Eusebius' Chronicle
Eusebius' Chronicle Translated from Classical Armenian by Robert Bedrosian For my sister Karen Bedrosian Richardson Sources of the Armenian Tradition (Long Branch, New Jersey, 2008) This work is in the public domain. It may be copied and distributed freely. Translator's Preface A Note on Pagination At Chronological Tables Maps Eusebius' Introduction Chaldean Chronicle Assyrian Chronicle Median Chronicle Lydian Chronicle Persian Chronicle Hebrew Chronicle Egyptian Chronicle Greek Chronicle Greek Olympiads Kings of Corinth, Sparta, etc. Kings of Asia [Minor] and Syria The Romans Available on other pages of are some useful accompaniments to the Chronicle: The Writings of Flavius Josephus (ca. 37-100), Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History, Roger Pearse's translation of Eusebius' chronological tables (Jerome's Chronicle), and E. A. Wallis Budge's translation of Bar Hebraeus' Chronography (sections I-VII). Eusebius' Chronicle Translator's Preface [i] Eusebius, (ca. 263-ca. 339) author of the Chronicle translated below, was a major Christian author and cleric of the fourth century. His other writings, many of which have survived, include the Ecclesiastical History, the Life of Constantine, historical, martyrological, apologetic, dogmatic, exegetical, and miscellaneous works. Although originally written in Greek, his important Chronicle (Chronography, or Chronicon) has survived fully only in an Armenian translation of the 5th century, of which our present edition is a translation. A fifth century Latin translation (known as Jerome's Chronicle) contains only the second part of Eusebius' two-part work, namely the chronological tables which accompany the text of Book One. Nonetheless, the Latin translation of the chronological tables is invaluable, since the beginning and ending of the corresponding Armenian parts of Book Two are damaged.
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