Index of Common Names

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Index of Common Names Aquatical Latin Vol 1 – Index of Common Names Abbott’s moray eel 118 1icolor anthias $# 1lac-ti( grou(er 121 Achilles tang ! 1icolor blenny $# 1lac-"edged butterflyfish 121 Adorned "rasse #$ 1icolor chromis 177 1lotch eye soldierfish $# African coris 130 1icolor cleaner "rasse $# 1lotched foxface '!) African moony ' $ 1icolor goatfish $$ 1lue angelfish $# Allen’s tubeli( )& 1icolored foxface3 '!$ 1lue chromis ## Ambanoro (ra"n*goby )& 1icolour (arrotfish $# 1lue devilfish 174 Ambon chromis 51 1ig*bellied .eahorse ) 1lue flasher"rasse ## Ambon damsel 51 1igeye cus- '%! 1lue goby !# Ambon scorpionfish 51 1ignose unicornfish 281 1lue green damselfish 281 Amethyst anthias 211 1ird "rasse '!# 1lue gudgeon 182 Andaman damsel )& 1lack comb-tooth 191 1lue hamlet 130 Angular flasher )% 1lack hamlet 194 1lue hana goby 140 Arabian angelfish )! 1lack*and*gold chromis 195 1lue lined squirrelfish '$# Arc-eye ha"-fish )) 1lack*axil chromis 58 1lue tang surgeonfish #% Arcfin .hrim( /oby )$ 1lack*bar chromis '%) 1lue*and*yello" grou(er 125 Argus "rasse )$ 1lack*4el4et angelfish 179 1lue*barred ribbon goby ## Arro"head soa(fish 83 1lackbac- butterflyfish 179 1lue*s(otted 5a"fish '%! Atlantic s(adefish 121 1lackbar filefish 155 1lue*s(otted s(inefoot #) Atoll butterflyfish 181 1lackbar soldierfish 155 1lue*stri(ed ca4e goby '$! Axils(ot hogfish 61 1lackbarred reefgoby 196 1lue*stri(ed dottyback ') Azure demoiselle 141 1lackbelly triggerfish 280 1lue*stri(ed orange tamarin 1anda comb-tooth $$ 1lackbelted cardinalfish '#% 122 1anded angelfish )$ 1lackca( basslet 179 1lueback damsel ')& 1anded .ole 143 1lackedged angelfish 284 1lueband goby3 ')! 1anggai cardinal fish 158 1lackeye thickli( 180 1luebanded goby 105 1an- butterflyfish 61 1lackfin hogfish 169 1lueblotch butterflyfish 217 1arbour’s seahorse $! 1lackfin coral goby 161 1luechee- butterflyfish 248 1archin scor(ionfish 258 1lackfin dartfish 119 1luegirdled angelfish 191 1arhead damsel 268 1lackflag sand(erch ')& 1luehead "rasse !& 1arhead s(inefoot 280 1lackfoot firefish 144 1luelashed butterflyfish 68 1arred thickli( 121 1lackline fangblenny 194 1lueline demoiselle 78 1arred angelfish 186 1lackmargined damsel 195 1luelined hind 125 1arred hamlet ''$ 1lacksaddled coralgrou(er 1621luelined surgeonfish 195 1arred moray ''& 1lackside ha"-fish 126 1luering angelfish )% 1arred soa(fish !& 1lacks(ot cleaner "rasse 212 1lueside "rasse ## 1arred s(inefoot 110 1lacks(ot coralblenny 167 1lues(ine unicornfish '!) 1arrier reef anemonefish 48 1lacks(ot hogfish 201 1lues(otted angelfish 78 1arrier reef chromis 195 1lacks(otted "rasse 181 1lues(otted seabass '$) 1artletts’ anthias $! 1lacks(otted (u2er 195 1lues(otted triggerfish ''! 1atu coris 68 1lackstri(e cardinalfish 194 1lues(otted "rasse 78 1earded ghoul 108 1lackstri(ed angelfish 162 1luestrea- cleaner "rasse 109 1ella goby 68 1lacktail angelfish 114 1luestrea- damselfish '&) 1elted "rasse $$ 1lacktail butterflyfish 61 1luestri(e (i(efish 119 1ennett’s sharpnose (u2er 68 1lacktail goby 143 1luestri(ed angelfish 248 1icolor angelfish $# 1lacktail humbug 180 1luestri(ed butterflyfish 126 Aquatical Latin Vol 1 – Index of Common Names 1luestri(ed fangblenny '%$ Cherry 6ottybac- 82 6ee("ater "rasse $! 1luethroat triggerfish 48 Cherubfish )$ 6hiho’s seahorse ')& 1luntheaded "rasse )& Chevron tang 140 6iadem dottyback 107 1oomerang triggerfish !) Chinese 0ebra goby '#' 6iagonal butterflyfish 121 1o"tie damselfish 180 Chiseltooth "rasse 183 6iagonal shrim( goby 108 1razilian Longsnout Choat’s "rasse 87 6iamond blenny !% 1utterflyfish ! Chocolate hind !% 6iana’s hogfish 108 1razilian basslet ! Chocolate surgeonfish 228 6isco blenny 251 1ridled goby 131 Chocolatedi( chromis 109 6octorfish 86 1ristle*tail file*fish '!& Cinnabar goatfish 143 6otted "rasse ''! 1road*barred goby 145 Clarion angelfish #' 6ouble "hi(tail 116 1roadbarred firefish ) Cloudy dascyllus 80 6ouble*stri(ed dottyback !' 1roadstri(ed cardinalfish )% Clo"n coris $' 6oubleband surgeonfish '$! 1ro"n dottyback 128 Clo"n anemonefish 199 6oubletooth soldierfish 144 1ro"n surgeonfish 194 Clo"n triggerfish #) 6racula shrim(*goby 111 1ro"n*s(otted s(inefoot ')) Cockatoo "as(fish '$ 6us-y batfish 216 1ro"nbanded bambooshar- Cockerel "rasse 116 6us-y 5a"fish 285 ''! Cocos*7eeling angelfish #% 6us-y tilefish 98 1undoon blenny !) Comet )& 6us-y "rasse 177 1urgess’ butterflyfish !) Commerson’s frogfish # 6"arf ha"-fish 121 1utter hamlet '!) Common bluestri(e sna((er 6"arf moray 180 1ynoe goby !) 158 6"arf seahorse '#% Caerulean damsel 78 Com(ressed 8ibbon /oby # 9astern triangular butterflyfish Canary demoiselle 130 Com(ressed toby # $! Canary fangblenny '& Conde’s "rasse # 9ight*lined "rasse '&& Canary "rasse 89 Coney 127 9ightband butterflyfish '&& Canaryto( "rasse 165 Cons(icuous angelfish #) 9legant firefish 106 Candy basslet 80 Convict blenny 164 9legant unicornfish 115 Candycane (ygmy goby !# Co((erband butterflyfish 238 9longate dottyback 115 Caribbean chestnut moray 80 Coral ha"-fish '& 9longate surgeonfish 178 Caribbean ocellated moray Coral hind 183 9longate unicornfish 168 '&& Cortez angelfish '#% 9merald coral goby 288 Caribbean sharpnose*(u2er Cortez rainbo" "rasse 169 9m(eror angelfish 150 238 Creole "rasse 210 9m(eror red sna((er ' $ Carpet eel*blenny 258 Creole*fish 127 9(aulette shark 199 Castelnau’s 5a"fish 80 Cross’ damsel #! 9ritrean butterflyfish 211 Ca4e bass 185 Cro"n squirrelfish 107 9schmeyer’s scor(ionfish 118 Celebes "rasse 81 Cro"ned (u2er #$ 9steemed 6ottybac- 108 Cendera"asih longnose 284 Curious "ormfish 98 9xquisite "rasse 120 Chain moray 81 Cutribbon "rasse 152 9yestri(e surgeonfish 112 Chal- bass '!& 6amselfish 88 :alse cleanerfish '$) Chameleon sand tilefish 87 6ar-fin hind '!$ :alse leo(ard '&% Checkerboard "rasse 147 6artfish /oby #% :alse moorish idol 109 Chee-lined "rasse 108 6ash*and*dot goatfish $$ :alse (u2er ''' Chee-s(ot "rasse 180 6ecorated goby 106 :alse stonefish 107 Chequered (erchlet 150 6ecoy scorpionfish ')& :antail filefish ')% Aquatical Latin Vol 1 – Index of Common Names :ilament*finned (ra"n*goby /olden damselfish $& ;a"aiian "hites(otted toby 192 /olden ;a"-fish 288 155 :ilamentous "rasse 122 /olden tre4ally ')' ;a"aiien Longfin Anthias '!# :imbriated moray 123 /oldenstri(ed soa(fish ' # ;a"-fish anthias 163 :ines(otted comet )$ /oldentail moray 183 ;ector’s goby 140 :ingered dragonet 105 /oldlined s(inefoot 135 ;edgehog seahorse ')% :ire clo"nfish 179 /olds(ot goby 268 ;elfrichs’ dartfish 141 :ire goby 175 /oldstri(e "rasse '#' ;erre’s moray 143 :ire*tail devil 100 /oldtail demoiselle 210 ;igh*hat ! :iretail dottyback 123 /orgeous (ra"n*goby 285 ;ighfin 1lenny 128 :i4e*lined cardinalfish '%% /ray angelfish )$ ;oney*head damsel ''' :i4e*lined coral goby '%% /raysby #! ;oneycomb toby 155 :i4estri(e "rasse '%% /reat seahorse 158 ;ooded butterflyfish 162 :lagfin (ra"n goby 188 /reen moray 127 ;orned bannerfish '!# :lagtail shrim(goby '#' /reen birdmouth "rasse 78 ;orse* shoe leather5ac-et 145 :lame angel 168 /reen clo"n goby 58 ;oso-a"a’s coral blenny 147 :lame anthias 150 /reen ra0orfish ')% ;um(back batfish $! :lame ha"-fish )! /reenband goby '% ;um(back grou(er )& :lame "rasse 156 /reenbanded goby 186 ;um(back turretfish 131 :lameback angelfish )# /reyface moray '$# ;um(head "rasse '!) :lamefish 175 /reyhead "rasse 165 ;utomo’s Anthias 147 :lasher scorpionfish 174 /ri<s’ angelfish 135 Immaculate (u2er 150 :loral "rasse 87 /uineafo"l (u2er 181 Indian goatfish 150 :loral blenny 183 /ulf toadfish $# Indian gold*ring bristle*tooth :or-tail blenny )# ;airfin =riggerfish 122 '!' :our-lined "rasse '$! ;airfinned leatherjacket 156 Indian >cean mimic :oureye butterflyfish 80 ;airy blenny3 197 surgeonfish '!' :ourline "rasse '%' ;alf*and*half chromis 152 Indian >cean oriental :ours(ot butterflyfish '%' ;alfbarred goby ' ! s"eetli(s 281 :oxface 282 ;alfmoon triggerfish 89 Indian sail*fin surgeonfish 107 :ragile cardinalfish 126 ;arlequin bass '$# Indian triggerfish 150 :rench angelfish 210 ;arlequin filefish 167 Indigo hamlet 150 :rillfin tur-eyfish 184 ;arlequin hind 219 Indo*?acific sergeant '!! :rostfin cardinalfish 146 ;arlequin sandsmelt ''$ Inexplicable shrim(goby 151 /aribaldi damselfish 238 ;arlequin sna-e eel #% Inners(otted sandgoby 151 /eo2roy’s "rasse 131 ;arlequin s"eetli(s 85 Island hogfish 152 /eogra(hic "rasse 131 ;arlequin tus-fish 121 @ack*-nifefish 162 /host (i(efish 100 ;artzfeld’s cardinalfish 140 @ansen’s "rasse 155 /iant grou(er 162 ;a"aiian butterflyfish '$# @anss’ (i(efish 155 /ilbert’s cardinalfish 131 ;a"aiian cleaner "rasse 215 @a(an surgeonfish 156 /ilded triggerfish 61 ;a"aiian dascyllus 48 @a(anese angelfish 152 /old*saddle goatfish 100 ;a"aiian lionfish $$ @a(anese :ringehead 271 /old*s(ecs 5a"fish '% ;a"aiian Longfin Anthias @a(anese s"allo" ' ! /oldbar "rasse 140 140 @e"el moray 163 /oldbelly damsel $& ;a"aiian squirrelfish 287 @e"elled blenny 121 /olden angelfish )# @oan’s :airy Arasse 156 Aquatical Latin Vol 1 – Index of Common Names 7eyhole angelfish '$# Longfin damselfish 108 Boorish idol #$ 7ida-o moray 158 Longfin dottyback 219 Boustache 5a"fish 167 7ing angelfish 211 Longhorn co"fish #$ Boyer’s dragonet 185 7ing demoiselle '%) Long5a" squirrelfish 177 Bozambique fangblenny 185 7ishima flo"er sea bream 125 Longlure frogfish 186 Bozambique scorpionfish 185 7lunzinger’s "rasse ' & Longnose butterfly fish 124 Bud goby 165 Laboute’s "rasse 160 Longnose ha"-fish '!% Bulatto conger 194 Laced moray 122 Longnose surgeonfish 238 Bulticolor angelfish 185 Lacy scorpionfish )) Longsnout butterflyfish ! Bulticolored dottybac-
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