Phone FU-8-0711 or FU-8-0712 ONLY Come in and play the Hammond the Hammond Chord Organ. $ 00 Chord Organ now. Or send us the Name „ „ We Will Be Open Saturday, May 11, Till 9 P. M. coupon for a free home trial and free Address „ long playing 33M record of the Sunday, May 12/Till 12 Noon 1B5 Phone Hammond Chord Organ. The finest quality No ^ R. BAUMANN, Inc. 9 XO DOWN PAYMENT # 3 YEARS TO PAY "The Music Center of New Jersey" 1 WEST HAZELWO0D AVENUE, RAHWAY GRIFFITH PIANO CO. : V :;./-'.'••' MEMBERS- ::^.h--' PHONES: FGlton; S-0711—0712 Flowers Delivered to ajiy HAMMOND REPRESENTATIVES of the JPterlsts' TelSarfapK; A. LOVAS & SONS, Inc. : : ; : part of the United States v- :\ T 1;'v.:I>eIvsrefy'- -*'->^i:;-: i;< -BSTABIilSSED 1858 on Short Notice 1585 Main Street, Rahway FU 8-4756 605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, NEW JERSEY Onen Wednesrlav ETM>mfls until 9 * MAi'ket 3-5880 PAGE SIXTEEN THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1957 EDISON TOWNSHIP AND TOBDS BEACOr? Rampaging Barrons Face Tough Tests Ludwig Shoots 296 CSS^OKW^CCSSCCCCOCCC^ Miele's in Sweep, Contracts Readied Plainfield,* Amboy /=" As Wodbridge Tops Mear 1st Division For Rec Baseball^ Scheduled; Brooks Manville Marksme In Iselin League Softball Leagues Mound Sensation WO GDBRIDGE —Coach ,Frank MANVTLLE—Woodbridge' Town- ' ' W L WOODBRIDGE—Recreation Di- ! Capraro's Barrons, after knocking ship's Police Pistol team -roared Payne's Lunch - 63 30 retcor John Zullo announced that off New Brunswick, 3-1 this week into the upper stratosphere of the Jag's Sporting Goods .... 56% 36% contracts for his department's, to post an 8-2 record, are the talk Central Jersey League this .week Cooper's Dairy 55V2 37'/2 three summer baseball and softbalil of the county, but a tough road .after trouncing- the local Police Ideal Beauty Salon 45'.4 47% leagues are being accepted at trie lies immediately ahead -with Plain- Department; 1T60-1141. Miele's' Excavating 45 48 Municipal Building on Main field on tap this afternoon and Woodbridge,- the defending Mary's Dress Shop 43 50 Street. ; Perth Amboy tomorrow at Waters champions in the league, -has a Iselin Lumber 37 56 In an effort to facilitate the Stadium. Both games are sched- 3-1 record with the one setback Al's Sunoco 26^ 66Y2 distribution of contracts, Zu'ilo's uled to start at 3:30 o'clock. being administered by Roselle. Last office mailed the necessary farms year the champs went undefeated If our coaches at Woodbridge High School are ex- ISELIN — Miele's Excavating to last year's team managers and One of the reasons for the Bar- for a new league mark." made a serious bid to crash the captains. Announcement of the rons' fast break from the wire is first division of the St. Cecelia the brilliant pitching of Randy Team captain Andrew Ludwig, pected to turn out winning teams consistently, they league openings will also be-made must be given the tools to do so; and if they ate not Women's Bowling League by win- throughout the township school Brooks, a talented "senior nrho has who got off to a slow start, was on iiing three straight games from won six straight games without the beam at the local range, lead- system by the physical education provided with the necessary equipment, then we are Iselin Lumber by scores of 695-676, department. suffering a defeat. He has by far ing Woodbridge with a 296 score. 753-632 and 771-750. The clean the best pitching record in Central The visiting marksmen punctured at. fault. '- . Requirements . for the three sweep carried the Excavators to leagues are: Boys whp have not Jersey and is almost a sure bet for. his tax-gets for a 99 score in the Frank Capraro is doing a. miraculous.job. with the within a half game of fourth place! All State honors next month. fp. slow fire phase of the competition, reached "their' fifteenth birthday Barron baseball team considering the severe handicap Kay Smith was Miele's big gun before May 20 are eligible: to com- •_ Alook at the" records shows that a perfect 100 in time and 97 in With a 477, while her teammates, Brooks has allowed only five runs rapid. v of playing, on the antiquated Port Reading-field,-which, pete in the Junior loop; ^while the Marie Remler and Marie Water- Intermediate .circuit restricts a in 42 innings for an amazing 0.83 Art Grosskopf took second place wouldn't be considered for a satisfactory/Little Lea'gue son,- came through with totals of boy's age to seventeen before May earned run average. Thus,far;he honors for the township dub with site. Capraro hasn't complained—he is jusf too happy 465 and 457^ The Lumberjacks' 20. There are no age requirements has breezed third strikes past; 43 a 290 tally, while his teammates, most-consistent bowler was Loretta in the Senior Softball League. The batters and walked only 18. Con- Phil Yacovino and Closindo Zuc- being a varsity coach. However, we took it upon bur- Smith, who posted a 485. schedule of games will start June trol and a fast breaking curve ball caro, tied for third place posting .Front-running Payne's Lunch 3 and continue through iAugust. are his chief assets. . identical 287 scores. selves to. look into the situation after hearing com- plaints from visiting coaches, umpires, players and battered •Cooper's Dairy out of The eight Recreation fields Bob Filarowicz, who has a 2--R Pete Lapay wss high man for second place by taking two out of scattered throughout the township record thus far this season, may?" Manville at the firing line, shoot- -spectators. They all called the field and its lack of three'games. The Dairymaids won are in good condition, and are get the nod to take the mound ing a 290 score out of a possible 1 facilities a "disgrace to our high school team.. the clash, 723-691, but lost the available for practice. • A call to against Perth Amboy at Waters 300. He was trailed by Jack Wass others, 686-682 and 718-717. the Recreation office is necessary Stadium to give Brooks some ad- and Mike Keopewnicke, who fin- Tuesday afternoon the Barrons engaged New Bruns- Maryon Clancy, the Dairymaids' to reserve a diamond'for either a ditional rest. He, too, has a com- ished with 287 marks. " wick at Port Reading and the game had to be called stari Was at peak effectiveness, game or practice session. mendable pitching record of giv- Woodbridge is scheduled to hitting a 539 set with games of 182, ing up only one earned run in compete against Bound Brook on four different times because of swirling dust and par-' 167, and 190. The , total was the 18% innings. their home range Tuesday after- tides. The local'spectators viewing the contest and the highest'recorded in the league this The Woodbridge skipper has not noon. frequent miniature dust storms shook their heads and year.; Payne's chief scorers were STRIKES as yet made up his mind which WOODBRIDGE (1160) Steffie Saley and Vicki Karausky member of his mound staff will S3? TF RP Tot. muttered, "Is this the best we can give the boys?" In with marks of .47'.and 447. face Plainfield this afternoon at A. Ludwig 99 100 97 296 our opinion, it is not the best and the field" will never Jag's Holds Lead the Union County diamond due to A. Grosskopf .... 96 98 96 290 be adequate for high school competition, -We can't1 Ofag's Sporting Goods maintained the busy four game schedule this C ..Zuccaro 95 93 99 " 287 one-game lead in second place SPARES week. However, Ken Kosloski, a P. Yacovino "95 92 100 287 understand who approved the use of the diamond in >yer Cooper's after trouncing Ideal SENSATIONAL: Randy Brooks, Woodbridge High School's bril- promising sophomore, may get the MANVILLE (1141) J Seauty Salon twice. Jag's had vic- liant pitcher, is one of New Jersey's leading candidates for All- chance to win his first game of the first place. \':.••'•:•' : *,]•''• \ W©ODBRIDGE SERVICE Lapay '. 96 96 98 290 drie&'ir]_.the first and third :games, State honors. Thus far this season the talented senior has won the season against the Cardinals. • What hurts is the plain fact that the. present situa- ,769-8:64* and 722-691, while losing . •• W L six straight games without a defeat for the best record in Middle- Take 4 in Row Wass 95 92 100 -287 S-K Fogging ...1 28 17 Keopewnicke .... 95 92 'lOO 287 tion is not a new one since the Barrons have riot;iia& theisecond, 699-681. sex County. In 42 jnnings of competition, he has allowed only Woodbridge rattled off four yilma Inriamorati paced Jag's Saturday.Niters 1 28 17 five earned runs and has a total of 43 strikeouts. Kelman 92 89 96 277 1 Hillcrest Inn ...... ;;...... 27 18 straight victories after losing to a decent baseball diamond since the Legion Fiel^pri ith'gamesof 174, 176 and 162 for Carteret and the streak can be '•.512, ->wliile Dorothy Nielson Cooper's Dairy ...... ! 26V2 Berry Street succumbed to the Turnpike. They fiaye : : Lou's Market 'i...i...i..'. "24. 21 partially traced to a move Capraro trailed after registering a 449 made to insert batting power into Blidget Stock-Car bounced around from field to field in' recent years; and series. The Beauticians'; best dur- Oak Tree Drugs ..;'_...... 20 25 9 ! his lineup after the Rambler set- as one player put it a while back, "I'll/bet ourteairr ing;' the, scrap were: Ann Peterson Plaza Barbers : 17V2 27V2 back. In desperation, the Barron First Aid .....:... _.:...:. 9 36 would be unbeatable in a gravel pit—we; ceiitajftly 45J, Fia- .yalliancourt 441, and Dropping to Crtinford,. 9-3 coach called Stuart Meyers off the Racing Co-Feature leanor-;Kuriskln • 418. ~ Team high game; S-K Fogging, bench and inserted him in left have had practice fielding on a washboard .'Mary's IDress; Shop took three 933 — G. Haliwell 168, L. Freeman COL.ONIA — Woodbridge- High points when he came in five field where he has been playing OLD BRIDGE—Two of the most The players resent the cold shoulder they hate limes from Al's Sunoco by forfeit. 174, R. Ely 218, W. Oti 171, G. Silva School's golf team dropped a fif- strokes under Anthony Ciccone's better than expected ever since. popular forms of motor competi- 202.- •;•;"• ; -•- teen hole match to'Cranford by a 52 score. • . tion today —- midget car and stock getting for years; and are of'the opinion that the Board Since Meyers took over in lefj^- J. Toth 202-198-217—617. 9-3 score at the Colonia Country The big upset of the afternoon field two. weeks ago, he has sur- car racing — will be co-featured at of Education doesn't care when-or where they play. G. Silva 202-200, M. Sisko 204- Club. The defeat was the Barrons' was Pete Wright's 48-49 victory Old Bridge Stadium, Central Jer- prised everyone but himself by hit- If construction isn't started on a new field this sum- 205, M. Doros 201, H. Obidzinski second straight. over'Bob Weinstein of Woodbridge. ting the ball at a .466 clip. He has sey's paved half-mile speedway, 20i, F. Fuscko 204, H. Chomicki Gary Ziegenbalg of Iselin scored Weinstein was one of Coach Ernie Sunday afternoon in: the first com- mer, Capraro and boys will be back at Port Reading also demonstrated extra' base Blanks "Avenel, 10-0201, A. Lesko -222, L. Nemeth 206, all of the Barrons' points when he Dubay's most consistent golfers. power by belting three doubles and bination auto racing, card in the A., Fazekas 207, L. Molnar 203, N. defeated his opponent, Don Lech, Garden State this-year. again next spring battling dust storms and skinning Woodbridge will take " to the two triples. Meyers is an ideal lead- Tomko 215, R. Ely 218, S. Pejka with 46 strokes for the first nine greens this afternoon opposing off man because of his ability to It will be a bargain-^ bill, with their legs on the hard infield terrain. We fully realize TEAM STANDINGS holes. His tally was also the best ..:; ' • - . W L 212, E. Cooper 212, A. Roth 203, R. Union High School at the Gallop- work opposing pitchers for free Promoter Ed Otto, highly pleased that funds as far as the Board of Education, is con- Blakeslee 207. of the afternoon among the schol- ing Hill course. passes; he has 11. --U. at the huge turnout of loyal pa- ;ort Reading ...... 1 0 astic golfers.. trons this yew, presenting the gala cerned are tight at the present, but the cdst of & halfr Fords-HopelaWn- FORDS SAT. NITE MIXED Harold Ford, the Red Blazers' * Ron Wolfe of Cranford outsfrot sturdy first baseman, is second to program of Qualifying events, con- way decent baseball diamond is only a,flibp: in; a •Ke&sbey ...... , ' 1 0 (Final Second Half Standings) Woodbridge's Frank Ciccone, 44- solation, rookie race and two 25- W^bridge ..... 1 0 W L Meyers in the slugging department bucket. John Zullo, the Recreation D'epartmeritBtffee- 53. Harry Chapman handed the with a respectable .384 average. He lap events at no increase in admis- liselin;•>..-.—. :...- 1 1 Jigg's Tavern 36 15 Union County club three additional sion scale. tor, with a handful of other men, put in .shap% art le&st ojOnia ..::.,. .;...... : 0 1 leads Capraro's club in total base Quigley's .....:...... 27 24 IS hits and runs batted in. Heading the array of topflight tvenel ;...... '. 0 2 Darling Furniture ..; 27 24 four diamonds this spring which are better thSii: ficKri Despite the Barrons' remarkable midget car jockeys, will be Steve y — Port Reading Jag's 26 25 WOODBRIDGE—The Township -McGrath, New Canaan, Conn.; Reading. We doubt very much if local taxpayers Ml Tryouts In Iselin Physical Education Department record; Capraro is still not content : triads its season's debut in the Norwood Distrib : 25 Va 25 V2 Roger Bailey, Patchogue, L. I.; complain about the low cost of a baseball Site because announced this week that a track with his club's hitting and is plan- 'owiiship Grammar School Base- Mauro Motors. .. 23 28 ning several changes. He no doubt and Johnny Mann, the Brooklyn &lf League a tremendous success Friendly Members 20 31 meet for fifth and sixth grade stu- ace who is current NASCAR na- from past experience we have_ learned-they ha^ve; al- 'lie Continuing dents will be held May 23 at the is looking ahead to the game in ways been ready to back up our kids with a fe^sr buMs. ts' -shutting;; out Avenel, 40-0, be- Fords ^Engraving ...... 19 Y2 31 Vs. which his pitchers have an off day tional -champion. Bailey was 1955 vthe superb / two-hit .pitching li.- Larsen 159-211-234—604, R. Woodbridge Hig.n School Stadium. champion while McGrath's record ; ISELIN—Tryouts for the Iselin Boys and girls representing the and the batters will be called up to We could never understand why provisiofis:>;^ere lhd' Dapolito. . atephan 230, J. Saults 216, S. take up the slack. of-131 miles per hour set on the Hatdla 213-202. Little League will continue Satur- fifteen elementary schools in the sands of Daytona Beach, Fla., in* never made for a baseball field at the spaeious,.liigli e abbreviated fiv« in- day at 1 o'clock at the stadium He has already installed Bart & gaine, Dapolito, fired third Three-game winners: Darling township system shall compete in 1954 still stands. McGrath has school stadium where all the facilities .and Furniture over Norwood Distribu- and Cooper Avenue fields accord- the meet. The events will sonsist Brodkin, a converted shortstop, at rarely raced on the Route 18 plant, ^ikespast four batters and issued ing to an announcement made this second base to take advantage of would be available to the squad and public.-A= 'fee passes to five. His mound op- tors; Jigg's Tavern over Gjuigley's; of sprints, potato races, Softball but is at his best on macadam sur- Fords Engraving over Friendly morning by league president throws, soccer ball throws, run- his hitting. Larry Wolpin is a pos- faced courses like this one'. .$oilent; Gerry Cohnell, was tagged Charles Bahr. sibility to take over the centerfield few maintain that a baseball field would 'be> rtiiii wit|i-Ayeners setback, Members. , , ning broad jump and relay races. Jim Whitman, Leonia, N. J., Two-game winners: Jag's over Veteran players from last sum- The schedule calls for the fifth post, while Dave Peterson is' also to the football turf, which in our opinion is hpfca^otid i^ ^g for the Railroad- mer are requested to report to being considered as a eatohingr re- star who finished second high in ss§i;#a§;.siipplie.d by Arthur Dorsey, Mauro Motors. grade contestants to start their -national listings in 1956, will be argument. Some of the best fields in the coiiiitr^are r Saturday's drills along with the series of events at 9 A. r 4nd Howard Kutehyak SO-SHELL INTKA-PLANT sixth graders take over the stadium ; ,•;,;•;:,-. •••..." --• w- L 12 age bracket is requested to bring Brenn Offenhausers, valued at itHt^o),base inbcks apiece. > field at 1 P. M. I nthe event of rain, Record to Date $5,000 each, the other to be piloted dium in Perth Amboy or even the Yankee; Shipping'..:'..:. I....;'...... 36 9 along a glove. Bats, balls and the meet" will be re-scheduled f or Woodbridge to date has dumped -|?p|t Reading ran up its totstl by catcher's equipment will be sup- by MeGrath. Johnny Coy, Bay- where football and baseball players; cover- ig..6 in the first in- Office ::.....•:....:..... -.:.. 33 ' 12 May 25. Cranford, Sayreville, New Bruns- plied by the Little League. wick—2, Thomas: Jefferson, St. shore, N. Y., winner of the richest ground. When you come right down to; it ope in th.e second and six in Depot .;..:.:--..:.-.: 30 15 The annual Seventh Grade Meet race run in America last summer, Crandall ...... 27 18 In an effort to accommodate the will take place at the stadium on Mary's, Perth Amboy, Asbury the Islip 500, will also -wheel a should get the preference because the spring |i : Laboratory :_..,..'..;..:..;....,'25 20 300 boys who turned out for the May 21 at 3:15 P. M. Participants Park and Perth Amboy, while los- i-.;5yoo;dbridge.;made the most of & California Special with many other a nine-game home.schedule while football h^s;^re-aa Garage .:...:..: :."..'. ..18% tryouts, the local organization will be chosen from the seven ing decisions to Carteret and Som- leading chauffeurs from all parts iJof walks and errors to post Supervisors;-..:...... ::..:....:.. 15% 29% plans to increase its facilities tS physical education classes at the erville. ~..-}!f- the most. . • ; ; yiMi' .decision over Iselin at the Operators ..:.-.:..:. ...15. 30 eight Little League teams and (Continued on Page Seventeen) .„• of the east and midwest participa- |^School diamond. Barron Avenue School. ting in the first midget car meet (Continued on Page Seventeen) eight minor league clubs. The athletic committee on the Board j;^ accounted for two in New Jersey this-year. The sta- 1 dium operates every Sunday after- should survey the stadium in the near future W^ttl|s ;apfece but Woodbridge took iy Man Mover noon. jSSadvantage; of hirie walks and the baseball-situation at Woodbridge High Schfipl^c$; out- inisciies to score their seven Lel^s Go Bowling! Hart on Bill ;;ttel * — Join Our — The stock car field will toe power- and for all. And let's not put it off "until next^spsaifg Urban Winner packed with State champion Jack because then again it will be too late for, the 1958 Frank Urban went the distance 7%£ Jf1# •••' SUMMER LEAGUES* Hart, Bill Chevalier, Parker Bohn, season. for Woodbridge to pick up the Lenny Brown, Pete Frazee, Olie pitching win, while Iselin's Fred Five-Man Teams and Mixed Teams Oldford, Bill McCarthy and forty HOOKERS. . . . Joe Toth was the best bowler in the Huth was charged with the defeat. AIR-CONDITIONED — AUTOMATIC PIN SPOTTERS more, matching speed in the steel Woodbridge Service League during the past week, roll- Joe Maroney and Joe Palfi ac- topped machines that top 90 miles counted for Woodbridge's two Call WO-S-9249 or Stop In At per hour N at the stadium. ing games of 202, 198 and 217 for a 617, series. . . . Fred safe blows. Iselin's lone hitters The box office opens at 1 P. M. while warm-ups open at 2 o'clock Adams will act as toastmaster at the "VTPS annual. were Dennie Kuhan and George BOWL-MOR LANES for the two types of equipment, Spring Dinner at the American; Legion Building May Natusch. • • Fords-Keasbey-Hopelawn came 453 AMBOY AVENUE, WOODBRIDGE each appearing in the 25 lap fea- 18... . . Ray Somers back at the mike once more arn tures closing the' show. The rookies from behind with a three-run rally race at 10 laps. nouncing baseball games at Ferriday, Louisiana; . . . in the second inning which set the Since Frank Capraro handed Stuart Meyers a regular stage foi^a well earned 5-3 triumph Syracuse University's' best bas- over Avenel. 1857 ketball season in victories _was outfield assignment, he has been hitting the ball at a Avenel gave indications of 1895 • 1945-46. The Orange that season respectable .466 clip.... Lou Lukasiuk, who was named breaking the game wide open early won 23 games and lost four. by sending home three big mark- to. manage the Hillcrest Inn in the state baseball tour- ers in the first frame. However, nament, has a star-studded club which includes play- the margin was short lived wiien FRIENDS IN Fords-Keasbey-Hopelawn erupted TICE! PROVIDENCE, R. I.T ers such as Bob Hoffer of Rutgers; Bob Seaman of for three runs of their own in* the Call them today. Station Upsala; Tom Sharkey, former minor league pitcher; second and thenp roceeded to add rate for a 3-nrinute phone LITTLE LEAGUERS Joe Mills, University of Indiana slugger; Ike Holmes, single digits in the ifchird and call from New Brunswick fourth innings to wrap up the after 6 p.m.—just 55£ • Hugo Marrochi, Matt, Lukasiuk, Bobby Kovacs, Steve All members of the LITTLE LEAGUE plus tax. verdict. lukasiuk, Sam Vernillo and Bill Gaytas The .White Pete Frandano was the game will be allowed a special winning pitcher after checking Birch Men's Club plans to- hold its annual bowling Avenel. with five safeties. The los- banquet at the Top Hat later this month. . . . Maryon. ing chucker was Gerry Connell. 10% Discount on SEEVICE $ "f.&U Clancy set a season's record in the St. Cecelia's Wom- The power sluggers for Fords- X/LROS GOT --CAIJ/ Hopelawn-Keasbey with, two hits 5TART0P /// ' en's Bowling League when she splashed the pins for a apiece were Bob Rask, Bill Cal- SNEAKERS 539' set... : Over 300 boys tried out for the Iselin Little vano and John Nagy. Avenel's FRANK'S most effective swinger was Fair, • League."... Woodbridge and New Brunswick were the who went two for two. MDiO'&TELEVISIdfl biggest disappointments in the Middlesex Relays last AVE Michigan State probably has the Saturday. . . . They tell us that any boat fishing trip smallest fullback in the collegiate could be enhanced by taking Andy, head chef at How- ranks. He is Hendricks Young, brother of Buddy Young of Illinois PHONE ard Johnson's on Route 1, along in order to enjoy his fame. Henny is 5-ftet-4 and ffl-2-1067 culinary skill. "Zoldie" I^ayer says Andy brought along welghi only 145^ fjpartaa coaches (Continued on Page Seventeen) believc-he wil make EDISON TGwftSSfF AKJS FORDS BEACON 'THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1957 RAGE SEVENTEEN

liit- and was- awarded second base Maury; Smith, athletic chairman, Minister Speaks Sports liotmd-Up on a balk. Gonyo stole third base is now taking: names of men and, [on the-second delivery but his ef- 'Care of Lawns' women to form a summer bowling (Continued from Sports Page fort was wasted -because Mayers' The- New Records league at Edison Lanes. Those : On Mental Health- a basketful .of the most tasty edibles he has had on an triple to left field could have Subject - of Talk interested should call LI. 8-1271. I driven him home from any posi-' Tentative plans for a picnic July offshore party. Incidentally, on the same trip, they tion on the diamond. "You and I and the Music" Fats Domino, who it's said, has 14 or 21 were made. WOODBRIDGE — The Rev. (Decca) by Joseph Gershenson put the "beat" back into music, is Dewey Fagerburg of the First say that Mayer had the misfortune of losing, out on Brooks was deprived of a shut- The Menlo Park Terrace Civic Or- It was. announced that member- and his orchestra is an album for now heard on an Imperial extend- ganization met Monday evening to ship has. exceeded 100 families. At Congregational church, Wood- the boat pool by two ounces—because he had gutted out when New Brunswick scored 1 'bridge, spoke on "Mental Health" jpure delightful dancign and rapt ed play entitled,.'"Here comes Fats. hear Warner H: Thurlow speai on next mointh's meeting the speaker an unearned run in the third in- listening. It includes melodies The Rooster Song, My Happiness, "The Care of Lawns." Mr. Thnr- at a recent meeting- of the Wood- his largest fish before it was used so he could use that ning-.* Joe Ambrose reached first will be , a representative of the bridge branch ,of the Women's part for bait. . . . The Lucky Eight Hunting Club held that go straight to the heart, such As Time Goes By" and "Hey La low said that to keep lawn's in Board of Education who will an- Guild of the Perth Amboy Genera! base via a free ticket and romped as "I Only Have Eyes For You, Bas" are the most. good condition in the Menlo Park- swer questions about the new- hospital held at 82 Green Street. its second annual dinner-dance at St. Demetrius' Hall over to second- on Bill Waldron's You Go To My Head, The..Near- Nellie Lutcher has returned with community, the ground should be school. All parents shoulcLbe thei-e. Rev. IJagertmrg emphasized the in Carteret, Saturday. And the 300-odd persons, "who grounder to second base. At this riess Of You and Something To a brand new version "of "Hurry On fertilized with 5-10-5 twice a year- Door prize was won by Al Haber. iieed for< public education to re- point Joe Bisogno drilled a Remember You By." • Down" (Imperial). in early spring and fall. Lime move the "social stigma," and the were there said it was a terrific success. Frederick M. bouncer to third baseman Gonyo, All of these favorites and more A few new singles are "Tempta- should also be spread out a few great need to increase the facilities Adams, president, gave a short address of welcome who tossed an erratic throw to first are brilliantly arranged and -mag- tion," uip "September Song," times a year. Shrub's need the same Strikes and Spares and for more research. base which permitted Ambrose to nificently rendered by a full or- (King), by Earl Bos tic; "Walking fertilizing process. and the ten other vice presidents of the organization score. ehostra led by Joseph Gershenson. Slowly," flip "Nothin'*" (King), by William Iceland; social chair- fCOntinued from Sports Page) Mrs. Charles Barnekow, cancer man, reported that the advance dressing chairman, reported that worked. Fine music was supplied by Esquiresof Eliza- •George Griesler, who is 3-3 this Nat Cole proves beyond doubt Earl Connelly; "Falling Star," flip Terminal 14 31 that "Love Is The Thing" (Capi- "Where Wuz You (Capitol) by. the sale of tickets for the spring frolic 3,615 dressings have been made beth. . . Heard a cute story about "Shamus" of the Ber- season, was charged with New dance May 25 is progressing- well. Compound 11 34 since, the first of the year. 'Brunswick's pitching: loss. tor> with his fine performance of Four Preps; and "Shangri-ia," R. Kauffman 204, D. Berardi Mrs. Steven Ungvary was gen Etreet Mayers. Seems he; is,taking after his dad, twelve familiar ballads. . Nat's flip "First In Line," (Epic) by The The Plainfield bus franchise was 203, S. Ducsate 202, W. Handerhan WOODBRIBGE (3) voice has that romantic quality Four Coins.' passed by the Township and now named membership chairman of "Soapy," as far as fishing goes. He has a particular ' AB R H is awaitingr action from Metuehen. 200. tnfe drive which is now in progress. these melodies deserve. Three-game winners: Shipping Mrs. Ungvary, Mrs. John Mullen yen to play with worms, and the other day while trying Meyers.rf 2 1 1 If- passed, the bus will come down Kaperwhats, ss „- 2 0 0 Gordon Jenkens arranges and Parsonag-e Road, up McGuire over Terminal; Office over Com- and Mrs. Cyril Hutner are dele- to get a large one to play tricks, the creature broke in conducts superbly, and the results Avenel Auxiliary Sends Street, out Ford Avenue to Route pound; Depot over Operations. 'gates, to the N. J. Association of Ford, lb -- 3 1 2 are rewarding. Samples are: Hospital Auxiliaries which will half. "Shamus" rushed into the house all excited and GasiorowsM, If :. 3 0 0 Members to N.J. Session^ 1, through the towns, of Fords, Two-game winners: Laboratory Brooks, p „...,-3 0 0 j "Star dust, Stay As Sweet As You Woodbridg-e, Perth Amboy and over Crandall; Garage over Super- hold its ninth annual convention m asked his mother for a band-aid. He wanted to tape | Are, Ain't Misbehavin''' and "At Metuchen. visors. Atlantic City May 22 and U3. King, c 3 0 0 .Last."' AVENEL — Mrs. Harold Han- Tlfe Guild will hold a cajte sale the worm together. . . . Saw Knute Lovegren th6 other Gonyo, 3b ...> '._ 1 1 1 sen, Mrs. William Perna, Mrs. Mi- "Swingin' Singin' " with Randy chael Petras and Mrs. John Lockie May 24 with Mrs. Joseph Caso as day and he was telling about his new boat, the "Bingo Brodkin, 2b 2 0 0 Van Home's Swing Choir is an chairman. The meeting- voted to Younger, c'f :....'. 2 0 •: 0 represented the Ladies' Auxiliary contribute $15 to the student 4," which he had built in Maine at a cost of $18,000. album by RCA Victor that i-eflects to Avenel Fire Company at a meet- the happiness of American pop nurses' program. He brought the boat down himself and has it docked -'.••• 21 3 ing of the Ladies' Auxiliary of music Here is combined the rhyth- New Jersey State Firemen's Asso- 1895 Ghrlstensen's 1957 Members offered a minute of in Brielle. . \-.. ; ;' NEW BRUNSWICK (1 mic, elements of progressive jazz silence to the memory of Mrs. AB • H ciation, held at the Magnolia fire- --. R with the polish of the best Tin- house, at Magnolia. "Fhe'r Friendly Store" Marguerite Doe who was the first : Ambrose; lb 3 1 0' president of the Woodbridge i 0 0 Pan Alley lyric. Mrs. Hansen was named as branch. Barrons Face Tests the. lead-off .-batter, watched four.)-vyaidron ~cf 3 At times one wants to dance chairman of a committee; to revise 0 0 or just to sing along but whatever the state constitution and by-laws, All members are invited to 0 0 and she will be assisted by Mrs. attend the open spring meeting 0 .& it will put you. in a happy mood. over to "HuckleBuck, Margie, Sleepy Time Perna and Mrs. Petras. in Thne for which will be held in the new audi- with a wel1 0 0 Plans were furthered for the torium ot the hospital on May '11 of a strong T?ew I ' executed Gal, By The River Saint Marie," At tnis int Ingerto, 2b :..... 2 o" 1 and" "My Blue Heaven," are in- state convention to be held Septem- at 1:30 P.M. 3-1 behind the P° Harold Ford blasted Jordan, if. 3 1 ber 7 at Atlantic City . stellar three-hit pitching of Randy 0 eluded. Hospitality chairmen of the .Takacs, If ...:w. '..-... 3, ' 0 meeting were Mrs. Joseph Caso, Brooks. 0 'S DAY... Brindle, ss - 2 0 0 CONSUMER SPENDING Mrs. Lester Stockel, Mrs. John The Barron chucker had a Griesler, p 3 0 INVITED TO FESTIVAL Consumer spending- for goods Almasi, Mrs. Edward Novak. Mrs. breeze with the exception of the After Ronnie- Gasiorowski flied 0 AVENEL — Mrs. Walter Goos out, Brooks drilled a grounder to and services; - during the first Hailan Brady and Mrs". Harold second inning when the Zebras 26 announces that the Crusader Choir quarter-.of this year, increased Stoney presided at the tta table. jammej d the bases, but failed to shortstop Gene Brindle, who in his of the First Presbyterian Church, Next meeting will be June 3 at the haste threw wide of first base to Score by innings: directed by Don G. Mason, has from an annual rate of $33..,200,- ALE! score. While working off the rub- home of Mrs. William Thompson. permit Ford to trot home with the N. Brunswick .... 0 0 10 5-' 0 0—1 been invited to a Junior and Junior 000,000 in the last quarter of 1956 ber, Brooks recorded- eight strike, Woodbridge 2 10 0 0 0 x—3 High Choir Festival to be held on to $336,500,000,000. There were in- outs and walked only three swing- second tally of the inning. creases in the buying of durable What Is Music? ers during his seven inning stint. The Barrons collected another Sunday at 4:00 P. M. at the First Woodbridge scored twice in the I run in the second frame when I Hi-fi addiction called modern Presbyterian Church in Perth | goods, nondurable goods and ser- Wagner's music is better than ! Amboy. i vices. it sounds. — Bill Nye. very first inning. Stuart Meyers, (Jerry Gonyo beat out an, infield mental maladjustment.

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