Species of Platygastrinae and Sceliotrachelinae from Rainforest
Species of Platygastrinae and Sceliotrachelinae from rainforest canopies in Tanzania, with keys to the Afrotropical species of Amblyaspis, Inostemma, Leptacis, Platygaster and Synopeas (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae) Peter Neerup Buhl The platygastrid diversity from a canopy fogging experiment in Tanzania is assessed, a total of about 1140 specimens in 141 species was found. Forty species new to science are described: Allotropa canopyana, A. fusca, Leptacis acuticlava, L. dendrophila, L. dilatispina, L. ioannoui, L. johnsoni, L. kryi, L. laevipleura, L. latipetiolata, L. mckameyi, L. papei, L. piestopleuroides, L. popovicii, L. pronotata, Parabaeus austini, P. brevicornis, P. papei, Platygaster hamadryas, Pl. kwamgumiensis, Pl. leptothorax, Pl. mazumbaiensis, Pl. nielseni, Pl. sonnei, Pl. ultima, Pl. vertexialis, Synopeas acutanguliceps, S. canopyanum, S. ciliarissimum, S. dentilamellatum, S. dorsale, S. fredskovae, S. glabratum, S. gnom, S. laeviventre, S. lineae, S. longiceps, S. mazumbaiense, S. semihyalinum, and S. verrucosum. Keys are given to nearly all known Afrotropical species of Amblyaspis Förster, 1856, Inostemma Haliday, 1833, Leptacis Förster, 1856, Platygaster Latreille, 1809 and Synopeas Förster, 1856. Peter Neerup Buhl, Troldhøjvej 3, DK-3310 Ølsted, Denmark. platygaster@mail.dk Introduction The wasp subfamilies Platygastrinae and Scelio- The Eastern Arc Mountains are renown in Africa trachelinae consist of parasitoids, the hosts of the for high concentrations of endemic species of ani- former being especially gall midges. They are mostly mals and plants. Thirteen separate mountain blocks very small (1–2 mm), black, weakly shining wasps comprise the Eastern Arc, supporting around 3300 with elbowed antennae that have at the most 8 flag- km2 of sub-montane, montane and upper montane ellomeres in the antenna (sometimes fewer, espe- forest.
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