NEW$ Bill LE Tl N RbXBURY GO.tDENAIRES • ·t=· - of ·


14 Crawford Street Ro~bury, . Massae;husetts' 0~ ( 21.. ·.. (617) 445-3700 MRS. ETHEL FREEMAN-EDITOR THAT YOUR B-patient, B-prayerful, B-humble, B-mild, B-wise as a solon, B-meek as a child NEW YEAR B-studious, .B-thoughtful,. B~loving, B-kind, B-sure you m~ke ~-~-tter·~ subservi~!lt to min~ MAY BE B-cautious, •B-prudent, .B~trustrul, B-truei B-courteous -to -all, . B-f~iendly· with few HAPPY B-temperate in argumeni, plei~ure_and win~, B-careful of condu_ct of mon~y and .titpe B-cheerful, B~grateful, · B-hopeful, B-firm·, B-peaceful, benevolent, willing to learn B-courageous, B-gentle, .S-libe~al and jus~ B-aspiring, B-humble because thou ~re dust, B-peni tent, circumspe_ct, _·sound in the faith B-active, devoted, B-fait.hful 'till death B-honest, ... B"'."·holy,. transparent and pure, B-dependent,· B-Christ~like .. and you'll be secure. Submitted by Goldenaire Rolline Evans *****************~**************** I• A · · The National ·: Institute .on Aging has released a report on health in later-· life~ .Would you believe what they ·have · REPORT discovered? · It finds that disease and disability, not aging, take the greatest toll on health in later life. It .concludes that ' aging does not impair heart muscl.e, that intelligence can ·. sometimes improve.'. with .age. A study showed that the heart of an older person, if free _of disease, appea~s to pump about as well as that of a young adult.! Proble~s related to -,an older heart's ability to move blood may .be considered: th~ effect of disease, not aging. •. ***************************~*****•* FOLI_AGE House: plants come with .instructions­ ! follo~-eve~y rule PHOBIA ~tPlace L· in a · sunny- window;. or· H Keep soil moist and cool·'~ Small· talk; I'm ·told is vital, Misting is a' must; You know, I think I might prefer The ~kind you only dust! *************************.********** -2- WARNINGS Each day, we receive warnings about everyday things. Never put food on the seat area of your grocery cart as it may be full of germs. Sometimes children put their feet there, leaving germs from their shoes. Do not place unwrapped fruits or vegetables in the cart or basket. Wrap them in plastic bags since you have often witnessed children stand­ ing right in the center of the cart. ********************** DID YOU That the Aetna Life and Insurance Company of Hart­ ford, Ct., two years ago cancelled the Aetna World Cup KNOW? Tennis Tournament it had sponsored since 1972? It has now named Arthur Ashe, Jr., the tennis star, to its board of directors, a post that pays $16,000 a year plus benefits. ******~*************** A These little cake and jelly tarts were sold on Londori ~Bridge in the days of Queen Elizabeth I. RECIPE ½ cup butter-½teaspoon s·alt-1 teaspoon vanilla-1 cup · sugar- 2 eggs-1½ cups flour-2te~apoons baking powder-2/3 cup milk­ pie pastry-apple jelly. Make yellow cake batter. Cream the butter, adding to it the salt and vanilla. Graduaffly blend in the sugar. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sif t the flour, measure and sitt together with the baking powder. Add alternately with milk -to the cream butter and egg mix­ ture. Line muffin tins with pastry. Into each pastry cup put½ teaspoon apple jelly; Then drop in a spoonful of cake batter so that the tin is about 3/4 ·full as for cup­ cakes. Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes till the cake is done •. ************************ CHILDISH When Bill's mother found his clothes scattered about on the chair and floor, she asked, nWho didn't hang up his clothes HUMOR when he went to bed?" A voice from under the covers answered HAdamn. A father used to sing his children to sleep until he .over­ heard one of them saying, vv rf you pretend to be asleep, he stopsn. A little: boy getting ready . for bed interrupted a family . gathering- in the living room to say, '1 I 'm going to say my prayers now, anybody want anything? 11 ;'; ,, ,~ i't ,·~ ,,, ,., ,·~ A teacher in advising the importance of a good breakfast listed on the blackboard the various foods one could eat~ About 10 o'clock the following morning·, one boy arrived with his mother who said, ti I'm sorry Charles is late, but he insisted he had to have a good breakfast. After having juice, bacon, and eggs, cereal, pancakes and milk, Charles 11 threw up • After that, who wouldn't:! ·. · i;*i~'ic*i'::i•,~~ .-.. · i" · A quote: 9'Happiness is; having parents who ·also hate liver. n -3- ·~:.· .. ~.,,• ... · · -.---:\ - .... HEALTH There is a disorder called· sl~ep apnea. Persons suffering from apnea stop breathing sometimes during : sleep. If' -they do ,not; awa~:en, they _may __die. Through research~ it h~s been discovered that a commonly used sleeping pill may worsen a life threatening· s·leeping disorder. It has been iridicated that there is a hiih · ·, · incidence ~- of._ ~PA~a in _t:p~ general population that is ·undetected,. .. maybe· as ··gt:

***~******************************• • .,,, f· '' ... t . l• , : BIRTHDAYS M~y your special day ­ .. '. •, in every way IN b.~: all you hoped it would be · ~ As full of happiness FEBRUARY !.. _ as any birthday could be!

Ceceline. Riley 2 Lucy Benjamin 16 Callie Coates 7 Mary Reed 17 Elnora .Pea 9 Geneva Stewart 17 Laura Jones 10 Emily Ferguson 18 -Georgia P_arris _10 Margaret White 18 .. Doshia Do.ckett 12 Pauline Chaffin 23 . Eleanor Williams 12 Nellie Johnson 24 Vera Martin 14- Mae O. Kennedy· 24 Mary Riley _;· 1 : 14- . Mae Ha~_ris 26 .. ******************•* Omitted in Janua~~~------Edith Elliott 16th ***************************" CARROTS It used to be said that ea.ting carrots was good for y·our eyesight. Did you ·know that they are from AfghanistaQ· and ·· are now extensively grown throughout the ,country anq are available the year_round? _1 _ • ···They are an ,excellent source of ·vitamin A. When buying, . those which are well-formed, smooth and:_firm and blemish free are , the best choice. · · "' ' Slender ·_ types . are more tender- than the . large varieties .. Avoid carrots. which are wilted, flabby.:;_ cracked or haye 0 large green · '! i s.un-burned areas :at the top. .. · Carrots may be stored in plastic bags .in the refrig~rator for several weeks without loss 1 of nutritional. value _cif appearance. If carrots have tops, remove them befor~ storing. :; If left on, the . tops will- absorb the misture . from the carrots causing them to shrivel. Carrots may be canned or frozen'. ***********~~**************** QUOTES ·, Oh Lord, help my ~ords '· to be gracious and tender today, for tomorrow, I may · have to eat them. · . · ******** .. I fina11·y got :if all together·, but I forgot where ~ 'put it. r

To err is human-to ·· blame · it on -the -other guy is even more human. -4- .,, . ,1/ .. :.. ~; · · .- . I~ m .: j us1= catching up .. with yesterday~by :tomo~row I shotitcf' ·:be ·ready for·.: today. : · ;'c * 'lo'nhHt * · · .. ,-·. Some - folks ·- give ·. the · Lorc(··a.11 the · credit for their success­

o ~ • J, • • l ' . , ·but none ,·of ·the· cash. · . :. '************~*i****** OUR _:· .. · Maybe --it t:7as th~_. vi'sions: ·of. ~~g~r]?lums cia~cing ·_:~n thei1: ,·· .heads or Just the .usual ·ant1c1pat1_on, ..of tl:l~. cpming holiday TRIP : . season that •stirred wi·thin the ·45 young-a.t~h.ear_t Goldenaires as they- board_ed -the '}l~~h~iio. bus Monday, December 6th, for a three day Christma·s tr'ip· .. to Bethlehem, Penn. We departed from Freed~m House at approximately eight.·,· i.- o' clock in th~ ·mo~hin~;· enj6ying a soothing scenib ride with frequent rest stops and ·a sumptous box lunch enroute .-. :·· Mid-afternoon fotind· us arriv'ing at the Quality Inn in White­ hall, Pennsylva:nia, our home for two nights. We wezre -g-iven a warm holiday welco"me by· a· most gracious and efficient staff who made our entire stay such a pleasurable experience. Early evening found us on our way t .9_):3ethlehamf where we met our local .guide, a most charming and knowl.edgea];)le lady. Immediate·ly, a won,derful feeling began to permeate our be­ ing,_ as though we were experiencing 1he. true meaning of Christm~s. . . . . , ,- With one .exceptioh, all windows in· h~~es and churches had a single -candle · in each window. The . odd . feature .of this was that· ~11 lights w~~e on the ·. outside of· the windows and all the lights were white on bui+dings, bridges and trees~ which lent an aura of · peac~ _and quietud_e .- to t}?.e ,-, surroundings. It made - one feel -awed ·and _reverent ·:as . though we had followed that star ·and were ab6ut ·to· bear witness to a great event. Upon returning to our hot~l, a delicious roast -beef dinrie~ awaited us ( soup-t~-nuts) ". · ai(ter . whiGh we . retired to the ·: .--Hospitality Room for more.· refresbµlents anq . fellowship provided by the hotel staff. . -·. -. __ -_. ·_ ·: Tuesday, December 7th, we ··.r~t.urned., to Bethlehem ·Moravian Community for a more in d~pth ~ou~ of churche·s, schools and .• . _.. buildings of intere·st and ··to 1·earn more about the history, customs and people. Duri~g the _aftern6on, we were able -~o visit many in~eresting' gift. ~hij candle· shops- A high- . light was a . visit -to a - ii Morgan' -~orse FarmY'I which boasted a collection of 1 over forty antique .horse drawn vehicles, in­ .. 9lu(ling a surrey_· used in the Ne'w: ):'qrk Stage J?roduction of ·.. -~'.Ol

,: I wi:tb ·. Chris.tmas lights whi_ch are· spectacularly reflected in a lake directly in front .of the. main house. Wednesday, December the 8th: , Aft~r O\.lI? : u.s '.ual sumptuous

·, _, . : ~ ; : .. b:uf.fiet: ,breakfast at 'the· Quality Inn, ·we were able to visit -5- . . the gift shop which ·carried merchandise distinct and peculiar to the area. Later in the morning, we had a choice of visiting a Mall featuring the Hesse . Department store or the Lehigh County Museum. Both f eature_s .... were greatly enjoyed· by the respective groups in ··attendance. At 1 :. .3 O in the afternoon, we returned to Quality Inn for our last meal befo ·re : turning our< step·s homew.arct, ·~ / · As · a group, we were in · agreement that this was! .o~:e of the most enjoyable trips; well put together, _~oqd lead~t- . · ship and a chance to get to know and enjoy ·o~e another. We brought back a .spiritual souvenir and a st~ong desire to return ·next year for a repeat -performance • . :It: was one . .. ' .. of our most treasured Christmas gifts. :) . ... · ··' · - Submit~ed by · Goldenaire Frances Bowd~n . <' : ··· _;_ !. ·. ) : * * ** * ** * * * {e ic ~**-le** *-.'r * ** * * * * * * ~ * '!: ** -.hHc * ** .

MAKE ME Make me a blessing Lord!' Help me ~: To help those needing help, to be... ;, .. :· : ·- v,: . . ·· A _,J,. ..BLESSING . A. blessi_!l-~ · to my fel~ow men~ · . .. ..~ ,-. Ins·truct·me· when to speak and when .. . i'-• i

To hold my speech, when to . hef bold : I In giving and when to withhold; .. , And if I have not strength enough Then give me strength, Lord make me tough-·

...-. ,i · ~, •with my owri self,.· but tender toward All others:. · Let· ·there be outpoured · ·' · On · me the gentlen·e~is to bless · ... All who have need of gentleness· .. ~ · · .Give me a word,' a touch to fill ::,:., .­ The lonel'y life, faith for ·the··,.il·l And courage to keep hearts up .though My own is feeling just as low. When men have bitter things to meet And quail and would accept defeat. T}1en- let me ·lift ·. tJ;1eir eyes -to The vision 6£ Thy vic~ory. Help me to help; help me to give The wisdom and ·the will to live·! : . ; · S,.ibmi tted ·by Goldenaire Luc.y Mi tche.111.• :, *******************~*******************~ · 0~ SOM£:·'~-: M&ny facts were · recognized recently at a meeting of the Older Women's· League held at the Kennedy Library...... FACTS According to ·statistics, a woman· o·ver·.:.65 years·.o:f age is among the 28 million in that age bracket who live in poverty; _fewer than a million men are in the same category. 'Three:~quarters of women over 6-5 are unmarried ; while three­ , .quarters· of ·all' µien 1ive · with ·their spouses;. · ·.· Four milllon women 'betwee:n the ages -of 4 5 · and .· 6 5 have no health insurance. ··-·.. · ********~*.*****~**~********************** QUOTES 11 Parental discretion advised 19 is a belated suggestion ; if some had used discretion, ·they wouldn't be parents . . : ... : '°' *· ** -.Hr,Hc A · · · .= :,,: • The best way to prove girls ar·e "dynamite is to try and •-<· · drop one. · !·,. : • .;: ·'1: • -

)/i -6- The trouble with some women is they get . all excited . about ndthing-and then .marry him . ,. . . ~ido'~*io\ : _, . . . .. A budget-the orderly· .sy:stem :of· living beyond your means...... *******************~**~********~***~

I ••• : • ~ ~ ' - OUR Three -· buses of and their guests, for . the ·third · time, returned- _·to ..n satch' s.n to\ celebrate our Christ­ CHRIST­ ~as party. We were seated-. at _tables .and booths to enjoy MAS · the specia_l ties of -. the .house: . three types · of meat, beef, ham with raisin ·sauce, ·and turkey.; fruit .cup, salad, broc- PARTY .· · . coli, '. candied yams·, ro.lls., butter, tea .or -coffee and de- licious pie...... We were greeted by the Co-director .of. -Freedom House, Otto Snowden; 'and began our dinner with the invocation led by our music director, the Rev. Layman Hunter, who also di­ rected us in the singing of carols. The holiday spirit . was everywhere...... We were all recipients .of a beautiful crystal dish with a silver spoon attached, · which cbuld -be used ~or Jelly or jam pencils and boxes of candy reminding us. of our childhood days. Assisting Mr. Snowden in the- enjoyment of .the occasion, were our supervisors, Mrs. ·Ruth Gore and •Mrs. Ruth Chambers ; Mrs. Peggy- Reed of th~ ,Freedom House staff ; Mrs. Ellen Jackson, Dean, Director of Affirmative .Action, Northeastern University, and the ·former president- of th~ Freedom House Board, Mrs. Cecile Gordon and others. Al though some arrived at 11 Sat ch' s ,-i on their. own, all were fortunate to return home on the bu9~s- after the ·party.

f ******~~*A~A~A**AAAA***AA*~~AAAA.fl • - • It ti -· ti ~ .... ., .:"" C . ft ,,.... , .. ~ • •'P it'i • '- 4 ,,. A ... ilf'1 41t 1

HOUSE­ A quick way to flµk~_ : C9,nned ; tuna or salmon.: drain fish well, HOLD then, using a .sharp knife, . cut down through ~the fish to the bottom of the can . . -Make sev~ral cuts -in ea-c.h direction when _ HINTS you empty the can. The. fish -will be _. in sma·11 chunks. For a new flavot'. in yo_u_r · cooked- carrots, add a cored and sliced -red apple to the carrots before cooking them. The apple adds a tasty sweetness.· · --~ ~·, ~'c it i': * ._,: ,•: ' .· To -remove an ad}:lesive bandage painlessly fl'om your skin~ ·.: place a" drop of baby :: oil ·on· the _. p,las_t _ic strip and rub it into the air vents~ After. . 9- ; few seconds,. gently -pull off th~ bandage. , :· .- ;_. _'I: 'I,*;•, fc * ,•: * To h~at_ small po.rt ions of left overs all ·_ in. one. ._· pot: wrap each portion tightly in alu~inum foil. Fill a deep pot wi_th· Wq.ter to a dept_h of on~ inch, .bring to a boil, add your wrapped food packets and return th~ -~ater to a boil. Simmer until the . foods are heated-through. · **********************************

; ·, '. . ~ EXTRA .When the ·-world- falls ·' down aro'i.mcl you , ·and ·· a·. PRAYER pray~r ~ill: see•. you • through, say an extra prayer for someone who may need -7- For who knows what. · .hearts are. breaking in. the silence of the night? Just that extra prayer you whisper may help Someone see the light! ~ Every time you help a stranger with an extra prayer - or two- _y·ou are building secret ·. · -· blessing3 that will all ~ome back to you! *************************** WATER On occasion ·one may .not realize· many o{ the advantages we ·· have when the thought of water comes to mind. .It is tr:ue, that there is much discussion concerning the quality ·of what we -consume each a_nd every day, but it _is a _far cry from reality for .others in the world. . For three out of five people living in the developing countries, easy. acce~s to safe _drinl

f • ' And leave the .wh~pped cream Off. the piece I take, . ·.. , Th_e~ salad and vegetabl_e~ I can do without; \,,· But the .st~ff:ing and gravy

. ~· ' . ,··: - Are musts without a doubt; Help . me to be thin and not Eat -in my sorrow · . · If I don't start today . I'll .start tomorrow. ******.*************.**************

A A program that has been in effect for a while. in some seq~· : tions of the C9mmonwealth. has been inaugurated on Cape c·od. PROGRAM It is called .nPost~l Alertu. The plan is to help elderly ;·:: who live alone irr~he Cape Cod area. Postal carriers are to report to their supervis9rs any ac­ cumulation of ma:il-· at an address who in turn will · contact Elder Services; an~ _an investigation will determine whether someone needs help. -8 -•> ' •• HOW Years ago, kids ~ere :always served health foods ; if you -·knew· wha:"!: · was g~?od for· your heal th, you ate TRUE the food. _: · :. : . . "toHh'o'c *-It ic After seeing thos·e· $.d"s on TV . Plus thos:e· in magazines :. ; · ·.. I'm wonderin~~hat the~'re ~~rling Is it fannfes ·or; is-~- it' jeans? '-lt****iu'c* · , \ ·. · Oh, the. jet1 . age; ·bre:akfa .st' irr- ~Paris, dinner in Hong Kong and· lug.gage: in Peoria_, USA. ***********.**************** A. W~en yqu .r~~~ive a :b,eautif~l g_ift at Christmas, . how wou.ld ' --·. y ·ou·; ~·e_e). ~hen y'OU ·r~lc~ivie another i~.v:ely_:_ gift at the Ne'w·' SURPRISE Year?:: - : · , · · ·. ·· _ . 1 1 1 • ;· we, o'r' the· ~rre.edom .Housti "·Go"iaenaire's are those ·fortunate . · foik. -.At ·our fir·st "-rit_Eietiri~i. of''·the sea,~6n; we( r 'e_ceived a _ . ; .. ,.crystal mug . ~tched with the _seal ·of ·rre~dom ·Hq~,se. They ,. ·· ! w~re presented to u~ ·by' the Co-dire6tor of Freedom House, .·. :.Ot:t'q ·snowderi·, and ·our di'recto·r ,· M~s. :Ruth :.~ore. Many, 1 ·, .' .. . ··:: '. 1ii'any .-·thanks·· for :your. kirxdness, ·_-whicri· we Iilost_-_ sincerely •• . ' • . I • appreciate e ; ' C ,' • ' : • .: ' • > * ,'c *,,*-Ir. 'k ** 'k * ,~ * -.': ,'c ''/¢ ~•: {; 1, ~'c ,tc ** * ·*·** ** ,., -;'c ") * ' .. ,: ·:.'RECIPE · ' Take :·twelve_, fin~f, f:ull-grown ·· months; see ·that' 'these are ..-::- ·. · :thoroug"11J;,y · fr~e :: froni all 'old ·memorief?·;

. i \, ,. -· 4 •• • • • ( -,... • OfEN ,- our · last· social' everi"tr ·· 0(·19'82 ._was the _Opt?n . H64~·e held at .. · · "-.F~eedom. Hotl~e in . a · be~utifull~t-decotate~i'·'rooin ·J.n keeping HOUSE .i '' . with the hoiiday season~· ·__ Se~t~ci' at· intimatel}(:arr~hged tables, Goldenaires ·enjoyed ·an afternoori ·of spqrking . : . ,': , r i' coriversation·. _._ ,_· i ' : ~- --;·' . , . '-; . ' :we sippet:;l :· eggnog with· oF- w:i. thout· (ritostly n-wi th ~~: accounting • : -•·; -=~;. .·.··, for the : conversation) · ate~ canapes ·and added· more pounds with delicious fruitcake. · •· · · -' · · .,•. ' -9- Our hostesses were our directors Ruth Gore and Ruth Chambers. We were extended best wishes for the coming year by the Co-director of Freedom House, Otto Snowden, which was a most fitting way to end 1982. ************************* HOPE HOPE for a world grown cynically cold Hungry for power and greedy for gold FAITH FAITH to believe when within and without There's a nameless fear in a world of doubt LOVE LOVE that is bigger than race or creed To cover the world and fulfill each need .... GOD, GRANT THESE GIFTS OF FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE­ Three things this world has so little of .. :-:-:­ For only these gifts from our Father above Can turn man's sins from Hatred to Love! **************************** TO May 1983 be the healthiest, happiest and most prosperous of all your years. YOU From Your Editor

A I like old things; old towering trees Old houses and old symphonies QUEST Old yellowed books, old tapestries Old customs and old memories I like old things, old songs oft sung Old easy chairs, with seats well sprung Old souvenirs to dream among Old times, old friends Old hearts still young I like old things, and yet in truth For me-I'd like perpetual youth! Submitted by Goldenaire Ruth Chambers