A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week FubUatlea Every Thursday VOL. XIX—NO. 12 • FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 9; 1957 at 18 Green Street, Woodbrtrtee, S. J PRICE BIGHT CENTS Sweetness Town Assessed on arid Light Ratables, but By CHARLES E. GREGORY The rnores of the youth of i our times—particularly the Tax on Values practice, as the kids un- grammatically say, of going steady—has stirred a lively Town Committee? School Board Boycott and amusing controversy among some of our folks at Forum to Study Local Revaluation Need Amherst. WOODBRIDGE — Although no members of town Township, who was successful in his suit On True Value either the Town Committee.or the Board of Edu- before the Supreme Court to require assessment cation were present, strong: arid authoritative at full, true value of real estate; and to Stu&rt Qfp The Alumni Council News advocacy of a careful revaluation^ of local real Robson, Tax Assessor in Princeton Township this issue, reprinted the text estate in Woodbridgre Township was voiced at which is the only municipality in New Jersey an open f ornnv last night. which presently assesses at 100 per cent, of value. WOODBRIDGS — An argument of a careful and comprehen- . * * =•? & •A. * S :;: that has been used by Township sive exploration of the sub- The Board, faced with the urgent necessity The forum, attended by approximately 150, officials who have consistently AGREE ON REVALUATION:'These men in the above photo presented their views on tax assess- of borrowing" large sums of, money in order to was arranged by the Colonia Council of Civic been against revaluation and re- ject from Harper's Magazine ments and the need or revaluation, at a meeting in the Barron Avenue School last night sponsored build necessary schools, has been warned by the Clubs and was held in the auditorium of the old assessment of property in -the by Dr. Charles W.' Cole by the Colonia Council of Civic Clubs., From the left, they are William Kingsley, deputy tax direc- Satte Department of Local Government it will high school. tor, Trenton; John Evanko, Colonia, chairman of the council; Paul Switz, Middletown, whose municipality went up into proverb- not be permitted to borrow unless a program of * * * s youthful president of Am- wife instituted a suit in this state for true assessments; Stewart Robson, Princeton Township tax ial thin smoke this week. revaluation is under way,,.The' responsibility for "The politicians cry that assessment at full herst, entitled "American assessor, and Philip M. Peck, Golonia, program chairman. value would cause chaos," said Mr. Switz. "We getting the program under way rests with the Consistently during the past two Youth Goes Monogamous.'' have chaos already." or three years, so-called authori- Town Committee. -.' * ::= :;: His conclusions so startled * & :!; $ ties speaking against revaluation Both he and Mr. Robson urged assessment at declared that if the Township were Francis T. P. Plimpton, dis- Edison Housing Authority Off -Duty Cop-Nabs Both groups, however, failed to take advan- full, value as the only means for establishing revaluated and reassessed, it would tinguished member of our tage of the opportunity to' hear the views on tax equality. They'were joined by Mr. Kingsley Purchases Township Lots Tough Thug Due the subject by William Kingsley, Acting Director in urging that before any change in assessment have to pay more in county taxes Board of Trustees, that he of the State Tax Division; Paul Switz, Middle- (Continued on Page Six) without any appreciable local ad- vantage. addressed the student body EDISON—The 60-unit low-rent WOODBRIDGE—A 20-year-olc with some clearly logical— apartment housing project in the "cop hater" who declared he had A table of aggregates released Potters section of the township Campaign Started broken the arm of a Rahwajy pa- Police to °Help Boy Scouts this week by the county shows the even if impish — observa- became closer to reality last night trolman and who threatened the Subdivision Denial Township has set a net valuation, tions. when Harry "Wright, authority life of an off-duty Woodbridge "of- for itself, at $47,533,16', including vice chairman, .presented a check For. Mental-'Health ficer who stopped him after a hec- Qualify as Top Marksmen Appeal Postponed Second Class Railroad Taxes. The * * * * for $11,500 to the Township. Com- tic chase in which several people County, on the other hand, has mission as payment for 89 town- -' WOODBRIDG$ —Mrs. Cyril WOODBRIDGE — Through the Dr.' Cole resisted any im- were almost hit, found himself in WOODBRIDGE — The date of set the net valuation of the Town- ship-owned lots at the project Hutner and Rev. Dewey F. Fager- cooperation of the' Woodbridge ship for County Tax Apportion- pulse to be facetious in his the workhouse today for a year's a public hearing on, the appeal site. burg, pastor of the Congregational stay. His 16-year-old companion Police Department and members ment at $260,446,917. The country- Church, have been named co- of a Planning Board decision Harper's article, and treated The apartment project is one was sent to the detention home in of the department's pistol team, Drive -Jn' Theatre has already valuated the Township? chairmen of the Mental Health denying approval for a major phase of the overall rehabilitation New Brunswick for action by 3oy Scouts of 29 troops in the at what it deems 100 per cent; true his thesis with perception campaign in Woodbridge. Central District in the Raritan Bay subdivision which would have program being planned by the juvenile authorities. valuation and it already is paying, and candor: He raised and A meeting to organize the cam- area have finally found a, place Curb is Proposed •been known as.Brooktree Manor, the authority in the Potters sec- as it did last year, on that basis' paign" here was held Friday in the Taken into custody by Patrol- to qualify for merit badges in has. been changed by the Town then substantiated' the fear tion. man Lawrence J. Jefferson was So town officials, against revalua- Congregational Church. Present 'marksmanship." WOODBRIDGE — A second or- Committee from May 23 to May tion, are predicting something that that in their monogamy our The site for the apartment proj- were Mrs. Raymond Deming, Ise- James T, Dunn,, 191 Lewis Street, dinance regulating the operation 27 at 7:30 P. M., at the Municipal ; Robert Neary, Fords, chairman has been in effect for two years. ect is bounded by Fox, Lincoln, lin; Mrs. Mortimer Cowen, Col- Rahway. • . of drive-in theaters was introduc- Building. youngsters had surrendered Georgia arid Cleveland Avenues 3f the Health and Safety Com- Mayor Hugh B. Quigley, who onia; Mrs. Hutner, Mrs. Malcolm Patrolman Jefferson, one of the ed on first reading Tuesday night The application for the sub- their resourcefulness- and and comprises 104 lots. Of this mittee of this group, who travels I has been the only member of the Hirschey and Bernard Dunigan, newer members of the police de- by the Town Committee over the division of approximately 200 total, 89 lots will become the prop- to all the troop meetings in the Committee to state openly that he their sense, for the competi- Woodbridge. partment, reported to his superiors strenuous objections of Bernard erty of the -Housing Authority to- area was approached by Elmer homes was made by Sommer Bro- is kTfavor of revaluation, said to- .The fund campaign, which will as follows :"At 4:45 P. M. Tuesday, tive, for the sake of security. Jensen, scoutmaster of Troop 17, L. Green, counsel for the Walter thers under the corporate names day: "Woodbridge Township hag night. Six lots now in private be conducted during the month of while off duty and traveling on Perth Ainboy, with a request for Reade Theaters, owners of the of Renee Realty Corporation and everything to gain and nothing to This state of affairs is criti- hands are under the authority's May,, is part- of the Middlesex Carieret-Woodbridge Road, a car* option to buy and the remaining assistance in obtaining a site for Woodbridge Drive-in Theater. Esco Realty Corporation for a lose by revaluation. The county County Association for Mental passed me at a high rate of speedi( cal, if Dr. Cole is correct as scouts to try for the "marksman- site located west of Green Street, has estimated our true valuation nine lots of the tract will be ac- Health drive, which-'•in turn is running my car off the road. The Originally, the ordinance great- ship." merit badges. In .the. past, it- Iselin, at.Poor Farm Road. at $260,446,917. If we 'hire a re- I believe-iie jgjaj?.^eJOL-bs, and quired by the authority through sponsored' By" the Watioiial Asso- other car continued on the left ly curtailing the hours of -opera- has been difficult to obtain these Notice of appeal was served on liable form to do the work, we may legal proceedings. ciation for Mental Health. hand side of the road as it went tion of open air movies, was in- gives us concern over the awards becouse the youngsters the Town Committee by the law find our true valuation is, say, Joseph Rosko, the authority's The number of Middlesex Coun- over the Turitpike Bridge and three have been -unable to find a place troduced in September, 1956. At prospects for survival of a other cars were forced off the. road that time, Mr. Green asked for firm Toolan, Haney and Romond, $240,000,000 — and there would be executive director, said after the ty'residents now in mental institu- to qualify for them.
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