1 00:00:00.570 --> 00:00:03.030 Erin : We're recording, so you're you're okay to begin

2 00:00:04.140 --> 00:00:04.710 dennisdostert: Okay.

3 00:00:05.640 --> 00:00:11.639 dennisdostert: Well, the meeting of the Zoning Board of appeals for Wednesday, May 27 2020 please come to order.

4 00:00:13.769 --> 00:00:20.310 dennisdostert: Please be aware that your camera if you have one and your microphone will be muted by the meeting host when you enter the meeting.

5 00:00:21.120 --> 00:00:25.980 dennisdostert: You can turn on your camera at any time, so that you can be seen by others when or if you choose to

6 00:00:26.850 --> 00:00:36.450 dennisdostert: In order to run an efficient or only meeting in this new virtual environment, unless stated otherwise by the meeting chairman during the meeting the meeting host will keep everyone, other than the Commission members muted.

7 00:00:37.560 --> 00:00:50.850 dennisdostert: You will still be able to hear everything said by the Commission members, even if you are muted and or your cameras nada. There will be opportunity for public comment. During public hearings, at which time public participants will be unmuted.

8 00:00:52.050 --> 00:00:58.230 dennisdostert: The secretary will read the call the meeting as published recordings that Governor women's executive order seven p

9 00:01:01.350 --> 00:01:03.000 dennisdostert: She going to read that now or later.

10 00:01:04.770 --> 00:01:05.580 Erin Mannix: Hey, read it now.

11 00:01:05.970 --> 00:01:06.420 Okay.

12 00:01:07.470 --> 00:01:08.250 Erin Mannix: Was it up there.

13 00:01:10.230 --> 00:01:10.620 Britt Mirles: Yeah.

14 00:01:10.860 --> 00:01:11.760 dennisdostert: I do see it. Yeah.

15 00:01:13.020 --> 00:01:13.890 Lisa: That was my cue.

16 00:01:15.600 --> 00:01:22.680 Lisa: By given that on Wednesday, May 27 the Guilford zoning board of appeals will hold a public hearing at 7:30pm

17 00:01:23.250 --> 00:01:36.480 Lisa: Due to the coven 19 pandemic this meeting will be conducting through a women phone meeting only attendees are advised not to go to the regular community center location because of physical meeting will not take place.

18 00:01:37.800 --> 00:01:55.740 Lisa: Our first public hearing is Mark nap 94 great harbor roadmap seven lat seven zone are one com i can request variance of Section 273 dash 17 be to be table three lot 10

19 00:01:56.400 --> 00:02:04.380 Lisa: Line 10 blog coverage from required 15% to 23% for construction of a new single family dwelling.

20 00:02:05.070 --> 00:02:17.820 Lisa: A copy of this application is available for inspection on the town's website www.ci guilford.ct.us at this hearing persons may attend

21 00:02:18.360 --> 00:02:29.400 Lisa: By either phone or web connection and Shelby her pursuant to governor's executive order seven be any materials relevant to the matters on the agenda, including

22 00:02:29.790 --> 00:02:35.070 Lisa: But not limited to materials related to specific applications if applicable.

23 00:02:35.640 --> 00:02:43.350 Lisa: Shall be submitted to the agency, a minimum of 24 hours prior to the posted to the agency's website.

24 00:02:43.680 --> 00:02:51.450 Lisa: For public inspection prior to during and after the meeting and any exhibits to be submitted by members of the public shell.

25 00:02:51.780 --> 00:03:03.450 Lisa: To the extent feasible be submitted to the agency, a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting and posted to the agency's website for public inspection prior to during

26 00:03:04.200 --> 00:03:18.570 Lisa: And after the meeting all written correspondence shall be submitted to planning doc zoning at CI guilford.ca t.us documents are available by appointment only at the P AMP Z office.

27 00:03:19.020 --> 00:03:42.330 Lisa: Dial 234538039 for assistance in accordance with the governor's executive order 71 this legal notices being published on the town of Guilford website www.ci Guilford ct.us dated at kill for Connecticut this 11th day of May 2020 Dennis Dr. Chairman.

28 00:03:43.530 --> 00:03:50.130 dennisdostert: During a public hearing the applicant will be invited to present the application explaining to the board know this present what is being requested.

29 00:03:50.610 --> 00:04:02.250 dennisdostert: The meeting host will share all related documents and the street as needed. In addition, all applications is supporting materials for each application of the agenda available through public meeting Kayla calendar page of town website.

30 00:04:03.360 --> 00:04:13.140 dennisdostert: And also, through direct link of the Planning and Zoning page comments of town agencies will be read for each application if there are any there will be clarifying questions from the board.

31 00:04:14.400 --> 00:04:21.120 dennisdostert: There will be an opportunity for clarifying questions from the audience, please raise your hand through the zoom platform and wait to be called an unmuted.

32 00:04:21.450 --> 00:04:25.260 dennisdostert: Should this feature malfunction, please send a champ to the board asked you to be called on.

33 00:04:25.860 --> 00:04:37.530 dennisdostert: First, those who wish to support the application may come forward. And second, those who oppose the application will then for come forward as public hearing most be recorded is necessary for speakers to identify themselves. Each time they

34 00:04:37.530 --> 00:04:44.430 dennisdostert: Speak voice leading their name. The applicant will then have an opportunity to address any questions or concerns raised by the public or board.

35 00:04:45.390 --> 00:04:50.820 dennisdostert: Once the public hearing is closed the applicant is free to leave or remain for the balance of the public hearing

36 00:04:51.270 --> 00:04:55.830 dennisdostert: And the regular meeting during which the board will try to reach a decision on each application.

37 00:04:56.610 --> 00:05:02.760 dennisdostert: Each applicant will be notified in writing. So the decision this board. It has right to appeal to superior court if desired.

38 00:05:03.360 --> 00:05:07.800 dennisdostert: Decision. So this meeting are available, the day after the meeting by calling a Planning and Zoning department.

39 00:05:08.370 --> 00:05:25.590 dennisdostert: At 203-453-8039 or by emailing Planning and Zoning at CI Guilford seeking us after 9am all actions taken by the board will be by roll call all board members and staff will identify themselves for the record before speaking

40 00:05:26.700 --> 00:05:35.340 dennisdostert: Seated this evening. Our members don't install suit Steve cops Brittany merciless junk in Turkey and Christie Faulkner.

41 00:05:39.090 --> 00:05:39.750 dennisdostert: Okay.

42 00:05:42.060 --> 00:05:43.740 dennisdostert: The documents so

43 00:05:45.450 --> 00:05:49.050 dennisdostert: Maybe we should hear some testimony as to what he wants to do before we really don't. So

44 00:05:49.410 --> 00:06:05.160 Erin Mannix: So yes applicant Mark map is here along with his survey or I believe and Mark, are you, you're unmuted. I do have your plans mark if you'd like me to put your survey on the screen or whatever document, you'd like

45 00:06:06.480 --> 00:06:09.480 Erin Mannix: Shown I can, I can share that screen for you.

46 00:06:09.570 --> 00:06:10.020 While you

47 00:06:11.040 --> 00:06:15.510 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Okay, sure. Yeah, please. Please go ahead and put the site plan to begin with.

48 00:06:16.380 --> 00:06:20.370 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The intent is to end. I have my

49 00:06:21.120 --> 00:06:38.880 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Site that will suffice for now. Yes, I have my site plan engineer on as well Magnitsky p. So, the intent is to construct a new single family residence for the structure that was destroyed.

50 00:06:39.420 --> 00:07:01.830 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Infrastructure is less livable space than the previous structure and it's been designed in accordance with local GOLDEN COAST obligated to eliminate any concerns that the 10 engineer had in regards to flooding, given that as its proximity to the zone and the coast.

51 00:07:02.850 --> 00:07:07.200 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: There's been a separate system is designed in accordance with the

52 00:07:08.250 --> 00:07:14.850 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Code and I have remarks to the memos that I received from

53 00:07:18.090 --> 00:07:33.510 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: And then I think I also like to ask Mr Nescafe to comment on the block coverage zoning table and other items, Matt, are you prepared and on

54 00:07:33.990 --> 00:07:36.300 Matthew Niski: Yes, I am. So I can speak whenever

55 00:07:37.410 --> 00:07:38.010 Matthew Niski: You need me to.

56 00:07:38.970 --> 00:07:44.730 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Yes, please begin. And then I'll take the microphone back to respond to the memos that I received

57 00:07:45.180 --> 00:07:55.560 Matthew Niski: Okay, I'm just a quick summary of the lot. It is a 7226 square foot lot the zone requires 10,000 so it is a non conforming lot

58 00:07:56.190 --> 00:07:59.610 Matthew Niski: There was a house that burnt down. I'm not sure of the exact date.

59 00:08:00.360 --> 00:08:11.970 Matthew Niski: Mr Knapp might be able to tell you, but I do have Google images showing it in 2013 and no longer there in 2014 So sometime in that period. It burnt to the ground per

60 00:08:12.630 --> 00:08:21.090 Matthew Niski: assessor records and I do have those. If a screen share is needed. The assessor stated that the

61 00:08:21.660 --> 00:08:33.660 Matthew Niski: Original structure contained 1282 square feet. The proposed house is a reduction at 1192 so just under 100 square foot reduction.

62 00:08:34.230 --> 00:08:47.940 Matthew Niski: And building coverage for the dwelling the existing 410 foot square, excuse me 410 square foot garage will remain in the exact same location.

63 00:08:48.630 --> 00:08:55.500 Matthew Niski: We are pulling the whole house and deck outside of the female flood zone, but we are also elevating it

64 00:08:55.890 --> 00:09:08.910 Matthew Niski: As I'm sure everyone's aware female keeps changing the flood zones every so many years. So in three years time house might be in the flood zone. So by raising it we are removing it from any potential conflicts with elevations in the future.

65 00:09:10.440 --> 00:09:17.760 Matthew Niski: The septic system will be shown due to site conditions there really was only one location for the septic

66 00:09:18.390 --> 00:09:28.290 Matthew Niski: Wells from the neighbors. It is kind of hard to see on the plan, but you will see some circles. Those are the radius is of neighboring wells, as well as well on the property.

67 00:09:28.710 --> 00:09:39.300 Matthew Niski: So with being in the outside of the 75 Radius. Radius of that there really was only one area for the septic to go due to soil conditions on the site.

68 00:09:40.800 --> 00:09:46.710 Matthew Niski: The septic had to be elevated, which resulted in the design that Mr harkin came designed himself.

69 00:09:48.060 --> 00:09:55.440 Matthew Niski: In terms of the correspondence. I'm just going to address one concern quick Mr Knapp if that's okay.

70 00:09:57.240 --> 00:10:06.930 Matthew Niski: And that was just moving the septic as I mentioned the well radius is prevent that. So even if we were to shrink the house down per the comments.

71 00:10:07.290 --> 00:10:15.840 Matthew Niski: The septic system would still have to be there, otherwise we would have to go in front of the health department to ask for a reduction in setbacks from the existing wells.

72 00:10:23.040 --> 00:10:23.460 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Plan.

73 00:10:23.850 --> 00:10:26.400 dennisdostert: Anybody somebody else doggy.

74 00:10:29.130 --> 00:10:29.940 Erin Mannix: That's mark.

75 00:10:30.480 --> 00:10:31.650 Erin Mannix: Who's speaking Dennis.

76 00:10:31.890 --> 00:10:32.400 Okay.

77 00:10:34.260 --> 00:10:37.410 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I have a few more points is not an appropriate time.

78 00:10:40.620 --> 00:10:42.330 dennisdostert: Yes, yes it is.

79 00:10:42.960 --> 00:10:43.650 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Okay, great.

80 00:10:45.090 --> 00:10:57.930 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: So just in in response to some of the members that I received from town staff, I'd like to walk through a couple of the items. And as mentioned previously, so there was a

81 00:10:58.170 --> 00:11:00.570 dennisdostert: Serious me your address.

82 00:11:01.680 --> 00:11:09.930 dennisdostert: Even address the Aaron, Aaron manic said or what Dennis Johnson said or what Kevin McGee said so what you're going to do.

83 00:11:10.260 --> 00:11:10.890 Right now, it would be

84 00:11:12.060 --> 00:11:13.290 dennisdostert: Okay, let's read those into

85 00:11:13.740 --> 00:11:18.900 Erin Mannix: This and would you like us to read those in so that the board is familiar with what the memos are

86 00:11:19.650 --> 00:11:20.220 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: That'd be great.

87 00:11:20.460 --> 00:11:21.960 Erin Mannix: So then you can comment. Sure.

88 00:11:22.860 --> 00:11:25.200 dennisdostert: AARON Why don't you read yours in and I'll read the other two.

89 00:11:28.140 --> 00:11:29.580 Erin Mannix: Okay, hold on a second here.

90 00:11:42.780 --> 00:11:52.440 Erin Mannix: This is a memo to the Zoning Board of appeals from Aaron Mannix dated May 26 2020 regarding 94 green harbor roadmap various request for increased lot coverage.

91 00:11:53.070 --> 00:12:00.720 Erin Mannix: The applicants proposing replacement year round. Single Family dwelling on a 7226 square foot lot in an RS one zone.

92 00:12:01.080 --> 00:12:06.090 Erin Mannix: Previous residents was destroyed by fire, and currently a detached garage exists on the property.

93 00:12:06.570 --> 00:12:14.340 Erin Mannix: prior to applying to the board seeking the variance for lot coverage. The applicant submitted development plans and applications to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

94 00:12:14.700 --> 00:12:21.750 Erin Mannix: At that time, the town engineer raised concerns regarding the design of the proposed septic system and compliance with the floodplain ordinance.

95 00:12:22.080 --> 00:12:31.530 Erin Mannix: In addition, questions were raised by the health or health director as to site feasibility for a redesign system that could comply with both flood and State Health code requirements.

96 00:12:31.890 --> 00:12:36.960 Erin Mannix: Lastly, when the proposal was referred to see TD for comments, concerns were raised.

97 00:12:37.530 --> 00:12:44.610 Erin Mannix: As to potential impacts on coastal resources. It was recommended that the House shape be reconfigured in place closer to the road.

98 00:12:45.270 --> 00:13:01.440 Erin Mannix: Utilizing side yard variances, if necessary to avoid placing Phil walls and a septic system and the V flood zone near the waterfront as the applicant is seeking to construct a one story roughly 1400 square foot, which I correct that that is a 1200

99 00:13:02.910 --> 00:13:12.570 Erin Mannix: Excuse me, it's 1100 closer to 1100 I apologize for that error while seeking a variance for increased Lot Coverage staff questions the zoning hardship.

100 00:13:13.080 --> 00:13:24.210 Erin Mannix: According to historic tax records the previous residents was a two story dwelling, I would ask the applicant if options had been explored to redesign the dwelling to maintain square footage, but in a smaller footprint.

101 00:13:24.480 --> 00:13:32.250 Erin Mannix: Well, not limiting the lot area availability for a modified septic system design that's more in harmony with the floodplain management ordinance.

102 00:13:32.550 --> 00:13:40.320 Erin Mannix: The request before you today are one to seek a lot coverage variance and to a coastal site plan referral with respect to this variance request.

103 00:13:40.770 --> 00:13:54.000 Erin Mannix: I feel it is pertinent to take the overall site development and staff CT deep comments into consideration as the potential impacts to coastal coastal resources could be less than two alternatives are thoroughly explored.

104 00:13:56.010 --> 00:14:00.030 dennisdostert: And let me read Dennis Johnson, Director of Health. Sure.

105 00:14:00.060 --> 00:14:11.580 dennisdostert: Yeah because proposed rebuild the previous fire damage house is permitted by the public health code provided the new house does not exceed the previous habitable space for area of 1282 square feet.

106 00:14:12.270 --> 00:14:16.980 dennisdostert: Bedroom capacity. It does not increase the footprint coverage on the lot of the previous house.

107 00:14:17.790 --> 00:14:28.320 dennisdostert: Bedroom capacity of the proposed house has three bedrooms, the same as the previous structure and a habitable space floor area is proposed to be 11 1188 square feet.

108 00:14:29.100 --> 00:14:35.460 dennisdostert: Over the proposed house will enlarge the footprint of the house, and as such will have to be evaluated from a public health code perspective.

109 00:14:35.910 --> 00:14:46.830 dennisdostert: To verify that potential septic repair areas that being on a lot of limited area, a new engineer designs septic system constructed entirely and Phil

110 00:14:47.310 --> 00:14:57.210 dennisdostert: Has been proposed for the house that is currently being reviewed with regard to coastal flood regulations and is this septic system of unknown capacity is also on site.

111 00:14:58.740 --> 00:15:07.350 dennisdostert: As an alternative to constructing the new septic system, the existing system could be uncovered and evaluated as to its potential for expansion of functional enhancement.

112 00:15:08.130 --> 00:15:16.230 dennisdostert: Several new wastewater treatment technologies are no available which can reduce the environmental impact of septic wastewater along coastal communities.

113 00:15:17.010 --> 00:15:26.520 dennisdostert: At this point to applicants propose house rebuild cannot be approved until the proposed septic system design is deemed to be acceptable for construction by local and state agencies.

114 00:15:27.390 --> 00:15:41.640 dennisdostert: If an alternate septic system is recommended and the applicant proposal must be evaluated through additional soil testing to verify that all potential septic repair areas on a lot are preserved before the clouds house is approved.

115 00:15:44.520 --> 00:15:45.870 dennisdostert: And this is from Kevin McGee.

116 00:15:46.980 --> 00:15:55.170 dennisdostert: Environmental planner, the applicant is proposing to reconstruct a year round residents with a new septic system located adjacent to create harbor.

117 00:15:55.800 --> 00:16:04.620 dennisdostert: The coastal resource policies applicable for the property or coastal hazard area rocky shore front coastal waters intertidal flats and shellfish concentration areas.

118 00:16:05.880 --> 00:16:14.580 dennisdostert: Order in order to protect the cost of resources, the septic system should be located as far from the cluster resources as possible due to the Jason shellfish beds.

119 00:16:15.330 --> 00:16:20.790 dennisdostert: To increase the distance to the coastal resource from the sanitary system and how should be installed with a smaller footprint.

120 00:16:21.450 --> 00:16:32.970 dennisdostert: Which would allow the septic system to be installed further from the coastal resources. In addition, an alternative sanitary system, which reduces the nitrogen loading to great harbor should be evaluated.

121 00:16:34.620 --> 00:16:49.680 dennisdostert: The site plan provides for erosion and sedimentation control measures that are designed to protect the Jason coastal resources for the effects of construction no stormwater management practices have been proposed as part of this application.

122 00:16:50.700 --> 00:17:00.150 dennisdostert: And I just want to comment that I understand that our regulations say that if you are replacing a non conforming building

123 00:17:01.500 --> 00:17:03.660 dennisdostert: It cannot be bigger.

124 00:17:05.010 --> 00:17:07.470 dennisdostert: Than the one you're the one that was replaced

125 00:17:08.610 --> 00:17:10.050 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Could you find bigger

126 00:17:12.270 --> 00:17:18.210 dennisdostert: It actually, it's very clear. It can't be any larger in any way. It can't be taller. It can't have bigger footprint.

127 00:17:19.530 --> 00:17:22.860 dennisdostert: It isn't supposed to do any of those things.

128 00:17:24.000 --> 00:17:36.720 dennisdostert: You can make changes that less than the degree of Nonconformity, and you said that you had some, but you can't make changes that increase the degree of Nonconformity, according to our regulations.

129 00:17:38.430 --> 00:17:44.430 Matthew Niski: I'm Mr. Chairman, if I may, um, Mrs Mannix could I share my screen screen for a second. I do have a

130 00:17:45.840 --> 00:17:50.490 Matthew Niski: Letter from the assessor stating the footprint of the original building

131 00:17:50.940 --> 00:17:52.050 Erin Mannix: So we can show that

132 00:17:52.680 --> 00:18:13.620 Erin Mannix: I can't offer at this point, our permissions are not allowed the public, but if you'd like to read that into the record you can read that, I do have. We do have records from the just to, you know, support your documents Planning and Zoning office does have all of those records.

133 00:18:14.970 --> 00:18:25.080 Erin Mannix: With respect to the Planning and Zoning coastal site plan application and that special permit application. We do have those tax records as well. So I can

134 00:18:26.160 --> 00:18:30.540 Erin Mannix: Support what what you're reading from the tax assessor as

135 00:18:32.370 --> 00:18:34.200 Matthew Niski: Would you still like me to read it in for the record.

136 00:18:34.860 --> 00:18:46.200 Matthew Niski: Sure. This is a letter, an email to Mr Knapp from and I'm sorry, I'm going to not pronounce her name right but Jennifer Bernardo the town assessor

137 00:18:47.010 --> 00:18:59.940 Matthew Niski: And it states. And this is from Monday, September 14 2013 at 4:07pm dear mark in regards your inquiry, our records indicate that the house was built on piers had aluminum siding asphalt roof.

138 00:19:00.240 --> 00:19:19.680 Matthew Niski: Pine floors plaster or drywall and hot water heater. I do not know what type of installation. It had the structure contained 1282 square feet had to open porches at 192 square foot each and attach that shed at 40 square feet. I hope it helps. Sincerely, Jennifer.

139 00:19:21.060 --> 00:19:28.950 Matthew Niski: And that was what we based our decrease in lot coverage on with respect to the original building size.

140 00:19:31.140 --> 00:19:41.370 Erin Mannix: That's correct. The square footage is reduced. However I it's my understanding from the field cards that this was previously a two story structure. Is that correct, Mark.

141 00:19:44.070 --> 00:19:44.760 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I'm sorry.

142 00:19:45.480 --> 00:19:55.800 Erin Mannix: The, the tax records that the although it was 1200 square feet of residence, that was split between two floors. Correct.

143 00:19:59.160 --> 00:20:04.200 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Before I own the property. There was no, there was no house, my own the property.

144 00:20:04.980 --> 00:20:09.150 Erin Mannix: Okay, but the historic records do have a first and second floor as

145 00:20:10.140 --> 00:20:19.860 Erin Mannix: The field card, so I can't speak to the coverage or the footprint, necessarily. That's the overall square footage of the building, but not necessarily the footprint.

146 00:20:20.730 --> 00:20:35.580 Erin Mannix: Of the structure just so the actual square footage of your building is less what you're proposing is less square footage, but may actually be in an increase in coverage from the previous

147 00:20:35.820 --> 00:20:37.950 dennisdostert: How's that explain that I'm not that clear.

148 00:20:40.380 --> 00:20:42.450 dennisdostert: Less square footage, but an increase in coverage.

149 00:20:42.660 --> 00:20:52.710 Erin Mannix: It's one floor. It's one you've you've what what previously was a two story dwelling is now being redesigned and a new dwelling.

150 00:20:53.430 --> 00:21:09.660 Erin Mannix: That will comply with setbacks. The only request that they're looking that the applicant is looking for is is a lot coverage variance. But, and that along with that lot coverage. Now that square footage is spread to a one story dwelling.

151 00:21:10.590 --> 00:21:11.220 dennisdostert: As opposed.

152 00:21:12.090 --> 00:21:16.290 Erin Mannix: To story. And so that's that was one of the concerns that staff had raised

153 00:21:17.370 --> 00:21:24.720 Erin Mannix: In in our reports that Mark can speak to, you know, he hasn't had an opportunity to comment on those yet.

154 00:21:26.100 --> 00:21:40.950 Erin Mannix: But that was one of the questions that we had was, could that any of that be explored to reduce the actual footprint of the building and possibly allow for any any exploration to

155 00:21:41.970 --> 00:21:44.970 Erin Mannix: Design the septic in a way that may not adversely

156 00:21:47.190 --> 00:21:53.520 Erin Mannix: Or could adversely impact flood. There was one other staff report that as I'm

157 00:21:53.700 --> 00:21:54.300 Erin Mannix: Speaking with

158 00:21:55.530 --> 00:21:55.770 Erin Mannix: Them.

159 00:21:56.820 --> 00:22:01.170 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: One second there at one point I think is worth mentioning this one time. So,

160 00:22:02.310 --> 00:22:06.600 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Become it regarding the setbacks and previous structure did not meet the correct

161 00:22:06.750 --> 00:22:07.620 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: That is approved.

162 00:22:09.090 --> 00:22:18.720 Erin Mannix: And the previous footprint was closer to the building itself was closer to the coastal resource, the

163 00:22:18.720 --> 00:22:21.000 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Waters within the videos on correct

164 00:22:21.630 --> 00:22:25.740 Erin Mannix: Right. And this so this structure has been has been moved forward.

165 00:22:27.240 --> 00:22:27.930 Erin Mannix: However, is

166 00:22:28.140 --> 00:22:45.030 Erin Mannix: No longer move forward towards the road, I should say, Mark, if it's okay. Before you make your all of your comments to the staff reports we have one other staff report from the town engineer that we have not read into the record yet.

167 00:22:45.090 --> 00:22:47.700 Erin Mannix: I just wanted that one so that you could all

168 00:22:48.660 --> 00:22:50.370 dennisdostert: Don't have it. So you're gonna have to read it.

169 00:22:51.660 --> 00:22:52.950 Erin Mannix: Okay, that's right here.

170 00:22:54.210 --> 00:23:02.010 Erin Mannix: This is to the Zoning Board of appeals from Janice please yak P town engineer dated May 26 2020 regarding 94 great harbor road.

171 00:23:02.670 --> 00:23:13.800 Erin Mannix: I've reviewed the site development plan and variance application for the above referenced property, the proposed house construction is compliant with town of Guilford floodplain management requirements for V zone.

172 00:23:14.490 --> 00:23:29.490 Erin Mannix: Although the house location is not within the map special flood hazard area and therefore not required to be elevated. This approach is reasonable. Since the ground elevation of the location of the house is below the base flood elevation of the adjacent v.

173 00:23:31.320 --> 00:23:43.440 Erin Mannix: SF. Ha. However, it is my understanding that this layout now requires a variance for coverage as the proposed one story houses larger and footprint than the previous two story house was on the lot.

174 00:23:43.980 --> 00:23:58.080 Erin Mannix: Perhaps with a smaller footprint. There could be a different location used for the septic system that would be more compliant than the one currently proposed the proposed septic system with grading and retaining walls is troublesome I'm concerned, it is within the V

175 00:23:59.130 --> 00:24:08.370 Erin Mannix: SF HA and having built and being built in a way that can cause wave run up and deflection to the property next door at 93 great harbor.

176 00:24:08.610 --> 00:24:14.220 Erin Mannix: Is there anywhere else the septic system can be installed so that it does not potentially cause wave run up

177 00:24:14.700 --> 00:24:19.950 Erin Mannix: Or can the applicant show and analysis of wave run up that won't impact adjacent properties.

178 00:24:20.550 --> 00:24:31.050 Erin Mannix: The other concern is that the septic system itself will be vulnerable to damaged during a storm event. These concerns are covered in the towns floodplain floodplain management ordinance quote and below.

179 00:24:31.650 --> 00:24:46.200 Erin Mannix: Article three provisions for flood hazard reduction section 174 dash 18 general standards G new and replacement sanitary sewage system shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system.

180 00:24:46.830 --> 00:24:55.290 Erin Mannix: And discharges from the system into floodwaters. He knew and replacement on site waste disposal system Chevy located in constructed

181 00:24:55.710 --> 00:25:09.270 Erin Mannix: To avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding I in all flood zones new and replacement underground tanks shall be anchored to prevent flotation collapse and lateral movement under conditions of the base flood

182 00:25:10.050 --> 00:25:20.070 Erin Mannix: Section 174 dash 20 specific standards be construction standards and coastal high hazard areas zone V and coastal at

183 00:25:20.670 --> 00:25:26.310 Erin Mannix: Located within the special flood hazard areas SF ha our areas designated

184 00:25:26.970 --> 00:25:42.600 Erin Mannix: As coastal high hazard areas. These areas have additional flood hazards associated with wave wash erosion scour and high wind. Therefore, the following provisions shall apply number seven, there shall be no fill used for structural support.

185 00:25:42.960 --> 00:25:52.140 Erin Mannix: Minor grading and the placement of minor quantities of non compacted fill shall be permitted for landscaping and drainage purposes under and around buildings.

186 00:25:52.410 --> 00:25:58.740 Erin Mannix: And for support of parking slabs pool decks patios and walkways installed at current at current grade.

187 00:25:59.550 --> 00:26:09.300 Erin Mannix: The film must wash out from the storm surge, thereby rendering the building free of obstruction for our to generating excessive loading forces ramping effects or wave deflection

188 00:26:09.540 --> 00:26:22.410 Erin Mannix: The town engineer shall approve design plans for landscaping slash aesthetic Phil only after the applicant has provided an analysis by a registered professional engineer architect and or soil scientist.

189 00:26:22.740 --> 00:26:32.910 Erin Mannix: Which demonstrates that the following factors haven't fully considered one particle composition of film material does not have a tendency for excessive natural compaction.

190 00:26:33.330 --> 00:26:42.840 Erin Mannix: To volume and distribution of Phil will not cause wave deflection to Jason properties and three slope of Phil will not cause wave run up or ramping

191 00:26:47.940 --> 00:26:48.480 Erin Mannix: Excuse me.

192 00:26:50.580 --> 00:26:57.090 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: All began with the answers to the letters that have been read into the record.

193 00:26:59.130 --> 00:27:01.260 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Few points.

194 00:27:03.540 --> 00:27:04.380 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: So,

195 00:27:06.870 --> 00:27:13.260 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: In response to the memo from the from Planning and Zoning regarding this GDA appeal.

196 00:27:14.910 --> 00:27:20.010 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: So, placing the house closer to the road and changing the footprint of the House does not

197 00:27:20.850 --> 00:27:32.700 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Mean that I can move the septic system because the governing factor is the number of radius of 75 feet between the nearby. What else, and the septic system. This must be maintained.

198 00:27:33.600 --> 00:27:46.260 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: This was also recommended in the CT, the EP letter from March 5 as well as the recommendation for Sanjar variants I fail to see how a cider variance would help.

199 00:27:47.610 --> 00:27:56.100 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Alleviate the, the requirement to keep the central system 75 feet away from my well and the neighbors wells.

200 00:27:58.290 --> 00:28:03.120 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Regarding options around revising the footprint.

201 00:28:04.410 --> 00:28:17.310 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: So options for the footprint, including a two story structure have been considered there is some difficulty with this approach in that it is a modular construction and the modular boxes.

202 00:28:17.790 --> 00:28:29.460 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Typically come in standard sizes. So, this House as proposed is to modular boxes and there may be some significant effort to arrange that the

203 00:28:30.450 --> 00:28:36.420 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Not that it matters to the Commission or to the town, but the motivation for the modular construction has to

204 00:28:37.320 --> 00:28:49.830 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: It is preferred because I can construct outside of the season and not disturb neighbors and residents. That's something that's important to me, so I'm not going to be building a middle aged middle of October, regardless of when any of this.

205 00:28:50.850 --> 00:28:51.480 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: is approved.

206 00:28:54.180 --> 00:29:00.180 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Let's see, again, the footprint thousand not limiting factor for the size of the septic system.

207 00:29:01.380 --> 00:29:07.380 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: It's a lot with the depth of the native smile above the ledge being a rock and a location of the wells.

208 00:29:09.810 --> 00:29:13.080 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: And I'm just going to request.

209 00:29:14.220 --> 00:29:16.140 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: There were two items being

210 00:29:17.970 --> 00:29:27.540 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Called to be addressed for this on this memo. The second item. Please explain that, if you could please explain the coastal site plan referral just for my understanding.

211 00:29:29.100 --> 00:29:38.940 Erin Mannix: Oh, so the state statutes require that a coastal application be made under various circumstances, one would be site development.

212 00:29:39.390 --> 00:29:50.010 Erin Mannix: Another one under that section I can give you that section of the regulations. One is at when you're requesting a variance and property is located within the coastal plans on

213 00:29:52.560 --> 00:29:56.070 Erin Mannix: Another is at the time of a subdivision within the coastal site.

214 00:29:57.210 --> 00:30:02.250 Erin Mannix: These are all per the coastal statutes here.

215 00:30:04.440 --> 00:30:07.500 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Just an honest with a cane or is this something else.

216 00:30:08.400 --> 00:30:08.940 Erin Mannix: What's up,

217 00:30:09.330 --> 00:30:10.740 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: is synonymous with a cam

218 00:30:10.800 --> 00:30:22.590 Erin Mannix: Application, or that that's what a cam application is. Yeah, that's what it's short for so you did submit that coastal application at the same time as this various right so the way that

219 00:30:22.830 --> 00:30:31.710 Erin Mannix: When the Zoning Board of appeals. Here's the coastal application. It's with it's only with respect to the specific variants that your request.

220 00:30:32.700 --> 00:30:47.850 Erin Mannix: Not necessarily any, any other development factors. I think the only reason we brought up any other factors on the property is that potentially. The question was raised.

221 00:30:48.690 --> 00:31:04.770 Erin Mannix: If if granting this lot coverage variants, wouldn't that essentially be eliminating any other options in the future to explore an alternative septic or something that helps get you into a little more into compliance with the floodplain.

222 00:31:06.270 --> 00:31:06.840 Erin Mannix: Coordinates.

223 00:31:07.830 --> 00:31:09.180 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: And the

224 00:31:10.470 --> 00:31:11.880 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: item that I went to.

225 00:31:13.350 --> 00:31:22.950 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Read in so i do i did receive a memo from the Director of Health in regards to this is BBA appeal.

226 00:31:24.180 --> 00:31:26.100 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: However, on

227 00:31:28.350 --> 00:31:29.610 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: It was

228 00:31:30.870 --> 00:31:37.200 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: November I the letter dated November 5 2019 to harken Engineering from

229 00:31:38.310 --> 00:31:45.540 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The health department of the town of Guilford, and it's signed by them by the Director of Health Centers Johnson.

230 00:31:46.710 --> 00:31:50.640 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I would like to read this into the to the record. Now, that's all right.

231 00:31:55.350 --> 00:32:04.020 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: So to be clear, target engineering LLC is the engineering firm responsible for the design of the septic system.

232 00:32:04.770 --> 00:32:16.170 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The layer reads as follows. Dear Mr. Harken our office has reviewed the subsurface to disposal repair plan for the year round PROPERTY LOCATED AT 94th grade hopper road.

233 00:32:16.590 --> 00:32:26.460 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The plan to fix installation of a replacement septic system constructed entirely and select sanitary though and contained by modular block retaining wall.

234 00:32:26.820 --> 00:32:32.400 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The septic system is designed to accommodate a three bedroom year on how served by a private well

235 00:32:32.820 --> 00:32:48.450 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Based upon our site plan review the subject plan has been approved by the Guilford health department and a permit to install the septic system, maybe issued sincerely Dennis Jemison Director of Health, so it appears, there's a bit of a reversal there.

236 00:32:49.710 --> 00:32:56.190 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: From what was originally provided to me and the memo that we read into the record for this.

237 00:32:57.540 --> 00:32:58.170 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: This

238 00:33:00.120 --> 00:33:01.380 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: CVA appeal.

239 00:33:02.970 --> 00:33:09.360 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: And it's unclear. A why that change was made, and it

240 00:33:11.970 --> 00:33:12.690 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Seems a bit

241 00:33:15.090 --> 00:33:15.780 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Contradictory

242 00:33:18.390 --> 00:33:24.510 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The response to the memo from the Director of Health for this this appeal.

243 00:33:26.910 --> 00:33:29.100 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The again. The comment is

244 00:33:30.450 --> 00:33:32.700 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Moving the structure inland.

245 00:33:34.470 --> 00:33:42.450 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Or reducing the footprint doesn't doesn't help because of the previously mentioned radius is required and

246 00:33:44.850 --> 00:33:47.400 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I'll leave it there. The

247 00:33:48.870 --> 00:33:51.630 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: In response to the memo from the environmental planner.

248 00:33:52.860 --> 00:34:01.320 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: A similar comment, reducing the footprint doesn't allow me to move the septic system because of the aforementioned minimum 35 foot radius.

249 00:34:02.670 --> 00:34:16.170 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Alternative septic systems have been considered have proposed system needs to health code and there was some discussion. I think I opened one of my points here. One moment, if you will.

250 00:34:23.550 --> 00:34:34.080 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Oh, on the on the memo data may 26 from the Director of Health, there was a believe there was some mention of considering the existing

251 00:34:34.770 --> 00:34:44.730 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: septic system so that existing septic system has been to begin with. It was not very substantial I have severe doubts as to whether it would comply with the current

252 00:34:45.270 --> 00:34:55.320 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Health code and it was practically destroyed by the removal of the destroyed house meaning equipment and things moving over it.

253 00:34:57.510 --> 00:34:58.350 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The final

254 00:34:59.400 --> 00:35:03.300 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Model that I received was from the town engineer and

255 00:35:04.830 --> 00:35:06.990 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Summarize my responses there.

256 00:35:09.510 --> 00:35:14.310 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Again, the location of the nearby wells govern the location of the septic system, not the proposed house.

257 00:35:16.200 --> 00:35:21.300 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Phil is not being used for structural support is not being used to support the, the, the House.

258 00:35:22.650 --> 00:35:27.930 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The proposed system is compliant with the health care of the promo septic system is compliant with the health code.

259 00:35:29.190 --> 00:35:34.560 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: From the soil testing report which, the time has

260 00:35:35.640 --> 00:35:46.980 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Generally, there's more soil above the ledge. As you move closer toward the the seawall meaning that the legislature is kind of slipping downward. Therefore, the

261 00:35:47.550 --> 00:36:04.140 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Recommendation or suggestion to consider moving the septic system England will likely require more Phil and higher block walls and if I have higher block walls and deeper Phil, I may be exacerbating the way run up concerns that were mentioned

262 00:36:05.550 --> 00:36:21.360 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: And also the neighboring properties mentioned 93 Grace Hopper road certainly don't want to cause any a way of run up for that structure. And I think it's worth mentioning. And if my site permanent, excuse me, the sign for 94 great harbor can be pulled up

263 00:36:21.690 --> 00:36:22.320 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: To the screen.

264 00:36:22.740 --> 00:36:23.940 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: That will be helpful for

265 00:36:25.110 --> 00:36:25.710 Erin Mannix: The survey.

266 00:36:26.700 --> 00:36:35.310 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Yes, the cycling, please. That would be very helpful for the participants, you can see that 93 great harbor this according to the site is within

267 00:36:35.880 --> 00:36:37.860 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Of course, partially within the the vu.

268 00:36:39.690 --> 00:36:46.260 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Great harbors also partially then the visa. So I have my doubts whether

269 00:36:47.550 --> 00:36:50.010 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: If we were to occur because of

270 00:36:51.420 --> 00:36:58.170 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The septic system at 94 when it would make very much difference for a structure that's already already in the zone.

271 00:37:01.530 --> 00:37:06.930 Britt Mirles: Where someone is that, what did you say it was it. What did that letter say it was in right now. V.

272 00:37:07.200 --> 00:37:08.850 Erin Mannix: 515

273 00:37:09.540 --> 00:37:11.010 Britt Mirles: It's envy 15 now.

274 00:37:11.610 --> 00:37:12.060 Erin Mannix: Mm hmm.

275 00:37:13.350 --> 00:37:15.240 Erin Mannix: That's that's the flood zone like

276 00:37:15.270 --> 00:37:22.350 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: 93 good proposed structured 94 great memories is not part of the recommendations in the town engineer.

277 00:37:23.730 --> 00:37:25.590 Britt Mirles: Aaron, can you, um, I'm so sorry.

278 00:37:25.980 --> 00:37:26.520 Erin Mannix: Shame on you.

279 00:37:26.640 --> 00:37:28.050 Britt Mirles: Know, having all the letters.

280 00:37:28.380 --> 00:37:29.160 Britt Mirles: Available.

281 00:37:29.490 --> 00:37:31.920 Britt Mirles: This asked you to pull that back line or backup.

282 00:37:32.250 --> 00:37:38.400 Erin Mannix: Sure, this line right here that I'm showing you that this is the V zone right here.

283 00:37:39.240 --> 00:37:40.500 Britt Mirles: That's the big 15

284 00:37:41.940 --> 00:37:45.510 Erin Mannix: Right, this is this. So everything on this side is v.

285 00:37:46.740 --> 00:38:05.430 Erin Mannix: So, so the applicant has elevated this building to comply with this own because of its proximity and as the years you know progress. Quite often, the government will we'll reassess and often the line, you know, the floodline can can very

286 00:38:07.320 --> 00:38:09.300 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Stern recommend recommendation of the time engineer.

287 00:38:09.630 --> 00:38:20.730 Erin Mannix: Right, right. So, that is, and that's absolutely correct when when a structure. Is that close to it is recommended that they comply with that that that scenario. Let me get you

288 00:38:21.750 --> 00:38:24.540 Erin Mannix: You're looking for Janice play zx memo.

289 00:38:24.990 --> 00:38:25.710 Britt Mirles: Yes, please.

290 00:38:25.860 --> 00:38:27.330 Britt Mirles: Brittany Yes, please.

291 00:38:27.870 --> 00:38:28.260 Okay.

292 00:38:55.770 --> 00:38:56.160 dennisdostert: Oh,

293 00:38:58.410 --> 00:38:58.920 Britt Mirles: Thank you.

294 00:38:59.760 --> 00:39:00.180 Sure.

295 00:39:04.290 --> 00:39:07.920 Steve Kops: Eric, do you, do you have the letter from from deep

296 00:39:10.290 --> 00:39:22.410 Erin Mannix: So the, the letter that was mailed. So with this referral. We have not received additional comments from Carol's umansky she whether it's

297 00:39:23.160 --> 00:39:32.730 Erin Mannix: Due to working remotely, things like that. We have not received additional comments with respect to this variants request from the state.

298 00:39:33.600 --> 00:39:43.500 Erin Mannix: I can share the comments that were made, but those, those are directed to the Planning and Zoning Commission looking at the overall site development. So some of that may

299 00:39:45.000 --> 00:39:47.310 Erin Mannix: You know, I had one quote in my

300 00:39:49.830 --> 00:39:57.900 Erin Mannix: Staff memo of of a suggestion that was made, you know, potentially, if they were looking for variances to move, you know, to kind of redirect.

301 00:39:58.230 --> 00:40:01.470 Erin Mannix: Or reconfigure the actual building itself.

302 00:40:02.160 --> 00:40:13.890 Erin Mannix: And seek variances in that case to try to protect any of the coastal resources but you know I have, I have the memo. It's not. It's not.

303 00:40:15.090 --> 00:40:19.440 Erin Mannix: Necessarily address to this specific variants request.

304 00:40:20.910 --> 00:40:29.820 Erin Mannix: So I'm, I'm not really sure if I you know I mean we can read it if Mark I have you you've read the letter from Carol's umansky from the

305 00:40:30.750 --> 00:40:32.550 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Regulator one moment.

306 00:40:34.410 --> 00:40:39.480 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Yes. Okay, I'm not getting I've read the letter from kosminsky dated March 5

307 00:40:40.320 --> 00:40:46.050 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: In regards to the previous application in that I was there was a recommendation to consider.

308 00:40:47.250 --> 00:40:56.670 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Moving the house, England, there was a recommendation to apply for a certificate permission for this thing see wall has been there.

309 00:40:58.230 --> 00:41:02.310 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: For I couldn't sleep. I know it's been there since before save

310 00:41:03.360 --> 00:41:06.090 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The money or something I've applied for that. So just get a permission.

311 00:41:07.530 --> 00:41:07.740 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: As

312 00:41:08.250 --> 00:41:09.750 Erin Mannix: Okay if I read that to

313 00:41:10.440 --> 00:41:13.230 Erin Mannix: Let the Commission know that I can share that on the screen. If

314 00:41:13.440 --> 00:41:14.790 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I wouldn't, I wouldn't affect

315 00:41:15.120 --> 00:41:15.930 Erin Mannix: You okay with that.

316 00:41:15.990 --> 00:41:19.170 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Okay. Um, one item. I'll mention as we're pulling that up.

317 00:41:20.160 --> 00:41:20.820 The

318 00:41:22.230 --> 00:41:24.390 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I'm not saying things are insurmountable.

319 00:41:25.560 --> 00:41:27.780 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Difficult difficulty, but it does raise a bit of

320 00:41:30.660 --> 00:41:40.950 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Some, some calculated effort. If the structure is elevated and then we add additional stories. I do have a maximum height with which to contend, so I don't want to

321 00:41:42.000 --> 00:41:43.680 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Touch I say meet one

322 00:41:45.420 --> 00:41:53.250 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Requirement and then be not meeting the next. So if I go to high obviously that's an issue. So I'll leave it there.

323 00:41:56.940 --> 00:41:57.930 dennisdostert: I have a question.

324 00:41:58.980 --> 00:42:00.720 dennisdostert: That keeps saying that

325 00:42:01.950 --> 00:42:11.010 dennisdostert: This is a bigger footprint and yet what I'm reading an application here is this new dwelling has a smaller footprint. What am I, what am I doing reading wrong. It says

326 00:42:12.450 --> 00:42:21.600 dennisdostert: Original drawing consistent of 1282 square feet of coverage, the new building will be 1192 which is smaller.

327 00:42:22.920 --> 00:42:25.440 Erin Mannix: Coverage languages. What that the

328 00:42:25.770 --> 00:42:47.520 dennisdostert: Let me finish with a 410 square foot garage totally 1692. That was the original 120 3.4% coverage. The new dwelling will be 1192 square feet with a garage to remain totally 1602 square feet 22.2% of coverage. He's saying that there's less coverage if I'm reading that right

329 00:42:48.390 --> 00:42:51.030 Matthew Niski: Um, if I may address that quickly. Hopefully,

330 00:42:51.150 --> 00:42:52.830 Matthew Niski: Yeah, um, before we

331 00:42:52.860 --> 00:42:53.400 Matthew Niski: Talk with

332 00:42:54.000 --> 00:42:54.690 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Matt.

333 00:42:55.560 --> 00:43:01.710 Matthew Niski: Yep, sorry. Matthew to ski P. I'm with a to surveys on the one of the engineers on the project and survey.

334 00:43:02.940 --> 00:43:06.000 Matthew Niski: With regards to that before we contacted the assessor

335 00:43:06.300 --> 00:43:07.770 Matthew Niski: I know it's not the most accurate thing.

336 00:43:07.770 --> 00:43:25.830 Matthew Niski: But we went to Google Maps and through numerous different ways kind of determined that the building footprint was somewhere between 1100 to 1200 square feet. It's not very accurate. So then when the assessor came in with a I believe if I just turned that page, but the

337 00:43:27.210 --> 00:43:39.570 Matthew Niski: Number that the assessor gave. Where was it the 1800 1282 square feet. It kind of matched our numbers. Close enough where we were kind of happy that

338 00:43:40.350 --> 00:44:00.480 Matthew Niski: That number wasn't a the floor area of the building was the actual building coverage of the law. And then that's what we went ahead with for the original Lot Coverage compared to the proposed law coverage. So it's, I do believe Mrs Mannix is right. It's kind of a

339 00:44:02.220 --> 00:44:07.920 Matthew Niski: miscommunication on how we determine the coverage to be the physical ground that's covered

340 00:44:09.060 --> 00:44:26.550 Matthew Niski: What the assessor said, excuse me, is that physical coverage or livable space in the building it matched our rough measurements on Google Maps and the foundation remains so we went with it's the lot coverage not livable space.

341 00:44:29.580 --> 00:44:34.170 dennisdostert: And so what coverage is less than. Is that what you're saying.

342 00:44:34.260 --> 00:44:42.510 Matthew Niski: Correct. So the proposed building based on our calculations is less than what was there before the house burned down. Correct. Okay.

343 00:44:44.700 --> 00:44:56.370 Matthew Niski: If there was ways to get more accurate records, we would have gladly use those. But no one seemed to have records of the building from before it burned down so we we did the best we can with what we had.

344 00:44:58.860 --> 00:45:02.820 Erin Mannix: The tax assessor has those records of the drawings and the old field cars.

345 00:45:02.880 --> 00:45:05.250 Matthew Niski: They directed us elsewhere. We tried

346 00:45:05.880 --> 00:45:07.020 Erin Mannix: I have them.

347 00:45:07.110 --> 00:45:08.310 Matthew Niski: Wait, really. Okay.

348 00:45:08.460 --> 00:45:12.930 Matthew Niski: Can you for the record. Can we see those because they did not say they had any

349 00:45:13.950 --> 00:45:14.220 Erin Mannix: Yeah.

350 00:45:14.670 --> 00:45:16.770 Erin Mannix: Oh, so these were. And this was

351 00:45:16.860 --> 00:45:21.420 Matthew Niski: I mean this is dating back I think Mark from when you were, you were speaking with Lee archer.

352 00:45:21.660 --> 00:45:42.180 Erin Mannix: And I, in the very initial phases of your development plans for this but there you know the the field cards from the Tax assessor's office clearly show. It's a two story building and and has square footage of and dimensions of the house.

353 00:45:43.950 --> 00:45:49.980 Erin Mannix: So, that that is something that that is available, the old, the old tax records.

354 00:45:51.630 --> 00:45:53.100 dennisdostert: How much does that say it's covered

355 00:45:54.810 --> 00:45:57.120 Erin Mannix: So it doesn't say I'd have to

356 00:45:58.530 --> 00:46:09.600 Erin Mannix: So coverages it also is considered the structure, but it's also going to be considered the the detached accessory structure as well on the on the

357 00:46:10.770 --> 00:46:19.590 Erin Mannix: Property. I have not calculated based on the assessors field card. What they're, you know, they have dimensions of rooms.

358 00:46:21.720 --> 00:46:33.330 Erin Mannix: You know, some is attached shed first floor open porches first floor. And then there was a portion in the middle that they're showing as a two story.

359 00:46:34.500 --> 00:46:54.510 Erin Mannix: So I think some of that may take actually looking at those field cards and speaking with the tax assessor to have a clear understanding of the size of that. But the tax department does have records as far as the size and the dimensions of the that's where Jennifer

360 00:46:57.630 --> 00:47:00.600 Erin Mannix: Got that information to email you

361 00:47:00.960 --> 00:47:02.820 dennisdostert: We don't have that information tonight.

362 00:47:03.450 --> 00:47:15.060 Erin Mannix: Know that information has not been submitted online. It is something that potentially, if you're if you would like to introduce that information to show

363 00:47:17.790 --> 00:47:26.250 Erin Mannix: You know, any additional information from the assessor, you know, you don't necessarily have to close a public hearing at this time.

364 00:47:27.660 --> 00:47:33.210 Erin Mannix: You are able to continue that and submit more information for the record.

365 00:47:33.660 --> 00:47:37.080 dennisdostert: And it sounds to me like there are a lot of open questions still. Am I right.

366 00:47:39.390 --> 00:47:48.000 Erin Mannix: I guess that's an in the, you know, staff has raised some questions. And that's, those are questions that we raised to the applicant.

367 00:47:48.600 --> 00:48:07.110 Erin Mannix: That we wanted to bring to your attention and then it that's up to the board to determine if the applicant has has satisfied in your eyes and answer those questions so that you can make a decision as to whether or not you are looking to grant a variance for lot coverage.

368 00:48:08.160 --> 00:48:12.540 Erin Mannix: I don't think that's something that staff can necessarily

369 00:48:14.550 --> 00:48:17.910 Erin Mannix: answer for you. I think that's, that's up to

370 00:48:18.990 --> 00:48:24.390 Erin Mannix: The, the information that Mr napkin provide and if that's sufficient for the board then then you can

371 00:48:25.560 --> 00:48:38.340 Erin Mannix: Make your decision. Otherwise, you have the opportunity to hold a hearing open to request additional information you have the opportunity to close the hearing and and

372 00:48:39.090 --> 00:48:49.260 Erin Mannix: Take action. So that's it's it's in your field in your, your hands. I think as far as how you'd like to move forward. And if you have specific questions.

373 00:48:50.400 --> 00:48:53.190 dennisdostert: Sure, I'd like to know if a lot coverage.

374 00:48:54.420 --> 00:48:56.460 dennisdostert: Is the same or less than

375 00:48:59.070 --> 00:49:10.860 dennisdostert: And that's an issue for the Zoning Board of appeals, really. I mean, that's our issue that's overweight raise. That's what we're determining here is a lot coverage right like coverage in foreign and that's what we're talking about.

376 00:49:11.940 --> 00:49:16.860 dennisdostert: A lot of these other issues are issues for other boards. Right.

377 00:49:19.830 --> 00:49:22.590 Erin Mannix: Well lot area is what you're being requested.

378 00:49:22.620 --> 00:49:26.490 Erin Mannix: Yeah, what is being requested the variance that's being sought correct

379 00:49:26.820 --> 00:49:30.810 dennisdostert: In our as I understand, a regulation that says that he can't make it bigger.

380 00:49:32.010 --> 00:49:47.430 Erin Mannix: Well, the structure is gone. He's not rebuilding that same structure. This is a new dwelling and when you build a new dwelling that dwelling needs to comply with in an RS one zone, the bulk standards of an R two zones.

381 00:49:47.490 --> 00:49:49.470 Erin Mannix: So that now the reason this is allowable.

382 00:49:50.130 --> 00:50:02.310 dennisdostert: But the reason this global at all is because there was a non conforming bill building there that we are not replacing correct, otherwise we wouldn't be allowed to do we build, we can we can

383 00:50:03.450 --> 00:50:10.800 dennisdostert: Okay, I knew nonconformity, could we, let's say that this was a lot was was empty. Could we say, okay, real building non conforming

384 00:50:11.130 --> 00:50:15.900 Erin Mannix: This is a building. So that's not a question for for

385 00:50:17.100 --> 00:50:27.720 Erin Mannix: Now it is a building lot and and yes the applicant is proposing the way you know you think of the lot as a blank slate. It's a non conforming lot

386 00:50:28.140 --> 00:50:30.900 dennisdostert: And the animals that are ready to think of this, this is a new

387 00:50:31.350 --> 00:50:34.740 dennisdostert: Structure has nothing to do with the building bit burned up.

388 00:50:35.820 --> 00:50:38.850 dennisdostert: Or are we to think of this as replacing the building that was burned

389 00:50:40.320 --> 00:50:40.650 Erin Mannix: Well,

390 00:50:41.160 --> 00:50:52.020 Erin Mannix: As it is a replacement single family house. It's not a replacement in kind. This is a new proposal, a new designed building completely

391 00:50:53.280 --> 00:50:57.450 Erin Mannix: A new subsurface sewage system.

392 00:50:58.500 --> 00:51:08.910 Erin Mannix: For the house. So this, this is a new a new development, you know that right now as it stands, there's an existing detached garage on the property.

393 00:51:10.140 --> 00:51:11.160 Erin Mannix: That that remained

394 00:51:11.850 --> 00:51:12.180 I think

395 00:51:14.250 --> 00:51:16.110 dennisdostert: I don't recall us

396 00:51:17.310 --> 00:51:22.890 dennisdostert: Give me an example. When we approved a whole new non conforming building

397 00:51:23.880 --> 00:51:24.180 That

398 00:51:25.260 --> 00:51:39.420 Erin Mannix: The lot is non conforming if the structure. We're not if they weren't the applicant wasn't seeking a variance for lot coverage. This proposed building complies with the are two standards that are required.

399 00:51:39.990 --> 00:51:56.370 Erin Mannix: In in Rs one zone, they follow the are two standards. So the setbacks are being met. The only bulk standard that is not the building height as being met. The only bulk standard that the applicant is looking to very is lot coverage.

400 00:51:59.220 --> 00:52:02.430 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: And I'll just throw one additional piece of information there.

401 00:52:03.480 --> 00:52:20.010 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: If the lot were conforming, meaning it was a 10,000 square foot lot it would help me my ability of the same size would have a smaller percent coverage if a lot working for me. So I'm also combating with the fact that a lot is smaller than a typical

402 00:52:21.420 --> 00:52:22.320 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Lot of Belgium.

403 00:52:26.370 --> 00:52:29.190 Erin Mannix: Commissioner, or four number

404 00:52:30.630 --> 00:52:32.940 Erin Mannix: Joke a Turkey has a question as well. Joe

405 00:52:34.050 --> 00:52:35.550 Erin Mannix: Are you able to unmute. There you go.

406 00:52:36.300 --> 00:52:38.880 Joseph Katucki: So just a point of clarification, there is

407 00:52:40.770 --> 00:53:00.540 Joseph Katucki: On the site plan. There's a table that shows the lock coverage. And I'm just curious as to how the existing lot coverage was calculated and I'm presuming that the proposed lock coverage is is accurate, based on the on the plans as presented

408 00:53:02.100 --> 00:53:04.170 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I will allow my engineer.

409 00:53:05.250 --> 00:53:07.980 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: risky to go speak to that point.

410 00:53:08.040 --> 00:53:22.290 Joseph Katucki: Okay. And then the other question. So, I'm sorry, I've got a second part to that question I had trouble discerning where the proposed septic system is on. So, see what the septic systems are for the two are joining lots

411 00:53:22.380 --> 00:53:24.750 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: If not shown on this drawing, perhaps

412 00:53:26.490 --> 00:53:28.260 Erin Mannix: It would be in this area here.

413 00:53:28.290 --> 00:53:29.850 Joseph Katucki: Okay, thank you.

414 00:53:33.300 --> 00:53:35.100 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Can that document be brought up.

415 00:53:35.700 --> 00:53:43.230 Erin Mannix: I can get you that, do you want to speak to, I will look for that. Do you want to speak to the zoning table while that's up now.

416 00:53:43.500 --> 00:53:44.220 Matthew Niski: Yes, I can.

417 00:53:44.520 --> 00:53:52.860 Matthew Niski: Okay. So with regards to the existing lot coverage. Obviously the garage is still existing the driveway still existing

418 00:53:53.700 --> 00:54:06.300 Matthew Niski: The only change was the dwelling size when I went in calculated the dwelling size. I actually looked at just the house. I didn't take into account the porches. I looked at just the square footage of the house as

419 00:54:07.350 --> 00:54:19.950 Matthew Niski: A two surveys interpreted what the assessor told us, which was that 1282 square feet. So that, plus the garage. Plus, or excuse me, just the building coverage. So just the garage and the

420 00:54:20.430 --> 00:54:32.100 Matthew Niski: Original dwelling gave us that coverage, then the proposed dwelling actually is the reduction of the 90 square feet or 90 plus or minus square feet, which gave us the proposed coverage.

421 00:54:32.580 --> 00:54:41.400 Matthew Niski: So the original existing was based on information given to us from the assessor and proposes based on what is on the site plan in front of you.

422 00:54:42.630 --> 00:54:49.170 Joseph Katucki: Okay, and you did not include the porches in your calculation of the prior footprint.

423 00:54:49.410 --> 00:54:57.960 Matthew Niski: I'm correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe in Guilford lot coverage is only based on covered structures so porches open porches would not count.

424 00:54:59.730 --> 00:55:02.520 Matthew Niski: I may be wrong on that. But that is

425 00:55:03.270 --> 00:55:07.890 Erin Mannix: If it is above grade with Rails, it would count towards coverage.

426 00:55:08.040 --> 00:55:09.180 Erin Mannix: Okay, yeah.

427 00:55:11.820 --> 00:55:25.800 Matthew Niski: So again, it's the we interpret the 1282 square feet to be the footprint of the building versus the 1192 for the proposed so that that's where our reduction is

428 00:55:26.820 --> 00:55:33.720 Matthew Niski: If we were to include the porches, then obviously the what was there before the house burned down would be even larger in terms of coverage.

429 00:55:40.530 --> 00:55:42.450 Joseph Katucki: Thank you, in that

430 00:55:43.530 --> 00:55:48.270 Erin Mannix: Mr. Steve. We can't hear you. Oh, it just speak a little louder.

431 00:55:49.050 --> 00:56:04.080 Steve Kops: Yes. So are you including the proposed deck in the coverage that you're that you're saying here. So, so you're 90 feet less, give or take. What is that, including the proposed deck or not.

432 00:56:04.500 --> 00:56:11.610 Matthew Niski: I believe I am confirming that right now as we speak, but I believe I included the deck in that coverage.

433 00:56:13.260 --> 00:56:14.490 Matthew Niski: Because it is raised

434 00:56:23.430 --> 00:56:24.720 dennisdostert: Is there are there.

435 00:56:25.800 --> 00:56:27.510 dennisdostert: Any more questions from the board.

436 00:56:28.320 --> 00:56:28.680 Yes.

437 00:56:29.850 --> 00:56:30.750 dennisdostert: Who said yes.

438 00:56:31.410 --> 00:56:32.640 dennisdostert: Steve Oh,

439 00:56:32.670 --> 00:56:33.750 dennisdostert: Okay Steve. Go ahead.

440 00:56:34.860 --> 00:56:36.510 Steve Kops: So I'm

441 00:56:37.950 --> 00:56:45.090 Steve Kops: There the. There's also reference to a right of way.

442 00:56:46.290 --> 00:56:48.090 Steve Kops: But that's not shown on your

443 00:56:50.010 --> 00:56:50.910 Steve Kops: On your survey.

444 00:56:54.210 --> 00:56:58.680 Steve Kops: I am. I'm wondering if it's the space between the garage and the house.

445 00:57:00.480 --> 00:57:02.640 Erin Mannix: But where are you referencing that from Steve.

446 00:57:03.900 --> 00:57:07.830 Steve Kops: From the survey in the notes on the left hand side I

447 00:57:08.070 --> 00:57:13.290 Matthew Niski: Believe it wasn't noted on any record as to the location of that right of way.

448 00:57:14.580 --> 00:57:20.430 Matthew Niski: I believe the deed just called out, it's subject to a right away across the property, but there was nothing.

449 00:57:23.790 --> 00:57:30.450 Steve Kops: That dates back to 20 1926 so it's okay it's possible, it doesn't show

450 00:57:32.730 --> 00:57:38.640 Steve Kops: Right. And this question is for Aaron the survey the property cards that you were looking at

451 00:57:40.020 --> 00:57:44.700 Steve Kops: And you and you showed two story. What was the height of that.

452 00:57:46.080 --> 00:57:50.940 Erin Mannix: I don't believe they give that measurement on the field ours.

453 00:57:52.170 --> 00:58:10.200 Steve Kops: Because if that was the case. And it was a two story, then I don't see why the modular couldn't also have a second story. I know that they might, you know, I've seen on programs about the modular homes that show their two stories or more

454 00:58:14.220 --> 00:58:26.610 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: point is well taken. The. The only drawback, there's this is, excuse me. This is Mark, the only product there is that their first story doesn't begin a grade. So I would just need to

455 00:58:27.870 --> 00:58:30.630 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I guess in concert with the the home builder and

456 00:58:32.370 --> 00:58:39.360 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: And other folks that I'm working with, make sure that I'm not reaching the or exceeding the maximum requiring high

457 00:58:40.890 --> 00:58:41.520 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: High School.

458 00:58:43.290 --> 00:58:47.820 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Okay but modular homes can be built more than one story. Hi. Correct.

459 00:58:51.840 --> 00:59:04.110 Steve Kops: This you making this a year round. If approved, year round building, but is it going to be lived in, or is it couldn't be like the second home or rental property or what is it going to be

460 00:59:04.680 --> 00:59:06.450 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: It's going to be lived in. Yes.

461 00:59:07.890 --> 00:59:08.370 Steve Kops: Why you

462 00:59:08.730 --> 00:59:10.110 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Yes. Okay.

463 00:59:12.090 --> 00:59:13.140 Steve Kops: Welcome to kill for them.

464 00:59:13.710 --> 00:59:14.190 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Okay, thank you.

465 00:59:15.030 --> 00:59:16.470 dennisdostert: Any more questions in board.

466 00:59:17.370 --> 00:59:19.350 Britt Mirles: And I saw a letter that you

467 00:59:19.380 --> 00:59:21.360 Britt Mirles: Read from Dennis Johnson.

468 00:59:22.710 --> 00:59:23.220 dennisdostert: Yes.

469 00:59:23.430 --> 00:59:24.390 Britt Mirles: What was that dated

470 00:59:26.850 --> 00:59:27.480 Erin Mannix: Six.

471 00:59:29.280 --> 00:59:34.380 Britt Mirles: Wasn't about a day on Mark slaughter email that he got yes

472 00:59:35.250 --> 00:59:36.060 dennisdostert: May 26

473 00:59:36.660 --> 00:59:41.100 Erin Mannix: From know the original letter from Dennis Johnson came

474 00:59:41.400 --> 00:59:43.140 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Remember mistaken.

475 00:59:43.620 --> 00:59:48.000 Erin Mannix: Yes, that was that was to harken engineering

476 00:59:49.920 --> 00:59:50.760 Britt Mirles: November 5

477 00:59:58.500 --> 01:00:00.690 Erin Mannix: Yes shuffled my papers.

478 01:00:02.070 --> 01:00:03.420 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: So November 5

479 01:00:04.200 --> 01:00:04.530 Okay.

480 01:00:06.330 --> 01:00:09.150 Britt Mirles: And mark that one the email that you just read was dated what

481 01:00:11.280 --> 01:00:12.780 Erin Mannix: That was November 5

482 01:00:12.870 --> 01:00:32.010 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Yes. Do I only have two letters from from the Director of Health Danny Shelton one November 15 or excuse me, November 5 2019 and the second is the memo from for this appeal that was dated May 26 2020 i'm not mistaken. Thank you.

483 01:00:33.960 --> 01:00:39.060 dennisdostert: Just to reiterate, I think all our board is is just discussing

484 01:00:40.080 --> 01:00:40.530 dennisdostert: Is

485 01:00:41.640 --> 01:00:49.560 dennisdostert: The variance in coverage that all these other issues like how the waves break and so forth. I'm not our department, are they

486 01:00:54.720 --> 01:01:15.300 Erin Mannix: The issues the concerns of staff are being brought up as the potential for you know it with concern that if a variance is granted for additional lot coverage you could potentially be eliminating available land on the site.

487 01:01:16.320 --> 01:01:24.030 Erin Mannix: That could be explored for potential redesign of a septic system and that was the

488 01:01:24.060 --> 01:01:30.540 dennisdostert: Conservative decide this if that's necessary for us to make this decision, we can't decide this both information. Is that correct,

489 01:01:34.050 --> 01:01:37.980 Erin Mannix: Well, that's up to you if you're comfortable with the applicants.

490 01:01:38.070 --> 01:01:38.460 Schedule.

491 01:01:39.900 --> 01:01:42.480 Erin Mannix: If you're comfortable with the applicants.

492 01:01:44.040 --> 01:01:49.140 Erin Mannix: Explanations and his answers to staffs concerns, then

493 01:01:50.700 --> 01:01:53.610 Erin Mannix: That that's your decision right

494 01:01:55.230 --> 01:01:55.680 dennisdostert: Okay.

495 01:01:56.490 --> 01:02:02.160 Steve Kops: All right, Aaron. I have another question for you, because we have a copy of the

496 01:02:03.780 --> 01:02:05.280 Erin Mannix: clinical site plan.

497 01:02:05.880 --> 01:02:11.310 Steve Kops: Yes, that just for reference, or do we have to vote on that as well but

498 01:02:11.340 --> 01:02:11.910 Erin Mannix: What's that

499 01:02:12.630 --> 01:02:14.370 Steve Kops: I'm sorry about my application.

500 01:02:15.150 --> 01:02:33.150 Erin Mannix: Right, you would be taking two actions you would be finding if you if you're granting a variance, you would be finding that the the request is consistent with the coastal resource policies of the State of Connecticut, should you choose to deny an application.

501 01:02:34.170 --> 01:02:35.760 Erin Mannix: Then you know you could

502 01:02:36.210 --> 01:02:36.780 Steve Kops: You did on the

503 01:02:38.220 --> 01:02:38.580 Erin Mannix: Right.

504 01:02:39.420 --> 01:02:42.600 Erin Mannix: Okay. Inversely, say it's not in in harmony.

505 01:03:03.840 --> 01:03:06.960 Erin Mannix: Please. So that's something that will have to get on the website.

506 01:03:08.670 --> 01:03:09.660 Erin Mannix: Are the

507 01:03:11.130 --> 01:03:14.010 Erin Mannix: Plans from harken engineering, they're not

508 01:03:18.240 --> 01:03:23.340 Erin Mannix: The site development plan. I'm looking on the Planning and Zoning meeting materials.

509 01:03:25.170 --> 01:03:30.780 Erin Mannix: That that plan is not in there. I apologize that I can't show you the septic design plan.

510 01:03:31.110 --> 01:03:32.670 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Cannot be shared, we

511 01:03:33.120 --> 01:03:35.700 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Can bring it up now. Good to meet you.

512 01:03:37.980 --> 01:03:41.940 Erin Mannix: I'm I'm trying to get that. Yeah, I'm

513 01:03:43.500 --> 01:03:45.000 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Not an email to you if you're

514 01:03:46.530 --> 01:03:58.110 Erin Mannix: Gonna say my only mark if you had any idea how backwards. This computer system is from the town of trying to use a borrowed high school. So I'm on. Yes.

515 01:03:58.320 --> 01:04:00.000 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I don't any books. Yeah.

516 01:04:00.330 --> 01:04:11.280 Erin Mannix: I'm on my phone computer and I can email that PDF to myself. And just a couple of moments as that's not

517 01:04:12.570 --> 01:04:19.290 Erin Mannix: On here and I apologize that it's not on here. I can look for another

518 01:04:20.790 --> 01:04:25.290 dennisdostert: Or can we can we go forward with the meeting and ask if there are any questions from

519 01:04:25.470 --> 01:04:25.890 Erin Mannix: Sure.

520 01:04:25.980 --> 01:04:28.230 dennisdostert: You audience. Well, you look for that.

521 01:04:29.790 --> 01:04:39.600 dennisdostert: Are there, are there any, any other people in the audience who are speaking in favor of this application would like to offer some information.

522 01:04:41.760 --> 01:04:42.690 Britt Mirles: Don't forget to unmute

523 01:04:44.070 --> 01:04:52.500 Erin Mannix: Well, we can have it. If anybody. We do have a few people. If you're I can unmute everybody

524 01:04:52.500 --> 01:04:55.140 dennisdostert: Now, just so that everybody can hear.

525 01:04:57.420 --> 01:05:00.510 dennisdostert: Are there people in the audience who are

526 01:05:01.980 --> 01:05:03.090 dennisdostert: Who have not spoken yet who

527 01:05:03.090 --> 01:05:03.780 dennisdostert: Wish to

528 01:05:04.920 --> 01:05:07.050 dennisdostert: Who we're speaking in favor of this application.

529 01:05:08.190 --> 01:05:12.120 Erin Mannix: Or you could either raise your hand or unmute yourselves and speak up now.

530 01:05:16.170 --> 01:05:19.260 Erin Mannix: Everyone is unmuted. It seems people are muting back

531 01:05:22.080 --> 01:05:22.710 To Andrew

532 01:05:24.930 --> 01:05:26.700 Sandra: My. Can you hear me.

533 01:05:27.810 --> 01:05:34.530 Erin Mannix: Sandra. Are you are you looking to speak in favor or an opposition of this application.

534 01:05:37.440 --> 01:05:38.310 Sandra: Not really.

535 01:05:39.750 --> 01:05:55.740 Sandra: Well, we are on either side. We own the property on either side of Mr Knapp and we actually thought the septic system plan was good to go. And we're surprised to read all the letters that were presented today.

536 01:05:57.780 --> 01:05:59.250 Britt Mirles: What's your house number are you

537 01:05:59.820 --> 01:06:01.080 Sandra: 95 and

538 01:06:03.420 --> 01:06:06.120 Erin Mannix: 95 and 93. All right.

539 01:06:07.080 --> 01:06:07.560 Britt Mirles: Thank you.

540 01:06:08.220 --> 01:06:10.110 Erin Mannix: And what is your last name, Sandra.

541 01:06:10.350 --> 01:06:11.220 Erin Mannix: Con wonder

542 01:06:12.870 --> 01:06:13.530 Sandra: Conlon

543 01:06:14.010 --> 01:06:15.000 Erin Mannix: Okay, thank you.

544 01:06:16.320 --> 01:06:20.970 dennisdostert: This is just a point of information you are not speaking in favor or both. Is that right,

545 01:06:21.720 --> 01:06:22.980 Right, okay.

546 01:06:26.250 --> 01:06:28.050 dennisdostert: Any more like that.

547 01:06:29.640 --> 01:06:31.950 dennisdostert: Anymore that are either questions or

548 01:06:33.060 --> 01:06:34.440 dennisdostert: Objections or

549 01:06:36.570 --> 01:06:36.870 Steve Kops: Or

550 01:06:37.320 --> 01:06:37.890 Praise

551 01:06:40.020 --> 01:06:41.280 dennisdostert: No hearing nothing

552 01:06:42.330 --> 01:06:42.630 dennisdostert: Okay.

553 01:06:42.750 --> 01:06:48.540 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: And one comment, this is this is Mark I have received an email.

554 01:06:49.650 --> 01:06:56.850 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: In favor of the project, although it's not directly applicable to this is the VA appeal. So I will leave it to

555 01:06:57.930 --> 01:07:04.350 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The folks on this call to tell me whether that's pertinent and can be read in if you can't, that's fine too. I just

556 01:07:05.520 --> 01:07:06.180 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Need to hear

557 01:07:09.390 --> 01:07:12.090 dennisdostert: Okay, now here's the question. I've asked the

558 01:07:12.090 --> 01:07:12.510 Board.

559 01:07:13.860 --> 01:07:14.550 dennisdostert: Anybody else

560 01:07:15.180 --> 01:07:18.600 Erin Mannix: Mr. Chair, or is the board opposed to hearing a letter.

561 01:07:18.810 --> 01:07:20.430 Erin Mannix: No project.

562 01:07:20.910 --> 01:07:23.550 dennisdostert: Yeah, if anything, helps us make a decision and move forward.

563 01:07:25.620 --> 01:07:26.550 Erin Mannix: Go ahead and mark.

564 01:07:26.730 --> 01:07:31.680 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I'm pulling it up. Now, one moment please. And as I mentioned, it's, it's not

565 01:07:34.200 --> 01:07:35.460 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Only related to this.

566 01:07:37.080 --> 01:07:37.740 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Yea,

567 01:07:46.800 --> 01:07:49.410 dennisdostert: What is the information of this document contains

568 01:07:49.470 --> 01:07:52.710 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: It's a email from one of the arbiters

569 01:07:52.740 --> 01:07:58.890 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: That they expressed a favorable attitude toward the project. Okay.

570 01:07:59.730 --> 01:08:01.320 Britt Mirles: One other people that's on this call.

571 01:08:02.250 --> 01:08:05.400 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I can't speak to that, there's a fair amount of

572 01:08:06.960 --> 01:08:08.220 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: People on a call.

573 01:08:09.360 --> 01:08:10.020 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: That I've been

574 01:08:11.250 --> 01:08:13.800 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Seeing open angel. Once we cycle through

575 01:08:15.930 --> 01:08:16.920 Britt Mirles: Your salads.

576 01:08:16.980 --> 01:08:18.210 Britt Mirles: Read it tell us what's

577 01:08:19.260 --> 01:08:19.800 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Yeah, so

578 01:08:20.880 --> 01:08:27.570 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: This is an email that was sent to me. I provided my email on the letter that I sent to a butters

579 01:08:28.740 --> 01:08:39.900 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: And the center is Meredith Sibley 69 rock ledge circle cottage leaps island Guilford, Connecticut 06 point three seven.

580 01:08:40.380 --> 01:08:51.600 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Mark THANK YOU FOR YOUR LETTER OF MARCH 3 for special permit to build a house at 94 great harbor this email is to indicate my support for your application for a special permit to be issued.

581 01:08:54.330 --> 01:08:54.690 OK.

582 01:08:55.950 --> 01:08:56.610 dennisdostert: Ok now.

583 01:08:57.690 --> 01:09:00.960 dennisdostert: There's no more input. Is there any more input and more questions.

584 01:09:02.070 --> 01:09:02.460 dennisdostert: Okay.

585 01:09:02.940 --> 01:09:09.600 Erin Mannix: Aside from the plan. I was trying to find for you just show the septic design.

586 01:09:10.320 --> 01:09:20.760 Matthew Niski: Um, I do have the AutoCAD file of it. Sorry, I was finally able to get my AutoCAD working. I can try doing a quick share screen and see if that works. If not, then I'm sorry I can't help

587 01:09:22.200 --> 01:09:22.710 Erin Mannix: Yeah.

588 01:09:23.790 --> 01:09:25.110 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Aaron. Can I email it to you.

589 01:09:26.490 --> 01:09:27.960 Erin Mannix: Yeah, that would be faster.

590 01:09:28.470 --> 01:09:31.050 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Okay, I will, I will do that. Now, if it

591 01:09:31.110 --> 01:09:32.310 Matthew Niski: pleases the chair.

592 01:09:32.850 --> 01:09:33.840 Matthew Niski: The Commission, excuse me.

593 01:09:34.290 --> 01:09:40.140 Matthew Niski: I can do a quick discussion of the plan. While we're waiting to actually view it to maybe help some

594 01:09:41.640 --> 01:09:45.300 Matthew Niski: Understanding of what the septic system is while we do wait for the plan to be

595 01:09:46.410 --> 01:09:46.860 Matthew Niski: Pulled up

596 01:09:50.250 --> 01:09:51.300 Matthew Niski: Okay, um,

597 01:09:51.330 --> 01:09:52.320 Matthew Niski: This system.

598 01:09:52.380 --> 01:09:53.400 Matthew Niski: Is a

599 01:09:55.440 --> 01:09:57.600 Matthew Niski: Now I can find it. Sorry, is a

600 01:10:00.180 --> 01:10:03.660 Matthew Niski: Which just means it's 62 inches wide 24 inches tall.

601 01:10:04.680 --> 01:10:05.970 Matthew Niski: There is

602 01:10:07.920 --> 01:10:14.670 Matthew Niski: There is going to be one trench line of it to meet the required length that is needed.

603 01:10:15.570 --> 01:10:32.130 Matthew Niski: Due to the amount of fill that is needed for the success system to get it above restrictive layers, it is pushing the the top of the system is at elevation 15 sorry that the great above the system is that elevation 15

604 01:10:34.200 --> 01:10:42.930 Matthew Niski: In terms of the site soil conditions and everything. It is a very restrictive site Phil was needed no matter where the system would go

605 01:10:44.520 --> 01:10:50.160 Matthew Niski: Personally, I'm kind of glad that my firm didn't have to design it just because it is a very complicated system.

606 01:10:51.360 --> 01:11:01.260 Matthew Niski: And it at least in my professional opinion that well was well designed the, the one thing with the retaining walls are as per the health code. You cannot have a retaining wall.

607 01:11:02.190 --> 01:11:14.430 Matthew Niski: If the grades wouldn't work without the retaining wall. So in this case, it kind of creates more of a buffer between the two properties with it, rather than having the grade come directly down to the property.

608 01:11:15.810 --> 01:11:29.550 Matthew Niski: It is, it will make the property look a little bit nicer while staying within the health codes. And again, just to reiterate, when it comes to the health code. You cannot have a retaining wall if grade wouldn't work. So in this case, I believe it's a two to one slope.

609 01:11:30.570 --> 01:11:37.170 Matthew Niski: If the retaining wall wasn't there, it would be graded out to the property line, but the retaining wall kind of helps keep the

610 01:11:38.700 --> 01:11:44.730 Matthew Niski: You know the Phil on site and kind of contained. What would now be a nice little flat back yard for Mr Knapp

611 01:11:48.300 --> 01:11:55.230 dennisdostert: Okay. Here, here's a question I have for the board now, before we close this. Does everybody feel they have enough information.

612 01:11:55.830 --> 01:11:58.470 dennisdostert: We have to wait for more information.

613 01:11:59.730 --> 01:12:05.790 dennisdostert: So what is the what's, what's a good I have an opinion on it from other members of the board.

614 01:12:06.870 --> 01:12:09.000 Joseph Katucki: And this is just a Kentucky. I'd like to see

615 01:12:10.650 --> 01:12:13.860 Joseph Katucki: Where the septic is on the map and

616 01:12:15.240 --> 01:12:19.320 Joseph Katucki: I want to be clear in my mind that

617 01:12:20.850 --> 01:12:22.800 Joseph Katucki: It can't be moved any place else.

618 01:12:24.690 --> 01:12:35.070 Matthew Niski: Okay, I may address that one that comment really quick. I'm sorry, I can't show you where the system is right now. But in terms of just the wells between

619 01:12:35.760 --> 01:12:47.640 Matthew Niski: 94 great harbor road in the to a joiners there is a very small area where the system can go without being within needing a variance from the health department for being so close to a well

620 01:12:48.660 --> 01:13:03.780 Matthew Niski: In terms of moving it without going into that radiate well radius. There's not much that can be done. So if the system were moved, then we would need a variance from the health department for the reduction in set back from a well

621 01:13:04.860 --> 01:13:10.590 Erin Mannix: In your opinion, Matthew is that the process of seeking

622 01:13:11.880 --> 01:13:19.020 Erin Mannix: An exception from the state health department. Do you have experience in that. Is that something that is feasible.

623 01:13:20.760 --> 01:13:24.960 Erin Mannix: I know it's typically on a case by case basis, but do you have any

624 01:13:26.340 --> 01:13:42.630 Matthew Niski: In my short time as a professional engineer. I have never done it and I have never heard of it being done, we try very hard to keep that separating distance from a well and under any circumstances. I'm sure it has been done, but it's not something that's very

625 01:13:44.070 --> 01:13:49.320 Matthew Niski: Recommended just because now you're putting sewage in the ground next to someones drinking well

626 01:13:50.700 --> 01:14:00.750 Matthew Niski: And I don't know what the depths of the well are in this area, but I'm sure if they're rather deep, then there is a potential for leakage. If the system is within that 75 feet.

627 01:14:04.830 --> 01:14:08.070 Britt Mirles: Okay, to answer your question, I feel comfortable

628 01:14:09.090 --> 01:14:12.660 dennisdostert: You will feel comfortable and making a decision tonight. Yes.

629 01:14:13.920 --> 01:14:17.070 dennisdostert: Is there anyone that does not feel comfortable making a decision today.

630 01:14:19.620 --> 01:14:19.860 dennisdostert: Mr.

631 01:14:20.880 --> 01:14:26.670 Steve Kops: To go on as far as, as far as this goes this application those

632 01:14:27.780 --> 01:14:40.290 Steve Kops: I'm okay. But as far as the camera. I'm not at this point I would like to. I'd like to know more about the fact that that particular design system where it's an pretended to be

633 01:14:40.800 --> 01:14:41.490 Steve Kops: As approval.

634 01:14:42.510 --> 01:14:45.090 Steve Kops: Nick from Dennis and and deep

635 01:14:45.960 --> 01:14:50.400 Britt Mirles: You cut out for me on what part you you want more information about

636 01:14:51.630 --> 01:14:54.420 Steve Kops: Um, I would like to know that.

637 01:14:56.040 --> 01:15:06.780 Steve Kops: Dennis the health director and also deep would be satisfied with the intended design where it's now intended to go

638 01:15:08.430 --> 01:15:14.640 Steve Kops: That's the cam part of it. But in terms of, you know, the lot coverage. I'm okay.

639 01:15:18.030 --> 01:15:26.850 dennisdostert: So what I'm asking is, then you would not, you would not feel comfortable in voting on this tonight. Without that information.

640 01:15:27.900 --> 01:15:30.150 Steve Kops: Now on the cam part now. Okay.

641 01:15:30.300 --> 01:15:31.140 Erin Mannix: I can give you

642 01:15:37.650 --> 01:15:39.180 Erin Mannix: Are you able to see this.

643 01:15:40.800 --> 01:15:41.160 Steve Kops: Yes.

644 01:15:41.970 --> 01:15:51.330 Erin Mannix: Plan here. So this, this is the engineer drawing from parking engineering that shows the the fill as well. I can

645 01:15:52.080 --> 01:15:52.740 dennisdostert: Hear you go

646 01:15:52.890 --> 01:15:53.280 Joseph Katucki: Thank you.

647 01:15:54.540 --> 01:15:55.140 Steve Kops: Sorry, I

648 01:15:55.320 --> 01:15:56.370 Joseph Katucki: Was looking for. Thank you.

649 01:15:57.360 --> 01:16:01.920 Erin Mannix: So you can see that you've got some elevations here existing

650 01:16:03.630 --> 01:16:05.340 Erin Mannix: I believe this is elevation

651 01:16:09.360 --> 01:16:15.780 Erin Mannix: Not in here, tying into right this is is new, but I'm looking at existing

652 01:16:20.910 --> 01:16:21.900 Erin Mannix: 01

653 01:16:25.620 --> 01:16:28.860 Erin Mannix: So, this is this is essentially these are retaining walls.

654 01:16:29.970 --> 01:16:38.820 Erin Mannix: That are being built on the side here to elevate this is, you know, this is all select fill in this area for the septic system.

655 01:16:40.020 --> 01:16:56.490 Erin Mannix: So this will be built up one of the questions that was raised in the town engineers letter was and that can be directed not sure if it would be to you, Matthew. What are Michael harkin who designed this. But as far as potential wave

656 01:16:58.350 --> 01:17:10.080 Erin Mannix: You know, a way of study that showed that there would not be any increase wave action on the Jason properties. Did you did you hear that section of the of her memo.

657 01:17:11.550 --> 01:17:19.560 Matthew Niski: I did that would be, Mr Harkins fields of expertise with that I'm not familiar with that. So that would be up to him.

658 01:17:30.990 --> 01:17:31.440 Erin Mannix: Yeah, go.

659 01:17:31.620 --> 01:17:32.100 Joseph Katucki: Ahead who's

660 01:17:32.610 --> 01:17:36.810 Joseph Katucki: In circles, if it just to the left of the elevation

661 01:17:37.890 --> 01:17:38.550 Erin Mannix: What's that

662 01:17:40.560 --> 01:17:41.640 Joseph Katucki: On this diagram.

663 01:17:41.970 --> 01:17:42.720 Joseph Katucki: This is septic

664 01:17:42.810 --> 01:17:45.150 Joseph Katucki: System, the square

665 01:17:45.390 --> 01:17:47.250 Joseph Katucki: This that it's got these

666 01:17:47.400 --> 01:17:48.210 Joseph Katucki: Circles in it.

667 01:17:48.330 --> 01:17:49.080 Joseph Katucki: That is

668 01:17:49.500 --> 01:17:50.880 Joseph Katucki: A bank. Yes.

669 01:17:55.650 --> 01:17:57.000 Joseph Katucki: That's the septic tank right there.

670 01:17:57.420 --> 01:18:02.010 Erin Mannix: Yep. Yeah, then it comes out here d box and these are the fields in here.

671 01:18:03.330 --> 01:18:04.140 Joseph Katucki: Okay, thank you.

672 01:18:04.740 --> 01:18:05.160 Sure.

673 01:18:09.630 --> 01:18:10.320 dennisdostert: Okay.

674 01:18:10.830 --> 01:18:13.320 dennisdostert: Back to my question. Is there anyone that still

675 01:18:14.250 --> 01:18:17.100 dennisdostert: Feels they cannot make a decision without more information.

676 01:18:17.850 --> 01:18:28.920 Steve Kops: Well, there was there was a question I asked before, which I thought the answer was being looked up that which is the deck proposed deck is that included

677 01:18:30.000 --> 01:18:31.350 Steve Kops: In the numbers right now.

678 01:18:33.210 --> 01:18:46.410 Matthew Niski: I'm i that is not included in those numbers, Mrs Mannix just sold me otherwise. But I was under the interpretation that if it's not roofed, it does not count for a lot coverage, it would count for

679 01:18:47.400 --> 01:18:59.640 Matthew Niski: It the definition of a building by the code is something that has walls. And again, correct me if I'm wrong, Mrs Mannix but it has walls and a roof over it and the deck is neither of those. So if there is a

680 01:19:01.140 --> 01:19:12.180 Matthew Niski: The deck does count for coverage than I would look at and have to look into the existing decks and other structures that were prevalent with the original house to show if there is an increase or decrease

681 01:19:13.380 --> 01:19:16.170 Erin Mannix: I thought the question was regarding your

682 01:19:17.310 --> 01:19:24.840 Erin Mannix: Your proposed coverage for this development. Did you include the deck in that calculation.

683 01:19:25.890 --> 01:19:28.290 Erin Mannix: Not for the existing but for the proposed.

684 01:19:28.320 --> 01:19:40.890 Matthew Niski: Correct. I did not. Because my interpretation of the code was that the deck does not count as a structure or building per the zoning regulations which would make it not applicable for the lock coverage.

685 01:19:43.200 --> 01:19:51.150 Britt Mirles: It's a roof above grade in a railing that salsify as part of the building block building personal

686 01:19:51.390 --> 01:19:52.770 Matthew Niski: All of those or one of

687 01:19:52.770 --> 01:19:53.850 Erin Mannix: Us, though.

688 01:19:54.480 --> 01:20:07.410 Erin Mannix: Coverage according to the zoning regulations definitions to 73 dash to coverage is the sum of the horizontal area of the ground floor of a building or other structure.

689 01:20:07.800 --> 01:20:25.620 Erin Mannix: measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls on the outside edge of the structure or from the outside edge of any structure without walls, excluding overhangs of three feet or less. So, and above grade deck would count towards lot coverage.

690 01:20:27.030 --> 01:20:32.430 Erin Mannix: My only concern in this is that's a simple recalculation however

691 01:20:33.840 --> 01:20:47.970 Erin Mannix: The legal notice has run with a specific Lot Coverage request. And if the lot coverage request the proposed coverage is greater than what is shown on this.

692 01:20:49.080 --> 01:21:05.970 Erin Mannix: That that would be an error in in the application or about and running of the legal that I don't think the board, how it's been advertised could grant a variance for something greater than what was requested in the legal notice

693 01:21:06.990 --> 01:21:08.370 dennisdostert: Situation, we have

694 01:21:09.630 --> 01:21:26.280 Erin Mannix: If, if you're saying that it right if Matthew, saying that he did not include the proposed deck and Lot Coverage calculation, then yes, that number would have to be increased to account for that lot coverage of that additional square footage of the deck.

695 01:21:28.350 --> 01:21:28.740 Erin Mannix: Either

696 01:21:28.770 --> 01:21:37.620 Erin Mannix: Bad or you remove that from the, you know, if you're looking for some type of action immediately and the committee and the board were

697 01:21:38.010 --> 01:21:48.420 Erin Mannix: Prepared to take action. You could remove that potential that proposed deck from your request at this time. If you thought that was that delay would hold you up, Mark.

698 01:21:49.470 --> 01:21:51.960 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I mean ruined in

699 01:21:52.500 --> 01:21:56.490 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: The deck, if that is something that I'm sorry I think I

700 01:22:01.680 --> 01:22:02.100 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Okay.

701 01:22:04.260 --> 01:22:07.380 dennisdostert: It seems that to me and tell me what

702 01:22:08.520 --> 01:22:12.060 dennisdostert: You think I'm wrong numbers toward that we should delay this

703 01:22:13.080 --> 01:22:16.980 dennisdostert: Until some of these questions are answered. You can delay this to next month.

704 01:22:18.240 --> 01:22:21.240 Britt Mirles: Well, can I just be clear on what questions you want answered.

705 01:22:22.860 --> 01:22:25.230 dennisdostert: It was not advertised in the newspaper.

706 01:22:25.740 --> 01:22:29.400 Britt Mirles: The running just didn't you just say we could take off the deck.

707 01:22:29.880 --> 01:22:30.420 Correct.

708 01:22:31.530 --> 01:22:34.800 dennisdostert: Okay. Is that what is that what he's we could do that.

709 01:22:35.760 --> 01:22:38.220 Britt Mirles: Is that something I thought that's what Mark was saying.

710 01:22:38.340 --> 01:22:40.470 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: That he was wanting to do this and it would be

711 01:22:40.680 --> 01:22:44.550 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Open to removing the decades, if that was something that would

712 01:22:45.210 --> 01:22:47.940 dennisdostert: Pass. If we were to go through with it today.

713 01:22:49.380 --> 01:22:49.800 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Yes.

714 01:22:51.510 --> 01:22:56.340 Erin Mannix: That would eliminate a delay based on a technicality of not having the

715 01:22:57.810 --> 01:23:02.970 Erin Mannix: The full coverage included in that that's a simple enough thing to eliminate

716 01:23:04.020 --> 01:23:04.860 Erin Mannix: Okay. All right.

717 01:23:06.960 --> 01:23:08.040 dennisdostert: Okay. Hearing that

718 01:23:11.280 --> 01:23:14.340 dennisdostert: Deuce everyone want to proceed to a decision.

719 01:23:16.140 --> 01:23:20.880 Britt Mirles: Well, was there any other. I mean, I don't have any other question, but

720 01:23:22.080 --> 01:23:24.630 Britt Mirles: Was there another question that we didn't understand.

721 01:23:26.160 --> 01:23:34.590 Britt Mirles: A lot of information and it's hard on the video to for me to not see it. So I want to, I think I understand, but

722 01:23:35.970 --> 01:23:37.920 Erin Mannix: Is there something you want me to show again but

723 01:23:39.090 --> 01:23:46.710 Britt Mirles: No, you showed my the things that I asked us as mundane as they might be those things were helpful to me. So I appreciate it. Thank you.

724 01:23:46.830 --> 01:23:47.130 Okay.

725 01:23:49.410 --> 01:23:51.510 Joseph Katucki: A question. This is Joseph Kentucky.

726 01:23:52.650 --> 01:23:54.030 Joseph Katucki: Matthew and esky did you

727 01:23:55.140 --> 01:24:03.090 Joseph Katucki: just refresh my memory. Did you say when you did the calculations for the prior structure. You did not include the porches.

728 01:24:03.840 --> 01:24:24.930 Matthew Niski: You are correct. I did not include those porches. So if we were to go by what the assessor said they had to open porches at 192 square feet. Each and an attached shed at 40 square feet. So if that would total excuse me while I do my math quick

729 01:24:26.100 --> 01:24:31.050 Matthew Niski: 424 square feet. I did not include in the existing coverage.

730 01:24:32.310 --> 01:24:35.130 Matthew Niski: While the deck is

731 01:24:36.270 --> 01:24:46.500 Matthew Niski: An odd size. So, excuse me, that would be 238 square feet. If the deck was included so too.

732 01:24:46.950 --> 01:24:56.010 Matthew Niski: So in if we were to include the porches from the original structure as well as the shed, we are reducing the coverage by over 300 square feet.

733 01:24:56.490 --> 01:25:08.550 Matthew Niski: Because the deck is only 238 square feet and the two porches alone total more than that. So I'm sorry for the error and my calculations with that but

734 01:25:10.260 --> 01:25:24.270 Matthew Niski: It was my interpretation, the decks are not included. So if we were to include the decks and both yes the total lot coverage would be increased, but we are still decreasing the total lot coverage from before the how the original structure burned down

735 01:25:24.930 --> 01:25:26.820 Britt Mirles: Oh, well, we can't include that.

736 01:25:26.880 --> 01:25:38.640 Erin Mannix: I don't think that's necessarily correct. Well, let's say. So I've got the original structure was 24 by 24 there was an

737 01:25:40.980 --> 01:25:43.050 Erin Mannix: Open porch that was five by

738 01:25:44.610 --> 01:25:47.490 Erin Mannix: Another one that was eight by 24

739 01:25:49.260 --> 01:25:54.120 Erin Mannix: There was a five by seven first floor bump out and an eight by five.

740 01:25:56.310 --> 01:26:02.340 Erin Mannix: Attached shed the rest of that was second floor. So I can add those up.

741 01:26:03.030 --> 01:26:12.360 Matthew Niski: I while you were going through that Mrs Mannix I added a month. They are 938 square feet. So then the

742 01:26:12.510 --> 01:26:16.560 Matthew Niski: Number that was garage would have been the 400 additional square feet.

743 01:26:17.730 --> 01:26:22.170 Matthew Niski: Which is the three 1338 square feet.

744 01:26:26.130 --> 01:26:35.970 Matthew Niski: And if we were to compare that to the house with the deck, there is an increase, plus we have the attached garage, but that

745 01:26:37.680 --> 01:26:38.160 So,

746 01:26:43.470 --> 01:26:46.230 Britt Mirles: Well, but we can't compare it to the one with the deck.

747 01:26:47.850 --> 01:26:52.560 Britt Mirles: Because it wasn't in a notice and we're going forward without it.

748 01:26:54.990 --> 01:26:55.320 Britt Mirles: Right.

749 01:26:56.040 --> 01:26:58.170 Erin Mannix: Up right so the

750 01:26:59.310 --> 01:27:06.690 Erin Mannix: The proposed law coverage. This 22.2% does not include that proposed deck.

751 01:27:07.380 --> 01:27:09.690 Britt Mirles: And and that's making it a decrease

752 01:27:16.590 --> 01:27:18.180 Matthew Niski: There would be a

753 01:27:18.360 --> 01:27:28.650 Erin Mannix: 7226 18.5% Lot Coverage previous

754 01:27:29.850 --> 01:27:32.010 Matthew Niski: And that's pretty similar to what I'm

755 01:27:32.010 --> 01:27:36.930 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Showing previous portraits were covered with the roof. Correct.

756 01:27:38.400 --> 01:27:53.970 Erin Mannix: So there's an open porch. So that would mean that it would be open sides, but a porch would be considered to have a roof. Yes. So it is it looks like the roughly based on the Tax assessor's information the coverage was

757 01:27:55.110 --> 01:27:56.910 Erin Mannix: Now what's this little square

758 01:27:59.040 --> 01:28:04.050 Erin Mannix: Adjacent to 93 great harbor. Is that a little well house or a shed.

759 01:28:04.620 --> 01:28:09.810 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: That is a ticket booth today has been removed. It's not a permanent structure. It's not anchored

760 01:28:09.810 --> 01:28:12.600 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: swan. There's no longer on the property.

761 01:28:13.020 --> 01:28:15.780 Erin Mannix: Okay, so the lot. Yes. So, this

762 01:28:18.240 --> 01:28:20.430 Erin Mannix: Your proposed lot coverage.

763 01:28:22.830 --> 01:28:26.250 Erin Mannix: Let's say you've got 50 by 24 roughly

764 01:28:30.090 --> 01:28:31.920 Erin Mannix: So that would be 1200

765 01:28:36.270 --> 01:28:39.090 Erin Mannix: Which should be the 216 hundred

766 01:28:44.370 --> 01:28:45.030 Matthew Niski: Which was

767 01:28:45.270 --> 01:28:47.850 Erin Mannix: 22 so it is an increase in lock coverage.

768 01:28:49.980 --> 01:28:53.880 Britt Mirles: Increase either way. Right. There's one is what you're saying.

769 01:28:54.600 --> 01:29:19.530 Erin Mannix: Correct. If you don't include the deck that that's the 22% and that that is an increase in lot coverage from the previous job and that's solely going you know that's not based off of any former survey, you know, this is this is a rough calculation based on Tax assessor's records of the

770 01:29:20.730 --> 01:29:22.650 Erin Mannix: Dimensions of the old house.

771 01:29:23.190 --> 01:29:27.720 Britt Mirles: For old houses 18 and now we're up to 22 and that's not including the deck.

772 01:29:29.160 --> 01:29:31.110 Erin Mannix: That was correct.

773 01:29:33.270 --> 01:29:43.500 Britt Mirles: And then just to be clear, if it's above grade and has a railing, but no roof. It's still considered as part of the lot coverage.

774 01:29:43.590 --> 01:29:52.740 Erin Mannix: Correct. That would be a structure that that is a raised deck that would be considered a structure is greater than 24 inches above grade.

775 01:29:53.280 --> 01:29:53.520 Okay.

776 01:29:54.660 --> 01:29:57.840 Erin Mannix: And the allowed coverage in that zone.

777 01:30:00.330 --> 01:30:03.810 Erin Mannix: Is 15%

778 01:30:05.670 --> 01:30:11.850 Erin Mannix: Let's see, by special permit you can get an additional 25%

779 01:30:19.470 --> 01:30:20.670 dennisdostert: grant special permits.

780 01:30:21.270 --> 01:30:24.960 Erin Mannix: No, no, no. Yeah, so that's, I mean that roughly

781 01:30:25.050 --> 01:30:25.530 Etc.

782 01:30:28.650 --> 01:30:28.980 Erin Mannix: Yep.

783 01:30:30.120 --> 01:30:48.570 Erin Mannix: So that's, that's what we have for historic document documentation. I mean, at this point, that's all, that's all I have for for the old sighs. Now I don't know if Mark hasn't seen that. I don't know if you're comfortable going based on that mark or if you're

784 01:30:50.760 --> 01:30:52.950 Erin Mannix: If you would prefer to see that in person.

785 01:30:59.100 --> 01:31:14.910 Erin Mannix: I'm just saying I'm you know I'm reading off of a photocopy of the field card, but I don't have that to scan and share on the screen. So I mean that those numbers that I rattled off for for what I see as the coverage of that building.

786 01:31:16.470 --> 01:31:16.740 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: But

787 01:31:17.040 --> 01:31:23.280 Erin Mannix: If you want to accept that or if you would prefer to see those records yourself in person.

788 01:31:23.400 --> 01:31:26.400 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: Before I want to delay the Commission that at this time.

789 01:31:27.540 --> 01:31:27.990 Erin Mannix: What's that

790 01:31:28.500 --> 01:31:30.600 Marc Christian Leete Knapp: I don't want to delay the Commission with it at this time.

791 01:31:30.720 --> 01:31:31.650 Erin Mannix: Okay, okay.

792 01:31:32.850 --> 01:31:37.890 dennisdostert: All right, can we go to a decision tonight. Anybody thinks we can

793 01:31:39.300 --> 01:31:43.830 dennisdostert: Okay then emotion to close this part of the public hearing is in order.

794 01:31:44.580 --> 01:31:46.230 Steve Kops: So move, Steve.

795 01:31:46.770 --> 01:31:47.910 Joseph Katucki: Second. Second.

796 01:31:48.780 --> 01:31:51.720 dennisdostert: All in favor of closing this part of the public meetings, say I

797 01:31:52.260 --> 01:31:52.920 I

798 01:31:53.970 --> 01:31:58.650 dennisdostert: Then we'll proceed to deciding what to do.

799 01:32:02.220 --> 01:32:03.660 dennisdostert: What do you think let's talk this

800 01:32:05.310 --> 01:32:07.290 dennisdostert: Should be or should we not approve this

801 01:32:12.360 --> 01:32:14.010 Britt Mirles: So are we officially voting on it.

802 01:32:14.490 --> 01:32:15.690 Britt Mirles: Yes. Okay.

803 01:32:19.830 --> 01:32:20.520 dennisdostert: What do you think

804 01:32:22.200 --> 01:32:25.170 Britt Mirles: I feel comfortable approving it

805 01:32:25.770 --> 01:32:26.220 Okay.

806 01:32:27.990 --> 01:32:33.240 dennisdostert: Anybody else have an opinion. Anybody who does not feel uncomfortable that does not feel comfortable and approve it.

807 01:32:34.650 --> 01:32:35.010 dennisdostert: I just

808 01:32:35.220 --> 01:32:47.730 Steve Kops: I just want to clear that one the decks are added in on both. Both cases that this is this is not making it a

809 01:32:49.350 --> 01:32:55.200 Steve Kops: That this is not a preceding nonconformity any and I'm correct.

810 01:32:56.010 --> 01:33:01.170 Britt Mirles: But ducks are not added on. They're not being proposed anymore. So it's a it's a moot point

811 01:33:01.470 --> 01:33:03.030 dennisdostert: Yeah, they're off, they're off the issue.

812 01:33:03.330 --> 01:33:04.260 Steve Kops: It's off. Okay.

813 01:33:04.560 --> 01:33:06.300 dennisdostert: We're not approving they were approving

814 01:33:06.630 --> 01:33:09.090 dennisdostert: Discussing approving this without the decks.

815 01:33:10.080 --> 01:33:12.960 Steve Kops: Yeah, but then we had other numbers. I wanted to make sure. OK.

816 01:33:13.230 --> 01:33:22.980 Erin Mannix: OK, so those numbers, Steve, just to clarify that calculation of that 18.5% was based on the tax records of the old house.

817 01:33:23.190 --> 01:33:25.440 Erin Mannix: Right where they discussed open porches.

818 01:33:26.550 --> 01:33:39.060 Erin Mannix: But this right, the engineer has has confirmed that the deck was not included in the coverage calculation on this. So the applicant has has proposed to remove the deck.

819 01:33:40.350 --> 01:33:41.070 Erin Mannix: Request

820 01:33:43.590 --> 01:33:48.720 Joseph Katucki: Now that I understand where the septic is proposed and

821 01:33:51.300 --> 01:33:52.410 Joseph Katucki: I'm comfortable

822 01:33:53.610 --> 01:33:54.510 Joseph Katucki: Being a decision.

823 01:33:56.670 --> 01:33:57.000 dennisdostert: Okay.

824 01:33:58.320 --> 01:33:59.790 dennisdostert: Okay. Yes. Alright.

825 01:34:01.740 --> 01:34:06.420 dennisdostert: This if this building is permitted, as we've been told.

826 01:34:09.360 --> 01:34:18.780 dennisdostert: And we are allowed to putting out a person who loses a building that's a non conforming building is allowed to rebuild the same building.

827 01:34:19.950 --> 01:34:22.770 dennisdostert: I think this is I think the differences

828 01:34:24.150 --> 01:34:25.290 dennisdostert: Is miniscule

829 01:34:26.370 --> 01:34:26.700 dennisdostert: You know,

830 01:34:27.930 --> 01:34:36.630 dennisdostert: Between as far as the size and what we're approving which is lot coverage. So is there, is there a motion to approve this

831 01:34:37.230 --> 01:34:37.980 Britt Mirles: I make a motion.

832 01:34:38.880 --> 01:34:43.140 dennisdostert: Is there a second. Okay. Is there any further discussion.

833 01:34:45.960 --> 01:34:51.810 dennisdostert: Okay, I'm going to call one at a time. Okay. Joe, how do you vote yes or no.

834 01:34:52.890 --> 01:34:56.160 Joseph Katucki: I I approve it over. Yay, okay.

835 01:34:57.000 --> 01:34:57.600 Steve.

836 01:34:58.770 --> 01:34:59.640 Steve Kops: I vote yes

837 01:35:00.540 --> 01:35:02.100 Britt Mirles: Right. Yes.

838 01:35:03.000 --> 01:35:04.650 dennisdostert: And Christie.

839 01:35:05.190 --> 01:35:05.670 Kristy Faulkner: Yes.

840 01:35:06.570 --> 01:35:09.600 dennisdostert: And I bought. Yes, too. So, it passes.

841 01:35:14.220 --> 01:35:15.390 dennisdostert: And in that case,

842 01:35:17.220 --> 01:35:20.760 dennisdostert: Our decision has been made, and we will go forth with the rest of our

843 01:35:21.090 --> 01:35:23.280 Erin Mannix: Agenda. Thank you, Mark.

844 01:35:28.170 --> 01:35:30.420 Steve Kops: Don't we have to vote on the camera.

845 01:35:31.020 --> 01:35:36.270 Erin Mannix: Yes, that's correct. See, please, if you could make emotion that you find this

846 01:35:37.500 --> 01:35:43.980 Erin Mannix: The granting of the variants consistent with the coastal resource and use policies of the State of Connecticut.

847 01:35:44.610 --> 01:36:03.780 dennisdostert: Yes, I will make that motion. Based on the, the idea that this House is in a better position as far as coastal management goes, then the old one was it's moved much farther back and I think that the applicant has addressed the issue.

848 01:36:06.300 --> 01:36:08.280 Britt Mirles: I'll second that. Okay.

849 01:36:08.670 --> 01:36:09.450 dennisdostert: Anybody else

850 01:36:10.770 --> 01:36:15.900 dennisdostert: Okay. All in favors. I will let me let me do this. Okay, Joe.

851 01:36:16.710 --> 01:36:19.710 Steve Kops: I people again. I have a question with Aaron, if I may.

852 01:36:20.820 --> 01:36:31.020 Steve Kops: Right, so we we are strictly voting on as far as the cam. We're only considering the house, we're not considering the septic or anything like that.

853 01:36:31.500 --> 01:36:32.640 Erin Mannix: you're considering

854 01:36:34.260 --> 01:36:41.280 Erin Mannix: Any potential impacts of granting a variance on lot coverage to the coastal resource.

855 01:36:42.450 --> 01:36:45.270 Steve Kops: So deceptive is not in play here.

856 01:36:46.530 --> 01:36:56.910 Erin Mannix: Well, that that's the order to determine if lot coverage has anything to do with any other potential impacts to coastal resources.

857 01:36:57.150 --> 01:36:57.570 Steve Kops: Okay.

858 01:36:57.780 --> 01:37:01.530 dennisdostert: Yeah, they still has to get the approval of the health officer.

859 01:37:02.850 --> 01:37:07.380 dennisdostert: For the internet. Right. Well, they go, they can't just put something out there. It's going to be dangerous.

860 01:37:09.990 --> 01:37:10.530 Erin Mannix: Current

861 01:37:11.940 --> 01:37:13.500 dennisdostert: It has to, it has to fit.

862 01:37:14.130 --> 01:37:18.750 Erin Mannix: The site development. This is going to the Planning and Zoning Commission right

863 01:37:18.810 --> 01:37:26.550 dennisdostert: Right, so there are other people that are going to look at that aspect, probably more thoroughly than we can hear, but I

864 01:37:27.960 --> 01:37:37.950 dennisdostert: I'm inclined to think that the robot coverage issue is not and i think that having moved the house back and done what they can to address it on the basis of

865 01:37:40.560 --> 01:37:43.770 dennisdostert: A black coverage. It's been done satisfactorily my view.

866 01:37:45.150 --> 01:37:49.470 dennisdostert: So, all in favor. Wait a minute ago. So Joe You voted yes, Steve.

867 01:37:50.760 --> 01:37:51.300 Steve Kops: I'll

868 01:37:51.420 --> 01:37:52.980 Steve Kops: Have a yes on that basis.

869 01:37:53.250 --> 01:37:54.960 dennisdostert: Okay, and bread.

870 01:37:55.410 --> 01:37:57.270 dennisdostert: That's in Christie.

871 01:37:57.720 --> 01:38:04.290 dennisdostert: Yes, and I vote yes and so both things up fast and we can proceed now.

872 01:38:05.490 --> 01:38:08.970 dennisdostert: To approve the minutes from the 422 20 meeting.

873 01:38:11.040 --> 01:38:13.110 dennisdostert: Is everyone satisfied with those

874 01:38:14.730 --> 01:38:15.240 Minutes.

875 01:38:16.980 --> 01:38:17.310 Britt Mirles: Yes.

876 01:38:18.420 --> 01:38:19.050 Steve Kops: Minutes.

877 01:38:19.620 --> 01:38:22.740 dennisdostert: Okay, okay. Holly favor of approving them minutes

878 01:38:23.790 --> 01:38:29.130 dennisdostert: I guess you have to go one. Okay. All right. Joe You approve the minutes. Yes, Steve.

879 01:38:30.120 --> 01:38:31.740 dennisdostert: Yes. Okay, Brett.

880 01:38:32.160 --> 01:38:33.330 dennisdostert: Yes. Christie.

881 01:38:33.600 --> 01:38:34.080 Kristy Faulkner: Yes.

882 01:38:34.650 --> 01:38:37.920 dennisdostert: And I will too. So those are approved.

883 01:38:39.660 --> 01:38:46.830 dennisdostert: If there is no other issue here. Anybody wants to discuss, then a motion to adjourn is an order.

884 01:38:50.400 --> 01:38:52.680 dennisdostert: Okay. All in favor of returning

885 01:38:54.000 --> 01:38:55.350 Kristy Faulkner: Just say hi. Yeah.

886 01:38:55.380 --> 01:38:58.110 dennisdostert: Hi. Okay. We're adjourned.

887 01:38:58.170 --> 01:39:02.100 Britt Mirles: Aaron before you disconnect. I have a question off the record for you.

888 01:39:03.780 --> 01:39:08.760 Britt Mirles: Is that okay, we're um I have a walkthrough coming on Saturday.

889 01:39:08.790 --> 01:39:14.130 Erin Mannix: Wetlands. Okay. Just one second, let me let me finish this meeting and hit stop and then I can answer.

890 01:39:14.130 --> 01:39:15.030 dennisdostert: Her question.

891 01:39:15.570 --> 01:39:16.710 Erin Mannix: Okay, thank you.

892 01:39:19.110 --> 01:39:19.590 Britt Mirles: Thank you.

893 01:39:20.370 --> 01:39:23.250 dennisdostert: See you next month, unless something changes me