! Chang, Jui-Hua Piano Recital Program Intro

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! Chang, Jui-Hua Piano Recital Program Intro !ᅺγ੤ᅺγፕЎس୯ҥࡀܿεᏢॣ኷Ꮲ !ز஭ྷ๮ᒳถॣ኷཮բࠔϩ݋ࣴ Chang,JuiͲHuaPianoRecitalProgramIntroduction, AnalysisandInterpretation ࡰᏤ௲௤Ǻ໳༇ৱറγ ғǺ஭ྷ๮زࣴ ύ!!๮!!҇!!୯!!΋̋ΐ!ԃ!Ѥ!Д!΋В!! 农ġ 嫅ġ 录ġ ⼰攳⽫⛐ⶍἄᷳ检怬傥㚱㨇㚫嶷ℍ㟉⚺炻晾䃞⾁䠴Ữ⌣⼰䍵や忁暋傥⎗屜䘬 㨇㚫炻嬻冒⶙䘬Ṣ䓇怬傥㚜⚻㺧炻㚜⡆㶣⽫曰䘬寸䙰ˤ 椾⃰㚨天デ嫅湫⊌】侩ⷓˤ⤡⛐ᷣᾖᶲ䘬㊯⮶㤝℞䓐⽫⍲侸⽫炻嬻ㆹ⎗ẍ䝕 妋枛刚冯㦪㚚䘬シ㵝炻㚜傥⾈⮎⏰䎦↢㦪㚚⍇尴烊侩ⷓ䘬妋婒ḇ䌐㧡ᶨ㟤炻ᾉㇳ ㉰Ἦ炻⸥満ᷕⷞ㚱Ṣ䓇䘬橼ぇ烊ㆹᾹ↮ṓ叿䓇㳣ᶲ䘬䧖䧖炻侩ⷓ䷥傥ᶨ婆忻䟜炻 䚜ᷕṢ⽫炻䛇ᶵハ䁢列ⷓ䙲⍳ˣ⽫曰⮶ⷓˤ⛐侩ⷓ䘬䞼䨞⭌墉䴻ⷠ㚫䘤䓇冒⶙シ ゛ᶵ⇘䘬ḳね炻㭷ᶨ➪婚晾㗗㇘㇘ℊℊ炻Ữ婚⼴䷥㗗恋湤䘬╄〭ˣ㬉䪹⍲寸䙰ˤ ℞㫉デ嫅傉俾䍚侩ⷓ炻⛐⬠㤕⍲婾㔯ᶲ䘬㊯⮶ˤᶵ婾㗗婚➪ᶲ♜嫡䘬ン⹎炻 怬㗗䥩⸽ᶳ㹓␴䘬㧋尴炻悥ẌṢ㶙デ㔔ἑ炻⫹䃞⬠侭桐䭬烊Ṏデ嫅㣲伶⧄侩ⷓ炻 ⛐䷩⾁䘬ⶍἄ⢾炻ᶵ⏅㊯⮶㚜䴎Ḱ溻⊝炻嬻ㆹ⍿䙲列⣂ˤ デ嫅㣲よ⨟侩ⷓ⍲忋ㅚ⋯侩ⷓ炻⛐婾㔯ᶲ䘬㊯⮶炻⎒天䦵㚱䔹べ炻侩ⷓᾹ悥 佑ᶵ⭡录ˣ䅙⽫䘬䁢ㆹ妋べ炻デ㽨㴽暞Ģ デ嫅ᶨ崟ᶲ婚䘬⎴⬠Ᾱ炻晾䃞Ἦ冒⚃朊ℓ㕡炻Ữḇ悥䛇婈䚠⼭炻᷎䚠Ḻ≈㱡 ㇻ㯋炻㭷㭷婚➪ᶲᶨ⭂⃭㺧㬉䪹倚炻㚱ἈᾹ䛇⤥ˤ 㚨⼴デ嫅ㆹ奒ッ䘬⭞Ṣ炻㚱ṾᾹ䘬ℐ≃㓗㊩炻嬻ㆹ⎗ẍ⮰⽫ 冒⶙゛ 䘬 ḳ炻䃉⼴栏ᷳㄪ炻᷎満満⛘昒Ờ叿ㆹ炻㮓䃉⿐⯌炻ㆹッἈᾹˤ ⻝䐆厗嫡娴 2020 ⸜ 3 㚰 i 㐀天 㛔婾㔯⊭⏓ℑ悐↮烉䫔ᶨ悐↮㗗ˬ䌐⣷枛㦪㚫˭㦪㚚妋婒炻䫔Ḵ悐↮㗗ˬ㺼 ⣷枛㦪㚫˭㦪㚚妋婒ˤ ˬ䌐⣷枛㦪㚫˭㺼↢㚚䚖⊭⏓烉䲬侘炽⠆⶜㕗吪⬱炽⶜崓䘬˪c⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯 岎㟤炻ἄ⑩871˫ˣ嶗⽟䵕ⶴ炽劫炽居⣂剔䘬˪䫔31嘇灗A⣏婧护䏜⣷沜㚚炻ἄ⑩ 110˫ˣ䲬侘⯤㕗炽ⶫ㉱⥮㕗䘬˪ᶱ椾攻⣷㚚炻ἄ⑩117˫ˣṆ㬟Ⱉ⣏炽滲䇦⑩䘬 ˪10椾护䏜⮷⑩炻ἄ⑩5˫ˤ ˬ㺼⣷枛㦪㚫˭㺼↢㚚䚖⊭⏓烉㰫⣓ⱉ炽旧䐒徒㕗炽卓㛕䈡䘬˪䫔12嘇A⣏婧 护䏜⋼⣷㚚炻ἄ⑩414˫ˣ≈ⶫ慴❫䇦炽㕤䇦䎕炽ἃ䐆˪ず㫴炻ἄ⑩24˫ˣṐ⇑炽 櫷㫸䔞䘬˪旵B⣏婧ᷕ㍸䏜冯护䏜⣷沜㚚炻ἄ⑩36˫ˤ 斄挝⫿烉护䏜ˣ䲬侘炽⠆⶜㕗吪⬱炽⶜崓ˣ嶗⽟䵕ⶴ炽劫炽居⣂剔ˣ䲬侘⯤ 㕗炽ⶫ㉱⥮㕗ˣ㰫⣓ⱉ炽旧䐒徒㕗炽卓㛕䈡ˣ≈ⶫ慴❫䇦炽㕤䇦䎕炽ἃ䐆ˣṐ ⇑炽櫷㫸䔞ˣ⣷沜㚚ˣ攻⣷㚚ˣ⋼⣷㚚ˣず㫴ˤ ii Abstract This thesis consists of two parts: 1. the program notes of the Solo Recital, and 2. the program notes of the Performance Recital. The program of the Solo Recital includes烉Johann Sebastian Bach烉Prelude and Fugue in c minor, BWV 871, Ludwig van Beethoven烉Piano Sonata No. 31 in A-flat Major, Op. 110, Johannes Brahms烉Three Intermezzo, Op. 117, Alexander Tcherepnin 10 Bagatelles, Op. 5. The program of the Performance Recital includes烉Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart烉 Piano Concerto No. 12 in A Major, K. 414, Gabriel Urbain Fauré烉Elégie in c minor, Op. 24, Henri Vieuxtemps烉Sonata for Viola and Piano in B-flat Major, Op. 36. Keywords: Piano, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Alexander Tcherepnin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Gabriel Urbain Fauré, Henri Vieuxtemps, Sonata, Intermezzo, Concerto, Elégie. ġġ iii 䚖㫉ġ 农嫅录ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃġ 药ġ ġ ᷕ㔯㐀天ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃġ 荰ġ 劙㔯㐀天ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃġ 荱ġ 䚖㫉ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃġ 荲ġ ˬ䌐⣷枛㦪㚫˭㺼↢㚚䚖ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃIJġ ˬ䌐⣷枛㦪㚫˭㦪㚚妋婒ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃĴ ˬ㺼⣷枛㦪㚫˭㺼↢㚚䚖ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃIJıIJ ˬ㺼⣷枛㦪㚫˭㦪㚚妋婒ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃIJıĴġ ⍫侫㔯䌣ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃIJĸıġ 旬ẞĩᶨĪġ 䌐⣷枛㦪㚫冯㺼⣷枛㦪㚫⮎㱩抬⼙ɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃɃIJĸĵġ ġ iv ˬ䌐⣷枛㦪㚫˭㺼↢㚚䚖 䲬侘炽⠆⶜㕗吪⬱炽⶜崓烉c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871 嶗⽟䵕ⶴ炽劫炽居⣂剔烉 䫔 31 嘇灗 A ⣏婧护䏜⣷沜㚚炻ἄ⑩ 110 䫔ᶨ㦪䪈烉⭴㚱デねᶼ⤪㫴Ụ䘬ᷕ㜧 䫔Ḵ㦪䪈烉⼰⾓䘬⾓㜧 䫔ᶱ㦪䪈烉ᶵ⣒ㄊ䘬ㄊ㜧 ᷕ⟜ẹ〗 䲬侘⯤㕗炽ⶫ㉱⥮㕗烉ᶱ椾攻⣷㚚炻ἄ⑩ 117 䫔ᶨ椾烉ᷕ⹠䘬埴㜧 䫔Ḵ椾烉⭴㚱堐ねᶼᶵ⣒⾓䘬埴㜧 䫔ᶱ椾烉䦵⾓䘬埴㜧 Ṇ㬟Ⱉ⣏炽滲䇦⑩烉10 椾护䏜⮷⑩炻ἄ⑩ 5 1 Recital Progrom Johann Sebastian Bach烉Prelude and Fugue in C minor, BWV 871 Ludwig van Beethoven烉Piano Sonata in A-flat Major, Op. 110 㸇. Moderato cantabile molto espressivo 㸈. Allegro molto 㸉. Adagio ma non troppo Intermission Johannes Brahms烉Three Intermezzi, Op. 117 No. 1 Andante moderato No. 2 Andante non troppo e con molto espressione No. 3 Andante con moto Alexander Tcherepnin: 10 Bagatelles, Op. 5 2 ˬ䌐⣷枛㦪㚫˭㦪㚚妋婒 Johann Sebastian Bach烉 Prelude and Fugue in c minor, BWV 871 䲬侘炽⠆⶜㕗吪⬱炽⶜崓烉 c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871 ⶜㳃⃳炷Baroque炸㗪㛇䘬枛㦪ⶐ⋈炻䁢⼴ᶾ攳┇Ḯ⮵ỵ㱽炷Counterpoint炸ˣ ⸛⛯⼳炷Temperament炸ˣ岎㟤炷Fugue炸䫱枛㦪㈨ⶏ䘬⴬㕘⠫䓴炻䷥䳸Ḯ㔯喅⽑ 冰ẍ农⶜㳃⃳枛㦪䘬シ嬀⼊ㆸ炻㚜㗗⼴崟ᷳ㴟枻炷Franzz Jooseph Haydn, 1732- 1809炸ˣ卓㛕䈡炷Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791炸ˣ居⣂剔炷Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770-1827炸䫱枛㦪⁛㈧䘬㾓妜ˤ1 “дޑӜӷόࢂλྛǴԶࢂᔈ၀ћ଺ εੇ…ȿ炻“ Nicht Bach, sondern Meer sollte er heißen ...”居⣂剔㚦⤪㬌孂▮炰2 䲬侘炽⠆⶜㕗吪⬱炽⶜崓䘬䓇⸛ ᶨˣ㖑⸜ˣ旧】㕥⟼䈡⇘ヽ尒㢖㗪㛇炷Arnstadt and Mühlhausen炸 ⶜崓炷Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750炸娽䓇㕤⽟⚳⚾㜿㟡䚩炷Thüringen炸 䘬刦㢖恋崓ⶪ炷Eisenach炸炻Ἦ冒ᶨᾳ枛㦪ᶾ⭞ˤ⭞㕷ᷕṢㇵ廑↢炻㚱⤥⸦ẋ䁢 叿⎵㦪ⷓ冯枛㦪⭞烊⶜崓怬⚈㬌㕤 1735 ⸜炻崟勱Ḯᶨấ㕷嬄炻⎵䁢˪枛㦪⶜⑰ ⭞㕷䘬崟㸸˫ˤ 䇞奒䲬侘炽⬱ⶫ伭ẹ㕗炽⶜崓炷Johann Ambrosius Bach, 1645-1695炸㊯⮶⶜ 崓⮷㍸䏜␴⣏挝䏜炻㭵奒Ẳ匱匶䘥炽澗呁ⶴ⽟炷Maria Elisabeth Lämmerhirt, 1644- 1694炸 㗗楔干ẽᷳ⤛烊ℑṢ做㚱 8 ⎵⫸⤛炻⶜崓㌺埴㚨⮷ˤ 1 姙揀㥖炻˪⎌℠枛㦪 400 ⸜-⶜㳃⃳䘬ⶐ⋈˫炻炷⎘⊿烉拎三炻1999炸炻116ˤ 2 ⶜崓⍇㔯 ”Bach“炻⽟嬗䁢⮷㹒瀘炻䃞侴⶜崓䘬⬷῱∝ἄ桐䭬炻⮎⛐㗗冯䃉❈⣏㴟潏䚠䫎ˤ 3 8 㬚㗪忚ℍ刦㢖䲵崓㉱ᶩ婆⬠㟉炷Eisenach Grammar School炸⯙嬨炻㬌⢾怬⍫ ≈ⓙ娑䎕炻℞㫴倚塓⼊⭡䁢ˬ朆㭼⮳ⷠ䘬⃒䥨䓟檀枛˭ˤ3Ḵ⸜⼴䇞㭵奒䚠两⍣ᶾ炻 㕤㗗㈽月⛐⤏⽟㳃⣓炷Ohrdruf炸㑼ả㔁➪䭉桐䏜ⷓ䘬⣏⒍䲬侘炽⃳慴㕗⣂⣓炽⶜ 崓炷Johann Christoph Bach, 1671-1721炸ˤ⣏⒍㗗ỵ⼰㚱⎵䘬⣏挝䏜㺼⣷⭞炻㚦ⷓ ḳ⋿⽟枛潢⣏ⷓ䲬侘Ʉⶽ㴟居䇦 炷Johann Pachelbel, 1653-1706 炸ˤ㛇攻炻昌㔁㌰ ⶜崓⣏挝䏜䘬⻰⣷㈨ⶏ␴姙⣂䭉桐䏜䘬㨇㡘㥳忈⍲⍇䎮⢾炻㚜⺽⮶⶜崓㫋岆䔞㗪 叿⎵䘬䭉桐䏜⣏ⷓ䘬枛㦪炻忁⮵⶜崓Ἦ婒㚱叿㤝⣏䘬≑䙲ˤ4 15 㬚㗪⶜崓⇵⼨䚏ℏ⟉炷Lüneburg炸炻᷎⛐俾楔⎗㔁➪炷St. Michaelis炸姕䩳 䘬㉱ᶩ婆⬠㟉两临⬠㤕炻᷎⍫冯㔁➪䘬枛㦪䓇㳣ˤ㔁➪䘬枛㦪⚾㚠棐墉℠啷Ḯ冒 ⋩ℕᶾ䲨ᷕ㛇ẍἮ寸⭴䘬ㇳ㈬㦪嬄⍲⌘⇟䇰㛔炻怬㚱楔ᶩ炽嶗⽟炷Martin Luther, 1483-1546炸∝ἄ䘬姙⣂俾娈炷chorale炸炻䴎Ḱ⶜崓∝ἄ䘬┇䘤᷎䢐䶜ḮṾ␴倚䘬 ㈨ⶏ炻忁䧖⎌侩䘬枛㦪⼊⺷㶙㶙⼙枧叿⶜⑰ᷳ⼴䘬倚㦪ἄ⑩ˤ ⬴ㆸ⬠㤕⼴炻⶜崓娵嬀Ḯ俾䲬侘㔁➪炷St. Jonn炸䘬䭉桐䏜ⷓ居⥮炷Georg Böhm, 1661-1733炸炻⶜⑰㖑㛇ἄ⑩㶙⍿℞⼙枧ˤ⶜崓䘬䏜喅䱦㸃炻᷎ᶼᶵ㕟䘬搥 䞼烊Ṿ䴻ⷠ⼺㬍⍣㻊⟉修倥䭉桐䏜⣏ⷓ厲⯤偗炷Johann Adam Reinken, 1623-1722炸 䘬㺼⣷烊⍿⇘⣏ⷓ䘬┇䘤炻ẍ⍲⶜崓冒⶙䘬⊌⤖⬠佺炻⛐䔞㗪⶚ㆸ䁢ᶨᾳ‹↢䘬 㺼⣷⭞ˣ㦪☐揹⭂⭞␴ἄ㚚⭞炻℞䭉桐䏜㺼⣷㈨ⶏ⍲ἄ㚚㈨ⶏ悥⶚⇘忼⬴伶⠫⛘ˤ 1703 ⸜炻Ṿ⛐旧】㕗⟼䈡炷Arnstadt炸䘬ˬ㕘㔁➪˭炷Neue Kirche炸㑼ả䭉 桐䏜ⷓ炻忁㗗Ṿ䘬䫔ᶨᾳ㬋⺷䘬借ỵ炻⚈叿Ṿ⍣⍫≈⬴⃳㕗䈡傉⽟炷Dieterich Buxtehude, 1637-1707炸䘬枛㦪㚫⼴炻ṵ冲㰰㴠⛐䭉桐䏜䘬搥䞼ᷕ炻ẍ军㕤俥⺞Ḯ 㔁➪␴景ᷣṌ䴎Ṿ䘬ⶍἄ烊䓂军⛐Ṿ⻰⣷䘬䭉桐䏜䘬桐㟤ᶲ㚱叿姙⣂∝㕘ㇳ㱽炻 ⤪烉䷩墯䘬☐㦪Ờ⣷ˣ忶⣂䘬墅梦枛⍲嬲⣷…炻5ἧ⼿䔞⛘⬰冲㳦㤝≃⍵⮵炻㕤㗗 ⶜崓⎎媨㕘借炻Ἦ⇘ヽ尒㢖⛘⋨ˤ 3 㼀伉嬗炻㍸⥮炽忻⇑叿炻˪枛㦪⚾⁷䲣↿ 1-⶜⑰˫炻炷⎘⊿烉叔尉⚾㚠炻1992炸炻11ˤ 4 ⼸ẚ䥳嬗炻㍸⥮炽忻暟叿炻˪῱⣏ἄ㚚⭞佌⁷-⶜⑰˫炻炷⎘⊿烉㘢⹓㔯⊾炻1995炸炻5ˤ 5 㼀伉嬗炻21ˤ 4 1707 ⸜⶜崓ả借㕤ヽ尒㢖 炷Mühlhausen炸䘬俾ỗ㉱ᾖ㕗㔁➪炷St. Blasius炸 䘬䭉桐䏜ⷓˤ⛐恋墉栗䃞㚱㚜⤥䘬啒愔ˣ㚜檀䘬⛘ỵ炻㚨慵天䘬㗗㚱㚜⤥䘬ⓙ娑 䎕ˤ⎴⸜冯䐒匱Ṇ炽剕剕㉱炽⶜崓炷Maria Barbara Bach, 1684-1720炸䳸⨂ˤ⃀䭉 ⶜崓枛㦪忈娋↢䛦炻Ṿ⛐ヽ尒㢖ṵ忯⇘ᶨṃ⓷柴—䤆⬠⿅゛䘬䇕嬘ˤ⶜崓∝㕘䘬 枛㦪桐㟤冒䃞ᶵ⣒⍿㬉彶炻㰺㚱䘤㎖ㇵ厗䘬䨢攻炻⚈侴婳㯪暊借炻⇵⼨⦩䐒ˤ 㬌㗪㛇䘬ἄ⑩ẍ䭉桐䏜冯⎌护䏜䁢ᷣ炻㚱ṃ㚚䚖栗䃞㓰⯌居⥮⍲ⶫ⃳㕗䈡傉 ⽟ᷳ澱⽟桐㟤ˤ㚱˪⃬⻇暊⇍晐゛㚚˫炷Capriccio sopra la lontananza del suo fratello dilettissimo, BWV 992炸ˣ㶭ⓙ∯˪䤆ᷫ⏦ᷣ˫炷Gott ist mein König, BWV 71炸ẍ⍲˪⇵⣷冯岎㟤˫炷Prelude and Fugue, BWV 531炸ˤ Ḵˣ⦩䐒㗪㛇炷Weimar炸 1708 ⸜ 6 㚰炻⶜崓ả借㕤⦩䐒 炷Weimar 炸㗪炻ẍ䭉桐䏜栏⓷ 炷Sachverständiger炸 倆⎵炻䴻ⷠ⮑夾⎬嗽䭉桐䏜炻᷎≈ẍ㓡┬ˤ⛐忁㭝㗪㛇炻⶜ 崓䴻ⷠ⍿怨㺼⣷ᶼ䳸嬀姙⣂枛㦪⭞炻ᶼ⮵佑⣏⇑ἄ㚚⭞䘬ἄ⑩㶙デ冰嵋炻᷎㓡䶐 杳䒎䫔炷Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, 1678-1741炸䘬ἄ⑩炻⤪˪G ⣏婧⣏挝䏜⋼⣷㚚˫ 炷Konzert for Cembalo G-Dur, BWV 973炸ˤ 㬌㗪㛇䘬∝ἄ䁢䭉桐䏜ᷳ⣏ἄ炻⤪˪d ⮷婧妠㈨㚚冯岎㟤˫炷Toccata and Fugue in d minor, BWV 565炸ˣ˪a ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤˫炷Preludium and Fuga in a minor, BWV 543炸ˣ˪c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤˫炷Preludium and Fuga in c minor, BWV 578炸ẍ⍲⬷῱䘬˪c ⮷婧ⶽ啑⌉⇑Ṇ准㚚冯岎㟤㚚˫炷Passacaglia and Fugue in c minor, BWV 582炸炻⎎㚱㓡䶐冒˪㶭ⓙ∯ 147 嘇˫炷Cantata, No. 147炸 䘬˪俞䧴㗗⏦Ṣ㯠⿮ᷳ╄〭˫炷Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude炸䫱ˤ6 ᶱˣ㞗䘣㗪㛇炷Köthen炸 1717 ⸜⶜崓⍿慴⤏㲊⽟䌳⫸炷Leopold, Fürst von Anhalt-Köthen, 1694-1728炸 ᷳ怨婳⇵⼨㞗䘣炻㑼ả⭖⺟㦪⛀㊯㎖ˤ␴ẍ⼨ᶵ⎴䘬㗗ἄ⑩叿慵㕤☐㦪ˣ⭌ℏ㦪 ␴䭉⻎㦪炻侴朆㔁㚫枛㦪ㆾ䭉桐䏜㚚ˤ⶜崓ᶲả㗪㍍䭉䘬ὧ㗗ᶨᾳ妻䶜㚱䳈䘬㦪 6 䝧⬠㔯ˣ䌳沛㬏叿炻˪ἄ㚚⭞⮷䘦䥹 1-⶜⑰˫炻炷⎘⊿烉ᶾ䓴㔯䈑炻2001炸炻19ˤ 5 ⛀炻⚈㬌㽨䚒↢⣏慷↢刚䘬㦪㚚ˤ㬌㗪㛇㗗⶜⑰ᶨ䓇ᷕ庫㛒⍿⸚㒦䘬㗪㛇炻侴⽆ ∝ἄℏ⭡Ἦ䚳炻⶜⑰⶚怩ℍㆸ䅇昶㭝ˤ 㬌㗪㛇䘬∝ἄ㚱烉˪d ⮷婧⋲枛昶⸣゛㚚冯⽑㟤˫炷Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in d minor, BWV 903炸ˣ˪⸛⛯⼳挝䚌㚚普˫炷Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, BWV 846–869炸䫔ᶨ⌟ˣ˪ⶫ嗕䘣⟉⋼⣷㚚˫炷Brandenburgische Konzerte, BWV 772-786炸ˣ˪⮷㍸䏜䃉Ờ⣷⣷沜㚚冯䳬㚚˫炷Violin Sonatas and Partitas, BWV 1001-1006炸ˣℕ椾˪⣏㍸䏜䃉Ờ⣷䳬㚚˫炷Six Evolutions- Cello Suites, BWV 1007-1012炸ˣ˪劙⚳䳬㚚˫炷 English Suite, BWV 806-811炸ˣ˪㱽⚳䳬㚚˫ 炷French Suite, BWV 812-817炸䫱ˤ 1721 ⸜⶜⑰ℵ⨂炻⧞⸜ 20 㬚䘬⤛檀枛⬱⧄炽䐒⽟咖⧄炽⶜⑰炷Anna Magdalena Bach, 1701-1760炸䁢⥣炻⬱⧄ℙ㆟⫽ 13 㫉炻Ữ⎒㚱 6 ᾳ㳣⇘ㆸ⸜ˤ䁢 Ḯ⬑⫸䘬㔁做夷∫炻 ⶜崓廱侴䓛婳厲㭼拓俾⣂䐒㕗㔁➪炷Leipzig Thomaskirche炸 䘬枛㦪㊯㎖ᶨ借ˤ ⚃ˣ厲㭼拓㗪㛇炷Leipzig炸 1723 ⸜⶜崓㑼ả俾⣂䐒㕗㔁➪ⓙ娑䎕䘬㊯㎖烊⛐厲㭼拓㬌⛘ỵ朆⎴⮷⎗炻䚠 䔞㕤ℐ❶⣏⮷㔁➪䘬枛㦪䷥䚋烊䃞侴ⶪ㓧䔞⯨㇨㑍䴻屣䞕⮹炻ἧ⼿⶜崓䁢Ḯ䴻㾇 ⓷柴炻ⷠⷞ叿⬠䓇Ᾱ䥩冒㺼↢炻⚈㬌∝ἄḮ⣏慷㶭ⓙ∯䫱炻⤪烉˪楔⣒⍿暋㚚˫ 炷Matthäus Passion, BWV 244炸ˣ˪␾┉㶭ⓙ∯˫炷Coffee Cantata, BWV 211炸ˣ ˪俾娽䤆∯˫炷Das Weihnachtsoratorium, BWV 248炸䫱烊☐㦪㚚炻⤪烉˪⸛⛯⼳ 挝䚌㚚普˫炷Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, BWV 846–869炸䫔Ḵ⌟ˣ˪悕⽟⟉嬲⣷ 㚚˫炷Goldberg-Variationen, BWV 988炸ˣ˪佑⣏⇑⋼⣷㚚˫炷Italian Concerto in F major, BWV 971炸䫱ˤ7 7 ⎴⇵姣炻24ˤ 6 Ḽˣ㘂⸜ 1740 ⸜⶜崓录⍣Ḯ枛㦪⬠㚫䘬借⊁炻᷎⬴ㆸℑ悐叿ἄ烉˪枛㦪䘬⣱䌣˫ 炷Musikalisches Opfer, BWV 1079 炸ˣ˪岎㟤䘬喅埻˫炷Die Kunst der Fuge, BWV 1080炸炻㗗墯婧枛㦪⣏ℐ炻䁢⶜⑰ᶨ䓇墯婧㈨ⶏ䘬䷥䳸ˤ ⚈攟⸜䳗㚰䘬彃⊌⊆≽炻ἧ㘂⸜䘬⶜崓伡か䛤䕦炻役᷶⣙㖶烊晾䴻ℑ⹎攳↨ Ữ㮓䃉崟刚炻㚨䳪⚈䁢儎㹊埨侴㬣㕤 1750 ⸜炻ṓ⸜ 65 㬚炻⬱吔⛐俾䲬侘㔁➪䘬 ⠻⛘ˤ8 8 ⎴⇵姣炻26ˤ 7 ˪c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871˫∝ἄ側㘗 㛔㚚↢冒⶜崓˪⸛⛯⼳挝䚌㚚普˫炷Das Wohltemperierte Klavier II炸 䘬䫔Ḵ ⌟炻㗗⶜崓㕤 1742 ⸜厲㭼拓㗪㛇⬴ㆸ䘬ˤ ⍇㔯炷Klavier炸㗗挝䚌㦪☐䘬䷥䧙炻 ⊭⏓⣏挝䏜ˣ侤䏜ˣ⎌护䏜炻ᶨ凔悥娵䁢㗗䁢⣏挝䏜⮓ἄ䘬ˤ㧁柴ᶲ⮓叿烉ˬ⬫ 㗗䁢㷜㛃⬠佺枛㦪䘬曺⸜䓐䘬炻䈡⇍㗗䁢⛐忁㕡朊⶚䴻ⶏ⥁㌴㎉㈨埻䘬Ṣ㴰怋䓐 䘬ˤ˭䔊伭炷Hans Guido Freiherr von Bülow, 1830-1894炸㚦⮯˪⸛⛯⼳˫㭼╣䁢 枛㦪ᶲ䘬ˬ冲䲬俾䴻˭炻侴居⣂剔䘬˪⣷沜㚚˫⇯㗗ˬ㕘䲬俾䴻˭炻嵛夳忁⣿ἄ ⑩ᷳ喅埻ㆸ⯙ˤ9 ㇨媪䘬 ˬ⸛⛯⼳˭㗗㊯㈲ℓ⹎枛䦳䫱↮䁢⋩Ḵᾳ⋲枛䘬⼳⇞炻⛐䔞㗪⌣㛒塓 枛㦪⭞慵夾ˤ侴⶜崓ᷳ⇵炻屣暒炷Johann Kaspar Fischer, 1665-1746炸㕤 1702 ⸜⌛ ∝ἄḮ˪枛㦪䘬旧渿Ṇ⧄˫炷Ariadne Musica炸炻㬌悐ἄ⑩ἧ䓐Ḵ⋩椾ᶵ⎴婧䘬⇵ ⣷㚚冯岎㟤㚚普炻啱ẍ嫱㖶䎮婾⭞冯䭉桐䏜⭞⦩⃳湍㕗䈡炷Andreas Werckmeister, 1645-1706炸䘬枛⼳䎮婾ˤ10⶜崓栗䃞⍿㬌㚚普䘬⼙枧炻䌯⃰㍉䓐㬌㱽炻忳䓐㕤Ḵ ⋩⚃ᾳ⣏ˣ⮷婧ᷕ炻᷎㊱㇨㚱ℐ枛ˣ⋲枛㌺↿ˤḇ⚈ℤ℟㔁做⿏冯枛㦪⿏䘬寸⭴ ℏ㵝侴⁁⍿㍐ⲯˤ 㬌悐护䏜㚚普㗗朆㧁柴枛㦪炻ℙḴ⋩⚃䳬炻㭷ᶨ䳬悥䓙⇵⣷㚚␴岎㟤㚚䳬ㆸ炻 䫔ᶨ䳬㗗 C ⣏婧炻䫔Ḵ䳬㗗 c ⮷婧炻䫔ᶱ䳬㗗⋯ C ⣏婧炻䫔⚃䳬㗗⋯ c ⮷婧䫱ˤ ⤪㬌ᶵ㕟ᶲ⋯䘬⋲枛⸷↿⊭⏓Ḯ㇨㚱䘬婧炻㚨⼴ẍᶨ椾 b ⮷婧岎㟤䳸㜇ˤṾᾹᷳ 攻⛐ᷣ柴ᶲ㗗䌐䩳䘬炻Ữ㚱叿ℙ⎴䘬婧⿏ˣℏ⛐䘬⿅゛デね䚠䳸⎰炻忳䓐⣂䧖ㇳ 㱽ἧṾᾹㆸ䁢ᶨᾳ㔜橼ˤ⌛冰䘬⇵⣷㚚冯䳸㥳♜嫡䘬岎㟤㚚ˣᶵ⎴䘬枛㦪⼊尉⼊ ㆸ⮵㭼ˤ11 9 姙揀㥖炻128ˤ 10 湫䩡嗕嬗炻⶜ⷕ䇦焒啵⥮叿炻˪大㲳枛㦪䘦䥹ℐ㚠 2-⎌℠枛㦪崟㸸炷ᶳ炸˫炻炷⎘⊿烉⎘䀋湍⃳炻 1994炸炻13ˤ 11 䝧⬠㔯ˣ䌳沛㬏叿炻40ˤ 8 ˪c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871˫㚚⺷↮㜸 ⇵⣷㚚炷Praeludium炸 c ⮷婧炻⚃⚃㉵⫸炻ℙ 28 ⮷䭨ˤⰔ∝シ㚚栆✳炻ẍ㧉ầ䁢ᷣ天堐䎦ㇳ㱽炻㥳 ㆸ㛸㕁悥㗗䞕⮷䘬㕳⼳≽㨇炻栆Ụ∝シ㚚䘬㦪㚚炻䁢Ḵ㭝⺷炻ᶱ倚悐ˤ㔜㚚⸦᷶ ẍℑ⮷䭨䁢╖ỵ䘬䳈㛸忚埴叿ˤ 㦪㚚攳⥳䓙⋩ℕ↮枛䫎䳬ㆸ䞕⮷≽㨇炻᷎ẍ㧉ầㇳ㱽㥳ㆸᷣ柴炻ⶎㇳ䫔ᶨ枛 C 䡢䩳婧⿏炻ẍℓ↮枛䫎⼊ㆸ嶛≽⺷䘬枛✳炻㬌Ḵ䧖枛✳柣䷩ˣṌ㚧⛘↢䎦㕤ⶎ ⎛ㇳ炻屓䨧㔜㚚炻㶭㤂堐忼↢⌛冰ˣ晐冰䘬㚚桐炷嬄ἳᶨ炸ˤ ˰嬄ἳᶨ˱⶜崓˪c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871˫炻1-2 ⮷䭨 ᷣ柴 ≽㨇 c ⮷婧 䫔 3ˣ4 ⮷䭨⎛ㇳẍ䏞枛ᶲ✳ˣ䳂忚ᶳ埴䘬ㇳ㱽炻ℑ㉵䁢╖ỵ䘬㧉ầ炻⮯㦪 㚚ⷞ⼨ᶲ埴 4 ⹎烊䫔 5 ⮷䭨廱婧军斄Ὢ婧旵 E ⣏婧炻᷎忳䓐ᷣ柴䳈㛸≈ᶲ枛昶ᶳ 埴㧉ầᶨ㫉炻䫔 7ˣ8 ⮷䭨↢䎦栓枛炻侴䫔 8 ⮷䭨Ỷ枛倚悐䘬 Bb 枛炻ℵ㫉⻟婧旵 E ⣏婧Ⱄ枛炻ᷣ柴≽㨇㊩临忚埴炷嬄ἳḴ炸ˤ ˰嬄ἳḴ˱⶜崓˪c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871˫炻3-8 ⮷䭨 3 Eb ⣏婧 6 9 䫔 9 ⮷䭨↢䎦䳪㬊⺷炻Ữ⛐䫔ᶱ㉵ṵ两临ᷣ柴烊㦪㚚㊩临忚埴ᶱ⮷䭨⼴炻㕤 6 䫔 12 ⮷䭨嗽↢䎦ᶱ倚悐炻᷎䳸㜇⛐⛐旵 E ⣏婧䘬ɚ 4 ↮妋␴⻎ᶳ埴炻ẍ朷⚢婧⿏ 炷嬄ἳᶱ炸ˤ ˰嬄ἳᶱ˱⶜崓˪c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871˫炻9-12 ⮷䭨 ᷣ柴 9 12 䫔 13 ⮷䭨忚ℍ䫔Ḵ㭝ᷣ柴炻⺢䩳⛐旵 E ⣏婧ᶲ炻≽㨇䚠⎴炻ㇳ㱽䚠⎴炻Ữ 枛➇䔍䁢㒜⣏烊ⓗ廱婧㚜䁢柣䷩炻枛✳嬲⊾㚜䁢寸⭴炻Ữ䳸㜇㗪ṵ⚆⇘⍇婧 c ⮷ 婧ˤ 䫔 13 ⮷䭨ἧ䓐⇵㭝䚠⎴≽㨇炻Ữ枛➇㚜䁢⮔⺋炻㒨⋯⇘㦪㚚㚨檀溆 Ab 枛烊 䫔 14 ⮷䭨ⶎㇳ䘬㧉忚ἧ䓐Ὰ⼙ㇳ㱽ἧ枛㦪㚜℟⻝≃炷嬄ἳ⚃炸ˤ ˰嬄ἳ⚃˱⶜崓˪c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871˫炻13-14 ⮷䭨 13 ≽㨇Ὰ⼙ Eb ⣏婧 䫔 17 ⮷䭨崟⚈䴻忶⎍䘬斄Ὢ炻攳⥳柣䷩䘬廱军斄Ὢ婧炷c minorˣAb Majarˣ f minor炸炻䳈㛸晾冯⇵㫉䚠⎴炻Ữ晐叿枛➇ˣ⋯旵姀嘇䘬嬲⊾⍲枛✳Ὰ⼙炻ἧ⼿ 㦪㚚㚜䁢寸⭴ˤ 10 㦪㚚忚埴军 26 ⮷䭨Ἦ⇘⯦⣷炻䷼⹎⡆≈䁢ᶱ倚悐炻᷎⚆⇘㛔㭝攳⥳㗪䘬旵 E ⣏婧炻Ữ䫔 27 ⮷䭨䘬䴻忶⎍炻ἧ⼿䫔 28 ⮷䭨⮶⚆军 c ⮷婧炻ẍɚ䳂↮妋␴⻎ᶲ 埴炻⬴ℐ䳪㬊䳸㜇⛐ᷣ枛ᶲ 炷嬄ἳḼ炸 ˤ ˰嬄ἳḼ˱⶜崓˪c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871˫炻26-28 ⮷䭨 26 岎㟤㚚炷Fuga炸 c ⮷婧炻⚃⚃㉵⫸炻⚃倚悐炻ℙ 28 ⮷䭨ˤᷣ天䓙⚃↮枛䫎ˣℓ↮枛䫎ˣ⋩ℕ ↮枛䫎⍲⮹慷䘬ᶱ⋩Ḵ↮枛䫎䳬ㆸˤ⎗↮䁢ᶱᾳ㭝句炻崟㭝 炷Enunciation Section炸 䫔 1-14 ⮷䭨炻ᷕ㭝 炷Modulatory Section炸䫔 14-23 ⮷䭨炻㛓㭝炷Recapitulatory Section 炸䫔 23-28 ⮷䭨烊⊭⏓⏰⺷悐 炷Exposition 炸䫔 1-8 ⮷䭨ˣ㍺ℍ⎍ 炷Episode炸䫔 8-14 ⮷䭨ˣ⭮㍍悐 炷Stretto炸䫔 14-16 ⮷䭨ˣ䫔 16-18 ⮷䭨␴䫔 23-26 ⮷䭨ˣ忶㷉㦪⎍ 炷Transition炸Ḵᾳ⍲⯦⣷炷Coda炸䫔 27-28 ⮷䭨ˤ ᷣ柴炷Sudject炸ẍℓ↮枛䫎⍲⋩ℕ↮枛䫎㕤ᷕ枛倚悐ⓙ↢炻䫔 2 ⮷䭨䘬䫼⎍ 炷Answer炸ẍ䚠⎴䘬䭨⣷✳ン㕤檀枛倚悐ⓙ↢炻⃒伶䘬㕳⼳ẍᷕ㜧䘬忇⹎⏰䎦炻 ⛐倚悐攻䚠Ḻ㧉ầ炻᷎ẍᶵ⎴枛檀䚠两㧉ầ↢䎦炻屓䨧㔜㚚 炷嬄ἳℕ炸ˤ ˰嬄ἳℕ˱⶜崓˪c ⮷婧⇵⣷㚚冯岎㟤炻ἄ⑩ 871˫炻1-3 ⮷䭨 ⏰⺷悐 䫼⎍ ᷣ柴 c ⮷婧 g ⮷婧 11 ㍍叿䫔 4 ⮷䭨䘬Ỷ枛倚悐ℵ㫉ⓙ↢ᷣ柴炻Ữ㬌㫉䘬忶㷉㦪㭝庫攟炻䫼⎍㕤䫔 7 ⮷䭨䘬Ỷ枛倚悐↢䎦烊䫔 5ˣ6 ⮷䭨䘬忶㷉㦪㭝⇯䴻忶Ḵ㫉䘬廱婧炷Ⱄ婧 g ⮷婧ˣ ᶳⰔ婧 f ⮷婧炸炻㕤䫔 7 ⮷䭨ㇵ⚆⇘ c ⮷婧ˤ 䫔 8 ⮷䭨忚ℍ㍺ℍ⎍炷episode炸炻ᷣ柴ẍ⤛檀枛㕤䫔ᶨ倚悐ⓙ↢炻枛✳⼨ᶳ 䘤⯽炻䫼⎍㕤䫔 10
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