Maps do more than simply represent data. They portray understanding, knowledge, and discovery. Create maps that are understandable by people Web GIS Desktop GIS everywhere—in governments, organizations, and the public—with Esri’s ArcGIS® for INSPIRE. This solution is the Geoportal key tool for sharing information across because it provides a common picture of the world to everyone. Mobile GIS Open up government, provide transparency, and help solve INSPIRE environment-related problems. ArcGIS for INSPIRE provides a geospatial platform that does the following: • Combines real-time information on the y • Creates a spatial information network quickly • Supports better decision making Discovery • Creates metadata, data, and services fully compliant with the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe View Download (INSPIRE) Directive


INSPIRE ArcGIS Data Poland’s Head Of ce of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGIK) introduced a land information modernization program in the 1980s. By 2011, the minister of regional development and construction signed a regulation on the national land information system. Today, Esri® technology, including ArcGIS for INSPIRE, is used for GUGIK’s GeoPortal2, a project designed to improve access to government datasets and provide mapping and survey services to other government agencies, citizens, and businesses. GeoPortal2 was implemented by Esri distributor Esri Polska sp. z o.o.; Esri partner GISPartner; and the largest IT company in the country, Asseco Poland S.A. The project includes integrated, uni ed distribution of spatial data services de ned by the INSPIRE Directive; more streamlined and improved data maintenance; a digital archive of spatial data for the central registry of data; uniform maintenance Since INSPIRE’s inception, Luxembourg has met all on all data product and service orders; and more accurate the directive’s milestones. For its INSPIRE geoportal, monitoring of distributed resources. Luxembourg uses a combination of software, including Esri’s ArcGIS for INSPIRE, open source products, Oracle as the database, and Safe Software’s FME, to translate disparate geographic data into INSPIRE standards. Luxembourg’s SDI was created to not solely respond to INSPIRE obligations but also meet the need for a more coordinated and organized approach to a national geodatabase. The Administration of Cadastre and Topography (ACT) creates and maintains most of the geographic data available in the country, including the cadastral map and its subsets, the different topographic and cartographic maps and databases, the digital terrain model, and the of cial national orthophoto layer. ACT ensures that use of public geodatasets is optimized for government users and that there is easier access to geographic data, forming a better basis for decision making.

Learn more on how to comply with the INSPIRE directive at esri.com/inspire.

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