AS/Pol/Inf (2014) 21 29 August 2014 Apdocinf21_14 Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy Exchange of views with Mr Michel Rocard Former member of the European Parliament, Senator and Prime Minister of France The aftermath of elections to the European Parliament Records Strasbourg, 24 June 2014 Introduction by Ms Anne Brasseur, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Speech by Mr Michel Rocard, Former member of the European Parliament, Senator and Prime Minister of France Questions and Answers This document is also available on the Parliamentary Assembly Extranet website (restricted area for Members) F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex |
[email protected] | Tel: + 33 3 88 41 2000 | Fax: +33 3 88 41 27 33 AS/Pol/Inf (2014) 21 [Theodora Bakoyannis, Greece, EPP/CD – Chairperson of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy] Dear Colleagues, it’s an honour to welcome today Monsieur Michel Rocard, former French Prime Minister, Deputy and Senator, former Member of the European Parliament. It is equally an honour to have with us today Ms Anne Brasseur, President of the Assembly. I realised that since her election Ms Brasseur has been with us in most of our meetings. Madame Brasseur, I give you briefly the floor. [Anne Brasseur, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe] Thank you very much Madam Chairperson. Mr Prime Minister, I am honoured and, above all, extremely pleased to welcome you to the Council of Europe, the House of Democracy. I will not dwell on your past achievements as we are all well aware of everything you did as Prime Minister of our host country, and especially of your record in human rights matters.