Washington Reacts to Grasso the Economy Frldoy
iHaurliPstpr^/* Sunny Windy and cold today. Clear and cold tonight, u p n becoming warmer Satur- W c A T n t n day. Vd. C, No. 56 — Manchwtor, Conn., Friday, Decombar 6, 1980 YOVR HOMETOff'IS yEWSRAPER • Since 1881 • 20« Washington reacts to Grasso who is traveling in Germany said this governor and to me an especially By LISA SHEPARD compassion and responsibility. “ As state legislator, Connecticut of Grasso when his aides contacted good friend. Connecticut and its peo Herald Washington Bureau secretary of state, member of him about her resignation. “ She is a ple have always been first in her WASHINGTON - From both sides Related stories Congress and for six years as gover great governor and an outstanding heart but today more than ever of the political fence came an out nor, Ella Grasso has fought to im human being. ’The people of Connec before, she is first in ours." pouring of high praise and prayers prove the lives of those most ticut will miss her leadership. Our Page 2 A spokesman for the National Thursday from friends and vulnerable in our society,’’ said hopes and prayers are with Ella Governors Association, in which Washington colleagues over the news Carter. Grasso today," of Gov. Ella Grasso's resignation at said Rep. Robert Giamo, a North said Giamo. From the other party and a man Rep. William Cotter, (D- Grasso has been an active member, the end of the year. Haven Democrat and senior member President Carter, who depended who might well run for governor in Hartford), a longtime friend of when asked if Grasso had an enemies Grgsao, who has liver cancer, an of the Connecticut delegation in the heavily on Grasso’s early support for 1982, Connecticut Republican Sen.
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