Discover the New Scranton Ii Gohimbus Week Only!

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Discover the New Scranton Ii Gohimbus Week Only! ** P*4 WCHE8TER HERALD. Wcdnetdav. Oct. 14, ll>7 3 - IrMMDOD CHIVNOLat-BUICK.CLYDE INC. IMLE Decided: It’s Twins LYNCH RO UTE 93, VERNON Fence: Educators say fix it — or else / page n n E w o o o m E MUSTANG. 1«f7. Auto­ PONTIAC-TOYOTA TOOpuHrOoupa *2096 matic, run* and look* vs. Cards in World OiOodoaOiooPU *4006 pood. White. S2300. MMmum. MO/VltA TO TOYOTA CON eer oaotmucyMp. *6106 TePUCKMOALVe Alae, 1963 Impale S5 Series / page 9 7* POND riao 4»4 ef>T CAP 03 0oiMM«M«4e. *0006 cenvertible 409. 4 Feast: Students ** 8SRh5iri*^ TaOMCPAPPVAN OOawryOlOTtM*«M *7106 opeed. Slow firm. 433- eat up M C C course / page 13 rejUPCHiNOKIi4»4 03NaeN4*. *0006 4tS2 e r423-7l 23. raVWNAPPITAO 040renoe4 x4 *0206 aOCMiy CITATION MNaedM*. *0006 *0 PONO PAIMIONT WON •OPONOMUPTANQ 04CamM«m». *0406 EW f&lS^ MPONTPMtPINO 00ClM«yP-l0»MM» *0406 d o d g e 1973 Wi'em Mo­ •OPONTPUNPINO tied eeiURM for Mrpoln 00Ch*vyCNMto*4*. *0496 to r home. 1916'. ^OH Salt 1 drum Mt, l •0 TOYOTA 4 WDPU E jfe k jifii 00Nov*4er. *0406 ouHor omf 1 kaybooml. N TOYOTA CIUOA INiyaf Automotlc-cruloo con­ AM ramonobla. Call 01 CHPVMALMU OOCuOaMa*. *ia066 trol, ownlno, oalf con­ . MfMMottar3:30. 01 CWVOHIVtm a0Pi004x4 *10,106 tained, ogproxlmofolv 0 1 OATOUN aooox 07 Opaalrum 4 dr. *M06 90K. Engine reconditi­ 01 OATOUN P2100L oned wHh SDK. Good 50:i. J D :i. .12/08/87 ffTtMO 01 MPNOOOUOANOO oi of- condition throughout. CHRISTDl%i:: F. KU;;." wrpuEs 01 OLooourLAOocn • e p- -dj^e €#• * '« eeeeeeeef' 872-9111 Asking SS7D0 nogotto- . f!. V' () X f ;i I 01PLYNIUANT hlo.AAomlnga. 7424751. iMaudtratrr) Manchester — A City of Village Charm AKC. Labrador Rotralvar 010UPANUOL Hang To0« and .rr lin CUMHAllUin, h,^ 02t;. PuppiM. All Rlack, *1 TOYOTA CBJCA OT TAKE A LOOK Ca r Houlor-trallor. Mala and Ftm alt. aOOLOOOUTOUP4 0N Spray Shoot Rack. TOnAY isw seetfdgy to fxIO'xO'; dual axlt. 4 Buiumm s^eeghedMiBeeomedte 82 Maxdo OLC XM.4M, xtrolS" tireo. 2oloct- Whalpod 9/22/a7. Eyot oa OU)0 OUT OONA 4 ON 4Dr.AllM *349i 1c brakot; htovy duty and hip* cltarod. a72- aOPONTOONNC WON Deyld SlivinsKv -m et v g u r newoPiooV fill G tM WIe Itema ■Thursday, Oct. 15,1987 1S37. OOPONTaOOOLI 646-2787 8ewt otertne. A 06 Oiov Blaier 4x4 ramps: nogotlablo oa TOYOTA CfUCAOT - Coll 228-f m - a s e S a B call to 4CM711 will exaixli, Kx ^ *12, $950. Morning* 742- 30 Cents AAee cot ftnoalt, apayad oa TOYOTA TinCOL •ammmm mgM^gJWS^xM . •758. '•eeeeoeeee'4 - ew i PO^St OTt «wtWN*raNflnBrfnt. 04 T-BIrd Turbo and *hot*. 1 yoar old. *3 amcK nsoAL ••••*••♦• •‘♦ee#e eeepeeei-a^ee* .9 CallM*-«M6 *3 PUCK aKYHAWK •mmm 40W4Mr *6,995 82 Unc. Town Cmr IMITD oa PUCK OKYLANK •iMuect T* i i jiwpip aaet-jssTK eogeobegoo e oa OATOUN aooox 3 3 tiMx *7995 IMISCELUIIEOUS 03 OOOQt VAN • K C K t #M NT The ggpop wm 00 Pontlao Bunbird 'M FM8ALE 03PONOIOCONT •eONCKTiWIiK NMirloF AHd MiMkir WDttoro oiiv iMiiAiMrw. ^ A K S ? .'!S 1 *3195 Wall of rock 0* MONCUNY LYNX Nntkm OoN today tor 0 ' g cfaoomed M M imiir Mm toK. SanG grovot, 03 TOYOTA CAMNV LO ooginali. Tom or Bd novwgapor IBM d leath AUTO SERVICE TEE Shirt tranafor*. Ap- 03 TOYOTA CONOLLA • w m m t m 00 end docerwtive oN ^. *3700 proxlmottly 3000, alao 04 CHIVY OAMANO MMum i M r i t i l iMiyer tor moot oRYthBig 04 Meade 020LX SO to 100k numorolaond 04 CHiv ciLininTV waq. ’AeeaeaxxaeaxRaaeae 0,0 tear Pww eeeaww *RP* S4 3 W9 S0 4 4*r.loiaM •7995 OH Lube Fitter latter* for ahlrta, cop*, • "d ,9 » '# • ♦ , * e e • » « L g.'|' , 01 Mere. Marquie *4 MAZDA OaOTOUn OON. Special *16.99 slows rescue Broughem *3295 etc. Boat offer. 649^3643 *4 0LoecuoTciiuiaiN - vij'-® after 5;30ptn.o 04 PONT *000 4 ON 87 Lirw. Continental ^ Complete Brake 04 0UNPIN0 4DN. MD uwm. ■ixmar $A VE Syotamo 04PONTaNANO PNIXL/0 05 Nl**an Stanza C 04PONTPANN.PNM CMS 04 OUPANU 01-4x4 WAQ. RMSALE CM S CARS CARB 4 or. *6795 Tbng up Speclalo 04 TOYOTA OAMNY L/l 86 Line. Town Car * . , of crying tot FOB BALE RM BA IE Cooling Syotemo 04 TOYOTA CILICAOT DAisUN 510 197S. Auto- FOB BALE IMaiOOM 5AVE *4 TOYOTA P.U. 84 Merc. Marqui* 04 TOYOTA OUPNA matlc tranamlAalon, RENAULT^ ATlIancot AKemotoro, 04 TOYOTA TINCOL body In good condition. 1903, 19S4. Excellent PORD 1975 Maverick. Brougham $AVE Starters, and 04 4x4 Excellent 2nd car, new Running condition. MIDLAND. Texas (AP) - 22 feet down. They worked upward TOYOTA XTNACAP condition, fully aer- 88 Sabla "L8" Tire Service Rescue workers feverishly drilled *0 PUCK OKYHAWK battery, and new vlctd. Muat aell on*. 0150. Phone 649-6620. 4 Or-Leeaed. IG fiiL *11,400 so any debris from a cave-in would CHIW OOLOPNITV C/L muffler. Run* great. Sa// Your Car 84 Mazda Pickup *4500 Body work and through solid rock today toward a fall toward them and not her. ITM •0 CHIVY CAMANO 742-9476. crying toddler who tumbled into an •0 PONO laCONT WAQ. 0750 or beat offer. Muat NISSAN 1982 Sontro. 2 Rust repair The well, behind a private MLE8 aellll Call447-0314after m 6 n TE Carlo-1901. T- door hatchback. 5 83 Lynx Wg., m. ac *3995 abandoned backyard well and was T aSPONDiaCONTQL day-care center operated by Jessi­ *OPONOP-1S04x4 5. Aak for Paul.c Top, powor etoorlnp, • pood, AM-FM 84 Toyota Catica • Car don’t run? trapped more than 20 feet down. •B POND LTD CNOWN VIC brakoa, window*, AT. AC. XX Mt *8900 ca’s mother, is about 8 inches in SATURDAY, October 17, 4 Linos — 10 Days Coaon*. 79,0W mile*. Fro* towing for Eighteen-month-old Jessica diameter at the spot where the child 9-4. Rain or ahino. a* MINOUNY ON. MARO. lock*, and trunk. Run* Now brokoa/mutfler. 87 Mazda RX7 •0 NIOOAN OTANZA OA. 500 Ohara* ooch addi­ ouotomor sannog oars McClure had been inside the well fell in. It widens farther down, then Clothe*, Infanta, child­ oroat, loak* aroat. Good condition. Aak- •IMILTkirto,Dun- ^ a a a only In Manchostor. ren'* anow aulta, baby HOLOOCUTOUPCPI SCRANTON tional lino, par doy. You Much more. Muat aee. nwXDiMXtoMr *19,200 since about 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. narrows to 8 inches below where the •0 PONT 1000 lng025W 646-4237otter 7 "It is solid rock right now. It is furniture, houaehold •6 PONT PANIO OnOUOH. CHIIYILER-PLYMOUTH can oonool at any Um*. Aaking 04500. Call Jo* p . m . 88 Old* Calal* _ . child came to rest. good*, toy*. 4 Bobby *0 PONT aUNPIRO 4 DR. CHRYOLER EXECUTIVE 643-1790. A0AM4M *7495 Me M IK E F L Y N N pretty slow going," said paramedic A microphone was dropped into 00 TOYOTA 4x4 PICKUP VEHICLE* AND OELECT USED SORRY, CHEVROLET 1982 Co- Lane, Mancheater. vw bug 19^5. New tire* prlce Cloaalc. 9 poa- 86M*zd*RX7S 274 HertfenI Read David Felice, one of the diggers. He the shaft to communicate with the OSTOYOTA4X4 PICKUP NO REFUNDS OR ' A/OAkxxWK *12,900 said the girl was getting adequate (Oft Gardener Streetl. •6 TOYOTA TIRCIL aoMi RNANCINO OR plu* extra*. Beat offer. aongor wagon, low 8 am - 8 pm girl. At one time, her mother, Reba JiiWbAyo5ober<*,*-4. •eCOVYCILIORITV LI08I ADJUSTMENTS Phono 6 49 - 7436. mileage, fully loaded. oxygen and was believed to be on Gayle McClure, spoke to her. •5 Oaraxy Drive, Man- 0* CHIW NOVA Evening* Excellent condition. MORIARTY 6 4 9 - 8 3 0 9 her back In a fairly comfortable A city water department video •0 POND RANOIR XLT 07 FIFTH AVE. CALL HERALD position. cheater. Appliance*, OOPONTPONNIVILLE (I) •14,805 647-1029 otter 6pm. BUO'8 MOTOR SALES , camera was lowered into the well children'* clothine, aOPONTQRANO AM 87 LeBARON LOOKING FOR on oport- tnevY im Van. 6 cv- BROTHERS Rescue workers could not predict and the child’s face was visible on mlacelinneoua Item*. aOPONTTNANOAM aT*Tuf»o •12,298 CLASSIFIED M TOYOTA CILICA OT mont? Be aure to check llnder, standard shift, 301 Cgntgr 8t. when they would reach the child, the screen for a short time. 8 a r n Sale. Saturday Oc- a* TOYOTA CILICA OT8 87 RAIDER 4x4 •12,708 643-2711 the many voconcle* listed power atoorlng, radio, Manehottgr, C T and early today they reported about The workers said they had dug a tober 17. 235 Hackma­ ae TOYOTA COROLLA 07 RAMCHARQER In cloaalfled each day. run* well. Asking S85D. CARB a foot of solid rock still separated chamber wide enough to be able to tack Street. 9-3pm. arTRANOAMQTA •17.808 643-9376. FOR SALE them from her. Cleaning out born 17 TOY OUPNA RID MET 643-5135 lift the child up on a backboard 17 NIOOAN aiNTNA 8TE *7 8HADOW At 6 a.m. today, rescue workers after reaching her. apoln. Something for 17 PONT OUNOIRO Tufta/LaMM said the girl was awake and crying, everyone. No Pre *7 aUZUKI OAMURIJ/X Sale*. *7 TOYOTA CAMRV 87 DODQE fuxodHM indicating she was In good condi­ 88 TEMPO 4*. tion. The child had responded to Six kids die 88 LeBARON I*. Discover the New Scranton jJHymotrth'ii shouts from relatives and from a paramedic by whimpering or Low Cost 88 DODQE m omm. ^ 1SALE crying. Financing 88 DODQE m omm. She had slept earlier during the whiie mom’s DODGE Mirada 1902.
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