Chapter 23: Equatorial

Unit 6 Section 1: Physical Geography Landforms

• Located along the • Also known as: or the Heart of Africa • Covers about 2.7 million square miles of land


• Countries of the : – DRC – – Central African – Equatorial – Republic of the (aka the Congo) – South – Southern part of Landforms

– Basin- of land that is drained by a river and its tributaries – Rainfall in this region flows downhill and collects into streams which eventually empty into the – Second largest river basin on Earth

Water Systems

= – Gulf-part of an ocean that is partially enclosed by land • 5 countries have coastlines, so fishing is an important part of the economy • Congo River makes the border between the Republic of Congo and DRC • River reaches the Atlantic through an estuary – Passage where freshwater meets seawater

Water Systems

• Congo River is easy to navigate in some areas, but in other areas there are rapids – This impacts the movement of goods and people • On the eastern side lies Lake Tanganyika – 420 miles long – 1 mile deep in some places Climates, Biomes, and Resources

• High temperatures and tropical climates • Tropical rain climate • The highland areas have a montane climate – “mountainous area”

Climates, Biomes, and Resources

• Rainforests • Tropical cover much of the southern part of this region – Rainfall is common • Mineral resources are abundant – Cobalt – Copper – Gold – Silver – Zinc – Oil – Natural Gas Section 2: Human Geography History and Government

• First settlers of the region: Mbuti/Pygmies • Bantu moved into the region – Farmers and herders – Established settlements in 800 AD

History and Government

• Europeans first came to the region for trading of gold, ivory, textiles, and slaves • Millions of people were sold as slaves –

History and Government

• Much of the area was not colonized until the 19th century due to environmental obstacles: – Malaria and Congo River cataracts • eventually gained control of the Rep. of Congo • King Leopold II of was a terrible ruler and caused much suffering among the people of Western and Central Africa History and Government

• Year of = 1960 • Issues following independence: – Ethnic Conflicts – Harsh Rule – Human Rights Violations – Civil Wars • Some countries have gained stability through utilizing their natural resources to make money Society and Culture Today

• Hundreds of ethnic groups reside in the area – …hundreds of languages • Major religions: and – Some local/indigenous religions still practiced Economics

• Main economic activity: farming – Many people are still subsistence farmers – Small percentage involved in cash crops • Peanuts, palm oil, sisal (vegetable fiber used in various materials) • Lumber activities – Environmental impact • Fishing • Minerals (mining…not manufacturing) Section 3: People and Their Environment Managing Resources

• Poverty and hunger are serious issues • Internally displaced persons-refugee within his or her own country – Due to and war • Resources that are helping the area: – Rivers for hydroelectric power – Mineral resources • Copper • Cobalt • Diamonds