The Heart Line: News Bulletin. Volume XIV, Number 1
NEW$ Bill LE Tl N RbXBURY GO.tDENAIRES • ·t=· - of · VOLUME XIV FREEDOM HOUSE .NUMBER 1 JANUARY, 1983 14 Crawford Street Ro~bury, . Massae;husetts' 0~ ( 21.. ·.. (617) 445-3700 MRS. ETHEL FREEMAN-EDITOR THAT YOUR B-patient, B-prayerful, B-humble, B-mild, B-wise as a solon, B-meek as a child NEW YEAR B-studious, .B-thoughtful,. B~loving, B-kind, B-sure you m~ke ~-~-tter·~ subservi~!lt to min~ MAY BE B-cautious, •B-prudent, .B~trustrul, B-truei B-courteous -to -all, . B-f~iendly· with few HAPPY B-temperate in argumeni, plei~ure_and win~, B-careful of condu_ct of mon~y and .titpe B-cheerful, B~grateful, · B-hopeful, B-firm·, B-peaceful, benevolent, willing to learn B-courageous, B-gentle, .S-libe~al and jus~ B-aspiring, B-humble because thou ~re dust, B-peni tent, circumspe_ct, _·sound in the faith B-active, devoted, B-fait.hful 'till death B-honest, ... B"'."·holy,. transparent and pure, B-dependent,· B-Christ~like .. and you'll be secure. Submitted by Goldenaire Rolline Evans *****************~**************** I• A · · The National ·: Institute .on Aging has released a report on health in later-· life~ .Would you believe what they ·have · REPORT discovered? · It finds that disease and disability, not aging, take the greatest toll on health in later life. It .concludes that ' aging does not impair heart muscl.e, that intelligence can ·. sometimes improve.'. with .age. A study showed that the heart of an older person, if free _of disease, appea~s to pump about as well as that of a young adult.! Proble~s related to -,an older heart's ability to move blood may .be considered: th~ effect of disease, not aging.
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