Practical Guidance for the Evaluation and Management of Drug Hypersensitivity: Specific Drugs
Specific Drugs Practical Guidance for the Evaluation and Management of Drug Hypersensitivity: Specific Drugs Chief Editors: Ana Dioun Broyles, MD, Aleena Banerji, MD, and Mariana Castells, MD, PhD Ana Dioun Broyles, MDa, Aleena Banerji, MDb, Sara Barmettler, MDc, Catherine M. Biggs, MDd, Kimberly Blumenthal, MDe, Patrick J. Brennan, MD, PhDf, Rebecca G. Breslow, MDg, Knut Brockow, MDh, Kathleen M. Buchheit, MDi, Katherine N. Cahill, MDj, Josefina Cernadas, MD, iPhDk, Anca Mirela Chiriac, MDl, Elena Crestani, MD, MSm, Pascal Demoly, MD, PhDn, Pascale Dewachter, MD, PhDo, Meredith Dilley, MDp, Jocelyn R. Farmer, MD, PhDq, Dinah Foer, MDr, Ari J. Fried, MDs, Sarah L. Garon, MDt, Matthew P. Giannetti, MDu, David L. Hepner, MD, MPHv, David I. Hong, MDw, Joyce T. Hsu, MDx, Parul H. Kothari, MDy, Timothy Kyin, MDz, Timothy Lax, MDaa, Min Jung Lee, MDbb, Kathleen Lee-Sarwar, MD, MScc, Anne Liu, MDdd, Stephanie Logsdon, MDee, Margee Louisias, MD, MPHff, Andrew MacGinnitie, MD, PhDgg, Michelle Maciag, MDhh, Samantha Minnicozzi, MDii, Allison E. Norton, MDjj, Iris M. Otani, MDkk, Miguel Park, MDll, Sarita Patil, MDmm, Elizabeth J. Phillips, MDnn, Matthieu Picard, MDoo, Craig D. Platt, MD, PhDpp, Rima Rachid, MDqq, Tito Rodriguez, MDrr, Antonino Romano, MDss, Cosby A. Stone, Jr., MD, MPHtt, Maria Jose Torres, MD, PhDuu, Miriam Verdú,MDvv, Alberta L. Wang, MDww, Paige Wickner, MDxx, Anna R. Wolfson, MDyy, Johnson T. Wong, MDzz, Christina Yee, MD, PhDaaa, Joseph Zhou, MD, PhDbbb, and Mariana Castells, MD, PhDccc Boston, Mass; Vancouver and Montreal,
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