CLERGY: V. Rev. Canon Fitzgerald P.P., V.F. Phone: 025-84090. Mitchelstown Parish & Community Newsletter V. Rev. Canon O’Leary P.E., C.C. Phone: 025-84088. Volume: 8 Issue: 42Date: Sunday 16th April 2017 Rev. Fr. Burke C.C. Phone: 025-84077. 2017 Parish Office: Phone: 025-84062. Our Soul Like A Garden: Many ofMarch you love 2016 your gardens and especially this time Fr. Burkeis on Sick Call this week; of year, so that you can cultivate them. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to Phone Number: 087 – 2524979 keep a good garden. There is continual weed clearing and guarding from the PARISH E-MAIL ADDRESS: destructive slugs. On Monday night last, during the Penitential Service, one of the EASTER
[email protected] HolidayMass at 11.00am Only. Myross Franciscan Friar of Renewal, Fr. Bernardino, compared the soul to a garden. DEADLINEChurch FOR of Our THE Lady NEW ConceivedSLETTER Without IS 10AMSin, Mitchelstown: WEDNESDAY He said, it was his own experience of Confession and the plucking up of the weeds MASS TIMES: Office Open: 9 am to 12 noon – Monday to Friday. in his soul, that led him closer to God and to becoming a priest. He reminded us that Saturday & ParishEve of Holy Website: Day: www.mitchelstownparish.ie7.30pm it was in the Garden of Eden that Adam and Eve fell into sin. It was in the Garden of Sunday & Holy EDay:-mail address for8.30am, Parish 11.30am Pastoral & Council 7.30pm. is Gethsemane that Christ suffered His last agony. It was also in a garden near Mt.