Pune District at a Glance
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Pune District at a glance Sr. No. Item 1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 A Geographical Area (Thousand Sq. Km.) 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 B Administrative Setup- 1 Tahsils 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 2 Inhabited villages NA 1481 1753 1753 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 3 Un-Inhabited villages NA 17 15 15 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 4 Towns # NA 22 26 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Population as per Census - (In C thousand) 1 Total 2467 3178 4164 5511 7224 7224 7233 7233 7233 7233 7233 2 Males 1269 1644 2150 2846 3768 3768 3769 3769 3769 3769 3769 3 Females 1198 1534 2014 2665 3456 3456 3464 3464 3464 3464 3464 4 Rural 1527 1878 2193 2714 4196 4196 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 5 Urban 940 1330 1971 2797 3029 3029 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 6 Scheduled Castes 121 175 314 314 631 631 762 762 762 762 762 7 Scheduled Tribes 90 108 159 159 216 216 262 262 262 262 262 8 Percentage of Scheduled Castes 4.90 5.51 7.54 7.54 11.41 11.41 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 10.53 9 Percentage of Scheduled Tribes 3.65 3.40 3.82 3.82 3.91 3.91 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 10 Decadal growth rate of population 26.44 28.83 31.04 32.85 30.58 30.58 30.73 30.73 30.73 30.73 30.73 11 Density of population (per Sq.Km.) 158141 203 266 352 462 462 462 462 462 462 462 12 Literacy rate (Percentage) Total 34.3 44.62 54.03 60.32 80.78 80.78 80.45 80.45 80.45 80.45 80.45 Males 46.2 56.3 65.16 69.45 88.55 88.55 88.34 88.34 88.34 88.34 88.34 Females 21.7 32.1 42.14 50.58 72.32 72.32 71.89 71.89 71.89 71.89 71.89 13 Percentage of Urban population 38.10 41.85 47.33 50.75 41.93 42.00 58.08 58.08 58.08 58.08 58.08 14 Sex ratio (Females per thousand males) 944.05 933.00 951.00 937.00 917.20 917.00 919.08 919.08 919.08 919.08 919.08 D District Income - (At current prices) 1 District Income - (Crore Rs.) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 23265 24521 27288 31152 42884 48310 2 Primary Sector (Crore Rs.) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3028 2772 2524 2892 4582 4635 3 Secondary Sector (Crore Rs.) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 8413 8640 9952 11556 15158 18094 4 Tertiary Sector (Crore Rs.) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 11824 13109 14812 16704 23144 25581 5 Share of Primary Sector (In Per cent) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 13.0153 11.3046 9.24949 9.28351 10.6846 9.59429 6 Share of Secondary Sector (In Per cent) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 36.1616 35.2351 36.4702 37.0955 35.3465 37.4539 7 Share of Tertiary Sector (In Per cent) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 50.8231 53.4603 54.2803 53.621 53.9688 52.9518 Annual Growth Rate of GDDP Constant 8 (1999-2000) Prices Annual Growth Rate of NDDP Constant 9 (1999-2000) Prices 10 Per capita District Income (Rs.) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 31752 32756 35676 39882 37081 60375 60375 Agriculture - (Area in thousand E hectares) Pune District at a glance Sr. No. Item 1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 1 Net area sown 985 1010 992 1028 974 1331 1331 1331 1222 1222 992 2 Gross cropped area 1092 1087 1075 1216 1192 1156 1156 1156 1146 1173 1172 3 Gross irrigated area 118 142 183 209 291 311 312 312 313 320 320 Percentage of gross irrigated area to gross 4 10.80586 13.0635 17.0233 17.1875 24.4128 26.9031 26.9896 26.9896 27.3124 27.2805 27.3038 cropped area Area under principal crops - (In thousand hectares) 5 Paddy 52 44 50 52 65 70 70 70 59 64 64 6 Wheat 21 24 27 45 44 95 95 95 69 55 55 7 Jowar 439 356 367 529 436 355 355 355 397 416 416 8 Bajra 181 148 138 162 155 158 158 158 161 160 160 9 All cereals 719 592 604 820 746 719 719 719 720 731 731 10 All pulses 74 50 64 874 74 86 86 86 83 94 94 11 All foodgrains 793 442 668 908 819 805 805 805 803 825 825 12 Sugarcane Area 13 17 25 28 42 63 63 63 61 60 60 13 Sugarcane Harvested Area 14 Cotton NA 7 6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.7 15 Groundnut 23 27 25 41 50 54 54 54 50 54 54 Production of principal crops - (In thousand tonnes) 16 Paddy 514 394 715 639 884 400 847 851 738 689 689 17 Wheat 83 196 471 657 1012 819 475 869 1129 1319 1319 18 Jowar 1269 898 1953 1943 2379 1620 684 2312 2327 2329 2329 19 Bajra 652 393 310 1216 856 865 676 848 904 813 813 20 All cereals 2716 2047 3824 4653 5479 4109 2979 5341 5561 5685 5685 21 All pulses 236 128 218 260 492 408 251 375 491 566 566 22 All foodgrains 2952 2175 4042 4698 5971 4517 3230 5716 6052 6251 6251 23 Sugarcane 813 988 3024 29704 41610 46900 14098 23619 50361 68726 68726 24 Cotton (lint) 72 95 47 4 4532322 25 Groundnut 193 164 320 739 613 461 529 522 391 336 336 Productivity of principal crops - (Kg/hec.) 26 Paddy 959 860 1405 1042 1462 693 1402 1259 1144 1078 1078 27 Wheat 320 653 1066 1230 1701 1266 1222 1655 1842 1809 1809 28 Jowar 409 219 374 376 484 346 1829 536 1032 646 646 29 Bajra 318 325 377 530 776 698 697 726 721 631 631 30 All cereals 432 326 523 528 729 31 All pulses 312 252 344 387 516 32 All foodgrains 33 Sugarcane (Drest cane) 7743 6587 8590 89 85 88 38 84 94 88 88 34 Cotton (lint) 277 276 1808 340 333 465 580 337 510 337 337 35 Groundnut 871 1065 901 1514 1288 1024 1161 994 852 737 737 Pune District at a glance Sr. No. Item 1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 36 Index number of agricultural production Agricultural Census - (2000- 01) Number of operational holdings (in a NA NA 323 427 418 418 418 499 499 499 499 thousand) b Area of operational holdings NA NA 1150092 1151029 1127784 1127784 1127784 1127784 1127784 1127784 1127784 c (In thousand hectares) NA NA 1150 1151 1127 1127 1127 1127 1127 1127 1127 Average size of operational holdings d (Hectare) F Livestock Census - '(2003) 1 Total livestock (In thousand) 1311 1498 1789 1923 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290 2023 2023 Strength of lovivestock per 100 human 2 53.14147 47.1366 42.9635 34.8938 31.6999 31.6999 31.6604 31.6604 31.6604 27.969 27.969 population 3 Total poultry (in thousand) 462 1217 2532 3384 3942 3942 3942 3942 6101 5478 5478 4 Tractors 0.08 0.4 0.8 3 888881212 G Forest Area (Sq.Km.) - Percentage of forest area to total 1 12.22436 7.63124 12.2855 12 10.9987 10.9987 11 11 11 11 11 geographical area H Factories - 1 Working Factories 716 946 1583 2510 2890 3060 3291 3272 3272 3380 3380 2 Average daily employment (in thousand) 4.748603 8.35095 7.51737 6.05578 6.26298 6.11111 5.95564 6.23472 6.23472 6.0355 6.0355 3 Employment per lakh of population 1392.825 2502.74 2856.34 2759.21 2515.44 2602.09 2705.48 2812.49 2812.49 2834.43 2834.43 I Electricity - (Million KWH) 1 Total generation NA 2 Total consumption NA 560 1084 2142 3996 4952 5657 5456 6887 9080 9469 3 Industrial consumption NA 365 655 1446 2423 2505 2830 2630 4225 5021 5780 4 Agriculture consumption NA 47 10 8 25 82 62 1131 1122 1646 1183 5 Domestic consumption NA 51 169 372 1012 1046 1043 1043 1186 1304 1459 J Banking - (Sheduled Commercial) 1 Banking offices 58 232 484 617 703 703 703 691 753 753 865 2 Villages having banking offices NA NA 134 204 246 246 246 246 235 235 235 K Education - 1 Primary schools 1964 2865 3384 3619 4262 4320 4440 4440 4440 4440 4440 2 Enrolment (In thousand) 345 470 663 702 754 777 780 780 780 780 780 Secoundary school (Incl.