SMC Announces Speaker
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1 .. .ND Government -page 7 VOL XV, NO. 135 an indept·ndent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's WEDNESDAY, APRil. 29, 19H I Standing ovation Reagan delivers address WASHINGTON (AP)- President president called anew for swift included only a passing rdC.·rc.·nc.T to Reagan, cheered to the echo as he pa.'isage of his economic package, tht· tax plan, considered tlw more returned to the public stage, told saying inaction "will dday even lon difficult clement to pass in the Congress last night that his tax and ger - and more painfully - the lc.-gislative package. spending cuts are "the only answer cure which must come." Congress sc.·c.·mnl in a tar mort· we have left" for a sick economy. "The American people now want cooperative mood c.·vt·n hcfort· the In his first address since he was us to act, and not in half measures," president heac.kd l(>r the wdl of the shot in an assassination attempt on he said in the nationally broadcast House. Thret· Republicans rejoined March 30, the president address. "They demand - and they the administration's li>ld on the pronoun<:ed his own health much have earned - a full and com Senate Budget Committc.T. ckaring improved, but said the economy is prehensive effon to clc.-an up our the way ti>r that panl'l to get t ht· as sick as ever. economic mess." president's spending hluepnnt had Reagan was welcomed by a rafter· Although the president's program on track. And llousc.· kadcrs indi· shaking ovation which left him with of budget cuts has been linked to his cated the presidc.·nt prohahly no\\ "no words to express that greeting." tax reduction proposals, the speet·h has the votes to win thc.·n· too. He said his recovery was buoyed by the "friendship and yes, love" of his fellow citizens since he was shot. Congress seemed to have gotten the message even before the presi Cosmos·producer calls dent presented it. Earlier in the day, the Senate Budget Committee ap proved by a vote 'of I S-6 a budget planets consciousness key blueprint which seemed made to or der for the chief executive. At the same time, the president, By TOM SHAUGHNESSEY who showed no evidence whatever News Staff of his wound, told the House and Senate they risk public wrath unless Gentry Lee, co-producer of Carl Sagan's television series "Cosmos," his economic package is quickly ap presented an audio-visual lecture on" Man and the.· Cosmos" at the Cc.·nter for proved. Continuing Education auditorium la.'it night. It was his first public appearance "Man can never go back to the state of not knowing... ~00 years from now. since the assassination attempt, and people will look back with wistful romanticism on the discoveries being an occasion of high c.lrama. The made today." With this statement Gentry Lee set the tone.· for his discussion president was received with a three ofJ~piter, Saturn, and their moons. using photographs taken by the Voyager minute ovation of applause, c.·heers space missions. and whistles bcf(>re he interrupted Mixing scientific concepts with entertaining asides, Let· treatt·d the with: "You wouldn't want to talk me audience to a computer graphics film which gave the viewer a tour of Saturn into an encore?" and its moons from the vantage point oft he Voyager space craft. Registration for next year is In full swing Ibis week us everything In a speech for a joint session of "We are chemicals who havt· become a wart· of our own chemistry," said from class schedules to ID pictures are being taken care ofat Stepen the House and Senate and a national Lee. stressing that the study of other planets "will tell us a lot about the Center. (Photo byjobn Mucor) radio and television audience, the chemistry that led to us," and will create " a continuation of the asking of questions and the getting of answers which has set us apart from other creatures." Honorary degree Lee Defended the space program, a victim of the president's proposc:d tax cuts, saying,"The cost per citizen of the Voyager has been J2.40 pc:r American over 1oix years... for S2.20 per American pt r yt·ar, we could give your children an accurate atlas oftht· universe." Health and Human Services SMC announces speaker costs Americans in excess of S800 per person, and the tht· Pt·ntagon J7'i per American per year "to build weapon systems that have no possibility of being." Mrs. Helen M. Luke, a Jungian of her essays has just appeared in a of the Hospital' Financial Manage According to Lee, there is "good reason to suspect that the sky is humming counselor who wrote, "Every book entitled Woman: Earth and ment Association, she served as its with the sound of other civilizations." Lee postulated that if one percent of reflective and discriminating Spirit. president and received the Associa the creatures that may exist in the universt• "figure out how to harness their woman has the responsibility to ask Mrs. Luke, a native of England, tion's highest honor, the Morgan conciousness and live in harmony," then there are "between two and fivt· herself, what kind of free spirit is it holds a master's degree from Some Award for distinguished service in million advanced technological civilizations in the Milky Way." that breathes through me and is the rville College, Oxford University, hospital financial management. Lee graduated summa t·um laude from the University ofTc.·xas and stud it'd dominant influence in my life?" in where she studied Italian and Franch Sister Bertrand also held the posi mathematics, physics, and aerospace engineering at Ma.~sachusetts lnstitutt· "The Ufe of the Spirit in Women," language and literature. tion of general treasurer of the· Sis of Technology. He is presently t:onnected with the Galileo project a span will deliver the commencement Monsignor John Joseph Egan is ters ofthe Holy Cross from 1961-67 craft that will probe the atmosphere of Jupiter and then become a pc.·r· address and receive an honorary the founder and past chairman of the and has served as secretary and manent satellite of the planet. doctor of humanities degree at the Catholic Committee on Urban Min member of the Board of Regents at Before calling for questions from the audience, Lee lamt·ntt·d. "Pt•opil !34th commencement exercises at istry and a board member of many Saint Mary's College since 1973. Sis who think more than two or three years in tht· future or try to tt·ach pt·oplt Saint Mary's College on Saturday, foundations and organizations ter Bertrand will be awarded an something that doesn't help them to deal with thdr daily lives art· con· May 16. including the National Catholic See COMMENCEMENT, page 4 side red irrelevant." Also recevlng honorary degrees Reporter, Guild for the Blind and In arc Monsignor John Joseph Egan, terreligious Foundation for Com director of the Center for Pastoral munity Organization. He served the New AM style and Social Ministry at the University Archdiocese of Chicago as director of Notre Dame; Sister M. Bertrand of the Cana Conference of Chicago, Sullivan, general treasurer of the 1947-S8; as director of the Office of WSND undergoes change Congregation of Sisters of the Holy Urban Affairs 1958-69; and as a Cross; and Sister Jeanne Knoerle, counsultor from 1966-69. Editor's note: The ;ollowing is tbe next semester. We will also res been very successful this year," he.· president of Saint Mary-of-the Monsignor Egan acted as chair conclusion of a two-part series on chedule AM news times, and in said. "Encounters dt•als with corn· Woods College. The President's man of the Association of Chicago radio station WSND. Observer crease features for the AM station." munity affairs, and air~ on Sunday Medal will be awarded to Father Priests from 1969-70 and received reporter Kellt Flint interviewed the Gus Tamborcllo, chief announcer evenings. Casimiro Roca, and Maria Mazza the first University of Notre Dame directors of the News, Sports, for WSND-AM, pointed out that, "Wt· will also have a nt·w styk AM Kompare. Reinhold Niebuhr Award in 1973. Production, and Sales Departments talk show, which will hopdully in· Belen M. Luke studlt:d the psy Earlier this year Monsignor Egan oftbeAM/FM stations. volve more students both inside and chology of Carl G. Jung in Zurich received the John XXIII Award for outside the station. and practiced as a counselor in Los Excellence in Ministry from the As By KELLI FLINT The newscasts for the.· FM station Angeles for 14 years. She moved to sociation of Chicago Priests. Senior StaffReporter will remain the same as this year. Three Rivers, Ml, in 1963 at which In addition to his duties as direc beginning at 7:.~0 a.m. and c.·nding ;H time she established a small center tor of the Center for Pastoral and The WSND News, Sports, Produc "The D]'s news announcers and midnight." :md guest house for people seeking Social Ministry, he serves as assistant tion, and Sales departments service sportscasters working together not He added that the News lkpart to understand the transforming to the president of Notre Dame. both the AM( 6400) and the only enha:1ces the professional ment provides students with train power of symbols In th t eir lives. Saint Mary's will confer Monsignor FM( 88.9) stations. sound, but also provides valuable ing.