Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Love Song Of A Madman by agirlnamedtruth Hear ’s Glorious 15-Minute ‘Diary of a Madman/Lovesong’ Live Suite. 's other band combines Ozzy Osbourne and the Cure. A Perfect Circle recently unleashed “By and Down,” their first new song in nine years. On November 26, the alt-metal unit will share another gift: the career-spanning box set, A Perfect Circle: Featuring Stone and Echo . As SPIN noted earlier this week, the comprehensive set includes the 20-track Stone and Echo live LP — recorded at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre outside Denver, Colorado on August 11, 2011 — in both album and DVD form, but the collection also comes with live versions of A Perfect Circle’s three studio albums: 2000’s , 2003’s , and 2007’s eMOTIVe , all captured during the supergroup’s 2010 three-night run of full-album performances. In advance of the fast-approaching retrospective, A Perfect Circle have shared an exclusive track that appears on the eMOTIVe Live full-length (now available for pre-order on iTunes). Scroll down to hear APC’s “Diary of a Madman/Lovesong,” a 15-minute mash-up (with stage banter) of Ozzy Osbourne’s “Diary of a Madman” and the Cure’s “Lovesong.” A Perfect Circle also have a greatest hits set titled that’s available for purchase right now. Followers of Maynard James Keenan should also be on the lookout for the What Is… DVD, a new release from MJK’s project that also drops on November 26. For a sneak peek of the DVD, which combines sketch comedy and performance footage, check out the “Toma” clip right here at SPIN. Oh, and stay tuned for any updates on Tool’s next album. Love (song) [Verse 2] This whole thing's a game, exploding with pain, I'm going insane I'm soaked in this rain, I'm going in this cage, I hope it can change Cause it's choking my veins, slowing my flame It coldens my days, it's molding my ways. It's sculpting my faith, to over pulse and disgrace I'm jumping through pages, looking for something to sing Cause I don't want to result I to rage, my pulse ain't the same Plus I think I'm undergoing some clinical change. This shits bad, should I start acting witful I start asking should I be back with with crystal I took pills instead I had a fist full I probably be dead if I had a pistol. Times run through my head on how bad I miss you Sometimes I wish we hadn't met and I hadn't kissed you But now I see it in my eyes review this time I made a new crime, my feelings aside, I'm screaming and dying. [Chorus] Cause, baby I just want to let you know I'm crazy I will never let you go And maybe you will respect this song And save me from my own dreadful wrong. Cause, baby I just want to let you know I'm crazy I will never let you go Cause I'm in love with you. [Hook] For every single letter that that I've ever ignored I promise you baby I'll be making up for it If you never knew I love you now I'm letting you know it I'm doing all I can do to show you I'm growing. I'm a gentleman enough to prove it now I'm ready to show it Cause all the changes I've made was always for you So don't turn your face when I say I'm crazy for you We only got through change cause your crazy too. [Verse 3] I've made mistakes in the past but now I never try So don't look for what we have in another guy Nobody will understand that your brother died Nobody will understand the damage is done inside. I'll be the only man that always stands by your side It'll only make me mad to see you sad another time So protecting your ass is all I had on my mind For you to get sad and shy a million times. [Chorus] Cause, baby I just want to let you know I'm crazy I will never let you go And maybe you will respect this song And save me from my own dreadful wrong. Cause, baby I just want to let you know I'm crazy I will never let you go Cause I'm in love with you. [Chorus] Baby I just want to let you know I'm crazy I will never let you go And maybe you will respect this song And save me from my own dreadful wrong. Cause, baby I just want to let you know I'm crazy I will never let you go Cause I'm in love with you. A Truth Told by A Madman. This work is very similar to Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal . Both of them used satire, through their whole text, to reveal the ugly truth of the social reality. As in A Modest Proposal ”, Jonathan mocks the British cruel policy toward Ireland; Lu Xun uses a madman’s diary to expose the unacceptable truth: “eating people”. Lu Xun created this work to against the feudalism and the feudal ethics in China. And he claimed that the feudal thinking is “eating” people. In this work, “eating people” culture is referring the Chinese traditional feudal thinking and the madman is a symbol of all the people who against it. The title of this text is so interesting: Diary of a madman . the reader will initially realize that this diary is written by a madman. Which means that all the content is unreliable or unbelievable. Even though this work is in a diary format, which we will observe the world through a crazy guy’s eyes, there will also be a voice in the reader’s mind: “I am a normal person and I am not a madman.” So, of course, when the madman starts talking about the “eating people” stuff, the audience won’t believe. But If we go through the madman’s “mad” descriptions of the people and the history, we can find that every other character’s actions in this fiction are normal and logical. Brother’s cold smile (250,10), the people’s whisper (244,2), and the doctor’s reaction, even the dirty look from the Zhao family’s dog (244,1). All of these are logical responses when people saw a madman or heard his crazy speech. In reality, it is also normal to “eat people”: “since I couldn’t get to sleep anyway, I read that history very carefully for most of the night, and finally, I began to make out what was written between the lines; the whole volume was filled with a single phrase: EAT PEOPLE!” (246) And all the other eating people stories, from Yi Ya to Xu Xilin, are also true events happened in China history (250). Now, the audiences will realize that the madman is talking about the truth. “Eating people” is still remaining on a physical level in madman’s society. But in reality, “eating people” is happening on a psychological, spiritual level – the traditional feudal thinking. The madman seems to be the only person awake in the room, just like a revolutionist. He tried to wake up the rest of the people. But everybody in the society is ignorance and unconscious because they are deeply blinded or assimilated by the feudalism. As a result, they seeing the madman as a madman. About x.liu10. 1 thought on “ A Truth Told by A Madman ” I agree with you. The Madman notices many characteristics from other people as he walk pass them. As he notices, he interprets these traits as people are trying to eat each other. Here, it feels like the game iSpy, where you would notice an object that your friends may not notice. Discovering what others didn’t notice, they would treat him as a Madman as they could not find and see what the Madman is describing. The ignorance in this society leads people into thinking he is a Madman after all. Madly in Love with the “Madman” “Madman” is the story of a confused teenager who receives a copy of Nikolai Gogol’s novel, “Diary of a Madman.” The book inspires him to accept his sexual identity, but makes him a megalomaniac in the process. At first, Jake is a regular present-day boy, worried about school and the prom. All at once, he believes himself to be a nineteenth-century Russian quill sharpener who understands the language of dogs. He alternates between the book and reality, as reality gets more and more unreal. Ultimately, with the centrifuge spinning fast, he fully enters the world of the book. There is a fine line between craziness and creativity. I’m fascinated when a person can cleverly solve problems while conversing with figments of their imagination. What are the rules? What does the person see clearly, perhaps more clearly than most, and what do they see in a slanted way? How are they superior thinkers and how do they crumble? This play contains lots of crumbling. The madman, the quill sharpener, talks to himself. He stands at the entrance to an alleyway and people-watches, speculating about what they’re doing and thinking. Jake confronts reality, then takes two steps backwards, turns his head away, and says, “Oh, no. Couldn’t be.” Why does Jake want to be the madman? Because the madman has confidence. He is optimistic about the future and his possibilities. If somebody insults him, the madman reasons the offending person must be envious of him. Jake is attracted to this survival mechanism. See this play if you like tight acting and story. This play is constructed like the inside of a microorganism. Every doohickey has a purpose. Jake milks each joke. He knows when to wink at the audience to break the tension, and when to keep the audience on their toes, stuck in the emotional moment. Jake has obviously re-read Gogol’s “Diary of A Madman” backwards and forwards, and has had many epiphanies about it. He also has a degree in Slavic Languages & Literature. In this play, two high-quality narratives twist together like steel cables. It’s a feat for Jake and a treat for us. See this show if you like Russian literature, coming-of-age stories, comedies, autobiographies, diaries, or love letters written by dogs. “MADMAN” Written and Performed by Jake Austin Robertson Sept. 23 at 7:30pm, Oct. 14 at 4pm, Oct. 17 at 9pm, Nov. 1 at 9pm Director: Sara Morgulis Original Text: Nikolai Gogol Translation: Constance Garnett Photo: courtesy of the production United Solo 2018 Theatre Row 410 West 42nd Street New York City. DC Dystopia. DC Dystopia was a challenge in Supernatural fandom focusing on dark story tropes. All stories had to focus on the pairing of Dean/Castiel or the RPF pairing of Jensen/Misha. It ran for three rounds between 2011 - 2013, the first and the third challenge were run like a big bang challenge, although authors could choose whether they wanted to write a smaller fic of 5000 words or a full fic of 15,000 words, authors who chose 15,000 words got two pieces of art made for their fic. The second challenge was a reverse bang. Masterlists. Round 1. Title: Where Such Roads Always Lead Author: agirlnamedtruth Artist: usarechan Fandom/Genre: Supernatural; Slash. Pairings: Dean/Castiel Rating: NC17 Word Count: 18,000 Warnings: Explicit sexual content, violence, torture (both main and non-main characters), background alcoholism, explicit language, AR/canon deviation. Author's Note: I'd like to thank my beta verucasalt123 for being so much more than a beta. I'd also like to thank my artist, usarechan who not only has created such beautiful artwork but has put in an astonishing amount of work and effort, she really went above and beyond. Summary: Set directly after Castiel's death, Dean is struggling to cope (that is where canon ends). What Dean doesn’t know, to begin with, is that Castiel’s punishment is to have to watch Dean, unable to be seen or heard. Dean’s denial of his death, prompted by a series of dreams, turns into an unshakeable faith that he’s still alive. A fellow Angel takes pity on their situation and ramps up Cas’ powers, allowing Castiel and Dean to have a more physical relationship. However that short recompense becomes their downfall. Meanwhile Crowley and The Leviathan have their own plans to claim the world. With Dean driven half mad by Cas’ sudden disappearance and the price for Cas’ crimes being his Grace, they can’t even see the world ending around them. A rather angst, desperation fuelled fic, focusing on emotional outbursts and a unhealthy astral relationship. Title: It's In Your Eyes, Where the Shadows Lie Author: tristinai Artists: cedarcliffe Fandom/Genre: Supernatural It's a Terrible Life AU verse Pairings: Jimmy/Dean, Castiel/Dean, mentions of Dean/'Dr.Sexy' and Dean/OMCs Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 17 000 Warnings: Language, stalking, gore, sex, d/s themes, sex between minors (under 13, not descriptive), major character death Dean, cannibalism, necrophilia, twincest, incest, pedophilia, patricide, non-con, dub-con, suicide, mental illness (Dissociative Identity Disorder), hallucinations. There are some pretty dark themes here so please read all the warnings. Summary: Jimmy Novak has been working as Dean Smith's secretary for the last two years. After two years of crushing on his employer, Jimmy and Dean finally go out on a date. However, unknown to Dean, Castiel has also taken an interest in him and Dean's stalker will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. Title: No Other Counsel Than His Own Author: mikoy Artist: geckoholic Fandom/Genre: Supernatural Pairings: Dean/Castiel Rating: mild R Word Count: 23k Warnings: Major character death, onscreen and off; show-level violence; depiction of death by torture; guys kissing (o noes!); Raphael being a great big jerk Summary:Castiel prays for a sign about the plan to open Purgatory—but when he gets it, the one who provides it may have an ulterior motive. Title: You and I Author: mozzarellaroses Artists: takethatina and patchedfox Fandom/Genre: SUPERNATURAL, based on the music video and song "You and I" by Lady Gaga. ALTERNATE UNIVERSE crossed with SPN's canon. Romance. Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Minor Sam/Gabriel Rating: R Word Count: 12,797 (13,444 with final notes) Warnings: Obsession, death!fic, light implications of body horror, confusing non-linear storytelling Summary: Dean wakes up in another world where Dean and Sam Winchester were raised by Mary, and always reminded that "Angels are watching over you." The Dean of this world knew this to be true. After all, he'd seen one, the night of the fire. An angel in a trench coat that saved his life. This is the story of the man who loved too much, the angel who didn't want to let go, and the man who put all these events into motion. Based on Lady Gaga's music video of her song "You and I". Title: Made of Earth Author: breebree16 Artists: myfriendfredric and xenoamorist Fandom/Genre: Supernatural, Dystopia AU Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Lisa Rating: R Word Count: 33,237 Warnings: Character death, scenes of an untreated mental disorder, descriptions of suicide and one attempted suicide. Summary: Their whole lives, Dean and Castiel's relationship has been entwined. Dean takes care of Castiel because of his illness and they all struggle with day to day life. They live in what used to be Kansas, in what used to be the United States. Now known as Republica, physical aliments are a thing of the past, mental illness is highly monitored and fixed, and everyone lives as a caricature of America in the 1950s, where men are men, women are women, and anything out of the norm is considered deviant. Dean struggles with the guilt of wife's death, and the feelings that he's always had towards his best friend. Title: the god of loneliness Author: tasogareika Artists: cedarcliffe Fandom/Genre: SPN AU/AR; future!fic. Drama, angst, heartbreak. A bit of gore and violence, but nothing too gruesome. Also, character death. Pairings: Pre/unrequited Dean/Castiel Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 17, 010 Warnings: Spoilers up to 6.22 and then diverges from there with a distinct lack of Leviathans. Assume in this story it’s really Cas going crazy with the soul juice rather than creepy black blooded monsters from Purgatory. Warnings for um, possible massive heartbreak? I got nothing. Summary: As Castiel goes around the world wrecking havoc under his new title of 'God', the Winchesters find themselves forced to contain him before things get too out of hand. It is from there where the beginning of the end starts, as they find a certain ritual that will bind anything to their control and use it on Castiel. The result: Dean holding the leash that controls the most dangerous being on Earth, and he'll soon learn that keeping a God in your control isn't anything that its cracked up to be, especially when the world finally discovers about the existence of the supernatural. A post Season 6 AU/future fic featuring angst, drama and a tiny bit of action. Title: Like Whiskey Authors: highermagic and sully86 Artist: tequilafish7 Fandom/Genre: Supernatural, Dark!fic, demon!fic. Pairings: Demon!Dean/Leviathan!Castiel, Dean/Castiel/OFC. Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 16,000 Warnings: This fic includes graphic character death, violence, graphic non-consensual sex, cannibalism, blood!kink, torture and emotional abuse as well as D/s dynamics. Summary: When Castiel tried to open the door to Purgatory, his demon companion was there with him every step of the way. Now, with the power of the Leviathan fueling Castiel, he and Dean fight, feed and f*ck their way through the United States. Dean picks the victims and Castiel can eat his fill - quite an elegant solution. Until Dean targets the home of three Hunters and finds himself trapped in their home with no way out. Needless to say, Castiel will not be happy. An alternate for seasons 4, 5 and 6. Title: Razor Wire Shrine Author: queengeekkeri Artists: lenntmechs and tooquickly Fandom/Genre: Supernatural Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Castiel/OMC, Dean/OMC Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 44.500 Warnings: Spoilers up to 5.4, m/m explicit sex, oral sex, angry sex, anal sex, blasphemy, drug abuse, violence, gore, more sex, angst, major character deaths (a few of the loved ones so be prepared), alcohol abuse, angry drunken sex, misrepresentation of God (maybe), Bottom!Dean, Top!Dean, Bottom!Cas, Top!Cas, suicide attempt, angsty ruff sex, more blasphemy and then sex, Dean puts Baby in the corner. Summary: The year is 2014 and the Colt works. Dean kills the Devil but Cas refuses to let that be the end for Dean. Cas tries to make Dean see that he still has so much to live for and finds out that he has more to live for as well now that the apocalypse is over and humanity has a second chance. Title: A Moment of Weakness Author: dauntperplexity Artists: dazedrose and annachuu Fandom/Genre: Supernatural AR Pairings: Dean/Castiel Rating: R Word Count: 90,335 Warnings: angst, hurt/Comfort, evil!Dean, torture, nightmares, blood, non-con Grace touching, attempted non-con, withdrawal, swearing Summary: Castiel didn’t die. Instead, the Leviathans stashed him away until they had a use for him. Castiel is brought back to Dean by angels and he doesn’t know how to react. Dean knows that something bad happened to Castiel while he was away, but Castiel won’t tell anyone. Dean has to figure it out so he can help a friend that he wasn’t there for before and also find a way to stop the Leviathans. Especially with Castiel’s return comes the reveal of the Leviathan’s plan. Title: Title: I Broke Apart My Insides, I’ve Got No Soul To Sell Author: twisting_vine_x Artists: rednarcissism Fandom/Genre: Supernatural Pairings: Dean/Castiel Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 15,000 Warnings: Bloodplay, knife play, rimming, brief asphyxiation, rough fingering, maybe kinda potential dubcon (Dean’s lack of soul, and Castiel’s state of mind), bondage, spanking, general physical violence, rough sex, graphic memories of torture (Hell), brief allusion to past non-con (Hell). Summary: Two years after Sam Winchester goes to Hell, with the world once again hanging in balance and Castiel hating himself for the decisions he’s been forced into making, Dean Winchester agrees to loan out his soul to power up one of Heaven’s weapons. It’s an alright plan except for the fact that, with Dean’s soul out of the picture – and with Castiel exhausted from the war, and overwhelmed by the pressure of never once letting himself be anything but the perfect little solider – Dean and Castiel seem to be heading towards something that Castiel’s not sure either of them can come back from. Title: A Heartbeat Away (A Breath Too Far) Author: chef_geekier Artist: tiggeratl1 Fandom/Genre: Supernatural/RPF alternate dimensions. Pairings: Unrequited Dean/Cas, brief Dean/Misha, mentioned non-con OMC/Misha Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 5,800 Warnings: Kidnapping, spiked drinks, alternate realities, allusions to underage non-con (nothing graphic), angst, captivity, brief violence, minor (16 years) with crush on adult, minor/adult kiss, some bad language, character death. Summary: When Cas turned up and asked for Dean's help tracking down a dimension-hopping, teen-kidnapping, hard-to-track-down mage, he didn't think twice before agreeing to help. He really should have. Because now he's chained up in a basement with a sixteen year old boy named Misha who looks a lot like Cas, unable to do anything while Sam and Cas grow ever more desperate to find him. Title: Turn Me Around (take me back to the start Author: cards_slash Artists: ambiloquy Fandom/Genre: Supernatural Pairings: Dean/Cas, Cas/OMCs, Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 19k Warnings: dub-con, rough sex, violence, torture, curse words, drug use, light gore, angst, canon character death Summary: Set in The End. When Cas dies the last thing he thinks about is Dean and the man that he’s become by 2014. It’s a story told in of how they’d gone from angel- and-righteous man to the barely recognizable people they are on the day they die. What started out as a partnership against the incredible odds slowly gets turned into a co-dependent hateful mess. Title: We're running up that road. Author: yohkobennington Artist: myfriendfredric Fandom/Genre: Supernatural / AU. Pairings: Dean/Castiel Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 10,000 Warnings: Major characters death. Psychological disorder. Self-harming. Suicide.Rough sex. Barebacking. *Everything is descriptive.* Summary: When Castiel met Dean, it was love at first fuck. He didn't foresee falling so hard for him, as he also didn't count on all the complications that meant being with Dean. As years past and they form a life together it seems things can work out even with the constant black horizon over their heads. Still knowing this, the least anybody expected, was the tragic ending of their relationship. Title: The Consort Author: ladyoneill Artists: temporalranger and lennymechs Fandom/Genre: Supernatural AU from the end of Season 6 Pairings: Dean/Castiel (as god) Rating: NC17 Word Count: 17,282 Warnings: graphic non-con sex between Dean and Castiel, violence, language, Stockholm Syndrome, mass murder, minor suicidal thoughts, major character death, non-graphic mentions of child prostitution and rape in Hell non-graphic. Summary: Filled with the souls and grace and demonic presences from Purgatory, Castiel proclaims himself the new god and demands Dean, of all humans, kneel before him. Sam is broken and Dean gets Castiel to agree to fix him by rashly promising to do anything. Anything means becoming an unwilling consort to the new god as he destroys the wicked and blesses the few good and begins his not so benevolent conquering of Earth. Meanwhile, Sam, Bobby and Crowley scramble to find a way to depower Castiel. with a little help from one of the beings trapped within him. A/U Season 7 with no mention of the leviathans and my own take on the church and political office scenes in 7.1. Title: Behold, I am Vile Author: lunasky3 Artists: dizbil and daeos Fandom/Genre: Supernatural Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Alastair Rating: R Word Count: 6357 Warnings: dubcon & noncon situations (non-graphic), hell, explicit torture, mind-games Summary: After Castiel declares himself god, he's determined to capture Dean's love by any means necessary. Title: to the lost Author: janie_tangerine Artists: gassadaa Fandom/Genre: Supernatural. Pairings: Dean/Castiel, past Dean/Lisa Rating: NC17 Word Count: 12800 ca Warnings: violence, PTSD (both main characters are WWI veterans) - includes some flashbacks to war scenes, one main character is permanently/heavily disfigured/scarred, minor characters dying left and right/killed in cold blood, since both main characters are hitmen. Blood on people's hands (literally and metaphorically). Mentions that both main characters had fleeting suicidal thoughts in the past. Summary: 1921: Dean Winchester and Castiel Milton are two WWI veterans meeting by chance at a hospital. Dean, works for an alcohol smuggler for whom he does small/dirty business. After Castiel helps Dean with his current assignment, he ends up working alongside him for good. Neither of them is completely fine with it but when the only thing you're trained to do is kill people, there's not much of a choice. Title: All Things Author: seraphwings Artists: amberdreams and armageddon12 Fandom/Genre: Supernatural Pairings Dean/Castiel admittedly one-sided. Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 7,991 Warnings: Multiple character death, angsty angst angst, guilt trips ahoy, swearing. Summary: After his death at the hands of the Leviathan, Castiel is brought back to life yet again. only this time, he's finally going to get some answers. Just. not any that he'd ever want to hear. Title: To Call Your Own Author: lady_deathangel Artists: tiggeratl1 and shanaou Fandom/Genre: Supernatural Pairings: Dean/Castiel Rating: NC- 17 Word Count: 18,873 Warnings: slavery, mentions of physical and psychological torture, graphic sexual content, dub-con (The dub-con is largely situational. Both parties explicitly consent to having sex BUT it could still be construed as dub-con due to the uneven power dynamics inherent in a slave/master relationship.) Summary: The most important rule to remember is that all property of the Adler Estate will behave in accordance with the First Amendment of the North American Union and will follow the Governing Body's Statute of Slavery to the letter of the law. Being a slave doesn't suit Dean but it's nothing he can't handle until someone familiar takes him out of Alistair's cruel hands and into his own. Suddenly Dean finds himself at war with what he wants, struggling to reconcile the man he knew with the one he calls "master" and fighting to remember who he is and what he's ultimately set out to do. Title: he Smell of Napalm in the Morning Author: Linda92595 Fandom: Supernatural Characters/Pairings: Cas/OMCs, Cas/Dean Rating: PG-13 implied M/M sex Word Count: 8609 Warnings: M/M sex, implied prostitution, violence, angst up the wazoo…duh, post-apocalypse Croatoan verse fic, dark behavior, dub-con, End verse dark Dean, domestic abuse, drug use. Summary: Set in the Croatoan/Post Apocalypse verse. Dean leave Castiel, who is falling, to find Sam, then meets up with him again.