"Bei uns ist immer was los!"


bringer of gifts: der Gabenbringer, die Gabenbringer

Ni kolaus-Namen

Nicholas Gloss~ - Das Nikolaus-Lexikon - German Names for Nicholas

The many German names for and his escorts...

The following alphabetical list Includes most of the many different German names used for NikolauS/Saint Nicholas and his helpers (Begleiter).

MALE: Ale Josef, Ascbekias, Ascbenmann, Bartel/Bartl, Beelzebub, , Belsnickle (Amer.), Belznickel, Boozenickel, Bornklndl, Bullerklaas/Bullerklas, Burklaas, Butz, Butzemirtel, ~. Dllvel, Hans Muff, Hans Trapp, Heiliger Mann, Klnnjes, Klaasbur, Klapperbock, Klas Bur, Klaubauf, Klaus, Klawes, Klos, , Leutfresser, Niglo, Nikolo, Pelzebock, Pelzebub, Pelzemirtel, Pelznickel, Pelzpercht, Pelzprecht, Pulterklas, Rauklaas, Rugklaas, Ruhklas, Rumpelklas, Rupsack, Samichlaus, Satniklos, Schjmmelrejter, SchmutzJj, Schnabuck, Semper, Stormickel, Strohnlckel, Sunner Klaus, Swatter Pitt, Zlnk Muff, Zlnterl

FEMALE: Berchte/Berchtel, Budelfrau, Buzebergt, Lutzl, Percbt, Pudelfrau, Rauweib, Zamperin


. >' der Ascheklas northern German term for Knecht Ruprecht


der Bartel/Bartl term for Krampus or Ruprecht in Styrla/Steiermark (Austria)

der Belsnickel, Belsnjckle. Belznickel

All three terms above are related to Pelznlc:kel and are variations of the name found in the Palatinate along the Rhine, the saarland, and several other northwest German areas. Belsnlckle is a term used by German-Americans from those regions and their descendents. c

das Christklnd/das Christklndl Christ Child

The -bringer In Protestant regions of Germany. luther's original concept was more like the baby , but the was gradually transformed Into an adult angel dressed all in white. But today, the Weihnachtsmann has pretty much taken over the Christkind role, even In northern Germany.

der Christkindlmarkt/der Christkindlesmarkt /fair

Also called der Weihnachtsmarkt, Christmas markets are set up in a town square during the season (the four weeks leading up to Christmas).


der Dlissell Swiss German term for Knecht Ruprecht

der Hans Muff ("der muffige Hans" u "grumpy Hans") Lower Rhine/Nlederrhein term for Knecht Ruprecht


Jesus (YEA-zoos), Jesulein Jesus, Baby Jesus

:los Swabian name for St. Nicholas' helper I

Knecht Ruprecht North German name for St. Nicholas' helper.

Krampus Austrian/Bavarlan name for Knecht Ruprecht.