
C.5C: Matter and the

Periodic Trends

3 C.5C: Periodic Trends Matter and the Periodic Table

Atomic Radii Periodic Trends

2 C.5C: Periodic Trends Matter and the Periodic Table

Ionic Radii Periodic Trends

1 Periodic Trends Matter and the Periodic Table

Periodic Table

1 Periodic Trends Matter and the Periodic Table

Periodic Table

1 Periodic Table Trends Practice Question

Each rectangle represents the Periodic Table. Label one rectangle “Atomic Radii”, one rectangle “Ionic Radii”, one rectangle “/”, and one rectangle “”. Draw TWO arrows on each labeled indicating the trends.

**Indicate if the arrow is increasing or decreasing.

Example Increasing

Valance Electrons

Match each of the four trends listed to its description by writing the correct letter of the description next to the trend’s name.


_____ _____ Electronegativity

_____ Ionization Energy _____


A. The amount of energy needed to remove an electron from a neutral

B. The radius of a neutral atom

C. The radius of a positive or negative

D. The ability of an element to attract electrons when forming a chemical bond Answer the following questions using your notes as a guide.

1. Which element below has the smallest atomic radius? ______

Beryllium(Be) (O) (Na) (F)

2. Which element below has the smallest ionic radius? ______

Lithium(Li) Sodium(Na) (Rb) (K)

3. Which element below has the lowest electronegativity? ______

Calcium(Ca) (Ga) (Se) (Br)

4. Which element below has the highest ionization energy? ______

Strontium(Sr) (Be) (Mg) (Ca)

5. Which element has the highest electronegativity on the Periodic Table?

6. Which representative element has the largest atomic radius?

7. Place the elements below in order of decreasing ionization energy.

Aluminum(Al) (Cl) Magnesium(Mg) (S)

[largest] ______[smallest] 8. Place the elements in order of increasing atomic radius.

Gallium(Ga) (N) (In) (Te)

[smallest] ______[largest]

9. Choose which of the two is larger, the atom or its ion.

A. Magnesium atom (Mg) OR Magnesium ion (Mg2+) ______

B. Oxygen atom (O) OR Oxygen ion (O2-) ______